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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  August 12, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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williams. robin williams died today at his home in tiburon, california. the sheriff's department making the announcement tonight. that's it for our show but coverage continues with laurent o'donnell on "the last word." >> i'm in los angeles doing the show from our studio at universal studios. talking to all my friends in l.a. today, the ones who knew robin williams, just a devastating day here in this town. >> absolutely. i understand completely. thanks, lawrence. >> thank you, rachel. within hours of robin williams' death today, president obama said this. robin williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bang-a-rang peter pan and everything in between but he was one of a kind. he arrived in our lives as an alien but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. he made us laugh, he made us cry, he gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to
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those who needed it most. from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. the obama family offers our condolences to robin's family, friends, and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to robin williams." >> tragic, devastating word that robin williams has been confirmed dead. >> stunning news from the bay area. >> robin williams at the age of 63. >> it's hard to overstate the fame and the popularity that robin williams achieved. >> revered as an entertainer in america. >> one of the most recognizable and iconic comedic talents. >> simply put, one of the funniest men in the united states. >> robin williams made everyone else look slow. >> it really seems as if the jokes were being beamed in from ufos. >> there were no limits to his humor, no limits to his knowledge. >> he took on inspiring and serious roles. >> "good will hunting" for which he was awarded an oscar. >> i find this one really,
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really, really, really hurts. >> it's horrible, it's unthinkable. absolutely unthinkable. we've lost a loved one. >> he was voted least likely to succeed by his california high school classmates. 20 years later he was nominated for an oscar for best actor. ten yes, there is after that, after two more best actor nominations, he won an oscar for best actor in a supporting role for playing a psychiatrist in "good will hunting." >> thought about what you said to me the other day. about my painting. stayed up half the night thinking about it. something occurred to me. i fell into a deep, peaceful sleep and haven't thought about you since. you know what occurred to me? you're just a kid. you don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about. >> robin mcloran williams was found dead in his home in
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northern california. he was 63 years old. the marin county sheriff's office responded to a 911 call and arrived at williams' home just after 12:00 noon where he was pronounced dead. "the sheriff's office coroner division suspects the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia." robin williams' press representative said he has been battling severe depression of late. this is a tragic and sudden loss. robin williams' wife susan released this statement. there morning i lost my husband and my best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. i am utterly heartbroken. on behalf of robin's family we are asking for privacy during our tie of profound grief as he is remembered. it is our hope the focus will not be on robin's death but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions." joining me now, james lipton, host of "inside the actors studio."
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james, let's follow that suggestion by robin williams' wife and focus on those countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions. where would you place him in our film history since he worked both so much in comedy and did some profound work in drama? >> very near the top, of course. he was a great comedian. and like many great comedians he was also a great actor. he did it all. >> your show is just so valuable to film culture in this country. and one of the great things you now have in the vault is the show you did with robin williams. take us back to that. what was that like? >> it was memorable. it was in its way unique, of course, as he was. let me say that when he came on the stage, i had my blue cards, a stack that high.
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it was our first two-hour show. and he arrived, he went to work, and it was six minutes before i was able to ask the first question. because he was just so busy. and i see on the screen that you have the great moment with the pashmina. his manager told me a few weeks after he did the show that it was the best performance he'd ever given in his life. and that business with the pashmina was amazing. >> we have the clip of it. >> show it. >> why don't we show that. we'll pick it up right after that. let's take a look at how this happened. >> we've never met before, have we? i came to bombay last year. i would like to welcome you to iran.
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help me! ♪ ♪ my name is robert van shovel. i would like to open you to the first openly gay shul. welcome to iron chef. first of all, tonight we are going to cook octopus balls. >> james, it was like watching a magician step into the audience and say, we've never met. and then go off with that. >> he was magic. that was magic. last year we won the emmy for
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our 250th episode which featured that clip, among many others, and we also invited our viewers in america and around the world to vote for their favorite episode of our last 20 years. needless to say it was robin williams' episode. >> james, you mentioned that his manager said that your show was one of his best performances or his best performance ever. and you mentioned that he came out on the stage and went to work. that's not what most people do when they come out onto your stage, is it? aren't they there to kind of submit to your interview? >> or to yours. the guests come on they wait for us to ask a question. he didn't wait. and by the way, what inspired that pashmina bit was when i said to him, listen, would you tell me something? this was just before he started. i said, would you tell me something? your mind operates in a different dimension than mine, or anybody else's. the speed at which you think is -- what are you doing?
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he started to laugh, and that's when he went down to the front and said, i can't tell you but i'll show you. the young woman from whom he took it is my goddaughter, there she sits in the front roar, and the pashmina was our christmas grift to her. so it was family, family, family. >> so that was his explanation of how he does the magic he does? >> he didn't have sentences for it. all he could do was show to it you. >> he said, i'll show you, i'll show you. then he did that. while he was doing one thing, he was inventing the next. that wasn't the end of it, what you showed on your show here. it ended with him taking the -- folding it with the fringes, then doing this in front of his head, bringing his face through it. he was a car emerging from a car wash. you know what that is? it's genius. that's genius. >> he went to julliard. he was training as an actor.
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and said at different times that the urge for him was just to get on stage. he did not specifically set out to be a standup comedian or necessarily to be working in comedy, but to get on the stage. >> he just happened to be funnier than anybody else. couldn't have -- "mork and mindy" established him as a great comic talent. he was greatly inspired by jonathan winters. >> yes. >> and he took from him the art of improvisation and carried it to heights that no one has ever taken it since or, i'm afraid, ever will again. >> and there weren't many people who dared to be inspired by jonathan winters because he was so inventive and unpredictable that it would be hard to kind of diagram what you were being inspired by. >> he was the only person who could do what robin williams took to that enormous height. >> i want to talk about him as a dramatic actor. and i want to look at a clip of one of miss movies that is not the most prominent. "one hour photo" where he's playing a pretty dark character.
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let's take a look at this. >> i'm sure my customers never think about it. but these snapshots are their little stands against the flow of time. the shutter's clicked, the flash goes off. and they've stopped time. if just for the blink of an eye. and if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this -- i was here. i existed. i was young. i was happy. and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture.
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>> james, he was playing someone working in one of those one-hour photo booths, a thing that has become extinct in the age of digital photography. but a complete and deep picture of depression, something we now know was painfully relevant to his own life. >> yes. he had what great actors have and grade comedians have as well. he had access to himself. he could reach deep, deep, deep. deeper than most people can into himself. find something which was entirely unique, completely surprising, and yet in the end inevitable. take it out and show it to us. that's what he was able to do. that's the definition, for me, of great acting. >> let's take a look, i just want to show a moment on what was johnny carson's second to last show here in los angeles. and he was describing robin williams. and this was the show, johnny carson's show as we all know, the greatest comedians in our
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history all appeared, american history, all appeared on that show. here's what he had to say in his final words in remembrances of people on that show about robin williams. >> our comedians, our comics, and once in a while, rarely somebody rises above and supersedes that and becomes a comic persona under themselves. i never seese to be amazed at the versatility and the wonderful work that robin williams does. >> james, it wasn't easy to amaze johnny carson at that level. >> no, it wasn't. but was he -- was robin ever anything but amazing? >> the dramatic turn that his career took was something that a lot of people didn't see coming since he got such a rocket of a start in comedy, especially television comedy. he ended up returning to
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television. and also going back to standup when he didn't have to do it. he seemed as though he wanted to keep moving in every direction that he could. >> absolutely. and he had what great comedians have. he had enormous scope and range. you and i would have a scope maybe of six inches between my palms here as i hold my hands up. and he had a range which was limitless. he could go anywhere. a few people can do that. billy crystal can do that. they are able to, no matter where we go in a conversation, no matter where the artist is going himself, he will find references that we couldn't possibly have anticipated or imagined. he is nothing but symbolizes. and take a look at a role like "aladdin," the genie in "aladdin." he created one character after another as quickly as he could speak and it was all done in an improvisation in an empty studio with a microphone. and then they created the genie
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to go along with what he had said. "mrs. doubtfire." he played -- there's mrs. doubtfire, she's hilarious, she's hysterical, she's ridiculous. then he played the husband trying to get back to his wife and to his children and that was a brilliant, dramatic performance. those two performances in the same movie. >> yeah, just stunning. robert, your show is so valuable to us and you are as an interviewer. and you've come up with -- james, sorry -- you've come up with this brilliant final question that you ask. if heaven exists, take us through how you ask that question of robin williams and how he answered. >> i'll do my best. it's a little bit difficult tonight. to do this. but i asked, if heaven exists what would you like to hear god say when when you arrive at the pearly gates? and robin williams said to me, there's seating near the front. the concert begins at 5:00. it will be mozart, elvis, and one of your choosing.
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or, to know that there's laughter. that would be a great thing. just to hear god say, two jews walk into a bar. look where he went with that. in 15 different directions at once. you know? i don't know, i suppose everybody has said it already. and i'm the last to say it. we are dealing with a real-life helachi. this is the clown who cried. this is the clown who cried at last in life and who breaks our hearts. but in the end, in the end, as so many comedians are, robin was helachi. >> james lipton, thank you very much for joining us on this difficult night and sharing the joy that was robin williams. thank you very, very much, james. >> infinite joy and it's not over. it's not over. >> that's right. >> he's with us forever, thank god. >> that's right. thank you, james.
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coming up, we're going to have much more on the joy and the genius of robin williams. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club.
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the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. as james lipton just told us, jonathan winters was robin williams' idol. here they are together. >> here we are, robin leach, lifestyles of the unusual and funny. back at someone's backyard talking louder than anyone we've ever known, jonathan winters. i'm wearing a cheap suit, he's got an emblem. let's watch, let's see what his home is like. >> they're all buried over here. 
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here is one of robin williams' first-ever scenes on television. >> whoa, whoa, whoa! >> greetings, earthling. remember me? mork from ork? you once called me the nutso from outer space. >> i must be dreaming or something like that, you know? i mean -- of course i'm dreaming. that's why mary never heard of me. >> sorry, real thing. i had to zap your mind to make you forget. didn't want you to go bozo city. >> joining me, nbc news correspondent halle jackson. halle, what is the latest information we have on what happened today? >> yeah, so we understand that there is an investigation into
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what exactly happened. the sheriff's office in northern california says that this is a suspected suicide at this point. but as you can imagine they are still trying to gather the facts and gather the information. we expect to know more tomorrow morning first thing. but in the meantime, you are seeing so much reaction pouring in. here in los angeles, in hollywood, from friends of robin's, people who may not have even known him but are going out to his star on the walk of fame, laying down flowers, laying down notes. you're seeing an outpouring of grief all over this country. >> and twitter has filled up with comments, especially from people from the comedy world. i want to read a sequence from ben stiller, actually, today. it was quite moving. he said, "a tweet cannot begin to describe the hugeness of robin williams' heart and soul and talent. this is so sad." then a few minutes later he said, "okay, i'll try. i met him when i was 13, i'm a huge fan, he was so kind and i watched him be kind to every fan i saw him with." a third tweet, "with other
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actors he was so generous and brilliant, he made everyone feel special and equal around him even though he was the genius." "a fourth, "his heart was so pig. what he gave everyone is that same spirit in his work so we all felt it." a fifth, "his impact on the world was so positive, he did so much good for people, he made me and so many people laugh so hard for a very long time." the sixth, "because they don't really tweet, this message represents all the stillers, jerry, ann, and amy, who robin was a great friend to, and i'm sure the ben stiller tweets represent an awful lot of more people in show business who robin williams worked with. >> that's what you're seeing. six tweets from ben stiller. pam dauber who costandard in "mork and mindy," all she said was "i am heartbroken and devastated. completely and totally devastated. what more can be said?"
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>> most people who are close to him can't speak right now at this hour. but we are now joined on the phone by robert wool who costarred in "good morning vietnam" with robin williams. robert my friend, thank you very much for joining me now. i know this is not easy. tell us. >> your memories of working on that amazing breakthrough movie with robin williams. >> well, how are you, lawrence? i'm shocked like everybody else with the news. you mentioned "good morning vietnam." i had a co-starring part with robin, very gracious, i appreciate that. it was a wonderful experience. but what today brought back was i remember a day when we were all on the set. we had a great time, it was all guys. it was like all guys playing
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soldiers. it was a lot of fun, having a great time. we knew we had the perfect vehicle for robin with the right director, barry levinson. all of us hanging out on the set one day. and at that time the book that was making all the rounds was bob woodward's "wired." remember that book? >> yes, yes. >> the book about john belushi and the death of belushi? >> yes, "inside saturday night live." >> that was the book making the rounds. we were all trying to read it without robin seeing it. if you remember, robin was at the chateau marmont the night belushi overdosed. and after that robin had got himself clean. and he saw one of the guys reading the book. he says, you're reading that book, huh? he goes, yeah, the guy was sheepish. he goes, well, those were tough times. and i just remembered that moment. he didn't say -- didn't play prima donna, like put it away, i can't look at it, get off the set, anything like that. i just watched his reaction there. i've known robin for, you know, a good dozen years before then. because when we'd started out the clubs together in new york, that was a group that included like people like gilbert god freed, larry david, jerry sign field. we kept seeing this come trick
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san francisco. this guy would come into a room which would have ten people at 2:00 in the morning and blow the room away. sure enough, one time he comes in, sure enough he came in, nobody had ever seen anything like this. and he blew the room away like you never saw this stuff happen. so i met him back then and of course we remained friends. the thing to remember, as brilliant as he was, as genius an artist as he was, the old adage he was even a better person really applies to this guy. he was a san francisco comic. when the outbreak of aids first hilt san francisco, there were a couple of colleagues who were stricken by this and robin i know took care of these guys under the table and did it anonymously. when christopher reeve, his roommate from julliard, had his terrible accident, robin took
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care of him. this was one of the most special, most generous -- it's just tough. you don't know what's greater, the the talent, the genius, or the man himself. you can find very few people ever to say really bad words about robin williams. >> we've got shots of you up on the screen with robin right now. "good morning vietnam," sitting there in the producer's booth on the radio show you guys were doing in that movie. i've talked to barry levinson who directed it about the creative atmosphere there. it just sounds like it was one of those magical sets in terms of the creativity that was bubbling up. a couple of standups, you and robin there, barry levinson himself starting as a performer in comedy himself. >> yes. >> tell us about what that was like and how things were energized by that and how things changed from day to day on the set because of it. >> well, again, i go back to it was -- that's the genius of barry levinson, who was the
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perfect guy for this project. couldn't have gotten any better. robin had the perfect vehicle. the screenplay is totally underappreciated and undervalued which is a shame. because the screenplay is terrific. the cast barry put together, the late great bruno kirby, we had a great time there. that's one of the ones you say you had a great time. plus you saw the right vehicle -- robin had not had a super hit by this time. he'd been in a couple of movies but he hadn't had the breakthrough vehicle yet. he's done "popeye" and i think "garp." this was the one when it broke fed right to his genius, perfect vehicle for him. we went out to dinner quite often. the three, the group put together, went out to eat. robin made everyone else inclusive. he was a great audience. robin's great laugh, ha ha! when he broke into laughter he was a great audience. not a lot of comics are always a great audience.
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but robin, this is a special guy, he'll be missed. this is a special guy. >> and you guys are both the same age. coming through this comedy era together. acting. you had one of the i think maybe the first comedy series on hbo yourself. and hbo did concert stuff around williams. there were all sorts of openings that were suddenly occurring in comedy and performing through places like hbo that weren't there when you guys started. >> well, that's also a continuum -- it's actually hbo comedy series before mine. dream on was there. so there were other series. and this goes to the people who started hbo which is michael fukes, later chris albrecht, who knew robin from the clubs. and he trusted comics. chris at hbo and robin, willie, whoopi of course, went to chris
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to start comic relief. and you have, you know, the immense amount of monies these three did, raised. it's just another part of robin. and by the way, he was kind of funny. he was kind of smart and kind of funny. which is the understatement of all-time. just a terrific guy, just a great guy. by the way, you said lipton was talking, the great thing about robin is unlike a lot of comics he wasn't afraid to make himself unlikeable in a part. if he thought the part called for it he would make himself unlikeable. he could do that, he wasn't afraid of that. he wasn't afraid of image that much about stuff like that. he was a true artist. robin williams is very, very special. >> thank you very much for jumping on the phone with me tonight. i really, really appreciate this. thank you very much. >> hope to see you soon under happier circumstances. >> we will do that, thank you, robert. >> bye-bye. coming up, we're going to have much more on robin williams.
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this all started in what was supposed to be a peaceful vigil for michael brown, turned into this. we do want to stress that not everyone in that march was participating in the efforts approaching those police. the quick trip was broken into. the glass was busted out.
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a lot of people going in, grab sag plies, stealing from that quick trinton night. complete unrest really in the streets tonight. >> breaking news from ferguson, missouri, just outside st. louis tonight, where there is unrest for a second night in the wake of a deadly police shooting of an unarmed black man. police in riot gear have blocked off roads tonight in the st. louis suburb of ferguson. there are reports that they have used tear gas to disperse a crowd of protesters at a major intersection. last night protesters smashed windows of stores, of restaurants, and damaged cars. there was also another vigil tonight for 18-year-old michael brown. he was unarmed when he was shot multiple times by a police officer saturday. michael brown and a friend were reportedly walking in the canfield green apartment complex on saturday. brown's grandmother says he was on the way to see her. dorin johnson says he was with michael brown when they encountered the police. >> a police officer squad car pulled up. these were his exact words, "get
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the f on the sidewalk." we told the officer we was not but a minute away from my destination and would shortly be off the street, we was having a conversation. he went about his way for one or two seconds as we continued to walk. then he reversed his truck, his car. in a manner to where it almost hit us. it blocked both lanes off the way he turned his car. so he pulled up on the side of us, he tried to thrust his door open but we were so close to it that it ricocheted off us and bounced back to him. and i guess that got him a little upset. and at that time he reached out the window. he didn't get out of the car. he just reached his arm out the window and grabbed my friend around his neck. as he was trying to choke my friend. and he was trying to get away and the officer then reached out, grabbed his arm to pull him into the car, so now it was like the officer's pulling hip inside the car, he's trying to pull away. at no time the officer said that he was going to do anything until he pulled out his weapon. his weapon was drawn and he
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said, "i'll shoot you," or "i'm going to shoot." in the same moment the first shot went off. and we looked at him. he was shot. it was blood coming from him. we took off running. >> nbc's john yang talked to another witness. >> crenshaw said she saw it happen from her apartment balcony and it looked to her as if the policeman reached for brown through the car's open window. >> it looked like he was trying to force him into the police car or at least force him to stop walking. >> authorities said the struggle spilled onto the street where brown was shot multiple times. >> he's running this way, he turns his body towards this way. hands in the air, being compliant. he gets shot in the face and chest and goes down and dies. >> joining me is nbc news ron allen in ferguson, missouri. ron, what is the situation there now? >> reporter: lawrence, very tense. behind me you can see there are police blocking this
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intersection. they have on riot gear. just in the last half hour or so, since we've been out here they've taken out their guns and moved to a much higher state of alert. there are crowds milling around in this area. the focus of concern is about two miles down the road, a road that's blocked off to get to from most locations around the city. there's a crowd down there of perhaps a couple hundred people who have been milling around, there are reports of gunfire, there are reports of tear gas being fired, we can't confirm any of that. there are also indications there may be as many as 200 to 300 police from nearby communities here again to try to keep a lid on things. we're also talking to some community leaders who were at this intersection who want to go down there to try to talk to the people of the community, to try to urge them to be peaceful. they say they were told there's been a fatality down there. they don't know who it is, they're not sure of what's happened. they've also been told there's an ambulance here, that the authorities are trying to get down into that area. but we heard on the police
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scanner that it's not safe, the police are saying it's not safe to bring an ambulance down to that part of town right now. that's where there was a lot of violence last night, a lot of looting, a lot of tension. that's also very close to the neighborhood where michael brown was killed a couple of nights ago. so again, you can see on this corner around me, there are a number of people milling in different directions. we're hearing car horns blaring through the streets. just people out there in the night trying to see what's going on. some taunting the police, some yelling at the police as they go by. again, just a night of tension here. we're not sure exactly what's going to happen. the authorities are on high alert. and another long, hot night here in ferguson. >> ron allen, thanks for joining us. we'll be back to you if anything else develops there. thank you very much, ron. joining me now is james clark, a community activist in the st. louis area. he's the vice president of the better family life organization. mr. clark, how have the police explained the multiple shots
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fired by the police officer in this case? >> well, up to this point we have received limited information from the police. we are expecting to receive more information tomorrow. and so we are looking to have a portion of this situation satisfied with that information. >> because of the situation of a police officer firing their gun, each shot has to be justified. and whatever the justification the officer thought he might have had for the first shot, once that hits the victim, it's very hard to see what justification there could possibly be even in the mind, even in the imagination of an officer after that first shot. >> well, we are concerned about the number of shots. we are concerned that a single shot was fired. this is a situation that a cop that probably could have been resolved without shots fired. we understand that the officer was also equipped with a taser.
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so we are looking for justice in this instance. and we are very, very confident that justice will prevail. but we are taking this opportunity to also learn something. we have been very, very neglectful in the st. louis community, as in communities all over america. when you look at the urban core, there is an obvious disconnect where we have allowed a subculture to grow and fester within our neighborhoods. and so we must learn that we cannot shut people out. we cannot disregard people's needs to be welcomed into society. because these individuals are now angry and they have the right to be angry. so -- and we in some way have to thank them for giving us a wakeup call. but now that we have the wakeup call, we must mobilize and go
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into our neighborhoods and offer them a sense of hope and a sense of purpose. >> james clark, i know you've been working to calm the neighborhood. i want to play what michael brown's grandfather said about what has happened there in reaction to all of this. >> stealing, looting, burning their own community. which don't make sense to nobody. why would you burn your own community? why would you do all that? all it does is put a red flag on what we're trying to do. if his legacy shouldn't be about looting, stealing, kicking police cars. >> james clark, i know he was speaking for all of you who have been trying to calm that situation there. >> yes. >> i just want to thank you very much for joining us tonight, james clark, really appreciate your time. >> thank you. we will be back with more on the other big story of the night, the death of robin williams.
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2002, robin williams starred with al pacino in "insomnia."
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five years later robin williams was there when al pacino received his life achievement award from the american film institute. >> ladies and gentlemen, robin williams. >> welcome. to the 35th annual afi life achievement award. a tribute to al pacino. the academy award for "godfather ii." the academy award for "raging bull." wait a minute. that's wrong. that's robert de niro. if output de niro in a dryer you get al pacino.
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thank god for quayle, he kept us alive for two more nights. >> i think they told him about the murphy brown said. george said, "here's the deal. i want you to go out there and talk about jerry brown." jerry brown, jerry brown, jerry brown. buster brown, buster brown, buster brown. audi murphy, audi murphy audi murphy. murray brown! don't you realize that he's rain man! >> chevy chase has just issued this statement about robin williams. "robin and i were great friends suffering from the same little-known disease, depression. i never could have expected this ending to his life and to ours with him. god bless him and god bless us all for his life. i cannot believe this, i am overwhelmed with grief. what a wonderful man, boy, and what a tremendous talent in the most important art of any time, comedy. i loved him." joining me now, jeannie wolf, a hollywood journalist who spoke to robin williams fairly recently.
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jeannie, joining us by phone, you interviewed robin about two months ago? >> i interviewed him about two months ago but i've interviewed him countless times over the years. many, many tips. you know, even right at the "mork and mindy" days. and, you know, i -- i see what chevy was saying. i think that when this news hit news rooms in l.a. today, first of course everyone scrambles because they have to get the story ready. but there were tears. there were really deep, heartfelt emotions. people thought they knew robin. they had witnessed a different kind of spirit than almost any other artist you know. >> yeah, that's the way it was here at the nbc news bureau at universal studio. jeannie, two months ago, how did he seem when you were talking to him? >> well, i went to the quite fabulous "crazy one" which was his show then. at that time i don't think there was any notion that the show would be canceled.
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he was with the rest of the cast. and he seemed to love being around the young actors. he loved doing the show. he loved the fact that it had emerged into more of an ensemble show. and i don't think that robin was very good at hiding his feelings. he seemed contented. he seemed proud of what his work was. i didn't see signs of depression. and you know, even if he didn't try to tell you how he was feeling, he would usually kid about how he was feeling. so i don't think that this -- he's a very private man. but i think that his reaction that night on the set was a very satisfied, you know -- a kind of happy guy. but happiness always balanced with what chevy chase just called that, demon of depression. >> jeannie, he discussed that with you a little bit in some of the other interviews you did with him over the years. >> many times.
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you know, he wasn't afraid to say that -- if he was doing a serious part, it would get him down. he wasn't afraid to say that on location he got lonely and he would be foolish enough to start drinking again. he wasn't afraid to talk about how he knew how dangerous it was for him, drugs and alcohol. he would be funny about it. he says, oh, i had a pint of vodka in each bottle -- in each pocket, one in the left pocket, one in the right pocket, i like to keep things balanced." he was funny about the things that bothered him most. and he could be serious about it. but he understood the life of a star, the life of a -- the energy that it takes to connect human being to human being to make another person feel. >> jeannie wolf, thank you very
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much for joining us tonight with your memories of robin williams. thank you very much. >> very sad, very sad. coming up, we're going to have more of the joy of robin williams. (male announcer) it's happening.
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1:55 am
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1:57 am
in a statement today, robin williams' wife asked us to focus on "the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions." here are just a few of those moments. >> do you have any special skills? >> oh, yes. i do. i do voices. >> what do you mean, you do voices? >> good morning vietnam! >> you do an eclectic celebration of events. you do fussy fussy fuss reserve yore do martha martha martha. or twila. or michael kidd, michael kidd. or madonna, madonna, month donna. >> we've come to this planet looking for intelligent life. >> oar from outer space. >> do you mind if i take pictures for the folks from the home planet? they'd like to get some postcards. >> no. >> okay. watch the flukey.
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>> you're a lot smaller than my last master. either that or i'm getting bigger. look at me from the side, do i look different to you? >> aahh! oh, oh! ow, ah! oh! ah, ah! ah! oh! ah! my first day as a woman and i'm getting hot flashes. >> hey, this is in the a test, this is rock 'n' roll! time to rocket from the delta to the dmz! is that me or does that sound like an elvis presley movie? >> i do a great impression of a hot tub. >> left, left, left right left. >> we all have a great need for acceptance. but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own. even though others may think them odd or unpopular. even though the herd may go, that's baaad! >> i'm in love with you.
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not just from tonight. i've known you for a long time. >> she's been dead two years. wonderful stuff, you know. little things like that. those are the things i miss the most. the little idiosyncrasies that only i know about. that's what made her my wife. >> i know you hate your job and we don't have many friends. i know sometimes you feel a little uncoordinated and you don't feel as wonderful as everybody else. feeling as alone and separate as you feel you are. i love you. >> robert frost said, two roads diverge and i, i took the one less traveled by. and that has made all the difference. i want you to find your own walk right now. your own way of striving, pacing. any direction, anything you want. whether it's proud, whether it's silly, anything.
2:00 am
the passing of a legend. the outpouring of shock and sadness over his death have swept the nation. this morning, an in-depth look at the incredible life of one of the world's funniest men, robin williams. missouri police used tear gas and rubber bullets to quell protesters who were out in force. plus, president obama speaks out about the latest details on both the bombings and humanitarian airdrops for thousands of desperate people. a special edition of "first look" starts right now. good morning. thanks for joining us today. people all across the world


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