tv Lockup Raw MSNBC August 14, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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a small sign of how dire this situation is getting there four days after the death of the unarmed teen mike brown at the hands of the police. there's a lot going on in the news right now, in domestic news, we're going to have the latest in a live report from ferguson missouri, in a moment. we're hoping to be speaking with another journalist who appears to be arrested for unknown reasons by the local police in the middle of protests there. the upset and the protests continue in ferguson tonight
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streets of their own community calling for justice for an unarmed black teenager that was killed by police this weekend. protesters out for a fourth night in a row with their hands in the air, hands up, don't shoot. hands up, don't shoot has become the unofficial slogan of this four straight nights of sometimes very angry protests. in this standoff, law
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enforcement have not been backing down. not backing down, but advancing more and more aggressively. police tonight in ferguson, missouri, made some remarkable television when they opened fire with teargas canisters and what were described by people as flash grenades and rubber bullets. witnesses described it away from the protests under the front lawns and up to the front doors of people who live nearby. at this hour, we are approaching the start of the fifth day of protests in ferguson, missouri, since the police killing of michael brown. this morning, a statement asking for protests to happen during daylight hours, asking protesters to disperse well before the evening hours. it didn't seem to help when people did that. this protest began during broad daylight. police showed up in more than full ride year, swat year, driving an armored military vehicles with a roof mounted gun.
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law-enforcement directly trained their guns on the protesters. they ended up addressing -- arresting and releasing two reporters not there to protest or engage in civil disobedience or any confrontation with police. ryan riley, wesley lauer where both grab by police in the local mcdonald's that had become a media center, essentially, the fact of news room for reporters covering the story and needed a place from which they could access wi-fi, file their stories and tell their stories. what has made this difficult to cover is that the local police in st. louis county have been warning reporters away, telling reporters like, you are entering a war zone. as we saw tonight, they have arrested reporters. the police chief of ferguson went on the fox news channel tonight and gave his explanation for what he said was going on.
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>> it's a lot of outside agitators causing the violence. we have had several very peaceful protests. they want answers. they have questions they want answers to. i understand that. i get that, but we have had -- the community has stepped up once the violence happened. community leaders, clergy, some of the activists have come forward and said enough is enough. they are taking the lead of protest. they want it to be peaceful. >> we have been reaching out this evening ourselves to officials in ferguson, missouri, and to state what officials across missouri kurt i know it's late, but nobody wants to talk. the ferguson school district had been scheduled to open the school year even before this very aggressive, very dramatic confrontation tonight. they decided to postpone school until monday because of the continuing unrest. governor jay nixon with in the last half-hour finally tweeted something about his plans.
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he said he would be canceling all appearances at the missouri state fair tomorrow in order to instead visit north st. louis county. statement to follow. we eagerly await that. joining us now is a national reporter for "usa today." she was covering the protest tonight when police used teargas on them. thank you very much for being with us. i appreciate you taking the time. >> can you tell us what unfolded over the course of the evening, what the arc of the confrontation was like today that he witnessed. >> the confrontation tonight started a lot earlier than usual, around 6:00 -- probably around 5:00 police started setting up barricades where they were trying to stop people from going into certain areas. and then we had people starting to sit down and say they didn't want to leave, but then afterward, the mark of the
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protest came around 7:00 to it a club where i started hearing flash grenades kurt i felt the tear gas, even though i was at least a block away. i could feel the tear gas. i was coughing. it was a very tense scene that i was in. it started in the daylight and got that right when the sun was going down and escalated as the night set. >> as a reporter and somebody watching this unfold trying to understand it in context, knowing what has happened over the last three nights of these often angry, sometimes violent confrontations with the police, do they feel like we are missing something in our reporting on the police tactics? when we see those armored vehicles, but turn it mounted guns, not just right here, but swat gear. we have seen a close-up cell phone footage of the way that those police officers are interacting with protesters. it feels almost inexplicably
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over the top in terms of the aggression that the police are responding. it seems there is no effort to deal escalate at all. we see it on the ground, does it feel like that? you bring tanks, you bring all these vehicles, that you bring people. the situation is just going to escalate. i can't say whether it's over the top because i am not a police official, but there are dozens of people walking towards the police officers people are intimidated by that. there is a side that says they want the people there and people to go back to their homes and to be calm. another side says, do need to treat people with respect. this is the first amendment right, and they should be able to walk up and down any street. one official told me today they
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should be treated like easter parades. >> in terms of the options and opportunities to do escalate, what we have seen in this footage tonight is the loudspeaker announcement sometimes direct voice announcements that people should return to their homes and vehicles, clear the area. when that is happening, have you seen that people actually have the opportunity to peacefully follow those instructions? are the police telling people to retreat or move to areas where they can't in fact actually get to? >> people have the opportunity to retreat in the direction the police are telling them, but some of the people are being told to retreat back away from their homes. i have talked to dozens of people as i was trying to get past the barricades. people were saying, but i live here. the police are like it, go around. i was with a man who walked at
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least a mile to try to get to his house. the police kept telling him, no, you can't go to your home because there is a barricade here. as much as people are allowed and have the opportunity to retreat peacefully, there is also the issue that people feel like they are being chased. you have to stay in your home for the rest of the night. i guess by sunset you are locked out of your home for the rest of the night. >> do you think this will continue in this vein? does it feel like the dynamic between police and protesters are changing at all? are we in a pattern where we should expect this tomorrow as well? >> as a reporter, i thought, okay, i have been here for four days. things seem to start coming down. at around midnight last night, things seemed to be calming down. i was at the quick trip, the symbol and a place for people to gather. people walked away that seemed like, okay, this is okay.
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i wake up, and there are two shootings that happened overnight. today, people and everything escalated so much earlier. the intensity was so much deeper. i actually think as a reporter, just looking at the last few days of reporting that i have done, that we might see this continue because people are really angry. people say they have had a history of issue with the police officers here and the police department. the police department would say they would probably contend with that. the idea is that people are really frustrated. it's not about michael brown only but all the other things they have personally experienced. >> national reporter for "usa today" to having you there and the live reporting on twitter and other places has done and lightning. thank you for taking time to talk to us tonight. >> thank you so much. >> much more ahead tonight on the situation in ferguson, including an interview with one of the journalists arrested while trying to do his job.
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lots more ahead, including the latest on the tumultuous reaction to the ferguson, missouri, shooting, including a massive and militarized police response to night court look at those militarized police vehicles in the street and what those cops are wearing. we will talk live with one of the reporters arrested and detained this evening by police in ferguson. that's next.
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as a nation, we have appeared to have just ordered a major u.s. military engagement. this all started on june 16th with this notice to congress that president obama was sending 275 u.s. troops back into iraq in this notice he said he was . sending those troops to protect u.s. personnel and the u.s. embassy in iraq. that was june 16th, 10 days
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after that, june 26th, another notification, 300 more u.s. troops. these ones to work with iraqi forces fighting sunni militants in that country. then four days after that another notice to congress. the president sending 200 further troops. and this time that additional deployment also including american aircraft getting sent back into iraq. that was june 30th. three separate notices. and then it happened again. august 8th, another notice to congress, it was this past friday. more u.s. troops going into iraq. but this time, in the president's notice to congress, there was no number of troops specified. that notification was on friday, it did not give a number for how many more troops the president was sending back to iraq, the white house told us today that the additional 130 u.s. marines and special operations troops that were sent to northern iraq yesterday those 130 troops make up at least part of what the
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president meant in that friday letter to congress, the one that had no numbers. the national security council gave us the statement about this today, we're going to put it up on our website tonight if you want to read their full statement about the number of troops that the president meant and the fact that these ones that arrived in northern iraq yesterday were included in that number. and now how many more american troops are going to be sent back into iraq under that most recent notice? we have no idea. again, the president's notification did not give a number, we know it's at least 130 because that's what's there now. and there's no ceiling. the overall clarity that we've got is that the trajectory is pointing up. u.s. military aircraft supporting this mission in iraq are no longer going to be flying missions off an american aircraft carrier parked in the persian gulf. as of today, the u.s. aircraft are based on land in iraq, they're now based at an air field in northern iraq.
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taken all together, we've now got nearly 1,000 u.s. troops serving in iraq again. the administration has taken great pains to say that this escalating redeployment of u.s. troops in iraq, they have taken great pains to say this will not be a boots on the ground operation. chuck hagel gave marines at camp pendleton that exact assurance yesterday. >> this is not a combat boots on the ground operation. we're not going to have that kind of operation. >> that's what chuck hagel said yesterday, that was yesterday, though. and apparently today, it's a u.s. combat boots on the ground kind of operation. the pentagon confirming tonight through an anonymous u.s. defense official that a team of fewer than 20 u.s. military personnel did hit the ground today in iraq, at mt. sinjar, where civilian refugees have been trapped by isis militant fighters.
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in addition to helping iraqi forces that are supposed to be fighting those militant and in addition to direct air strikes, u.s. troops have also in recent days begun dropping food and water and supplies to those trapped civilians. have you seen any of the footage of those drops? the footage of them dealing with civilians on this mountain. these are not just being done by the u.s.? it's the u.s. and iraqi and kurdish forces as well. the footage is amazing. you can see. look out the window, you can see the poor people on the ground scrambling to try to get these supplies being dropped from the helicopters. when the aircraft have landed they have been swamped by these people desperately trying to get on the aircraft to try to get out, kids, elderly, to get out people who are not going to survive on that mountain.
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>> after giving them food, the crew picked out a handful of people to take off this mountain. these were hard choices. eventually it was too much for the pilot who changed his mind. he would not leave any of them behind so they all rushed on board. sadly, the first takeoff attempt failed. we were too heavy. five had to get off. the young men, the obvious choice. an older man said a stoic farewell to his family and went down the ramp. the weight difference was just enough. to the relief of all on board, we took to the air. this was a life saving flight for these people, and their emotions were all too plain to see.
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they had survived more than a week on a baron, lofty island hunted by bigots who want to wipe them out. the pilot, a hero, came back to check his handiwork on his last mercy mission on a long day. this helicopter has the capacity for 15 passengers. i counted more than 50 on board. >> yesterday an iraqi pilot was killed when too many people climbed aboard the chopper he was piloting and it crashed. this was the incident in which the famous new york times correspondent was hurt. you may have heard about this yesterday. alyssa rubin was on that chopper along with some other journalists, including a time magazine photographer who took these images from the crash site. what they were doing there, that was intended to be an air relief effort for these refugees. once the aircraft crashed what you have now is literally a
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boots on the ground effort. air campaigns have a way of not becoming air campaigns. whether it's the support forces to keep aircraft flying safely, there's some sort of crash or unforeseen circumstance. even bombing campaigns, but especially relief efforts that you attempt to mount from the air, they have a way of sometimes and somehow ending up on the ground. the united states has announced today that the military has moved tilt rotor to the iraqi air base, they're massive vehicles. the aircraft can fly like a plane before it tilts its rotors back again. >> isis militants on the ground are not thought to have the kind of firepower that could shoot down f-18s or other fighter aircraft like these ones taking off from the deck of the george h.w. bush today.
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it is thought to have the capability to at least try to shoot down helicopters. the british have announced they're sending some massive chinook helicopters. we are also sending ospreys. it is not a combat operation. but in the event that the awful event that one of those aircraft go down, is it not a relief effort? with u.s. special forces and marines on the ground already today, the white house said today, there were not as many refugees on the mountain as they expected.
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maybe that's good news. the white house did say today, maybe the recommendations from this group, maybe the recommendations from these on the ground u.s. forces in iraq will be that the president should order u.s. ground troops there. the u.s. ground troops to clear the way for some sort of safe passage by land. in two months we have gone from zero to 1,000 troops to a new joint air base in iraq. the prospect of more to come. and who knows how much further this is going to go. this redeployment to iraq has all happened in exactly 59 days, that ends up being really important. 59 days ago, is when president obama sent the june 16th notification to congress that 275 troops were going back to iraq. that was 59 days ago. by now, we are now back in a big way.
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there was no number on the last notification. is this overall redeployment? is this a slippery slope -- if this is a mission to protect u.s. personnel and assets and interest from this isis militant group, how do we know when that mission has been achieved? what does the u.s. have to do to isis? how long is this going to last, how much is it going to take? how many boots are going to be on the ground, how do we know it's over? the last notification that the president sent to congress did not include a number for how many troops he was sending, and the day after he sent that notification was the day after the president said i don't think we're going to solve the problem in weeks. i think this is going to take some time. how much time?
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at how much risk and how will we know when it's supposed to be over. so far, there's a lot going on in the world, i recognize it. this is being treated as a matter of international news, the sort of interest americans may be interested in. we have just ended a major war. there's a law in our own country that says we're not just supposed to wonder about the wisdom of this. congress is supposed to ask those questions, debate them formally and vote. congress is supposed to make a decision about this. congress is. and the president said that notification to congress that he was sending those first u.s. troops back into iraq 59 days ago. the notification is a letter, addressed to the speaker of the house, and to the president pro tem of the senate. look at the bottom, i am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the congress fully informed, consistent with
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the war powers resolution. public law 93-148. the war powers resolution says that the constitution constrains the president from waging a war, waging a military operation on his own say so. article one section 8 says decisions about war and peace are decisions made by the congress not the president. the war powers resolution makes clear that yes the president can act with -- the president can respond to events around the world, he has the prerogative to send u.s. forces abroad on his own say so for a limited period of time. he can do that on his own say so as long as he notifies congress he is doing it, and then those forces cannot stay there doing that military operation for more than 60 days, at the end of 60 days, they don't get to stay there any more. unless congress votes that they can. u.s. troops are required by law
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to be withdrawn from hostilities within 60 days unless congress acts to approve them being there. that 60 days runs out tomorrow in iraq. and it's not like what the president has asked for in iraq is staying contain. since that initial request, about 275 troops, the president sent another contingent of troops and another contingent of troops that today included them putting boots on the ground and setting up an air base in northern iraq. one senator democrat tim cane of virginia sent the white house a letter yesterday saying, i think congress ought to vote on this. congress needs to authorize this sort of thing, we ought to vote on it. it's one thing to send the letter to the white house, congress has to do it. congress is on vacation. congress is making no move at all in that direction. 60 days for the first authorization runs out tomorrow.
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in what is starting to look like america's new war in iraq. america's new war in iraq is now getting to the ground troops phase as of today. so far, no debate, certainly no vote, no authorization. it's just quietly happening in iraq, quietly escalating, it's happening again, we're back there, it's on again. and nobody expects that this congress is capable of having a good debate about this issue. nobody expects this congress is capable of having a good debate about anything. but if we are now back to up to 1,000 americans serving in iraq again and we have just set up another new air base there and we have boots on the ground there, even a bad debate about that is better than just pretending this is not happening, and this is some other country's problem. this is a decision for the u.s. congress to make, not just something for them to complain about or crow about or write op eds about or ignore. they are actually supposed to vote on whether or not this happens. right now it is happening without them.
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state of minnesota, running for re-election, so far she's unopposed, has no opponent in the democratic primary this month, and she has no opponent in the general election. senator chappelle has been out on the streets in her constituency a lot lately. she tweeted from a protest that same night. maria chappelle nadal represents the town of ferguson, missouri, where police shot and killed an unarmed teenager saturday. michael brown was one of maria's constituents. it's important to know who she is, she will not see senator nadal in this next clip, but you will hear her voice, check this out. >> wanted to know if i'm going to be gassed against like i was on monday night. and i was peaceful. >> i know, i know, i know. >> we couldn't get out. and we were peacefully sitting. i just want to know if i'm going to be gassed again. >> i hope not. >> i really hope not either. >> and i'm your state senator?
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>> that was the chief of police in ferguson, missouri, today taking questions from reporters and citizens at a press conference. people ask for instance why the department needed to bring out armored vehicles, handed down from the u.s. military. >> people are using bombs now. pipe bombs, so forth. >> there's been no indication of bombs at any of these protests, even though there definitely has been some looting, violence and things have been rowdy at some of these events. there have been no bombings reported. we're not sure what the chief is referring to there, or if he's referring to the possibility of bombings in general. people today also asked whether the body of michael brown has been released to the family. the body had been released and that the police department was working with the naacp and the family. whether the police department has video of the shooting, the chief said they do not.
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we've seen some speculation this week that there may be dashcam footage of the shooting. they explained today that the department has received a grant for a few cameras this year, but they have not yet installed them. nothing like that was at operation on the scene saturday. what people asked about several times, the question that kept coming up over and over again in different forms was this, city and police officials issued a statement saying they mourned the loss of michael brown's life. they also said that people upset about it, should limit their protests to daylight hours. we ask that any groups wishing to assemble in prayer or protest do so in daylight hours in an organized and respectful manner. we ask all those wishing to demonstrate and assemble to disburse well before the evening hours. whatever officials in ferguson. missouri, meant by that notice, the message does not seem to have come through very clearly.
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>> there's not a curfew. i don't know where that came from. >> protesting -- >> we like the protesting to end at dark, just because it's as you probably know, it's just been unsafe after dark. >> today protests began in broad daylight in ferguson missouri. in the last couple hours, we started to get these images back from the town, pretty remarkable images. girls out dancing in the street, one of the protests calling for justice for michael brown, christine from the huffington post tweeted this out today. you have broad daylight, protesters, some of them holding signs, some of them listening to gospel music, chanting, the people united will never be defeated. on the other side, this was the police turnout. the police in full riot gear, full s.w.a.t. gear, enormous armed vehicle, police had guns, including from the top of the vehicle as you see there,
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trained directly on the crowd. not pointed up, like you might do just for deterrence, but pointed at the protesters. it's not clear what about this daylight protest caused police to call out the infantry or something that looks like a striker brigade combat team for this event. the news tonight is looking at ferguson. state senator had herself been arrested at the protest. the state senator herself tweeted back a cheerful response, no, she had not been arrested. i wasn't arrested, i'm on the street. she tweeted back cheerfully she was still there. but ryan riley of the huffington post got picked up by police, and then ultimately released, he did an interview this past hour, the s.w.a.t. force invaded the mcdonalds where he was trying to send out a report and charge his phone. he was there along with wesley lowery with the washington post. officers decided we weren't leaving mcdonald's quickly enough and we shouldn't have been taping them.
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he tweeted from the scene that officers slammed him into a soda machine, because he was confused about which door they wanted him to walk out of. wesley was detained and released, he said there were no charges filed against him, and he says there will be no police report. the chief thought he was doing you a favor. the police officer told him about being released. this is day four of the conflict in ferguson, missouri, since michael brown was killed by a police officer there. and thus far, it does not feel like the conflict is getting better. from the scenes in the street up to and including the armored vehicle with a cop on top with his gun trained at peaceful protesters in broad daylight today, up to and including that today, it feels like this is getting worse. joining us now is wesley lowery, he was detained tonight by the police, just released while he was covering the situation in ferguson. mr. lowery thanks for joining us. i appreciate you calling in. >> no problem.
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>> can you tell us the circumstances of why you were arrested and then why you were released. >> i don't want to say too much other than what i've put out on twitter already. i will put this out here, is that we were working with mcdonald's, for those who aren't here in ferguson, it's about two blocks away from ground zero, from the gas station that was burned down to where these protests were going on. it's been the media center. they have outlets and internet. a lot of reporters have been dropping in there to charge up, grab food, that sort of thing. armed officers, some kind of normally dressed, others in this riot and s.w.a.t. gear. initially saying, you all should leave, you should get out of here, and eventually, someone was saying, can we say what's going on? are you closing the mcdonald's, eventually they said we can ensure your safety, if you stay, we're not going to answer your 911 calls. after that, they decided they were going to forcibly remove
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us, as i tried to pack up my bag, i left my phone video record, which an officer took exception to and told me to stop taping. i did not as i was packing my bag and videotaping with one hand he was angry i was not moving fast enough, i put my backpack on and tried to move out. i turned around the corner, i said, my car is here am i going to be able to move my car. they directed me toward one door. i encountered another officer who directed me to another door. i said, officers, where would you like me to go? at that point my bag fell off my shoulder. and i said i'm going to need a second to fix my bag. and they slammed me up against the soda machine and put me in ties and escorted me outside. >> did you identify yourself as
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a reporter? >> my credentials were on my neck. >> were you hurt? >> not in any real way. by my standards i call it assault, i have been out here all week i was not hurt. >> in the circumstances under which you were arrested and you were reporting before then, is it your sense that the -- what looks to be a military style police response is getting more agro over time or is this what it looked like all week and this is fairly static? >> i arrived on monday afternoon, and this is what it's looked like since i arrived. >> in terms of you feeling like you didn't know how to avoid arrest in this circumstance, do you think that has been the case with other protesters and other people who have been arrested and detained by police in these circumstances? what's striking about your account and ryan's is that it seems like you weren't trying to
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get arrested. you were trying to do your jobs, police gave you no way to avoid being arrested. >> i think that is accurate. listen, i went to ohio university, which for a long time was the top party school in the country. we had these streetfests that sometimes turned into riots. i covered crime scenes in boston and los angeles and d.c. i don't take pride in the fact that i've never been arrested. i was never looking to get arrested. i've been in a lot of scenarios with heavily armed police officers, been in a lot of scenarios where journalists could get arrested. i think we're also trying to avoid being taken into custody. i would rather be out on the street right now talking to protesters trying to tell this story and no disrespect to you, but not sitting here talking on the phone about me. >> wesley lowery, report ever with the washington post, detained tonight in ferguson, missouri, in this intense police environment. thanks for your time tonight.
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had evidently i was not moving quickly enough for them. at which point i was given a countdown. i was told i had 4 trucks seconds, 30 seconds to pack up all my stuff and leave. basically, he then arrested me. it was a terrible experience. the worst part was that he slammed my head against the glass purposefully and sarcastically apologized for it. >> that was ryan j riley from the hunting to impose speaking to chris hayes a few minutes ago. mr. reilly was arrested and released tonight along with wesley lowry, who we spoke to on this program. they were manhandled a bit while arrested. one said they were hurt. the one was protesting. they were arrested while covering the protests tonight in
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ferguson, missouri. joining us now is liz brown. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, rachel. >> the police in ferguson asked for a protest to only happen during daylight. from the outside, it doesn't seem that the temperature is dropping. what is your sense of how things are right now? >> my sense is that, welcome if we start with talking about just the direction the protesters are not supposed to assemble after dark, it's kind of baffling. it is a direction that i think will lead to more problems. it's baffling because, how do the police officers explain themselves in terms of what you can't do your job at night? police officers can't work out night? if you put it into historical context, this is an area and part of the country that one time hapless is called sun downtowns.
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those were places where african americans could not be after sundown. there is a historical context to this and illogical anti-constitutional component to this as well. we have a right to free assembly. all of these actions together, all of these components together can only lead to more problems with people and the police. >> where do you think this goes? where do you think this ends? obviously, we will have some developments in the case. it will have to be a decision by the prosecuting attorney at the county level about whether or not there will be charges brought in the killing of this young man. there will be more information release of some kind about the incident. we will probably hear more from eyewitnesses and more of the police side in terms of what they said. that stuff will happen and trickle-down. what you think is going to happen in between the police between these four days of
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standoffs between people in the street and cops and armored vehicles. >> when the police continued to give direction that leave people no option, i think there is going to be continued problems within the community. i mean, the possibility of the making certain that someone is going to be indicted on this, people are looking for that, and they are looking to the county prosecuting attorney's office. the challenge with the county prosecuting attorney's office from the committee's perspective is that the county's prosecuting attorney's office needs to examine the same way that the ferguson police department was. the ferguson police department has 53 police officers, three african-american. the county prosecuting attorney's office also reflects similar numbers, so what faith -- what 50 in the community have in a determination coming from the prosecuting attorney's
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office that there'll be a fair examination and a factual examination and honest examination of what happened with the killing of mike brown. >> are there issues beyond specifically the numerical diversity in the prosecutor's office that have led to concerns in the community about whether or not the prosecutor can be counted on to bring justice in such a racially charged case like this? >> for my own experience, i am an attorney. one of the first of i applied for was prosecuting attorney in the county prosecuting attorney's office. when i applied, they were interested and wanted to hire me, but they said to me, if we give you this job, you have to understand that there -- you may hear people using the n word. are you okay with that? >> while. >> that gives you a sense of the atmosphere of office. should we have -- can we have faith in that? it remains to be seen. you also can look at the history of the prosecuting attorney's office in terms of the african
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americans that they allowed to serve on the jury. this office under beds westphal, under bob mccullough has been challenged legally again and again with the strikes that they used to keep african-americans from serving on the jury in order that the prosecuting attorney get a conviction. that is their practice. that is what was taught in office. what can we expect? i think it's problematic. >> columnist for the st. louis american providing some very disturbing and helpful context in understanding this. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> let's head tonight. stay with us.
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news tonight from ferguson, missouri, where police today responded to a peaceful day time protest in full riot gear and swapped year and in an armored vehicle with the roof mounted gunner. it was handed down from the military. police have been protesting the police shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old this weekend. within the last hour, we have spoken with two reporters who were not protesting but who were arrested in ferguson while reporting on the protests there today. ryan j reilly and wesley lowry from "the washington post." those reporters are both detained and roughed up, but then released. moments ago, police reportedly began firing teargas into another protesting crowd in ferguson. this comes from christina:. reporter john swain said this picture. police are telling people they must leave immediately. what is going on right now is no longer a peaceful protest.
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we are on the four canal in ferguson. from the crowds and the clouds of teargas, this does not seem to be ratcheting down. ratcheti down. "first look" is up next. good thursday morning. right now on "first look," a fourth night of violence in ferguson, missouri, as police unleash tear gas and smoke bombs on people protesting the shooting death of an unarmed black teen. the bright lights of broadway go dim for robin williams, as marin county authorities come under fire for saying too much. plus, a new eye in the sky. one of the sharpest ever. a texas teen makes himself at home at walmart. and a new michael jackson music video launched on twitter. good morning. i'm todd pyro. another violent night in fergus ferguson, missouri, where clashes ratcheted up between teens and demonstrators. tear gases exploding on the street, closeth
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