tv The Cycle MSNBC August 20, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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took to the county courthouse where the grand jury is meeting. our team was in place as several dozen gathered out front. police formed a line to prevent them from going inside. gabe guttierez was there. >> reporter: within the past few minutes, however, tensions flared just a bit. there was a supporter of officer wilson that showed up saying that there has been a rush to judgment in this case. tensions flared as the protesters for the family of michael brown tried to shout over her. somebody escorted her away to deescalate the situation and now it is once again peaceful. >> one of those protester, a religious leader from the area, called the criminal justice system in america as racist as it was 50 years ago. sentiments like that remain strong in this tinderbox middle america. craig melvin has been doing in-creditable reporting from the ground. what is happening there today? >> reporter: josh, good to see you. as you mentioned eric holder is
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on the ground. we know he was at a technical college a short time ago. he met with community leaders there after that. he headed to a local popular restaurant where he sat down, shook some hands. there had been some talk that mr. holder might make his way down to the apartment complex where that shooting happened we did get word that is a possibility. i also want to call your attention to something over my shoulder here. this is the original reds barbecue. right after that all started some 11 days ago, folks knocked out every window, they vandalized the place, tried to set it on fire. i spent time talking with the owner, manager, a short time ago. if you can see here, you can see the smoke wafting from the grill, this is a clean we have not seen a lot of in ferguson over the past nearly two weeks
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or so. you see cops, police officers talking to young men. you see black people, you see white people, young people, old people. they are sitting around, eating barbecue, they're talking to each other. i spent time over there talk with some folks and all said pretty much the same thing, that being at that barbecue joint today, it's about a lot more than the ribs. they're breaking bread, talking with what has been happening in ferguson over the past few days. and a lot of them are cautiously optimistic that tonight will be the second straight night of relative peace, relative calm. >> craig melvin, thank pup tyou. the grand jury will continue to hear evidence for another two months. the panel is considering possible criminal charges against office wilson. of course protocol is that it's all done in secret, but any criminal indictment won't come until mid october if at all. the protesters are calling for justice and to many of them, that starts with charging
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wilson. >> we're peaceful. we want answers. >> put your hands up. >> don't shoot. >> if officer wilson isn't arrested and charged -- >> ae >> ain't going to be in a no peace. >> so you had craig describing a more calm experience today. yesterday they were urging protests to be during the day. what are you seeing on the ground there, are things calming down? >> right now it is about as clear and calm as we've seen. people come out all day, they clean up in the morning, they spend the day up and down the block protesting peacefully. and then sometime after dak ngs, things start to flare. so we're hoping for a second
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night in a row, that hopefully won't happen. >> a letter from the ferguson pd to the community outlined several really important commitments that the police department want to make to the people. really important stuff. getting more black people to apply to the law enforcement kad any and neighboring community, getting a better relationship with the community between the police force and the community, and perhaps most important, a pledge to get cameras on officers and in officer squad cars, really important stuff. these are important commitments. are people on the ground talking about these things an saying this will make a difference? >> people are talking about this a lot. it's hard this probably hundreds of interviews with folks on the grouchbd, it's hard to find a black man or black woman who has not talked about the pattern of police brutality or profiling or some other unjustice they have suffered at the hands of the
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police. so there is certainly a cut off of trust and people do believe and have talked about adding more officers of color to the force as something that can make a difference. >> and this is obviously a story about ferguson, it's about the heartbreak and tragedy there, protesters on the ground obviously want justice for michael brown, want justice for the family. but to me, this is it also a national wake-up call because a lot of the circumstances that you see in ferguson from des desegregati desegregation, deindustrialization that left folks with no good job, to the poor school testimony, these are conditions that not to mention the biassed employment of justice, they exist across the country. ferguson is a suburb ban community. in 2000, the poverty rates were much lower. the darker the blue on the maps, the dealership the poverty.
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from 2000 to 2012, a huge increase in poverty in ferguson and other suburban community there is in st. louis. you can also see that same rise in suburban poverty across the country. so is there also a sense among protesters that this isn't just about ferguson, this is about political changes that need to happen across the country? >> you echo a lot of points that people on the ground are making. they say this is about us, but it could happen anywhere. so the focus of the story is a young boy who is dead. but as you note, there is a lot of system he can reas of syst of systemic reasons that led up to the encounter. until we address those, we can't repair the breach. >> alex, the media is also a big part of the story. just 20, 30 years ago, this would only be played out during the prime time hours of the day. but we now live in a world where
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you have tweeters and bloggers and instragramers, many people view them as journalists and in some ways you can say that's great thing because they can highlight some of the real issues that are going on, but they can also encourage bad behavior as captain johnson alluded to last night, saying some journalists glamorize acts of crime when they refuse to move out of the way when asked to. you've been on the ground covering this for days now. what is your response it all of that, how have you viewed the way journalists have covered this from all angles is th angl? >> reporter: it's a tricky issue and i don't want to generalize because there are a lot of reports of harrowing encounters with the police. that has not been my experience. i have found they have been obliging about letting me do my job as far as insofar as it doesn't put them in danger, but no question this has raced a lot of issues about press freedom. only thing i would add, i do
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think that the rising focus on the freedom of the press and the treatment of journalists does detract a bit from the nub of the story. this is about a dead boy, as we said the conditions that led up for it, frankly sometimes wild events that have unfolded since. and, you know, it is great insofar as it's possible for reporters to avoid becoming the focus of the story. but it isn't always possible. >> i think that's a good point. and alex, we heard from governor jay nixon that he will not appoint a special prosecutor. i think it's safe to say there is a lot of mistrust between the african-american community and the st. louis county prosecutor bob mcculloch not to mention a decent amount of distrust between the african american community and governor jay nixon. what are you hearing from folks there on the ground about that decision? >> reporter: i know that folks are upset about the decision. you don't hear folks bringing governor nixon up a lot as the
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target of their ire. they have spoken mostly about their mistreatment at the hands of the ferguson police and more broadly the st. louis county police force. many people have said once you cross the line from the city of st. louis into the county, officers are much more apt to target them. so they have been focusing sort of the divide and mistrust much more at the cops than the politicians. >> alex, thank you. eric holder is now on the ground in ferguson meeting with local leaders and law enforcement. we'll go back to the ground. plus no break from the news for president obama. his comments on the brutal killing of an american journalist as another's life hangs in the balance. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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right now attorney general eric holder is on the ground in ferguson one day after he received the results of the nearly autopsy on michael brown. we still don't know the results of that autopsy. he is meeting right now with community leaders, the fbi, st. louis field office and federal prosecutors. leanne gregg is there. and how is the attorney general being received thus far? >> reporter: so far he's being received very well. his first stop this morning after arriving in missouri was at the community college, he met with some students there. as well as some local figures, some local community leaders. he right now is having lunch at a cafe in town, it's called drake's place. while there, he actually ran into captain ron johnson who is in charge of security here in
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ferguson. he has been since the protests erupted. he was named a few days into the round of protests. and he said, my man, you are the man. he was saying that to captain johnson. and he told him to keep up the good work. also today there was a letter that he had issued to the public, released in the local newspaper, where he promised full resources to the investigation. in that message, he said at a time when so much seems uncertain, people of ferguson can have confidence that the justice department sbepd intend learn exactly what happened. so his trip here in addition to fact finding and gathering information from federal prosecutors and fbi investigators and local authorities is to calm this community at a time when there has been so much unrest. >> leanne gregg continuing our coverage from ferguson. thank you so much for that
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report. and from washington, let's bring in ron hosko, he was the head of the f bchlbfbi criminal investi upt unit. feds are investigating possible civil rights violations. what is the fbi role on the ground right now? >> right now it's fact finding. it is to find witnesses, to identify the details and nuances of the investigation. in all likelihood to work hand in glove with the local investigation ongoing. and to make sure all of the facts are known. >> these investigations take a fair amount of time. if you recall, in the rodney king case, we went two whole years between the beating and the federal trial on simple rights charges. so with eric holder going in and basically saying have confidence in the federal investigation, and the need to take a deliberative approach to it, what can the fbi do in the meantime to build that
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confidence and demonstrate that the vehicle is proceeding at pace? >> well, i do think that the attorney general's presence in ferguson today is a reflection of the commitment. recently it's been recorded that some 40 fbi agents are on the ground. i can tell that you severk telc ago, i was acting head of the office for a month. it is a very capable feable fie office. their job is to dig up the facts, look at witness statements, pick them apart. see what is true and what is not. >> so so far we do not have the results of the federal autopsy. and it's likely we won't get those results until the investigation is over. who knows long that will take. but give us a sense of what we might be able to take away from this autopsy. is there anything we will learn that might change this case or change the narrative? for example, like the size of the bullet wounds in the body.
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will that be able to tell us it michael brown were running towards the con or if he was in fact running away? >> well, this is reallypn or ifn fact running away? >> well, this is really or if h fact running away? >> well, this is really of creating a mosaic. you have pieces of facts that the job of the fb eflt a bchlfb prosecutors and defense attorneys to the seextent they' needed to put the mosaic in a way that maekes sense to the grand jury. that includes the autopsies. i don't expect within the three that you will see dramatic change. so you take the results of the autopsy, of laboratory examinations that may give you powder residue from the expulsion from the firearm, where the officer's rounds landed on the pavement. so that you can calculate measurements between the two people that were engaged in the
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encounter. peeling the layers back on the witness interviews to find out what is fact and what has been created. >> as i mentioned earlier, governor nixon did decide to leave the prosecutor in place, not to appoint a special prosecutor for this particular investigation. we heard from bob mcculloch earlier. let's take a listen. >> i understand that there is some legitimately believe or honestly believe i should say that they don't think i'm best suited for this case. and that's fine. i understand that. nobody's -- not everybody is allege happy with what is going on. but what i'm trying to convey to them is that i've got that responsibility. i'm not walking away from it. >> african american leaders in the area have been clear that they c do not trustulloch. do you think a special prosecutor should have been appointed?
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>> i think it's premature to make that decision. presumably this district attorney, this prosecutor, is a person who has the trust of the people who put him there. he's functioned effectively over time. i understand that there are some issues in his background. but to put it in a bigger perspective, there are some in the community we've seen in the news who knew the desired result on day one without having any facts. and that's the purpose of an investigation. both at the local and federal level. it's to find what the real facts are, not have this word of mouth and leaping to conclusions. last night, the governor himself made some comment about having a speedy prosecution. and whether that was a slip of the tongue or a pandering to some of the people to tamp down the violence, that to me is out of line for a chief executive who in all likelihood almost certainly doesn't know the facts collected by the fbi agents
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there. i don't know how he could get to that conclusion. so i think that is troubling. having transparency, having trust, and having respect is actually a two way street here. >> that's fair pip want to get your thoughts on one more issue here before we go. this investigation or eventual prosecution is extraordinarily important, but it is of limited long term value to the people who understand this is a national problem and a structural problem. however this case ends up going, what these folks protesting really need and folks who are with them really need is a new and different relationship with their police departments. and that transparency could come from body cams and dash cams. what do you think about that? >> i don't disagree with that and i know that a number of police departments around the country are looking at lapel cams.
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dash cams have approach beneficial in the past. not only to disprove false allegations, but to give the police and prosecutors evidence where violent crimes occur and it is just that camera that ends up being the witness to the event because a police officer is killed. as i mentioned, trust and respect and trance parns i, i think there is a need for a new da dialogue in our country. police across this country are victims of violence assaults every day. about every 58 hours, in our country, over time, another law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty. a 3450i8 from me is a memorial with 20,000 plus names of dead law enforcement officers. every year, somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000 as suggesault police are reported.
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so this is a two way street. there are those in the community who believe they're under attack and certainly the police are under attack. >> and that is a great point to point out the fact that everyone would benefit from better relations between the police and between the community. ron, thank you so much. and still ahead, why it's not an option for the president to go to ferguson. but next, breaking news. are additional u.s. troops headed to iraq? what nbc has learned about the new request for more boots on the ground. did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age?
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back now with breaking news. the state department is asking for more u.s. troops in iraq. the request calls for up to 300 additional u.s. service members to beef up security at the ugs embassy this baghdad and u.s. facilities at the baghdad airport. that news coming shortly after president obama condemned the brutal killing of american journalist james foley by isis
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and vowed to do anything necessary to protect american lives. >> today the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of jim foley by the terrorist group isil. jim was a journalist, a son, a brother, and a friend. he reported from difficult and daen dangerous places bearing witness to lives of people a world away. the united states of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. we will be vigilant and we will be relentless. when people harm americans anywhere, we do what is necessary to see that justice is done and we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism and replace it with a sense of hope and civility. that's what jim foley stood for. >> foley seen here before he was beheaded by isis had been missing for two years. abducted in northern syria where he was reporting for the global
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post. his grieving parents spoke out today. >> he lived in such a positive way. >> we're truly humble that had jim was our son. we're so, so proud of jim. jim gave joy to the world. he was always laughing. even in his cell, there were so many stories of freed hostages told us about his humor and his love. >> and you now the question is how to avoid that same fate for a second american journalist, steven sotloff, believed to be the other man isis has threated to kill. given the president's tone, cannot expect the air strikes to end any tile soon. we head to bill neely in iraq for more. >> reporter: we heard president obama today repeat twice his determination to confront isis and to act against it. and i can tell that you overnight, there have been 11
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more air strikes against isis positions near the mosul dam where i've been for the last few days. overnight, there may vel with been more strike through the day. so the u.s. determined to continue the campaign. and those air strikes came after the video of jim foley's killing was released. as for reaction to that killing, there has been almost universal revulsion to it and the iraqi government saying it shows that's stha thatthat isil is a threat to not just iraq and syria, but the whole world, and iraq appealing for more help from the west in its fight. the british government saying more or less the same thing as president obama said, that's sis isis is a cancer and has to be confronted. the man who killed jim foley clearly had a british and english accent. british intelligence and scotland yard is trying to identify who that man is.
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it's using voice recognition software to try to see if his voice correlates or matches any of the voices or data that they have collected over the years. it's particularly pertinent because there are up to 500 british citizens who have gone to turkey and iraq and syria to join the isis forces. and we also know according to u.s. intelligence that there are dozens of americans who have joined the call. so that is the direct threat, not just that he would kill an american hostage and hold others hostage, but that they could use what the british feels are the skills and trade craft that they learned in iraq and syria, bring those back to the uk, to the u.s., and use them in direct terrorist acts against the united states. >> bill neely, thank you. for more, let's bring in paul brinkley, a former u.s. deputy
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und undersecretary of defense and now president of north america western holdings. and also a former coordinator with the hostage working group. so paul, the threat from isis is if we don't stop bombing, they will kill another hostage. obviously they have to have realized that this action would provoke more u.s. action rather than less. do they want to draw us in? >> i think there is a strong progressive series of horrors we've witnessed them undertake, largely for public effect. initially a lot of the horrific agents they undertook good yazidi, christian, sunni communities were designed to drive people out. thousand wi now i think they're sending a message these are all about messages and how we react to messages. i don't think they're naive enough to think that it will cause to us cower and move away, however, they're sending a message designed to create more
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terror, more fear. especially because the initial american engagements have helped to bolster the morale of the forces that were fight alongside. that's how i would interpret this act. >> paul is right that these folks are clear on the message, very thoughtful about how they send them. we call them media savvy pl monsters down to who was chosen to actually kill jim foley, a man with a british english accent. so they're sending a message there that raps we have folks from the west who have in our movement. >> without a doubt. and that's exactly the message they are sending. they are sending a wider message of a threat to the world that anyone can face this. you look at the guidance, what their objective is to continue to recruit others to the cause. and that's what they're doing. the fact that there are 300 plus foreign fighters, many from the
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uk, many from america, are inside that -- inside this group believe willing this ideology and following it, and it's a message of terror that will only continue.willing this ideology d following it, and it's a message of terror that will only continue.illing this ideology a following it, and it's a message of terror that will only continue.lling this ideology an following it, and it's a message of terror that will only this ideology and following it, and it's a message of terror that will only this ideology and following it, and it's a message of terror that will only this ideology and following it, and it's a message of terror that will only continue. because there are a number of journal iists still miss. >> you have an innocent american journalist beheaded on youtube like it was nothing and here they are threatening to do the same thing to another. the president has ever reason to be pis sed off and is this reasn enough for war weary americans to say this is too much, they are enough of a threat that we have to step up our efforts and fight against them? >> i think those acceptsments definitely rise. it's important to those kind of
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part of two years. the fact that they hit someone we're sympathetic too hopefully will strengthen our resolve, but this is not the kind of engagement where a massive application of military force will instantly resolve this. this is a cancer that was described earlier that has metastasized over time and it will take time to remove it. it will take local support to remove it. these groups are very adept, isis is adept at embedding itself in local communities. remote means to attack without causing collateral damage. so these are complicated difficult situations. we didn't get here quickly. we're not going to resolve this quickly. and there will be more of this sort of sensational violence to come. i think this is the beginning. >> a sad statement there. and dan, we did hear from the
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president. let's listen to abiliti little f that. >> jim foley's life stands in stark contrast to his killers. let's be clear about isil. they have rampaged across cities and villages killing innocent unarmed civilians and cowardly acts of violence. they abduct women and children and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. >> i thought the president was very forceful today and i'm wondering if you read anything into his words in terms of where we may be heading next. >> well, i'm not one to speculate on what the commander in chief -- he certainly has a range of options. obviously there is another round of i heard 300 plus more troops are headed in to iraq. certainly there will be a soft component of that. and again, it is not going to be something that will be solved
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quickly. we cannot overplay our hand. but the campaign to counter isis is probably two years behind schedule. this thing should have started earlier on. when isis took over fallujah, we should have stepped up then. >> paul, dan, thank you very much. what happens when military grade gear and tactics are deployed on u.s. streets? in short, you get ferguson. i will embrace change... everything life throws my way. except for frown lines. those i'm throwing back. olay total effects nourishing vitamins and seven beautiful benefits in one.
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police departments on tight budgets conditions say no to free gear. we're talking even rifles like those used in iraq and afghanistan. it's warned that pseudo soldier police often end up, quote, acting like poorly trained soldiers because they have military tools but are insufficiently trained on that question. and with offensive weapons and tactics, the ferguson police give the impression that they are protecting themselves at the expense of the population. jason fritz is a senior he had the tore with a magazine dedicated to foreign policy. welcome. i want you to expound.magazine policy. welcome. i want you to expound.a magazin policy. welcome. i want you to expound.with a ma foreign policy. welcome. i want you to expound.a magazin policy. welcome. i want you to expound.magazine policy. welcome. i want you to expound.a magazin policy. welcome. i want you to expound.magazine policy. welcome. i want you to expound.a magazin policy. welcome. i want you to expound.with a ma foreign policy. welcome. i want you to expound. i imagine when you give them
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ak-47 as opposed to a hand gun, he will behave a lot differently. >> that's correct. and we've seen this in the military side of afghanistan, iraq, where if you give all of the equipment, you make someone look like a police -- excuse me, a sold yes, they will act how they think a soldier will a little. and that's very aggressive. >> and you andsay that it's not just immoral, but also ineffective. why do they do this if the strategy is not even a good way of controlling crowds? why is it tempting for police departments? >> there aare some people who have the belief if they come into a situation where there a lot of civil unrest or disorder, if they put fear into the populace, they will come into a line with whatever the police or government wish to have occur. and i suspect that in ferguson, that was how things kicked off. but then it became sort of a test of manhood after a while
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where the police have said here are all the rules that we've established, and now they're obligated to enforce those rules. and so they have not stepped back off of what they began with, because they don't want to look weak. >> jason, the military and police have two very different jobs. the military's job is to an nile lig annihilate the enemy you can cops supposed to keep the piece. and since the war on drugs and 9/11, we have gone overboard. we treat people like terrorists. here's what president obama said. >> i think one of the great things about the united states has been our ability to maintain a distinction between our military and domestic law enforcement. that helps preserve our civil liberties. that helps ensure that the military is accountable to civilian direction. and that has to be preserved.
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there is a big difference between our military and our local you law enforcement and we don't want those lines blurred. that would be contrary to our traditions. >> not to mention we are spending into oblivion to arm local law enforcement with tanks and with gas masks. and you name it. something has to change here. >> yeah, that's right. and if you look back at the history of modern policing which goes back to the mid to early 19th century, there is a thing called peele's nine principles of policing. he was home secretary who established first of all that the police would wear blue uniforms to separate them from the infantry of the soldiers who wore red. and also that there is a relationship between the police and the citizens that it's very different than the relationship between the citizens and arm. police have to interact on a daily basis with the citizens.y. police have to interact on a daily basis with the citizens. >> that is such an interesting
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point. one of the things raised in ferguson is how different the police force looks dem graphically from the population there in ferguson. does it make a big differenceem population there in ferguson. does it make a big difference both to have the police force look like the is the vens thcit they're protecting and also be comfortable with and know the community? >> undoubtedly it makes a big difference. protesters and police look alike. and there is also the understanding of the back ground, stresses and the life of the people they're policing if they're so different, they won't understand how to react in a an appropriate manner. >> so what is the right way to handle a situation like this? if you have a crowd that is unruly but mostly nonviolent, many they don't have guns but they're throwing bottles or rock, what are good practices for defusing it? >> the first thing that would
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happen based on what ferguson police are doing, s.w.a.t. teams that have their m-4s and assault rifles not to need be in plain sight. and the police need to start taking a softer approach. rocks and bottles, they will necessarily hurt police officers, but they're not life threatening weapons. they need to stop presenting though threats with what is effectively possible lethal force. it just needs a softer hand. and if there is an issue with people instigating fights or possibly bringing firearms, the police need to form around the crowd and look out. and protect the people in the protest from potential infiltration of brad actors. >> you hit on it when becomes a test of manhood. thank you so much for your time and your service in iraq.
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prosecutors. but don't expect president obama to follow suit. the president has been keeping his distance physically and in very measured public statements on the fatal shooting. on one one hand, racial tensions are threatening the peeace, and on the other hachbd, a ongoing investigation. so what should the president's role be? the president is con strained. let's bring in glenn thresh to held us why. so there are a lot of people comparing the michael brown case to trayvon martin wondering why the president is not as passionate about this and as outspoken. but the reality is the cases are very different. probably the biggest one being that law enforcement is involved here. this is the time for the president to sit back and say this is your time to do your job. >> well, my experience goes back even further than that. i covered rudy giuliani in new york city hall and infamously,
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when there was one of these police shootings, he said about the victim of a shooting that this person was not choir boy and it turned out the boy was in fact a choir boy and it turned out he was a choir boy. the best rule of thumb on all of this, wait until the fact pattern is established and understand what the details are and then make your comment. >> i think he's handled this well. >> you remind me of the rudy giulia giuliani, new yorkers knew before the national media got to know him. when the president travels somewhere, a lot of people go with him, secret service and local police force has to be involved with that. it is a large operation in moving the white house wherever he goes. there are logistical problems in moving the president into a difficult area like a ferguson. >> listen, i totally agree with you on that. the one criticism that has
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resonated more and former officials discussed this with me as well as civil rights leaders, his relative sluggishness in addressing the disorder component of this, that it would not have been leaning too far forward for the president to have been more expeditious in saying, look, this was a tragedy and we really need to have peace and calm here. i think -- i don't think this was a major issue but do think there was a sense among some folks that to have the presidential voice in this matter, even if it wasn't saying anything particularly consequential, that would have been helpful in filling a leadership vacuum. >> glenn, one thing that we have seen is a very different approach from attorney general eric holder versus president obama. president obama has been relatively clinical, relatively removed, obviously eric holder there today, being very outspoken and writing a open letter to the citizens of
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ferguson. do you think that dichotomy reflects their personal styles or that difference is intentional? >> both. i would add a third element, it's also generational. eric holder is a little older. i did a piece for politico a month ago that explored just this question, the fact that holder, who an tag niesed so many of obama's white inner circle in the first term, particularly when he made that speech in 2009, holder really says things and the role he largely plays in the administration on racial matters is to say things the president himself can't say. and what i mean by generational, eric holder is seven or eight years older -- i may be getting that wrong, than obama. and had personal experience with that civil rights generation. eric holder grew up a few blocks from where malcolm x lived in queens and regularly saw him
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around the neighborhood. that's a different perspective than standing on the shoulders of giants thing. >> a deep anger in the black community about police abuses, about a broad sense of injustice in the courts and i'm surprised that we're not seeing more national politicians especially i would expect to see in the democratic party picking up and voicing that in the way bill de blasio did, a constituency that was this angry about an event, i would have to imagine you would have republicans all over the place picking up on the anger. what's behind that? >> that's the way we deal with poverty and race in this country. were all of these reporters going to cover disparity in sort of the racial and ethnic composition of the police department in comparison to the population before this incident took place? we respond to flash points of
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violence and anger. and we do not have consistent coverage or even attention to these details. people including national democrats don't tend to respond to this sort of thing. i think there's a fundamental difference between electing a black president and core problems of black america. i think this last week is really illustrated that. >> we have not dealt with the structural aspects of racism. we have elected an exceptional black person, a president that does not address racism. when you listen to what the president said about trayvon and other things, he understands and sympathetic to the anger fueling the protesters. if he were to come out and call for calm, he would understand that as a law and order person but not understand that or not want to do that to offend black audiences by saying, what you're doing here is wrong, even as some cases they are breaking the law.
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what do you think of that part of it? >> it's a really tough -- i mean, you can really sympathize with the dilemma here. it's a good thing i never ran for president right? it's a killer dilemma. and this has been the minefield that barack obama has negotiated his entire political career. you know, even when he has spoken out in a relatively con strained fashion on the issue of race, he's been attacked by the right for playing the race card, whatever that means. >> right. >> he's also a guy who takes law enforcement responsibilities acutely personally. so you know, it's a tough thing being president but i think early on in this crisis, the criticism does resonate, that he did not at least address it early on. i think he has gotten much better, much better response for what he and holder have done in the last four or five days. >> glenn tlush, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> take care. we will be back with a final word right after this.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. okay, that does it for "the cycle" on this busy wednesday. "now "with alex wagner starts right now. eric holder goes to ferguson. can he create some space for peace? it's wednesday, august 20th, and this is "now". >> the sheriff has arrived in town. ♪
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>> attorney general eric holder. >> on the case in ferguson, missouri. >> his real mission is to ensure the department of justice will conduct its own fair independent investigation. >> at the same time, a grand jury is meeting. >> there have been protesters who have shown up at the courthouse. >> one thing that would empty these streets if there was some sort of indictment. >> not that complicated to determine whether or not a crime has been committed. >> officials have repeatedly expressed worries that the county prosecutor cannot be trusted to fairly prosecute a case like this. >> i have not intention of walking away. >> it's a different dynamic when you're prosecuting a police officer and very community. >> the lives of black males are just as valuable as others. >> we have a black president and black attorney general but at the end of the day, young black males are still being arrested and killed. >> michael browns are happening all over our country. >> it is how white america still views blac
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