tv The Reid Report MSNBC August 25, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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right now the thousands who packed the friendly temple missionary baptist church on the scorching st. louis day are still filing out of the sanctuary. for more two hours, friends, neighbor, and civil rights leaders came together to support the family and celebrate the life of the 18-year-old whose life was cut short on august 9th when he was shot to death by ferguson police officer darren wilson. brown's family has asked for peace and calm on this day. that's the theme of prayer circles and rallies and emergenmarches planned around the country this afternoon. msnbc's craig melvin joins me live from st. louis, missouri. give us a temperature of the sanctuary. there were people in the overflow and even outside. >> yeah, the church just released an estimate a short time ago. they say they think there were roughly 4500 people who were in attendance at the funeral. i think right behind me you can probably see folks heading to their cars, family members.
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you know, a lot of folks, just regular folks, have spent the better part of the last 15 minutes trying to talk to family members, trying to hug family members. so at this point, they're getting into their cars and they're going to make that journey to a cemetery nearby where michael brown jr. is going to be laid to rest. we should also note, joy, that the funeral itself was actually cut short. the funeral went just north of two hours. there were a number of speakers that were scheduled to speak that the family decided that it was time to cut things short. so there are probably half a dozen speakers that did not get up, some local politicians as well as state politicians as well. >> and craig, you know, this is obviously very surreal for this family. it's never easy, obviously. this family has lost a child. but they're also doing this under the crush of media. i mean, can you estimate just how much media is actually there? i saw when they got out of the car, you couldn't even see the family as they exited their vehicles. there are justs so many cameras there. >> that's an excellent question.
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i'm reluctant to guess. but clearly dozens of outlets. media from all over the world as well, we should note. the family obviously not talking to members of the media today. they're not doing interviews. i did have an opportunity yesterday to talk to michael brown's parents. they were with the parents of trayvon martin as well. there was a peace rally held in the largest park here in st. louis. as you reported off the top there, michael brown sr. asked that folks in this community not protest today, not come out today, and at this point, it appears as if folks in this community have respected his request. >> yeah, craig melvin doing some great reporting out there in ferguson, missouri, today in st. louis. for anyone who missed that interview, powerful interview with the parents of michael brown as well as with trayvon martin's parents. we're going to be playing a little bit of that later in the show. all right. one of michael brown's cousins, eric davis, spoke during today's funeral as part of his remarks, he issued a call to action to his peers.
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>> we have the family of trayvon martin, tracy martin -- [ applause ] we have the family of jordan davis. and now we have the family of michael brown. [ applause ] we have had enough of the senseless killing. we have had enough of it. and what you guys can do to continue this is show up at the voting polls. let your voices be heard. any time changes come in this country, it has come through the youth and the young generations. >> state senator maria nadal joins me now. state senator, we've talked about this before. you yourself have said that the killing of this young man has sparked a sense of activism among young people in your communities. how does this continue, though? how do people continue that activism you heard called for behind that pulpit today? >> well, i have to tell you, today is a day of closure in one
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part of everything going on, and today is also a new beginning. and so one of the calls today that you heard was that we can't stop fighting. we can't stop seeking justice. we're going to have to continue doing that. reverend al sharpton said something that was really, really poignant. he said, people expect us to not continue to fight, but we have to be out demonstrating every single day to keep the experience that mike had as well as so many other young people have every single day. so i don't see any of this stopping whatsoever. we are respecting the family today. their wishes were we do not protest at all. but we're going to continue on and make sure that we have justice in one way or the other and also become civically active. >> talk about what that looks like tomorrow. no protests today out of respect for the family's wishes. what happens tomorrow? the lieutenant governor was there in the sanctuary. the governor did not come, out of respect for the family.
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but what is the day two? >> day two, which is also what i call phase two, tomorrow is a wonderful opportunity for young people and ferguson residents to go to the second city council meeting in ferguson. that is where residents can go and say -- express what they actually want. do they want to have technology that has audio and video so they can have these recordings in case any of these kinds of incidences occur again. it means we also have an opportunity tomorrow and the time going forward to sit down with members of the community, white and black, and have an honest and open conversation. right now we've been just sweeping things under the rug. a lot of our feelings and anger. and that can't happen anymore. one of the things i've been saying is before, if it were not for national media being here, we would not know the temperament of many of the police officers in st. louis county or the local municipalities, but this is an opportunity for us to be open
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and frank and just tell it how it is. so that's what i'm looking for. i don't want any excuses. my community deserves honesty and the truth come to light. >> all right. state senator, thank you very much. we expect to see that city council meeting full tomorrow. thank you. >> thank you so much. goldie taylor is an msnbc contributor. anthea butler is a professor at the university of pennsylvania, specifically a professor of religious studies as well as african studies. one of the reasons i wanted to talk to you today is that service, that church service, it was one part activism, one part church. and talk just a little bit about that in terms of the history of the african-american civil rights struggle, the saliency and importance of that funeral. >> i was really struck by one thing that happened in that funeral. it was a moment that one of the family members said that michael brown had been dreaming about death.
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emmet till's mother had visions about death before he died. i was thinking about what she did. she opened up the coffin. she showed what happened to her son. and this funeral is in direct line with what happened with emmet till. so this political thing that's going on behind this, this funeral is not just about grieving the death of michael brown. it is a mobilization moment. it is a moment for people to begin to realize that this is just a continuation of the injustices that have been happening in america around racism for centuries. >> and the convergence of that, obviously, with the reverend al sharpton there, who's a civil rights leader and a pastor. some forget that's his original calling. i want to play a little bit of what reverend sharpton said in his eulogy today and get your response on the other side. >> can you imagine they're heartbroken, their son taken, discarded and marginalized, and
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they have to stop mourning to get you to control your anger like you more angry than they are. >> and goldie, that was when rev was speaking to directly to people who have been protesting. obviously he acknowledged most of the protests were peaceful. he was saying the people need to manager their anger as the family is. >> well, certainly i believe that's what he was saying. you know, these memorial services are, i believe, more about the family than it is about us. so how families choose to grieve, who they choose to officiate over the loss of their loved ones is truly up to them. but what i think it the dividing line here is for me and reverend sharpton -- and i don't have many of them -- really is that people are going to express decades upon decades, generations upon generations of heartbreak, of anger, of overpolicing, of red lining, of the complicated, very diverse tapestry that is st. louis county in a myriad of ways. and we're going to hope, going to want that to be peaceful.
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but reverend martin luther king said, you know, that riots are often the language of the oppressed. so while we cannot condone it, while we cannot condone violence, cannot condone some of these outbreaks, we can seek to understand what kind of oppression drives them. we can seek to understand the kinds of systems, institutions that surround not only st. louis county but many other municipalities in this country that leave people locked in, trapped out. so while at the same time, i have to agree with him while he says is this has to be about this family. this has to be about, you know, getting together and collecting around peace for a greater good. we have to give, you know, some -- a bit of a hat tip to some of those young people who really took to the street to voice their frustrations for the very first time. >> and, you know, coming off what goldie said, in listening to the choir singing, there is
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something about those gospel songs that speak both to pain and to hope. and that really is kind of the story here. >> exactly. and we have to hope. both of those things are being held together in those gospel songs. you hear the hope, but at the same time, you hear this pain of this hell on earth of what has happened to a young man who should have been starting college today. but instead, he's laying in a coffin. he's about to be put into the ground. and we sing as though those who are, you know, not grieving, but we hope that we're going to find justice. and i think that's part of what the church service is about. i know there's a lot of question for people about the talk about respectability and all of these things. i think everybody has a position about what they want to do. but the fact of the matter is there is psychic pain for african-americans in this country. there are centuries of pain from slavery to freedom. and it is time that people realize that we cannot hold this pain in any longer. we cannot sit back and just call on jesus and it's going to be
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all right. it's got to be more. it's got to be more. >> absolutely. and goldie, those of us who have buried a loved one understand it is a unique and searing pain. but to have it be not one's mother or parent but child, it's unimaginable. watching leslie quietly rocking back and forth in the service, tell me what struck you. that's what struck me. what struck you in this service? >> you know, it always strikes me when a parent has to bury their child. i don't know that there is a greater pain to be felt on this earth. so my heart certainly goes out to leslie and michael sr. but what's also very striking to me about this service was the great coming together of all walks of life. rich, poor, celebrity, every day people coming together not only in celebration of a life but to press change and to talk about making collective action together once and for all to
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make real change in that community. what they did say today, and i found this especially striking, is that there are no perfect martyrs. and that we should not ask this of michael brown. that whatever his life was before he met officer wilson on that street, did it -- was that the reason that he died? did he deserve to die? and i think that's the question that we shouldn't be asking in terms of, you know, how he lived his life. was he at a convenience store before? did he smoke marijuana? did he engage in rap music? none of those things matters in the grand course of justice. >> yeah, and just to wrap it up, anthea, because sometimes these deaths mean more than the person. >> yeah, there was a lot of comment during the funeral about michael brown saying his name was going to be remembered. i believe that. his name is going to be remembered, but it's going to be remembered as a turning point in this country, a turning point where we realize the injustices
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of police brutality, the injustices of somebody being looked at just because of the color of their skin and being deemed dangerous and hunted down in the street worse than a dog. that child did not deserve to die that way. he did not deserve to die that way. and all of us are going to hug our kids and cousins and everybody else tonight. we're going to pray over them and hope this same thing doesn't happen to them. in the america we live in right now, what guarantee do we have of that? we have none. >> we certainly will be watching as this goes forward. we're certainly going to be watching. anthea butler, goldie taylor. thank you for being here. and after the break, we'll continue our coverage with a look at the ferguson police department and how a collapse of a neighboring department brought officer wilson to ferguson. plus, kadiatou diallo and nicole pal tray bell will be here to talk about what the brown family is facing now. [ woman ] the cadillac summer collection is here. ♪
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america, it's time to deal with policing. we are not the haters! we're the healers! >> that was reverend al sharpton, national action network founder and president as well as an msnbc host earlier at the funeral for michael brown. with president obama on saturday ordering a review of the militarization of police departments in the wake of the crackdown on michael brown protests, which included tear gas and mine resistant vehicles, the question of how local police are trained to deal with sophisticated and lethal technology has become a much larger issue. ryan riley was reporting from ferguson last week and joins me now. there's a particular interest, of course, in ferguson now because of that heavy military
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style deployment, but "the huffington post," you guys have been reporting that this particular police force might not have been, let's say, the best trained to deal with the community they were policing. >> yeah, i think what we've seen is sort of a pattern emerge where we had a number of officers who had trouble in their past or problems in other departments end up in ferguson for one reason or the other. it's really a pattern we've seen emerge and a number of officers who allegedly had a history of even abusing children and a lot of problems in their past. >> and one of the people who wound up there, not saying he had problems there, but was officer darren wilson. how did he wind up in ferguson? >> essentially, another police department that had such big problems they essentially shut it down and a lot of officers were laid off and lost their jobs, and officer wilson ended up over in ferguson. one thing when you're on ground there that strikes you is just how many different agencies there are. ferguson is a very small town. actually, the state senator you were speaking with earlier there covers 41 different municipalities.
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there's a lot of these different agencies is running around. if you end up having trouble in one department, it's very easy for you to find another job in another close by. >> and ryan, you've also seen all of these multiple departments policing the protests together. there was an officer from a neighboring police force named dan page who actually now is in some trouble because off duty he went to an oath keepers event and gave a speech in which was more like a rant in a quite racist fashion. you've got that. you've also got the piece you're reporting on about a ferguson police officer named justin cosma. tell me about him. >> sure. so it happened that he was actually one of the officers who took me into custody in mcdonald's. the story isn't really about me. this would have been a story regardless if i never came into contact with him. basically what happened is he was allegedly in 2010 -- he approached a -- he and another officer from the jefferson
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county sheriffs office approached a young boy, a 12-year-old boy who was shirtless and checking the mail at the end of his driveway. there is a confrontation. today allegedly choked him, threw him to the ground, and allegedly hog tied him. and this was a lawsuit that wasn't filed. the civil rights lawsuit filed in federal court in september of 2012. and it was filed, actually, just a few weeks after this officer had joined the ferguson police department. >> i should note we did reach out to the ferguson police department as well as the jefferson county sheriffs office. we did not hear back as yet. and lastly, talk a little bit about the nexus between these departments, which may not have the training to deal with the communities they're policing, and they're also receiving lots and lots of equipment from the federal government. eric holder issued a statement on saturday saying the equipment, these heavy mechanized, almost military style equipment were flowed to police officers because they were being asked for to deal with counterterrorism.
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it makes sense to look at whether military style equipment is being acquired for the right purposes and whether there's proper training on when and how to deploy it. were these equipment grants meant to diffuse protests or counterterrorism? >> that's the overall problem. there's not a lot of guidance or oversight given to these local police departments on what exactly they're supposed to use it for. so you have instances where local police departments have this, you know, material that they don't really know what to do with. and that's, i think, a misuse of it really happened in this particular case. it turns out when you give officers military gear, they sort of can approach things like they're an occupying force. i think that's what we saw, especially during the day, during the peaceful protests last week and the week before. >> especially when it's a community with whom they have really little or no relationship. ryan riley, thank you so much for your reporting. >> thanks for having me. >> now three things to know this monday. moments ago, city officials confirmed that power has been restored to nearly all of the
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70,000 customers affected by yesterday's earthquake in napa, california. the 6.0-magnitude quake damaged up to 100 buildings and sent more than 200 people to the hospital, mostly with minor injuries. meanwhile, an american writer held captive in syria for nearly two years has been freed. peter theocurtis was captured by an al qaeda affiliated group crossing from turkey into syria. he was first handed over to united nations officials and is now in u.s. hands. and rap mogul suge knight is recovering in an l.a. hospital after getting shot in a nightclub. the circumstances surrounding the shooting are under investigation. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes!
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as the car passed by, people along the sides of the road holding their hands up in what has become the universal symbol of michael brown's supporters, the hands up, don't shoot symbol. all right. today you have been following the funeral of michael brown. and like the naacp, you're using social media to con vavey your support. many are also using the day to keep the activism alive. an hour ago, college students began a nationwide walkout from their classrooms. using #handsupwalkout, you're sharing images of the viral event like these. meanwhile, actor orlando jones made his own statement with his version of the als challenge, showering himself with a bucket of bullets instead of ice. the self-professed lifetime nra member says he's already donated to als and wants to use the challenge to address ferguson. the hollywood veteran issued this challenge to all of us. >> i'm not pointing any fingers here at anybody but myself. and i'm asking something very
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hard of myself. i'm challenging myself to listen without prejudice, to love without limits, and to reverse the hate. >> my own take on the als challenge is coming up later, so stay tuned for that. but speaking of videos, you can't stop buzzing about beyonce. she shut down the mtv video music awards last night. the queen of pop delivered a show-stopping extravaganza with a little help from baby blue ivy. rapper common called for a moment of silence to remember michael brown. >> hip-hop has always presented a voice for the revolution. i want us all to take a moment of silence for mike brown and for peace in this country and in the world. >> and fellow rap star snoop lion threw up a fist of solidarity from the audience. and while the u.s. lost the little league world series to south korea yesterday, you're picking up jackie robinson west, the team from the south side of chicago.
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they went all the way to the finals, becoming the first all african-american team to make it that far. their impeccable sportsmanship earned them a call from president obama. and chicago mayor rahm emanuel tweeted, thank you for inspiring our city with your positive attitude, spirit, and success. you young men will forever be champions of chicago. mo'ne davis also has you buzzing. she's the youngest person to make the cover of "sports illustrated." here's what she had to say this morning on the "today" show about her team's success. >> feels amazing. i mean, team from the city, and to make to the little league world series and to be one of the 16 top teams in the world. so it's amazing. >> she's so adorable. you can join the conversation with fellow reiders on twitter, facebook, instagram and and keep telling us what's important to you. and now this news. burger king makes a big move, to canada?
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welcome back to "the reid report." here's what we're watching today. schools in ferguson, missouri, finally opened today. the first day back was delayed for more than a week. following the memorial service for michael brown less than three hours from now, a coalition of local groups, youth, and naacp members will lead a silence peace march to the spot where michael brown was killed. meanwhile, the grand jury looking into the shooting of michael brown meets again on wednesday. it could take until october for them to hear all the evidence. and now for the latest on the threat of the militant group known as isil or isis, which has quickly conquered large swaths of syria and iraq this year. president obama today is reportedly contemplating further
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action against the sunni-led insurgency, which on sunday took over an air base in northern syria. the last foothold for the syrian army in that part of the country. while there are many questions to answer regarding a new strategy versus isis, one big one appears to be whether the u.s. will have to in effect reverse course and assist syria in their common struggle against isis. evan coleman is an nbc news terrorism analyst and senior partner at flashpoint global partners. is it even conceivable we would have to make common cause with the bashar al assad regime in syria? >> it would be very difficult and complicated. let's not forget that the assad regime in syria has also a alli itself with another terrorist group being hezbollah. it's very complex. the good news is this. if the u.s. were to be launch air strikes, particularly in this part of syria, the syrian air defense apparatus is basically gone. so even if they say, well, you have to vet these attacks with
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us before hand, we don't really have to if we didn't want to. it's much like in pakistan or somalia or yemen. we could carry out these attacks more or less unhindered. >> you mentioned hezbollah, a shiite militant group, which has had alliances with hamas. so there's all this complication in the region. but then you've got qatar. but they suddenly come into play as a group, as a country that's helped us get another american out of the custody not of isis but another terror group. could they then become helpful to us in trying to free other americans that are being held by isis? >> yeah, look, qatar views itself -- would like to see itself as a lee yai son between the islamic world and the western world. of course, you saw the role in the bowe bergdahl handover. the problem is this. there's no doubt that qatar has influence with these groups. but why do they have influence with the groups? it's because they're providing them funding, they're providing
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assistance, giving them diplomatic representation. again, the group that just released this american hostage, we're all very thankful they released the american hostage, but let's be honest what this group is. this is al qaeda's official branch in syria. that's al qaeda in syria that released this operative. so the good news is that it appears that they realize they don't want to have the beheadings on their hands. this is not good publicity for them. it's not helping their movement. they're trying to stay away from that. the bad news is these folks are also opposed to our interests regardless. let's not forget, back in 1995, the individual who later masterminded 9/11 was in qatar. he was under the protection of the government of qatar. the cia found him there. they wanted to try to grab him. it was the government of qatar that helped him escape. unfortunately, that's the problem. yeah, no doubt they're trying to work with us, but what happens if they make a mistake? there are some extremely big stakes here.
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>> it seems that there isn't -- correct me if i'm wrong. there isn't a country or nation state with enough influence but also that has the full enough trust of the united states to be a full partner really in any of these conflicts. is that a correct -- >> yeah, no, qatar sr. the closeclos -- is the closest it comes. isis doesn't have any state allies. there's no state backing their activities. every country in the region recognizes them as a threat. even the pope has backed military action against aisis. the pope didn't even back military action in world war ii. everyone seems to agree there's a problem with isis in syria. the saudis and iranians don't agree on anything, and they agree isis is a threat. >> so that means the united states would have freedom of action if we wanted to. >> if we wanted to. doesn't look like anyone would necessarily interfere. the question is, does the white house have the political capital and determination to go ahead with this. there are serious problems if we don't. let's not forget, we went into afghanistan because it had become a hub of terrorist
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activity. and we realized we couldn't allow those hubs to proliferate on a global scale. we've been launching drone strikes in yemen. we've been launching drone strikes in pakistan. we've been launching drone strikes in somalia. if these are all hubs of terrorist activity and syria is a hub of terrorist activity and there are hundreds of western operatives being trained there, wouldn't it seem to make sense you would apply the same philosophy there? if not, why not? i worry if we don't, if something bad happens, we all know what's going to happen and we all know what's going to happen in the halls of capitol hill and in washington, d.c. >> you mentioned capitol hill. does the white house have the will to do it, and do we have a congress that will step up to its article one responsibilities and authorize or at least debate military action? that will be a question for another day. you're pretty much here every day. thank you for being here. appreciate it. coming up, we'll continue our coverage of the michael brown shooting as the family and community come together to remember him. and i'll speak with kadiatou diallo and nicole paultre bell,
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who have been touched by similar tragedies, about what michael brown's family faces now. she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this 2014 ats for around $299 a month. hurry in -- this exceptional offer ends soon.
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a little more than two weeks ago, michael brown was fatally shot by ferguson police officer darren wilson. brown was unarmed and his body was left in the street for hours. today his family, along with thousands of supporters, gathered to say good-bye to the young man his friends called mike-mike. over the weekend, my colleague craig melvin sat down with mike's parents to discuss the loss of their son. >> i think he has a problem with himself. i think he took his authority too far and was not thinking with a conscious mind at all. >> he treated our son like a dog on the street. our son was out for four and a half hours on the street on a hot day. they sicked dogs on us to move
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us back, treated us like we weren't part of his family. something needs to be done about all this. >> and joining me now is kadiatou diallo, the mother of amadou diallo, he was killed while reaching into his pocket for his wallet. also with me, nicole paultre bell, the fiance of sean bell, who was unarmed and shot by police in 2006. both cases, the officers involved were not criminally convicted, but the victim's families received is multimillion dollar settlements from the city. i want to point out n that interview we did, trayvon martin's parents were in the interview with michael brown's parents. kadiatou diallo, this is, as trayvon martin's father has said, a fraternity and sorority. it's a club nobody wants to be in. you know, being a parent and having to lay one's child to rest. give us a sense -- and i know this is really hard for both of you. i want to doubly thank you for
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being here. >> thank you. >> give us a sense of what this family is facing. >> thank you so much. first, my heart goes to the young mother. i see her today, i felt so sad. suddenly her life has changed. she was thrust in the public eye, and she has to go through grieving and through the most important day of her son today in the public eye. she needs to gather all her strength, her faith, to send her loved one to rest. but then it's going to be cameras, people around her. and she has to deal with all the situation. right now she don't know. she cannot make sense of what is happening around her. it's just so sad. to the world today that are looking at her, is michael brown, the victim of police
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brutality is the symbol. but to her, it's her baby. that's what i went through when amadou was gunned down in 1999 as a mother. emotionally, my connection to her -- this morning i talked to mrs. bell. i said you and trayvon martin's mom sabrina, please, give her my love, hold her high and give her a hug on my behalf because we want to reach out, but at the same time, this mother needs space. what she needs today is the mom that went through the same loss she's going through right now to help her heal. >> and i believe trayvon martin's mom came before the service over the weekend to try to give her that support. nicole, one of the speakers during the service talked about the lost potential that one of the things you grieve is not just your loved one but what could have happened, the grandchildren you'll never have, the future. again, i hate to even have you have to deal with it, but that is part of it, right? because you've been through that
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piece of it knowing that there was a future that was planned out that's also been robbed. >> and for me, the hardest part is knowing my daughters are growing up without their father. no one knows how that feels. you know, for this family, this mom, this father, his siblings, his entire family, no one knows how they feel. we've all been in similar situations, but we don't know. we just don't know what mom is feeling. but as i sit there and watch -- i was able to watch the service from home. it just felt like shawn all over again. you know, how many families, how many young, innocent people no malter what their color are, when are we going to realize this is a national problem. this isn't just local. this isn't new york city. this isn't just -- look at this family. they're going through exactly what we went through eight years ago. and what mrs. diallo had to go through and like so many other
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families. i'm so glad that mrs. bell and sabrina, mrs. fulton, were able to go there and just be with her. at home, my daughters have this discussion. my daughter's now in middle school. she's old enough to know what happened. for us the hardest part is letting them know that, no, this isn't all police officers. we have police officers in the family. we're not saying is all police officers are bad. we are saying that there are some who abuse their authority. when they come into these communities like the one i live in, everyone is treated like a criminal. but our husbands, our sons do not deserve to be treated as if everyone is doing something wrong. we need federal laws nationally to get involved in this. me and mrs. diallo, we come to the table, when other families come to the table, we don't do it just to say hello to everyone at home watching. we're doing this because we are passionate about it. this changed our lives. my life would never be the same.
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no matter how much time goes on. and i pray that we do have someone that intervenes, comes in, and makes a change for special prosecution for these police-related shootings. >> i want to talk about a different scenario. our sons need to be told that it's okay to do mistakes. that they can redeem themselves. our sons don't deserve to be executed for no reason. it was loud music. someone was not happy about that and they got shot. like jordan davis. and trayvon martin, he looked like someone going to do something. michael brown, he was disturbing something. shawn bell, he went for his bachelor party. he's happy. why not give them the benefit of the doubt? and what else i want to add,
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those young folks robbing stores at ferguson during the crisis like last week, what do we do about those young folks? what do we do about those young sons who are completely -- lost sense of direction. we need to help them. we need to mentor them. and we need to send them to the best education they can go to. finally, the scene, whenever you see a shooting victim, you always see white police officers and the victim is black or hispanic. can we change that? this is a dialogue i want to see in america. we want to heal, but we need to bring this debate at the national level. we need strong laws. you know, joy, i want to say that it's not about white and black, but we need to encourage our sons that they can have higher education and become police officers.
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we needy diversity. >> i wish we had more time. i really appreciate both of you being here. kadiatou diallo, nicole paultre bell. you shouldn't have to be here. it goes without saying we shouldn't have to be doing this, but i do appreciate your advocacy and willingness to share. >> it's so important. people are angry. we're here to let them know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but we all have to continue to work together. let's get there together. it's the same road. we're going the same road. everyone can ride in their lanes, but we have the same destination. we need justice for everyone, no matter what their color is. >> yeah. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. , i'm wa, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this?
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report." i got nominated for the als challenge. thanks a lot, toure. i owe you one. also by my son miles. so now i'm going to do the challenge. i have written my check. here it is. i will be sending that in. and what i also want to use this opportunity to highlight an issue that's very important to me and should be important to everyone. that's voting. so not just voting for the president, not just voting for united states senator. i'm talking about voting for everything at the municipal level that really impacts your life. your mayor, your city council people, your school board, your judges, the prosecutors, the people that really impact your daily life. so i'm not going to challenge a celebrity. i'm not going to challenge my work colleagues. you get off easy, friends. i'm challenging every person watching this video to find just one person, just one person that's not registered to vote and get them to register. encourage them to register to vote. do it before labor day. i want you to tweet me at #onevoter. that's #1voter.
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tell me about your experience. you can send a selfie of yourself with the voter you picked. anything to highlight the fact that you're taking the opportunity to make a change with just one person. that's not a big ask. every person watching this video has now been challenged. all right. that's done. now back to the als challenge already in progress. ahh! >> it really was cold. so now you've all been challenged. so tweet your photos, videos, vines, or just some tweets sharing how one voter can make a difference and help one person get registered before labor day. we'll keep you posted on the progress of the one voter challenge on the reid report twitter feed, on my twitter feed, on our facebook page and here on the show. that wraps things up. see you back here tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern. be sure to be visit us online at where's toure? >> right here. so proud of you for doing it. you were making all these noises
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last weekend. i was like, maybe she'll weasel out of it and say her hairstylist would be too mad at her. but she did it. i'm proud of her. you're part of the whole national, soon to be international movement. we have to get melissa in. i want to see her get in on this. she's probably mad at me right now for mentioning this. so great. >> i'm mad at you too. what are you talking about? >> so we're going to have a great show. we're going to talk about ferguson. we're going to take you to the site of the funeral with craig melvin, who's still in ferguson. we're going to talk about isis. i'm going to talk about policing and things that we can do to change policing in america. we need to have more community based policing. we need to get back to robert peel's principles when he initiated the modern policing back in 1829 in london. we're going to talk all about what he wanted policing to be. >> very important. amen. and amen. and big up to you and krystal. i saw your ice bucket challenge
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as well. thank you, guys. "the cycle" is up next. . blah may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age... ...of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies.
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right now on "the cycle," a very public final farewell to michael brown. thousands pack a church in st. louis praying for him and praying for peace. brown has been laid to rest, but the controversy surrounding his death has not. >> the brown family calls for a silent night in ferguson, but will protesters heed that call. a city is on edge once again this afternoon not knowing what the raw emotions from this morning could bring tonight. >> and the sounds of silence have been sometimes deafening in washington. i'm luke russert here in d.c. for ari melbur. they say all politics is local, and some of the biggest political names have made it clear they don't want to be part of any headlines surrounding this national story. good afternoon. i'm toure. as we come on the air today, there's a tense calm in
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ferguson, missouri, just a few miles away in st. louis, 4500 mourners packed a church for the funeral of michael brown 16 days after he was shot to death by a ferguson police officer. three autopsies later, an infinite number of questions about what went down. but today was all about remembering michael brown. his life, his promise, his story. >> i don't know how long the investigation will be. i don't know how long the journey will be. but i know how this story is going to end. the first will be last. the last will be first. the lion and the lamb going to lay down together, and god wiwill, god will, god will make a way for his children. i've been to the end of the book. justice is going to come. justice is going to come. justice going to come. >> that was our own reverend sharpton giving
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