tv Politics Nation MSNBC August 27, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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and have you a great labor day weekend coming up. don't worry, i'll be here next two nights. we're not out of here yet. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> goodening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, if you like the governor shutdown of 2013, you will love the government shutdown of 2014, that's the message some republicans are pushing. the atlantic reports today that house gop leaders fear a conservative revolt when government funding comes up for a vote next month. that's right, shutting down the government once wasn't bad enough. some on the right want ted cruz to trot out his dr. seuss book all over again. >> i do not like green eggs and ham, i do not like them, sam i am.
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>> we didn't like the shutdowns in the house. all with a mouse. or here and there, either. but i guess congressman steve king did. today he said that if president obama signs an executive order to deal with our immigration crisis, quote, all bets are off on a budget. but these threats aren't just coming from far right members in the house. senator marco rubio is saying the same thing. quote, i am interested to see what kinds of ideas my colleagues have about using funding mechanisms to address this issue. i'll translate for you. because i speak republican. funding mechanisms is rubio's way of threatening a government shutdown. gop leaders should laugh these guys out of town. except one of the leaders is on board. the nation has obtained audio. they say is of senator mitch
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mcconnell. at a private meeting with gop donors. saying if republicans were in the senate, they would use the same tactics that led to the shutdown. he's going to go after them? how's that for a plan for governing? mcconnell is basically saying he will only fund the government if president obama does exactly what republicans want. even if the american people don't. joining me now, ryan grim washington bureau chief for the
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washington post and jonathan capehart, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> ryan, the last government shutdown was a disaster. why on earth would republicans start talking about it again even? >> i think what is most interesting about the talk this time around is who's doing it. you know, notice that we haven't heard from ted cruz. we haven't heard from the more far right groups in washington that led the effort the first time around. and instead, we're hearing from people like mitch mcconnell and marco rubio, the kind of quote unquote responsible elites that like to say that they're upset about the extremists who are kind of taking over their party. and i think it's -- i think those two folks and a couple others are just kind of out to sea at the moment. i think that mitch mcconnell's comments indicate that the race in kentucky might be a little bit tighter than he wants it to be. he doesn't quite feel like he
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shored up the conservative base. so he want to hint at a gust shutdown to get that out. notice you haven't heard from ted cruz or the conservative groups, which is why mcconnell and cruz got out in front of their skis here. >> you know, last year's government shutdown, it hurt glover teixeira op's image. one found mishandling of government negotiations, 70%. and today, house democrats launched a new website, shutdown broken is the name. reminding people that house republicans promise to take the shutdown off the table last year. and we all remember how that worked out. is this a good strategy for democrats, to remind people what republicans did on the shutdown? >> it is a good strategy for democrats if democratic primary voters hear the message and come
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out and vote in numbers that they've never come out before. i think ryan is absolutely right. what mcconnell might be doing and what republicans might be doing is trying to gin up their base it give them the feeling that if we take the senate, if republicans take the senate, then they have the house and senate and they can bring president obama it heal and do all sorts of things that minority leader pointed out. and the audio that we heard of also possibly impeaching the president, which is written about a lot. so what needs to happen here is for in order to stop mitch mcconnell, democrats have to come out and voe but in order for mcconnell to be successful, he has to make sure his base gets out there and votes to help him win. >> you know, talking about the tape with senator mcconnell, it was at a private meeting with gop donors. we also hear him talking about minimum wage. listen to this.
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raising minimum wage is a quote, gosh darn proposal. i mean, this is what he said. doesn't that sound pretty gosh darn out of touch with regular americans, ryan? >> it does. and in another tape revealed today, said that she simply doesn't believe in the medical minimum wage and she is a senate candidate out in iowa. and she is expressing what is becoming more common view among republicans that there's something anti-american about a federal minimum wage, period. that it should be left to workers and bosses to work it out, which is you know, the freedom of contract that you know about from the 19th century. it goes back that far. so in some ways, mitch mcconnell
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here is actually a moderate voice within the republican party when it comes to workers' rights here. >> you know, jonathan, besides the shutdown talk, we are hearing republicans back home answering questions about impeachment. which you have written a lot about. listen to this. >> he thinks we should consider impeachment but focus on the senate first.
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so clearly this is, let's win the senate, then we can talk about impeachment. is this what the republican agenda for the fall is, to deal with shutdown, impeachment? i mean, is this really going to be their agenda this fall? >> apparently. because impeachment talk, stopping the president, those are all things that gin up the republican party base. keep something else in mind. shutting down the government works just fine for republican primary voters. there are no consequences for people on capital hill who would shutdown the government. that's why we didn't hear a lot of cry in the first few days from republican districts. because, well, that's why they sent those people there to washington in the first place in 2010. so i think, you know, they're playing to the home base and hoping that -- and hoping it will work. but another thing to keep in mind, rev, since last summer, they have been talking about folks in the basement talking about impeaching the president.
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and the excuse has always been, we probably have the votes in the house but we don't have the senate and so it would be a worthless effort. they stand a good chance of winning the senate. they win the senate, i guarantee you the president will be impeached. that's my prediction. >> let me go to you, ryan, on this. something that jonathan touched on. don't they risk with this kind of talk of ginning up a more than usual mid term democratic vote turnout? and wouldn't democrats be smart to do things like this web page that i announced to really start putting out that the republicans are talking about impeachment and government shutdown? >> yeah. we are in a strange place where politically, at least, nobody would benefit more from a government shutdown than democrats. and if that's the political incentive, then they actually have every incentive to go forward and kind of tweak the
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republicans. so the president is innocent advised to come with the strongest immigration proposal that he can come up with because you know, it will gin up the republicans who then gin up the democratic base. the republicans are trying to, you know, gin up as much of the base as possible and get to the line without going over the line that alienates the rest of the american people. so it is an interesting ten weeks as parties dance with their respective bases here. >> ryan grim and jonathan capehart, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you. coming up, new outrageor over a man shot by police while holding a toy gun at wal-mart. why his family is demanding the release of the surveillance video. >> plus, american mom pleading for rhett lease of the life of her son. he is being held hostage by the terror group, isis. plus, marco rubio may have a new reason for dry mouth.
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he flip-flops, flop-flips on immigration. and sparked a big mess at a republican town hall. and we'll tell you which gop heavyweight is quoting dumb and dumber to talk about his plans for 2016. stay with us. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs.
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you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. my golden years will not just be gold plated. i had 3 different 401(k)s. e*trade offers rollover options and a retirement planning calculator. now i know "when" i'm going to retire. not "if."
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we are dealing with 11 million human beings who are here undocumented. the vast and enormous majority of whom have come here in pursuit of what all of us would recognize as the american dream. >> that was republican senator marco rubio back in 2013. calling for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. that was then. but this is now. this week, the senator attended a gop fund-raiser in south carolina. and was interrupted by a group of protesters who called him out for abandoning an immigration bill he himself sponsored last year.
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>> my name is jose. we are from the state of florida. our senator wants to deport us. >> senator rubio, stop flip-flopping with our community. >> we are here, senator rubio. came all wait from florida, because you wanted to deport us an our families. >> security escorted them out as rubio lectured the protesters from the stage. with the crowd cheering them on. >> . >> the univision network aired footage showing one activist being grabbed and shoved by an elderly attendee before being escorted out. the republican party is hardening its stance on
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immigration. demonizing immigrants, trying to punish young men and women who were brought here as children. no wonder president obama's prepared to do what he can through executive action to correct this injustice. joining me now is maria teresa kumar and jamaal simmons, thank you for being here. >> thank you, reverend. >> maria, after claiming they wanted to be more inclusive as a party, can republicans move any further to the right on this issue? >> you know, i was there when marco rubio unveiled the comprehensive plan they put together with bipartisan support and he was saying the right things that the vast majority of americans believe. what he is doing is trying to rally up the base for the mid term elections and fails to remember that americans, we have a long term memory. he is not celebrating the fact that young people are putting a face to the injustice of not passing comprehensive immigration reform, shame on
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him. it takes a lot of courage to do what these young people are doing. coming out of the shadows, saying we want to actively participate in america. we want a social security card. this is the only country we know. >> immigration activists confronted gop congressman paul ryan for voting to end the deferred action program allowing immigrants who came as children to stay here. watch this. >> a couple weeks ago, you voted for a -- [ inaudible ] >> that would put me and my sister -- we just add question. >> thanks, guys. have a wonderful evening. thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. >> i want you to read the book. >> i actually read your book. >> so paul ryan doesn't even
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want to talk about immigration, literally, maria. >> because i think that again, what they are trying to do is a short term plan it to rally up the base for the mid terms. that's not a long-term strategy. and the latinos won't forget in 2016 elections for president. the only way they can win the white house is to have the latino vote. and not engage in a conversation with a young man being respectful saying look, this is the face of the undocumented daca. this is the face after young person wanting to contribute to our family, proud to be an american, and you're not giving him a shot. you are not ready to deal with immigration reform and not willing to have a conversation with someone that is saying, look, all i want to do is work and participate and give back to america. >> you know, jamaal, this program has add real impact on undocumented immigrants. the deferred action for childhood, those arrivals, have
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allowed 550,000 undocumented workers who came here as children to stay in america. 550,000. this is important legislation that republican parties trying to repeal. i mean, how can they even justify this? >> you know, rev, as maria teresa just said a second ago, it is amazing to me that republicans have still refused to try to find a way to reach out to the upcoming majority of american citizens. that is much more diverse. so when you add up together african-americans, latino americans, asian-americans, college students, you know, young people, you start to add these numbers together, what you see is a rising majority of americans who all think one thing in particular, that you can't discriminate against people based on who they are or where they come from. we ought to find a way, we are enlarging the american democracy, not shrinking benefits of american democracy
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but republicans are so captured by this one small segment of the tea party segment that they cannot free themselves from this. i think it will cost them in upcoming elections. >> earlier, president obama promising executive action of republicans failed to act. watch this. >> even though they've been sitting on a bipartisan immigration bill for over a year, house republicans suggested that since they don't expect to actually pass a bill that i can sign, that i actually should go ahead and act on my own to solve the problem. keep in mind that just a few days earlier, they voted to sue me for acting on my own. and then when they couldn't pass the bill yesterday, they put out a statement suggesting i should act on my own. >> now, you know, the white house has said that we should expect executive action by the end of the summer. how will republicans react to
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that, jamaal? >> i think the republicans will be just as hypocritical at that moment as they have been at every single moment. the only thing that seems to unite them is opposition to barack obama. barack obama says the sky is blue, then they will say the sky must have been green or red because obama is for it, they have to be against it. same thing will happen here. they want the president to go out and do something about this but the minute he does it, they will turn on him and say he abused his power as president. >> maria, and what would be the response from this huge latino voting block, if in fact there's a real aggressive fight by republicans against the president during anything, daca or anything else? >> there's a reason why mitt romney received the lowest voter turnout and why he doesn't have a shot at white house last time. that's because he promoted vefl deportation. that doesn't pass with latino voters or asian voters or
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allyes. they are trying to find solutions to the broken system. denying folks who have been here 25 years or more the opportunity become full citizens and contributing their tax dollars and hard work to the american dream is not only uncon junible, but is also a threat to the american economy. that's one of the things that executive order provides is temporary relief. we still expect congress to come out strong and that's the only time you will be able to see the latino vote up for grabs. they have to resolve this sooner rather than later. >> maria teresa kumar and jamaal simmons, thanks you both for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. why won't police release surveillance video after man shot by police while holding a toy gun? new questions tonight. also, president obama's new push to stop the terrorist group isis. what will it take it save the
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. grab some popcorn, we just might see a sequel to mitt romn romney's 2012 campaign after all. of since his lost to president obama, romney has sworn he won't run again. >> i'm not running for president. i said that so many times. talk of a draft is kind of silly. >> are you thinking of running for president again? >> no. i'm thinking about people i want to see running for president. i've answered that question a number of times. as you know, the answer is know. i'm not running for president in 2016. >> for months, the same message. no chance he's running. but this week, that message
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appeared to change. when romney cracked a joke about the movie "dumb and dumber." and in the process, opened the door just a little for a possible 2016 campaign. >> we said look, i had the chance of running. i didn't win. someone else has a better chance than i do. and that's what we believe. that's why i'm not running. circumstances can change, but i'm just not going to let my head go there. remember that line from "dumb and dumber" -- >> so you're telling me i have a chance. >> that's one of a million. >> one in a million. republicans don't lose heart as mitt romney points out, those chances have given hope to people before. or at least to this guy. >> hit me with it. just give it to me straight. i came a long way just to see you, mary.
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least you can do is level with me. what are my chances? >> not good. >> you mean, not good, like 1 out of 100? >> i'd say, more like 1 out of a million. >> so you're telling me there's a chance? yeah! >> republicans keep saying their next presidential campaign won't be another comedy of errors. nice try. but we've seen this movie before. and we gotcha. ups is a global company, but most of our employees
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we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will new developments tonight in the fight against the terrorist group isis. today we're learning the united states is reaching out to allies to widen the assault on isis.
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the "new york times" reports the white house has started a push to get allies in the region and beyond. to provide support for potential american military operations against isis. yesterday, the president began outlining details of the coalition. >> american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq. will not allow the united states to be dragged back into another ground war in iraq. military action in iraq has to be part of a broader strategy to protect people and support partners to take the fight to isis. so we are strengthening our partners. >> and today, the united nations issued a disturbing new report on isis tactics in iraq and syria. declaring that isis is committing war crimes in its push across the region. also today, an american woman released a video pleaing directly to isis begging them to
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release her son. steven sotloff, captured by the terrorist network in sir why a year ago. itesis showed video of sotloff kneeling in the same place where james foley was beheaded. warning he would be next. and today a law enforcement official tells nbc news it appears to be true that a second american was killed in the same incident as douglas mcarthur mccain fighting for isis in syria this weekend pch the question now, how many other americans are still there. joining me now from paris is steve clemens, washington editor at large for the atlantic. steve, first of all, thank you for being here tonight. >> great to be with you, al. >> first, why is it important for the u.s. to gather allies against isis?
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>> well, i mean, to be quite blunt about it. we not only need a whole range of allies but we particular need sunni nation allies, like saudi arabia, qatar, united arab emirates because isis is a very extreme wing of the sunni islamic extremist religious establishment. right now, bringing the entire world, other than the sunnis together, will only further inflame their own sense that they've been neglected and humiliated. our problem with isis has been that too many sunni leaders are acquiescing to them and not quiting them. so what we are doing in bringing the world together is we are also bringing sunni nations together. that is a key piece to this. >> i want to play you the plea from steven sotloff's mother, asking ice tosis to release her. >> since steven's capture i have
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learned a lot about islam. i've learned that islam teaches that no individual should be held responsible for the sins of others. steven has no control over the actions of the u.s. government. he's an innocent journalist. i ask you to please release my child. as a mother, i ask justice to be merciful and not punish my son formatters he has no control over. i ask you to use your authority to spare his life. >> steve, what do you think of this direct kind of personal plea to isis? >> i'm the last person to ever second-guess a mother in pain. and it is hard to know the complete calculus of what goes on in the minds of monsters that are kidnapping these people. once you go out on national media like this, you raise the stock price, the value of that abductee in the estimation of those kidnappers and that worries me. >> now, the u.n. report on isis
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today describes this rain of terror in areas that it controls. fridays -- i'm reading the report. it says fridays are regularly marked by executions, amputations, and lashings in public squarees. civilian webs including children, are encouraged to watch bodies of those killed placed on display for several days. women have been lashed for not abiding by isis dress code. children as young as 10 are recruited and trained at isis camps. what does isis hope to achieve through tactics like this, steve? >> they right now are a very, very dark chapter in the lives of arab muslims in that region. and i hope that people there take stock of how monstrous those people are. that said, everyone is a bad guy in that region. bashar al-assad clearly torturing and kill awning a sis
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testimony sis stem attic basis his prersener. the syrian army beheading six isis soldiers. everyone is conducting themselves in ways that no one in the west could accept. and i think that going to be very hard for us as we try to find people with white hats and black hats in this. i don't want to excuse isis for anything they're doing. but right now you have basically shade of gray and how horrible all of the actors can be. >> now, we're learning more today. i want to ask you this quickly, we are learning more today about douglas mcarthur mccain, one killed this weekend by isis. listen how his friend describe him to the washington post. a good ball. gun g fun guy to be around. just a regular american kid. how does someone go from being a regular american kid to fighting for isis half way around the world? >> i think the thing that we need to deal with, and it is
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very hard, is that isis is a dramatic force. disrupting and changing the rules of the road in the region. and it is highly attractive to not only people like douglas mcarthur mccain but also there's a story of a ginger -- a red-haired, bearded, chechen commander who has gone in, who is also sort of a loser. someone who lost his way. who came in, has been one of the most horrific commanders inside isis. so you have people from all around the world who become thrill seekers who define themselves, who see themselves as having an opportunity inside this horror to feel validated. and that's not only a testament of them themselves, it is also kind of a statement on how people are getting lost in our own societies. i don't want to turn this into a critique of america, but we have too many people in our society that are right now lost and looking for something. and when we see them go off and
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escape into a horrible monstrous operation like isis, and isis is only one of many horrible extremist islamist brigades out there, there are other foreigners, not only americans, recruited into. and i think we will deal with this for the next decade. it is a real problem. we have to fix our domestic problems at home and deal with the fact they are finding fwloerry and affirmation in some of the most horrible groups in the world. >> steve clemons, thank you for your time this evening. >> ahead, tragedy at a firing range. a 9-year-old accidentally kills her instructor with an oozy sub machine gun. why can't we give up the fight to get this under control? plus, new anger over deadly police shooting a the a wal-mart in ohio. he was holding a toy gun.
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and detained for six hours, and accused of armed robbery of a bank. in case -- in a case of mistaken identity, police later said they regretted the error. in texas, a mother was pulled over and held at gunpoint after police mistook her car for a criminal's. police later apologized. but not before scaring her children. >> come on back here. >> i'm scared. >> it's okay. >> are we going to jail? >> no, no one is going to jail. >> and tonight, we are focussing on a deadly police shooting in ohio that happened earlier this month. it has the family demanding answers. >> police say 22-year-old john crawford iii of fairfield, ohio was waving a gun that looked
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like a rifle at customers, including children, inside this beaver creek, wal-mart. officers david darco and shawn williams arrived at the store in three minutes and confronted crawford near the pet supplies. they say he was holding a rifle and was told to drop the weapon. when he didn't, officers shot him. >> that is the initial story from police. that john crawford was holding a gun, which he refused to drop. but since the shooting, police have acknowledged crawford was holding a pellet gun, an rifle. and now crawford's family says surveillance video casts doubt on the other parts of the police story. they say it showed him pointing the pellet gun down toward the floor. police showed the familiar some of the video but haven't released it publicly. the family want that to change. >> the only investigative items that the public has been able to see is preliminary material
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gathered by the beaver creek police department. exoneration of the police officers by the police chief. the cruiser exam footage of after the shooting. and the contents of the 911 call. this information has been released, is decidedly one-sided. it is completely inconsistent portions of the video that we were shown. >> this week, the ohio attorney general handed the case to a special prosecutor. crawford's family want the justice department to investigate. and they want the surveillance video released. joining me now, criminal defense attorneys ken pat wits and eric guster. thank you both for being here and joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> ken, does the family have a pint in saying there is a double standard here about what evidence is get regular leased and what isn't? >> oh, absolutely. they have much more than a point. it is really on the verge of
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outrageous nous. i mean, you can't have it both ways. if you're conducting an investigation and you say no evidence is going to be released, because it would taint the investigation or taint a potential jury pool in the future, then that's one thing. but you can't have it both ways and decide that you're going to release some of the evidence, evidence that suggests the police did a proper shooting, and then not release videotaped evidence in this case, which shows potentially, according to the family attorney, that shooting was unjustified by police officers. that's outrageous. that's what we call propaganda. and this country is not known for doing propaganda. we have a criminal justice system and we have to have a set of rules an laws this apply equally and fairly to all of the evidence and to everyone. and in this instance, that's not being done. so it is outrageous and the video should be released based on what family is asking that all of the evidence be released to the case. not just some that support one
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version. >> eric, you know, the ohio attorney general says releasing the surveillance pool could taint the jury pool. but authorities did release the 911 call. listen to this. >> i'm at the beaver creek wal-mart. there is a gentlemen walking around with a gun in the store. >> does he have it pulled out? >> yeah. he is pointing it at people. >> now, why is it all right it release a 911 tape, that doesn't prejudice a jury pool, but you won't release the tape that the family of the deceased is asking for. >> what they appear to be doing, they are trying to get it tape released and let the jury who would be the potential jury in this case, hear this. hear the people saying, the man is walking around with a gun. and possibly when they go to grand jury or put it before a
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grand jury, they would have this knowledge already. and that is very prejudicial and very unfair to the entire case. you can't just release this and say the man is walking around with the gun without the proper authority and releasing everything if you're releasing any of it. >> kim, here is what the attorney general says about the decision not to release the video. quote, what's important is that it's not been publicly released. i thought the family had the right to view it. the mom did not want it view it, i understand it. the dad did view it, to put the video out on tv is not the right thing to go. i mean, is that going to satisfy people accusing authorities of selectively releasing evidence? >> absolutely not. that is absurd. i'm a former homicide prosecutor. i have a perspective of enforcing the law and prosecuting criminals. but that is outrageous. criminal justice system only
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works if everybody has faith that the laws are applied equally. here, it is blatantly not applied equally. the attorney general should release the video since he has released other evidence in the case already. you can't have it one way and not the other. it is unfair, unamerican and it doesn't serve justice. >> let's take a step back, eric. >> yes, sir. >> he had only a toy gun. we are talking about someone that was killed, holding a toy gun. >> that's the scary part about it. from what i understand, the gun was even pointed down to the ground. so even if they thought it was a real gun, if he was not making an aggressive move, what is your rational to shoot him. i mean, the gun does look like it could be real. however, he was in the toy department of wal-mart which should make people think, this man may have just been picking up a toy. he was supposedly on the phone with his child's mother, which
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he may not have heard their commands to do whatever. and if he did not make an aggressive move, he should never have been shot. >> and we showed the gun, a scary looking gun, but it is a toy gun. a pellet gun sold at wal-mart. ken, the mother of crawford's children say she was on the phone with him when he was shot. she said, quote, he said he was at the video games playing videos when he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were and the next thing i know he said, it's not real. and the police start shooting and they said, get on the ground. but he was already on the ground because they shot him. that's a quote. does that raise more questions about what exactly happened here or is it another reason why the video is so important as a piece of evidence? >> absolutely lots of questions. i was not there. this may be a justified shooting. it may not be. this is going to be determined in a court of law. but you can't play games before
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the adjudicative proceed in court and let some evidence out that supports what you want the public to know and hear and lead them down a certain way and not release other evidence. i think in itself is criminal. that outrageous. you can't have it both ways. the attorney general should release all of the evidence or not at all. since some was released, you need to release the video. and let the jury, if there is a trial, decide what happened in that store. >> thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. . still to come, shocking accident at a firing range. when a 9-year-old gun shoot her instructor. what we have to do to get this under control. from safety... to fuel economy... to quality... today's chevrolet has it all. and the time to buy is now.
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many americans are still in shock today over that tragedy at a shooting range in arizona. a 9-year-old girl accidentally killing her instructor with an oozy sub machine gun. this video showed the moments before that shooting. the instructor was showing the girl how to use the gun. when she lost control of the weapon. that facility is called bullet and burgers. it allows children as young as 8 to handle heavy weapons.
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authorities say they finished the investigation and don't intend to file any criminal charges. this tragedy shows yet again that america's gun culture has gotten out of hand. and more and more people said it needs to change. one step is coming from microsoft co-founder bill gates and his wife, melinda. the couple donated $1 million to a campaign that would require background checks in washington state. but even if you don't have a million dollars, you can help change the culture. we all need to act to stop this senseless violence. reduces the look of pores and smoothes texture for a skin makeover in minutes. instant fix perfecting collection. olay. your best beautiful.
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that's a long time. but america won't forget what happened in ferguson. this tragedy is already changing how officials interact with communities they serve and protect. yesterday protesters marched on the federal courthouse in st. louis. but instead of being arrested, they were invited inside for face-to-face meeting with the united states attorney. that lasted for an hour. people are still marching. they are still fighting for justice. we cannot take our eyes off the prize. because this movement is about the future. >> i have three boys. 23-year-old, 15-year-old, and a 12-year-old. and that could have been my son out there. okay, that got shot dead. >> this is about fairness. this is about a fair impartial investigation. because many of us see that the
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issue here is we cannot marginalize anyone's life without marginalizing all of our lives. i said at the eulogy monday, we must be here for the long haul, in what makes america, america. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. turn coats, let's play "hardball". >> good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with those dozens of americans turn thing coat and joining islamic murderers in syria and iraq. next we get to the republican strategy for taking up the u.s. senate. turn every democratic opponent into barack obama. then we get to the stinking hamburger plan to skip u.s. tax plaus by heading off it canada.
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