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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  August 29, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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public sector is not a right. >> the release of court documents alleging he was involved in criminal activity. >> it shows a dead heat. >> behind in the polls, republican tom corbett has been on the attack. >> staff members that are -- >> we do not have any staff members, if you can find us one, let me know. >> no incumbent governor has ever lost in pennsylvania. ♪ >> good to have you with us tonight. thanks for watching, if it's happening here, and it's happening over here, and over there and over here, when does it become a trend. when do you think that maybe this is what's happening? americans are sick and tired of republican governors trashing their states. no doubt about it, red state governors don't care about jobs and proven that. workers rights, infrastructure or in the environment.
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now it's starting to show in poll after poll and some republican governors flat out could lose their jobs in 66 days. we're not far away. first up, pennsylvania, governor tom corbett is loued the oil industry to run amuck in his state and rolled back regulations and on fracking and gas drilling big time. there have been at least 106 water well contaminations due to the lack of regulation on fracking. in education, he let the chester upland school district go bankrupt. he sign a controversial voter i.d. law. corbett also thinks women shop at the grocery store. >> i thnk a lot of people want to walk into a grocery store, particularly a lot of women want to go and buy a bottle of wine for dinner, go down and buy a six pack or two six packs and go home rather than what i just
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described is at least three stops. >> corbett's bad leadership will likely cost him his job. a new franklin and marshall job shows corbett losing to tom wolf by what? 25 points? corbett knows he's in trouble so he's trying to do what, shake things up. after initially rejected medicaid expansion under obama care, he has reversed course. starting january 1st, 600,000 uninsured pennsylvanians will have access to health care. there's a 180 for you. next up, we have our old buddy rick snyder in michigan. this guy orchestrated the city of detroit's bankruptcy, his master plan was to gut and privatize as much as the city assets as possible. he has increased the city of the emergency city managers which most don't like and no problem circumventing democracy in order to advance his backwards agenda
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of privatizing everything. he's attacked workers rights in the state of michigan bypassing a right to work legislation. now snyder's record coming back to haunt him somewhat. a new poll out of michigan shows that democratic candidate leading by two points. then we have our old buddy scott walker in wisconsin. where do you want to start with this guy? walker passed radical anti-union legislation sparking massive protests in city of madison and cut $1 billion out of public education in order to balance the budget and rejected medicaid expansion. and a state exchange for obamacare, which was not popular. he promised jobs. he's taken wisconsin backwards. his state ranked 37th in job creation last year. and far below the 250,000 jobs he said he was going to get started. he's passed a radical voter suppression bill dragged out for years in the courts. now he could be in legal trouble, well documented, court
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documents show he solicited donations for the wisconsin club for growth during 2011-2012. wisconsin law prohibits officials from coordinating campaign activities with outside local groups and political groups. now, walker's judgments has come into judgments time and time again and loves the wealthy donors. >> i'll tell you what, scott, once you crush these batters, i'll fly you out to cali and show you a good time. >> that would be outstanding, thanks for all of the support and helping us move the cause forward. we appreciate it. >> we should do appreciate it. we appreciate that recording. new polling shows that walker is in trouble. walker is leading mary burke by only three points among registered voters but among likely voters burke is leading by two points. both are within the margin of error. then we go to the bread basket
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of america, kansas, where sam brownbeck is in danger of losing his job. he signed into law one of the largest income taxes in kansas' history. the governor has come under heavy criticism for shifting the tax burden from the wealthy to mod ral and lower income workers. brownback lowered the top income tax rate by 25%. real reaganism, right? the radical tax plan even caused moody's to downgrade kansas' credit rating. the people of kansas are not too impress impressed. paul davis has an 8-point lead over the former senator from kansas. finally we have mr. private prisons, florida governor rick scott, one of my all time favorites. this guy has turned down billions in infrastructure funding that would have helped jobs and taken part in unprecedented and i mean unprecedented voter suppression and limited early voting days
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and tried to illegally purge hundreds and thousands of voters off the florida voter rolls. he's a science denying republican in a state that needs to address climate change. ask miami. after meeting with climate experts scientists told the truth about scott. one told think progress, i don't hon echtly believe the governor is climate literate and not particularly interested in becoming climate literate. recent polls in florida show the governor's race is simply too close to call. a rasmussen poll has scott up by one poll and quinn pea ak had charlie crist up by 3 points after scott spend $20 million trashing his opponent. americans, according to the polls, are sick of the republican austerity plan. these governors who were the darlings of the republican party, they were the future and ones that were going to set the new course.
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they are in trouble. governors are clearly not paying attention to people. american workers are not paying attention to this. they are not getting protected by these guys. they want new jobs. easy access to vote be has been restricted and environment is being neglected. with these guys, you get no help across the board. this is why i think all of the chatter that's out there, it's going to be a low voter turnout, nobody is excited. really? if that's the case, then it really all comes down to mobilization, doesn't it? it really comes down to all of these groups that are grass roots that are liberal and progressive that have done the door knocking and social media, worked with labor. it's really their ground game that's going to be tested. that heart and passion and desire because if you look at these numbers, you can't pick one state. it's everywhere. republicans are in trouble on a state level. these guys that went home and
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thought they could be heroes to the austerity program, it's backfired on them. get your cell phones out. tonight's question. are americans fed up with radical republican governors? text a for yes and b to no to 67622. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more let me bring in mayor of lansing, michigan and adam green, co-founder of the progressive change campaign committee. great to have you with us tonight. verge, i want your take, you ran for governor and called snyder out on exactly what he has done and now he's in trouble as far as the polls are concerned. what has happened in michigan from your perspective? >> well, it's like you said, the republicans have worn out their welcome. a lot of this was bait and switch. rick snyder ran as a sort of moderate, a repeat of an old governor we had years ago and proven anything but. he like a number of other
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republican governors have catered to the right wing. catered to the scorched earth society and the public, we're now seeing it. of course, a lot of it also is about the economy. it's like you were saying, the people at the stop are doing great. we as democrats have always believed and believe now that you build the economy and grow jobs and create opportunity by starting from the bottom up and middle out. they believe the old reagan philosophy, start at the top and take care of the rich folks and some good stuff might trickle down to us little folks down here. in michigan, we're tired of being trickle down. i believe the people will rise up and mark is just getting started. the polls show something like 0% of people are just getting to know -- they are sure of who rick snyder is and that's becoming clear. >> adam, your organization, the pccc has all over the country.
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if you had to put your finger on what turned against these republican darlings who thought they were going to be the answer for the future of the party, what's happened? what are people saying and paying attention to? >> great question, ed, i encourage all vuters at home to mark november 4th on the calendar as judgment day. it will be the first time that voters in these republican states have a chance to cast a verdict on these republican governors that have declared war on working families. these governors have gone to work with working families, from rick scott to florida to scott walker in wisconsin, they have attacked unions and decreased taxes on wealthy and decrease the on the middle class and starved their state of federal funding to prove an anti-government point. all of the governors have the worst jobs numbers in the nation. this is the moment for progressives to call out the vote and mobilize and get people to the polls on election day and cast the republicans out of office. >> adam do you see -- go ahead.
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>> i'm sorry. >> it's really robin hood in reverse policies. and i think people sense that. this so-called recovery, is really -- there's been very little recovery for midsle class and below. for folks at the top they are doing well. here at michigan we saw tax cuts for the rich and tax increases for retirees. we see cuts to education and cuts to infrastructure. if you're going to grow opportunity for everybody, you've got to invest in education and invest in job training and invest in infrastructure. roads and bridges are still crumbling and schools are still crumbling and detroit, maybe we'll talk about detroit a little bit. the bankruptcy there, the people still haven't felt, regular folks have not felt relief. they've got to find an emergency financial manager in there managing the books. you know we're seeing wall street solutions for main street
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problems but only working for folks in finance, not the folks on main street. the street lights still aren't on, still problems answering 911 calls. for regular folks things are hard in michigan and they are tired of it. >> adam, speak to that economic populism, you have touched on in the past, this seems to be the worm turning out there and waking up a lot of independent voters that maybe in the past voted conservative. >> absolutely. there's a rising economic populist tide in america that goes from elizabeth warren on the federal level to bill de blasio and governor races on the state level. what we have seen, voters are inspired by big bold progressive populist ideas, that's why it's so significant they have declared war on every day day working people and mary burke in wisconsin, and charlie crist in florida, speak to economic issues that is a recipe for success on election day and make sure we're doing the hard work to get people to the polls.
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>> do the people get the obstruction that is taken place, adam? do they understand how the wheels of government have been stopped by the republicans in the house? >> well, that gets back to the idea of judgment day. these are governors that came to power at the high point of the tea party and what we've seen is the product of people who are anti-government accidentally taking control of the government. and voters especially at the state level have seen it right in their back yards. we have continue to elevate this message in between now and election day, we must call out the vote and make sure every voter gets the polls and we win in these elections. >> virg, what will get people out in michigan? >> i think it's like you said, i think they are getting out. i think they are angry. we're going to do the work necessary, all of the organizations, we're better organized than ever before. the state party is better
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organized but frankly it's going to be because they are angry and upset. they deserve better. there was a bait and switch here. with all due respect to the governor, i tried to work with them. it is not sour grapes. he ran as a nerd, technocratic nerd to get under the hood and fix it but then maybe this happened in the other states, the guy might be, who knows. maybe egs a moderate. but he's not willing to stand up to the luna tick fringe of the republican party. regular folks don't care democrat, republican, tea party, but it's got to work for them. they are not part of the deal. education has always been a key part of the opportunity and education has been cut and public schools have been cut and teachers know it. we're not getting the tools and investments and infrastructure. the ultimate investment is in people. you talk about capital investments and things you can invest in and get a return from. the republicans understand that. what they don't understand the most important asset you have is
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your people. we aren't investing in our people. our people will take us back and bring us back. we've got to invest in education and job training and job skills. they haven't had it and know it and will show up on judgment day november 4th. >> adam, we're hearing more about climate change than the last election cycle. i don't know if that motivates people or not. but the republicans are definitely deniers, no question about that. very few step to the plate and say it's a problem and we have to do something about it. will some move people at all or is that maybe too academic of a subject for people and more basic right to the economy? >> well, i do think that particularly in states like florida, really hit with climate issues and climate denying governor, this will be an issue and there are people like tom stier and those making it an issue with substantial amounts of money. it speaks to larger mainstream
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versus not mainstream issue with the tea party fringe. economic populism issues are number one on people's mind. in wisconsin, pretty much they are ten out of ten the last in the midwest in terms of job creation in maine where we have a crazy right wing governor, 50 kt in terms of economic growth and those issues get voters to wake up and go to the polls on election day and boot the republicans out. >> ed, the attack on teacher as pensioners, the republicans seem to ab who and resent the idea that anybody gets a pension. this has taken people out of poverty. the advances from organized labor, the attack on organized labor has been relentless and i think you'll see the people rise up and fight it. >> virg and adam green, gentlemen, great to have you with us on this labor day weekend. appreciate your time tonight. remember to answer tonight's
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question at ed show and facebook. like us on facebook and wegoted. >> senator kirsten gillibrand exposes a new book with a lot of allegations. first, conservatives criticize the president over his lack of strategy in syria. congressman john garamendy joins me on that.
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for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. time for trenders, keep in touch with us and join the ed team and like us on facebook and get my podcast every day monday through friday and they are all access 24/7, we and here are today's top trenders voted on by you.
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>> the number three trender, surf's up. >> dare devil surfers flock to the waves, crowds of spectators line the shores. >> let her rip. hang ten. >> there's nothing like it. it's an adrenalin rush. >> storms off both coasts cause wild waves. >> high waves and rip currents being churned up and down the east coast. powered by hurricane cristobal. >> generated by tropical storm marie. >> life guards haven't seen conditions like this in 25 years. >> humongous waves. >> the number two trender, on alert. >> today raised the threat level for the u.k. quite substantial to severe. >> what we're facing in iraq now with isil is a greater and deeper threat to our security than we have known before. >> great britain raises its threat level. >> this is not some foreign
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conflict thousands of miles from home we can hope to ignore. >> this is a near concern that cameron is dealing with on his borders. >> we will take the strongest possible action to protect our national security. >> we cannot appease this ideology, we have to confront it at home and abroad. >> in today's top trenders, syria's business. >> president obama is taking heat for saying his administration has yet to develop a plan to deal with isis militants. >> i don't want to put the cart before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. conservatives jump on the president for his lack of a serious strategy. >> one way to describe what happened today and that's disaster. >> shocked me. >> to have a press conference to say we don't have a strategy was really shocking given the severity of the threat. >> if that is true, don't say anything. >> what does he do now? >> well, you bomb the bad guys. >> this was a an appalling display of a lack of leadership.
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>> joining us tonight, john gara mendy. your reaction to the president's comment yesterday about not having a strategy or plan for syria. >> well, the syria situation is developing. we need to make sure we have allies working with us and the president will be meeting with nato next week. we know that kerry is headed to the middle east to try to rally support there. we have to have other nations in place and when that comes together with the military, which is now assessing the various options they have available to them, then there will be a strategy. and the president was being honest at this point, the strategy is being developed. it is not yet in place. and there's one other factor here that's really important. and that is that the war powers act is operating and congress is
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going to have to deal with this issue, yes or no and so the president needs to make sure that whatever the international diplomatic program is, together with the military program, coincides with a congressional authorization. so yes, it is a strategy in development. it is not yet in place. the president is being honest. which is what we ought to have from a president. >> so you're not troubled at all by the president's wording or phrasing of the situation right now, you don't think that damages his position on foreign policy at all? >> well, if one were to really understand what is actually happening and what the white house and pentagon and secretary of state, all of those people are doing, we are in the process of developing a strategy. we know that we cannot do this alone. we know we don't want american boots on the ground. which means there's going to have to be somebody else's boots
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and that is iraq, quite possibly turkey will get involved and kurds are involved. that's a process that's under way. i put my foot in my mouth many times and the president probably wishes he would have that word back too. bumt the reality is quite than what other people want to make of it. if the president were to have cheerios in the morning, he would be docondemned for not having wheatys. >> some are thinking he's overly cautious on this issue and maybe even not prepared. your thoughts? are we being too cautious here? there are public executions taking place with isis, obviously the air strikes have been intensified. but when he says he doesn't have a strategy yet, it sounds like he's winging it. i don't hear -- you're seriously, you're the first democrat i've heard come out and some sort defend the president for the way he's positioned
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this. and explaining that there's a lot of players at this table. >> well, i think it's easy enough to take shots at anybody and certainly the president being the highest on the pin cal, people could take shots at him. that's not going to solve this problem. this is a very complex situation. certainly a political situation. he's going to have to come to congress with a strategy, with a plan for iraq, quite possibly for syria. that takes a lot of time and effort to understand the politics of congress and you need to make sure that your military can -- through our intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance assets, what is on the ground in syria, where is isil, what are their assets? all of those things need to be known. ed, we need the diplomatic piece of it. this other weekend, last weekend
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i was with an old rancher up in our ranch and he was saying, you've got to be careful, john, you want -- you got a rattlesnake, don't want to step on his tail, he'll come around and bite you. you have to be sure you can get at the head of the snake and that's what the president is in the process of doing. he should have used a different word but the reality is quite different here. we do know that the air strikes have contained and have slowed isil, clearly pushed isil back from the mosul dam and erbil and dealt with those folks on the mountain. so there has been actual action taken, a strategy in place to give the iraqi government time to reform, time to get a new prime minister in place, that was a strategic implementation of a program that has stabilized
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the situation and now we need to take the next step. we can make progress here. >> all right. congressman john garamendi, appreciate your time. >> frat row articles and antics should i say in the halls of congress. what's happening? how are they treating fellow colleagues. weighing in on sexism in the senate. pretenders is next. ask ed live coming up.
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as far as numbers of workers, probably not. but influence and organization and advocating for workers i think will be as strong as ever, if not better. our next question is from cathy, she wants to know, ed, what are your plans for labor day? well, you know what. former minnesota viking head coach said you can't hunt and fish all the time. i agree with that. one thing i'll do this labor day weekend is plotting strategy for the ed show for the next couple of months about where we're going to be on road to go out and tell the story and motivate people to vote and get in the process, 66 days away. what are the stories out there that are going to move people in this country? that's what i'm going to be doing. mapping strategy out about what we're doing in the next couple of months and that is very detailed work. stick around, rapid response panel is next. >> i'll julia boorstin, stocks
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welcome back. you've heard of the good old boys club. 102 women currently serve in the 113th congress. that's a record number. but the fact is women still make up less than 19% of the total membership of who makes the decisions in this country.
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capitol hill is still a good old boys club no matter how you look at it. need proof? look no further that kristen gillibrand's new book, "off the sidelines." some of her male colleagues on capitol hill don't even try to hide their sexism. in the congressional gym, an older male colleague told her good thing you're working out because you won't want to get porky. one of her fellow senate members squeezed her stomach and said don't lose too much weight now, i like my girls chubby. a southern congressman told her, kristen, you're even pretty when you're fat. a united states senate and united states senator should be able to do her job, no question about it, without her body being scrutinized by colleagues. if those comments were made in any other office place in america, you better believe hr would be talking sex harassment.
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>> it's 2014, i covered the senate in the late '80s and '90s and we all had stories of whom you would not get on an elevator with and protect your young female interns from. some of those former senators were actually expelled. >> after i had my son three years ago i got comments that would maybe blow you away from male senators, maybe not realizing they were saying inappropriate things but talking about getting my figure back and things like that. >> what do you think? good old boys club? they reflect a complete lack of respect for women and those comments were made by men who have a direct impact on issues like equal pay or reproductive rights. joining me tonight political analyst and contributor to the and political commentator john fuglesang.
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i know elections can certainly change a lot of things to get more women into elected positions but what should be done about this if anything? what do you think? are you surprised by this? >> i'm not surprised by it at all. i think that the outcry for senator gillibrand to name names, we should be asking why no women are surprised by this issue and all women are saying, yeah, that sounds familiar and something i can relate to because that has happened to me as well. i just think this is the kind of issue and opportunity for us to talk about sexism and sexual harassment and why men feel entitled to be able to comment on women's bodies simply because they are in public. has cat calling that's haras harassment in all different scenarios. >> when she acknowledges who
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said that and identifies what senators were involved, what is immense credibility to the story, there are two reporters on the air right now who say, yeah, that's the way it is and aim talking about andrea mitchell and reporter from cnn. what about that? >> of course it adds credibility. four our right wing friends to sneer senator gillibrand for not naming names, they are insulting republican women that have to put up with this stuff every day. i applaud the senator for not making names and taking bait. it is not incumbent upon her to describe her experience to their standards. this proves even women in the united states senate can be objectified by their peers. the problem is those male peers are the low wattage guys who would love to be objectified by a woman but no wants to. it's the rage that many of the charming fellows have that drives them to say those things. by the way, ed, sexy tie. >> thank you, my wife picked
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out. my wife is in charge of all ties on the ed show. >> good to know. >> frank luntz pointed out, is gillibrand only hiding the identities of the male senators who sexually harassed her because they are democrats? >> this is not partisan. we have to resist the impulse to make this partisan. it happens to everyone and all women experience this. republican women are likely experiencing this same thing. so i think that it is a distraction to say she has to name names. i think we should talk to the women in their lives about their own experiences and we'll be surprised by what we learn, that is this all too common and women are experiencing this every day. we had the hash tag, yes all women and millions of women across the globe telling their stories about harassment and
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object fiction. >> it takes us away from discussing frank luntz's evil. but for him to suggest she's protecting democrats that's like saying dana bash who spoke about her harassment is protecting republicans. i love ed seeing all of these anonymous trolls in the comment section across the media commanding this female senator reveal the names and not -- and have full disclosure and they are anonymous. reveal your own identity, pal. >> do you think the senator from new york should start naming names? i think she's brave to do this and i'm surprised other senators haven't done it in the past. but i think she's taking a very bold and important step because as i mentioned in the intro to your interviews here tonight, these are the guys that don't want to do equal pay, is that who we're talking about? >> ding, ding, ding.
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>> what about that? i think that is the big story. how they vote on women's issues as well if they have the strength to say things like this. >> i think that's when it becomes partisan, when you're legislating your sexism and saying equal pay is something women are making up and i don't believe your story about your own harassment, you need to show me proof, you're validating our point, men feel entitled to comment and don't want to take responsibility. i don't think she should name names and then -- >> more so, i'm sure you would agree, these low wattage guys that did this if the first place, testosterone robs the brain, they've forgotten they've said it and said lame comments to 400 other women since then. it would trap her into playing the game of the sexists.
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>> right. >> you said they are low wattage. i thought they were high wattage. >> dim bulbs in the senate. >> what are they doing? there was a male politico reporter said he didn't believe the report and didn't believe the book and of course he's backtracked and apologized. this is something that needs to be addressed if these are the people making the decisions on women's issues in america. if this is how they feel, how do we expect them to take them seriously? zurlina max well and john fugelsang, great to have you. corporations are gaming the system to avoid paying tax. chris van hollen weighs in. stay with us. h toothpaste. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria
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in pretenders tonight, pat robertson is excited, the tell ee advantage lift thinks isis can fulfill the prophecy. >> the bible says in isaiah that syria is going too go and join with egypt, it doesn't exist any more, it fell apart. it is iraq and syria. and isis is bringing iraq and syria together. call it isyria and we would be fulfilling bible prophecy and it may well happen. it's one of those things, mark my word, was that prophetic or i'm playing games. >> dooms day is robertson's favorite past time.
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>> are we really coming to the last days? i think so. i think that the world is going to be in chaos this year. we're not going to have a unified world. there will be no flesh remaining on earth. there will be nobody alive. i don't see anything else that fulfills the prophetic words of jesus christ other than an as steroid strike. >> robertson is saying scary stuff. if he thinks going off the deep end means he can predict the end of the world, he can keep on pretending. ♪
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folk who is take a shower after work. greedy corporations in the past have had no problem with your taxes going up so they can pay less. they know how the to milk the system. this week burger king said it's planning to buy tim hortons. burger king would join a growing list of corporations moving overseas to lower the tax burden in the united states. originally both companies said the new global headquarters would be in canada. this news sparked outrage in the united states. burger king released a statement saying the merger was about growth, not tax evasion and they would continue to pay their taxes. only time will tell if burger king moves to canada. action must be taken to stop corporate inversion schemes that are out there abun dentally.
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the treasury could lose $20 billion in the next decade if it continues. earlier this month president obama said executive action could be on the table to stop the tax cheats. >> we are reviewing all of our options as usual. related to the answer i gave jonathan about executive actions my preference would be for us to go ahead and get something done in congress. >> so far congress has taken no action to stop tax inversion. they aren't coming back from the august recess until september 8. for more, let me bring in congressman chris van holland of maryland. always good to have you with us. >> good to be with you. >> this is a story that broke earlier this week. we are doing it again tonight because we've got a lot of reaction to it. it seems there is a real fairness hot button amongst consumers out there across america. they see it as a real injustice.
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what hope do you have this could be addressed and how big a problem is it? >> it's a big problem. congress needs to act as soon as it gets back. there is no excuse for inaction. congressman sandy levin and i introduced legislation in the house to deal with the inversions which are just a fancy name, ed, for a bigger american company swallowing up a smaller foreign company in order for the american company to dodge tax responsibilities to the american taxpayer. that means other americans are going to have to foot a bigger bill so burger king can pay less though burger king enjoys all the benefits of the american consumers here in the united states. so i hope congress will act. i hope harry reid in the senate will take up legislation and ask for a vote on this. the american people need to know where people stand on this. >> do you think republicans even care about this? because the narrative with them is going to be, well, if we do
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this we're anti-business and we don't want to be perceived as that. what about that? >> well, what republicans say, the fundamental problem is with the corporate tax structure. i would say we'd like to change the corporate tax structure, too. we can lower the rates and expand the base. right now, as you know, we have a high corporate tax rate, but the effective tax rate in the united states is this -- in the middle because of the deductions people can take. we can fix that. but there needs to be tax reform as an excuse for not acting now on this specific case of inversions. in fact, dave camp, the chairman of the house ways & means committee, a republican, put a tax reform plan on the table, had lots of problems.
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and then the speaker runs away from the one tax reform plan his own chairman put forward. you know they are using it as an excuse to simply allow the american corporations to invert and at the expense of the u.s. taxpayer. again, the bottom line is it means american consumers, taxpayers will pay $20 billion more so that the companies, through this tax avoidance scheme can pay less. >> so the tax avoidance takes place. the corporations pay less. there's not enough money in the treasury. the republicans come back to the american people to say, well, gosh, government is too big. we've got to cut it back. this is all about their scheme to attack government services and reduce the size of government, isn't it? >> you're raising a good point. if you allow inversions to continue, that means $20 billion less revenue. it means $20 billion higher
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deficit. so then republicans come along and say, well, we have high deficits. we have to cut the investment in our kids' edge education or reduce the amount for medicare. whatever it may be, they are letting corporations get a free ride in terms of moving overseas, while getting all the other benefits of being in the united states. at the expense of the american taxpayer. and that just goes to show the bottom line is when you see this kind of choice being made in congress, our republican colleagues always double down protecting corporate special interests at the expense of regular folks. >> there's no doubt about it. congressman, have -- >> that's why we need a vote on this in the next couple of weeks. i hope harry reid will bring it up in the senate and the house. we'll continue to push for a vote in the house. >> all right. i'm sure you will get an earful
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the last few days of recess and whatnot. this is what a lot of people have been talking about. have a great labor day weekend. thank you, congressman. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in orlando, florida. tonight's lead, a civil rights lawsuit in ferguson, missouri. five missouri residents have filed a $40 million lawsuit alleging are police violated their civil rights in the weeks of protest after the shooting of michael brown. the lawsuit says the five experienced, "unnecessary and unwarranted force, arrests that were not based upon probable cause, and other violations of their constitutional rights. the associated press says