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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  September 1, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. with more than 130 prior stays. >> he's been coming in here a long time. so everybody knows randy hudson. >> a well-known inmate is back in jail. >> the nicest guy in the world when sober. when he's drunk he can be such an a-hole. >> alcohol also drives a former marine to violence. >> hit him once, knocked him to the ground. hopped on and just started raining them down on him.
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>> the victim is his father. >> a 21-year-old trained marine. what can i do to stop him. if he wants to hurt me, he can hurt me. >> and -- life in one wing of the jail inmates consider prime real estate. >> we teasingly call this the hamptons. >> but one will be expelled for good. grand rapids, michigan, ranks highly in most quality of life categories. but the occupants of a fenced-in brick fortress near downtown might disagree. this is the kent county jail. temporary home to about 1,000 men and women. most of whom are accused of crimes and awaiting trial at the resolution of their cases. >> i can't do anything that i want to when i want to. i have to ask everybody.
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i hate asking for anything. >> ooh, sauce. ain't no sugar coating it. the food sucks. >> welcome to kent county. this [ bleep ] place sucks. don't ever come here. >> it's a different attitude in h2a, one of the housing units. >> we teasingly call this the hamptons because they are up here with no cells. freedom of movement, as long as they listen. that's kind of their punishment. the thought of having to live behind doors again. >> most inmates in there are pretty compliant, easy going. a lot of them are in there for minor crimes. so we really don't have to stay on them that much. but you do still have to supervise them. >> i call it h2-awesome. pretty nice. you have a lot more freedom. you have all-day day room, a microwave. two flat-screen tvs to watch. pull-up bar and stuff for
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working out. >> this is the best unit in jails. >> this is the penthouse of the jail. >> it's still jail. you are locked in one room 100% of the time. >> sean arrived two months earlier, shortly after his arrest. it was a night he says he remembers little of. >> i was blacked out drunk. i don't remember even having that photo taken. every single time i've ever gotten in trouble has directly been related to alcohol. >> i don't control how much alcohol i drink and then i black out and then go crazy. >> denbraven says on the day of his arrest he had about 15 shots of whiskey before heading to his grandmother's house where he was living. >> now i'm not controlling my actions, running on pure alcohol basically. walked in to my grandma's house being stupid.
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she got scared, went to call my dad. i took the phone away, smashed it on the ground. she ran in her room, locked me out. called my dad. he came over and then, like, he was like holding on to me or something, i think -- i think -- i hit him once. knocked him to the ground and just hopped on and started raining them down on him, like a crazy -- like a maniac basically. >> the police report captures the brutal extent of the assault. denbraven punched his father more than 20 times leaving him bleeding from the nose and ear and in need of medical treatment. he bit his mother on the arm and when police arrived he resisted arrest, shouted obscenities and only complied when the arresting officer drew his taser. >> it's like jekyll and hyde. there's the angel sean and then the mean devil one with the horns. he comes out when i get too drunk. >> denbraven pled guilty to aggravated domestic violence and is awaiting sentencing, but this isn't the first time his drinking led to violence and
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time at the kent county jail. two months earlier he was arrested then later convicted of domestic violence and sentenced to 30 days. that time the victim was his 18-year-old sister. >> apparently my sister came down to my room, was mad at me for something. i was hammered. so i grabbed her by the throat and threw her across my room, apparently. the next thing i knew, i was getting put in handcuffs. >> this is what happens. this is what happens. when you don't eat your vej tabls and go to school. >> i've been so caught up in hanging out with my friend and being stupid and doing drugs that i lose sight of what i really should be doing with my life. >> denbraven says the forced sobriety that comes with incarceration along with living in h2-a helped him to become himself again.
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>> h2-a, outer slider. >> i try to be everyone's friend. like, for the most part i try to give everybody a chance, no matter who they are. >> can i juice? >> yes, you can have my juice. >> that's the first time you gave me anything. >> i gave you a friendship. >> i didn't ask for that. >> one of his newest friend, shaquille washington. >> it was weird for me at first. i'm a country boy out in the boonies. never been around flamboyantly gay people. >> i'm gay. gay as hell. since i came out of my mom, i was a diva in diapers. what was your thought when you saw me? >> i was overwhelmed. like, whoa, that is just so much gayness, like, right in front of me. like right in front of me, but, you know, just because i had never experienced it before. you know? >> to each his own. i like girls. i like vaginas. he doesn't. he likes penises. that his thing. who am i to tell him he can't like penises? >> everybody loves me. i can't explain anything else
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other than me being who i am which is the queen of the universe. i think people like me, love me because i'm so honest, and i'm cut throat. i run the kingdom by myself. i don't need no help. >> i'm like a little chester. >> like a little chester? >> you're a -- >> i'm a peasant. >> absolutely. >> while washington seemingly reigns over the hamptons, he admits he has trouble reining in his emotions. >> you [ bleep ] guys are losers. >> every emotion leads to anger. when i'm sad, i get angry. when i'm mad, i get angry. everything leads to anger. >> washington's anger led to three domestic violence charges within the last year. >> the first time i got a domestic violence charge my ex angered me, and i hit him in the mouth with my granny's cane, and when the cops came, my grandma said that i hit her as well. >> washington pled guilty to
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both charges of domestic violence and was placed on probation shortly after his arrest, but six months later he was back in jail for a third domestic violence charge. this time, the alleged victim was his mother. he says it was all a misunderstanding. so he's pled not guilty and is awaiting trial. >> my mom said i'm innocent and my mom's not going to lie for me. >> but life in kent county, especially in the hamptons isn't as bad as washington thought it would be. >> being in h2-a, the hamptons, it makes me so i don't want to go anywhere else. that's basically what restrains my thoughts. so i calm myself down. >> still, the jail version of the hamptons is a far cry from the real thing. washington shares the unit with 62 other men. >> i've never smelt such strong, musty smells outside the jail, like these men are musty. their breath stinks horribly like, you can't smell someone's breath until you're face to face with them, but their breath travels.
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like, i walk into a cloud of breath. it's horrible. i'll walk past a group of people and smell breath and then they fart all the time. they have no manners. they were born not raised. >> but jamal davis has been a breath of fresh air. a friend washington knows from local clubs. >> talk about your outfit. that was the kicker. >> bitch, my outfit was i have silver, like, disco booty shorts on and a lime green tank top with white go-go boots. >> we're both gay, and that makes me feel more comfortable around him, other than everybody else on the unit who it straight. he just makes my time go by a lot faster. >> i did the whole catwalk and a pose and i killed the stage. i killed it. >> i just bet you did. >> davis' good times have been frequently interrupted by stays at kent county. he has prior convictions for larceny and break-in and arrested various times on parole violations. he pled guilty to two new
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counts of lars si and is now awaiting sentencing. >> i can't wait to get out of here. >> girl, don't remind me. >> you got less days than i do. >> because you're a criminal. >> i'm innocent. >> you're a habitual offender . >> no. that was last year. this is this year. >> new year, new you? >> that's what they say. new year, new you. >> coming up. >> a wrist block, basically. >> jamal said good-bye to the hamptons and hello to another part of the jail. >> this is the projects. >> and later -- >> say hi to your mom? >> sure. let me talk to her. >> all right. i love you. >> i love you, too, dad. >> sean denbrazen gets a visit from home. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity
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all right, guys. time for chow. doing a door break. eat, make sure you come out. >> inside kent county jail, most
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inmates live in traditional two-person cells. they're allowed to spend most of the day and early evening hours in the day room, a rec area with other, it's still more confining than doing time in the minimum security men's unit, h2-a, also known as the hamptons. >> go back to your day room. >> there are no cells in the hamptons, but that added accepts of freedom comes with higher expectations for good conduct. >> they know what the expectations are. to be honest, at any given time, 90%, 95% meet the expectations. 1% up to 5% of guys think they want to do it their way, and we either get them back on the page or we get them out. >> jamal davis just lost his spot in the hamptons and is now in a considerably less desirable locale. disciplinary desegregation, more commonly known as the hole. >> the hole is a whole different story. this is the projects.
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>> i can't watch tv. i can't drink coffee. i can't play cards. down here really sucks. i kind of messed up a good thing. >> davis is awaiting sentencing for larceny, or stealing private property. his expulsion from the hamptons resulted after several mornings in which he and his friend, shaquille washington, slept past the mandatory 7:30 wake-up time. >> during the day they're not allowed to go under the covers. we have had a problem with inmates staying up through the night because they have slept all day. they interfere with other inmates, making noise. >> we're the only once that sleep in like that every day. he just got tired of it. >> jamal tends to do what shaquille does. they both act a little childish. they stick together quite a bit. i decided that day that one of them was going to move.
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>> he was asking us about, do we want to stay there and everything like that. i told him like, i don't care. >> jamal said it with attitude, with sass. you know, his tone was very pointed, and it was disrespectful. so the co was like, well, pack it up. >> so deputy green decided davis would be moved out, but only to another general population housing unit. the move to the hole would come a short time later. >> in the process of getting him moved, he refused. didn't want to pack his stuff up. >> i was bitchy. but it that way. i went back, got under my covers and laid completely back down. >> with davis refusing orders, deputy green requested backup to help with the move. >> i was like, i'll just make a scene then. how about that? i started to, like, fight back. >> it wasn't much of a fight. deputy davis raised his cuffed
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wrists above his head preventing further resistance. >> when someone starts to resist you want control of them to stop them from escalating their resistance. this officers just have their arms over a shoulder, gives good control of directing where you want them to go. a wrist lock basically. just holding him but you can apply pressure for compliance. he's caused a couple of problems choosing not to move. they're not going to give him more chances to do that. >> davis was placed in a holding cell where his bad behavior continued. >> once they left and took the handcuffs off me i was still pissed off. i tried to flood the toilet. ripped my mattress. they didn't like that. they put the handcuffs back on me. >> davis was next moved to a camera cell where inmates can be observed 24/7. that didn't deter him either. >> once in the cell, used toothpaste as an adhesive, covered the camera with a piece of paper. once the officers noticed he covered up the camera, the officers went over and told him to remove the paper. he removes the paper but there's still quite a bit of toothpaste on the camera lens. they have him get a rag and
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clean off the camera better so we can better observe the actions in the cell. >> due to his behavior, davis's classification was changed from minimum to medium security which bans him from the minimum security unit. >> they watch, record, every move i do. if i would do it again i would just move. >> davis also misses his friend, shaquille washington. >> i miss him. i miss shaquille. we've known each other for, like -- three years. >> washington, however, doesn't seem to share the same feelings. >> i don't really know too much about him, other than what i seen, and what i seen isn't somebody who i would be best friends with. >> washington has moved on and reunited with another friend from the outside. jelani andrews. >> best friend. come in the other room. >> why you do that, bro? [ laughter ] >> i'm tired, bro.
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>> he's really cool. like, i respect him. he's not a judgmental person at all. i would say he's my straight best friend. >> how's your day? >> i don't know. i just woke up. >> what did you do to make me up? did you touch my feet again? >> yeah. >> i've known shaquille since seventh grade. he's cool. he's got a good heart. i'm proud to say that my gay best friend. >> he's in for marijuana and concealed carrying a weapon. >> that when they have balls. >> dude's like, i got strap for sale. want to buy it? what kind of strap? the .40. it was beautiful. what you talking about? yes, you did.
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i didn't get in trouble because i never shot the gun. didn't scratch the serial numbers off and all the original numbers off and all the original hollow tips was in the clip. nothing in the chamber. >> if he done any of those things, andrews could have faced a stiff sentence in federal prison instead of a couple of months in the hamptons. >> it's a wake-up call. i am the youngest person on this. i'm 18 years old in this this h2-a [ bleep ] part. this is the best part to be in, but it doesn't matter. i'm still in jail at the end of the day. >> at least in the hamptons there's always a possibility of a sing along breaking out. ♪ we locked up ♪ up next to where ♪ they acted like rich ♪ they acting like, actually it's the pits ♪ sayings nasty slot still deal with these [ bleep ] cops ♪ and the ugly ♪ i'm so pissed but i want to sing ♪ >> coming up. >> go out and do what you want. i see you in a third time, i will [ bleep ] you up. >> old timers, attempt to school
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the younger generation, and -- >> i was 1 years old when he started coming here. >> my reputation right now is that i'm the most arrested person in kent county. >> the jail's best known inmate returns for another stay. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids
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♪ we are rednecks we want you to know ♪ load up the truck with beer and let's go ♪ cracking a cold one on the way ♪ ♪ radar detector keeps the police at bay ♪ inside the hamptons sean denbraven brings a little country to the city. ♪ roam around in our suits ♪ shotguns and rockin' steel toed boots ♪ >> i wrote a song called "rednecks." first one i ever wrote. i think it turned out all right. ♪ no city boy will ever hold me back ♪ ♪ i'm country to the core ♪ yeah, you better believe >> explosion of country. loving hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, big trucks. country music, and all that in one package.
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♪ we are red necks we want everyone to know load up the truck with beer and let's go ♪ ♪ cracking a cold one on the way ♪ ♪ ray dor detector keeps the police at bay ♪ ♪ yeah snentd >> yeah. >> i love that song. it's catchy. it's annoying as [ bleep ] but catchy. one of the most catchiest songs i've heard. >> think of best part. >> ain't got no liquor, beer, nothing. >> sean denbraven is currently awaiting sentencing for raining 20 or more punches down on his father and biting his mother when he lost control of himself after drinking about 15 shots of whiskey. >> the judge i have, he's probably going to send me to rehab. i'm hoping that he releases me from jail and let's -- lets me just to rehab myself, because i'm going to be a little upset if he makes me stay in jail and wait for them to pick me up. that's going to be a bummer. >> for now, though, younger inmates in the hamptons line denbraven, shaquille washington and jelani andrews might benefit
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from these experiences. they first came to jail before any of the younger inmates were born. >> now that you have a chance to change your life, to start all over again, you know, use it. you know? >> work at mcdonald's flipping burgers and mopping the floors, if i got to clean up [ bleep ] i'm going to do it. >> you think about more things. think about the things you're about to do before you do them now. >> exactly. >> me and some of the older guys we try to talk to them and let them know, it's no place to be. let them look at me and see, you know, that, you know, you could very well be me, if you don't change your ways now. >> we do the things we do, because we want to do them. we want to go out and drink or smoke weed, whatever, that's because we want to do them. we ain't got to do them. we want to do them. >> it's the choices i made in life. to continue a life of crime, and as i was continuing i got the same old results. no matter which direction i went, the same results.
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i didn't want them to go through the same thing. >> i've been here 70 days now, i've seen like six or seven people leave, come back to jail. >> as you said, you watch people come back. i watched you come back twice, for the same, exact thing. >> same thing. >> let's not do it a third time. you got to take the first step. do what you say you're going to do. i see you back here for a fourth time? i'm going to [ bleep ] you up. >> yeah. that would not be necessary. >> we try to instill it, because a lot of things they're going through, us being older guys we've been through it, you know? >> what's your plans? my plans when i get out is to get a job, go to school, get my education, and live my life. free of bull [ bleep ]. >> oh, boy. >> everybody's bull [ bleep ]. >> everybody's bull [ bleep ]. >> yes. i have a horrible temper that gets me into a lot of trouble. >> people learn from their
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mistakes and stuff. now, when a person is going through something, it's up to him to continue to go through it. now, you can look back and say, you made it through the storm. >> exactly. >> i point you in the direction, you know? now it's up to you to go that way. and shaquille, he wants to change. you know? when you can recognize when you're wrong and admit when you've made -- that's a step forward. >> ten days later, shaquille washington would have another opportunity to make it on the outside. the domestic violence charge in which he allegedly assaulted his mother was dropped. and he was released from jail. >> first thing first. get a job. take courses at the community college. my future is very bright. it's very, very bright. >> coming up. >> he'll come in, losing his mind. come in, start yelling. he knows me by first name. randy! >> i'm not proud of it. this is what can happen to your life, if you don't make positive choices. >> an old timer and a young man.
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i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. the u.s. released new video of humanitarian aid drops in northern iraq. part of a largerer mission to help iraq fight isis militants. the state department is working to help three americans in north korea. pyongyang let them speak today. and joan rivers's family said their fingers are crossed as the 81-year-old comedian remains hospitalized after surgical complications. back to "lock-up." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion advised. one big setback. >> about 26,000 men and women
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are booked in a grand rapids kent county jail every year. since they often arrive in booking, fresh from a crime scene or in various stages of intoxication, the jail needs to quickly gather information about their pasts. that's accomplished with the touch of a finger on a biometric identification device. >> that will run through our whole system of anybody that's ever been here and check and see if they've been here and make a match with them. >> but not a single deputy at the kent county jail needs technology to identify randy hudson. >> he's what we would call a regular here. frequent flier. he currently holds the record for book-ins in kent county jail. >> hudson has been coming to the jail since the late 1970s. >> been arrested, like, 162 times in michigan. >> hudson's been booked into the kent county jail alone more than 130 times. >> i'm very popular at kent county jail. >> hey, randy. how's things going?
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>> all right. >> going all right? >> yep. >> when i hear randy hudson's nam i think back 20-some years when i started. he's been coming in a long time. so everybody knows randy hudson. >> i've been here 24 years and he's been coming here at least 5 years longer than i have been here. i can't think of a year he was not in jail. >> i was 1 years old when he first started coming here . >> my reputation, the most arrested person in kent county. >> i'm not proud of it. you know? this is what can happen to your life if you don't make positive choices. >> hudson, most of his arrests and convictions have stemmed from drugs, alcohol and vapor inhalation, or sniffing substances. like glue or paint. >> first time i was in jail was for intoxication of vapors. i was 18. then ever since then it just continued. i've been arrested for open
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container, assault and battery. contempt of court, trespassing, possession of marijuana. open intoxication. of vapors, third offense drunk driving. 30 years later, the same thing. i'm a grown man i know better, but -- >> whenever he is booked in to the jail, hudson is almost always intoxicated and deputies say he can be a handful. >> he'll come in just losing his mind. he'll come in yelling. knows me by first name. randy, randy! just goes on and on. oh, my gosh, nicest guy in the world when he's sober. when he's drunk, he can be such an a-hole. drives you crazy. [ shouting ] >> within two or three days he usually is off of it. he mellows right out and he's not a problem. he's actually a model inmate. >> goody day? right here. >> hudson's current charge more serious than others. misdemeanors.
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he's go ahead guilty to felonious assault and is awaiting sentencing. admits to striking a man with his belt and said it was in self-defense. >> i walked down to the store to get a couple more beers. the victim that supposedly i hit with a belt was coming out of the store and we sort of bumped each other and he pushed me. i pushed him back, and that's when he hit me. with his fist, then he hit me with a beer can. i grabbed my belt. i hit him a couple times, it went out in to the parking lot. i called the police. told them i was assaulted. ambulance came, i was bloodied up, but i ended up going to the hospital and getting stitches and all that. so on my way out of the hospital they come and arrest me for felonious assault. >> he has a prior felonious assault for which he served time in state prison. now he's eligible for more than a decade in prison. >> my record and my past, it's like a strike against me. i'm not a bad person, you know?
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i have problems in my life, like everybody else does, but i'm pretty confident it will all work out. >> over in h2-a, the minimum security men's unit also known as the hamptons, sean denbraven's history starts him down a dangerous road as well. >> i don't know. it didn't have a time on there. >> probably a 30 to 90 day program. that's why, bro. >> denbraven pled guilty to -- in a drun are ken rage he bit his mother and then he pummelled his father with 20 punches to his face and bit his mother. >> when i drink, i drink too much and get into all sorts of shenanigans. >> he's received a sentencing recommendation from the prosecution. they are calling for him to go to an in-patient facility rather than prison, but denbraven is not happy about the news. >> i don't want to move from being locked in jail to being locked in a rehab place.
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which i think is a little hard core for me. i'm not a heroin addict. i don't smoke crystal meth. i just drink a little too much alcohol every once in a while. >> today, denbraven has a visit from the people who are both his victims and biggest supporters. >> we're here for our weekly visit with our son sean. this is the second time being arrested. it's mainly cycled around alcohol, alcohol abuse, a little drug abuse and getting out of control and getting in trouble. >> glen and kathleen denbraven are still dealing with the violence inflicted upon them by sean nearly three months earlier. >> furniture tipping over. lamps breaking. >> very traumatic. it's like, this is not happening. this is not my life. we screamed at us, i hate you. i'm going to kill you, and -- he doesn't remember any of that. >> no. he's a 20-year-old trained marine. what can i do to stop him? he wants to hurt me, he can hurt me. >> denbraven says when sober,
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he's the last person he'd want to hurt. >> my dad is like my buddy. my dad and friend at the same time. >> how you doing? >> all right. hanging in there. just got a few more days. >> final countdown. >> yeah. it's the final countdown, for sure. >> another four days. >> really sick of being here. you know? >> kind of sick of you being there, too. >> yeah. get me out of this place. >> well -- that's not up to me. >> yeah, i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to go to rehab. >> kind of what it's looking like. >> come in here, visit every week. it's gotten more routine over the last few months. it's pretty difficult. some days we really don't want to go but we should, we need to. it's tough to deal with sometimes. >> dad gets emotional easy. not that i don't, too, but -- it's been hard on the whole family. we never dreamed this would ever happen to us, that one of our children, you know, would go off the deep end, would end up in jail. >> you going to say hi to your mom? >> yeah, sure.
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let me talk to mom. >> all right. i love you. i'll talk to you again. >> love you too, dad. what's up? >> what's up? >> nothing. >> i just really don't want to, like, have to go to rehab. >> i know. >> forever, that sucks. i've been in jail three months. figured out by now i don't want to [ bleep ] around when i get out of here. >> you have to do whatever the judge says. >> really? is that how it works? >> what else am i supposed to say? i. just don't want to live at some stupid rehab place pop want to be able to go home. >> i think you'll have fun with it anyway. >> no, no. no. you're high. >> that's enough. >> no, i'm not. >> you must be stoned out of your mind. >> okay. that's enough. >> no, mom. you've never been incarcerated for five minutes in your life. you have no idea what you're talking about. >> no, i don't presume to. >> you're acting like you do, right now. >> yeah. >> so i don't know what else to tell you.
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okay. here comes dad. >> all right. i love you, mom. >> i love you, too. >> i see you getting agitated talking to your mom. >> i did a little. you know, i've been in jail three months. i've pretty much figured out, i don't want to mess around and be a jackass. >> right. >> he's expecting us to take him back home and i don't think our family can handle it right now. he needs to show us he's going to get rehab and do some of these things on his own and show us that in good faith he's changed. >> you know i'm sorry for everything that happened. >> i do. >> for why i'm here. you know? >> uh-huh. yeah. we're just -- >> this is crazy. >> we'll just move on. make sure it never happens again. >> it won't, dude. trust me. i'll be the first 21-year-old in the history of universe not to the get hammered on his 21st benched. >> that would be good. >> i'll sit down and drink
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coffee with you all night long. >> i'm going to have one beer. >> i don't know. >> one beer. >> we'll see. >> i'm going to have one beer. >> we're almost done. >> all right. well, i love you. thank you for coming and i'll see you on wednesday. >> yep. love you, too. we'll see you soon. >> all right. >> all right. bye. >> you know i can forgive him for what happened . but to say it will never happen again. the first time he got out of bail, bailed him out. yep, i'm never going to drink again, never going to do this stuff again, jail sucks. i spent two weeks there. >> mm-hmm. >> a month and a half later he's back in for a three-month stretch because he did the same things he did before. so now i want to believe you, but i'd be a fool to just blind trust you again. coming up, the hamptons inmate goes free. >> i feel like a peacock that wants to fly or a flamingo that wants to run or an ostrich that wants to swim. >> he's not a bad kid. hence the bad -- kid part. >> i'm obnoxious now and then.
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>> sean denbraven prepares to be sentenced. >> just like tom bodett. we'll leave the light on for you. >> yeah, all right. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any
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before dawn, most of the inmates at kent county jail are still asleep, jelani andrews is wide awake and on his way to say good-bye to sean denbraven. >> leaving, bro. >> i love you, bro. >> i love you, too, bro. >> andrews completed his 75-day sentence for marijuana possession and carrying a concealed weapon and is now headed home. >> i hate jail so much. >> first thing i'm doing what i go home, take a shower, a bath, take another shower, take another bath. i'm going to take another shower. >> as andrews goes to the exit process, a former resident of the housing unit known as the
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hamptons arrived to pick him up. shaquille washington. >> you take care of those. we'll take care of you. while i was locked up in here, he always looked out for me. so he didn't have nobody pick him up, i came to get him. >> shaquille is a man of his word. came and got me. i feel like a bird that was in a cage. now they let me fly. i feel like a peacock that wants to fly or a flamingo that wants to run or an ostrich that wants to swim. i feel like a rock that can walk. >> jamal davis, currently in segregation after refusing to leave the hamptons won't be celebrating freedom anytime soon. he's just been sentenced to state prison for a term of one to four years on two counts of larce larceny. >> i am worried about going to prison. prison is really unpredictable. >> could you open 32? >> today deputy james is checking in on davis who at 19 years old has never been to prison. >> the minimum time you're going
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to do is what? a year? you aren't going to go to maximum security. you know that, don't you? just roll with it and see where it takes you. don't overthink this. everybody sits there and worries and worries and worries. you don't do yourself any good doing that, anyway. while you're there, if you can take any classes, do anything while in the prison system. do it. do whatever you can, you know, to help you out. then when you get out, have a little bit more education. do what you can while you're locked up. >> he just wanted to talk to somebody. i guess it helped him out. he had somebody to talk to. someone to bounce something off of. >> all right. >> take it easy. >> yep. >> bye. >> it meant a lot, because that's all i wanted, and i could just see when he was talking to me when he was talking to me that he was just trying to help. >> sean denbraven's time at kent county is most likely coming to an end as well. he's headed to court to be sentenced for biting his mother
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and assaulting his father. >> just waiting basically. got my court hairdo going. >> you forgot to shave this morning. >> i forgot to shave this morning which is terrible. but i think i'll probably survive. but, yeah. >> and the mean, old deputy wouldn't give him his razor because he missed last call. >> my fault. i wasn't on the ball. yep. >> serving time in the minimum security unit, he developed a rapport with deputy earley. >> he's not a bad kid. but hence the kid part. >> i'm obnoxious every once in a while. hopefully after today i won't be here at all ever again. hopefully. >> i hope i never see you again. >> fingers crossed. >> but then again -- >> at the quickie mart. >> or like bodet, we'll keep the light on four. >> thank you. >> denbraven has twice been convicted of assaulting family members while intoxicated. the prosecution has recommended that he receive in-patient rehabilitation treatment. many inmates would consider
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themselves lucky to get rehab over prison, but not denbraven. >> i mean, i am an alcoholic. i do have a drinking problem. so, yeah, it probably will help me in the long run. it's just -- i don't want to do it. [ laughter ] >> are you both getting sentenced today? >> yeah. >> oh. >> what's going to happen to you? >> i'm just here for probation violation. >> can i give you a little sound advice? >> what? >> when you go in there, be respectful to the judge. >> absolutely. i got the politeness down to a science. >> let me give you another little bit of tidbit of advice. don't talk. just listen. >> that's another thing i was planning on doing. >> i'm a little bit nervous for sure. a little bit. i mean, i don't want to go spend another three months living at a rehab facility, you know. i want to go home and, like, be with my family. >> an you turn around for me? >> yes, i can. >> raise your hands. all right. on your knees.
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>> yep. you know, it's kind of degrading. really. i mean, being all shackled up like this like an animal. this isn't who i want to be. i don't want to be jailbird denbraven. i want to get out of here and be an upstanding citizen and be a good boy and not come back to jail. shotgun. i call shotgun. coming up -- >> food was excellent back then. cheeseburgers, french fries, shrimp, bowl of eggs with toast. don't have that no more. >> randy hudson recalls a bygone era. and he faces a new world. >> get on out. >> where are we going? >> i don't know. that's quite a bright t-shirt. >> i know. and pajama pants. >> that's quite the outfit. t me. ah uh, i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? here's one...get an allstate agent. nice! switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate.
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a lot has changed at the kent county jail since randy hudson first started coming here in the late 1970s. and hudson says that all the changes are for the better.
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>> you could smoke back then in here. buy cigarettes. it was cool smoking. back then. nothing like after eating a meal, gets to smoke a cigarette. you can't do that no more. the food was excellent back then. cheeseburger, french fry, shrimp. boiled eggs with toast. don't have that no more. >> hudson has had more than 130 stays at the kent county jail, and all of his arrests in one way or another have been rooted in drug and alcohol addiction. >> how you doing, randy? >> good there, gary. >> haven't seen new a week. >> yeah. yeah. i've been hanging in there. >> i've known him since he's been working here. i was 17, 18 when i came until here. >> i'll be 54 this month. i need to get a girl that's a little older, wanting to settle down a little bit. you know. >> need somebody to put you on a leash and a tether, slow you down? >> yeah. there you go.
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yeah. >> i have a feeling i'll retire and he won't. he'll keep coming back. >> all right. take it easy. >> yeah, thanks. >> a few days later, hudson learned he will not be returning to the jail any time soon. his judge has given him a sentence of 1 1/2 to 15 years in prison for felonious assault. >> i've been here going on almost four months. it's stressful, depressing. it's a relief when you know what you've got to do and you can start planning things. you know? >> hudson will soon be transferred to state prison. he has had well over 100 jail stays and this will be his fourth prison term. >> i call these really dark days, you know, because my past always seems to haunt me. it never goes away. you know? so i guess the best thing you could do is just don't come back to jail or prison, and choose a better way of life. you know? stay away from drug, alcohol, whatever. what keeps you making you come back.
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>> hi, guys. straight in against the wall. >> at 20 years old, sean denbraven is 33 years younger than hudson, but has seen alcohol lead to two convictions for domestic violence. his first victim was his sister. now he has just been sentenced for the second charge, in which he assaulted his parents. >> so pretty much went as well as it could go. i'm getting released. got three years of probation. got $2,398.50 worth of fines and it says i have to go to rehab and not be a jackass for three years. >> you got to change out. >> this is the room. this is the room. >> the paperwork. >> denbraven will trade in his jail uniform for the clothes he was wearing the night of his arrest. >> all right. step out so he can change. >> those clothes are his pajamas. >> all right. let's get on out. where are we going?
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>> i don't know. that's quite a bright t-shirt. >> i know. pajama pants. i'm pretty sure that's my dad's blood, probably. >> from what? >> from when i beat his face in. >> why would you do a thing like that? >> because i was blacked out drunk and going ham on the universe. >> well -- all right. >> yep. >> we'll go this way. >> all right. >> it's been a crappy three months. you know? it sucks. and i really don't want to come back to jail. i pretty much figured out i don't want to go out and, like, drink and be stupid. >> intake, one release at door four. and we go. >> i think i've grown up a little bit. i've realized -- i was still holding on to that, like, high school party mentality. you know, but since i've been in jail, you know, i've realized i did it already. get a job and stop being a jackass and, like, maybe try to do something with my life. that's my dad and my mom right there and it's delicious out
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here. it just tastes so good. >> i'm sure i could -- >> i'm not telling you not to. >> good to see you. >> it's good to see you, too, dad. >> oh -- group hug. group hug. >> we feel relieved. we got what we hoping for. no more jail time. he's just sentenced to probation. and to go through rehab. you know, he's excited about putting his life back together. we're excited about him putting his life back together. so -- it's a big relief to be going -- the next step. ♪
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. i can be your best friend, at the same time, if you cross me or do me wrong, i can be your worst enemy. >> an inmate with a record dating back to age 14 comes to terms with his past and present. >> i'm not coming back. >> i'm sure i heard that last time. >> beat up bloody and beat up on grandville avenue, thrown down the stairs with my bra and underwear in the snow. >> she was once a school


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