tv The Cycle MSNBC September 2, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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icy is in u.s. cross hairs. >> we've talked about isil for many months and as i've said before, we were very closely monitoring and tracking their progress, their growth, their development, well before they rolled into mosul. so this is not an organization that we haven't been watching. the speed with which they took control of the north in iraq, definitely got a lot of people's attention. and i've said that publicly, too. nobody expected that four divisions of the iraqi arm were just going to fall the way they did. so there was a speed there that certainly was -- did not go unnoticed. but there is an organization we've been long watching. >> we heard a desperate plea from steven's mother just last week. sotloff was kidnapped more than a year ago inside syria and isis had threatened to behead him after the execution of james tolly.
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e isis is also threatening to kill british worker david haines. we could hear from david cameron at the present time now. all of this news breaking on the heels of a new report iey isis is guilty of amnesty. president obama is leaving for a summit in wales. some are calling this nato meeting the most important since the fall of the berlin wall. eamon, nice to have you back. with this latest video, if confirmed obviously showing the beheading by isis of journalist tea steven sotloff, what is isis'
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goal? their stated goal is to promote islamic state. why are they intentionally provoking the u.s.? >> i'm not sure that they are necessarily trying to provoke the u.s.. i think isis is in a territorial acquisition state. and trying to hold on to it. i don't think they're trying to start a fight with the united states. i think that they are in a fight with the united states. but i think sometimes this notion that they will come and attack the u.s. for ideological reasons is premature. there is definitely massive ideological difference. they are enemies. but right now if isis wanted to engage in an ideological war with the u.s., they can go to turkey, carry out a about himming in bombing in istanbul. so when they are carrying out attacks like this, i think more likely they are trying to shape u.s. policy inside syria and iraq. >> we watch this from our vantage point. we see one of our open beheaded,
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it's horrific. i think our hearts have sunk this afternoon. you've spent so much time over there and it seems like this is actually consistent. that these types of killings. this is not necessarily out of the norm. >> oh, you're spot on. first of all, keep in mind isis, precursor was al qaeda in iraq. they were carrying out be headings of americans all the way back in 2004, 2005. this is what their m.o. is. and just a few days ago,beheadi way back in 2004, 2005. this is what their m.o. is. and just a few days ago, they beheaded a lebanese army officer, they have killed syrian soldiers and have been involved in be headings oig, max executions, crucifixions, lashes. this is a barbaric movement. this is not a political movement. it these are barbarians.
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>> i'm not sure how you say they're not trying to row pok a war or battle with the united states. they seem to be saying come and fight us. he's saying obama, this is your fault. this is on you. your blood is on -- his blood is on your hands. this is a warning to back off and leave us alone. aren't they trying to create a situation where we fight them there? >> actually, you had the second part of that correctly which is they're not saying come fight us. they're saying if you come fight us, this is what will happen. so what they're trying to say to the u.s. is stay out of this part of the world. stay out of iraq, stay out of syria, we're trying to build a state and of course a barbarian state. but at the end of the day, they're saying this is what we want to do and trying to keep america hands off. if you come and attack us, we will capture and kill and come fight you this your cities, in
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your towns. >> let's bring in congressman john larsen, a connecticut democrat, served on the armed services committee who blames congress for being awol on the issue of isis. congressman being thank you so much for being with us. >> happy to be with you. >> so this light of the latest news, albeit unconfirmed, you have plabeen calling on congreso come back from break to deal with the threat there isis. do you feel both congress and the president have been too cautious in their approach thus far? >> well, first of all, let me he commend the president for his caution. but also let me add that it was commend the president for his caution. but also let me add that it was commend the president for his caution. but also let me add that it was caution. but also let me add that it was august 31 of 2013 that the president said to congress we stand militarily ready to act in syria on several fronts. we're waiting for the congress to respond deferring to know he's commander in chief to the constitutional authority that
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resides in congress. there are main that femt we shouldn't have left. for an assortment of reenlgason. but clearly the way that events have unfolded here, it's the responsibility and obligation of congress to make sure that when we're talking about the authorization of military force and the commitment of america, whether it be by air or by boots on the ground, that this is very serious. and that we have to take these events seriously and then sort them out as i believe the previous speaker was talking about. what are we facing here? is this another failed state, are these terrorists, is this -- what is the situation with this information are nation of the calipha caliphate. what is the responsibility of the regional partners. americans are no question he about it war weary, with y but
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they're most weary of is the united states being at the point of the sphere, being out there alone. with other nations whether to s see us twist in the wind. today we had things unfolding over north korea, the strike on al shabaab, of course the escalation and another horrific beheading. it requires the attention of congress. we're the elected representatives of the people. we should be there doing the work of the people. >> congressman, one of the things we've been hearing from both republicans and democrats since the murder of james foley is that isis must be defeated. and an assumption baked in to that is that the united states is capable of bringing about the defeat of isis in a way that does not expose our military and our people to undo risk. do you think that's a reasonable assumption or should we be
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talking about the possibility -- >> i think that's apassumption that has to be debated. i think it's an assumption that we need charity of hearing from all of our intelligence. and hearing also from whether or not a bombing mission can actually be successful, has bombing as a method actually worked. you can point historically to vietnam and say no. and so i do think this is something where congress needs to be engaged and we need to engage the american public because it is war weary. and we need to differentiate between what is the ideological threat and the real threat here that exists with isis and what kind of strategy going forward that we need to employ as a nation. what do we need to do in terms of our foreign policy. and that needs the active participation of the congress,
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as well. >> knowing what you know right now, if if a vote came in front of you to authorize war against isis, would you vote for that? >> i think that that is just it. a bill should come before us. and then a vote too be taken. if we're going to be authorizing military force, congress can't afford to sit back and be arm chair quarterbacks about this. based on what kind of a particular strategy, meaning are we going to have the regional players there and most important to the american people, what is the exit strategy here. iraq has been like the labria tar pit of all foreign policy and we have to make sure that there is an opportunity here and i do believe this for the nation to come together, for us to come together both as a congress and with the president to address a common foe, in this case isis. >> i think that's right. but would you vote for or
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against that authorization? >> depending upon what was in front of us would determine my vote. i think you have to vote on this issue. and if the issue included regional cooperation with a defined exit strategy and the mission has been defined, i would support the president. >> eamon, i want to bring you back in. are there any easy options? because you have folks saying ultimately this will lead to more militarization. but is that the answer? you you could also say that could make the situation worse. that would poke an enbigger hole in the hornet's nest. >> i want to take a step back and go up to 10,000 feet and look where we've come. al qaeda was at first a small organization in afghanistan. it's metastasized and morphed into different groups and now we have even a more extreme group before before that, al qaeda in iraq. we got isis which is even more
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extreme. you hear it all the time. this is not simply a military problem. so it can't be solved militarily. what you have to dry out the ideology, push the arab countries to take ownership of this problem and really address the political governance in the region to try and make the societies there better. what we're seeing is the collapse of state institutions across the region in countries, maps being redrawn and you'll have this problem inside you try to address it with a lot of different ways not militarily. >> congressman, one more to you. you were on the armed services committee -- >> buy the by the way, i agree that assessment. when you ask for an up or down vote, you have to weigh all of that information in front of you. >> that's right. sir, do you know of intel that would tell you that the american
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homeland is endangered currently from isis? >> i do not. and in fact again another reason is that we've heard reports from both the fbi that that is not the case. while at the same time,s that is unfolding, we heard from our leadership in the department of defense about how this was a serious and critical issue. that is why all sides of this argument have to be weighed and engaged in a thoughtful and deliberative manner and that's why i believe congress needs to be back. >> all right. congressman john larsen, and of course eamon, thank you so much both of you for your insights. much more breaking coverage ahead. word from the white house inside the terror world. and is there a military option? "the cycle" rolls on. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain,
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i've not seen those reports. that may have just happened while i've been standing up here. >> white house press secretary seeming to find out about the second beheading along with the rest of us this afternoon. president obama leave this is our for an overseas trip. peter alexander was in the room during the briefing. what are you hearing from your sources? >> we know president obama will walk out to marine one in a matter of moments. producers are already out on the south lawn. there is no podium, so it appears as though the president may not say anything about what is the latest video of showing what is believed to be the execution of steven sotloff. remember it was another day that
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passed after james foley's brutal execution before the president spoke at the time he was traveling in martha's vin yard. within the last half hour or so, i spoke to a spokesperson for teach sotloff's family who says that the family right now is grieving.sotloff's family who s that the family right now is grieving. they are a waiver tware of the video but that the family is waiting for any confirmation for the video to be authenticity indicated. as we speak more broadly, it's important to note u.s. officials have believed they think sotloff was killed immediately after foley last month and that isis was holding on to that video until a day of their choosing for the maximum impact. obviously theed a hin administration sending it
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condolences. we heard from jen psaki calling it sickening. >> peter alexander, thank you very much for that report. let's turn now to ron fournier, columnist for the national journal. i think the reason why they wanted obama to become president is because i will not overreact and during his presidency he has always head at a timed against overreaction. do you think in a situation like this that he should continue to be cautious? >> oh, yeah, i think any commander in chief needs to be cautious and deliberative even as they at that titake the grav, military action. but he's in a catch 22. like you say, he is president and in large part this response to the public's dismay with the perception that president obama was not deliberative and rushed to judgment and cooked the books on the war in iraq. and now we have a president who
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is not hawkish, but also appearing weak. and the american public, we're pretty fickle. we don't want our presidents to be hawkish, but we also don't want them to be weakish and the president hasn't figured out how to thread that needle. >> and pew research has a poll that just came out that gives us a sense of what americans are most afraid of given our national security. number one, being extremist groups like isis, two thirds think isis is a major threat. so as you were pointing out, we're a very war weary nation, but on the other side, i think a lot of us are scared. we don't know the real threat that isis opposes and we want the president to act, we want him to protect this nation. >> can i show you polls that show as you you suggest that overwhelming majority of americans don't want us to be less involved in the world. but you're right, they do see this as a big threat. isis. because they have eyes. they can see what these animals are doing.
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they have heard from other administration officials saying that isis opposes a direct and immediate threat to the united states. and yet the president has a very lean-back type of public posture. he's doing some things in private we can tell, we're seeing air strikes in iraq for example. and we had strikes in somalia which i know aren't directly related, but he obviously is a man not afraid of taking military action. but he's -- not only did he underestimate that group months ago by calling it jv, but he's been understating the risks as the spokes person and explainer in chief to the public. and that's heaurting him politically. >> in some ways isaiis is a cautionary tale. they were able to rise because of the vacuum created in iraq following our invasion there. so i don't think caution is a bad thing at all here. but is there a way to explain caution to the american people and to the world without appearing weak? >> first, you don't say things like i don't have a strategy yet
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in syria. it may be that you haven't fully forme your strategy, you're already and speaking for the president here, he's already taking action in iraq against isis. he's already killing a lot of these animals. i can't think of a better word for them right you now. but he hasn't figured out how to go into syria and fight this terrorist now. but he hasn't figured out how to go into syria and fight this terrorist state. >> even prior to that particular comment, there was a criticism that the president is being too cautious, that he's not explaining effectively to the american people. what is the case and what does he need to say to explain why we need to be cautious here? >> well, first, obviously the most important hinge thing is w you do. he has to fight them in iraq. he has to build a coalition of muslim and arab states that are also willing to take on isis. and he can't be taking options off the table in my opinion. i don't want to see another war in the middle east. probably not the best thing for
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us to do. but why would we take boots on the ground off the table when dealing with what might be an existential threat. then he has to explain very honestly with the public what it is he's doing and to at least look like he takes it seriously. you can't do things like give a very grim statement about the be heading owing of james foley and then five minutes later pictures taken of you golfing.owing of j then five minutes later pictures taken of you golfing. suptsers will say that he's just optics. and i've never criticized a president for what they do on vacation. but optics are important. it's also the message you're spending to our enemies. >> it seems one of the reasons we don't have a strategy yet in syria and the president has seemed somewhat at a loss about what to say about it, it's not clear exactly what we can do productively in the situation especially in syria. >> we don't want to help assad
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obviously. but we've already given assad 18 months of free reign after drawing a red line. >> so what is the way to message the existence of terrible problems in the world that the united states can't necessarily do anything productive about? is there a way to say that without looking weak shall. >> you just did a pretty good job. you don't say the world is safer than 20 years ago, but now people have social media. that's what he said last friday. that's insulting. we know it's scarier now and that's not just because of social media. there was media before there was social media. so to treat the threat resto rhetorically as seriously as i presume he's treating it in the situation room. >> ron fournier, thank you very much. we are waiting to see if the president makes a statement before leaving. we'll bring to you if it
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following breaking you news this hour, apparent beheading of a second american journalist, steven sotloff. isis is also threatening to kill british aide worker david haines. david cameron announced tough new measures including a proposal to seize nationals who become radicalized and join islamic militant groups. they raised their terror alert levels. bill neely joins us live from london. thanks for being with us. give us a sense of how folks in the uk, how urgently they right now are viewing the threat from
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isis. >> well, it is an urgent threat and right now the british prime minister david cameron is being briefed by his security and intelligence people about this video which has not been authenticated. certainly not by u.s. officials. but the video contains a number of disturbing things from mr. camer cameron. the map who appears to kill steven sotloff appears to be exactly the same man dressed in black reasons who carried out the beheading of james foley. a man with a clear british accent and identified as british by uk security services. so that is obviously a worry. but the second worry is that at the end of the most recent video, there is a british citizen displayed, a man called david cawthorne haines who we believe was certainly two years ago fan aide workers kidnapped n syria almost immediately after he crossed the border from
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turkey. and there is a threat from the man with the british accent to those governments who would ally themselves with america. so david cameron is for the first time confronting a direct threat from isis and he will obviously be consulting with the president, the two of them will meet of course in the united kingdom later this week at the nato summit in wales. >> let's bring in mark ginsburg, former u.s. ambassador to morocco. one of the things that congressman john larsen mentioned earlier is that part of america's reluctance is they don't want to have to go to alone in terms of tackling the isis lethreat. isis is a global threat that has actually aligned america with some of our traditional enemies or antagonists. so why thens that been so hard for us to get backup and international coalition?that be
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for us to get backup and international coalition? >> that's a great question, but you let's understand that part of the problem here is that the largest powers, the larpest middle east powers that could help will us, turkey, as well as saudi arabia and jordan, have all had their own proxy wars going on in syria here. and so all of the 12 corners of the conflict have been all ratcheted up within these sunni states about what to do to confront iran, what to do to confront isis, what about al qaeda. so everybody has, shall we say, thrown mortar in to the pit and complicated the situation in a way that almost made it impossible for americans to understand. >> we just had congressman john larsen on talking about the importance of going at this together. this is obviously a global problem. but also the important of creating this united front here at home that we are all in this together, that we find a strategy that we can agree on
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together. and go forward with that. it doesn't seem at all like we are where we need to be in order to get the support of other global actors here. >> well, indeed. and it's part of the challenge here for the president is to not complicate this and tie himself up in knots over his failure to come up with strategy. let's divide this into ways in which your viewers can understand. there is a counterterrorism strategy to decapitate the head of isis. al baghdadi is either in mosul or rakka. if you kill the head of the state, if you chop off the head of the snake, you will wind up really harming the body of the organization. number two, you have kurdish forces as well as turkish capacity and iraqi military forces that have helped us recapture the mosul dam. we've provided air spupt for this. we can continue to provide the
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air support necessary in counterterrorism support, gee, after all, the president authorized a strike against al shabaab's leader yesterday. and he's been doing this all along. number three, the broader problem involves john kerry and the state department. mr. kerry has spent far too much time outside the theater of arab/israeli negotiations and in china and other places. instead of spending his time in saudi arabia, jordan and turkey to forge a coalition that can come back to say to the president, to the american people, we're prepared to put the boots on the ground if you're prepared to put the socks in the air. >> i see at least two components to the international corporation, one regarding what to do in the middle east and the other about responding to threats that may come into the europe and u.s.. we're seeing the europeans talking abotal talking about graeater information sharing. are we working well to prevent
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terror attacks here. >> >> i've known from my own experience this there is enormal amount of good cooperation between nato allies. just our nato intelligence support convinced the turks to stop permitting for example crude oil coming across their border and they have sealed their border to prevent many of these people who have come on -- come from europe to fight on behalf of isis from getting over the border. so also the british and french as well as other european union countries are sharing intelligence on how many fighters have made their way or wannabee fi with an that wannabee fighters have made their way. >> i think sometimes not acting is the long term thing for americans to do. but secretary hagel said the enemy always has a say. so even if we act, then we'll
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have to deal with the reaction from isis. >> you couldn't be more right. given the fact that we've seen these terrible beheadings, the aga aga genocide, it clearly violates. i'm not suggesting the choice is putting boots on the ground. the choice has caught the president in a situation where there is a strategy that could satisfy the reluctance of the american people to be involved in a conflict that has no end, that has to be resolved among sunni states, that realize that their religion is being hijacked. and so at the same time, we have the capacity one of leadership, two of the air campaign we can launch, the drone strikes that we can take against isis. frankly, if we understand that there is only 17,000 of these
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jihadi terrorist criminals, it shouldn't become that much of an issue from a military point of you view. the real point of view is ultimately how to you begin extricating yourself from what essentially is a sunni/shiite war that syria has put front and center after centuries of it never existing. >> as you know president obama is headed to a nato meeting in europe. take us inside what those conversations regarding how to deal with isis, what will those be like. >> well, the most important thing is that the president realizes that he has enormous pressure and he will have to explain to congress what his strategy is. number two, he's getting pressure from prime minister cameron and probably the drenfr to increase support for the kurds. turkey is a nato member and the gorilla in the room. turkey has an extraordinarily
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well equipped military force. it can move a division into northern syria the day after tomorrow and probably in-niannie three quarters of isaiis if iit chose to do so. they thoo should be putting pre on the new president of turkey. >> amambassador, thank you so much. straight ahead, we will hear from a friend of steven sotloff. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks.] right on cue.
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of the video for maximum impact. when you look he videos of both men, it looks like the same video away the same time and the same executioner with the british accent. >> there are similarities before the background of the barren desert, the orange jump suit that they're both wearing, the voice of the killer appears to match. but there are a few possible discrepancies there. some have said that sotloff appears to have more facial hair, a little more hair on his head. he appeared very clean shaven at the end of the foley video several weeks ago. so it's not clear that these were -- that these killings took place at the same time or place necessarily. >> nbc won't show the video. i imagine most of traditional
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media will not show it. youtube will block it as quickly as possible. so most americans are not going to see this individual i don't and that is off justly the right decision. but some say the sanitization of war images, people don't know how bad war really is. do you think if a large number of americans would actually see the video, it will chaepg our will toward isis? >> i'm sure that it would have that kind of impact. these are really emotional things to have to see. and i think you see that to a degree among officials in washington. the way president obama responded to the killing of foley a couple weeks ago is i think -- he came to the cameras in a much more emotional manner than we're accustomed to seeing him. so it's not just every day americans affected by the groups
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and images. it's some of our most senior officials. >> and what does isis hope to accomplish with these gruesome on-video be headings oig other than whatever the message they're trying to send to the u.s.? do these serve as effective propaganda, recruitment, even fundraising tools? >> that's interesting. i think that -- i've talked to u.s. counter terrorism officials who think that there are two sides to this. on the one hand, brutality of these videos really alienates a lot of people in iraq or syria who might be otherwise inclined to consider supporting a group like the islamic state. but on the other hand, they're highly effective at ycowing a population, at scaring and eliminating opposition just through shear intimidation.
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so objectives are several. including their stated follgoal trying to block u.s. policy in the middle east, but also to draw as much attention to themselves. this is an organization trying to establish itself the as the r re repremiere islamist in the world. >> isis engaged in a rein of terror in iraq and syria. what sense are you getting from people in the national security community about the perception that isis -- >> the key factors here are the numbers of westerners who colluding perhaps a dozen or more americans who have gone to
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syria or iraq to fight alongside isis. we had a case of an american who killed himself in a suicide bombing earlier this year, he was not affiliated with the islamic state, but with a rifle organization. but he did a lap through the united states. he came back to this country before returning to syria to carry out that operation. so the real worry among counterterrorism officials is what if one of these guys slips through, carries out an operation in the united states or in europe. >> that's a real concern. but greg, give us a tydeeper see as to what they are doing to recruit these westerners. to give our audience a better perspective, you have 100 americans that have been recruited, 500 or more british, 700 french. who are the most vulnerable and what is isis doing to lure them in? >> the most you vulnerable are the countries in europe and the middle east.
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it is so much easier for would d would-be fighters to try to become part of al qaeda. just logistically. but i think that also this organization has taken advantage of every media available. taken full advantage of twitter and other social media sites to try to reach out to these populations and position itself as a draw for recruits from these places. even the video that we're looking at today, this killer, the person who carries out this killing of the u.s. journalist, is speaking english. is an english-speaking militant who is wearing a black hood. he has a british accent it appears. and that is by design. >> yeah. very alarming. greg miller, thank you so much. does this video bring us closer to boots on the ground? we will talk about military options next. i got this.
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so i'm not saying we should have boots on the ground to invade. i'm saying we have to use military force precisely with specific objectives in mind to prevent them from having to come here. you guys had mohammed on last week from london, from england. he talks about the radicalization process. we need to stop that thousand. the more people they recruit and the strong horse imagery has a strong cultural significance to them. they're winning. as long as they're able to recruit, that increases the chances of them getting folks who will be able to do operations here because they're european or american and that is what we need to prevent right
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now. >> tony, you just said if we know they're coming for us. do we know. do we know this is a direct national security threat? >> you sound like pentagon efficients when they were trying to kill able danger. this is not some obscure idea that if we just treat them nicer, they will understand us and leave us alone. they have stated their objectives. no reason to doubt their objectives. so i'm not saying we have to t precise. i agree with mark again, if you take the head out, that's what we saw happen, we need to stop the same thing here. >> to form a caliphate in the
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middle east. it's not -- >> global. >> not everyone is a terrorist threat to the united states. in al qaeda's case it was but iraq it was not. >> i don't see any difference. they wish to have a caliphate will which take over the entire region and i'm telling you, if they do the region, you have other allies globally and put it all together, as if saying nazis only wanted europe and going to stop at the borders there. this is not something they are going to stop. this goes back to the tenth century. this is a radicalized version of a religion which does not represent that religion and needs to be stopped. >> we're waiting to hear from the president who is leaving on his overseas trip. we didn't hear anything from him when one of our own was beheaded, a united states jourmist. what should he have said? what do you say if you're president obama right now? >> first off, my condolences to
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the family -- >> we should say the video is not been confirmed by the white house yet. >> i'm pretty sure it is, if it is, we have to consider the fact that these guys are serious about doing what they say they are going to do. you have allies in the region, kurds and the shia iraqi who want to have atstability. i'm not saying we have to decide the governance of iraq, we have to believe if they are a threat or not and take action to neutralize them. you're not going to be able to get radical islam. before we go forward to figure out the solution, which i believe is a nato type organization that consists of saudis and jordanians and turks. nato worked good for europe, i think we should look at the long-term solution for this sort of thing within the region we're talking about right now. >> thank you so much. we'll be back with a final word right after this.
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all right, that does it for "the cycle", coverage continues next on "now", which starts right now. today the white house is seeking to confirm a beheading video of yet another american by isis, two weeks after the execution of james foley. it's tuesday, september 2nd and this is "now". >> this is a brutal barbaric organization. ♪ >> there are reports that isis has released a video showing the execution of u.s. journalist
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steven sotloff. >> i can't confirm those press reports right now. >> if the video is genuine, we're sickened by the brutal act taking another life of a u.s. citizen. >> isis represents a very complex new threat to the world. >> other extremist groups have been emboldened by isis' success. >> the president shaz sahas sai not going to be forced into doing something. >> there's not a regional consensus on what to do about syria. >> war is not the only option. >> how do you dry up reservoir of this ideology in the region? sthas not going to happen with any air strikes. >> we need to think first and shoot second. >> i'm luke russert in for alex wagn wagner. another video purports to show the behe
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