tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 3, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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2010, michigan and montana and north carolina and ohio and tennessee, almost all of them swing states. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. herein. the ed show is up next. take care. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show", live from detroit lakes, minnesota, let's get to work. >> our objective clear, to degrade and destroy isil. >> we're still thinking about it. >> we're very clear on what objectives are. >> seems like the white house message is struggling. >> we've made the case to congress and american people. >> i'm not trying to psychoanalyze the president here. >> he has a real psychological problem. >> convert them or kill them. >> he's too cautious. >> the united states will hold
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them accountable too no matter how long it takes. >> the things the president has said and stood for which have been completely wrong. >> we'll follow them to the gates of hell. >> thanks for watching. we'll follow them to the gates of hell, but if you're a conservative, that's not good enough. we start with outright republican criticism over president obama's handling of the isis crisis. it's out there and it's abound. the day after an american journalist steven sotloff was murdered by isis, president obama con telled the killing. >> whatever they think they'll achieve by killing innocent americans like steven, they have already failed. they failed because like people around the world, americans are repulsed bir their barbarrism and will not be intimidated and
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horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen the resolve against these terrorists. >> as a conservative, that's not good enough. we need more. a short time later president obama said it's going to take the international community to combat isis. >> we will know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink isil's sphere of influence, its effectiveness and financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. >> going gone it, that's too thought out, too we have a plan. americans aren't ready for that, at least conservatives aren't. republicans are shamelessly using isil to slam the president of the united states as another
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day at the office. lindsey graham criticized the president immediately after sotloff's murder after giving condolences to the sotloff family, time to turn political. he says this, condemnation is not enough to deal with the scourge. it is time, we act decisively against isil wherever it is. if you can come up with a strategy, at least tell us what the goal is regarding isil. it's almost sickening. this country cannot get orn the same page about anything. graham's buddy, john mccain, still a grumpy old man and can't forget the 2008 outcome jumped all over the president again, he used the bogus argument, we should have left troops in iraq, that's the talking point he's using. >> all of this didn't have to happen. we could have left a force behind in iraq that would have stabilized iraq and we're paying and credible price for the president's leading from behind,
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whether it be in iraq or syria or libya or a number of other countries in the middle east. we are seeing the chickens coming home to roost. >> we are paying an incredible price because of president obama. that's what mccain says. this doesn't have anything to do with mop it up, the invasion of 2003, does it? as we pointed out on the program before, president bush negotiated the exit agreement with iraq, president obama wanted to leave some troops behind but maliki would not grant the american troops amnesty which would have put america in a legal tight rope. president obama is using a stern coherent and thoughtful approach. many republicans like mccain, they are not holding back. >> isis, what are we going to do about them tha? >> kill them, they've got to be destroyed and you've got to have a goal, the president does and we have to have a strategy to fit that goal and policies that
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will implement it. we have none of the above. >> so we haven't killed any isis people at all? we haven't killed any of these terrorists? i mean we just keep hearing that air strikes are intensifying but they are not hitting anybody. mccain is not connected with what's happening. the fox news talking heads are even worse. gerald do wants to sink to the level of isis, he tweeted, the president finally declared a strategic goal to degrade and destroy isis, we must hold him to it, behead the isis butchers. because you do say you're a journalist, you want the united states marines to be on the ground and capture isis and cut their head off? that's what you want american troops to do? things really went off the deep end on hannity's show last night. mr. duck dynasty, phil robertson
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has a genius plan to take down isis, convert or kill. >> thin this case, you either he to convert them, which i think is would be next to impossible, i'm not giving up on them but i'm saying either convert them or kill them. one or the other. >> that's going -- >> maybe that time has come and gone so i think that with this ideology that we're faced with, this is like street gang, street thugs on steroids. >> oh, yes, what a very innovative way to advocate for war. they are just like guys out on the street that break the law in america. let's take them down. lemts not ask any questions and let's just shoot first and think about it later. convert or kill. you know, phil robertson, maybe you should get your grand kids to arm up and go out and good
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isis, it's absurd he wants to take a page out of a isis playbook and use the convert and kill strategy, it is exactly what they are doing throughout syria and iraq. another thing, i wonder how many good christian preachers you can get to back you up on that comment that maybe it's time to convert or kill. the conservative rhetoric on isis is talk but most of all, it is smear on the president. republican criticism over president obama as i see it is way out of proportion. it's par for the course these days no matter what the president does, republicans will slam him for it. president obama is doing the right thing with targeted air strikes which are intensifying and the president is not buckling to this terrorist propaganda. and one thing that the republicans have most of all now is amnesia. i remember in gulf war one, we had to wait for george h.w. bush to get a doucoalition to go aft
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saddam. i remember before we went into iraq in 2003, that we gave president bush all of the latitude in the world to juggle the intelligence and get the american people to think we're 45 minutes from a mushroom cloud. i remember the coalition of the willing, why can't we get a coalition of the willing right now? it's because we've made so many mistakes in the past and this president is trying to get it right. now he has the guts to go to nato and say, you know what, all of you guys have got to buck up. we've got to find out who in nato wants to get the job done. when it comes to the russians and we've got to find out if wefl a coalition of the willing to go after isis. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, would republicans like to follow phil robertson's foreign policy playbook? text a for yes and b for no. 67622. you can leave a comment at our blog and we'll leave you the results later on at the show. leave it to fox news and sean
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hannity to try to find an expert on what to do with american foreign policy. i think i'll pass. for more, let me bring in a gentleman who has been there and been in the public arena and been an ambassador and negotiator. former new mexico governor and former a.m. bass mbassador to t bill richardson. i appreciate your time. >> thank you, nice to be with you. >> you bet. there seems to be no patience, no room given to this president in a very tough situation. mr. ambassador, what are our options as you see it at this point when americans are getting their heads cut off? >> i think you're absolutely right. i was around the 9/11, gulf war, there was bipartisanship. there were disagreements over tactics but in the end, we came together. i think the president's options are one, you've got to build a
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coalition. you can't just do military air strikes. they are working and you pointed out they are succeeding with helping the kurds and succeeding in iraq, but there has to be a diplomatic strategy, ed, that involves arab countries. the good news is there are a lot of entities in countries that hate isis, hezbollah, iran, iraq, the gulf states, saudi aarabia, you have to build that support but most importantly in this nato meeting which you also pointed out, we've got to get allies and french and germans to help us with some of the air strikes. it can't just be the u.s. alone. what is needed here is let's get behind this country. let's get behind the president. he is being i think very systemic about developing a coalition policy that involves military, that involves diplomatic options, that
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involves economic sanctions and we've also got to get those wealthy arabs to stop funding isis, let's be smart and collect the best intelligence. so look i fully agree with the points you just made. >> mr. ambassador, it's inestable that something happened in syria, if isis is penetrating the countryside and we don't go get them, who's going to do it? we're not going to go it alone. we tried it before and it didn't work. the geographical territory that isis has in syria, it's only going to build. so this is really the predicament right now. the question is being asked to congress by a lot of people, would you support air strikes in syria. is that an option that we really have to consider. your thoughts? >> well, i think we have to consider that, ed, because this
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is a very strong movement that is getting stronger every day. but we have to be systemic. you don't want to do air strikes in syria that help assad who is our enemy, who has been anti-the united states, been a human rights violator and chemical weapons, so we have to with our best military precision and we've got the kind of military that can make those targeted assessments, we have to do it right. we can't just bomb indiscriminately. we have to find ways to do it successfully and decisively but it would really help if the french and germans and our nato allies that are also threatened by isis, the saudis and the united arab emirates and qatar, coalition of the willing that can be strong and be united. the u.s. can't do it alone. >> yeah, well, bill, that tells
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us that -- history tells us that that takes months. and so this is not going to fit the 24/7 news culture that this country has become addicted to and our expectations of solutions. so this is going to be a long process, isn't it? >> that's right. you know, i remember, i was around, i'm that old, fs a congressman and secretary of state james baker made over 30 trips to syria to get syria to endorse our efforts, assad's father in the gulf war against saddam hussein. he got it. but it took 30 trips. we built the coalition that was very strong. but the point is there were debates in congress in the end, we came together as a country and i worry that in this time where americans are being beheaded and the national interest requires bipartisanship, that everyone seems to want to take political shots and this is not the time
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for that to happen. >> bill richardson, great to have you with us, we appreciate your time so much. let me bring in e.j. dionne, columnist for the "washington post." the president came out in the last 24 hours and said that justice will be done. why isn't that good enough for the guy who got osama bin laden? >> you know, there are times when i wonder and maybe this is unfair, that if president obama dropped a nuclear weapon on someone, the response on other side would be he's week because he didn't drop two or three or five. i mean the fact of the matter is, what ambassador richardson just said is very important. go back to the first president bush, when saddam hussein invaded kuwait, he didn't sort of hit back the next week. he didn't hit back the next month. he took months to do two things to build up american forces in the region and to build a very broad coalition of support. >> but obama gets none of that.
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he gets no room at all to do that. >> i think that the time is so partisan and the attitude is that if obama does x, the opposite of x must be true. and it's a real -- it's a real problem. again, you go back to that first war, a lot of democrats voted against the war in congress. there was a real debate. it was an open debate. but because of the way bush handled it, he didn't make it partisan. we came together after that and we were far more unified. and what obama is doing right now is -- i know it is said he doesn't have a strategy. he's got a very clear strategy. we don't want this to turn into a sunni/shia battle. he's trying to get all of the sunnis against the horror of isis to come with us so this thing can work. >> e.j., what's your reaction to phil robertson's comment,
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convert or kill? the convert or kill plan. >> i guess my first reaction is i don't care if fox news thinks he's an expert, i don't particularly care what phil robertson says but when you think about it, that is so anti-thet cal to the ideas that the united states propounded in the world. what do we stand for? we stand for religious freedom and openness. the very thing we're trying to do in the world is unite people across religious lines and christians and jews and muslims and others who are opposed to this religious toe tal tear yanism, why fox had him on there saying that, i guess they have to answer that question. >> e.j. dionne, good to have you with us tonight here. i appreciate your time. former governor bill richardson, thanks for your time. remember to answer tonight's
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question and share your thoughts on twitter and on facebook. i'll be podcasting about this subject tomorrow. coming up, caught on camera, a blogger is arrested for videotaping, just videotaping a public republican event. later in the show, she'll be here with her attorney to tell ugs why she was wrongfully arrested. but first, a 49ers player accused of domestic violence puts the new nfl policies to the test. trenders is next. stay with us. what would happen... if energy could come from anything? or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything.
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i am so noh my, it's not even funny. driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites.
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decided and we are reporting here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> the number three trender, ted talks sfwl the tea party texan took a swipe at the bore rogue while talking about border security. >> listening to chuck schumer lecture john corn inand me and border security. i understand that manhattan is concerned with their security with the bronx. >> no, you didn't. >> but it's a different on 2,000 miles of the rio grande. >> cruz gets the bronx cheer for his borough bushing. >> ted cruz' willingness to traffic in the outdated stereo types of past decades is disgusting and tote a devoid of the truth. >> that's the afp approach, we don't do anything halfway. >> the number two trender, exposed. >> massive hacking scab dal. >> why don't you take a picture, it will last longer. >> scandalous celebrity selfies go public. >> jennifer lawrence. >> rea han in.
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>> kate upton. >> her rep said these are fake. >> they were obtained through an icloud leak, this is a violation of policy. >> they are in big trouble, wire fraud, computer fraud and those crimes attack a lot of years in jail. >> it today's top trender, tackling violence, the league is toughening its stance on players charged with domestic violence. >> domestic violence and sexual saurlt are wrong. they are never acceptable and have no place in the nfl. >> the players will face a suspension of six gamgz without pay for first time offense and banishment from the league for a second. >> another domestic violence arrest puts the nfl's new policy in the spotlight. >> niners defensive lineman ray mcdonald was arrested after a domestic violence disturbance. >> 77 players have been involved in domestic violence incidents. >> do you have any comment? >> simply put, we have to do
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better and we will. >> joining us together, terrence moore, national sports columnist and professor at miami of ohio university. good to have you with us tonight. we were wondering how long it was going to take, the league clearly has got some issues but mcdonald's charges come days after the policy was institutesed on domestic violence, how could he have not known what the new policy is? what does this illustrate about the league? do they have to do more? >> i'll tell you, ed, there are a lot of bad things here and not necessarily with this. the nfl obviously is going to have to change how it does i.q. tests when it gets to players. how dumb can you be to be ray mcdonald, three days after the commissioner of football issues the toughest penalty known to man kind when it comes to domestic violence as far as professional sports is concerned, to pull something like this off. if you look at the police report, it's terrible.
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he's doing this against his pregnant girlfriend, strike number one. strike number two, it says that it involved him bruises on her arm and also on her neck. that's bad. then strike number three, this guy is 6'4", 300 something pounds, you talk about a coward, even before this happened with the commissioner, jim harbaugh, the coach of the 49ers, gathered his players in the room, don't even go there you're going to get nailed. this guy will not be designing space shuttles any time soon. >> terrence, does this signal to the nfl that six games isn't enough? first time domestic violence offense maybe they need to get tougher and need to look at it one more time. >> it's probably that and tells you how deep this problem is. look, this goes beyond ray mcdonald. this entire thing took place at his birthday party that he held for himself at his home. more than half of the 49ers team was at this party.
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the reason i bring this up is because you've got all of his teammates now kind of playing this sergeant shultz defense, from hogan hero, i know nothing like yesterday, vernon davis was asked, what did you see at the party? well, i don't know. i was leaving the party and saw cop cars around but never thought to ask what was going on. in other words, these guys are not holding each other accountable which makes it even worse and tells you even though roger goodell is doing the right thing he has a tough battle. >> what do you know about the league's plans to educate pla r players and personnel about the issue. the mentioned the coach talked to the team and there wasn't somebody there willing to step in and help this guy out in a situation in his own birthday party. there's a disconnect here, isn't there? >> well, there is but let's pick up on something else very huge
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here. we can't leave out what happened the last couple of days, the owner of the indianapolis colts who was as you say spends spended for six games, fined $500,000 for his various substance abuse problems and dui and those type of things. a lot of people are upset with this because they didn't think he got slapped hard enough, which is true. i bring that up because if you got a guy like that, who is in a high profile position and roger goodell said this himself, you have to really nail them. defenders of roger good ell, they don't get suspended and only fined $30,000 or $50,000 and this guy was fined $500,000. but there's also a provision that says that roger goodell to go to other owners and say, can we up this higher. it makes him look as if he's
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trying to do something tough and sends a message to the knuckle head players. >> one more thing, the dallas cowboys signed michael sam to the practice squad. what's your reaction to that? good move? >> let's get this out of the way. you've got jerry jones, owner of the dallas cowboys, mr. show dz biz, a lot of this has to do with the fact it's about that. jerry jones is the only nfl owner who does not split in the revenues he gets from selling his tee paraphernalia and michael sam's jersey sales number 7 of all sales. this is mostly a football move. dallas' defense has been awful forever here and they need this guy badly, particularly in the pass rush. michael sam has proven during the preseason he can play. 11 tackles and three sacks, this is also a guy who is a co-defensive player of the year of the greatest conference on pt
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face of the earth, sec, this is all about that. he needs michael sam and michael sam needs the dallas cowboys, it's a match made in heaven. >> all right, although i'm a big 10 guy, hold on on the greatest conference in the world stuff. >> i understand, well i was more -- i'll go with noter dame. >> all right, good to have you with us tonight. police, they are caught on tape arresting a blogger at a public event. what did she do? she joins us exclusively to give her side of the story. what happened at this republican event? plus, there's no place like home. eric can tore makes his debut on wall street again. ask ed live on the ed show on msnbc. we're right back.
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righties say we can't blame bush for war in iraq while they blame obama for the aftermath? bottom line is, they inherently. they can't put it into context because it's so easy. >> our next question is from jimmy, he wants to know, interesting here, what motivated you to start going solar? this of course is our story last night. we saw you how we went solar at the lodge up north. right up front, the money. it's not cost efficient to run diesel generators when you have solar power. what is it that this country doesn't get about that? that's right, the money. a big savings. it's a lot cheaper to go solar in the long run than it is to keep buying diesel fuel to keep the camp going. rapid response panel is next. i'm morgan brennan with your
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cnbc market wrap, dow adds 10 points and nasdaq sheds 25 points. the federal reserve released the latest report on regional economic activity. that showed growth in all areas of the country but weaker conditions in six of the fed's 12 districts and factory orders jumped 10% on strong demand for transportation equipment. and c and cvs will stop selling tobacco products a month earlier than expected. [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites.
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folks, it's all about you. it's a staple of our democracy, unless you're at a republican event in dausonville georgia, where a citizen journalist was dragged out simply for recording. atlanta's nbc station wxia has the story. >> i've got this bruise where the deputy was -- pushing his thumb. >> a week later, tisdale is still in pain. she was arrested while covering this rally last saturday. >> he slammed me against a countertop and bent me over. >> she said she had permission to shoot video and she was there recording splil speeches and it's not clear when preference was no longer welcome and it appears to begin with ralph
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hujins when he makes this comment. >> i thought he was going to absolutely puke listening to her. i don't know why you're videotaping but yes, i said that. >> she was later asked to leave but refused. finally she was forcibly removed by this dawson county sheriff's deputy. >> it's traumatic and emotional. i was doing absolutely nothing wrong. i had a video camera. and to use that much force. >> in the video, you can see dawson counter gop chairwoman walk out because she's so upset. >> i'm sorry that people are treating you this way. this is wrong. >> outrageous at best. joining me is citizen journalist nidya tisdale and her lawyer william finch. what were i doing to get arrested? i know you just said on the package story you weren't doing anything. but what happened? why were you arrested?
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>> i was sitting at the table rally and video recording the speakers the stump speeches and someone didn't want me to record and grabbed me and pushed me out and arrested me. it was -- >> you had been given -- you had been given permission to record, is that correct? >> yes, i spoke to an owner when i first arrived, mrs. cathy burke, and she offered me pumpkin pie and i explained what i do, i follow the candidates along the campaign trail, i film debates and film meet and greets and rallies and post them on youtube. and then i link to them and put them on my website, which is called about and facebook and twitter so voters can hear from their candidates and try to make an educated decision. >> so to be very clear, you weren't doing anything here that you haven't done before?
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you weren't boisterrous or using profanity or making a scene, fon of that was taking place, correct? >> correct, in three weeks earlier i had filmed a similar rally in the city of roswell, where the same candidates were present. and i filmed unfettered and had actually a very nice video that i put on youtube from the rally in roswell. >> mr. finch, the arresting officer was later cleared of any wrong doing. what's your response to that? and were your clients rights violated here? >> well, we think first of all that this investigation that took place was rather quickly done. there were 75 people or more that were present at burt's farm and this investigation concluded within two days of it being announced.
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i believe there are two witnesses listed on the police report. i think that's premature. to the second part, i believe my client's rights were violated. >> what's your course of action now? >> we'll be defending her in the state court of dawson county on the criminal charges. and we expect to file federal suits. >> the governor of jorng george, nathan diehl, was there. i'm told he was in the front row, number one, is that correct? >> yes. >> do you think he should have taken action? what about that? >> nid ya -- i don't hold him responsible. it was some campaign staffer or handler, one of the people in the entourage, clint bearden came and told me i had to turn my camera off or leave. he did not introduce himself. i didn't know his name or what
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legal authority he had over me. then another unnamed person likewise came up and made the same order and before i could even respond, this unnamed man had my arm twisted behind my back and pushing me out of tent. we went into the barn and pushed me into the store and my camera is still rolling as you see have seen the video, he pushed his body up into my body and eventually wrestled the camera out of my hand and grabbed my other hand and pushed it, twisted it behind my back as well. he was there for quite some time. i kept asking what is your name, sir, identify yourself? he did not provide any of that information. i had no knowledge of who he was by what authority he had to remove me or to ask me to stop recording because i had already spoken to the owner when i first arrived and several of the
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candidates and no one objected to me video recording. >> what does this say, nidya about this kind of treatment? what does it say about the republican party there in georgia? >> i don't know what it says about the republican party, mr. shultz, but i think that the campaign staff gets a little overzealous and over protective of their candidate. and i was no threat to anyone. i'm simply there with a video camera. it's a little tiny video camera. and to treat me with that much force, to shove me out of a campaign rally that was advertised as open to the public in the local newspaper and also on facebook, it was uncalled for and terrifying. and this was in a farm in dawson county, a pumpkin patch where kids go to buy pumpkins and take hay rides. i certainly didn't feel i was
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under any threat of being assaulted in a pumpkin patch when it wasn't even halloween. it was terrifying, i thought i would be safe at a place like that. >> let's see that camera again. hold that up. i mean, that's -- somewhat of a -- it's most people don't have those kinds of cameras unless they are going to use it for some kind of professional work. mr. finch, it's very clear what your client was doing and she's got a pattern of doing this. how -- what are your chances are being as you say sesful and reopening this investigation and having some justice on this seeing that from the evidence from what i can see, nid ya was somewhat brutalized. >> i don't see how we will ever be successful with the investigation that is taking place so far. it was conducted by sheriff billy carlisle in dawson county.
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i don't foresee any success there. now, if you're going to ask if an outside agency will come in and reach a different conclusion, i think that can happen. >> okay. keep up the good work. this is what america is all about. you're supposed to be able to go into crowds and do what you want and within the law, which you clearly did and they gave you no reason as to why you were arrested. it's really a travesty that this unfolded. thank you for joining us tonight and william fench, her representative, i appreciate your time as well. coming up, fast food workers nationwide plan for their biggest protest yet. stick around. we're right back on "the ed show."
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dignity. no denying a super truth. america deserves a raise. >> welcome back to the ed show. on monday, president obama highlighted the national food workers demanding higher wages. they will go on strike in roughly 150 cities across this country. this time around, seeking a $15 an hour wage are ready to be arrested in acts of civil disobedience as a way to step up pressure on the fast-food chains. well follow the strikes tomorrow. be sure to join us for the latest. joining us tonight, jennifer epps addson, direct over wisconsin jobs will be out reporting tomorrow for us in milwaukee. and also with us tonight, larry cohen, president of the communication workers of america. jennifer, you first. what are your expectations tomorrow? what do you think this will do? >> i'm looking forward to the biggest strikes this movement has seen yet. we've got 150 cities, including 14 here in wisconsin who are going out on strike tomorrow. and i think it's very telling three days after president obama
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came to milwaukee and said that if he was a service worker, he would want a union. in wisconsin we are seeing our biggest response yet and we're seeing more and more workers on the ground taking up arms ready to go on strike and do whatever it takes for their $15 an hour and the right to form a union. >> larry, is this long overdue? mr. cohen, what do you think of those? >> yeah. long overdue. and for those of us that aren't fast-food workers, those of us, our job is to stand up and protect those wokkers. wages in the u.s. are far too low. working types have far too few rights. and as a result, the demand side of the economy is depressed. fast-food workers are leading the way, amazingly. not just them, it is wal-mart workers, committee for better banks. people who want to organize, say to this president,y ready to join the union. we hospital government will
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stand up and support our rights. >> the service employee international union, they are encouraging home care workers, jennifer, to march alongside the fast-food workers. i mean, could this be the start of a real push that this country's never seen in years? what do you think? >> it absolutely is. when you look at the victories that have happened already, the raises and the minimum wage, when you've scent power the workers are building, you know this is a new forefront for organized labor. i really, you know, focus thon idea of organized labor. because what i've seen out of these fast-food workers is nothing short of the best organizing i've seen in all of my years and all of my years of being an organizer. these folks are in the office everyday. they are going out to job sites talking to workers thp when i left the office today, they were out there making confirmation calls, strikers, this is a real movement and we thank our brothers and sisters in organized labor whether that's ask me or cwa or sciu for supporting a whole new
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generation of labor activists. >> and jennifer, why are people willing to get arrested for this? why has it come to that? >> i was honored enough to be at the fast-food workers convention in chicago. table after table of people said we are toward do what it takes. we are here to stand up for our families and children. you have to remember there are hard-working americans, getting up and ready to go to work, trying to survive on 7.25. no one can support a family on 7.25. when you see the corporation you are working for raking in billions of dollars in profits yet paying you a poverty wage, you know something has to happen. these workers have done enough and we have to be willing to stand with them and demand a fair economy for everyone, not just the wealthy and powerful. >> what of impact can this have, mr. cohen pt where people are willing to say, go ahead, i will get arrested. >> i think it can be a spark for millions of workers who have no
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rights on the job. who don't have any collective bargaining. this slogan is $15 and union. it is not just a minimum wage campaign. it is a campaign about rights on the job. and some of these companies that own these fast-foodant priesz are the wealthiest in the world. they hide behind franchisers. and what we're all saying to them, whether we're a fast-food worker or not is that we're ready to stand up own fight back across this country so that workers in this country have a voice. that's what labor day should have been about and what we are ready to make it about as we move forward. >> and this is very important, after labor day, before the election, is that right, cohen? >> yes. and it is about economy in the country. not just what they want for us. and not just for the fast-food workers were but for all of them supporting them, which should be all of us, saying we are ready
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to make a difference. and that's what we're doing tomorrow. >> all right. we will have coverage of this tomorrow from numerous locations around the country. to see how this all unfolds. jennifer, larry cohen, great to have both of you with us tonight. thanks for your time. we'll be back tomorrow with the story. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. good evening, rev. >> good evening. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, justice will be severed. that was president obama's message today to the terror group, isis. today american intelligence officials confirm the authenticity of this isis video showing the beheading of a second american journalist, steven sotloff. and early this morning, the president made his strongest statement to date on isis. >> whatever these murderers think they will achieve by ki
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