tv Lockup Pendleton MSNBC September 5, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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beer in them. you want a delicious mexican beer, juice of one good lime. you want a couple teaspoons of a nice hot sauce, i recommend something like a chilula. two teaspoons of the magic ingredient here, which is called magi, which i don't freaking know what it is. you want equal parts of that and hot sauce and black pepper. and if you're really, really not watching your sodium intake, you should also salt the glass before you start the whole thing. my doctor won't let me do that anymore. so salt your glass. happy nfl season starting. congratulations. take care.
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america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day, it's a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down! on your feet! down! >> pendleton juvenile is the last stop in indiana for young offenders who have committed serious crimes. we spent months inside where the staff is determined to rehabilitate impulsive teens who are often angry and violent. this is "lockup: pendleton juvenile, extended stay." >> attention all units, we have a signal ten. hold all radio traffic.
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>> at pendleton juvenile correctional facility, 40 minutes east of indianapolis, staff must always be prepared for the unexpected. >> you just talk to me. >> calm down. don't hurt yourself. shauntee, stop. that's not helping nothing! shauntee. >> got to call medical. >> yeah. >> shauntee. he's punching himself right now. >> this maximum security juvenile facility houses some of the state's most challenging juvenile offenders. 19-year-old jacob is one of them. >> he just what? he did what? >> he hurt himself. >> i was in my office counseling a couple other kids and i looked out my window, and one of the kids that was sitting at the table here, i saw his head look out the door. and i knew he was looking at something. that wasn't normal, and so i
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yelled at him, "heath, what's going on?" and he went like that. and i knew he was telling me something, so i came to the door, saw the officer and mr. shauntee struggling. at first, i wasn't sure if it was horseplay or something, but it wasn't. it was real. and so i called for a signal ten. i could see it escalating. >> shauntee, come here! come here, come here! let me take care of the situation right here. calm down. don't do anything to yourself, okay? sit down, calm down. >> alanna shirk is a registered nurse on pendleton's 24-hour medical unit. >> you see things you're not going to see other places, but a lot of the kids are like him, you know. if you know how to deal with them, a lot of times if you treat them with respect, you'll get it back. not always, but it's just
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learning them. please. >> shauntee? >> take some breaths. i'll be right back. i'll be right back. >> i have been with him for a long time. i know when he's just playing or getting serious, and he was definitely serious. somebody could have really got hurt. he's strong. >> have a seat. have a seat. take a deep breath. what's going on? >> they want to take me somewhere. see if he can carry it out. >> who? >> [ bleep ] patrol officer. he's going to throw me in there. >> the nurse explains how a routine visit on his cell unit blew up in minutes. >> i'm real familiar with him and, actually, when i went in the unit, i seen him sitting there, and i kind of did this, just kind of joking. so, he came through the door because he wanted to talk to me, and he was asked to go back in and he didn't like the way he
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was asked, and he exacerbates really easily. >> anger isn't jacob's only problem. there are more disturbing issues in his background. >> he feels no pain. look at his arm. he's a self-mutilator. he cuts on himself for self-stimulation. i've been his counselor for two years i've been with him. i've had to restrain him three or four times. >> when he's angry, he tends to hurt himself, but a little one-on-one and, you know, just talking with him a little bit a lot of times works. will you contract with me right now that you won't do anything else? promise? okay. and then once you leave time-out -- you heard, once he's calm -- >> in about ten minutes i'm going to send him -- >> let him come down, and then i'll give him some one-on-one. i'll see you in a little bit, okay? all right. >> randall sawyer is the charge nurse in pendleton's medical unit. here, staff sees more than 150
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offenders a day for everything from daily med distribution to serious offender battery. self-cutting is also no surprise. >> a lot of them will cut on themselves for self-mutilation to relieve the anger. they say it just feels good. and it's sad that they have resulted in that, instead of just coming down here to talk to one of the medical staff. what are you doing in here to yourself? >> nothing. >> you said you punched yourself. >> i hit myself one time. >> what's the purpose? >> i think a lot of the offenders have a lot of anger here because they have went through a lot of things at home, so when i read their charts, a lot of it makes sense on the why, why they're here, because it's been done to them. they've been cursed at and yelled at their whole life.
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juveniles, they come with a lot of baggage. >> no one knows about a lifetime of baggage more than 18-year-old pendleton inmate michael jones. >> i'm an ex-white supremist. that's why i'm in this unit. it's the gang unit. >> the first time i spoke with michael jones when he got out of seg and we brought him to a-1, he was just filled with ignorance. he's a smart kid who was just ignorant about a lot of situations. he didn't like anybody from any other race, any other religion. >> i was born into white supremacy. my family is mixed up in it. i was hustling, breaking into houses, i would beat people up. we was growing weed, we was selling weed, we was toting guns. we was doing a little bit of everything.
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>> early on, we did a room search, actually found a picture of ava brawn in his belongings that he had posted like a centerfold. like, he thought ava brawn was a supermodel or centerfold he would look up to because of the ties with adolf hitler. >> in a highly risky move, staff decided to place jones in pendleton's grow unit. a unit where rival gang members have to live side by side. >> the white supremacists are a small minority here. when he was in general population, he and one of the fellow guys he cliqued up with were the targets of many, you know, violent acts. he was placed in segregation for his own protection for a little while. the violence got so bad for him. he admits how ignorant he was back then. he sees that he -- his way of thinking was incorrect. >> it was kind of crazy. i mean, seen a lot of stuff. i've been to rallies. i mean, all that stuff. i've seen 40-foot crosses burn and stuff like that.
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that's what we live by, that's just how we was. i didn't know anything different from it. just how stuff was. >> despite his past affiliation with the aryan nation, inside pendleton, michael jones learned how to get along with the very people he loved to hate. >> i mean, this is a real cool individual, probably the coolest individual you could meet over here. know what i'm saying? if you need something, if this commissary come in and you ain't got nothing, this ain't no white and black thing. we're all equal. that's how it is. mike jones, everybody love mike jones. you can't get mad at mike jones. you just can't. >> next on "lockup: pendleton juvenile," mike jones sets his mind on release. >> don't leave with these people, man. and if you choose to meet up with them, you're stupid. >> and staff have an excruciating time with jacob shauntee. >> why would you do that? >> he's a good kid. >> so you're trying to lose fingers because you got bored?
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more than 300 male offenders are locked up behind the razor wire fences of pendleton juvenile correctional facility. in today's morning staff meeting, superintendent mike dempsey is concerned about an incident that happened the night before. >> 12 stitches to his mouth, is that what you said? >> yes. >> we had to lock up a couple kids in segregation for battery on offender. they jumped an offender, three of them. >> are you sure that you got the right three people? >> yeah. >> we have no clue of what the motive was. >> with confirmation that an attack occurred, dempsey doesn't waste time ordering the perpetrators locked up. >> place them in segregation. do you have enough information to issue the violations? >> yes. >> while the investigation
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continues. >> you don't know what to expect, so you're ready for anything. they have battered staff on occasion. so you have to expect that and be ready. >> all the rooms we just emptied out, sounds like we just filled them back in. round them up. >> as the staff meeting ends, the three offenders have no idea officers joseph dye and robert patterson are on their way to haul them off to seg. >> they're going to seg. >> they just woke us up, i don't know. >> this time staff is lucky. the offenders go without incident. >> hold all radio traffic. nonemergency movement until further notice.
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>> they said we battered somebody, but i think they got the wrong people. >> they put us time-out, but they say we're the only ones that were on the block when it happened. so they think it was us. >> while they wait in seg until their investigation is complete, across the yard 18-year-old justin tries to adapt to living in the gang unit. like most kids here, bad habits started young. >> i have been here a little over 18 months. i'm an imperial gangster. that's a gang under the folk nation. the first gang experience was probably when i was probably 14. part of it was just kind of like
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another family, and the other part of it was just fitting in. it's an adrenaline rush. it got your adrenaline pumping and i don't know. a lot of teenagers, that's kind of what we do it for is that adrenaline rush. i got my first felony when i was 9, and like a lot of my family kind of -- they was with me at first and then they kind of gave up on me. because they seen i kept getting locked up and they figured there was no hope for me. >> the adolescents, sometimes when they go through the court system, i like to say they're a three-time loser. many of the parents have been to court numerous times. they've seen their child kicked out of school, kicked out of the community. honestly, once they come in to our system, a lot of the parents have said i can't do this anymore. >> indiana department of correction commissioner david donahue says it takes a special kind of person to work with the juvenile population. >> our community support or lack
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thereof is probably the one challenge for corrections today that is very difficult. staff spend an enormous amount of time watching the young men at the pendleton juvenile correction facility evolve. they literally walk the walk and talk the talk with that child. >> it can be intimidating at times, yeah, but if you stay the same every day, they expect, you know, what to do once you come in. >> sergeant marlisha redfield jackson works in the pendleton gang unit with boggess and 23 of his cellmates. she's all too familiar with the public perception of the teens here. >> these are everyday kids, you know. every kid has issues. theirs might be a little more violent than others or more to deal with, but that's what we're here for because it's all about correcting their behavior, because, you know, someone didn't do something somewhere, you know, to make sure they are not in here. coming up on "lock-up:
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pendleton juvenile," a glimpse into the horrific childhood of jacob shauntee. >> i was taken away from my dad. i was put with my mom. my dad went to prison for ten years for child abuse and attempted murder. >> and -- e >> you kids continue -- continue want to come here. a lot of kids out there wouldn't make it here. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side [meow mix jingle slowly anright on cue.cks] [cat meows] ♪meow, meow, meow, meow... it's more than just a meal, it's meow mix mealtime.
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behind the locked doors of pendleton juvenile correctional facility, there's more than just teen offenders behind bars. >> 33, copy. >> for staff here, this is a world most people never see or understand. no one knows this better than the nurses in pendleton's 24/7 medical unit. >> we have a lot of sex offenders here, and when you look at their files, someone has committed a sex crime on them and you can't tell me that the 12 or 13-year-old knows really what they're doing, and i think that's why i have such a huge heart for these kids as opposed to adults who have committed a sex offense and they're 50, 60 years old, because they know better. >> are you having any trouble seeing or earring? >> you have to have a thick skin. you really do. i get called every name under the sun except for my real name, but they're kids. this is their normal, and that's
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what's so sad to me. this is their normal, and it shouldn't be that way. but, unfortunately, for a lot of these kids, it is. >> normal for 19-year-old jacob shauntee has been a lifetime in the juvenile justice system. pendleton medical staff knows him well. unfortunately, shawntee is a regular visitor. today will be no exception. >> it's not easy to do. stay here for a minute, relax, catch your breath. do whatever you do to try to settle down. >> after a fight with an officer on his unit, it takes a team of staff to carefully handle the fragile shauntee. >> how old are you? >> 19. >> you're a grown man. you're a grown man. you have to learn to control that anger. it's getting out of hand, all right? >> you walk off the street and walk in here, at least to me, it
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was unbelievable. you never know what to expect when you walk through that door in the morning. you walk in and anything can happen. anything can happen. if you're not awake when you get here, you'll get awake. >> i thought you were playing at first and then i see there was no playing so i called the signal. >> he started it, and i wanted to see if he would carry it out. i don't like to be threatened. i don't care who you are. do not threaten me. >> that's not the way to get out, you know that. you come and see me in a little bit. >> there's another side of him that's smart and funny and creative, and if he could just use that side. he just needs to learn how to handle his anger and stop turning it inward. >> come on. taking him out.
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>> bye. are you okay? >> yes. >> okay. >> as lieutenant chance sweat prepares to take shauntee to the medical unit for observation, the shocking details of his past gives a glimpse into his tortured soul. >> at the age of 3 my dad tried to kill me. i was taken away from my dad and i was put with my mom because my dad went to prison for ten years for child abuse and attempted murder. and my mom did jail for stabbing her husband after my dad 47 times in the back, so i was in a place called meadow oaks and i was there for nine months. after meadows i went to a place called best care, and after that, i was put in a foster home. i was in a foster home for two years until i got arrested, came here. i have been here for four or five years. >> by the time we're trying to make a difference in the lives of the kids that we have at this
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facility, they have been through an awful lot. they have been through years and years of bad influences, bad role models, and you're trying to turn around their entire life. you get frustrated and you try to figure out what can we possibly do to make a difference to keep this kid from ending up in the adult system, but you don't ever give up because you just never know when something might click with somebody. >> you have to follow instructions. you don't follow instructions, when you get released, you will come right back in here. as a matter of fact, you're 18 -- >> 19. >> 19? you will be across the street to adult. >> i ain't coming back. >> but if you don't start following instructions, you will. >> contract with me that you won't self-harm yourself anymore, okay? >> did you learn something from this experience? follow instruction? >> yeah.
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>> follow instructions. always keeps you out of trouble. >> with over 300 teens behind bars, the challenges inside a maximum security juvenile facility can run the gamut. >> one challenge is the sheer energy level it takes to manage the day. when we gets kids in our system, it's usually the end result of phenomenal interventions, but the young men and women i have in our juvenile system today are here because they have threatened the fabric of public safety. >> it was a different set of problems that landed 18-year-old adam cameron in pendleton. >> my biggest problem in life is just stealing things, touching things that don't belong to me. grand theft auto. stolen stuff. it started when i met a girl when i was 13. then i started running away, got in a gang, and went on from there. the gang had me do things.
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>> if you want to actually put your chairs in a circle, i'd appreciate it. >> cameron never thought his sticky fingers would lead to time in juvenile prison. he's had two long years to think about his past. it's not his trouble-making days he talks about the most. >> my dad, he could walk through the door right now and i wouldn't have any idea that was him. and my mom, she tries to be there for me, but she really doesn't. she was going to try to actually have me come home and stay with her, but she doesn't have the money for it. >> out of 12 messages i had today, 7 messages had to do with behavior problems going on in the unit. >> stephanie roberts is a psychiatric social services counselor in pendleton's d-9 unit. over the past week, d-9 has had its share of trouble. >> we've had people battering staff, we've had people urinating under doors. we've had a lot going on. so, i want to see from your guys' perspective what is going on in this unit that is leading to this negative behavior and
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how can we change it. a lot of them have had lives that you and i would never -- we might not survive through. you know, some of these kids have had to toughen up and be adults since the time they were 8. what does a leadership role mean? okay. >> that you do what's right at all times. >> in front of your back and behind your back. >> do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. >> fortunately for cameron, he's scheduled to go home in one week. like many kids here, he will be released to the custody of his grandparents. >> they're very important to me. they're like my mom and dad actually. they have had me since i was 8 1/2 months old. they feel like they failed. they tried to raise me, but i just -- sometimes i even told them sometimes they just tried too hard. coming up on "lock-up pendleton juvenile," two loving grandparents' intention on release day. will adam cameron live up to his
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word? >> well, go try. >> i did try! >> another emergency brings jacob shauntee back to the medical unit. >> every time staff does something and you don't agree with it, it's what you do, isn't it? >> and two offenders remain locked down as an investigation continues into their alleged attacks. [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. introducing cvs health. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis
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here's what's happening. president obama is back in the u.s. after trips to estonia and then wales for a nato summit. a private plane with an unresponsive pilot crashed earlier off jamaica. and about 100 american contractors on board a charter flight left iran after being grounded for hours. the flight was ordered to land in iran because of mechanical issues. now back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is
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advised. let me see what you've done. let me see what you did. jacob! >> why did you do that? >> he's a good kid. >> i got bored. >> so you try to lose fingers because you got bored. >> of all the offenders behind bars at pendleton juvenile, 19-year-old jacob shauntee is one of the most perplexing for staff. >> every time staff does something, you don't agree with it, this is what you do, you cut or tie or something, don't you? every time. because you just want everything to be fair, right? sorry, buddy. >> get this one right here on top. >> he's done it before, and it's shocking. his nail bed is purple. that's pretty bad.
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like i said, he's done it before. >> just two weeks ago, officers and medical staff had their hands full with jacob during a meltdown in a time-out cell. tonight they frantically try to deal with his self-mutilation. >> where did you get this? is this from your mattress? >> no. >> is this from your mattress? what's it from, hon? you can tell me, i'm not going to say anything. what's it from? >> pillow. >> i thought we were trying to go home? what number are you on now? >> two. >> so now you just give up? >> he's not going to give up. okay, let's go wash you off and get some circulation going. he does really well until he feels he's been treated unfairly, like the rules have been broken, and it's always staff against him. i guess he takes control over his situation by cutting. he has a permanent spot on his forehead where he has repeatedly crashed his forehead into a wall or whatever he can crash it
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into. so, now it's easily opened. he has that. he's probably going to have that the rest of his life. are you going to act silly when you get back? or are you going to be okay? >> depends if they lock me down. >> i'm trying to make you a deal. do you need me to call somebody? will you behave and not hurt yourself? so many things in their lives that they have no control over, but they can control the pain and the damage they do to themselves, and for some reason, they say it makes them feel good. keeping moving them anyway, okay? i know you're not having trouble, but we have to get that blood flow going. so you'll come out there and sign a contract if i talk to your officer. put those down. all of them. come on. >> i already got the box. >> you get to know their issues and you know what they respond to.
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that's why i was kind of playing around with him. jacob, come on, put it down. i went and reached for them because i knew he was not going to do anything whatsoever. now, if it was another kid that is a batterer, i wouldn't have been nearly as familiar with him. he signed a contract with me that he would behave and he would stay out of trouble and not self-mutilate if you would let him sit in the chairs. >> jacob tells us that episode started when his entire unit was locked down because one offender acted out. >> i don't like being punished. i don't like being in my room. >> how did you find something to wrap around your finger? >> that's not hard. they sew the pillows with different strings. i put the pencil in, cut the string off. >> does it feel good to you at the time when you're doing that? do you like pain? >> no, i can't feel it in my left hand. >> you know the drill with this, right? so you're not going to harm
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yourself? if so, you're going to let us know, right? >> it just takes off a lot of stress off me because i'm diagnosed stpd. social stress disorder. i'm diagnosed with adhd, bipolar and some other stuff. >> does anybody your family talk to you about everything you've been through or -- >> nobody but my mom before she went to jail for stabbing her husband. >> you're going to let us know if you harm yourself, right? or if you're thinking about it? >> what i really want to do, is when i turn 21, i want to come here and be an officer so i can show kids the way i grew up and they don't want to grow up like that. because no kid should have a life i grew up with, nobody. >> don't do any damage to yourself, right? even if it doesn't hurt. >> he's one of those kids that kind of gets a place in your
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heart maybe. there are a few here that really do, and he's one of them. >> while medical staff takes a break after a long day, over in seg, a marathon evening is still ahead for offenders brandyn cox and nathan brady. >> they came and woke us up out of bed and said we were going to seg. we usually know what we did, because we usually go right away. but we didn't do nothing yet. they say we battered somebody but i think they got the wrong people. >> according to internal reports, three offenders snuck into a unit and jumped another student. pendleton staff identified cox and brady as two of the alleged perpetrators. >> i know who got battered, but i didn't know who done it. they said we done it. >> after a while, being bad ain't going to get you out, so you just got to be cool. i've been cool. i ain't been to seg for a while.
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i did kind of follow in my parents' footsteps and stuff, because they were in the family. my dad has been in prison and he's been there twice. my mom just got out, she was in here for five years. and now i'm in here. >> as we interview cox and brady, another offender in seg decides it's his turn for attention. >> i want my [ bleep ] food. >> your food? they're going to get your food in a second. >> kids don't want to come here. they don't know what it's like until they come. a lot of kids out there wouldn't make it in here. >> coming up, after two years behind bars, will adam cameron be able to follow his grandparents' rules and stay out of prison? >> i've been given many chances. this is my last -- this is my second chance before prison. eenie. meenie. miney. go.
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i didn't think i was ever going to get caught for anything, but the other part of me was i didn't care. >> for 18-year-old justin boggess, one stint behind bars wasn't enough to stop the revolving door. >> this is my second time being in a juvenile prison. i'm the type of person that i'm trying to change it, but i still have that part of me i'm going to do what i want, when i want. ain't nobody going to stop me. >> as he serves his time in pendleton's gang unit, boggess says his former ties with the imperial gangsters gave him street cred, but that wasn't his only crutch on the outside. >> when you have a gun on you, it makes you feel a lot safer than it would if you didn't have one. the neighborhood i grew up in, people always shooting, fighting and stuff, and it's crazy. it makes you feel powerful, too, like you can't be touched, and i like that feeling. >> even behind bars, boggess has
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had his share of violent episodes -- fighting, battery, attempted escape. this is his second stint in a juvenile prison, this time for armed robbery. >> it wasn't about needing or wanting money. i mean, i had money. it was just something to do. it was a gas station. i know it was scary for her because, i mean, the way she reacted, but it don't really get to me like it would other people. but i mean, yeah, i think about it sometimes, like, i mean, she never did anything to me. i shouldn't have done that to her. but it don't really get to me like that. it crossed my mind that she didn't give me the money to shoot her, but luckily, she gave me the money and it didn't come to that. it wasn't like i was thinking like i normally do. it was like my mind was kind of clouded. the first time, like, i ever pulled a gun on somebody, yeah, kind of made me a little nervous and stuff, like what if i have to shoot him and i go to prison and stuff. but after you do it, like, so
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many times. it just becomes, like, normal. >> you know, i don't come up and ask individually what gang do you belong to, which gang are you affiliated with. because it's not an issue. they act like they're bad boys and so hard and stuff. they want to be safe. they want organization, that type of thing. >> safety isn't the only concern inside pendleton. education and counseling is also mandatory for release. >> people are having their own problems. this is the time we're going to talk about -- >> across the yard, counselor stephanie roberts is letting offenders in unit d-9 vent. >> because i know you all have issues you'd like to talk about. trust me. i'm your counselor, i know. because you always come running to me. this is our time to get them out. a lot of these kids have longer rap sheets than most adults. they've been in front of the judge 20 times already. everybody has labeled them,
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you're no good, nothing but a troublemaker. people are scared. people don't want to help them or they have given up on them. so, is there anything you guys want to say to one another? >> i think you guys are doing a lot better as a unit not getting in trouble every day. >> 18-year-old adam cameron has lived on d-9 for six months. today is his last group session. in just a few days, he will be released to the only people who have stuck by him through his life of juvenile crime, his grandparents. >> i'm scared. it's going to be real hard for me because i've been locked up so long, this is what i really know right here. when i get out, i'm going to be able to do whatever i want. it's going to be tempting. the people that's in my life they're going to be do this, do this, come to this party, get drunk with us. i'm going to have to say no. it's going to be hard. >> what have you learned from being locked up in here? >> it's not cool. >> what is your purpose when you leave here? >> get a job, don't come back. >> if they have a goal in mind, most likely, they're going to
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pursue it. if they don't have a goal, they're going to go across the street and go to the big, big prison and i don't want to see that. i really don't. i have some really good kids over here. they have their moments, and that's fine because i have teenagers myself. but if i can spare one kid in this facility, then i've accomplished one of my goals. >> even though it takes some kids longer than others to shed their old skin, change can happen, even for a former white supremacist. >> i got 31 of them. i ain't finished it yet, but i'm going to. but i ain't done it yet. i have the swastikas. the ss bolts. i've had most of these since i was young. i just, like, i did them myself, most of them. had them for years. to be honest, my people are after me right now because i quit. so kind of crazy, but trying to
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change my life. just trying to get up out of here. it ain't going to be easy, i have to try as long as i can, but i can't run with them like i used to. can't do it. >> jones and justin boggess met when both were placed on the gang unit. in just a few days, jones will be released. they each admit their old juvie ways meant nothing but trouble. >> it's all individually. people can tell them all day every day what to do and, like, how to stay out of trouble and stuff, but it's on the person to do it. and some people just, they got to go through this to learn. >> if you're going to break the law, you're going to do it. >> got your mind set. >> people tried to talk to us. people try to, you know what i'm saying, work with us. we wanted to do it. we wanted to do. we wanted to rob. we wanted to use drugs, wanted to sell drugs. wanted to tote guns. it's what we wanted to do. >> does going to adult prison scare you more than anything? >> no, to be honest, i'd probably rather be in adult prison than here. this is daycare.
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people are going to argue and fight and stuff but prison is more for me than this place is. i ain't never been there, but from what my dad told me. >> stuff pops off in prison, it's brief. then right back to nothing. >> but out is where you really want to be. >> yeah, out. >> i ain't going to prison. i don't care what nobody says. >> i'd rather be free, but if i had to choose between here and across the street, i'd probably cuff up and let them take me over there. >> coming up, two offenders leave, two stay. and one final shocking revelation about jacob shauntee. starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that neutralizes acid on contact... ...and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! try great tasting tums chewy delights. yummy. in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you.
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white supremacist to model offender inside pendleton. >> several good things came from me being locked up. know what i'm saying? i figured out that i got to interact with different racial groups to help me out. in life you can't hate. it's too mixed up now. the world's too mixed up. this ain't the '60s and '50s. can't be segregated any more. i got my g.e.d. that's a big deal. i never thought i was going to get my g.e.d. >> today, after a year behind bars, jones is set to be a free man. despite his split from the aryan nation, he will return home to an environment that still sees black and white. >> they've got to get over it, i guess. nothing they can do about it. it's not a subject. they don't like it, they don't have to associate with me. it's on them. i'm completely different. i was hateful. i was just -- i was pretty much a bad person when i first got in the department of corrections.
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changed it now. i'm done. >> he grew up down south and around white people and that kind of environment and stuff, so i mean i can't blame him for choosing what he did. he's changed a lot. from what he said he's done with all the white supremacist stuff and all that. so i don't know if he's serious or not, but that's what he says. so it's going to be a little more boring around here. but he's going home. that's a good thing. >> while jones works through the mental issues of going home, adam cameron is already in the waiting room about to reunite with his grandparents. >> it broke their heart. i could tell by the looks on their faces when they came to see me every time, all the time they were heartbroken. that's what they even told me, that they were heartbroken. it's been a day i have been waiting on for a very long time. it's a very happy day for me. i didn't think it would be coming for a long time. it's finally here. it feels real good.
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>> i just want to double-check. >> hi. come on in. so you're here to pick up adam? he's anxiously waiting. you can just go ahead and sign in here. >> hit me pretty hard for a while but, you know, you kind of get over it a little bit. it's been pretty rough. i really miss him. she did, too. >> after being locked up two years, adam will now be free of prison rules. lucky for him, his grandparents have never wavered in their support. for 24 months, they visited every two weeks. >> hope it does some good for him up here, you know. it got to where we couldn't do nothing with him. we've had him ever since he was 8 months old. >> it's been difficult, but it's worth it. >> i know there's going to be
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people come do this with us, come get high with us, come get drunk. i can't even do it, man. they're going to say why. because, like, if you was where i was at, you would know why, is all i've got to say. >> hey. it's so good to see you. >> ready to go home? >> uh huh. i've been ready for a long time. >> yeah? last time i'm going to be in one of these places. >> it is, unless you get locked up. >> i'm not going to let you get me locked up. we're getting old, and we're not going to be able to take care of him forever, so we want him to be able to function on his own. >> your clothes are too small. >> your clothes are too small? well, what happened?
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>> i've gotten bigger, i guess. >> well, can't you put them on and pull your shirt down over it? >> no, i can't. >> you're going to have to. >> do you want to wear that out? are you sure you can't -- >> no, these are too tight. i just -- >> well, go try. i don't want -- >> i did try! >> okay. we'll get you a pair of sweatpants, because that way, you won't be wearing that. >> after two long years and a teenager back at their side, adam and his grandparents finally leave pendleton. >> last but not least, michael jones. >> just a few hours later, michael jones and his family also say their good-byes. but back inside the razor wire fences of pendleton juvenile, justin boggess still faces time behind bars. >> i'm a strong believer everything happens for a reason, and i feel that, you know, if i wouldn't have got locked up, i don't know where i would be. i'd either be dead or -- i know for a fact i wouldn't have my ged. now when i get out, i plan on
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staying away from the gang stuff. i plan on getting a job, you know. i can't really tell how things are going to be until i get out and i carry through with things because i said all this last time i was going to do good, and i wasn't out for two months and i got hit with an armed robbery. >> despite their claims of innocence, brandyn cox and nathan brady were found guilty of the battery that landed them in seg. since then, cox has been released. brady remains at pendleton. as for jacob shauntee, his future remains as troubled as his past. even though he's completed all programs and has earned his release, he can't go home. according to superintendent mike dempsey, jacob has no one or no place to take him in. >> it could be directly related to there being no parent, to there being no guardian, no relative that's willing to take the offender in. it could be that they've
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exhausted all of the other community placement treatment programs that were out there, and we're having to dig and try to find as best we can somebody else to take him. >> in his final comments about what he sees for his future, jacob reveals one last wrenching detail about the life he left behind. >> normal, good life for me? going back to school so i could finish my high school diploma, take care of my little girl, get married to my girl's mama. take care of them. pretty much normal.
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