tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 8, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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you went and golfed. do you want that back? >> you know, it is always a challenge when you're supposed to be on vacation. because you're followed every where and part of what i would love is a vacation from the press. there's no doubt that after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain that they were going through, after the statement that i made, that i should have anticipated the optics. you know, that's part of the job.
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it's serious business and you care about it deeply. but part of this job is also the theater, part of it is, you know, how are you -- it's not something that always comes naturally to me, but it matters. and i'm mindful of that. >> oh, good lord. we're here. >> good lord? what do you mean? >> you're talking in my ear. >> i'm excited. i accept him with open arms. >> i missed you. been away. field work. >> field work. oh, the kids. >> don't overdo it. >> willie and i have this, we love the kids. that's all i'm going to say. >> we also have msnbc
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contributor dorian warren. what a title for a young guy. >> i'm older than i look. i won't say a number. >> how old your? >> 38. >> you're so young. >> happy birthday. >> you'll have to get used to what we do here on "morning joe." lots to talk about. >> a lot of clowns. clowns run out -- >> joe has lots of pot shots to go with the president, i'm sure. >> the president, though, i got to say -- first of all chuck todd's interview -- i thought the interview what was so fascinating about it is -- okay, thank you. you just took that off of me. so i do "meet the press" yesterday. great job. i get home and my 11-year-old daughters says to me last night i saw you on "meet the press." i go, really? my kids don't usually watch me on tv, they just don't.
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i said how did doi? she said you had a big piece of lint right here. all day. i said nobody could tell me until now. >> she watched you once on tv. >> it's distracting when you roll around in cat hair before you go on tv. >> everybody has their thing they do before they go on tv. >> as you were saying. >> i thought the president was engaged and i thought he did well. i actually found myself saying i think he's got this just about right. as you know, that's unusual. >> it is. >> for me to say that. let's face it i haven't always been the biggest support of barack obama. i called the stimulus package a steaming pile of garbage. said his health care plan was bad for america. >> you were wrong. >> bad for america. i said his massive spending program in 2009 was bad for american capitalism. the kids loved that one online.
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i repeatedly warned against tripling the number of troops in afghanistan, i condemned the drone policy and i had concern about a management style that leaves him isolated in d.c. and his own white house. but when it comes down to facing the greatest threat since 9/11 i think this president has it just about right. let republicans and hillary clinton play the cynical game that politicians love to play by second guessing his lack of action in syria and ranting on what might have been. let's not argue counter realist on this beautiful september morning. let's just stick to reality. americans would not have support ad third war against a muslim country in less than a decade and as eisenhower taught us during the suez crisis in '56, less can sometimes be more when it comes to wars in the middle east. because the president refused to rush in with guns blazing in the
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isis crisis, when he goes before the american people on wednesday night what will happen? he'll have the arab league behind him. you had the leader of the arab league basically saying we need the u.s. over here. for once it's going to be nice to actually go into battle against, i'll say it, an evil force where we're not going it alone, right? >> yes. but i think there's one key thing we should be looking for wednesday night and that's what's congress' role authorizing any action that we might take in iraq and syria. this is broader than the president this, is presidential power versus congressional power. congress has a significant role to play in asking the right questions and authorizing force. i would argue for a limited time. >> all right. we'll talk about that. >> we'll start there because we have a little bit of what the president said yesterday make his case for action. here it is.
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>> the next phase is now to start going on some offense. we have to get an iraqi government in place and i'm optimistic that next week we should be able to get that done. i want everybody to understand we have not seen any immediate intelligence about threats to the homeland from isil. that's not what this is about. what it's about is an organization that if allowed to control significant amounts of territory, to amass more resources, more arms, that over time that could be a serious threat to this would. >> we got a lot to talk about this morning including incredible story coming out of atlanta, atlantic hawks story. what have you noticed about the president yesterday in chuck's interview? >> i saw some emotion. i saw some passion out of him, on the obama level.
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he's not going to get fired up and scream at the camera. he's a pretty mellow guy. he talked about the optic, a word we used and overused about him playing golf immediately after the statement of james foley being executed. he said i probably got that wrong. that's the first time we herd him say there's something about theater in politics. the lead story is what's happening with isis but an interesting footnote. >> measured and careful actually worked in this interview while at other times it seems disengaged. but these are situations that do call for a measured, careful action with other countries helping. it's making sense. beginning to make sense. we'll see what happens when he addresses the nation wednesday night. >> the atlanta hawks are going up for sale.
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bruce levenson said he sent an insensitive e-mail in 2012 written to three team executives. levenson listed his concerns including the majority of fans being black. cheerleaders being black. and hip-hop music being played at the arena saying quote my theory is the black crowd scared away the whites and there are simply not enough affluent black fans to build a significant season ticket base. the league had been investigating the e-mail prior to levenson's decision to sell. levenson said by focusing on race i sent the unintentional and hurtful message that our white fans are more valuable than our black fans. if you're angry about what i wrote, you should be. i'm angry at myself too. nba commissioner adam silver said, as mr. levenson acknowledged the views he expressed are entirely unacceptable and are in stark contrast to the core principles
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of the national basketball association. >> we have to separate these things out. i understand what the commission certificate saying. this guy just talked about southern whites, southern whites have a problem going to a place where they are in the minority. that may have been okay. the nba commissioner can act shocked all he wants. i read an espn article yesterday this guy said something in a very inartful clumsy way that every front office in the nba is grappling with, how to get white suburban fans in an arena along with people of color. >> can you just say let's -- we have to find ways to make this a more inclusive experience. >> give us the background. >> i lived in atlanta for seven years. it's a tough sports town. the hawks have struggled with attendance for many years. i think what he said in a private e-mail was he should not have said it, obviously,
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shouldn't have said it the way he said it. he's talking about demographics. he's talking about getting, the nfl talks about courting female fans. this is talking about courting more suburban white fans. and i think he said it in a way that was ugly and he did the right thing self reporting it and took himself out of the game. it's a problem not just in atlanta, it's a problem in other leagues, how do you fill these arenas. they have struggled with it for decades. >> what was shocking to me reading the emails is how bad of a manager he is. done he have staff to do the demographics and data collection on what will attract fans to the game? he's just spouting theories that has no basis in reality. that's the crux of the problem for me. and joe as you point out this is not isolated to this team, it's how the front office thinks. i hope they use data to support
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those assertions. >> the idea playing hip-hop in time-out is the reason why your fans are not coming? >> what your talking about. >> a lot of the white kids in suburbs are buying at least half the hip-hop music. >> what do you think of his apology? >> it's self serving. it's a good pr move for it. he'll come out fine because he'll sell a stake of the team and walk away. >> you don't buy it? >> no, not at all. >> in a few hours new jersey governor chris christie will help reverse atlantic city's bad fortunes. he'll lead a summit how to turn around the casino industry. four casinos are expected to close this year costing nearly 8,000 jobs. he's returning from a tripe to mexico which drew comparisons for a dry run for a 2016
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presidential campaign. the governor also toned down his typically blunt style. but despite a successful trip christie returns to the harsh political realities of home. the dnc is launching an ad blitz in new jersey today reminding residents it's been one year since the bridge scandal. for the second time this year, fitch has downgraded the state's bond rating. citing economic woes including governor chris christie to cut pension payments. joan rivers had a final good-bye yesterday as she requested in her autobiography. it was hollywood all the way. nbc's ron mott has the story. ♪ >> reporter: the comic legend joan rivers got the final punch line she wanted. a roster of a-list guests from
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whoopi goldberg to barbara walters, and the show stopper himself howard stern. >> howard stern gets up unannounced and opens up with a line that brought the house down but boy was it risky. >> reporter: raunchy and wild, no holds barred. in her 2012 book "i hate everyone starting with me," joan joked about her sendoff. >> i want lights, crams, action. i want it to be hollywood all the way. don't give me some rabbi rambling on. >> reporter: outside fans applauded her daughter and son as they left the service led by a band of bagpipers. >> you consider yourself a fan? >> absolutely.
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you could feel energy. >> reporter: nbc's hoda kotb shared many a giggle with joan. >> seems to be weird smiling after a memorial service. that's what this afternoon was. it was filled with laughter and joy and tears. >> the service was irreverent. joan rivers would have loved it. >> reporter: a farewell far from fun, though heavy on levity for the queen of comic. >> howard stern got up to give an eulogy and said something extremely off color and risky and brought the house down. >> what a shock. i can't believe he did that. >> no, what else would you do.
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>> you know what's interesting i heard jimmy kimmel said something last week she was a great role model for female comedian, no she was a great role model for all of us. pushed the envelope. say what's on your mind opinion say what other people are thinking. she was bigger than just a role model for women, she was a role model for everybody. >> you want to get to these senate poll. nbc news/marist poll republicans making big gains. in arkansas, tom cotton opened up a five-point lead against mark prior. the candidates now tied. mitch mcconnell leads democrat alison lundergan grimes. the senator minority leader holds a similar lead. little bit better news for
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democrats in colorado, mark udall is ahead of cory gardner by six points. the lead expands to eight among registered, essentially unchanged from july. in all three states president obama finds his approval rating sitting below 40%. in arkansas and kentucky he's at 31%. willie, a couple of things. first of all you get past labor day you're not in pre-season any more. these polls do start to matter. what do you see? you see a tale of two countries. red states are getting redder. seeing it in arkansas, and kentucky in a obligate way. blue states are getting bluer. you see it in colorado and oregon. all this could change. you never know what's going to happen if we go in and if the president does a really good effective job on managing the isis threat as we go through the fall, his approval ratings will go up, democrats approval ratings will go up.
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republicans last week said republicans have this in the bag? seriously, we don't know and won't know for a long time. >> coming up, congressman mike rogers on isis. and then mad dog chris russo to break down the nfl's opening weekend. that's ahead. then you know her from hbo's hit show "girls" actress zosia mamet will be with us. but first a mysterious virus affecting thousands of children. plus a pair of deer bringing traffic to a stop on the golden gate bridge for nearly 30 minutes. they have to get across. >> 30 minutes? i could take care of it in two. >> boom, boom. >> don't you dare. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine.
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. all right. time now -- >> willie is catching me up on nfl. at 6:45 we have mad dog coming on. >> meredith vieira's show starts today. >> anyway, football season started yesterday. and you said tony romo threw three interceptions in the first quarter, dating jessica simpson again. >> stop. >> and the jets won! unbelievable. >> the jets won. that's good. "the guardian," breaking news from buckingham palace. prince william and the dutchess of cambridge, kate middleton are expecting their second child. >> they don't stop. >> can you imagine what they are doing? >> a bunch of rabbits. >> the queen released a
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statement saying both families are delighted with the news. the dutchess will not plan their first event because like her first pregnancy she's dealing with acute morning sickness. >> too many details. >> prince william will be on hand as scheduled to congratulate them. that's nice. from our parade of papers "atlanta journal constitution" cdc is trying to find the cause of a recent spike of children being hospitalized for a mysterious illness. they are working with health care officials in ten states to determine if a respiratory virus is the source of this outbreak. virus in the same family as the common cold. however the rise of the hospitalization of children especially those with asthma is highly unusual. in missouri nearly 500 kids have been treated, as many as 60 placed in intensify care. 900 children were hospitalized in colorado. >> that's a big story.
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"usa today" new york city celebrates it's 350th birthday today. the anniversary marks when english soldiers took control of the island on september 8th, 1664 and the city was renamed from new amsterdam to new york. the name was in honor of the duke of york the brother of king charles the second. >> 350 years old. look at that, willie. doesn't look a day over 349 years. not a day. >> ageing well. >> let's go the u.s. open. >> "new york daily news," serena williams defeated caroline wozniacki for her third consecutive championship and 18th grand slam singles title and ties here with chris everett and navratilova. she becomes the first female athlete to earn over $60 million. >> two deer held up traffic as they pranced over the golden gate bridge over the weekend.
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>> my mom would do something different. i would look and say how pretty. >> then shoot them. >> my mom would then shoot them. they are gorgeous. they were not injured during the situation. when wisteria lane highway patrol entered the scene, the deer had exited the bridge. social media shared photos and video of the spectacle. nice. >> chris christie's fault. >> you're terrible. he needs to come back on the show. you know it was his birthday over the weekend. i texted him. >> did he text back? >> he did. >> did he really? >> is he running for president? >> i wanted him to come on the show. happy birthday. thank you. come on our show. >> i took a break if that to keep people guessing. >> we would love to have him back. >> i think so. it would being a great for
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everybody. >> good for america. >> "usa today" a new promotion from olive garden. >> oh, yeah. >> 1,000 vip customers free food and drink for seven weeks. oh, my gosh. >> tour of italy. every day. >> 3:00 p.m. the italian chain will offer a never ending pasta dish for $100 on its website. lucky recipients will be entitled to all the pasta, salad and soda they can eat for seven weeks. >> i feel warm all over right now. >> never ending pasta. >> you've never been to olive garden. >> no. you want to take me? i want to see this food before i judge it. maybe it's good. i'm supposed to be more open about food. maybe it is healthy. >> what could be wrong with never ending pasta.
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>> absolutely nothing. >> coming up why the key to defeating isis and reigning in vladimir putin may west what we do domestically. house intelligence chairman mike rogers and sports radio host chris "mad dog" russo all ahead next hour. their biggest customer is demanding refunds for defects. so i offered to help. at ge capital, we bring expertise from across ge. so i call in our access ge engineers, and together with columbia, we work backwards. from the cabinet factory, to the place they peel the logs. we find the source and help replace the machine. problem solved. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. what we know, can help you grow.
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♪ i've always said president should be able to golf or do whatever he wants to do. he made some clumsy mistakes. the white house said they don't do theater. they do theater. they don't do theater they don't want to do. in this case, it was good to hear the president say i'm not really good at it. i probably should be a little bit better at optics. that's hard for him. i can't even watch that loser talk because that -- >> stop. you look great and did great. time for the must read opinion pages. joining us now on set, columnist
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for the daily beast and staff writer for the hill. let me start with twauhe "wall street journal." president obama says he still plans to unilaterally rewrite immigration law but not until after the election so he can spare democrats in congress from the wrath of voters for doing so. >> is that fair? >> you know, talking to a producer and he asked me about the performance and went on for ten minutes about chuck todd. oh, you and inpresident. generally as he did it was a go goldilock performance. everybody knows it's a political decision. absolutely it's a political decision. and, you know -- >> why is that okay and other times it's not? >> why not just say it's a
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political decision. why not just admit it. yes politics is involved here. and, he's going to risk -- he's doing it for the senate but risk a turn out problem with a lot of the base in the democratic party. >> you look at the stakes. i guarantee you mary ann landrieu in louisiana doesn't want it. arkansas, mark pryor. >> just say it. >> let me get to the piece in the hill. obama's care second year bring news challenges. health insurance exchanges are set to re-open for enrollment 2019 months. this countdown has the white house and federal health officials bracing to see if the system encounters any fresh technical problems. the whole team is focused on avoiding the chaos of last year when was unable to hand all small number of users and floundered for months. are you saying there's a rocky road ahead? do we know? >> there could be. there's parts of that website that have not been fully
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constructed and we just found out that it was hacked in a small way in july and so there's certainly on-the-spot right now answering questions. we do know there was an enormous text surge and enormous amount of money spent and around the clock work to make sure the website was functional by the end of spring. remember this time last year nobody anticipated it would go as badly as indict. i think they are focused this time on getting it right. >> on isis i have tom friedman writing, the most effective leadership abroad starts with respect earned from others seeing us commit to doing great and difficult things at home. that is how america inspires others to action. and the necessary impactful thing that america should do at home now is for the president and congress to lift ourselves-imposed ban on u.s. exports which would significantly dent the global high price of crude oil. and bind that with long overdue
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comprehensive tax reform that finally values our environment and security. nothing would make us stronger and putin and isis weaker, all at the same time. i agree with that. we're talking about isis. isis ain't looking at our tax policy. isis don't care about our oil export policy. if you want to stop isis there's only one way to stop isis. i remember a couple of years ago we had a pulitzer prize winner on here saying the bush administration is doing this and that because the pakistanis want to be like us. dr. brzezinski started laughing and said you're a fool. they do not want to be like us. they want to be the opposite of us. come on. i one what tom is saying. we need to get our house in order. getting our house in order will not face the isis crisis. killing bad guys and blowing up their equipment. >> people want to put them in
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two coordination. either bomb them back to the stone age or change our domestic policy and they will back off. not going to happen. this is an incredibly complex situation. that's why the president had a very difficult time. >> how do you think he's handling it? some neo-cons in the republican party, hillary clinton, all second guessing, we should have been stronger in syria. i think he's got it about right so far. >> you have to be why he got elected president in the first place. he's calibrated it fairly well. he's taking the right opportunity to speak to the country. i think wednesday is a big night. >> what do they want to hear on capitol hill? do you think republicans especially are going to step forward and engage this president and become a partner in a battle against isis? >> no. there's too much animosity
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between the white house and capitol hill. we have senator john mccain and lindsey graham speaking for that group. it's not politically popular to go out and say i want to commit a lot abroad and put troops on the ground and all of these things. you see a variety of lawmakers taking opinions on this but i think for the white house to come through and work with lawmakers is really going to be a long shot at this point. >> interesting. >> ted cruz is using this now as taunt to say i'm going to run. >> all right. thank you both very much. still ahead on "morning joe," bill krystal and janet napolitano -- >> they had the funniest. never -- >> with their likely -- >> downtown kids love these two when they get together. >> on immigration. >> right? you got label stuff going. >> a bunch of news.
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at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. here with us now from capitol hill republican representative from michigan and chairman of the house intelligence committee congressman mike rogers. congress man rogers senator feinstein says the president is on offense. do you agree? >> i certainly hope so. i got to see the action part of that and be given as the chairman of the intelligence committee we see the action part. >> do you like what you're hearing? >> i do. this is a gear shift for the president. that's important. i think, obviously, his discussions in nato, he believed he had support there in nato.
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all of that is progress in this particular case. and hopefully we'll get him to take and lay out a strategy to go after, dismantle all of isil. you can't do it just in iraq, you'll probably have to do some in syria as well. >> mr. chairman, a lot of times we'll say, pundits will say, politicians will say the president needs to educate america. he needs to get out there. something the president doesn't want to be educator in chief. what about him educating congress. isn't this threat grave enough that we really need the house and senate on board with the president? >> oh, absolutely. >> what does he need to do to get some people that are more reluctant to get in this fight against the islamic state? >> first of all, i think in congress we need to expose all members to the level of threat that those of us on the national security committee see every
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day. >> from what you know, how big is that threat? >> i think it's hugely significant because the longer they go in what appears to the rest of the world as progress for them, so they are advertising that they are winning, that means more and more westerners are showing up. so every time a werner shows up, becomes more radicalized and trained and is willing to go back and commit an act of political terror back home which could be europe, could be the united states, could be canada, that's dangerous for us. >> the longer they hold as much land as they hold in iraq, the more money they get and that also, that increases the threat against us, right in the clock is ticking? >> oh, absolutely. one of the things we learned about 9/11 time and space. and so we gave al qaeda all the time and all the space and so they had free operation in afghanistan, nobody disrupting their activities in any way and
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then they went out and raised money. it's more dangerous than them, they can go raise money for their operations, they had to out how to sneak people into the united states. they have time and space right now and they have money already and they have people with western passports, that's why this is so dangerous. >> hard and soft power do you think should be used, risk of american lives is something to be considered? >> you won't beat them by remote control. we'll have to have some exposure of u.s. service. intelligence service and special capability soldiers. not big armies. and why is because we need our arab league partners in the lead on this and we also, we have others that can help us and what we can do is add leverage. when you add leverage some u.s. forces will be exposed. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you so much for being with us. hope you come back.
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coming up next, mika a rare sight most of us won't see in person as an volcano erupts on camera in the south pacific. plus winners and losers from week one of the nfl season, mad dog is on the loose. he's on the loose. we'll be right back. we'll give the first week of the nfl and craziest man in showbiz with mad dog. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what's next. it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most.
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♪ ozzy osborn. host of sirius xm, rice russo and mike barnacle join us at the table. >> good to be here. how is everybody doing. >> the nfl season is under way. thank goodness. >> nfl. a little enthusiasm. >> come on, baby. >> a lot of interesting things yesterday. the patriots having a bad second half in miami. i think everybody was surprised. they got ambush by the dolphins in the second half. >> $6.5 million on his couch. >> he gets hurt. the chiefs get destroyed by tennessee. they made the playoffs and lose two guys that ruptured their achilles. those two are big stories. >> can you believe that, two of
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their top defensive players out with the same injury for the year. >> and san francisco ran four plays and winning 21-3. might be a bad year for jerry jones. >> you mentioned romo. let's go to the cowboys game. threw the ball away three times. at home. high hopes for team and they got run all over. >> first play of the game. the ball is dropped. niners pick it up and down the field they go. a lot of people thought the niners would have some trouble. they lost some defensive players. a lot of folks think harbaugh has worn out his welcome. they buried them. kaepernick has a work ethic. san francisco seattle, two best teams in the nfc. >> tony romo through three interceptions. let's go to the game last night, colts/broncos. broncos jump out to a huge lead.
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looks like the game is over. colts sneak back. >> game was 31-10 in the fourth quarter. you see manning throwing passes all over the place. he looked good. indianapolis defense isn't that great to begin with. colts hung in. they had the ball at 3:25 to go with a chance to get even at 31 a piece. they didn't score. manning let them in was a little bit of a surprise. denver 1-0. but the colts actually had a chance here to come back and win this game. >> the colts were the only team that peyton manning had not beaten in the nfl and now he can check that off. >> that's a good point. colts and patriots, i'm worried about. good job by indianapolis getting back. >> what about clowney, the big defensive guy. >> out four to six weeks. >> and j.j. wats. he was all over the place.
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blocking passes. i would be worried about rg3 he did nothing. jay gruden utilized his offense. could be a long year for the redskins. how about the eagles? down 17-0 at halftime in jacksonville and score 34 consecutive points and come back and beat the jaguars. that was interesting. a lot of wild 1:00 games. >> bears winning? >> bills came out and beat the bears. that game winning and tied. big play in the game. watch freddy jackson run over this safety. >> oh, my god. >> how long of a line was that? oh, my god. >> remember the bills lead longest play. that was good. >> got killed. >> longest player, 14 years not
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been night, own five in chicago finally won a home opener and bears play at san francisco next week so a tough start. >> jets won! >> yeah, jets. >> ugly but they won. >> and giants. >> tough game. i know you're worried about the giant offense. you have to take the lions. >> we love you. come back. >> stop that. >> wait a minute. i never said they were bad. there's just a lot of different feelings. >> they are awesome and really awesome all mixed together. >> isis graduates from jv status. president obama clarifies his remarks. plus more in a wide ranging pregs press interview. we'll break it all down straight ahead. plus race once again takes center stage in the nba. another owner in hot water putting his franchise up for sale but is there more to the story? but first special celebrity bucket list news including
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james bond. he said yes. then he asked everybody to start a denzel is the new james bond. and he's never hosted snl. >> how did that happen? >> i don't know. he's denzel washington. so he asked fans to call nbc and lobby for denzel. >> i love it. >> make them both happen. an australian couple was boating around papua, new guinea when a volcano erupts shooting a plume of ash into the sky and then this happened. the boom was so intense you could see it rocked the boat. the volcano destroyed the nearby
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town 20 years ago when it erupted simultaneously with mount vulcan. >> that's amazing. >> wow. that's good. >> you thought you missed football. >> oh, no. this better not be -- >> his owner is flipping through the channels. gets to the game. the dog george can barely contain himself. there's the game. jumping around barking. >> okay. that's good. >> how could you not love a dog that loves watching football. >> i'll take that one. >> that's a good one. >> we're very picky about our animal videos. that was good. that was good. all right. well it's the top of the hour. it's almost the top of the hour. okay. >> almost the top of the hour. >> shall we continue?
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doreen is back with us. mike is with us. willie is back with us. the president will deliver an address to the nation on wednesday outlining a plan to attack isis. it is a plan that could last longer than his term in office. it will last three years. using air strikes to halt isis and protect civilians, securing iraq's government and training troops and finally flushing isis from syria. >> so, the president is going to talk before the nation on wednesday. we were talking about this last hour. because he's done at any time way he's done it, when he goes there, he's already got the uae on board. egypt, last week we were talking to the white house and told us egypt was not far behind. you now have the arab league, the 22 country arab league is talking about stepping up and supporting this as well. we don't usually have arab countries begging us to come
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over with weapons to take care of their messes. we have that in this case. i think the president -- i think the time cigarette played out just about right. >> the time cigarette played out right. this is one of the campaign promises he's making good on. remember he shot the prominence for his senate race by opposing when we went into the iraq war the going it alone strategy. it's showing us a different kind of foreign policy strategy of bringing folks along. he has to answer the questions what's the imminent threat to the u.s. and what is congress' role in authorizing the use of force here. >> mike -- >> how do you think he's doing >> he's doing well. mike, i said it last week i'm sick and tired of other countries needing our help, quietly saying we need your help. come over here. and then we go over and help out and then suddenly their state-run newspapers are calling us the evil american imperialist dog. so i like the fact that this president, one of the few things
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i agreed with him consistently is that we're going to stop carrying the world's water and he's basically called the bluff of all of these countries and now i think we'll get more support from america because you have arab states begging us to come over, not as liberators, but to hurt an evil force. >> two things have occurred both in the last 48 hours. the president's meeting with chuck todd and yesterday the head of the arab league indicating it's time for arab nations to get on board to fight this evil. >> how important is that? >> hugely important but it proves the point that over the past two weeks with everything that's been going on in the american media, that being cautious and being methodical is not weakness. >> i was talking before about ike and the suez crisis in 1956. sometimes doing less in the
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middle east is doing more. >> yeah. for the past two weeks, there's bean barrage largely within the american media he's weak, he's not doing anything, any sensible person would have to know with any limited knowledge of washington -- >> that's what he said. i loved -- willie understands it. it's khaki and it's awesome. anyway, i aide after he said we didn't have a strategy not a big deal. he said something he shown have said. he said it in an inartful way. at the end of the day he'll be judged on his policy. now the arab league saying come over here we need you. >> 22 state arab league stepping up against isis. that exclusive interview on "meet the press" president obama made the case for action. >> the next phase is now to
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start going on offense. we have to get an iraqi government in place. i want people to under we have not seen any immediate intelligence about threats to the homeland from isil. that's not what this is about. what it's about is an organization that if allowed to control significant amounts of territory, to amass more resources, more arms, that over time that could be a serious threat to this would. over the course of months, we are going to be able to not just blunt the momentum of isil, we are going to systematically degrade their capability, we'll shrink the territory that they control and ultimately we're going to defeat them. >> long way, long way from when you described them as a jv team. was that bad intelligence or your misjudgment? >> keep in mind i wasn't
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specifically referring to isil. i said that regionally there were a whole series of organizations that were focused primarily locally, weren't focused on the homeland because i think a lot of us when we think about terrorism, the model is osama bin laden and 9/11 and the point of it -- >> you don't believe these people -- >> not yet. they can evolve. >> so we'll learn more about the strategy in the speech wednesday night. tricky part is isis, islamic state of iraq and syria. we can go into iraq, we can form partnership, perform air strikes inside iraq. what about syria? chuck asked him about that. we can partner with the free syrian army. not clear how you go after them. >> there's a different between what mike rogers was saying and the president was saying. >> that's where it gets murky. >> again, i'll repeat a quote that somebody said on this air several years ago. if you take vienna, take vienna.
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if you're going to defeat isis there's not a military leader that's going to tell you you can defeat isis in iraq. it's like my argument about not tripling the number of troops in afghanistan several years ago because everybody said well the problem -- it's not really in afghanistan it's in pakistan but we have to put the troops in afghanistan -- no. it didn't make sense. you didn't beat the islamic state in syria by going into iraq. he's going to have to make some tough choice. of course, his problem is if he goes into syria and he brings this group in syria he helps assad. that's the crux of his problem. if you're going to defeat isis you have to defeat isis. >> that's right. this will go beyond his administration, obviously and part of his legacy, the next president will have to continue this fight. >> ordeal with whatever he put on the plate. the nba's atlanta hawks is going up for sale.
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bruce levenson announced he'll sell his controlling interest after admitting he sent a racially insensitive e-mail back in 2012. written to three team executives, bruce levenson listed his concerns including the majority of fans being black, the cheerleaders being black, and hip-hop music being played at the arena saying in part quote, my theory is the black crowd scared away the whites and there's simply not enough affluent black fans to build a significant season ticket base. the league had been investigating the e-mail prior to levenson's decision to sell. levenson said, quote by focusing on race i sent the unintentional and hurtful message that our white fans are more valuable than our black fans. if you're angry about what i wrote, you should be. i'm angry at myself too. the fab commissioner said as mr. levenson acknowledged the views he expressed are entirely unacceptable and are in stark contrast to the core principles
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of the national basketball association. >> i don't buy the apology. this is a long time in the making. the emails are going to be leaked. >> he handed them over. >> great pr move because he gets to come out without being sanctioned by the league. he's voluntarily selling. he'll walk away with a lot of money. any sentence that starts with "my theory" you know you're running into problems. >> what do you think he was trying to say? >> he made all sorts of assertion of what the fan base is and why ticket sales aren't up with any actual research or evidence. >> do you think he was being blatantly racist and no other business conintercept >> i think he was being dumb as a manager, first and foremost. he was the biggest critic of donald sterling. there's a little bit of hypocrisy. >> it's about framing. if he had said i'm afraid that southern whites are not open minded enough to go into an
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arena where they are a majority, then he would have been fine. but, my god, you're playing with fire when you're talking about what every other nba front office is talking about. but in the clumsiest and worst way. also, there is, though, also, as we were saying last hour, also the question of where has this guy been for the 25 years. by the way, they exploded in the mainstream in 1989 and this guy is talking about hip-hop business is bad for white kids. >> it's not the ludicrous song. he's from atlanta. they love him there. we got chris mannix with senior writer for "sports illustrated." i want to read what you wrote here. banishing sterling was the right thing to do but the nba opened
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pandora's box when it did. one comment, one e-mail, one statement never meant to become public can have catastrophic results. bruce levenson had an ugly skeleton buried in his closet, a sellton that would eventually emerge. this e-mail was written two years ago. he sees what happened to sterling. company have self-report ad couple of years ago and just did it this week. this is -- the attendance question is one that guys grapple with and it makes you wonder what are the private conversation happening behind closed doors that we don't see and emails that aren't released to the public. >> i wouldn't give him too much credit for self-reporting this e-mail because i don't believe he did it of his own volition. at some point he must have believed people in the organization were aware of this e-mail and aware he had to get it out there and get in front of this story before somebody else did. it certainly is a bad look for
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bruce levenson, but in terms of the league and how they look at this going forward, as i wrote it opens a pandora's box with what to donald sterling. every owner in the league is looking at themselves saying doi have this type of e-mail out there lurking. is there something i said in a group set or somebody has something on a cell phone. now all of a sudden if you make one insensitive comment or do something stupid like bruce levenson did with that earn mail could you be subject to the nuclear option. that's what's making owners nervous. >> what's left unsaid here with regard to the atlanta hawks, a, they don't win. so, that's tough. >> not terrible. >> not terrible but the other interesting aspect of it is the braves, the atlanta braves who also have difficulty growing are actually moving to the suburbs. in an attempt to -- >> moving north. where most white suburban, but
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affluent atlantians are living. >> got a brand new stadium. >> brand new for lack of ticket sales. on to other news. in just a few hours new jersey governor chris christie will try to help reverse atlantic city's bad fortunes. the governor will lead a summit on how to turn around the city's casino industry. four casinos are expected to close this year costing the town nearly 8,000 jobs. >> we should go to that. >> hold on. i'll see mccartney, the eagles -- >> 8,000 jobs. >> then jersey. chris christie. >> i want to cover the summit in new jersey and shed light on the jobs being lost there and people's whose lives have been turned upside down and what will to be done to fix it. i'm serious. >> he's just back from mexico. he looks so presidential. >> he a three day trip to mexico. drew comparison force a dry run to a 2016 presidential campaign.
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reporters noticed there was contact choreography. the governor toned down his typically blunt style. despite that trip christie returns to the harsh political realities of home. the dnc is launching an ad blitz in new jersey reminding residents it's one year since the bridge scandal. for the second time this year fitch downgraded the state's bond rating. it cited the state's economic woes, including christie's decision to cut pension payments. >> a lot of new polls out. yesterday from "meet the press." >> nbc news/marist poll showing republicans making significant gains in some closely watched senate races. in arkansas, tom cotton has opened a five point lead against the democrat there, senator mark pryor. the candidates now tied among registered voters. in may senator pryor had an 11 point lead. in kentucky mitch mcconnell leads democrat alison lundergan
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grimes by eight points. he holds a similar lead amongst registered voters. in may they were tied. better news for democrats in colorado where democratic senator mark udall is ahead of republican congressman cory gardner by six points. lead expands to eight among registered. unchanged from july. in all three states president obama finds his approval rating below 40%. >> look at those numbers, willie. arkansas 31%. kentucky 31%. colorado 39%. also fascinating in arkansas, bill clinton's approval ratings plus 30. mitt romney, he's upside down in a couple of those states. what you have is you got the blue states getting bluer, red states getting redder. you don't know how americans will react to the military threat coming from isis in the coming weeks. i think a lot of those numbers have actually been dragged down
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because the president has been seen bungling on foreign policy. whether it's fair or not. if he's forceful taken isis threat is neutralize and effective i think you're going to see those numbers go back up. for republicans claiming that these races are over and i heard this from way too many republicans last week, it's really early. it's the first quarter. we'll see what happens. i have to ask chris mannix something. we were talking about owners that were concerned. what about mark cuban. he had one of the most fascinating comments about race, he said everybody is prejudiced. there was not enough discussion. it was provocative but the kind of conversation that the nba, especially, has to have. is mark cuban worried right now >> mark cuban is worried and every other owner is worried. this is what mark was talking about when he made the initial statements after the donald sterling comments came to light.
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when somebody says something privately and becomes public. no question bruce levenson and the hawks owner was out of line and no question he completely misguided about what he was saying. atlanta has always been a very complicated city, very complicated starts city. it's not skbruft the demographics or france'ses down there. it's about atlanta being a ran the -- ran ttransient city. this guy will lose his team, how far to wonder if there's an e-mail of something i said out there will i lose my team too. >> a divided city. it really is. you look at the perimeter, south of the perimeter the demonstrate
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month graphics are different. north of the perimeter, the atlanta braves moved because of that. >> "sports illustrated" chris mannix, thank you so much. great to have you on board today. >> happy birthday. >> you're a kid. >> he's 38. >> you're a kid. >> he's 38. >> shhh. >> that's awesome. still ahead on "morning joe" joan rivers gets the funeral she said she always wanted. we'll tell you about it in a few minutes. chuck todd will break down his interview with president obama. a massive dust storm blows through phoenix, arizona. and a touching story of one team putting a fan first. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. lan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be...
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saturday brought wind gusts of up 240 miles per hour triggering a dust storm. the national weather service says visibility immediately dropped to zero. bad weather will continue in arizona with hurricane norbert expected to drop two inches of rain today and tomorrow. from the "new york times" the british government is promising scotland's more autonomy. this gomes as a poll shows a majority in favor of scottish independence for the first time ever. >> "usa today" this is a great story cincinnati bengals resign devon still to their practice squad after he was cut. they did it so he can pay for his daughter's cancer treatment. still's 4-year-old daughter was diagnosed with pediatric cancer in june. the decision to keep him on the practice squad not only ensures he'll be paid it allows him to keep his health care coverage for his daughter. >> i like that a lot. >> good for them. the "new york daily news" a
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12-year-old boy's act of kindness has gone viral. at a baseball game he was hand ad foul ball at friday's blue jay's/red sox game he handed the ball to a girl sitting near him. her face lights up. what motivated the act of kindness ryan said quote i've seen people do it before and i thought it was a nice thing. it's good to make people happy. >> what a good guy. talk about passing it on. >> good man. >> the mothers are so proud. >> no it's not. with us now from washington we have nbc news political director moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd. chuck you survived. >> there you go. i think i'm going to retire. >> we were talking about it yesterday on set. i was really surprised by how
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engaged the president was. i don't know if it's the summer being over, i don't know if he's got an election coming up and getting in gear. but something was different. everybody that saw the interview said the same. other than your great skills, of course, what do you sense? why was the president sort of on his toes in the interview yesterday? >> i think part of it is because he does -- i think they feel they know what they have to try to do. doesn't mean they will accomplish it. they have to find these sunni states, gate saudi arabia and a jordan and a talk and get these, those countries to somehow put the boots on the ground in syria. they seem to have -- everybody on this team has agreed. >> will he go into syria. that's right now the big question. he pushed back when you talked about syria. >> he's going in some form of syria. he was very careful to say it won't be boots on the ground but it's going in some sort of supporting element. there's no other way to defeat
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isis and his own folks have said it. i said that to him. he agreed. but i think they think they are going to build this middle east coalition. i think they think they are going to do a jim baker style coalition, that john kerry essentially will be able to replicate what bush 41 incident '90 and '91 when it was a real coalition. you had dozens of countries involved and you had arab countries involved that were actually engaging in the military operation, you know. it was part of the question i said that there's plenty of people wondering at what point does all this military aid that the united states has given the saudi arabia for decades will be used by saudi arabia. >> this speech tomorrow night he has to make a major pitch to the american people. this is a new chapter in a war. let's be honest. you asked him are we going war but he hedged. last time we opened a new chapter, 13 years since we started it.
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we could be in for a long fight. does he feel he can convince the american people it's time to go back into a war. >> he can convince the american public they have to defeat isis. remember when he's giving the speech he's given it on the eve of the 13th anniversary of 9/11. you'll hear some 9/11 imagery from him. he says they are not al qaeda yet but could be if they somehow -- if we don't deal with them now. i think rallying the country by isis is one thing. i think the difficulty here is what do you do after? who fixes syria? who is in charge of rebuilding it? is it united states responsibility? that's the issue here. he himself said it. the united states was all in iraq, everything was okay and as the u.s. pulled out of iraq chaos ensued again. vacuum developed. here comes isis. isn't the same thing going to happen in syria after we're done? >> i thought it was interesting
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that you were able to talk to the president about the whole golf issue, the golfing incident after james foley and the president spoke. >> i have to ask you during that vacation made the statement on foley, your went and golfed. do you want that back? >> you know, it is always a challenge when you're supposed to be on vacation. because you're followed every where and part of what i would love is a vacation from the press. there's no doubt after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain that they were going through, after the statement that i made, that, you know, i should have anticipated the optics. you know, that's part of the job. it's serious business. and you care about it deeply. but part of this job is also the theater of it.
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part of it is, you know, how are you -- well, it's not something that, that always comes naturally to me. but it matters. and i'm mindful of that. >> he doesn't usually say that, does he mika. >> no. when you talk about optics in theater, looking to wednesday night it seems like he's doing everything right. how does he communicate that. how does he punch a wednesday night without falling into traps of rhetoric? >> well, i think the president said it very well. you got arab state, you got uae, egypt. chuck you were talking about syria. i think we'll get a lot of countries on board other than qatar that doesn't strike me as an ally of anybody but terrorists. there i said it. what does the president do on wednesday night to punch, not only to the american people but also to congress? >> exactly. look, i think congress is going
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to be there if it seems like a defined end, right. if there is evidence that this coalition is going to happen. i think he will get congress. i doesn't seem as if -- i've noticed that the voice there's and look some, some on the campaign trail are very nervous about voting for something that is open ended. but if he can come up with a closed end ask of congress, it should be an easy thing. by the way going back to what he said, one thing that the public forgets is presidents if they don't know how to compartmentalize they would never get sleep. >> right. exactly. chuck todd, thank you very much. coming up a star studded affair as joan rivers was laid rotate. we got all the details next. later on "morning joe" one woman's battle with an eating disorder that nearly ruined her life. "girls" star, zosia mamet discusses why she's out an
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addict in eating. that's coming up. "morning joe" will be right back. rst modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can't turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. ♪ unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs.
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outside of rivers' apartment building. ron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. it may be a while before we all stop talking about joan rivers. sales of her books online for example have surged since her passing on thursday. you can see the memorial here outside her home. friends say her legacy is being honored just as she would want. it was the final farewell joan rivers envisioned for self, a-list celebrities showing up in bunches for a memorial service that might have earned an r rating exactly what friends say she want. there was donald, barbara walters, whoopi goldberg and rosy. >> hugh jackman sang the song and the entire congregation gave joan one last stand ovation and nobody wanted to sit down. >> reporter: the sendoff the comic legend ordered was classic
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joan rivers. . it my funeral to be a huge showbiz affair with lights and cameras and action. i want it to be hollywood all the way. don't give me some rabbi rambling on. >> reporter: outside a legion of fans took it all in while inside shock jock howard stern took the program in a direction no one saw coming. >> right after the rabbi does a beautiful job opening up and remember joan said i don't want a rambling rabbi, he took note of that. howard stern gets up unannounced and opened up with a line that brought the house down. opposite bagpipes finished. melissa rivers and her son getting cheers from the crowd. >> melissa spoke and read a letter she wrote to her matter. it was poignant and funny. she's been a rock through all of this. >> reporter: as a new week gets under way the investigation as
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to what caused her death continues on. we may hear some news on that this week. >> ron volunteered to repeat howard stern's line. >> reporter: it's a morning show, a family show. it was funny, though. >> we're trying to find what he said online and we can't find it. i mean, do you know what the line was? >> reporter: i do know what the line was. i can tell you this, he came out -- i won't say it, he came out and said joan rivers had a very dry -- there was this long pause and he delivered the punch line after that. >> i think you just said it. >> okay, ron. >> reporter: it's probably not the word you were thinking. that's how he delivered it. >> ron -- >> coming up -- >> i love you >> you're awesome. well done. >> we have to put him in the carrie sanders pantheon of
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greatness. >> you're definitely in the realm of greatness. >> all right. thanks very much. coming up, today marks the -- >> what a save. >> whoa! >> that was good. >> dry sense of humor. >> that's what he's saying. >> okay. it's good when you just say it and move on. >> today marks six months since flight 370 disappeared. tom costello will tell us where the investigation stands including a new phase of the search. >> up next is president obama doing enough to keep americans safe? information homeland security secretary janet napolitano is next. >> best comedy act downtown. >> going to be funny but fascinating. >> before we go break this
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friday we'll talk to legendary filmmaker ken burns about his new documentary "the roosevelts." and we'll ask you questions about the family dynasty. what was the nickname of theodore roosevelt's regiment that fought in the spanish-american war. we'll give a shout out to the first person that tweets the correct response using the #rooseveltspbs.
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before the names "theodore," "eleanor," and "franklin" were indelibly etched into the american consciousness. and the course of human history was forever changed by their individual endeavors. a prominent family made a point of teaching the value of altruism, the power of perseverance, and the virtue of helping out one's fellow man. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. dine out on favorites or cook up something new. with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love.
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to the place they peel the logs. and sure enough, we find the source and help replace the machine. problem solved. defects go away, and everybody sleeps better. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. what we know, can help you grow. isis in iraq and syria and al qaeda is very conscious of yesterday's story. isis is the flavor of the month right now
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>> nobody, i do bad things too. it's not fair. that's right. the head of al qaeda is feeling neglected. and he's tried everything from posting sad cryptic facebook status updates to even doing the ice bucket challenge. so now i challenge you. >> here with us now, the very brilliant editor of the weekly standard, bill kristol and former homeland security secretary, janet napolitano and mark mcginnis. >> bill kristol how is the
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president doing? >> he's giving a speech wednesday. >> are you suggesting quid pro quo. >> define you guys. >> you. >> not mika. >> the president is worried about intervention. you're right to support the president. on the other hand janet napolitano was still there we would not have isis -- think about this. >> let's be serious. >> horrible thing. the threat of isis is unbelievably bad. >> we also agree isis needs to be stomped out. >> should never have been allowed to get this far. that's a huge problem. >> this is where we disagree as far as syria goes.
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it's a lot of easy for neo-cons and hillary clinton to say we should have invaded two years ago. we don't know what would have happened if he had done that. the american people are war weary and would not have supported a massive intervention in syria. >> it wasn't that easy. i supported the president a year ago. not a lot of republicans. it should have been two, three years ago. even a year ago. i supported him. it's gotten much worse. i hope, very much hope he now grasps reality, accepts reality and acts decisively. his secretary of state said the day before, two days before that interview we have a red line, no ground troops. >> really? you say natural you're a serious power. >> no. if you have to choose between assad and isis who do you zmoos. >> i don't choose. >> you have to choose. >> we can do boston them.
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that's what it means to be great power. >> get rid of assad. >> get rid of him right away. >> who runs syria? >> we don't know. there's a better chance of having decent people run syria two years ago. >> one of the most striking statements by a president -- >> let's talk about the future. >> citizens of syria demonstrated against the dictatorship. they were merchants and doctors. >> he drew red lines. ignored the red lines. the question is what do we do? hold on a second. if we hurt isis, we help assad. >> why we helping assad. if we decimate syria assad is a weak dictator. isis is a real threat. >> i hate to admit this. i think we may agree on moving forward. let the record show --
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>> not nearly as bad with janet napolitano. all downhill since she left. border, thousands of people flooding across the border. >> janet, based on what you know, how dangerous is the isis threat to the american homeland? >> characterize it somehow for us. >> i think the number one threat the homeland are americans or europeans who have passport whose have been over there and trying to come back and do something in the united states. >> do we know who they are? >> i have been out for a year. we have some. but it's difficult to track travel, difficult to track travel particularly from turkey into the region. so we don't have 100% fix or we didn't at the time. >> mark mcginnis has a question. mark. >> you talk about americans or other foreign nationals that may be going in, or coming out. can you talk about americans, what homeland defense is doing about americans going over now,
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is there a system in place, or strategy for making sure that americans aren't going over now? >> and, again, i'm not there. but, obviously, eyes and ears are attuned to americans who may be traveling into the region. trying to track travel with the travel documents that dhs does collect, but it's a very big region and these are very big borders and freedom of travel is freedom of travel. so i would be surprised if you could say yeah we have 100% control. >> janet said eyes and ears. that's another issue, national security agency and its listening in on an awful lot of conversations from abroad to here which i've always defended. president says a few words how important it is against irresponsible critics of the left and right and defends our intelligence officers. >> isis jumped on everybody's radar screen and the american
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public in the last six months to a year, i would say. how much were they on your radar screen when you were secretary of homeland security. is this a group you were focused on, a group you were concerned about. a month ago the president called them a jv team. he didn't take them as seriously as they have now. >> they have grown in terms of size and capability. yes, they were on everybody's radar screen. they were there. the issue of travellers was already present. there were lots of discussions with how do you get the region and the countries in the region to participate in a more vital and more vigorous manner. but were they the dominant source of conversation? not at the time, no. >> madam secretary thank you so much for coming. >> we'll come out to berkeley and do a stand up routine. think the kids would loyalist. >> if you do it we'll host it. >> will the kids love us? i think we should.
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>> "morning joe" at berkeley. >> get out of the east coast and come out west. >> bill kristol can you stay with us. allegations of sexism on capitol hill taurnd lot of heads last week. kasie hunt cyst down with senator gillibrand. agony for families of mh-70. tom costello is next with the latest on the investigation. latest on the investigation. you're watching "morning joe."
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hard to believe it was six months ago today when malaysia airlines flight 370 disappeared while on a flight to beijing. search teams spent months looking for the plane in the southern indian ocean but so far have not found a single trace of the plane or the 239 people on board. for the families of the missing the past six months have been just torture. nbc's tom costello has been following the story from the very beginning and he join us now with an update. >> search teams are about to start a new search more than 1,000 miles off the coast of australia after spending the last few months mapping the ocean floor. this comes down to hard science and guesswork. it's a mystery that for six months has held the world in suspense. >> no word what went wrong. no word on the lives of the 239
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souls on board. >> continuing the search -- >> we seem no closer to knowing what actually happens. >> this morning, there is little to go on in the search. and the 239 people on board. for the families, agony. sara's partner phillip wood is still missing. >> i miss his daily presence. i still feel him in my heart, so that will never go away. >> flight 370 disappeared on the red eye flight on march 8th. the last radio contact with the pilot sounded routine. soon after, the plane dropped off radar and stopped its data transmissions. investigators soon discovered evidence that someone had turned the plane around and flown it into the remote southern indian
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ocean. engineer, analyzing attempted satellite communications or handshakes with the planes believe it went down here, somewhere along this arc. but where? it's 23,000 square miles and the ocean is vast and deep. an intense search in the air and on the surface using an unmanned submarine found nothing. now experts have refined the search area again. and a new phase of the search is about to begin. >> we will not give up until we have found what's left of flight mh-370. >> for months, dutch and chinese ships have been mapping the ocean floor. soon, they'll use advanced deep sea sonar technology. but aviation experts can't understand why six months later not a single piece of wreckage has washed ashore. >> the fact we have not found
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debris is one of the largest mysteries to me. there's so many light objects in the airline, in the galleys, the seat cushions themselves. those things float for a very, very long time. >> we mentioned the indian ocean is deep. something like three miles deep in some places. if they ever do find the plane and recover the flight data from the saltwater, investigators say the data should still be good on the block boxes and that will hopefully help them solve the mystery of flight 370. thomas. >> we still wait. thank you. still ahead, if a prolonged fight against i'm sis is imminent, how long will it be before members of the arab league join in? plus, it's not preis season anymore. we have the latest nbc news polls in the battleground states that could determine the senate. and storms in the southwest.
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we'll check in for the forecast. we asked you the name of teddy roosevelt's regiment in the spanish-american war. and the correct answer to that question is the rough rides. @kristin s was the first person to send us that correct response. congratulations to you. keep watching "morning joe" for the roosevelts, an intimate history. we're going to be right back after this. before the names "theodore," "eleanor," and "franklin" were indelibly etched into the american consciousness. and the course of human history was forever changed by their individual endeavors. a prominent family made a point of teaching the value of altruism, the power of perseverance, and the virtue of helping out one's fellow man.
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over the course of months, we are going to be able to not just blunt the momentum of isil, we are going to systemically degrade their capabilities. we're going to shrink the territory they control. ultima ultimately, we're going to defeat them. >> long way from when you described them as a jv team. was it bad intelligence or your misjudgment? >> i wasn't specifically referring to isil. i've said that regional there were a whole series of organizations that were focused primarily locally. weren't focused on the homeland. because i think a lot of us when we think about terrorism, the model is osama bin laden and 9/11. and the point that i was -- >> you don't believe that these people -- >> not yet, but they can evolve. >> president obama speaking to chuck todd on "meet the press." welcome back to "morning joe."
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managing editor of the news website quartz bobby gotz join us. >> a year ago today? i'm a politician. a year ago at this very moment, let me exaggerate -- >> but a year ago. >> janet nap pal toon nepal nap you in as a citizen. >> it was a wonderful event, she gave a wonderful speech. she'd done it lots and lots of times, but because it was her last -- >> so bobby, moving to the president obama, bill and i disagree about some things. one thing we don't disagree about on the president's policy is if you're going to take s vien vienna, you have to take vienna. if you're going to beat the islamic state in syria, you have
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to go into syria. which i suggest is why he calls it isil instead of isis. we've got to go into syria. i'm not talking about boots on the ground. we've got to figure out how to destroy isis in syria or it just doesn't matter. >> i think we're trying to figure out how to do it too. all the talk of sending drones and eyes in the sky. that is adding up to something. that something has to be a sort of air strike campaign. >> how important that it looks like the arab league's about to follow the lead of the uae? >> it's an important first step, but it's only a first step. the arab league always gives itself room to back off and that's something to worry about. they did not specifically endorse an air strike campaign, which i think would have been better. it's all talk of, you know, we're all in agreement that something needs to be done. what that something is, they give themselves some funability, which is something you worry about. >> is the president not moving
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in the right direction? >> i think he is. very slowly. but yes, the right direction. >> bill, let me ask you, what does the president need to say to get congress on board? we always talk about educating the american people. i don't want to see a congress sit back and say we'll just wait and see whether this succeeds or fails. doesn't congress need to be brought in on this too? going after isis? >> i think the president needs the authority to act but i would be all for congress authorizing use of force. i've talked to republicans about this the last week or two. they're all for it. >> they're all for it? >> i mean 80% of them are for it. contrary to all this talk, ooh, the partisanship in washington is terrible, the republicans will support a strong action against isis. >> even the rand paul wing -- >> rand paul will be against it and i think he -- >> will that hurt rand paul going forward if he's against this? in something that most americans see as a real threat?
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>> i think it will expose the threat he's had his own views, he's held them pretty -- >> but core policy outside the main -- >> -- is hawkish. >> i don't think that underestimates the importance, the perception of having a coalition of arab states asking us to come in and help. i think that's a huge difference. >> so obviously if the president gives an address to the nation to explain his plan on wednesday night. and of course the question will be after that if he can get real support from across the world in the form of action. let's bring in nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely. what are you hearing about in terms of how this is looked at outside the u.s.? >> clearly got some support at last week's nato summit, but it's all very well getting support from britain, france, germany, i understand also denmark and australia. countries that really fear a blowback from those of their
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citizens who have gone to iraq and syria. quite another thing to get the support of arab states, particularly sunni states, that you have to get on board. the target is a sunni group, isis. so that's the real challenge. but it's quite clear that the military, the diplomatic and the political offensive is now in full swing. i suppose looking further down the line, you know, we come up with the same issues. what does victory look like? what does victory against isis in iraq look like? more problematically, what about syria? and what is the end game in syria? is it the defeat of assad or the defeat of isis or both? really, anyone in the coalition has worked out those things yet. >> colin powell expanded on, before you go in, you try to figure out how to get out. what does victory against isis look like? >> i'm totally against the
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powell doctrine. >> that's why you're wrong. >> no, i am, you never act because you never know what things will look like. >> what does victory look like against isis. when does he say, mr. president, good job, he won, they lost. >> in 2008, a huge victory in iraq, people not slaughtering each other. in syria, crushing isis and helping those moderates who are there to -- >> you were one of those moderates. >> there are still some. >> i didn't ask you, who was, i'm asking who are those moderates now. >> you don't know who they are until you get involved and try to help them. >> and then you're in. >> that's the thing about war. >> who were the moderates in the balkans. were you against that intervention? >> of course i was. >> they hated each other for hundreds of years.
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they'll just slaughter each other. are the balkans better off now? >> yeah, but it was a gamble at the time. the gamble paid off. more times than not, the gamble doesn't pay off. that's not a risk -- >> more times than not, if you don't take that gamble, you get the current situation. 200,000 people dead in syria. a horrible terrorist group metastasizing throughout the middle east. >> let's talk about the arab league. we were leading from behind in libya. we get the arab league on board. then actually got some things. for not only the united states but for the rest of the world. >> not only did the arab league endorse libya, they participated. the uae sent aircraft that were part of of that whole effort to create a no-fly zone which took the initiative away from gadhafi and allowed the rebels to beat him. something similar needs to be done here. the arab league has to join. not enough to endorse on the sidelines. arab planes have to be in the air. arab logistics need to be offered. and a much more clear mandate
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saying, yes, we agree, we need military action. >> can i just say -- >> -- every time somebody talks, you're always shaking your head, chris. >> no, look what happened, libya, we didn't intervene -- we didn't follow up and we didn't have troops there for stability and we didn't have aids. but the arabs couldn't have done it. i have no problem with having arab troops there. the problem with libya, people like you were right about this, if you're going to intervene, you have to intervene. we now end up with terrorists controlling parts of libya. >> that's the part of the powell doctrine, believe, if you're going to go in, go in, don't go in halfway. what can we expect from france so americans don't feel like we're carrying it on our own? isis may pose a greater threat to some capitals in europe than
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they do new york and washington. >> exactly. >> there are two parts to the question. number one, what can we expect of this countries in respect of iraq and then further down the line in syria. in britain, the debate has shifted from providing ammunition and sleeping bags to kurdish rebels in northern iraq to actually support for british air strikes. tornado planes have been flying recounsel sans missions. edging towards getting involved in actual air strikes. i think with germany, they have just broken a long-standing decades-long taboo and are supplying german-made ammunition to kurdish fighters in northern iraq. with all these countries, it's a tiptoeing process. the danger is, you've got to be very careful what you're tiptoeing into. for example, the u.s. yesterday in striking anbar province, there were two firsts there.
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this is the first time u.s. planes have struck western iraq and anbar province is an absolute hornet's nest where there's been a war that's displaced half a million people. and secondly it's the first time u.s. warplanes have taken action solely in support of iraq's government. nothing to do with the yazidis or kurds. we've got to be careful what we're tiptoeing into, all of the coalition countries. >> bill, thank you so much. we really wish it was like 11:00 or 12:00 where we are. what time is it in london right now? >> it is just after 1:00 in the afternoon. we need to do this. have lunch and then do morning joe. bill neely. >> i hear him say anbar province. around this table, we've talked about anbar province. i've been very critical of george w. bush. very critical of his foreign policy. but, boy, as bill said a minute
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ago, what we would do to go back and have the anbar province of 2008/2009 when george w. bush -- >> all over again. >> so many remarkable gains and it went away. >> to an issue here at home, president obama is being accused of playing politics with the plight of immigrants. over his decision to delay taking executive action on immigration reform. the president says he will not take action until after the midterm elections. despite previously promising he would address the issue before the end of summer. some say because it's an election year. but president obama says that's not the case. >> not only do i want to make sure that the ts are crossed and the is are dotted, but here's the other thing, chuck, i'm being honest now, about the politics of it. this problem with unaccompanied children that we saw a couple weeks ago, where you had from central america, a surge of kids who were showing up at the border, got a lot of attention.
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and a lot of americans started thinking, we've got this immigration crisis on our hands. and what i want to do, when i take executive action, i want to make sure it's sustainable. i want to make sure -- >> that the public's not behind you? it sounds a little bit you're concerned the public wouldn't support what you did. >> what i'm saying is i'm going to act because it's the right thing for the country. but it's going to be more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration, what we've done on unaccompanied children and why it's necessary. >> hispanics make up less than 10% of the electorate. colorado is the sole exception. in austin, msnbc contributor and fellow for the center of politics at ut's school of public policy, victoria desanto.
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what do you think motivated the decision to put it off? politics? could it be anything else in. >> i'm going to go with politics here mika. we know that latino patience has been worn very thin. they're going to be implications here. let me give you some numbers. a recent poll asked, if the president doesn't take executive action, what is the ennethuse y sam going to be for you to vote? compare that to 87% would said we'd be more enthusiastic. the reason here is that over two-thirds of the latinos know someone personally would is undocumented and a third of latinos have a family member who's undocumented so it's a very, very personal issue. it may not affect senate races but where we're really going to feel it is here in texas.
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wendy davis, they need that vote in order to go purple or blue and it's not going to happen. >> let me grab on to a point mark mckinnon said earlier. does the denial not help in terms of trying to garner support for the president but if we had more democrats in power we could get this done so could you just admit it? >> i think it adds insult to injury. we've got to hold on to the senate. let me be honest with you. and then we're going to work forward in order to try to get immigration reform. latinos have been waiting since 2008 for a bold immigration move and nothing has happened. so at least be honest with us. >> vicky, thank you very much. mark mckinnon now, you have some new polls by no labels that look at the caucus and primary states of iowa and new hampshire. some interesting results. in iowa, you have hillary clinton, right? >> no surprise, hillary clinton leading by 30 points over her close rival, which is somebody would says they're not going to
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run. the interesting news i think is with the republicans, where in new hampshire, nobody is even in double digits. not jeb bush, not chris christie. we've seen some real impact for christie here. other than mike huckabee who's at 13%. >> the new hampshire democratic primary, hillary clinton easily ahead there. let's go to the republican primary. absolutely fascinating in new hampshire, everybody in single digits. rand paul at 9%. ryan, perry, walk, 6%. jeb, 5, christie, 2. undecided, 44%. i've never seen anything like that in the republican primary. >> it's great. the republicans usually have the front-runner. the guy who ran last time. he gets the nomination. the democrats tend to have races like this. they flipped this year. i think hillary clinton will be challenged actually. joe biden shouldn't be counted out. >> he's running a strong -- >> no, seriously. but i do think on the republican
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side, a totally wide-open race. >> mitt. >> he could come back in, i guess. >> here's the interesting thing -- >> people not on these lists, in my view, could come in. >> anyone could jump in. could jump in late. >> yep. yep. >> come on -- >> here's the interesting findings. >> yeah. >> are the attributes that people are looking for in the next president, it's not the typical sort of things -- >> tall, 6'4", what? >> i think that would be good for a vice president. >> we offered up about 15 different attributes. like shares your values in foreign policy. what's at the very top? the problem is are they a problem solver. can they bring people together. let's get the simple stuff done again. it's about problem solving. we've got a book out called "just the facts." >> it's basically just the opposite of bill kristol.
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>> i do think -- someone said what's so fascinating is the problem solver. i was thinking this past weekend, bill, about ike, that drove a lot of i'd deo logs crazy, but ike saw himself as a problem solver. how do we beat the nazis? he was not as ideological as a lot of people. but he was constantly obsessed with one thing, what works. that's a powerful signal. and who knows, maybe that means you spend more on infrastructure at the same time you go after teachers unions and public education. but you spend more on education and r & d. but you go after entitlements. that's a powerful message. top of the list. a problem solver. >> strength in foreign policy. people want to sense that someone can stand up to putin and isis and deal with those problems. and real sensitivity about the middle class, working class squeeze. i've seen another poll, you might agree with this, the
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degree to which middle class and working class americans are worried about their future is really starting -- >> just reading about that in "just the facts." very good. still ahead, senator kristin gillibrand talks about sexism on capitol hill. casey hunt has that interview. it was a wild weekend for hundreds of party goers this weekend. things took a turn for the worst when they tried to go home. plus, new footage from the domestic violence incident that got ray rice suspended from the nfl. we're going to go inside the elevator next. first, bill carrons with a check on the forecast. >> have you ever been inside the elevator with bill carron? >> oh, god, i can't be. he presses stop. >> good morning, everyone. out of southern california yesterday, we got drenched. hurricane norbert last week was off the coast of mexico. a lot of that moisture got sucked north.
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it's good that some portions of southern california picked up heavy rain. in arizona, some outflow caused a dust storm. it's just a big wall of sand that blows in quickly. there's the time lapse video of it in phoenix. yesterday, phoenix got the dust storm. today, we're getting drenched. we is a bad flooding situation right now in the area. flash flood warning. many roads are closed. phoenix only gets 8 inches of rain a year. in the last eight hours, they've had 2 inches. that's a lot of flooding. i-10 is closed in a few sections. so, again, it's only 5:00 in the morning there, but the rain still going on. there's a good chance that your morning commute is going to have a lot of delays and a lot of road closures. also, raining today in southern virginia, coastal north carolina and south carolina's not pretty. it's going to rain hard the next two days. the biggest problems, again, phoenix this morning and the
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mid-atlantic. tomorrow, we'll worry about severe storms in the northern plains. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. hurry, and if you join by sept 13th you'll get a free starter kit. weight watchers because it works. their biggest customer is demanding refunds for defects. so i offered to help. at ge capital, we bring expertise from across ge. so i call in our access ge engineers, and together with columbia, we work backwards.
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from the cabinet factory, to the place they peel the logs. we find the source and help replace the machine. problem solved. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. what we know, can help you grow. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what's next. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves.
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baldness, he's like -- >> like her first pregnancy, she's dealing with acute morning sickness. prince william will be on hand alone as scheduled. our congratulations to them. >> he just turned 1, right? and harry turns 30 coming up. jen wants to know. harry's not engaged. >> he's not engaged yet. >> are we really talking about this? do you really want to know that? no, you don't. >> absolutely. >> tim russert would call kids that close together what? >> irish twins. >> we go to "the denver post" and tell you what's going on with -- >> oh, upsetting a lot of people in colorado. >> dozens of attendees were stranded after missing their flights. bud light created this fake town called "whatever," setting up concerts and passing out free beer. >> what could possibly go wrong there? >> well, chaos ensued when thousands of participants went to head home and the small
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airplane wasn't able to handle the massive flux of people. bud light says they're working to make sure attendees get home. >> what can go wrong? free beer. >> whatever, usa. from the huffington trying to barter his freedom in exchange for mowing the lawn. they heard movement in their living room. the homeowner fired warning shots. he then held the suspect at gunpoint while waiting for police. at which point, the burglar offered to mow their lawn for free if they agreed to let him go. >> how about i'll let you stay alive. you're in my house and i will not shoot you dead. that seems like, okay, i'll take that one too. >> what's next? >> we want to warn everybody out there. it's an update to the ray rice situation. this is tmz. from tmz sports. reportedly shows what happens the moments before the ravens
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running back ray rice was seen dragging his then fiance out of an atlantic city elevator. the video shows him in this physical altercation in which the fiance was punch pd twice. the second hit, that was enough to knock her out. rice then had to carry her out of the elevator. so that's the part where we had seen the images before, where rice was seen bringing his fiance out of the elevator. that was -- >> so let me get this straight. this guy is going to play football this year? >> yep. >> but a guy that smoked pot is banned for the year? a guy that took molly is, like, banned for more games? i'm sorry, you know what, the nfl has to go back and revitt this. you're right, nfl, you screwed up. you screwed up bad. you know what, you don't get off that easily. he needs to be out for the year.
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do you understand, out for the year. this is more information. this is more evidence. >> did they have this? >> this guy better not play a football game this year. seriously. you're a disgrace. >> there was a two-game suspension. >> a two-game suspension? they ban a guy for smoking pot for a year and they're letting this guy play football this year? >> how do they not have this video? >> who knows where this was in the investigation. this was before the couple got married. it just doesn't matter. it just doesn't matter. if he even looks at a woman wrong, the rest of the year, he should be banned for life. any union that would defend this guy and any union that would stand in the way of him -- he
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smoked a little weed on his own, wasn't bothering anybody? this is a disgrate. the nfl better get their act together. >> coming up, we have all heard how kristin gillibrand reened spoed to those sexist remarks on capitol hill but how about running for offers ice as a feminist. plus, just one big day away from apple's big event. >> they're thinking about an iphone. >> and will the battery last longer than the telephone call.
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when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement,
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in two years. last time around was under steve jobs. this could be a game changer. what we do know is that apple's set to focus on health and mobile payments. investors are going to be eager to tell you if this is really going to be one of those game changing categories like the iphone was, like the ipad was and like some of apple's products before under steve jobs. >> we'll definitely watch apple into the event. i also want to mentiona alibaba. it is going to debut. it's a chinese company on the new york stock exchange. time line is set for the end of next week. today, ali baba is described as ebay, amazon and google all wrapped into one. it could be the largest u.s. ipo
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in history. so that's going to be a big focus. >> that is pretty big. mika, are you going to make the jump back to the iphone? >> not if it's a watch. >> they're also going to have a phone. >> they're going to have a new phone. >> bigger, doesn't break? >> it will be bigger, it won't break. you can buy things on it with just a swipe. it's going to have the thumbprint i.d. to open up it. >> and the battery is going to last 17 minutes instead of 14. >> that's a big change. sarah eisen, thanks. still ahead, opening up about an eating disorder. she's here. more "morning joe" in just a minute.
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boy, we got a packed 40 minutes. they were thinking of me being one of the leads. i just can't. i'm like too old, ugly. other than that, and also, steve harvey, one of the original kings of comedy, he's going to be on later this hour. >> first, joining us on set, nbc political correspondent casey hunt with her one-on-one interview with senator gillibrand. how did that go? >> we spent a day in new york with senator gillibrand. in just a short amount of time in the senate, she's had to learn the hard way about passing laws and also about passing off pretty insensitive comments from her colleagues. >> it was pretty funny when a southern congressman told me as i walked down the aisles in the house channel bettmber, he said even pretty when you're fat. i was like, okay, thanks. >> following in hillary
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clinton's foot steps. as ambitious senator from new york and as a female politician, constantly graded and how she looks. how does she respond? like any true new yorker. you said f.u.? >> i had colorful language for him. >> casting herself as part of the next generation, not afraid to talk about the challenge, of running as a woman, instead of simply trying to run as a man. >> do you think feminism has become a dirty word? >> just like ambition. it's perceived negatively by so many people. all it is is someone who believes in quality for all. you ask them, do you believe in quality for all? they would say absolutely. >> would you call yourself a feminist? >> definitely. i'm not afraid of words. >> gillibrand was a pointed to the senate in 2009 after clinton left to be secretary of state. at 42, she became the youngest serving senator. but acceptance didn't come easy. maureen dowd compared her to the overbeari ining blonde from the
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movie "election." but gillibrand has built a reputation on capitol hill as a tireless advocate, especially for women. black home, she presses for science education for girls in brooklyn. more support for business owners in the bronx. and justice for victims of sexual assault. >> it should not include a 1 in 5 chance of being sexually assau assaulted. >> her military sexual assault bill fail and she had a public falling out with senator mccaskill. >> there's no rift. it was just a policy agreement. i can tell you, i disagree with my male colleagues all the time. >> people focus less on that? >> of course. >> for now, gillibrand says she wanted to help clinton get elected president. after that, who knows where her ambitions will take her. >> i think she's the most qualified die famic candidate you could possibly put forth from our party.
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i think she could be an extraordinary president. >> do you want to be president some day? >> no, no, i feel so lucky i get to do my job in the senate. >> well, casey, first great interview. she did very well in the interview. >> she's on "morning joe" tomorrow by the way. >> more questions about the book. what struck you, especially in terms of where she's going to play in the coming years? >> sure. i was struck by, especially in this book she's put out there, how forward she was in talking about some of these issues she's faced as a female senator. something people have sort of avoided talking about. it's sort of one of those dirty little secrets. you accept these comments come your way. >> i remember, she went to dartmouth with my brother mark and he always saw her as really great and also put the word ambitious along with that. i had lunch with her i think what was it just when she was elected i believe, weeks after. i walked out of there and i said, watch out for her. don't even think about underestimating her.
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because she's really ambitious. i saw it as a great, great thing. i think she's right though. i think we struggle with that word when it compaes -- >> she writes about how ambitioambition is something that's perceived as negative for women. if you talk to capitol hill, that's the reputation. she's done a very good job of it. what she's doing with her fund-raising and her pac has people taking notice. the way she handled the military sexual assault bill drew a lot of attention. >> actually the other senator you mentioned in there, kristin gillibrand and claire mccaskill, both ambitious, aggressive and they do good things with those qualities and that's something i want to see more of across the board in business and politics. >> no doubt. >> all right kasie, thank you so much. >> i'm a feminist.
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>> in your own weird way. some day, i'll tell that story. >> all right, one day. >> all right. actress sosha mamet. bringing light to an issue that affects millions of women. musical chairs. fun, right? welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet?
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hurry, and if you join by sept 13th you'll get a free starter kit. weight watchers because it works. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at
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basically, it's been a somewhat adventurous time for me. so at the end of my senior year, i will have had both experiences while also being like super well prepared for the professional world. sounds like a really good plan. smart and strong and feminist. baby, good plan, right? >> no, i think that -- i think what you think pretty much. >> oh, that sounds like joe. >> from hbo's "girls." he sounds like that -- >> yeah, exactly. >> the star of "girls." co-star and "glamour" columnist zosha mamet. >> there we go. >> it's not spelled for anybody
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to do it correctly. >> from mika better brzezinski, that, two zs. so "girls." and i love your column. >> thank you so much. >> you talk about your struggle with an eating disorder. >> uh-huh. >> i've written a book about this. i'm a mother of two girls closer to your age than mine. and it seems to me like the struggle might be a lot harder for young people today. >> i mean, i just think even, you know, the world that we live in and the way we're bombarded with advertising of this one very specific body type which i think that that ideal has definitely changed from, you know, when fashion became as big as it has. it's definitely morphed into something much more androgynous, much more -- >> why do you look at me when
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you say androgynous? >> no particular reason. but i want to hear about the moment when your dad confronted you and how that hit you. i know people can go to glamour and read the article as well. it really goes in depth in a deeply personal way. tell me about your dad and what he said to you at a moment that was kind of pivotal. >> it was absolutely a pivotal moment. all the doctors had told me that. it just didn't seem to be hitting home. when you have an addiction, it becomes something out of your hands. you really sort of -- you lose control in a way. >> he knows you. >> absolutely. >> what did your dad say? >> he came home one night and he grabbed me by the shoulders and he looked me in the eye and he said, you can't die. and it was just -- it was a really enlightening moment for
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me. i suddenly realized my addiction wasn't only about me. it had become something that made me not really care if i lived or died because i was powerless at that moment. i suddenly realized that it would affect my family. >> mike. >> your father is obviously david mamet. >> he is actually david mamet. >> david's idea of a great day is write like four movies a day, two books. how has his -- in addition to the huge impact he had on you, with the story you just told obviously, how has his presence in your life affected -- up got a future now. you've got a career. has it affected you negatively, positively, both? >> he's my dad. he's a very talented man. he introduced me to a lot of incredible things as a very
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young human which opened my eyes to the possibilities of this world. he installed me with i hope is a pretty good work ethic. he's got a good one. >> what he's been involved in. >> i mean, that's it, i'm out. >> let's talk about "girls." you portray four different characters. how important is it to portray strength and flaws? but then also what you're working with, with your book and glamour and trying to bring women to new york city, the make your mark contest? >> yeah, yeah, i think something that we do on our show is very much in kind with that -- kind of what i'll talk about in just a second is we kind of try to portray women in the most honest light we can. girls in their early to mid-20s which is what we're playing.
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we really try to show them in as honest and realistic a way so we can really reach girls that age who going through these experiences and hopefully make them feel not so alone. i've partnered with "glamour" and with behr with the "make your mark" campaign. >> got it right here. >> on the lovely pellegrino bottle it you want something lovely and refreshing. it's just starting to inspire women from 18 and over from across america to submit an essay about the various ways in which they make their mark on the world. and i think it's really just about, you know, helping women feel confident in the ways in which they specifically contribute to the world and to get creative about that. >> sasha, thank you very much for sharing your story in glamour. >> she said it right. >> you did. >> i'll never get it wrong now. really, really great job. >> thank you so much.
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>> thank you very much. coming up, steve harvey on success and how to overcome failure in life. he joins us on set next on "morning joe." >> yeah, i think he's done pretty well. hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure,
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mika, what i always said growing up. what did i say growing up? you need to act like a lady and talk like a man. steve ripped that off from me. number one best-seller. >> he's the host of "the steve harvey show." >> all i've been hearing for decades, syndication dead, syndication dead. you blew it up. >> i got fortunate. >> starting your third season. talk about this book. this great book. >> this book is my return to all the people who have helped me. this is my way giving back. i've scraped a lot of manure off the sidewalk so you don't have to slide in it. if i had this book when i flunked out of college, i would have been rich a long time ago. >> i always tell my kids, you'll
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have one challenge after another but life is about change. it's about getting up. talk about that. >> i've had every -- every single economic level in life you can have. college dropout. bankrupt. broke. homeless. lived in a car. i've really gone through the whole gamut. i've put it in a book. >> wahat's the key? bottom line it? >> discover your gift. >> once you find your gift, go for it. >> what if you can't find it? >> everybody can find it. your gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. >> talk about your discovery of your gift. where were you when you discovered it? >> i was a kid -- i was always
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funny as a kid. i didn't know it would make money, you know, i had no idea -- all it did was got me in trouble, you know, i was in the principal's office a lot. i got beat up a bunch of times because i just couldn't stop saying the stuff. i didn't know it would turn into money. so as i got older, i was sitting on a hill at kent state. i was flunk out and he was graduating. he said, i'm going to hollywood. i thought it was the most incredible -- everybody laughed at him. that guy went and did it. i was sitting up working at a factory. it was arsenio hall. and he's on tv. and i said, man, i'm going to go to it. i walked in to a comedy club one night and won and that's it. >> it's been following your passion. what is it about your own magneticings? >> well, it is, because, see, when we were created, god put a
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gift in all of us when he made us. that gut, things that keep burning inside you, this a seed that is planted inside you. once you start watering and nurturing that seed, which is usually your gift. people wake up and go, man, there's got to be more to life than this. or, man, if i only had a -- and i don't want to die with that "i wish i had-a." i want to die with my parachute wide open. i don't want to die with my gift packed away on my back, never jumping. >> the book debuts today. >> act like a success, think like a success. it's a great book. >> it's great to have you on. very, very inspiring. >> thank you very much. >> now, unfortunately for mike and me, our gifts involve some beer and dog tracks but we're going after it, right. right now. man, thank you so much.
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>> thank ya'll for having me. >> we've got "the daily rundown" with peter alexander starting right now. >> president obama's moving forward with plans to hunt down isis militants. but reversing course on immigration. "meet the press" moderating chuck todd will join us with more on his exclusive interview with the president. and new numbers showing republicans leading in critical races in kentucky and arkansas, but democrats are holding on to the lead in colorado. plus, two former presidents and potential 2016 rivals teaming up today to launch a leadership program. presidents clinton and bush 43 together and live later this hour. good morning to you from washington. it is monday, september 8th, 2014. this is "the daily rundown." i'm peter alexander. we learned there is a new royal on the way. the duke and duchess are now expecting baby number two.
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