tv The Cycle MSNBC September 8, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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"the cycle" begins with breaks news in the sports world. baltimore ravens suspended star running back ray rice indefinitely. the team just terminate the his contract, sending out this tweet. the flurry of activity coming hours after new surveillance video was released by tmz sports showing the star knocking out his then-fiancee back in february. here is the video. it's disturbing. inside an atlantic city video hotel, you see rice and thinks then-fiancee. rice delivers a blow that leaves her unconscious on the floor of the elevator. he then drags her body into the hallway. picks up her shoe and gives her body a little kick with his foot. here he is dragging her out of the elevator. rice was charged with felony assault. after his now-wife janay palmer refused to testify against her husband, charges were reduce on youed. nfl commissioner roger goodell suspended him for just two games. just last month the nfl upped
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its penalty protocol for domestic abuse charges to a six-game suspension for first-time offenders and minimum one year time out after that. joining us is perry. there's a he said/he said around how much did the nfl and baltimore ravens know and when did they know it? sports illustrated's peter king said they did know it. they had access to this tape months ago. nfl and ravens saying they didn't know about it until this morning. i find it bizarre that they only found this video -- only able to see this video this morning. overall from the video we had seen originally, from the outside of the elevator we see ray rice dragging her out, clearly unconscious. they were only two entering the elevator, both walking. what more did you need to know to know this man had sdon something horrific inside that elevator and he can no longer be employed within the nfl community? it seems this is a move based on the negative pr from america finally seeing him knock her out
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like he was a boxer alone with her in the ring, rather than doing the right thing in the first place. >> it's very clear the video changed the dynamics. ravens defended him strongly early on. the coach went out and talked about how great -- how nice of a guy he was, he's a great guy. he can get past the situation. immediately the team releases him, the video clearly changed the story. it's going to raise questions about roger goodell, commissioner of the nfl who had to apologize earlier, i didn't understand domestic violence world, we changed our policy. >> was there even a policy to begin with when it comes to domestic abuse within the nfl? if there was one, it doesn't sound like it was clearly articulated. >> they had to make it up as they went along. the nfl suspends players for recreational drug use. as a cleveland browns player josh gordon out for the season for repeated uses of marijuana. the question becoming, is marijuana use, which is becoming legal all over the country, more
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severe than domestic violence? the answer is, of course, not. the nfl has to rethink their policies now. >> they have already done some rethinking of that. back to toure's point, i mean, it has all come in response, rather than to their own ethical evaluation of the situation. it's all come in response to public backlash. so, first he's suspended for just two games after knocking out his fiancee in this elevator and dragging her body out. of course, as we said, we only saw the end part of that altercation. huge public backlash, right? so, goodell comes out and says, you know what, i didn't get it. we're changing the policy now for first-time infraction. six-game suspension. after that, automatic year-long, indefinite suspension. you can reapply after a year. and now again, what do they imagine happened on that elevator? why did they -- let's say we take them at their word, right, and that they hadn't seen this new video tmz has put out?
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what did they think happened in the elevator? they couldn't imagine the situation that he had knocked her out? because i think -- >> she was knocked out cold. >> -- clear to all of america what had happened in the elevator without seeing this horrifying video. >> their investigation, their view was -- roger goodell sat down and had a meeting with janay, ray rice's wife, and the player as well. and i guess janay talked about how good of a husband he was, how much they learned from this experience. this is, of course, not a great way to, as we know, this is not the way you're supposed to investigate domestic violence problems. >> that's right. >> also, what the nfl has learned through this process. goodell has said, the nfl commissioner has said, he would not lead this process again. a lot of women's groups have criticized him sharply for this. again, the nfl looks reactive. looks like they're responding to a p.r. problem, bad video, as opposed to domestic violence problem. >> i think about janay apologizing at the press conference where ravens set up
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where ray and janay are supposed to rehabilitate their image together. we're still together. she goes up there and apologizes for what she -- >> she says, i regret my action on that day. i think any woman who's been through something similar thinks, i understand why she's probably saying these things. she doesn't want to get her husband in a situation where he's, you know, not playing anymore. but at the same time, as krystal said, we saw the video. she's knocked out cold. >> there's one potential explanation, fairly cynical, but perhaps that's part of her thinking. just through your research, why would woman be in that situation and apologize in a situation where she got knocked out by a professional football player? >> it's very hard to understand the mentality of someone who is dealing with domestic violence. and to go back really to the point here, the fact the nfl and ravens would put her in that situation, in a public press conference. that is their response to the
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situation. that is in and of itself horrifying outside of this incident. ask then, yeah, she apologizes. ray rice said something that was really troubling about, you know, what matters is not that you get knocked down. it's that you get back up. the whole thing has been -- has been terrible to watch. perry, as you were pointing out, there was another situation where josh gordon, another nfl player, had failed a drug test for marijuana. and he gets suspended for the whole year. just having that disparity between recreational drug use and domestic violence and the weight that's put on those two different situations, i mean, that's part of what has made this whole thing so outrageous. >> and i assume sports leagues are now going to look at this and look at their policies overall and say, do we have -- are we punishing the right offense the right way? there's another player, san francisco 49ers who's been
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accused of domestic violence as well. i think the punishment will get more severe. the public outrage is changing this. the nfl is the ultimate, like, men's league and guys get it. they need to create a new process for investigating these cases, involve more voices, which is important and more voices of people who understand domestic violence. >> there's more to this than just the players, of course, because i've read in the past, super bowl sunday is a day of domestic violence throughout the country. one of the largest days of domestic violence throughout the country. it's not just the players. this is a national situation. national epidemic we're dealing with. perry, stay with us. let's bring in mike florio, editor of, pro football talk. mike, just an extraordinary situation here. ray rice bungled a horrible situation to begin with. the baltimore ravens and the nfl lined up behind him like blockers to try to protect him in a horrible situation.
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and now everybody has to backtrack and add milt that this maven cannot be part of the nfl for quite a while. >> i think this shows -- it was incredible at the time the nfl hadn't seen the video. the fact they imposed the two-game suspension without the benefit of the video of what transpired in the elevator. but we can conclude the nfl did see that video because there's no way he would have been suspended for two games had they seen that video. don't know why the nfl didn't try harder to get the video. now that the nfl has it, we see a very different outcome has occurred. i think a lot has to do with the possible conclusion by the team and the league that ray rice must have been untruthful with the team and the league in explaining what happened because that -- that would suggest why there's such a harsh reaction by the team and the league now. >> some people are reporting that the league did have access to this video. hard to imagine they didn't, as hard as they would investigate the situation, to understand this from a p.r. point.
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the league is saying they did not see it. which is a bit difficult to imagine. what could they imagined have happened in that elevator when janay is dragged out, lying flat? clearly something horrific happened and we have to punish him, just to protect the shield f nothing else? there were different rumors and whispers and accounts of what happened. remember, janay palmer got up at the press conference, sat at the table with her husband and apologized for her role. based on the video, i don't know what her role was. we were led to believe there was extreme provocation. i was told the video shows her spitting in his face from six inches away. at one point i was told he pushed her and she hit her head in the elevator. these are very different things than what the video shows. if the league and the team are going to take this guy's word for it, how do you know say, ray, we know your lawyer has the video. your lawyer has access to the video from the criminal prosecution. if you want us to believe your version of the events, we need
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to see the video. just out of basic curiosity, you need to see the video because you have to assume that one day, tmz is going to have the video and everyone is going to see what the league didn't see when it initially decided to suspend him only two games. >> given what we know now, do you think the ravens were wrong to do that press conference in that way and to have miss rice up there in a manner that legally you would say is not fully consensual if she's in a situation where she fears ongoing violence. >> everything about it was wrong. it stunk. it was an embarrassment to the team and the nfl. they did if late friday afternoon over memorial day weekend where someone realizes this isn't the best thing for us to be doing. that's when we thought maybe the video wasn't going to be quite as stunning and quite as graphic as it turned out to be. so, this thing was handled poorly by everyone from the beginning. and the only saving grace now that the video is out, that the team and the league have begun
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to get it right. >> mike, it does seem very crazy to me the nfl does not -- at least up until this point, they did not have a clear domestic policy -- domestic abuse policy here. this is not the first time something similar has happened in the past. so, how are we -- talking about this at this point in time saying, well, now they are sfarting to get it right. that to me seems foelgtstotally outrageous. >> in 2007 the nfl beefed up personal conduct policy. i think the nfl believed that would cover in and all situations involving player misconduct off the field. my concern with the personal conduct policy, looking at all of this in hindsight, the nfl set it up primarily to take aggressive action against repeat offenders. first-time offenders tend to get the benefit of the doubt. they tend to get an opportunity to show that it was an ab arags. i think that mind set crept into the ray rice situation. in the absence of the video, maybe it's not all that unreasonable but now that we see the video, now we understand why
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there's been an outcry. now we understand why the nfl is taking such a tougher stand. i know the nfl makes different services available to players who are having domestic problems in their lives. but one thing we've learned from all of this, the nfl needs to do more. the nfl, to its credit, seems to have gotten the message. we'll see how it plays out going forward. >> do other professional sports leagues have specific policies related to domestic violence? does the nba, mlb, nhl, do they have better policies in this regard or is this more of a sportswide problem they really haven't addressed in a serious way, the national epidemic, not specific to professional sports players any way, but national epidemic of domestic violence? >> i cover only the nfl. i don't know what the other leagues do. typically how these things work, it's on a reactive basis. an incident happens and then the league in question decides, we had better have a more instructive policy, better procedures, better steps. it could just be the problem
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hasn't risen to the level it did for the nfl in these other sports. if they don't have a policy that properly addresses the situation, hopefully they'll learn what the nfl has gone through and do it themselves. >> they better be thinking about one. >> mike, the former legendary commissioner of the nfl, pete rosele, always said his most embarrassing moment was sending the players out to play after sunday after the assassination of jfk. have you to imagine that for roger goodell, who has been this tough, law and order guy, trying to make the game safer around concussions and that sort of thing, that this will be his most embarrassing moment. unless something incredible happens in the future. >>. >> this isn't good. the commissioner admitted the nfl got it wrong. that was before we saw the video. the biggest blunder came from not insisting on getting the video. not doing everything in their power to get the video. the league has a security detail made up of former law enforcement officials. each team has a security detail
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with former law enforcement officials. they could have gotten this if they really wanted to. in hindsight i'm sure they'll admit they should have done more to get the video. >> as we've been saying, there's a lot of he said/she said about whether or not the nfl did see this video. if they did in fact see this video, we know it's only a matter of time f we find out they did see the video, what will that mean for the nfl? they'll be put in a very difficult and bad situation? >> i'm inclined to believe the nfl did not see the video, even though it just seems beyond negligent to have not gotten the video. if they had seen the video, there's no way the suspension would have been two game suspension. >> mike, the nfl and the teams have investigators who are looking into the lives of players, making sure they know whalt players are doing off the field. surely they had guys combing into ray rice's life before this happened and then after this happened, when the whole world
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is watching him, surely they had guys combing through the whole situation. >> here's the thing. in this case we have the benefit of a camera. we don't know what happens behind closed doors. we saw how janay palmer rice behaved even when it was all caught on camera. how many spouses who are abused by professional athlete, husbands, fiancee, boyfriends, keep their mouth shut because they realize the revenue is going to go away, the income is going to go away, the lifestyle is going to evaporate if that man gets -- >> that's not want only reason. that's not the only reason. we know from data that plenty of people with a lot less financial reason whatsoever don't speak out or don't to want testify or even sometimes have some action with the justice system and withdraw because they're afraid of getting hurt again. >> i agree with you. the issues that exist for everyone, exist for pro athletes, but you throw on top of it the threat that the pro
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athlete is no longer going to be a pro athlete and you have a very substantial financial impact. >> it's a very incredibly unequal power dynamic. mike florio, thank you for helping us understand this situation. >> thanks for having me. >> perry, to you, i have to think that going forward, the nfl, nhl, mlb, nba, they're going to treat domestic violence in a much different and much more serious way because the american public has made it very clear that their handling here was utterly unacceptable. >> the nfl's general policy about, you know, bad things happening and suspending people they don't have a policy for domestic violence. i expect you'll see other leagues have a specific policy for that. >> perry bacon, thank you for joining us. we'll head to the white house which has also weighed in on the breaking news from the nfl.
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that anniversary. but this time the enemy is not al qaeda. it's isis. >> this is not going toen an announcement about u.s. ground troops. this is not the equivalent of the iraq war. what this is, is similar to the kinds of counterterrorism campaigns that we've been engaging in consistently over the last five, six, seven years. the good news is because of american leadership, we have, i
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believe, a broad-based coalition internationally and regionally to be able to deal with the problem. >> we're going to need sunni states to step up. not just saudi arabia. parn partners like jordan, united arab emirates, turkey. they need to be involved. this is their neighborhood. the dangers that are posed are more directed at them. >> president obama with new moderator chuck todd of "meet the press." he's expected to clarify his comments last month that he didn't have a strategy to combat isis. some say any plan would last at least three years. don't expect ground troops but expect a big push for arab coalition. john kerry leaves for the region tomorrow looking to build support. despite the president's
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optimism, most seem luke warm. the first strikes of this campaign in anbar provision. they targeted isis near haditha dam that provides power and water to millions. moments ago iraqi parliament approved the new cabinet. this is what washington has been waiting for before offering iraq more assistance to fight isis. peter alexander at the white house. what do you know about we'll hear from the speech? >> reporter: we don't even know the time the speech will take place which gives you a better understanding that this is a work in progress as to specific remarks the president will make. earnest says the speech is not yet written. it's being focused on right now. senior officials emphasized the priority of the speech is to comprehensive communicate to the american public exactly what the threat the president believes is posed by isis right now.
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exactly what we're going to do about it going forward. today we heard from josh earnest, press secretary indicating one of the president's primary concerns right now is foreign fighters. those individuals who travel over to syria and iraq with intentions of coming back to other western nations, including the united states with efrtfort to try to attack u.s. citizens. the u.s. president says he does not believe he needs congressional authority to act on behalf of protecting the american public. but, obviously, the question of whether congressional authority will be needed for any greater steps to be taken, and josh earnest again today said there are not necessarily any new steps announced in this speech wednesday, but it's unclear whether in fact the president is asking for a vote when he asks for buy in, but he certainly wants to initiate some form of a conversation with congress. >> peter, the president meets with congress tomorrow. what's his goal for that meeting? >> reporter: that's a good question. he'll be meeting with top republican and democratic leaders on both the house and senate sides. clearly, as congress returns, it's the president's first
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opportunity to try to directly engage them in terms of what his intentions are, what the strategy is, he's been laying out. in the course of the conversation we had with the press secretary josh earnest a short time ago, he used words like, the president describes congress as a partner in terms of the effort to go after isis. he wants to have what he described as intensive consultations with congress right now. but it's not entirely clear. it's important we note this. it's not entirely clear whether or not the president will be announcing any new steps. whether he will stand before the americans and say, i believe we need to launch air strikes in syria right now or whether or not he's just going to say, we need to go after isil, as he describes it, isis, wherever they may be. >> peter alexander, thank you very much for that. let's bring in tom sarndson, co-director of transnational threats at strategic international studies. isis has not completed a major international terror attack ever. and there is no publicly known
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intel that they are currently trying to attack on the u.s. homeland. obviously, that could change in a moment. as opposed to al qaeda who was constantly letting us know, we want to attack inside the united states. isis is not currently stating that. are some people overstating the vulnerability to the american homeland, the desire for isis to attack us here? >> well, i think at this point it's premature. a group that has these kind of capabilities, including huge amounts of money, weapons, a network of foreign fighters from upwards of 80 countries and demonstrated ability to attack high value targets means eventually they could, if they chose to vector their can'ts capabilities in our direction, they could come to the united states. it would take a lot of work to do that. but this group has shown they're capable of quite a lot. >> on that note, this week is the 13th anniversary of 9/11. is there any reason to be concerned this week in
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particular about a terror attack? more broadly, traveling? if people are thinking about traveling over to europe. i have a trip to france in a few weeks. is that something i should be rethinking or others that have trips planned as well? >> i think on any major anniversary, especially on september 11th, you need to be cognizant that any attack on americans provides a lot of media attention and benefit to those who are conducting the attack. so, it's always wise to observe an increase measure of awareness on a day like thursday upcoming. but i don't think we can expect a major attack on that day. beyond isis you still have al qaeda core, and al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, that was able to get individuals to the united states and still seeks to do that. i think we need to remain vigilant but not overly concerned. >> you know, tom, in the run up to the iraq war, one of the big debates was whether intelligence
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was driving the policy. where we were learning bad things about saddam that made us more likely to have a policy of taking him out, or was the predetermined policy driving and even skewing the intelligence? with that kind of skepticism in mind, what do you think of the revolution we've seen of u.s. instell on isis? we've heard everything from they're local, don't worry about them. they and other groups may be, quote, jv, to chuck hagel telling us they're as sophisticated and well funded group as any group we've seen. >> where isis is highly valuable area, iraq, with the huge oil economy. syria the civil war going on. with people moving in and out of europe, north africa, other places. it's close to israel, close to jordan, close to turkey. in fact, they're positioned, many isis fighters, over the boreder in turkey. so, being local is a problem in this case. also, we have big differences here. we have demonstrated attacks and
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beheadings that would cause concern and draw us into battle. from iraq, we were looking at intelligence from one single source about a lot of things which is unknown. here what isis is doing and what they represent is clearly known. >> let's talk a bit about how we do deal with the threat from isis. the president made it clear, as we played some of his remarks earlier, that it's very important to have an arab coalition involved here, taking the lead in some respects. yet, so far we've had a hard time really getting a lot of support from our arab allies, which is surprising since we're talking about their neighborhood. i would add turkey to that group as well would be important for them to play a major role here. "the wall street journal" is reporting that what these states are waiting for is for the white house to lay out what military financial and diplomatic measures it's preparing to take against the islamic state before they sign on to any u.s.-led
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coalition. so, what do you think that we could or should be doing to get those folks more involved in the fight against isis? >> well, first of all, these states, turkey, jordan, the emirates, saudi arabia, they have concerns and interests above and beyond isis. of course, the sunni/shia conflict and skisism you have is driving this. turkey wants to unseat a shia dictator in assad. saudis don't necessarily want to take away all the enemies of shias pushing against the government in baghdad and iranians. they're walking a fine line here of not wanting to weaken all of the sunni insurgents that are in play here, so that it empowers shia, because that upsets the balance they're concerned about at this point. but it is very good for the president to be pushing our arab allies and non-arab allies in turkey to take a major role
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here. but i'm not sure if they're capable of doing it. you do have excellent special forces in jordan and in turkey. the emirates also have excellent special forces. but i don't know if they're willing to bring them to bear. we obviously saw the emirates fly its fighters to egypt and bomb some sites in libya. that was quite a step. we'd like to see them do that as well. but these countries also don't to want make themselves bigger targets than they are for groups like isis and al qaeda. they're reluctant to get into the battle themselves. very reluctant. this is their neighborhood. the threat is against them as well as others and against our interest. i think it has to be a team effort here. >> the longer they stay out, the worse it could be for them. thank you for your time. coming up -- breaking down today's big breaking sports news. baltimore ravens running back ray rice suspended indefinitely by the nfl. minutes after he was released by the ravens, nbc sports is going to be with us next.
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back to the new breaking news story of this hoir. reig ravens' star running back released from the ravens. happening very quickly after new very disturbing video was released by tmz sports showing that domestic violence incident between ray rice and his then-fiancee janay back in february. rice has since publicly apologized and called his actions unacceptable. the nfl says it had not seen the video evidence until today. let's bring in rob from the nbc sports radio network and also brett harris live at ravens' facility. he covers the ravens for comcast regional sports. rob, let me start with you. my personal reaction looking at this horrifying video is to ask, what is it in this video that is different from what the nfl
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thought happened, that would make the difference between a two-game suspension and a year-long suspension because, to me, and i think to a lot of folks, it seemed pretty clear from the start that two games was unacceptable, based on the video we had already seen before. >> first of all, krystal, the commissioner roger goodell came out recently and said he made a mistake in only giving a two-game suspension to ray rice. he was already on record saying they realized they could have done a better job handling the rice situation before this video came out. obviously, the video itself took any doubt away as to what led to what we had already seen which was ray rice dragging janay palmer out of that elevator. there have been speculation and comments about potential physical provocation by janay palmer in that elevator. that she had hit him first or that she had spit in his face or things like that. these things had been spoken
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around this case. not that that would have excused ray rice, a man of his size, punching a woman. it at least led to this concept as janay palmer said in her statement that she had some responsibility of this kind, which she said for the incident. bottom line is this took any conversation of that completely off the table. and i think it became such a clear black and white case for everyone involved that this was someone who could not be associated with the nfl any time soon. >> brett, when i think about the baltimore ravens' organization, i think of an organization that for the most part has tended to do things the right way. i don't think they've been tested that hard in recent years but for the most part they do things the right way. in this situation they dropped the ball, as did the nfl bungle this whole situation. i think about all the nfl talks about protect the shield, which means protect the nfl itself so law-abiding folks can continue to be part of this and make
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money and be protected within doing the right thing i think about a group of people who protected a guy, who had broken the law, done something immoral, something horrific. why do you think the ravens organization was so unable to get around doing the right thing right away? >> it's complicated. being here around this ravens organization for as long as i have, they do things the right way. they typically handle these situations the right way. you can go back to the very first press conference ray rice had. it was just a statement. he didn't take any questions from the media. it was fumbled very poorly by ray rice. he read off his phone, his then-fiancee, now wife janay, apologized for her part in the incident. ray rice did not apologize to her. we walked away feeling it was a big failure. moving forward, certainly the
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nfl failed. they did interview ray rice and janay and they walked away feeling a two-game suspension was enough. as we know, the nfl commissioner came out a few weeks ago and said he failed handing out that two-game suspension. there have been other incidents within this organization. there have been blog posts in support of ray rice after a lot of the information has come out. the ravens' website has sent out tweets in that a lot of people upset about that as well, saying janay had apologized for her part in it. there's been a lot of mishandlings from this organization and it's been a surprise really from the beginning. >> well, rob, on that note, janay palmer rice has obviously been a huge player in all of this. she has stood by her husband's side, was fiancee at the time but they did this press conference together where she came out and said, i regret the decisions i made on that day. they sat down together with
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goodell when this happened. you wonder if this should have played out differently if she reacted differently, if she was out there saying, he hit her, he was inappropriate and there was this big backlash. what impact did her reaction in this, how did that impact all of this? >> clearly made a big impact. no question that not only did they make those statements in a press conference but she sat down in the league office with ray rice when the hearing was held with commissioner goodell as to what the discipline against him would be. she made, according to all reports of those in the room, an impassioned plea on ray rice' behalf to really spare him a harsher punishment. she clearly played a very big role in this. again, the video that came out today really -- it was supplanted and even too big for her statements or any other statements. that's too visceral, too clear a case of really horrific domestic violence for anybody to overlook that.
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>> yeah. and anyone with even a basic understanding of domestic violence should know how complicated the psychological impacts are on the woman involved. so, this is absolutely the nfl and the baltimore ravens' mess, not janay rice's problem in terms of how she dealt with it. rob and brent harris, live at the ravens facility, thank you so much. even as the white house embarks on one of the most critical weeks of obama presidency, josh earnest could not get around comments about the ray rice story. >> baltimore ravens announced they terminated the contract of ray rice. i realize you did not know that but probably have seen or heard about this dramatic, horrific video of him beating up his wife. the president has spoken out on this issue a lot. vice president, i think, today is at an issue about -- at an event about passage of the violence against women act. what kind of comment could the
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white house offer about this situation? >> well, i haven't seen the news because -- because of what you just said. let me say it this way. this administration and this president do believe stroungly the scourge of violence against women needs to be aggressively combatted. i don't want to comment on the individual decisions made by in this case an individual nfl team. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that?
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>> good afternoon. search teams are about to begin a new search, 1,000 miles off the coast of australia spending the last few months thoroughly mapping the ocean floor. this comes down to hard science and a certain amount of guesswork. it's a mystery that for six months has held the world in suspense. >> no word what went wrong. no word on the lives of the 239 souls on board. >> continuing mystery -- >> malaysia airport -- >> we've seen what actually happened. >> reporter: this morning there is still frustrating little to go on on flight 370 and the 239 people on board. for the families, agony. >> i miss his daily press notes. i still feel him in my heart, so that will never go away. >> reporter: flight 370 disappeared on the red eye flight on march 8th. the last radio contact with the pilot sounded routine. >> malaysian 370 contact ho chi
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minh. >> reporter: but soon after the plane dropped off radar and stopped automated data transmissions. investigators soon found evidence that someone turned the plane around and flown it into remote southern indian ocean. suspicion has focused on captain shaw. meanwhile, engineers analyzing satellite communications or handshakes with the plane believe it went down here, somewhere along this arc. but where? it's 23,000 square miles and the ocean is vast and deep. an intense search in the air and on the surface and under water using an unmanned submarine found nothing. now, using a failed call to the plane via satellite, experts have refined the search area again. and a new phase of the search is about to begin. >> we will not give up until we have found what's left of flight mh 370. >> reporter: for months dutch and chinese ships have been
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mapping the ocean's floor. soon they'll begin using advanced deep sea sonar technology and special sniffers that can detect traces of oil or jet fuel. aviation experts can't understand why not a single piece of wreckage has washed ashore. >> the fact we have not found debris from malaysia flight 370 is a mystery to me. there are so many light things in the galley, styrofoam cups or seat cushions themselves, those things float for a very long time. >> the indian ocean is deep, something like three miles deep. if they ever do find the plane again and recover the black boxes or, of course, they're orange from the saltwater, investigators say the data on the black boxes should still be good and that will hopefully help them solve the mystery of flight 370. back to you. >> tom costello, thank you for that report. turning to more uplifting news. get ready for royal baby mania, the sequel. the duke and duchess of
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cambridge, will and kate, announced they're expecting baby number two. london is going crazy, and so are we. jim, outside of buckingham palace. jim first brought us news on "the cycle." are they already parked outside of the hospital waiting for this delivery to happen? >> reporter: not quite yet. i do remember the bedlam, abby. if you recall, i didn't have my flack jack et and helmet for baby george. i won't make that mistake this time around. seriously, after months of speculation and rumors, it was officially confirmed today that kate and william, the duke and duchess of cambridge, both 32, are, indeed, expecting their second child. kate had to cancel an engagement today with william and has instead remained at kensington palace, their london residence, where she's been treated by
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doctors for the very same acute morning sickness that had been plaguing her in the early stages of her first pregnancy with little george, now almost 14 months old. this child is expected around march or april of next year. but so far, clarence house, the official royal offices, isn't saying. now, the royal couple apparently decided to make the surprise announcement, and it did come as a surprise to everyone here, unusually early because the rumors would have been flying with kate likely having to cancel yet more engagements. including her first solo royal trip to malta later in september. better to let the cat out of the bag now. meanwhile, the queen, the whole royal family, in fact, are said to be delighted by the news. this is how prince william himself reacted earlier today. >> it's been a few days, a week or so. obviously, we're mostly thrilled. it's great news. early days. we're hoping things settle down
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and she feels better. >> reporter: meanwhile, prime minister david cameron, who certainly starved of late for some good news as he deals with crisis after crisis from as he with crisis after crisis from isis to scotland going possibly i said, he tweeted this morning calling it happy news. >> very happy news. thank you so much. up next, the writer who brought us shutter island is breaking new ground with his latest work. that is next. and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain... when jamie says... what's that like six pills today? yeah... i can take 2 aleve for all day relief. really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve.
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12:52 pm
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from purina. one of best in the city, but a fence in their world was like a mail room clerk in the straight world. if you were still doing it after 30, it was all you'd ever do. that's from dennis lehane's new novel, the drop, now a movie which starts the late great jim gandolfini. >> the name on the sign was my name because i used to own it once. >> you blinked. it's over. it's been over for a while now. >> i walked into a place, people sat up straight. they noticed. i was respected. i was feared. and that meant something. >> are you doing something desperate, doing something that we can't clean up this time. >> marv of course the central
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character in a movie, so he did all right for himself. so did a guy from dorchester, massachusetts. we're excited to have him. tell us about marv and the world he inhabits. >> well, he is a bartender/maybe owner of the bar. they rinse the dirty money of the city through the bar. and he works with a guy who is his cousin named bob. bob is a very quiet guy. bob finds an a bused puppy in a cash can and begins to open him up. bob may not be exactly what he seems. >> and the book and movie coming out exactly at the same time. about a what do you expect people to get from the book? >> a book can go richer into the character's lives. structure ally, pret lly pretty same, but the book itself, if you want to know who the characters were before the book begin, this is what you will get from the book. >> and you wrote for the wire.
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do you have a feeling sometimes when you write something that will have a strong following? >> new york the wire we had no clue. nobody watched the wire until the wire was almost off the air. i'd say i worked on a tv show and say the wire, no, i only watch hbo. well, it's on hbo. but i only watch on sunday nights. well, it's on sunday nights. it would go like that. >> it seemed like all anybody could talk about. you've had an amazing career. people from dorchester can make something of themselves. sg >> we do it all right. >> thank you very much. "now" is next. can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow.
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going on offense against isis. but not with a ground offensive. it's monday, september 8, and is this "now". >> the president will not hesitate to use his authority to keep the american people safe. >> president obama is preparing to address the nation wednesday. >> his battle plan against isis. >> when you start hearing about what the plan might be, it is incredibly ambitious. >> it does seem as if he's asking the country to rally around the same strategy about al qaeda. >> he'll meet with congressional leaders tomorrow. >> what is
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