tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 9, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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absorbed by the sea appears unprecedented at least over the last 300 million years. the head of climate summit will be in world general assembly later this month. that's it for now. have a happy day. take care. good evening americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> our goals should not be to think that we can occupy every country where there is terrorist organizations. >> u.s. military has carried out nearly 150 air strikes in iraq. isis remains strong. savagely brutal. >> the president doesn't need congress. he should act swiftly on his own eliminating the isil threat and
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evil that it represents. >> our coordinated global strategy against isil. >> looking for a strategy from the president. >> i do think is important for congress to understand what the plan is. squl degrade and ultimately defeat isil. ♪ ♪ >> good to have you with us tonight folks. thanks for watching. using an old term, this should be a "slam dunk" an absolutely slam dunk. to understand what is going on in iraq, you have to put it into historical context versus america. it is always been us versus them. we were told back in the day, you are either with us or against us. we were told back in the day if
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you didn't support the president we were enemboldening the enemy. we, liberals. president obama is focus the on one thing as any chief executive officer or president of the united states would be, that is 1k50ur9 security of the country. nothing is greater. you can't change horses in mid stream. i remember it all. where are those republicans tonight? where are those republicans who were so critical of the democrats back in the a when we were going into iraq. where are those republicans right now? helping president obama. they should be coming out of the the white house today saying we will do whatever it takes to defeat isis and we are behind this president. because this is not health care
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or other stuff, this is the security of the country. nothing is more important than that. flight isis is a 24re9 right now isis is a threat to this country. most americans believe that. the president will lay out his plan tomorrow at 9:00 eastern. and america will respond to it. president wants congress to be involved in the decision-making process against isis. because what we do now affects the next generation. haven't we learned that. press conference i found to be very, very porngimportant. they laid out their plans. heard everything. isis wasn't mentioned. isis was not on their radar. republicans did what they do best. they came out, they just trashed the president of the united states and obamacare.
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>> i can tell you with renewed certainty that the american people are still asking questions, where are the jobs. >> the president approval rating at an all-time low at 38%. >> as i came back from michigan this week, i can't tell you how many people are still complaining about the price of health care. >> in the house this week we will take up a number of bills, one if you like your health care you can keep it. >> interesting. interesting. mr. mccarthy, the new majority leader of the house, must have gone home and heard a lot about high milk prices. i don't hear rich people talk about high milk prices. i hear those on the earverge of getting their health care cut. speaker boehner didn't talk about the threat of isis until
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being asked about it by a reporter. >> what i'm hoping to hear from the president today is a strategy that goes after isis. and destroys them. i've been calling for a strategy, for the growing terrorist threat since january when isis came across the border in western iraq. we have a very serious problem. what we need is a strategy. until there's a strategy, there's no reason to talk about any of the specifics. >> what's wrong with just saying there's a lot of good targets over there. boehner didn't rule out the probability of u.s. troops on the ground. then comes mitch mcconnell also addressing the threat of isis. >> he needs to present his plan to congress and the american people. he needs to explain to congress
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how additional authority for the use of force will protect america. the threat from isil is real and is growing. it's time president obama exercises leadership in launching a response. >> so all the leadership in this country has to be on the shoulders of one man, the president of the united states. no one in the congress, no leader in the congress and certainly not mitch mcconnell doesn't feel it really was within his job title to support the president on any issue when it comes to national security. he didn't even give an inkling of confidence that this country will do the right thing against isis. late this afternoon president obama met with leaders of congress trying to move everything forward. i think they better take a page out of history and reset the page. kent conrad who voted against in
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iraq years ago said this is a much different vote. much different from what iraq war was all about. >> in the case of iraq we were told we were going after them because of 9/11 and of course iraq had nothing do with 9/11. we were attacked by al qaeda. not iraq let by saddam hussein. so we were sold by that concept in a totally incorrect way. in this circumstance i think isis represents a threat to the whole civilized world. they are extreme. we've seen this before. these people have to be stopped. >> maybe the key word is sold. who does the american president have to sell now. even our war-wary country thinks we really should be doing more against isis. the number is 76% favor additional air strikes against
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isis. but 68% oppose boots on the ground. gosh, we can't have it both ways. we got to run a line in the sand here. why aren't we going to do whatever it takes. ifs we don't know if that's boots on the ground. 70% of americans think president obama think he should seek authority from congress. 80% support congress approving military action. we know where the american people stand on this. tomorrow we will find out what president obama's plan is for all of this. then it's time for congress to act and actually do something they should be doing, instead of criticizing the president for wearing a different colored suit. you know how many people in iraq have american uniforms on. 748. this president was elected to get us out of conflict, not to get us into conflict. but he was also elected and his
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responsibility is to protect the country and you would think that everyone in the united states senate would think the same way. in 2007 there were 166,000 americans doing the job in iraq. so we have had quite a reduction. i would say we're just about out. couldn't come to a forces agreement with malki because he of course wanted to make sure american soldiers didn't havei y immunity. if they were to get into a shooting match they would hold americans accountable. obama wouldn't agree to that. it's this issue that we are so divided as a country we can't get a morrison morsel of confid say we have the resources. we are one. i just don't hear it. >> he's got to come up with a
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plan. he better do that. >> get your cellphones out. tonight's question. should congress have to vote on military action against isis? text a for yes and b for no to 67622. or go to our blog and we'll have the results for you later on the show. for more let me bring in barbara boxer for california, senator good to have you with us tonight. >> nice to be with you, ed. >> how do you think we should be handling this crisis right now and what are your expectations of the congress at this point? >> the congress has to hold together and back the president on this. i think the president has been working very hard to put together a coalition to go against isis. now we forget sometimes who isis is and what they believe in. they believe if you don't see
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the world as they do, in terms of this strict interpretation of islam, that you either convert or they kill you. i mean, this is an incredible terrorist organization. we've seen the way they act. the way they have treated people who are just innocent. a freelance journalist. beheaded them. our president is commander in chief. isis is an imminent threat. we ought to back the president. he has nine nations helping us. he has nato helping us. he's going to the u.n. to get them to help us. the arab league has said we have to take action. he's pulling together the world, you would think the republicans would be part of that world coalition because no one will be left safe in this world if we don't bear down on this group. >> yet we don't hear from the
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other side, we'll work with the president to protect this country. >> no you're right. >> that bothers me as an american tax payer that gaining political points is more important than protecting the country. that is the attitude of the republicans point egg the fiing at the president. >> when mitch mcconnell said, i have one priority and that is making this president look bad, try fing to defeat him in his lt election, that's what they care about. now they only care about taking back the senate. there's one point in history, and it's coming tomorrow night, when this president will go out to the american people, and i can tell you he's worked hard to get the world united here. the people of this country will unite behind him and frankly if they don't act as if they are
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part of the fabric of this nation, i think they will suffer. i hope they will suffer. because this is the time for us to put aside the labels we hide behind and be americans. americans who want to stand up to this threat, but not the way we did in iraq, with walking into the middle of the silver war. -- civil war. that's not what we're doing, ed. we're going in with combat boots. i think this president knows what he's doing. you're right he wears a tan suit once in a while but let me tell you he's decisive. once he has all the facts, we know what happens if you don't look at the unintenlded consequences. unintended consequences. we were in iraq with the worse
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injury mathab injuries imaginable. i want to make a point. no president has had to have a vote when he is just doing air strikes, in history. number one. number two, we have never had a vote unless the president asks for a vote. and the third thing, i did vote to go after the terrorists group coming after us. i voted no on iraq war. i voted yes to go after al qa a qaeda. and isis or isil whatever you call them, they are a definite outcry of al qaeda. we have to stop them with a world coalition and that is what the president is doing. it would be nice if the republicans joined our coalition. >> senator barbara boxer. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> let me bring in another guest.
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you said this weekend if john mccain were in charge we would be in seven different wars, yet we don't get an attitude from the republicans that they will do whatever it takes to get after isis because president obama seems to be connected to all of it. what do you think of all this. >> it is stunning, i think the reality of it is, you have people here who will jump at any opportunity to want to send boots on the ground to some hot spot around the globe but the president wants to deal with something and they're upset he doesn't deal with it quick enough. don't we all want a president who thinks and is thoughtful about putting together a strategy and tactics that will be needed in order to address an issue, or do we want him
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operating from the reptile part of his brain where it is just constant reaction. and we have a thoughtful president who is putting it together. and the republicans are clearly going to fight him at every turn. >> so he is working on coalition, done some diplomacy, he's been caution and patient. would you support him if he were to ask for troops on the ground? who know where's tall this will go. if isis is as strong as people say they are, and as connected as they are, and as resourceful as they are, could we do this without boots on the ground? >> it will be a heck of a sail j sale job to the american people and to me. i'm not supportive of boots on the ground. the cukurds are there we can train. we can supply with air sum otheothe --
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support. we do have to have a roll and be supportive but american boots should not be on the ground in this situation. >> you want the president to be clear about that tomorrow night? >> i would love for him to be clear about it. who knows. we will get a briefing in the house of representatives and hear the president speak as well. we will have more information then. at this point isis is a threat. we got to be honest about it. the american government should take the lead on it. but i don't think that means boots on the ground. it's ultimately, the players in that eveningregion who need to how to fight. because this threat is not going to a way. we need to support and train them. >> thanks for your help. >> thanks so much. >> remember share your thoughts with us on twitter and facebook. we love your comments. coming up, late this afternoon, ray rice, the running back who was cut from the nfl, broke his silence.
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his wife has also made a comment. we will have more on these stories coming up. but first nfl commissioner roger goodell is under fire. we will discuss his future. is it in limbo? if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs]
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the amusement park was closed when the fire broke out. nobody was harmed. >> a video came out monday showing rice punching and knocking out his future wife. >> sacked by ravens and suspended indefinitely by the nfl. >> it is hurtful. >> big questions about how much roger goodell knew. >> at best, you can say they were willfully ignorant. >> no one has seen that video until today. commissioner goodell did see this video released by tmz in february. >> let me bring in senator of connecticut and with us award winning journalist in minneapolis. great to have both of you with us tonight.
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senator, first, all signs point it a lousy investigation, vernevern certainly not thorough. even a joke. some saying goodell is lying. >> far from a joke. domestic violence is a scourge. what mr. ray rice then to his then-fiance, punching her, knocking her out, dragging her out of an elevatelevator, is ex the kind of abuse i fought for for 20 years. the failure of roger goodell to demonstrate better leadership is a glaring gap. the apparent see no evil, hear no evil, if they had it and didn't act on if, i think
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demonstrates need more leadership. nrz stronger penalties going forward is great. the six game suspension is unacceptable. not nearly strict enough. and roger goodell will have to demonstrate that he understands his position of public trust and obligation to the fans, it's more than he has done. >> the league says they didn't see the tape, senator, do you believe that? >> i can't say they seen it or not. but it is not clear. >> the investigation is aa joik joke if they did see the tape. the nfl doesn't have a habit of changing commissioners. since 1960, only have been three commissioners, pete rossell and paul, and now roger goodell. is this pressure that maybe no
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commissioner has ever seen before? >> it probably is because of the outcry from the public around the country rained the number of women who are national football league fans who are completely outraged. everyone should be outraged. they have been back pedaling on this story from the get go. when goodell held that impromptu news conference saying we looked at all the tape and he's getting two games suspension and later admitted it wasn't enough. do you really need to see the tmz tape we all yesterday, the unconscious women falling out of the elevator wasn't enough. >> do you think nfl owners would be looking to replace goodell over this? >> no. i don't think so. this is a water shed moment for
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him. his image will be tarn issued forever. he has a lot of heavy lifting to do to work on his image. i don't see the owners giving him the boot because the nfl has reacted. the ravens reacted. yes it was late but they have done their job now it is up to goodell in spin control fashion to really make this work for him. he has a lot of work at park avenue. >> what does the nfl have to do to prove to the public and officials as yourself who certainly rendered judgment early on this one. what's the nfl have to do. >> the nfl has to do more than talk, it has to act, by imposing stronger penalties, lifetime suspensions for any player who engaged in domestic violence like ray rice. it has to embark on education and most fundamental changes.
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talk about what the ravens did. janay rice blamed herself on a platform that the ravens provided. her apology is a travesty. it's exactly what victims of domestic violence should not be pressured to do, to apologize and blame themselves. that is one of the great fault lines. the owners have to change the culture too. the nfl has a lot of acting to do to really reverse the culture and impose strict penalties. >> i was told about a journalist that he thinks ray rice will play in the nfl again what do you think so. >> i don't think so. if al davis was still alive the raiders might take him but never
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say never. it will take quite the owner and quite the amount of work ray rice has to do in the community. and something else the wife many blames the media, she should understand a lot of women who don't have a voice in this matter, who are afraid to do this, listen, if from ray rice wasn't third string running back, they would have sent him away a long time ago and he would been serving fries right now. >> yeah. >> it is much bigger than that. they have a real issue at hand here. >> senator there have been media people who have said things that they've regretted and it has koflt them their careers. cost them their careers. advertisers have left them for things they have said. do you find it interesting not
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one sponsor or advertiser has told the national football league you better get your act together with women in this league and you better prove it. >> i think there ought to be that kind of pressure. never say never. i'm hopeful that some of the advertisers will put pressure on the nfl and owners and make it clear that women fans, increasingly, part of the fan base for the nfl, will demand this kind of action. because the nfl has a special position here. it has a special position under our anti-trust laws, tax laws, tell communication laws. >> thanks senator. and mark. great to have you gentleman with us. we appreciate your time. coming up janay rice speaks out, a day after the release of the violence video showing her
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being knocked unconscious by her then-fiance, ray rice. plus kevin cramer thinks the president is waging a war on potatoes. his wild theory lands him in pretenlders next. ers next. teers. . . i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough.
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after ray rice spoke to espn earlier today he handled the phone to janay who said i love my husband and support him and want people to respect our privacy during this family matter. i'm joined now to talk more about this. judge, you spent 25 years on the bench in new york. you dealt with a lot of domestic violence. bases on what you heard and say of janay, is she traumatized.
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>> of course and her reaction is not unusual for victims of violence. there's many reasons they want to stay with their abuser. love, children, economics, threats, pressure, traumatic bonding. what i would like to see is the focus away from janay and onto the issue itself. what that tape shows very graphically what occurs behind closed door around the country each day. that's the lesson we need to take away from that. >> the nfl has come under tremendous scrutiny. how does this speak to the experience of victims of domestic violence, that there's such a huge organization in america with such a huge impact in our society that really boggled investigation now being questioned for not reviewing or knowing that the tape was out there.
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it was a joke at best the way it is all unfolding. what does this speak to our society on victims of domestic violence. >> i think the way the nfl has mishandled this entire scandal has done enormous dang damage to ig janay rice. the victim sometimes attaches herself ever closer to her abuser and create an external an me. and so it is you and me against the world. that's how she feels safe. as long as his anger is directed outward. people need to understand it makes it very much more difficult to get away from that situation of violence. your viewer on twitter, i strongly urge you to go to #whyistay. it has reason after reason after
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reason. it is heart breaking. one of those reasons said i stayed because my pastor told me god hates divorce. this is pressure on victims of domestic violence to make it better, to hide the problem, and to just paper it over. that's the kind of pressure put on victims. that is why it is so hard to get safe and free from the violence. >> does this then become an example of that. what impact can this case have on the problem. >> i think the only good that can come out of this is if people recognize the widespread domestic violence in this country. how we should support victims. also look at #whyistay, heart breaking reasons why people say. it informs us as a nation how we
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address those issues. try to help them be safe, have good choices and know they are supported out there. this is vice president joe biden who had this to say about domestic violence. >> it's never, never, never the women's fault. no man has a right to raise a thoop thoond a woman. hand to a woman. no means no. the culture for so long put the onus on the woman. what were you wearing. what did you say? what did you do to provoke? that is never the appropriate question. >> what's your response to that. >> vice president joe biden has been such a champion to end domestic violence. he's absolutely right. what the nfl needs to be doing and others beyond the nfl, but specifically what the nfl needs to do is signal not just to i
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janay rice but perhaps more importantly other women in the nfl community who are exposed to partner violence. 25% of women will be exposed to violence in their lifetime. if you really want to help victims of domestic violence put that woman in control of her fate. violence takes away all your control. it is not right for the nfl telling janay rice what to say, telling her to claim responsibility, that's the opposite of what the nfl should be doing. >> judge, is that part of the pattern? >> absolutely. absolutely. i think the larger question is, what will the nfl do with other cases they have. how will they move forward and actually implement this policy. because i think that's the big question at this point.
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>> this is a league that will not force a team to change its name. that is very offensive. that's the redskins. so who knows where this will all go. these are 32 owners who are billionaires, no one tells them what to do. they call the shots. they're a hugentity in our society. they are all about promotions. just listen to the announcers. there's never any real conversation out there. they watch everything. i've had journalists tell me the national football league is very solid when it comes to knowing everything. they find out all the secrets. and it's very clear, at this point, that they were trying to shove this under the rug. how could this videotape have not been part of an investigation. and if wasn't until it was made public that they responded appropriately. and i've had people tell me they this no doubt ray rice will be back in the nfl some day. we'll see.
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the story unfolds. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> thanks. coming up, big news, senator turner joins me to discuss her big endorsement. stay with us. be right back. produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. right. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] i need help with the groceries.
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we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites. >> the pretenders tonight, half baked north dakota congressman kevin kramer. he thinks the president of the united states is waging a war on potatoes. >> i'm sitting here at the grand fork republican headquarters celebrating potato bowl and i call on all north dakota democrats to stand up against their party's war on the potato. michelle obama and barack obama and democrats across the country hate the potato. it's time for the democrats to stand up for the north dakota
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potato farmer. >> so much action back home on the prairie. i think kramer is referring to a "new york times"op ed by first lady michelle obama. she thinks potatoes be included on the list of foods using wick dollars. she clarifies her stance by saying, there's nothing wrong with potatoes. but many women and children already consume enough potatoes and not enough fruits and vegetables they need. michelle obama is trying to keep women and children healthy. there's nothing wrong with potatoes. if the congressman thinks the obama administration is waging war on potatoes, he can keep on pretending.
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or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. >> welcome back to "the ed show." for folks who shower after work, if 55 days americans will be heading to the polls to race. the race for ohio is becoming hotly contested and one to watch in this country. state senator nina turner is getting high profile help. former president bill clinton will be doing a direct mail peace for the secretary of state hopeful. back in june during the ohio democratic party dinner in columbus, ohio, clinton praised
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turner and other statewide candidates. president clinton knows how important ohio is and he knows somebody pretty close who is thinking about running. nina turner is currently running for that position. good to have you with us tonight. what do you think bill clinton is going to do for nina turner? >> well, the alert that the president is writing to make sure we can send out to voters in the state of ohio. voting is important. the president has articulated that. when the dnc launched their voter expansion project it featured president bill clinton. so this is not the president's first time standing up and being an advocate for the voices of the american people and making sure folks have unfettered access to the ballot box. >> we know howard dean is not low profile. he's been around politics a long
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time. so you are gathering a collection of folks who are very important for people to take notice. howard dean also endorsed you in june. what does this mean as far as support in getting out the vote? because that's been your focus. if you get the vote out, you win. >> absolutely, ed. and i appreciate governor dean as well. what he said, we need an honest vote counter in ohio and he's absolutely right. to have president clinton and governor dean, who have been crusaders for social justice and human rights to stand up and say the greatest equalizer is the ballot box, and that means a lot. across the country where we see attacks to folks' access to the ballot box at the hands of the republican party. and it's more than unfortunate that's happening in the 21st century. >> now, you get this position, i know that you'll guard the fort. i know that the election will be one of integrity in ohio. if you don't win this seat, what
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does that say? and are you concerned that ohio would be really up for grabs in 2016? >> well, ed, you know, this is bigger than me, bigger than president clinton and governor dean. this is about access to the ballot box for all voters. and absolutely ohioans deserve a secretary of state that will expand and protect that access to vote. there's nothing more fundamental. so i'm in this race, i am going to win this race and ohio voters deserve better than what they're getting right now. >> now the organization that represents election officials in ohio have taken a position on the federal court's recent ruling on changes to election laws. what's your response to that, quickly? >> the judge economist stood up for voters. he shouldn't have had to do that. but he did. judges have to stand in the ready position to make sure voters are not denied access to the ballot box. they're appealing that ruling by
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the judge, but we'll continue to fight to make sure that everybody, no matter how they want to vote, has that access to the ballot box. it's the most fundamental thing that we have to this great democracy of ours. >> thanks for your visit, congratulations on getting those folks behind you. that's it for "the ed show." "politicsnation" starts right now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's need, the president's plan of action. just minutes ago, president obama completed a meeting with the congressional leadership to destroy the terrorist group isis. the meeting comes a day before the president's primetime white house address to the nation. the key questions now are, what's the scale of military action being planned? how long will the mission last? what role will congress have?
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