tv Jose Diaz- Balart MSNBC September 10, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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ground. people slaughtered by the new breed of terrorist. every base will be covered on the critical day. ray rice fallout. roger goodell may be talking about who knew what when, but i want to have a more important conversation. how do we end the cycle of domestic violence? i'll talk to a woman on the front lines of that fight. and losing latinos. our brand new nbc news poll taken before the president delayed immigration actions. shows satisfaction slipping. i want to frame the important debate on this wednesday, the 10th of september. good morning, i'm jose diaz-balart. our focus is on president obama's prime time address to take out isis terrorists in iraq and syria. after outlining his plan in the oval office yesterday, the white house said the president tonight will announce to the nation that comprehensive strategy for going on the offensive. >> the president believes we
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need to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. that is the end game. >> this morning the senior administration official told nbc news that the president is prepared to authorize air strikes in syria but it is unlikely to announce it in the high stakes speech. he's expected to ask congress for the authority to train the syrian opposition, which would require a vote in congress. now right now on capitol hill, the senate and house homeland security committees are tackling terrorism with a house panel discussing the threat posed by isis terrorists carrying western passports. overseas john kerry is in baghdad for the first high level meeting with baghdad's prime minister. >> we're very encouraged by the comments you've made here today and your commitment to do this. the boldness with which you move to bring the government together quickly and meet the deadline,
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which hasn't happened before is its own signal. >> tonight's presidential speech comes a day before the 9/11 anniversary and exactly one year after the president addressed the nation making the case to attack the assad regime in syria. he faces skeptical american congress back then. our new poll shows there's been a major shift lead by the gruesome reports of isis beheadings of two american journalists james foley and steven sotloff. 47% say the country is less safe than before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. that's the highest number ever. nearly two thirds of american say military strikes against isis in syria are in the national interest. our next guests will be meeting with white house officials later today. but i want to bring in john kerry, he's right now live in iraq. i want to bring you his
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statement. and representation from all iraqi communities its full speed ahead. and president obama, a few hours from now, will lay out his strategy for taking america, iraq, the region, and the world forward with respect in this challenge. we need to continue to drive this strategy over these next days with intensity. already we and nearly 40 other countries, even as i speak now, are already contributing military, humanitarian and other assistance to aid the campaign against isil. and to date, with the help of our international partners, the united states is launched more than 150 air strikes in order to weaken isil and protect the innocent people that it seems to harm. also, to specifically help to
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break the siege, to help to break the siege of the mosul dam, and sinjar mountain with success in each of those instances. in addition, together with willing allies the international community has dropped food and medical supplies to iraqi families, including the 1.8 million people who have been displaced due to isil's brutality. today i can tell you we'll be providing another 48 million to other u.n. agencies, other international organizations, and ngos that are working tirelessly to save lives and alleviate suffering. when the world hears president obama this evening, he will lay out with great spes thinksty each component of a broad strategy in order to deal with isil. . in the days ahead i'll be
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meeting with leaders from i cross the region and beyond to discuss how best to build upon the work that has been done and assemble the broadest possible coalition for this fight. nearly every country on earth could have an ability and an interest to join in this effort. either by providing military assistance, by helping to track and stop the flow of foreign fighters, helping to track and stop the flow of money. all of these are things that sustain isil's terrorism. and all of them are things that are subject to impact by other countries in the world. also, those countries and many others, bparticularly in the muslim world can join together in defining the real islam and making it clear there's no
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legitimacy whatsoever within isil for any of the claims they make with respect to a religious foundation for caliphate, their state, or for their actions. it's necessary for moderate, reasonable people around the world to reputuate the distortion of islam that isil speaks to spread and to contribute as they do to the urgent humanitarian relief effort that is required because of thebar barty. we have an interest in supporting the new government of iraq at this particular critical juncture. the coalition at the heart of our strategy, i assure you, will continue to grow and deepen in the days ahead. including at the u.n. general assembly in new york later this month. that is because the united states and the world will simply not standby and watch as isil's
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evil spreads. we all know, i think we come to this with great con influence will succeed. in doing so, we have an opportunity to build a broader coalition and can focus a lot of other challenges within this region and prove the ability of nations to come together for common cause and to make a difference in strengthening the long-term security of all the nations in the region and elsewhere. so this is a moment for international cooperation to prove its value. it is a moment for multi-lateralism to prove its value and have its effect. it's a moment for all decent countries to come together and stand up and say to the world that we've had enough of these individual groups with their violent brand of distortion who
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seek to dominate people and coerce them at the risk of losing life or limb to their way of thinking. it's not what the global order or the norms of behavior have happily stood for many, many years now. they're not going to start to now. that's our challenge. i'm very, very pleased with the constructive meetings i had here in iraq to begin this effort to grow this coalition as rapidly as possible and put us in a position to move forward. >> the first question -- >> secretary john kerry moments ago. we're going to try to reestablish our information and communication link to the secretary.
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while we get that. this is breaking news. it's happening moments ago in baghdad, iraq. we have more from the secretary. i want to share it with you now. [ inaudible question ] earlier? [ inaudible question ] >> reporter: additionally it's believed that american help bring the siege of the government. is the u.s. now willing to work with iran going forward to help to meet the islamic state? final finally -- attacks in syria earlier this year. do you know who is bind the
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attacks? does change anything about the u.s. strategy in syria? >> well, to answer the last part of the question first. we do not have detailed information about specifically who issued order. as we did on august 21st then. we do not have specific information about what entity delivered it. we have a lot of circumstantial evidence prior to august 21st of last year. but there is a clear pattern of circumstantial evidence that the assad regime are at large with some players within the regime have been using chlorine in a form that amounts to a chemical agent contrary to the ban under the chemical convention treaty. so while there are indications,
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they are still broad and circumstance. we're look iffiing for a greate degree of detail with respect to any potential actions. with respect to iraq and the future, with respect to efforts against isil, iran, obviously, is opposed to isil and iran is making its own actions and has taken its own actions with respect to isil. the united states does not cooperate militarily or otherwise or does it have any intention in this process of doing so with iran, whatever they do is collateral and on their own. we will pursue our own coalition over the course of these next weeks. the first part of your question
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was -- oh. well, every -- as i said, i think in my opening comments, every leader i talked to today in the strongest terms possible affirmed they had learned lessons over these last years. >> secretary john kerry in baghdad just moments ago on a surprise visit there on the eve of the president's speech tonight to the nation on a program to deal with isis in iraq and maybe even in syria. let's bring in businessman and national spokesman for iraqi christians. thank you for being with me. you've been hearing what the secretary has been saying. you know you have the ear of the white house and the lawmakers. what is your messages the president gets red did tady to
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the strategy? >> isil poses a threat not just to the world but the united states. we have to do everything we to protect our national security and our national interests. no question about it if no question about it if isis isn't stopped immediate ly it will spread throughout the world and america. >> i'm wondering how you stop an organization like this which is extremely well funded that doesn't have a government, doesn't have a standing military. has all the money in the world, and has stake in two countries right now >>well, it has to be a multilateral approach. and weeeeed the world community to come together and stomp them out. you have to empower the government and rework the government to be inclusive. we need to rescue the iraqi christian community, the ones that want to leave iraq. we started sounding the alarm on
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isil three months ago. we went to the capitol and the white house. the delays and assessments have caused isil to be stronger than they are. we need a game-changer. we expect the president to announce some sort of nato possible troops boots on the ground. we need a game-changer for our world security but short term the iraqi christian commune try dying every single day. there's 400,000 that are asking to be rescued. we created a list. they apt chance to live and we're asking the president to help them. >> the group is killing christians, yezidis and a lot of other people. >> i want to bring in congressman adam schiff. good see you as well. i want to start with a poll that finds 40% of the people want air
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strikes only in syria. 34% think we should conduct air strikes and send in combat troops. you wrote a piece arguing that air strikes won't work in syria. why? if yu you look at the air strikes in iraq. we've had ground forces that can come in and take possession of the mosul dam. that could come in and protect irbil. we work with the peshmerga. we don't have that in syria. if we displace isis from holding certain ground, who will fill the ground? the official al qaeda franchise in syria. assad's forces and allow him to concentrate the military pour against the so called moderate rebels, will it be hezbollah? until we can answer the questions, and the answers are somehow moving us forward, i think air strikes in syria are premature. there may be some limited
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targets that might make sense. we don't have intelligence on the ground in syria that we do in iraq. >> and the other challenge that syria has defense mechanisms. it's clearly not happy with the americans doing anything inside its territory. how do we handle the issue of, you know, we've talked about this in the past. there's a possibility of mission creep and the possibility it could create more problems rather than less. >> there's a real risk. and in terms of the regime, if we were doing air strikes that went after isil targets, i can't imagine that the syrian regime is going to try to stop that. they would love to see us do that. on the other hand, if we use our air power to go after the regime it would be a different story. even in the limited cases where we're going after isil, if we have a pilot that goes down, if we have someone that is taken
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prisoner and is subject to that kind of gruesome beheading we've seen with the american journalists, you can imagine how that would further pull us in and draw us into the messy civil war. these are difficult, dangerous repercussions and the chance of mission creep is extraordinary. >> so if the president asks you to authorize, for example, arming some syrian opposition folks, would you support that? >> that's something i'm wrestling with. i haven't made a decision. i have to say i've been skeptical because i'm not confident that the weapons we would provide would stay in the right hands they wouldn't ultimately get into the hands of isil as we have and in iraq where a lot of american-made humvees, tanks, anti-tank weapons, et. cetera were taken over by isil when they conquered territory. i would want some level of confidence they're going to the right people, staying with the right people. it's hard for me to see it
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happening. >> what do you want to hear the president say tonight? >> well, i would like him to lay out the case of the american people about why isil is a real threat, and it is. but also what is he going to ask the american people? what we going to be exposed to in terms of risk to our troops. if we're going to air strikes that go beyond what we're going in iraq or move across the border into syria. somehow that going to further the mission? those are the kind of things i wouldn't -- would like him to talk about. i think he's going keep it tactically. only a broad outline. i think he'll go to more granularity in terms of the coalition he wants to build and why it's imperative we move against the threat. >> when isis beheads an american. he doesn't care if he's a democrat, republican, liberalre.
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do you think you can put aside petty politics and deal with it? >> i think so. i would hope so. i would like to see it come together around a narrow authorization use of force. i think congress has constitutional obligation to weigh in here. it's a difficult challenge because you have some wanting to go further. some would like to see boots on the ground in syria. others would like to see a carefully cabined authority of a limited time duration so congress can weigh in. there is, as you say, broad consensus that the threat is real and we have to work together to defeat it. >> congressman adam schiff, a pleasure to see you and to speak with you. thank you so much for being with me. coming up more on the president's isis strategy and what congress will or will not do. the ranking republican on the senate armed services committee senator jim inhoff is here with
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we haven't really kept up with our counter terrorism intelligence, and i just think it's a huge threat in the states and we need to stay stay on top of it. >> we have to take care of it. >> that's just a taste of what some americans are say about the threat posed isis. joining me now ranking member on the senate arms service committee james inhofe. thank you for being with me. you introduced a legislation thorszing the president to use force against the islamic group. why? >> an aumf does authorize the president to use force. i'll tell you why. half the members you talk to are going to say he doesn't have the authority. half the members say he does have it. he says he has it but wouldn't object to any info from
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congress. let's do it. i'm sick and tired of everyone pointing fingers at each other. the president of the united states has got to come up with a strategy. we're at war right now. we need to eliminate this question as to whether or not he has the authority. so i've got it right now in my hand. we've introduced it. we need get it passed. there's no doubt about that. it also forces the president to come out with some -- you might remember, jose, back in july on your station i announced there's a threat to american's homeland from isis. and everyone thought it was outrageous. now according to yesterday's poll, that's abc poll, 71% of the people in america feel that our homeland is in jeopardy right now because of isis. they're right! so now you're going hear tonight hopefully a strong statement from him saying this is war. we're going it take out the enemy. but in the meantime, let's give them that authority. at the last minute he can't say i'm not sure i have that
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authority. >> how do you defeat isis? a group with no country and no armed forces that you can, you know, structure around >>well, you can't. in fact, i have a map here i have used several times to impress upon people. this isn't just syria. it's not just iraq. in fact, i was with the prince of jordan yesterday, and he says he's encouraging us to do exactly what we're trying to do. he says we have a lot of people throughout that want to work with us. someone has to be the leader. it's got to be the united states of america. and of the fact under the administration we don't have the resources that we once had. we're the only ones who will be able to do it. we're at war. we're at risk as a nation. >> what do we do? are we willing to go out out? are we willing to say if boots on the ground are needed in syria, the boots on the ground will be give by the united states of america. if iraq can't handle it, we're going to go in there and help them out. how far do we need to go?
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>> we need to go as far as the president comes out with a plan to win this war. we don't say we want boots on the ground. we don't say we don't want boots on the ground. boots are already on the ground. i think we know that. the president has already sent people there. that's not really a question. we have to win the war. we know the problems with air strikes. we know what they do with collateral damage. we know we have to win this thing. >> senator james inhofe thank you for being with us. msnbc will have full coverage of president obama's prime time address to the nation. special coverage begins at 8:00 eastern. that's 5:00 p.m. pacific right here on msnbc. and coming up air strikes continue to reign over iraq as isis influence in syria becomes more deadly every single day. plus, we'll dig into a brand new nbc news poll that shows a changing political tide among
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latinos on the topic of immigration. the stake statistics you won't want to miss right after this. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business.
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moments of ago secretary of state john kerry in baghdad discussed the role of the president's new strategy to defeat isis terrorists in ooish and syria. this is the president getting red did toy address the nation tonight. nbc ease chief foreign correspondent richard engel joins us. let's start with the broad coalition secretary kerry was talking about. are arab nations on board? how key are nations getting involved in the confronting isis issue? >> well, i think it's very easy for middle eastern -- something needs to be done and they support in principle war against isis, and i think any country in the world would probably say
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that in principle they want to support a war against isis. especial the regime in the region. who do they want to do it most of them want the united states to do the war and the countries in the region have a different idea -- >> we're having some technical issues with our communication with richard engel. this is live television. he's not exactly right at the corner -- he's in iraq. we're going to continue our conversation with richard i think gel as soon as we can reestablish that communications link with him live. but i want to -- i want to keep monitoring what is going in iraq and secretary kerry being there. and the preparations the president and i know the very important speech to the nation. but i want to kind of talk about a story that continues to dominate headlines here in the united states nfl commissioner roger goodell is playing defense
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this morning to protect the league and his job in the wake of the ray rice scandal. he insist the nfl had not seen the full video of rice knocking out his then fiancè in an atlantic city casino elevator in february. on cbs news goodell spoke for the first time since the video released. this is what he had to say. >> we didn't know what was on the tape. we have been very open and honest. i have also from two weeks ago when i acknowledged that we didn't get this right. that's my responsibility. i'm accountable for that. >> joining me now is a woman who has worked for more than two decades to end domestic violence. executive director of the peace initiative. so good to see you. peace standing for putting an end to abusive through community efforts. you know, one of the questions is we see something like this, we see how this elevator video shows up and all the sudden
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everybody is surprised and disgusted where the video that we saw in the past had a knocked out person being pulled from that elevator. and i just want your perspective on this. when you see this and how the country reacts. how can we help people to be able to have this discussion quicker? and deal with the underlying problems? well, i'm glad we're having the conversation, jose. it really does take all of us being involved, being attentive, being conscious that this issue, this form of crime is pervasive. it's everywhere. in every neighborhood in every community. we need to own and take responsibility for our role each of us individually in terms of being able to respond to our
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friends, our neighbors, our relatives because anybody can be touched by this. for us to be aware, knowledgeable, and where to send people. some former nfl wives are speaking out about the ray rice scandal and giving pretty surprising insight. let me let you hear this. >> i don't think it's too hard for janay would stay with ray. i think women stay with abusers for many reasons. >> i think i would probably end up being one to stay. you assume that role. you're there to support and so you uphold the image you feel is necessary for your family. >> everything they're trying to build, they're trying to build together and be a family and they made this one big mistake. >> the last line is striking. they made this one big mistake. how do you help the victims who believe they don't have or don't need some help because it was
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just one mistake. >> you know one of the things about domestic violence, jose, is it's a crime of pattern. and we know that from so many years of working in this field. and working, also, across disciplines. we know as advocates and social workers, counselors, officers, law enforcement, therapists, we know it's a crime of pattern, and this is not something about, you know, one day they snapped and went off. you know, usually there's build up. this happens and escalates across time and there are signs that are indicators that, you know, it could be leading up to something as violent and as horrific as what we saw in that video. and we can be there for those folks and listen to them and most importantly, not judge
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them. that is one of the things that really puts people back in their shell. it makes them go back into isolation when those of us from the community assume a role of judgment. it's important not to judge. it's important for us to offer good information about where to get help. about the national domestic violence hotline, about resources in their respective community. and if we can, listen and be there as a support mechanism, as an emotional sports. oftentimes, people get tired, you know, because a reality of domestic violence is people leave five to seven times before they make that clean break, jose. and so it's hard for families and relatives and loved ones to understand, you know, that whole experience and it becomes can
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become very frustrated. >> thank you for being with me. appreciate your time. >> happy to be here. a horrific crime high tension meeting, and severe weather threat. let's zoom through some of today's top stories. this is a story hard to talk about. a father accused of killing his five young children. their bodies found near lay week after they were reported missing from their south carolina home. timothy jones, jr., has reportedly confessed to police. police say he told them where the bodies were. two states away in alabama. jones waiting extradition to south carolina. he's expected to be charged there in their deaths. we'll get an update from police in the next hour. in missouri, earl rin go, jr. became the eighth person to be executed in the state this year. pronounced dead just after 12:30 this morning. he was convicted in robbery and double murder in columbia in 1998.
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. [ cheers and applause ] it was a tense and emotional city council meeting in ferg sob, missouri last night. the first one since the michael brown shooting. there were so many people had that had to be moved to a nearby church. the meeting intended to promote community healing. council members were greated with anners and voter retribution. many of the residents who lined up to speak gave their name as mike brown. their address? ground zero. a mother and her three children had to be rescued after her van got stuck in a flash flood in omaha, nebraska. a powerful storm. heavy rain and high winds knocked down trees and toppling over cars. these damaging winds are the primary threat today as the storm moves east. cities in the path? st. louis, chicago, indianapolis, and detroit. take a look at the incredible scene monday in nevada showing the pow of a flash flood. a man appears to try to get into a van as flood waters carried it off a highway and down a ravine.
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incredibly the man survived! i don't want to jinx it. i should note today is the peak day of hurricane season. not a storm tracked so far. i didn't just say that. coming up a brand new nbc news poll shows a major shift in attitudes among latinos on the topic of immigration. we'll break down the numbers and frame the debate straight ahead. i am so nervous right now, it's not even funny. oh my gosh... driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites. hey, i notice your car yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg.
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hispanic voters down by double digits. support for a path way to citizenship down by double digits. that might explain the shift in politics. republicans now seem to have the advantage on the immigration issue. republicans like senator ted cruz of texas. >> if you believe the right response of this crisis of 90,000 little boys and little girls coming into this country is to grant amnesty to 5 or 6 million people who are here illegally, then vote democrat. if you don't support amnesty, if you support rule of law, in every election and every state the people have a different choice. >> let's frame the debate with msnbc contributor maria and republican strategies. thank you. i want to start with you, maria. what happens with the disappointed hispanic voters come november? >> well, one of the things folks are expecting for latinos to stay home. i can tell you on september 15th, the kickoff for hispanic
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heritage month we have sciu, and the united states hispanic team of commerce saying we're not going to sit on the sidelines or on our hands. we're going to demonstrate to the republicans and democrats it's not about politics but about the latino folks here in the united states believing they need not only comprehensive immigration reform. but need relief for our families and community. we need to be taken seriously. i think that's what unfortunately neither party right now understands. the latino community is ready to stand above their own politics to make sure that at the end of the day we're paying paid attention to and being respected. >> you advice the national republican issue. pathway to citizenship is high when they are explained the details. so what is the message to those voters with this whole anti-amnesty argument we're hearing from crew cruz and oth? >> i agree with maria. i hope the latino community
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joins the rest of the american people in voting in republican fashion in november. it's a very clear that there's complete dissatisfaction with president obama. i think the numbers start to reflect the reality. and that is a couple of things. first of all, the passenger's side has lost all support and credibility with his own base and latino voters. i hope maria is right. let me say something quickly. this has been the worst strategy i've seen in 30 years in washington. it's a lose-lose proposition for the president. he's losing his base by disappointing them and frankly, going back on a promise he made in private to latino leaders and marina knows this. secondly, he's not fooling the rest of us. >> let's let everybody talk. he brought up issues. one is the fact that many latinos do feel disappointed by
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the president extending this deadline he himself created. but failed to mention that the support among the republicans by latinos is less than the president has ever gotten. >> exactly. i think that's where we have to make sure that we're speaking clearly. the latino community is this point in both parties. what both parties expect they're not going to turn out in record number. if you look at historically latinos have had an uptick in midterm elections. not as strong as the general population. the whole idea that immigration reform is taking a backseat to politics in general is going to galvanize the base so they can make sure that at the end of the day, this is not just about the mid teterms but 2016. what we're seeing now is a dress rehearsal. how they're talking about immigration reform, how they'll be talking about the importance of the latino vote. right now both parties aren't doing very well. we'll see come the midterm. we have to galvanize latinos and
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build the politics to make sure we're coming out in record numbers. >> with all due respect. what does it mean? they have to vote for a republican or democrat. that's right. that's great they can rise above politics. to me that's a code word for say rise above politics give republicans a chance to pass a real comprehensive immigration reform that does secure our borders and address the needs of the american economy. what i can tell you now the numbers indicate they have lost complete confidence in barack obama. let me tell you -- >> i think -- president obama is not on the ballot. he's not on the ballot and that's what we're asking the community to ask is to have frank conversations with democratic candidates and republican candidates to find out where they individually stand. right now they're basically hiding behind what they are doing and what boehner is doing. >> wait! >> yes, jose. >> i only a little bit of time. i want to have you back.
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i thank you for your perspective and being with me this morning. come back soon. >> thank you, jose. a story critics say is not getting the attention it deserves. a former marine from here in florida is jailed in mexico. the debate is over how far the u.s. should go to bring him home. we'll talk about that. [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. introducing cvs health. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good!
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to the case of a u.s. marine jailed in mexico returned to a courtroom yesterday for a third hearing where the lawyers for veteran sergeant andrew spent several hours yesterday viewing surveillance video provided by mexico custom authorities. he said he accidentally crossed into the border into tijuana from san diego where he was getting treatment for ptsd. in his truck hundreds of rounds of ammunition it's legal in the u.s. but not in mexico. a case sparking concern more
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than 134,000 people signing a white house petition urging the administration to act. joining me now montell williams who is pushing for action in this case. good to see you again. >> good to see you. >> what do we know about yesterday's hearing? >> it went until 9:30. we hear from joe late last night saying andrew wasn't brought into the courthouse. he doesn't know what is going on. it's part of the biggest problem we have to understand. the mexican court system is different than ours. you said there was a hearing. it's the review of evidence, part of a case is going on that andrew didn't get to participate in. only his lawyer was there. what is going on here we have a young man, and the bottom line is this. skip all the politics, all the noise, international law understands if a person suffers from mental illness deserves to have mental care or quality care for the illness while incarcerated. he's not going to get that and he's not getting it now in mexico. this is a young man, i'm not
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trying to overstate mental illness. he's suffering from ptsd. he was seeing his doctors the day he went into mexico. this is an issue of compassion. we need compassion diplomacy right now. not politics just compassion. please allow us to bring one of our fallen, a young man who spent two tours in afghanistan. now bring him back. >> montell, that's a very valid perspective. the other side is every country is a sovereign nation with their own laws. and when you go and violate a law, whether you did it by mistake or not, you have to respond to how that country has structured its legal system. >> and right there, jose, you made the perfect argument. under mexican law, you have to show intent. mental illness cannot allow you the intent to do what he's been prescribed to do. they first wanted to charge him with attempting to sell legal weapons across the border. this is a young man who is
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mentally ill. the law in mexico allows for this. so all we have to do -- >> if you're meantly ill or not and selling weapons it's the point they have to consider. >> cthey charged him with entering the country. they didn't think he was trying to sell them. he had no intent to sell. they charged him for entering a country with weapons illegally. that right there, to me, you need to have a mental capability to remember you have the weapons in your car. >> all right. >> that's the question. >> so the white house responded to that online petition. we spoke about it. reads in part, we'll continue to monitor the case and work with mexican authorities as the case proceeds to the mexican judicial system. we continue to urge the mexican authorities to process the case quickly. now montell, they have reacted. >> i wrote a letter to the president of mexico and their attorney general. they sent the letter back. we have forwarded a letter back to them explaining. so i'm saying there's a dialogue that is open. if they will respond to me and
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responded to me respectfully calling me by my military rank and title, commander williams, they said we understand this has what happened. we have an opportunity to counter it and send them information. we're waiting for the response. i should say the state department is well involved. secretary kerry and his office is doing as much as they can. i believe right now what we need is a show of just concern, compassionate concern from the united states. if the house would pass the house resolution 620 it shows that we in america are just -- >> what resolution? give me a detail. >> it will give the president the authority to do whatever it takes to see if we can get one of our fallen and bring them back home. listen to me, again, i'm not trying to interfere with the sovereignty of mexico. i'm not trying to say that maybe the young man didn't make a mistake. but you have to have a mental capability to understand you made a mistake. and that's the point. all i'm saying is -- >> he broke the law. >> let's be compassionate and
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understand he needs help. he can't get that help in a prison in mexico when you're sending him just the priest who is not qualified to discuss ptsd. this is all we have to do. >> thank you for being with me. and that wraps up this hour on msnbc. thank you for the privilege of your time. next on "newsnation" with tamron hall. a preview of the president's speech to the nation tonight with hardball's chris matthews. at the top of the hour police holding news conference on the father who they say admitted to killing his five young children. see you tomorrow. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your
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president is prepared to expand air strikes to syria and explain his strategy to the american people. but the white house says the president won't give operational details tonight nor will he give an estimated cost or a precise time table. the president previewed his plan in a meeting with top congressional leaders yesterday. a senior administration official tells nbc news the president asked the lawmakers for authority to train the syrian opposition army which would require a vote in congress. but aids say the president believes he does not need congressional authority to expand air strikes to syria. now in a statement, house speaker john boehner expressed sport for some of the president's proposals including training and equipping the syrian opposition. meantime right now john kerry is wrapping up an announced visit to baghdad where he met with iraq's new prime minister and other iraqi leaders in a show of
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