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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  September 10, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> now for his part, the ravens owner has issued his own separate apology. >> now we will keep following this story and bringing you more soon as it develops. that's it for now. the edge show is up next. >> good evening americans and welcome to the ed show, live from new york. let's get to work. >> firing of weapons represent sufficient challenge to natio s nation's. >> when our citizens are abused or attacked. >> as long as others will challenge americans security.
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>> we have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and future generations, a new world order. >> fire and steel. the cost of action must be weighed against the price of inaction. >> i'm hopeful this fighting won't go on for long. >> self defense is not only our right but our duty. >> we must stand. >> to all the women in the united states armed forces in the middle east. >> the americans will win through to absolute victory. >> the peace of a troubled world and hopes of a depressed people now depend on zb. >> my fellow americans. sk >> good to have you with us folks. tonight is a very importantp evening for president obama and
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the country. he will give a primetime address in which he will lay out a plan for addressing isis in iraq and syria. the broader strategy could include more wide ranging air strikes in iraq and possibly syria. until now air strikes have been to protect u.s. interest and prevent humanitarian disasters. that's expecting to change. john kerry arrived in baghdad to form coalation against isis. officials said president obama will press forward without a vote from law makers on his new plan of attack however he will ask if congress to quickly approve the arming and training of syrian opposition forces. late this afternoon house republicans said they will delay
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voting on a budget bill tomorrow to consider requested from the white house. at least they are paying attention to what the president will say. that's nice to know. the president's go-it-alone strategy is far different from a year ago. this time last year president obama was asking congress for a vote on striking syria. >> after careful deliberation, i have decided the united states should take military action against syrian regime targets. but having made my decision as commander in chief, based on what i am convinced is our national security interest, i'm also mindful that i'm the president of the world's oldest constitution aal democracy. i long believe our power is not just in our military might but as our example of a government of the people by the people and for the people.
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that's why i made a second decision, i will seek authorization for the use of force from the american people's representatives in congress. >> and of course the do-nothing congress did not respond to that. so the president has given the congress an opportunity to step into this syrian-isis mess and he got no help. now look where we are. the president has certainly changed his tune over the course of one year. on tuesday he met with congressional leaders on the isis strategy in the oval office. he told lawmakers he has the authority he needs to take action against isis, although he would welcome action from congress that would aid the overall effort and demonstrate to the world that the united states is united in defeating the threat. one thing is clear, the american people are united against isis. here's a new poll.
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>> inside syria. if they manage to down a fighter jet, how are we going to make the case that we're not putting boots on the ground. so i ask the question tonight, in commentary, president obama, tonight will go to the american people and lay out what? a limited strategy? how can we say there's not going to be any boots on the ground? i mean if isis is isis an they are as capable as everybody says they are, if they can hit america, if they have that capability, why in the world would we outsource our security
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to syrian moderates or the kurds or iraq forces that we doedon't will stand up. why won't we take care of the threat ourselves. so we're going to arm the iraqis and say you got to go get the bad guys. i don't know if i like that. what i do like if the president says all options are viable. but to tell the american people no boots on the ground, that's a fool's errand. we don't know where this will go if isis as big a threat as everyone says they are. if this is a terrorist organization that wants to take down america, why would we
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outsource it, number one, and number two, why would we put limitations on our security. well, you say, we had a bad experience before, so we're not going to put boots on the ground this time either, we don't know. i want to hear the president come out tonight and say, we will do, as a country, whatever it takes to make sure we're safe. get your cellphones out and tell me what you think. do you think the united states can destroy isis without troops on the grounground. congressman great to have you with us. >> good to be with you, thanks. >> how do you view the situation we're in right now? what would increased military
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action look like? >> i think what you have to have what the beoti objective stated clearly by the president, then you say what type of military force to do that. i think the president has to say one thing, isis will have no safe haven, whatsoever there in iraq. what will that take? our air power. and troops on the ground by other countries. the kurds and other baghdad forces that we should equip and train. this is not your military of ten years ago. when we were struck on 9/11. we didn't even have a drone then. we can do this in a proper way to deny them a safe haven. this will involve strikes into syria. so logistical basis there can sustain them. this can be a successful denial of a safe haven by what i just
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said. to detrostroy, we haven't destrd al qaeda and it's ten years later. that's separate issue. right now is isis's threat against america. >> how good is our intel on these air strikes. and how do we think innocent people aren't going to get killed. >> it's not perfect. no ininstrument of war will ever be perfect where we will have civilians are harmed. but to put a missile through this window rather than somewhere away 50 yards, we can do that. that's what it's all about, knowledge. and making sure we know who is where. that's why we have to have coalition forces. the saudis have their
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intelligence forces all over there group. we have to work with other nations to have the intelligence of where to strike. this needs a coalition. it's not just by us. >> i look at the map and see isis has quite a foot print in syria. are we to believe if we arm syrian moderates and do these surgical air strikes that we will get mission accomplished on this? >> notice what i said, no safe haven within iraq. >> yeah. >> now i said strike syria so logistics can't sustain in iraq. syria is a different issue to get them out of there. couple years ago i said we were it slow to give arms to what we knew were armed rebels. we are even slow today. it permitted a vacuum to occur by which isis could grow. but over the last two years we have had special forces in jordan that has been training
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more moderate rebels. we've given radios to them, not by charity, so we can listen in and know what is going on. ev eventually it will take the moderate rebels to gain back the vacuum that happened. that's a differently play. eventually it has to be like where the turks are no longer letting 150 million barrel that's isis is taking from iraq and go through it any longer, where it gets part of it's money. this is not just about kennetic energy from the military but about closing off the blood lines, the money, to sustain isis to do the damage it is doing. it's a multi-facetted approach. >> the politicals of this, the president doesn't want to the put his new plan up for a vote. is that a mistake. >> absolutely not. i think he made a mistake years ago by drawing back, saying no
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chemical weapons, by asking congress for permission. no. we have done 135 actions without coming to congress. this should be one of those times. >> thank you so much sir. let me bring in senior fellow of research. michael, as we view this, the president isn't putting his new plan of action up for a vote. your thoughts? is that a mistake? >> i think it makes sense at this point to invoke existing authorities. it's against a threat similar to and related to al qaeda and therefore i think it does fall under the authorization of use of military force back in 2001. in addition, i think congress will have some say in the very issue that you mentioned, which
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is the request for funding for syrian opposition. that is all part of integrated policy. i think there's a distinction between iraq and syria. they will work on different time lines with different elements. congress will have a say in the overall strategy by asking on this $500 million request for aiding and training the syrian opposition. i think that is actually a sufficient role for this juncture. >> to point out a year ago, the president wanted a vote on striking syria. why is this time different? >> well, this time, i think has to do more with the expansion of a specific threat to america's ally's and even the united states. >> if that's the case, why would we outsource that job to anyone else on the ground other than
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american troops if they are truly capable of hitting america, isn't this a gamble to count on iraqi troops. >> i like the thrust of your opening argument. what i would say is we can't do it with combat forces, it is too hard for us to send hundreds of thousands of troops to iraq. but i agree with the spirit of your point. we may need to send american advisory teams and special forces to help rein vigvigo viv iraq army. someone will have to do a major ground operation. if it is going to be the iraqi's someone will have to help them get their mojo back. they are a mess. they fell apart in the spring. >> no doubt. is it is easy to . >> it is ease why i to get into this stuff, awfully hard to get out.
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and the president said he will put up training the opposition for a vote. he has to have congress on board, doesn't he. or the country politically could really split. either he's doing enough or not enough. 23 if he doesn't have republicans is it will be a heavy lift. >> i think you're rice. right. i think you're right. >> so with the politics of washington, the president needs the democrats now more than ever. >> i think that's right. i think this is an important moment of coming together for the country and i hope it will happen. on the chemical weapons issue last year, i heard point, i saw the chemical issue as a small piece of the broader problem that i was dispointed we weren't doing more to the overall tie to
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the syrian war. i think president obama found a way to address that. the overall policy towards syria has been a mess. this comes closer to the fundamental problem, the overall path of the war, president assad holding power and isis with insurgency. two worse things to happen in syria. the whole policy needs to be over hauled with this $500 million. >> thank you, michael. remember to share your comments on twitter and like us on facebook. we always want to know what you're think. coming up nfl commissioner roger goodell claims he never saw the video of ray rice abu abusing his then-fiance.
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well more details out about how he was given the video. plus the future of saturday night live is in jeopardy. stay with us. ich rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracy got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. au auto. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday.
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for its outrageous prices. >> it's just a parking spot! >> a pricey manhattan parking spot. ten parking places going for a cool million each. >> $1 million dollars. >> the new york times says the underground spot will cost more per square foot then the apartment. >> the number two trender. living on the edge. >> it's a beautiful sea side property. five floor. three bedrooms. >> what's the catch. >> it's a home bolted into the side of a cliff. >> australian architect takes house-hunting to new heights. >> this is like your house? >> are you feeling any danger at all. >> sure. home sweet home.
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today's top trender. citizen cruise. >> the dem democrats want a constitution amendment to shape campaign finance laws. >> senator why did you vote for a constitutional amendment to silence my free speech rights. >> the texas senator claims killing citizens united will shut down nfl. >> saturday night live has had some of the best political satire. any corporation, congress would prohibit it from engaging in political speech. could be put in jail for making fun of any politicians. >> that is extraordinary, breath taking, and dangerous. >> we are joined by vermont senator. good to have you with us. i know how you feel about citizens united.
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i would like you to respond from senator cruise from texas. how outrageous is it. >> sounds like he's on saturday night live. it's a very funny skit. you know, citizens united is a little over four years old. saturday night live has been on the air for decades. i don't recall too many people on snl going to jail for making fun of politicians. it is prepstorous argument. it is a scare tactic. because the american people understand that democracy is not about billionaires to buy elections. that's not what democracy is about. >> they claim money is free speech. your response? >> and my response is that money is not free speech.
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that in a democracy we have the right to elect people based on their ideas and not on the ability of a billionaire to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on tens of thousands of political ads. we have had campaign finance lor in this country for many, many decades. i would go further. i believe in funding of elections. but the idea that democracy is for sale to those who can spend the most money. that's an insult. that's not a democratic society. >> do you think there are republicans at heart some what nervous about all this money that maybe citizens united isn't the right way to go in this constitutional amendment. is there enough of them to do skmg about it.
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>> something about is it. >> the fact is the republicans are maker beneficiaries, so they are looking at citizens united as a pretty good supreme court decision. and by the way, as you know the leadership of the republican party want to go further than citizens united. they want to do away with all restrictions so billionaires can hand across checks for hundred million dollars without expenditures. but yes, i have talked to republicans who have already seen ads coming into their state which makes them very, very nervous. the overwhelming majority of the money is going in support of the republicans but not all of it. so you have republicans in their heart of hearts understand that any billionaire, or corporation can spend as much money as they want on campaigns. >> do you think some day
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citizens united will be over turned, legislatively and constitutionally addressed? >> absolutely. and i will tell you why. because that's what the vast majority of the american people want. they are disgusted with what they are seeing right now. already 16 states the in opposition. i think the american people want fair elections. they want free ewill hlectionel. they don't want billionaires buying elections. >> i would be remiss if i didn't give you an opportunity to give us your quick thoughts on what you expect on the president's address n to the country in dealing with the middle east. >> i think a couple things, i think he will tell us what we all know to be true that isis is a very threat to the region and to the world, that we need an
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international effort to combat isis politically and militarily and that we should not send americans into another ground war, that what we saw in iraq as a result of bush and cheney was the worse foreign policy blunder in the modern history of america, which caused many of the problems we're seeing now, not to mention loss of lives and trillions of dollars. so this is a complicate the issue and i don't criticize the president in being thoughtful in trying to figure out the best way forward out there. >> appreciate your time tonight. thanks for being on the ed show nk . >> thank you. coming up roger goodell speaks out regarding the release of the ray rice video he claims he never saw. new information on in a story in a moment. plus the wall street journal
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thinks president obama owes dick cheney a dozen roses? and an apology? that's next on the ed show. sweets become salaries. an oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kick-starts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge.
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>> welcome back to "the ed show." we're going to pass on "ask ed" tonight because we are alerted of a situation that has unfolded in ferguson. you're looking at a live shot where law enforcement officials are lining the streets because there are new protests raring the shooting of michael brown. new protests taking place in ferguson, missouri at this hour. we will keep you up-to-date on this if anything unfolds. that's going on right now. new protests this evening. stick around rapid response panel is next. i have your market draft. stocks end slightly higher.
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>> welcome back to "the ed show." we have some breaking news at this hour. a law enforcement source has told the associated press, he sent the ray rice elevator video to the nfl executives months ago. he said this.
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they can't confirm if anyone at the nfl watched the video, they were played a 12-second voice mail from an nfl office number confirming the video arrived. if a female voice expresses thanks and says, you're right, it's terrible. the nfl says they have no knowledge of the clap claims made in the ap report. if true this new development would be bad news for nfl commissioner rongger goodell wh said no one in the nfl saw it until it went on line. >> yesterday morning i got into the office and our staff had come to me and said there's new evident, there's a video that you need to sew. you need to see. and i watched it. >> did you know a second tape existed. >> we didn't see any videotape
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of what occurred in the elevator. we supervised there was a video. we asked for a video but were never granted that opportunity. >> did anyone in the nfl see the second videotape? before monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl. >> no one in the nfl to my knowledge. and i've been asked that same question and the answer to that is no. >> goodell and the nfl have faced intense criticism for the initial decision to suspend rice for just a couple dgames. when asked if he dropped the he ball he had this to say. >> was the nfl willfully ignore an the but what was on the tape. >> we certainly didn't the know what was on the tape but we've been very open and honest and i have also from two weeks ago when i acknowledged we didn't get this right. that's my responsibility. i'm accountable for that.
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>> today goodell is being asked to resign as commissioner from the nfl. analysts and sports professor from miami university. interesting, i asked you yesterday about what was going on, you said the nfl is lying, what do you say tonight? >> the nfl is lying. what comes to mind is ricky ricardo saying to lucy, someone's got some explaining to do. there's no way they would send this to the nfl office, and he has a voice mail it is received, and states clearly that the woman on the other end said this is terrible, so she saw it, so now the nfl trying to make us
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believe they didn't get this void videotape. i point this out because right now roger goodell is insulting our intelligence and digging himself deeper into a hole. it will be interesting how not only he gets out of this but how the owners get out of this. or at least try. some saying they were characterizing the tape as far back as may and june. listening to goodell say no one in the nfl has seen that tape, really didn't qualify. and then to have a female executive saying indeed they
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have received it and that it was terrible and yes, you're right. someone's going to walk the plank on this. not sure it will be $40 million. but some executive will be charged with having had this tape and not shared it and they will be dismissed from the nfl. this will be laid on their shoulders. if the right thing were to happen, we should listen to goodell when he talked about the new orleans saints and their bounty situation. he said ignorance is not an excuse. i would apply that same standard for mr. goodell. >> we should point out in the story that the ap source cannot confirm if anyone in the nfl watched the video. but they can confirm that it was sent, and it was responded back that they did receive it. that's the story. so it was in the house months ago. considering how important the story is to the league, do you
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think they would be that sloppy in the front office, like, we don't need to look at that, we know what it's all about. could that happen? could goodell be telling the truth? >> he saw this video. there's no question about this. first of all, the nfl is the most powerfulentity on the face of the earth next to the u.s. government. all these teams have fbi agents, as far as security forces, right here in atlanta, georgia, the falcons owners have secret service guys. they know everything that is o going on. roger goodell, probably the silliest thing e said yesterday, when i sat to talk to ray rice i couldn't make a decision because it was ambiguous. first of all ray rice flatly told the baltimore ravens everything that took place in that elevator, including
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knocking out his fiance. if he told the ravens, you know ravens told the nfl, so this entire thing is just ridiculous. >> what about goodell not ruling out the possibility that rice could play in the nfl again. the thought he might come back with this huge issue they're dealing with. >> goodell laid out a standard weeks ago that a agree with. people would have to be banned from the nfl but after one year would be able to appeal it. but there's no guarantee that that appeal would be accepted or evaluated or that they would ever be welcome back. in this case people have a right to healing and show they have accomplished that healing. so i don't believe in locking him up and throwing away the keys. i believe in the opportunity to reprove himself. he can do that off the field.
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rebuild his life and family off the field and ashould not receive financial benefit in the interrim. but after a year of showing himself he can be an upstanding member of society, and tribute to the nfl and be part of changing the culture, then i would welcome him back. i think we should give him that opportunity. >> can i say he will play again in the nfl. no doubt about that. right now he's 27 years old. almost the same age michael vick was when he was sent to prison for nearly two years for dog fighting. he's a known as quarterback but is essentially a running back. he came back and is still praying, by the way. i talked to a nfl scout friend of mine and said is this going to effect ray rice's future and
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he basically laughed. if ray rice is able to play in a couple years that's all they care about. that's why goodell kept it open. he knows deep down in his heart, this is not it. >> all right i want to ask you, domestic violence accounts for half of the arrests in violent crimes. worse category. is this something the league can fix? or is this just the kind of people that are tracted to playing in this sport? >> well no they are not going to fix this. i've been covering the nfl since late 1970s. i've covered a lot of teams. i'm telling you, this has always been the case. talking to an nfl scout, he brought up a common sense point,
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it's a very violent sport. these guys can't turn it off. when you're in a situation of conflict, than you want to strike out, whether a wife, friend or what have you. we can talk about it. give the nfl the benefit of the doubt. this is something that is a case and always will be the case unfortunately. >> okay. calling for goodell to step down will it matter. >> i don't think it will matter. what will matter is what the owners have to say. i think terrence is right, the nature and culture of this sport is conducive to this kind of thing but that doesn't get anyone off the hook. as to whether goodell stays or goes i think we got to see what this investigation shows. >> great to have you both with us on the discussion tonight. appreciate it of. coming up, can congress put
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but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. there have been reports of arrests already taking place. there is also a report of protests trying to block instate 70. for more, let me bring in reporter, what do you know? what's going on? >> reporter: the original plan was for protesters to block off the highway. because participants are broadcasting what the plans were, police beat them to the punch. essentially the police blocked off the highway so protesters couldn't block off the highway. i witnessed at least eight arrests and there may be more. there are no official numbers. there were some tricky numbers where police and protesters kind of faced off. nothing like we've seen in
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recent weeks but there were some pretty tense moments from last night. so the tensions were in the air and so again, folks were still commanding the right to protest. >> so you think this was an overflow of a heated council meeting from last night and these are local folks protesting? >> reporter: i think so. i think that even though there's a wide spectrum of anger and people are upset about a lot of things. i think now despite the fact that all the energy is scattered, they are more organized. this is the first of what organizers will be many actions which may include blocking access to football games, highways. they were unsuccessful today but they said they will be trying in the future to block highway 70. >> and they are protesting the shooting of michael brown. this is the same subject. they're still on point, correct? >> reporter: they are still on point but it is expanded. now the precise point today was the call for a special
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prosecutor. they are still unsatisfied that he can prosecute unbiasedly the. >> all right. with us live on the phone from ferguson, missouri. we'll have more coming up. stay tuned, we're right back. a kitchen that kick starts careers wells fargo invests in our communities a little differently. small measures that add up to make our whole even greater. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. ok, if you're up there, i coulsmart sarah.elp. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do.
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welcome back. a new "wall street journal" poll shows a stunning number, 93ly half the country thinks we are less safe than we were before 9/11. this is the highest response to
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this question since the polls started in 2002. americans have spent, gosh, the last decade pouring billions if not trillion into security. the nsa is everybody's business. the tsa screens us more now than ever before. but people are still afraid. after the attacks of 2001 people came together to support george w. bush and followed up with all the support and all the requests that he made. the question tonight is, will congress put politics aside and support president obama, the commander in chief? joining us tonight, the republican congressman from texas. congressman, good to have you with us. first of all, i want to you respond to this survey. should americans be afraid? what do you think of this number? >> well, i think we are safer but i understand why a lot of people still are afraid. because of this terrorist threat, the isis group is absolutely a terrorist thug
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group. and our southern border is not secure. i think on a net basis, we are safer than we were on 9112001. >> your republican colleagues helped president obama here. do you think there will be part of some politics played out in this effort to take down isis? >> i hope not. i'm as partisan as they come against obamacare and on domestic politics but there really is a difference in foreign policy. isis really is a clear and present danger to the united states of america. i support the president if he will defend america. i want him to lay out a plan tonight that tells the terrorists, we're coming after you wherever you are. we'll use all of our assets. both military, economic,
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financial, moral, i want to destroy isis and prevent there being a future isis ever created again. >> congressman, what does that mean? what do you want to hear from the president? how far does he have to go? what's your definition here? >> well, i'm one of the ones that would support an absolute old-fashioned declaration of war. now, having said that, i don't think the majority of the, of my republican friends or even democrat friends are ready to go that far. but if something is worth fighting, it is worth fighting and going all in. so i would like the president not to equivocate, not to talk about some gradual escalation, not to automatically say what's out of bounds. i don't think we need major conventional ground forces wearing the american uniform in the region but i would not want to preclude the president from using any military again,
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military, economic, financial asset that we have. these guys are dangerous. they hate the united states. we need to kill them, we need to track them down, we need to cut off their financial aid, to cut off their moral support. whatever we need to do, i'm ready to go do it and hopefully do it in a unified way for the security of the united states of america. >> you think there's a chance the president would not go far enough? >> i think it is a better chance than even that he won't go far enough. he told the leadership of the house and senate yesterday that he didn't need any authorization from the congress. i think that's a mistake. i think it sends a signal to the world, if the congress goes on record that we're totally behind, not just the president but we're for the security of the united states of america. >> all right. joe barton of texas. >> to have you with us. we appreciate your time of
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that's the ed show. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live from washington, d.c. in just three hours, president obama will deliver a prime time address to detail his strategy for destroying the terrorist group isis. the president spending the day consulting with his national security council in the situation room. earlier, cameras caught the president in the oval office on the phone with the king of saudi arabia. sources tell nbc news, the president and vice president have been calling members of congress today. urging them to move quickly on a vote authorizing the training and arming of syrian rebels. part of a plan expected to also include air strikes in syria. but no