tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC September 11, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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we should see a flurry of reporter questions about the speech that laid out his four-point plan to degrade and destroy isis. >> i know many americans are concerned about the threats. tonight i want you to know that the united states of america is meeting them with strength and resolve. our objective is clear. we will degrade and ultimately destroy isis through a comprehensive and sustained counter terrorism strategy. . >> a jims of the rough political road ahead. >> as much as i want the approach to work, the strategy he outlined will not get us there. >> a lot of the members don't feel like the campaign that was outlined last night will accomplish what the period said. >> they prepare to take this new
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threat on a difficult day in our nation's history, september 11th, 2001. the president paid tribute at the pentagon. >> for you, for your nation, these have been difficult years. by your presence here today and the service you have led, you embody the truth that no matter what comes our way, america will come out stronger. >> our city here paid tribute at ground zero. >> our beloved shawn, husband, son, father, brother, uncle, and friend. we adore you. we treasure you, you are unforgettable. our daughter, shawn, is a beautiful reminder of your face every day. god bless you. >> a reminder of how much is at stake here. joining me to look ahead at what
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comes next in the fight against isis. we have tom brocaw on set, one of the greats and someone i learned a great deal from watching my whole life. at the white house, we have chris jansing and from iraq, richard engle and bob casey and for an iraqi perspective, she is of shiite and sunni heritage. i want to start with chris jansing. reporter his a few hours to digest the president's address. what are the outstanding questions you expect to dominate this briefing? >> there a lot of them. obviously the support. is there congressional support? we asked for one thing the last couple of days. he wants the authorization to be able to arm and train syrian and iraqi rebels. there is question about whether and when that will happen. does he have the support he is looking for? they are pointing to progress
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and secretary of state john kerry is abroad. will they provide the breath and the depth of the support that the united states needs and can this plan work. that's the biggest question. technically on the ground, militarily, is it enough for the united states to contribute air strikes and the question that a lot of people have is really one about a slippery slope. whether or not this is really just the start of something. where is this going? you heard them admit there risks involved. the american people believe things have to be done and the white house sees that as important to pushing congress. the american people wanting to know that something gets done. will that stay the same if we start to see u.s. casualties? the president said 475 more troops are going-over. that brings the number of u.s. military on the ground in an advisory disaster in iraq to 1600, but about 150 of these are
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in the forward most dangerous positions. a lot of questions asked at the believing. >> you raise an important point about this coalition. just how real that coalition is and what is expected. i want to bring in tom brocaw. you reported on a lot of presidents. did this president strike the right tone? >> i thought that the tone was right, but we have to remember that with that speech last night, he defined his presidency. if it succeeds he will be a different president remembered than if it fails. he has two more years and he said repeatedly this will take a long time. it will preoccupy him for the next two years. the most important job he has is to secure this country. therefore it goes right to the top of the list of the achievements or failures of the administration. for me, i have all the
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confidence in the world in the air power and the air strikes, but no military analyst believes you can win with air strikes alone. they spend a lot of money training the army. as soon as they were confronted, they were going in the other direction. part of what was successful about iraq with james baker and president bush 41, they put together a lot of troops on the ground, a half million. at least they had saudis in uniform and in the skies. here we will have saudis that give us training camps and we hope to shut down the money from the monarchy. that helps finance what they are doing. america never has been safer. 61% of the country said they feel this is a real and relevant danger to the country. the problem with isis and all these organizations, no one know
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this is better. they can move and live on the land and get reorganized. >> it struck me how sober he was preparing for the long haul. we will see if that turns out to be a blow back. in terms that was blow back, a lot of voices getting louder and louder and briefings under way on capitol hill. based on the reaction we are seeing so far, does the white house have an uphill battle in terms of building? >> they have an uphill battle and you are looking at less than two months outside the election. there is a long standing tradition that you get behind your commander in chief. initial statements have been positive. whether it's from john boehner
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or people who are usually critical. peter king have acknowledged that he is right. and the question is what do we do. he is starting to get push back with the vote that he wants or the president wants. that's not going to happen. we will talk about it over the weekend. >> chris jansing at the white house. helpful update there, chris. >> i want you to weigh in on this subject. we have been looking at congressional reaction. let's get a take from the hill. i want to bring in bob casey of pennsylvania for that. thank you, senator. a few of your fellow democrats had tough words for the president from senator mark udahl. the american people must be assures we are not pursuing an open ended conflict and i will not give the president a blank check to begin another land war in iraq.
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from tim cain, i disagree with the president's assertion that he has all necessary legal authority to wage an eventive war against isil without congressional approval. does that surprise you some. >> this is an important issue. the grave question of what we use our military for and our commitment to what i believe will be a battle that will last for my lifetime and well beyond. what do you do when you have a terrorist organization it may not be an immediate or president threat. it's an important debate to have. you are seeing divisions and debate within both parties. we should celebrate that. we shouldn't use our focus on here. this is about terrorism and how we confront it. i think this is much more of a
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have the terrorism and the organization happens to be a combination of a terrorist organization with a big army that is well trained and has a lot of capability and thirdly a criminal organization. it's as big of a threat as we have seen if not the most significant. >> this is not just debate, but a legal question. the president it seems will not seek immediate authorization back in libya. the administration justified the expansive reading. isis is not. >> what should happen, he has authority to do what he needs to do in the recent past. there is a question about the
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long-term. there is no question that if any president, this president or any president was contemplating or planning or even speculating about troops on the ground, the authorization question is front and center. if people want to talk about it, we should do that. achieving and enduring coalition. the question maybe should wait. appreciate your insight. that's on the ground in the region. richard, last night here, you caused a stir, calling the president's strategy off base. tell us more about what the flaws you see are. >> i think comparisons were made
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that implied that this war against isis would be similar to terrorism operations under way. he compared it to the operations going on in somalia where sometimes special operations forces have effectively tracked terrorists and killed them or operations that take place in yemen. if only isis were that sample and at the tip of the horn or the bottom of the arabian peninsula. it is in the heart of the mideast and right on the sunni shiite fault line. at the location and the sensitivity of the location is the problem. who comes in to solve the problem? the sunni states that move in? that will be resisted by iran and is being resisted through the iraqi army or is it iran and
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hezbollah which saudi arabia and others see as a threat to themselves? because of that, we see calls for an outside power that has a historic connection being called in to solve it. it was an overtichl liveication with the policies that commandos have been carrying out in remote parts of africa and arabia for years now. >> you make an incredibly important point about the compare to somalia and yemen. we have seen this type of strategy of supporting proxy armies where al shabaab was a direct off shoot to combat the islamists there. we are awaiting that briefing and josh has just come to the podium. let's begin. >> i had a couple of questions
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to follow-up on the announcements the president made last night. to begin, they said they will not be participating in air strike campaigns and i know that officials said last night that more documents on commitments would be coming over the next few weeks. in terms it of air strikes, is it your expectation that other countries will join or is that left to the u.s. alone? >> shortly before i came out here, someone read a statement from a spokesperson at number ten, indicating a slightly different position than the one you articulated. it is consistent with the view that we anticipate our allies including the british with whom we have that special relationship with as you know will be active participants in supporting the coalition to degrade and destroy i sill. any announcements they have to make about how they will
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contribute will be for them to make, not for me. the president when he met with prime minister cameron in wales in the context of the nato summit came away pleased with the level of commitment and interest that he heard from our nato allies including the british. as it relates to what other countries would participate in military action in syria, we will allow those other countries to discuss what level of commitment they are prepared to make. the president indicated he is ready to order military action in syria, predicated on what he described as a core principal of his presidency to deny those who seek to do harm to the united
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states of america. we are confident that action is required and will be strongly supported by an international coalition. >> i am not asking about the specific countries and broadly when it comes to air strikes that's something that will be under the u.s. alone or will it be something where others have joined in? >> if others are prepared to make a commitment about the military action that they support or undertake themselves, we will allow them to make that announcement. we are pleased with the robust engagement we received already from our allies around the world and other government who is have a clear stake in the success of the strategy that the president articulated. >> in terms of the president's request are if congress to authorize the training mission for the syrian rebels, there is support among leadership including john boehner and a lot of open questions about how exactly that will get done.
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at this point does the administration have a preference about whether it gets done in the cr or stand alone legislation? >> congress would add title ten training authority to the continuing resolution. the reason for that is simply that the president needs this authority as soon as possible in order to direct the united states military to ramp up assistance to the syrian opposition. it's particular now because of the response that we have gotten from countries in the region, partners who are ready to support the effort. for example, the saudis have publicly announced their commitment to host a training operation. that is an important commitment. we want to ensure that we can follow-up quickly on that commitment by doing our own part. in order to do it, the president
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needs authority from congress and that's why we are asking congress to act urgently. the easiest way would be to add it to the continuing resolution that members are prepared to pass as early the early of next week. >> is there a scenario where they could move forward with the mission without congressional authorization? >> it's my understanding that for the pentagon to carry out a training and equipping mission using the title ten authority, it would require specific congressional authorization. as you point out, this is not -- this authority is not authority that has attracted significant controversy in the past. it should be the kind of authority is that is granted to the administration without a lot of drama. let me just say, i would, however expect members of congress would ask questions about this authority.
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over the course of the day, they are all member briefings that are being hosted in the house and senate that would be led by officials to discuss the members of congress the strategy that the president laid out. there will be opportunities for questions about granding the administration this authority to ask them. to get answers from officials. it should be something that is particularly controversial, but it welcomes interesting questions about the programs that we can ease concerns they may have. >> that's at the white house, briefing reporters after the president's laying out of his plan to combat isis and the coalition of this plan responding to questions about the uk's level of commitment saying they are satisfied with the level of collaboration and talking about a continuing resolution from congress, authorizing the training of partner forces as well as
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discussing secretary terry's efforts to rally support on this. i'm back with tom brocaw. looking at how the follow-up was and comparing it in particular to the same time frame in 2001, do you think that this administration is making the right move? >> i don't think there is any other choice but to organize this kind of a plan. it was a few months ago the president was ending the war in iraq and afghanistan and now reengaging it. it's a tricky situation for the republicans. they have been demanding an action. if they nit pick it or cherry pick it to death, the american people are going to say we are either in or not in. they have a long way to go. as i said earlier, what they have to do is get troops on the ground to come from the region. you have the mind set of that we
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are fighting against nation states. we are fighting against rage. we are fighting against people who don't believe in nation states. they believe in a state of iraq and syria as an islamic state and the place the size of indiana. they have been effective in getting what they want out of all of this. it will go on for a long time because you are dealing with people who have in my judgment a completely distorted view of their faith, but it drives them. if we hit them hard in isis, i proums it will lit up the mideast for young men who say i want to join isis. >> including americans. >> that happened with abu. they brought bank accounts and went into syria and had good accounting and went back into iraq and began to fight against
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the united states and the iraqi trained army. no one knows that better than the special forces at the time. you could see it happening. that's something else. >> the president clearly is thinking of that very much as he opened the speech, clarifying isis is not a religion. trying to counteract that clash slash of civilizations. >> for the macho quality of the man who said i want to be in this. with the success they had thus far. that also has an appeal. if you meet an islamic young man who is somewhere in the middle at airports with the suits and other place, they can be a sunni or shiite. they will say i want to talk to you about america. if you harm them into the rush of my fight, that'sed the mind set we are dealing with. it's anti-thetical to everything we believe here. >> it's what the president is up
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against as he makes an international appeal. obviously a big theme in the president's remarks. a big theme in the press conference. i love to look at the iraqi perspective. we have zane with us, an iraqi of both shia and sunni decent. how do you anticipate this new strategy playing on the ground in iraq. >> i don't think the strategy frankly addresses a strategic vision for the mideast. it's like america playing a whack a mole game as opposed to addressing the underlying reasons as to why the group is existing and driving in iraq. we need to address both sides of sewna and shias are supporting their own militias. that's because of their own fear for their own survival and well being. why are they supporting the groups or the shia side groups with the saudi and other shia militias. we need to understand that isis
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is addressing a real thing among people's lives which is jobs and employment. they are paying people good money to be recruited. the lack of ability to address not only iraq, but the needs for development and creating jobs among the region that has 60% of the population under 30 and they are unemployed. that by itself is a political crisis in the region. and the third, isis has a vision and that is a larger state. the reason we need to pay attention is as we address the building of coalition among the arab allies, we need a vision that we want america to have in the mideast. a lot of problems, the arab countries are having an identity crisis. we are supporting allies that are supporting two different messagesful they are consistent to address the underlying
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reasons of how we stop them as opposed to military intervention. the way america stabilized europe afterworld war 2 was not only through military intervention, but through a long-term development intervention in europe to stabilize it. >> such an important point about the deeper underlying problems. let's pull back to how they build a coalition around the strategy. the chief correspondent is in damascus, syria right now. one of the likely obstacles is that it may include targets in syria. he made that clear and that could pit sunni state against sunni state. you got back from the deputy foreign minster meeting. are they discouraging from joining this operation? >> i have quite the opposite. the foreign minster and said syria has no reservations
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whatsoever about u.s. air strikes against syria. he said in the struggle against terrorism, we shouldn't antagonize and forget all our differences and forget all about the past. they even quoted the coalition built by george push senior against saddam hussein and the father joined. so using historical precedent as well, it's actually time for president obama to pick up the phone and call president assad. it is a must, he said. highly unlikely to happen. you can see that for syria, the united states is a wanted coalition partner in the fight against a common enemy. this is the president's dilemma. how do you weaken isis without tlengtenning president assad and
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what does victory over isis and syria actually look like. does it involve president assad with one hand on the trophy? >> thank you so much for that overview. maybe signs of optimism in the region. of course these are difficult places to report and bill nealy is in a dangerous place and the start of america being drawn in was the beheading of two american journalists. in your time, how have you seen the threats to this profession change and evolve? >> all the instrumentation changed and because the battlefield was so spread out, we depend on them. i might give a tribute to the pex foundation named after a man killed in moscow in 1995. when i get off a plane in the mideast or china or the philippines or whenever, i top the know where the free lancers
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are. they know where the movements are and they live off the land and they know where to get a drink at the end of the day. now there is such a profusion of them and they don't have the institutional strength our people do. they have trackers on them we know where they are when richard got snatched a year ago. we were tracking him and could light up a lot of agencies and say what do you know about it? there is an effort on the part of the journalistic community to give them more protection and resources and to remind them of how valuable they are. they are driven by passion. they are not making a lot of money. these are the purest journalists i know and i care about them a lot. it will get worse now because there no frontlines. you have to go where the action is. that is the most remote place you can possibly imagine. no one has your back or your
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front. a lot of what you hear or see on the sites is not the work of free lance journalists. these are people to be celebrated. >> we all depend on them and the policy makers. thank you so much and thank you for years of service to exactly that. i so appreciate it. >> the real guys doing the work are bill and richard. i wanted to be there again, but that probably won't happen. >> you have put in your years and we all benefited from that. tom brocaw, thank you also to bill neely and richard engle in the field. on that subject, calling more threat to attention to journalists. responding to the committee to protect journalists, calling on the obama administration to do more on that front. we will be looking at each act it makes throughout this week. if you think more needs to be done, can sign that. we will be tracking your
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responses. we'll be right back. (birds chirping softly in background.) (loud engine sounds!) what! how's it going? heard you need a ride to school. i know just the thing to help you get going. power up with new cheerios protein. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles.
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>> how the nfl pursued evidence to the ravens player, ray rice. reich that elevator surveillance video showing rice assaulting his then fiance. coming hours after the associated press reported the video was sent to the nfl three months ago. ap reporter rob motty said a voice mail reveals a woman at the nfl saying "you're right, it's terrible." >> do we know who received the
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tape? what might have stated beyond the woman on the phone and do we know who the woman was or her position? >> we don't know who the unidentified woman was or what she did with the tape or if they saw it or what saw it beyond that. >> is there any way for to you know if this person in the office was somebody at the front desk who took a look at it or higher up the chain close to commissioner goodell who could have had access and given it to them? >> that's an excellent question. we don't know who the woman is. >> roger goodell insisting he had zero knowledge of that tape before monday. the ravens hit the 2350e8d against the steelers and their star quarterback. >> a lot of distractions in baltimore. any thoughts you want to share? >> nowhere in pittsburgh. we are getting ready for a game. thoughts and prayers go out to
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him and his family. we control the game. >> terry o'neal is president of the national organization for women. one of the groups calling for the commissioner to tep down. todayy released this statement, appointing robert muller to only look into the ray rice violence case is not enough. it's just window dressing. why is this investigation window dressing to you and what would be a satisfactory response? >> the nfl does not have a ray rice problem, an individualized problem. it has a violence against women problem. if you go on, you see a graph about the extend of the domestic violence problem. we called for roger goodell to resign and his successor to appoint an investigator with full power to examine all of the incidents of domestic violence
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and sexual assault within the nfl community and try to get at the bottom of what is going on in the nfl. is it their business model? do they not have enough women in leadership? what is it that is creating this problem? we think that roger goodell who has a history of sweeping these incidents of domestic violence under the rug, he is not the person who can commit to making the kinds of systemic changes that need to be made in the nfl. >> they did hire an independence investigator and in terms was investigation, what would be better than that? >> it's a very narrow scope. it is only to look into the ray rice incident and figure out who knew what when. i would hope that the questions would be open. it deflects attention to look only at the ray rice incident and attention from looking at all the rest of what's going on in the nfl.
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i also have questions whether mr. muller is independent. his law firm represents the nfl. nothing wrong with having an inside investigation, but we are calling for an independence investigation and i question whether mr. muller even on that too narrow scope of investigation is not clear to me whether he would be independent. >> yesterday i spoke with an nfl wife and she said she tried to flag the nfl. listen to this. whenever there was a situation we were not able to solve in a civil manner, when i reached out to the nfl, i was told i would be called back and there was a situation where i was asking for someone to come to our home and no one ever called me back. >> an urgent crisis situation. >> yeah. >> is that surprising to you
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some. >> it's not surprising, but it is distressing. when the nfl leadership learns of an instance of domestic violence, the first question is, is she safe? how do we keep her safe? it is appalling that that is not the very first thing they try to do. if you look at the ravens owner's response, he is excusing himself for his behavior because he was trying to parse through whether she deserved the beating and the kind of beating she would have deserved. the first question is how do we keep everybody safe? that's not going on in the nfl. a huge thing that needs to change. >> the culture amongst players too. a lot of supportive responses and troubling ones today. paup george tweeted if you are in a relationship and a woman hits you first, you obviously
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ain't feeding had he ever. homey made a bad choice. you just don't hit woman. he apologized for the remarks. what can we learn from that sentiment slipping out? >> that kind of sentiment slipping out is a minority view. i think one of the things they will hearing from a lot of fans. this is an issue that now that it has been made public and this is a time to deal with it, clearly if a couple is experiencing conflict, you want to keep it verbal. hitting anybody is not the right response. male or female. and the notion that somehow she deserved it or started it and can get there, that's just a non-starter in conflict resolution. >> this is such an important issue that touches many of our
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lives. i really appreciate you coming out for us. up next, the verdict is in for blade runner oscar pistorius. why are we going to have to wait another day for the rest of it. we have the full story after the break. smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there. you don't have to go it alone. e*trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. are you type e*? ♪ eenie. meenie. miney. go.
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and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! i really didn't think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) he acted too hastily and used excessive force. in the second census, it is clear that his conduct was negligent. we have to stop here and will proceed tomorrow morning at half past 9. >> the blade runner as he is known is cleared on murdering his model girlfriend. there was confusion when the judge abruptly suspended proceedings letting them confusioned on whether he will
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be found on culpable murder, similar to manslaughter. he worked on the cases of michael jackson and robert blake. what's the take away? >> this judge knows she is being scrutinized around the world. this is a very high profile case with worldwide significance. the south african justice system is being scrutinized and she is being very careful and logical and giving us little bites of what is coming tomorrow and i think it will be a conviction. >> what happens next? >> i think she will reach the level of culpable homicide and she set the stage by criticizing him as a witness and saying he was not truthful and the premeditated murder was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. she suggested he was negligent which means to me he will be convicted of culpable homicide and probably some of the other charges.
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dischanging a weapon out of a car and at a restaurant and having illegal ammunition and i think he will do some time. >> you mentioned all eyes are on the south af cal legal system. what are the differences that may have affected the out come. >> there is no jury. just a judge. the judge decides the facts and applies the law. the judge decides whether someone is guilty or not or what they are guilty of and does the sentencing. it all involves the judge. this is a black female judge. she grew up in a low income violent neighborhood and came up the hard way and was a social worker helping abuse women and was a journalist and she was arrested in a protest and total to clean toilets in the jail and refused to. she is a very strong-willed and tough minded judge. >> and clearly representing that legal system on the world stage.
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there is a lot going on here. there is the cultural context that counts if are a lot and was a big feature in oscar pistorius's defense. i am referring to the fear of crime. that haunts south africa. the psychiatrist claims he had an anxiety disorder with a lifelong fear of crime. i want to get your take on this and we have a bit of reporting on this. they are going to south africa and discovering that those concerns really touched every part of south african society.
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>> suddenly i had these five guys storming down and screaming at me and i realized in that instance we were being held up. >> we were just fortunate and blessed to be alive. at the security post, there is a camera. so generally i feel safer. i would never imagine this. my home would be invaded here. that's part of the reason i moved here is because of the security features. they came in through the sliding door so that would have been here when they came in. walked through and saw the study desk. they then came in and it's ridiculous to think that while i'm sleeping, my privacy is being invaded. i don't know and i can't hear a
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thing. >> they came through the gate or opened the gate. they were able to lift the rail off the wheel. you can't really get close to the house. the beams will immediately activate and the other level of security is an electric fence around the house that gives a very sharp crack if you touch it and sets off an alarm. we found the vulnerable point in our house which is a gate which has been reinforced and a lot more fastiduous with having the panic buttons with us. >> you need money to feel safe sometimes. you have to buy your safety these days. >> crime is so pervasive in south africa that every person either has been directly affected by it or knows somebody who has been directly affected by it. >> non-south africans don't seem to understand that even as we go
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on with our day to day lives, we are always cognizant of the fact that it can happen. >> oscar is a very, very sexy boy. he's a gentlemen. >> they have the same level of fear as oscar pistorius has? it's prevalent in today's life. >> if hoe had that history and having incident that put it in a situation of complete terror, i understand why he would be as anxious and as nervous as he said he is. >> his vulner ability is not in the fact that he is a. >> paraplegic. the crimes and the levels they
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are at. i am moving to a place where i think is more secure. i'm certainly not staying here. i don't feel safe. i don't want to live with the paranoia that i live with now. >> thank you to our partners for that report. how central to the case was that context of the crime? >> very central to the defense argument because they are saying not only is there a fear of crime everywhere, but in addition mr. pistorius is disable and that made him more paranoid and fearful. the counter weight is this judge grew up in the violent environment that mr. pistorius operated in, but she may not lack a member of the privileged class with the use of firearms claiming this type of defense. >> we will be watching to see what happens tomorrow. appreciate your updating on this. up next, what course could the u.s. military take as part of the president's new isis plan?
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one of the harshest critics of president obama on capitol hill right now, senator john mccain. and earlier today, he took to the senate floor. >> i hope that all those people that, that called me all of the names that i am not going to repeat here will render an apology because i was right, because i said if we'd leave iraq completely, then we risk the great danger of it deteriorating. >> right or wrong, one thing is for sure, a heated debate is ahead. bringing the total number of americans deployed to iraq to about 1,600. joining us now, can you give us a breakdown of where the new forces sent to iraq will go, what they'll be doing? >> ronan, among the 475 additional u.s. troops being
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sent to iraq, most of those will be in the headquarters commands in both baghdad and irbil. there's a large chunk that will actually begin and maintain a very aggressive military drone program there in iraq. but 150 of them will be advisers who are actually embedded with iraqi combat forces. not in the field, not engaged in combat, but in combat headquarters at the brigade level. u.s. officials still insist there will be no americans involved in combat. >> has anyone at the pentagon you're talking to discussed what happens if these air strikes don't work? secretary kerry has said there's no boots on the ground committed by other countries right now. >> well, it depends on what the goal for the air strikes is. nobody, including the chairman of the joint chiefs, general dempsy will tell you that air strikes alone can defeat an
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enemy or even eliminate an enemy. at this point, the air strikes are meant to contain, to actually put the isis forces back on their heels, put them on the run, if you will, but, again, nobody believes that air strikes alone either in iraq or eventually, perhaps, in syria alone could defeat isis. >> a long road up ahead. thank you so much for that update. >> you bet. >> really helpful. that wraps up today's rf daily. thank you, all, at home for joining. it's a privilege to have you here with me. we've got an interview on the show. tune in again. michael brown's father, michael brown sr., after the death of his son brought the attention to ferguson, missouri. joy reid is next. >> looking forward to that. we'll be tuning in tomorrow, thank you very much. secretary of state john kerry is in saudi arabia where he's trying to rally support for action against isis from our arab allies. he spoke to nbc news just
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scripture tells us -- >> today on the "reid report" 13 years after the 9/11 attacks, are we any safer? as america remembers the day that would forever change our country, president obama lays out his strategy for taking on the new esthest terror threat, . >> i will not hesitate to take action against isil in syria as well as iraq. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> i'm joy reid and this is "the reid report" and we begin with a day of remembrance. once again on this 11th day of september, the nation reflects on the terror attacks that forever changed not only the landscape of the sites that were attacked but permanently altered the lives of every american. for the 13th time, ceremonies held at the white house,
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pentagon, outside shanksville, pennsylvania, and just a few miles from here in lower manhattan. where for the first time, the national 9/11 memorial and museum built on ground zero is now fully open to the public. today, thousands stood silently as family members read the names of the 2,983 loved ones who died 13 years ago today. >> james patrick white, and my uncle emilio p. ortiz jr. i love you and i miss you. >> at the pentagon today, president obama laid a wreath for the lives lost there. and then praised the nation for refusing to give into fear. >> these have been difficult years, but by your presence here today in the lives, the service that you have led, you embody the truth that no matter what comes our way, america will always come out
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