tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC September 11, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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>> thanks for being with us on this solemn day in america. continuing coverage of the remembrances throughout our great nation continues on "now." on an anniversary of terror, the u.s. confronts a new threat. it's thursday, september 11th and this is "now." >> their barbarity knows no limits. they have to be stopped. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the president outlines his isis strategy. >> this move that he's making will define the rest of his presidency. >> i think this president will do whatever it it takes to kill isis. >> secretary of state john kerry trying to rally support for action against isis from our arab allies. >> will others truly put boots on the ground in syria. ?
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some of these boots have to be on the ground. >> he wants money to train that opposition, but what does the opposition look like? >> frankly, we ought to give the president what he's asking for. >> it it is a big problem and it could come on our shores at any time. >> the one thing i can promise is if we take isis alone and lose we will unlock the gates of hell. >> this is a battle that will be waged into the next administration. no such thinga are as dipping into the toe into the waterses of war. >> i only hope that the congress can come together and do what's right. >> i'm ari in for alex wagner. the national mood is anything, but ceremonial. across the country today, americans are weighing another plan for the u.s. to enter a new military engagement in the middle east. on the heels of his prime time address last night president obama marked the 9/11 anniversary and paid tribute to american soldiers at the pentagon this morning. >> by your presence here today
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in the lives of service that you have led, you embody the trouut that no matter what comes on, america will come out stronger. we carry on because as americans we do not give in to fear. ever. >> and the president tried to avoid fearmongering in his sober address last night assuring the public that america is safer today while warning that isis could pose a direct threat to the u.s. if we do not act. right now on the hill, administration officials are about to provide a private briefing to most of the u.s. senate adding sensitive details to the president's public plan. members of the house got a similar briefing today and house republicans are receptive to at least parts of the president's plan. while speaker boehner says isis won't be von kwished by an air campaign alone. >> if our goal is to eliminate isil there is a lot of doubt whether the plan that was outlined by the president last night is enough.
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the president's made clear that he doesn't want u.s. boots on the ground. well somebody's boots have to be on the ground. >> some of the president's top generals have actually made a similar point. the top commander for the u.s. forces in the middle east, for example, recommend a contingent of ground troops for this isis mission and that's according to two sources in the washington post out today and that plan was, of course, shelved in favor of this air campaign, another general meanwhile counting isis is, and the effort to build a broad coalition, secretary of state john kerry has been hopscotching the region today. he held high-level talks in saudi arabia and one backing from ten arab countries to eight in the fight against isis and in a new interview with nbc news, the secretary said there are no guarantees, but the ingredients he believes are there for success. >> what i can tell you is that
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with the coalition that is being built now, there will wibe a sufficient level of commitment to this task. i think the ingredients are there, whether it gets mixed correctly or baked properly over the course of the next months or year or so, we'll have to see. >> joining me now is nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel. richard, what is the response in the region to the plan? >> reporter: well, i think you saw that statement out of saudi arabia where arab countries came together and promised the communique in which they are promising collectively it on upon had stop financing to terrorist organizations including isis and they mention onned isis by name, to stop the flow of foreign fighters to isis and to act or support military action, quote, as is appropriate and that's quite a large
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coalition of important sunni--a abstates. it's the kind of coalition the president said he wanted to build, but turkey which is generally a key ally, a country with a long border with syria came out today and said that it does not want to see its territory used for military action against syria. it doesn't want to be part of this war. it might still arc lou its bases to be used in secret, but at least in public it is taking a strong stance that it doesn't want to be part of any kind of military action. also, a somewhat hesitant reaction from european countries, but the most important one, i would say is that statement out of sawudi arabia where many arab countries were gathered today. >> and then the reports where u.s. military officials prefer additional ground troops to counter isis, but that would be off the table and the president's plan is focused more on tactics than priorities. for example, is u.s. policy here
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that we won't tolerate isis to exist anywhere and the question would be why, is that the the case when we can live with an iran or north korea or other rogue states? >> isis is different than iran and north korea. north korea and iran are both rational actors. they operate according to their own logic, but both have proven that they do not want to end -- they don't want to be destroyed. they believe in self-preservation. isis is a terrorist group. it is not a state even though it calls itself a state and it is a danger that has threatened the region and threatened the united states directly and i don't think that anyone would agree that just ignoring it would be a problem. the -- this long-term strategy of drawing up support for isis, the moral support and the financial support and flow of foreign fighters will certainly harm the group. the question is what happens next? there is an enormous task
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involved to push isis off the battlefield and in that interview with nbc news secretary kerry described what is involved and it is incredibly ambitious. it means retraining and reequipping and reconstituting was the word he used the entire iraqi army which was the projection the united states has already done so that would mean doing that again and that costs tens of billions of dollars to do the first time and it would mean creating and finding the leaders for a moderate syrian opposition which is something the united states has been reluctant to do for the last three years, and it means air strikes which is probably the easiest part of this equation. all right. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel, thank you as always, for your reporting and with mae now former acting ambassador to iraq joe wilson. good day to you. >> ari, how are you? >> i'm good. let's start with the coalition that richard was speaking about.
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how strong is it? is it enough and with your experience in the region, are you surprised to see them all lining up like this the day after the president's speech? >> well, i'm not surprised. i'm a little bit underwhelmed and they need to be much more condemn nat or of isis. isis has to be seen in the region as essentially out of bounds and the best people to kind of make that case are the sunnis who inhabit the region. so i'm a little bit underwhelmed. i do think that the real question is one that was posed by speaker boehner whose boots on the ground are there going to be? general zinni, tony zinni, who used to be head of central command thought two brigades of american troops would be enough to do a job. that's a healthy amount of troops to put on the ground. the west, i think, we're obviously very reluctant to do so. the last thing in the world we
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need is to have our reputation in the region further besmirched by those who think we're siding with shia in a confessional civil war. >> when you look at what some of these countries are looking to, qatar, notoriously accused of funding al nusra, a branch of al qaeda and saudi arabia having a checkered history here. does that matter some is that a fair criticism? >> they obviously were pursuing what they perceived to be their interest at the time and it seems to me they've come to the view as we have with this particular opposition they were funding is out of bounds and is really just sort of beyond the pale. so the fact that they're changing doesn't surprise me. i would assume that given their past relationships with isis and isis-affiliated people that they might have some interesting intelligence that we could use. the extent to which we might hit syria as the president suggested
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last night, i would expect that that would be only if we had good, solid, actionable intelligence that would allow us to attack with some certainty the command and control and perhaps decapitate isis. >> and then i want to get your thoughts on syria which has been reacting rather warmly here. let me read you a statement from their deputy foreign minister that said, quote, when it comes to terrorism, we should forget our differences and forget all about the past. it takes two to tango. we are ready to talk. how should we view that somewhat warm response from the assad regime which is an enemy that the president was talking about bombing one year ago and is a state sponsor of terrorism according to the state department? >> well, as owedious as assad is and he is, the extent to which we have the common objective being the decapitation of
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baghdadi, and al baghdadi, and then perhaps there could be accommodations made . i'm of the view that our diplomacy has been lacking across the board. at the end of the day, just to use russia as an example, it's hard to imagine that mr. putin would want to see the return to chechnya and georgia of fighters coming from those regions to fight in syria. so again, the extent to which we can find a common objective or at least deconflict potential conflicts that we might have, i think, we're all stronger for it it. >> do you think, ambassador, let me ask you, though -- but do you think the u.s. should directly coordinate with the assad regime on this campaign? >> there are ways of talking to the syrians without coordinating with them. what you really want to make sure is they don't move their anti-aircraft batteries into position and paint our aircraft in the event that we have to undertake a strike in syria and
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there are ways to do that, but i'll say this, if i can just conclude my last thought which is that if we can't come to a common agreement on the nature of threat posed by isis to the region, then it's hard on see what we can come to agreement on in today's world. >> all right. ambassador joe wilson, thank you very much for your time today. ? thanks, ari. >> after the break, we are going to talk about the president making the case. did he successfully rally the american people behind his the strategy last night and where is congress here as we're seeing the first day of real reaction? i'll speak with washington post columnist e.j. dion. that's income on "now." just be gold plated. i had 3 different 401(k)s. e*trade offers rollover options and a retirement planning calculator. now i know "when" i'm going to retire. not "if." i have moderate to severe it's tough, but i've managed.
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can agree on about the president's speech last night. he changed his mind. barack obama has generally prioritized realism and restraint over intervention and international policing. he previously told americans that intervening in syria could be more dangerous than standing by and he told leaders in iraq and afghanistan they had to step up to more of their problems on their own. that is the president who, of course, announced a very different policy last night. president obama essentially argued that isis is different because of the brutality, its geography and its ambition. he tried on distinguish this new mission against isis and this new territory to syria from the wars in the bush doctrine which preceded him. the speech was tailored to a public and a congress that is of two mines on this challenge, understandably enraged at isis' brutality and also skeptical about whether limited u.s. operations can counter hundreds of years of religious and political strive over there. it's easy enough to note that,
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yes, the president's position has changed. today the question is whether it's the right response to a battlefield that has changed as well. the president's change drew some support from an unlikely place today. >> i'm glad the president has brought a new focus to the effort against isil. congress will work with the administration to ensure that our forces have the resources they need to carry out these missions. >> i support his ask. we're debating this right now in congress and i think he'll have bipartisan support. i'm glad he changed his policy. i think he's going in the right direction and he needs to be supported for doing this. >> joining me from the brookings institution, d.j., good to see you. >> look, the president gets credit for changing his mind and paul ryan saying it's the right direction. what do you attribute to these kind of folks who are usually
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reflexi reflexively, an it ti-boovm. mcconnell has played this whole crisis. he's on the ballot and this allows him to use his experience to look like the seasoned washington person to his advantage in an election when a lot of people are unhappy with washington and where his own numbers are low and in paul ryan's case, it's possible that he believes that, believes what he says. for that matter, mcconnell could, too, but he has a political motive and it's a short-term, long term thing. long-term, the president is trying to find a middle ground realist policy. i think he sounds a lot like both bill clinton and the first president obama that emphasis on coalition building and the
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diplomacy to find sunni allies and you can almost see jim baker peering in from the back from the buildup to the war to throw saddam out of kuwait. i think in the short term, the president because he's looking for this middle ground is going to take some shots from both sides. you've got sort of hard core john mccain, lindsay graham view that says look, if we don't send in our own troops we're not really serious about this and by the way, why did you withdraw all american troops from iraq and then obviously, there are a lot of americans including a lot of both democrats and libertari libertarian-leaning republicans who just don't like intervening again in iraq in any way even though this is not like the iraq war -- >> you mentioned bush senior and the gulf war. a big difference was that strategically president obama senior managed to explain to the public clearly that saddam was bad enough to go to war with and
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repel, but not sufficiently terrible that he had to be overthrown and he took heat for that at the time. in other words, was there a clear, strategic goal presented to the congress which voted on that war and i would ask you whether in your view, i know you wrote the the piece talking about foreign policy in the president's address, did he manage to give that kind of clarity because if isis is as bad as i'm hearing then it's not clear to me why ground troops would be off the table if they are literally, the most al qaeda thing in the region, by that logic, why would we take anything off the table? >> that say good question that people are asking, and i think the answer is twofold. number one, the president does not want to commit large numbers of american troops to the middle east unless we absolutely have to and he was very clear in saying that we don't have intelligence right now that they directly threaten us, but that the creation, i think i heard gene robinson use his term of
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jihadistan in the middle of iraq and syria is genuinely dangerous in the long run to the region and thus for us could be a breeding ground for terrorism. so i think the argument is that he's trying to thread the needle and americans don't want to commit a lot of forces, but they would like to first contain and then push back the islamic state, and that's the policy he's trying to use. i don't think this is his backing away from realism. i think it's an example of realism in trying to get a job done in a way that puts the lowest burden on american troops that he can. >> yeah. you heard the real itch in the limitations in the speech. you also heard an exceptionalism that we don't hear as much from the president. take a listen to this part of the speech about america's role. >> abroad, american leadership is the one constant in an uncertain world. it is america that has rallied the world against russian aggression and in support of the
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ukrainian people's right to determine own deft ney. it is america that helped remove and destroy syria's declared chemical weapons so that they can't pose a threat to the syrian people or the world again. >> what's he doing there? >> i think he's doing a couple of thins again. he's talking both to the rest of the world and to his critics in the u.s. who say that he has not projected a sense of american leadership enough and so that rhetoric is clearly designed to say, oh, yeah, we're still -- we are still in the business of leading. but i think the other thing, he's doing there is part again, what i see is trying to rebuild a more balanced consensus in the country about the united states playing a strong role in the word, but also a careful role in the world. i think that we were really thrown off balance by 9/1113 years ago today. we've been kind of going back and forth between intervention and saying we want to stay home and i think he's trying to lay
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out some kind of approach to the world that can presidency, and i think those two republicans responding the the way they did, ryan and mitch mcconnell selled in the long run it might work? although part of the america speech struck me as off-key as a matter of speech writing and it was striking the examples he picked were not all military and not all libya and he described what he perceived as diplomatic victories for america and something he thinks is his legacy. washington post's e.j. dion. thank you. >> his policies have made america safer. we've heard that again and again, even as he also told us about new terrorists emerging in the middle east. where are they? how many countries are we bombinga will ready? we'll break those numbers down with the reporter who has been on the front lines of this covert operation. that is next on "now." works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain.
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to combat a global threat that's had many faces since the september 11th attacks just 13 years ago today. 9/11, the terrorist attack changed america overnight and up ended the foreign policy for a generation. president obama outlined a binary challenge for the war on terror. >> either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. >> the u.s. was not only at war with al qaeda terrorists, but any state that harbored them. the al qaeda network spent the next decade, going to mumbai, accompanied by ominous videos warning of the next strike. >> this is an era where bin laden was still central to the organization. over the coming years, though, that focus became a bit more biff fused and especially after 2009. first, we saw the rise of an al qaeda affiliate in yemen that was focused on striking the homeland. second, we saw the biggest uptick in homegrown terrorism,
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the attack in fort hood and of course, the attempted bombing in times square. >> i think to the extent that obama had a strategy coming in and the strategy was to continue what bush was doing and it wasn't until it wasn't until the end of the first year when this succession of events in yemen brought home this idea that the threat had grown to the extent that obama felt like he needed to act and that's when you start seeing american air strikes. >> when president obama did depart from bush's strategy it was to avoid state-level conflicts and rely more on drones for targeted attacks. he took out al qaeda leaders with drones in several countries and ordered the 2011 raid in abbottabad, the biggest victory of all. >> the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden, the leader of al qaeda. >> and while attacks on the benghazi consulate and the boston marathon served as reminders of an evolving threat, bi2013, the president announced that core al qaeda was severelyec weakened and he
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pledgeded to end perpetual war. >> if there was one common theme of obama's counterterrorism policy is that he's carried out far more targeted killings than president bush ever did, but what he has not shown a great inclination to do is have the broader military campaigns that president bush was known for. >> and then came isis. >> in terms of regional stability, there's no question in my mind that isil is the single most important terrorist organization in the world today. >> isis, the splinter group born out of the ashes of al qaeda's operations in iraq and its leader abu musab al zarqawi promoted savage, on-camera executions and directed the iraqi insurgency. >> there are many legacies of the iraq invasion and one of them is that it became this cause celeb for militant groups. what we've seen in the years since 9/11 is this whole new mod elf war where the united states wages war in countries that is
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not actually at war with. what seemed somewhat simple 13 years ago on 9/11, it's even more complicated now. >> facing now a new and different threat today, president obama is pivoting from a targeted drone strategy to a potentially long-term air campaign that could cross two states and maybe more. >> next, i'll talk to investigative journalist and oscar am in me jeremy scale who has reported on afghanistan, somalia and yemen. we'll talk about how the new campaign against isis will actually look on the ground. that's next on "now."
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♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. >> we can't erase every trace of evil from the world and small groups of killers have the the capacity to do great harm. that was the case before 9/11, and that remains true today. >> that was president obama last night outlining the ever of-present terror threat faced by the u.s. and joining me now is the author of the book "dirty
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ca wars," jeremy scahill. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> first tactically, what kind of expansion do you see this being? >> the u.s. for some time has had drones flying over both syria and iraq. my sources tell me that there have been some quote, unquote, moderate forces and that in and of itself is the result of a scandalous conversation because i don't know if the u.s. knows who it's backing right now so it will expand that dramatically by doing the equip and assist. so when they'll be doing is trying on funnel arms, support and training to support on the ground and there will be an air campaign and it will be non-drone bombings which means heavier artillery and less precise weaponry and they'll do
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carpet bombing in areas and send a message that what they're doing is decimating isis. now i think there is the potential for huge blowback. or what u.s. o fifficials wouldy is on the upon ma. it is extraordinary when you look at military action from '01 to '03, you are talking about iraq. you update that to today much faerther away from 9/11, and you have pakistan, somalia, libya, places you've reported and now an air campaign in syria. we were just discussing this with ambassador wilson, an air campaign that could be to assad's benefit. >> the two greatest beneficiaries of the policy that president obama outlined last night in my opinion are military contractors and mercenaries and bashar al assad.
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assad was watching that speech thinking, wow! i've just bought myself a lot of time in office because what the u.s. is doing is fighting the same forces that assad has been fighting against. when president obama tried to do his air war against assad in syria there wases massive pushback from the british parliament and the american population. people did not want this war. so they found a way now to get a are war in that region, but what i think we'll end up seeing is the end result of the disasters that obama inherited not just from bush, but from his own first term. bush had bombed yemen once that we know of in 2002. president obama has dramatically increased the number of air strike in yemen. there was another one today and images online and he ratcheted the covert war in somalia, backing paramilitary groups and the cia started doing more covert action there. yes, for all of the criticism that he gets from dick cheney, is actually far more effective at the war game so to speak than
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the neocons were because he's also able to sell it to the liberal base. >> let's look at you areio point on somalia. you have the president saying this type of strategy is one that we have successfully pursueded in yemen and somalia for years. your view of why you've argued that's actually not a success? al shabab and somalia was largely a product of a disastrous decision by president bush to invade somalia with the ethiopian military in 2006-2007. it it gave rise to al shabab. osama bin laden always wanted to get a foothold in somalia, but he couldn't because of the clan-based structure of the country. one the u.s. partnered with the ethiopian military invaded and then they became the vanguard with the crusaders. and they started backing gangsters and warlords that were overthrown by an islamic government. in yemen, al qaeda in the
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arabian peninsula does have aspirations to attack the united states and the way that the administration has approached yemen has exacerbated the problem because the drone strikes have killed a tremendous number of innocent people and they've killed high-ranking al qaeda figures, but if you sort of look at the calculous of this, i think we've made more new enemies in the islamic world than we've gained allies as a result of the drone bombings and the combination of the first them of obama and the entire bush legacy. >> if you apply that thesis in an analysis of what happened thus far, what should the president be doing instead of what he announced last nate in your view. >> if you look at what, like, noted arab an lives are saying about this plot to train anti-isis forces in saudi arabia, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so gruesomely awful. saudi arabia is one of the leading entities doing beheadings. saudi, individual saudis are funneling money to these groups. >> so what should he do? >> if the united states were to
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back off of this and take away the reason for being of isis and in other words, saying we want to totally re-engage in the arab world and we're not going to hundred them a propaganda victory and we'll go after funding sources and we'll talk to our allies and kuwait in qatar and saudi arabia where money is coming in in addition to where isis or the islamic state has seized. i do not think a military solution here makes any sense. in fact, i'm more afraid of what racist police officers do to black people in this country than i am afraid of what isis will do here at home. >> they are trying to cut off those funds and are trying to work in the staple today to get the coalition. >> they think that might be undermined by the military campaign. osama bin laden has been killed and it's been decimated. in crushing one centralization we've encouraged the rise of groups that are showing themselves to be fa are more brutal and vicious on a
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microlevel than al qaeda ever was. >> a good flash test is if arc sad and the leaders of saudi arabia and abdullah are happy that might abe cause of concern. >> we're out of time. author and investigative reporter. thank you, i appreciate it. >> and coming up in the wake of new reports that the nfl had seen the full graphic video of ray rice assaulting his fiance. it's hired former fbi director mueller to investigate, but will that, quote, independent investigation, actually be independent? we'll keep you posted. that is just ahead. try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. hey, i notice your car yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. you shoulda taken it to midas. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. high-five! arg! brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
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the nfl's hiring new investigators to clean up its investigation surrounding ravens' runningback ray rice. the league has hired former fbi director robert mueller to lead what aimses to a new investigation into how race handled his domestic abuse case. robert took over one week before the 9/11 attacks and left last season september upon. back in april the nfl had been sent the bombshell video of ray
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rice punching his then fiance. this according to an unidentified law enforcement official, the the source even played a 12-second voice mail from an nfl office number in which a female voice expresses gratitude for the footage and says you're right. it's terrible. the nfl released a statement and explained that the league had no knowledge of anyone receiving a copy of the video before it was made public this week. while mueller's investigation will be supposedly independent his paycheck is of course, coming from the nfl and the two men overseeing muller's independent investigation, art rooney and john mara are both close allies of commissioner roger goodell, in an effort to do damage control. rooney and mara said, quote, our role is not to conduct or direct the investigation, but to support mr. mueller in assist him in gaining whatever access or resources he needs. so why didn't the the league or
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rice act sooner? love, this is how ravens owner described it in an interview with baltimore nbc affiliate wbal. >>. >> i was picturing her and him smacking her and maybe her head was this far from the wall and with her ine briation dropped? because i uponed to. because i loved him. >> joining me now is robert, college co. >> have i good one. >> walk me through what this internal report means for the nfl, if anything. >> well, it's being interpreted as you mentioned, another form of doning control if you consider all of the parties involved. robert mueller, former director of the fbi works for a law firm that helps the nfl negotiate its tv contracts.
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robert mueller is also the law firm employing him is also formerly employed dick katz, the ravens' team president. art rooney and jim mara, two of goodell's most ardent supporters and art rooney, ii, infamously came out and backed roger goodell in his discipline against the new orleans saints several years ago after the bountygate scandal, a discipline that was ultimately overturned by an independent review. john mara, another backer of the commissioner who was among the first to support him as he's come under siege now. every -- every turn and every decision that the nfl has made over the course of the last six months since the ray rice incident has been rightfully scrutinized and revealing to show an organization and a commissioner that is out of tough with the wants and needs and standards of its fans. >> yeah. when you look at this and you
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look at the pressure, what has to give here? i mean, you're outlining something and you're very close to sports and you're outlining why this is a problem. i don't follow sports closely, but looking at this investigation doesn't seem like it will do much. tremendous outcry out there, so what has to give? >> think that in this collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated in 2011, the commissioner was able to get a lot of power and influence. he became as described by many players, judge, jury and executionary. i anticipate that whether or not it's goodell or another person who becomes commissioner after this crisis the league is facing now that much of his authority will will be delegated to other members of the nfl organization if only to save his job and in the case that it be a new commissioner, i would imagine that the owners would promote a
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person who was willing to share much of the responsibility in terms of discipline especially with the rest of his staff. >> yeah. and a leader can delegate plenty of operations. you can't delegate ethics. so if there is a view here that this is a fundamental problem at the top then it has to change at the top. sports illustrated's robert college co, thank you for your time today. >> thank you. >> the obama administration is briefing the senate on the strategy to take on isis as we've been reporting all day. will the upper chamber approve the president's request in the need for funding? we'll get a live report from capitol hill straight ahead. ok, if you're up there, i could use some help. smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there.
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coming just hours after the house received a similar briefing. i want to go right to nbc news capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell. how is this push from the white house going? >> reporter: the meeting is under way rate now and those images of members walking to a bunker within the capital up. a secure site where private information can be given to them without rick of eavesdropping, national security, department of defense and counterterrorism are meeting with all 100 senators and that type of an earn vent does not happen that frequently and this is certainly a highly arc tended and great deal of pressure on everyone to get their hands around what the administration knows at this point about the threat of isis. so that's under way right now. the backdrop, of course, is the president's request and what will congress do both on the house and senate side to respond to the president's request that the congress give the authority to arm and train vetted syrian
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fighters. we heard today from house speaker john boehner, ari, who was talking about his preference that the president would also ask for a full authorization and a refreshed approval from the congress to authorize military use of force. it does not appear that's happening yet and also some question from the speaker about whether the president sort of red lined to use a term that sometimes comes into play of no american boots on the ground. would that be sufficient to really get the job done in air strikes are important, but would it be enough some and so we're getting a signal from the speaker saying that, yes, the president's request should be dealt with and agreed to swiftly from the congress and would it it be enough should more be done and that's still hanging in the air today. >> and do you have sense of the members that are out and we were watching footage of the members going into their briefing and any sense of whether the congress wants to step up further and say the white house didn't ask for an actual au
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authation for force and given that they can rely on the one from 2001 which is a somewhat untested legal claim, maybe the congress should lead and assert the authority if people believe in it it. >> it's an interesting question and one that is being talked about because you have democrats and republicans saying there is a new authorization of this type, but the way that the house speaker described it is that there is one commander in chief and the prgz has been that the president asks for this authority and then the congress grants it, and sometimes there are really important issues like had that do fall on matters of tradition and sort of the prop righty of these co-earning call branches of government trying to wrestle with this. would it it pass if it were brought forward? there are certainly many members who are very clear that the american people and kind of the world is saying that the isis threat must be dl with. at the same time we all know about the the weariness of war that has taken over on the country over these many years.
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so the political calculation of that is unclear, but at the moment it's undetermined if such an authorization will come forward. it does not appear like that is likely even though there are members as prominent as house speaker john boehner and others saying maybe they should. >> it's true that in every modern authorization it it emmates from the white house and that's the inner play. nbc's kelly o'donnell, thanks for your reporting today. >> good to see you. i am ari melbourne, in for alex wagner. i'll be back tomorrow at 4:00 employ. m. eastern. "the ed show" starts right now. . m. eastern. "the ed show" starts right now. . "the ed show" starts right now. good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show," live from new york. let's get to work. ♪ ♪
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>> we will hunt down terrorists that threaten our country wherever they are. >> fundamentally unserious. >> 61% of americans believe it is time to do something about isis. >> to do something to destroy the terrorist group known as isis. 475 american troops will head to iraq to advise the security forces. >> i am very worried about half measur measures. >> he wasn't tough like cheney and bush. thank god. >> that does not prompt confidence. >> that threat does not yet justify the wholesale occupation of iraq or syria. >> frankly, we ought to give the president what he's asking for. >> if you threaten america you will find no safe haven. ♪ ♪ >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. president obama lays it out and it will be degrade and destroy isis in iraq and syria. until this
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