tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 13, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. i could not believe it. i mean that's the first i have heard of it. i thought he was a great guy. i mean everything that i've heard of him, kind of the model for the vikings and now that happened. >> minnesota vikings fans you're hearing from there in disbelief. a lot of people across the country in disbrief as akorean peterson is indicted on one count of injury to a child. this as the nfl remains in damage control for its handling of the ray rice incident, and other domestic abuse cases that are now coming under scrutiny. is it war with isil? >> make no mistake.
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we know we're at war with isil. >> we are at war with isil. >> the message is clear. we are at war. we'll look at the complicated white house strategy for defeating ice sis and the critical roll the u.s. allies are expected to play. we're going to take this enthusiasm and go right to new hampshire tonight. >> six years after her tough loss, this weekend hillary clinton returns to the ever important hawk eye state fueling plenty of speculation about her road awanchts thank you so much for spending time with us. i'm t.j. holmes. we begin with hour with another scandal for the nfl. this time one of his premier players has turned himself in on a charge to have causing injury to a child. you're seeing him there. that is actually his mugshot. the minnesota vikings deactivated him from the roster meaning he will not play in
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tomorrow ears gaen against the patriots. this comes after the league's commissioner is already under fire for his handling of the ray rice event. we're standing by for a press conference expected to start at any moment. let me bring in national correspondent peter alexander following both stories for us. for people who are in the know, they're saying this has been one of the worst weeks for the nfl in its history. >> i don't think you need to know in the know to recognize this has been an awful week for the nfl. it was only monday when tmz sports put out the video revealing ray rice knocking out his wife. here's what we know with the situation with adrian peterson. earlier this morning he turned himself in in montgomery county, texas. 45 minutes out of houston. the charges that he faced was
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that he was dieted for is, as you know, injury to a child. but beyond that it also says it is what it refers to as criminal any getting what which is significant here in addition. adrian peterson posted $15,000 bond. he was detained for what was less than 30 minutes before he was released. you said and it's accurate that he's been benched this weekend. a lot of people are asking themselves if those circumstances had happened months ago before the ray rice scandal, if the treatment would have been this way. the league has had numerous, dozens of domestic violence cases, dozens of arrests over the course of ten to 15 years, but the suspensions have been very limit pd. individuals who have missed games, those have been very limited as well. those are a series of things that we're focused on right now. we did however hear from the attorney who is representing adrian peterson who said among other things, he used the same kind of discipline with his
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child that he, adrian peterson experienced as a child growing up in east texas, that he effectively, according to the accusations swatted or spanked or disciplined his child with a switch or a branch with the leaves taken off of it. and that there were wounds apparently that were seen and that's ultimately how this case began. >> peter, we are going to -- i know you're standing by keeping on eye on what we're keeping on eye on as well. we're standing by to hear from the prosecutor in montgomery county. they're going to give us an update on the proexpress. the prosecutor is stepping up. let's go ahead and listen about the adrian peterson case. >> we take all allegations of abuse against children very seriously and our office is well known for the effective and aggressive prosecution of all of those in our county that might
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injure our children. on september 13 adrian peterson was indicted. he did so with criminal negligence or recklessly. that's a felony in the state of texas punishable by up to two years in the state jail and up to a $10,000 fine. probation is also an option for those who have no criminal record. a $15,000 bond was set. mr. peterson turned himself in at approximately 1:00 a.m. last night and posted that $15,000 bond. given that this is now a pending criminal matter, we are very limited as to what he with can comment on, but the montgomery county district attorney's office will take the charge seriously and we look forward to
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presenting this case to a jury at the appropriate time. i open to any questions that you have at this time. >>. [ inaudible ] >> in the state of texas there is a defense to injury to a child and that is reasonable discipline. obviously parents are entitled to discipline their children as they see fit, except for when that discipline exceeds what the community would say is reasonable. and so a grand jury having indicted this case, looked at the injuries that were inflected upon this child and determined that that discipline was not reasonable and did not reflect the community standard of what was reasonable discipline. >> is there anything different about the case now than when it was -- >> i know that it's been widely reported that this case was no-billed previously. this case was presented to only one montgomery country grand jury. that garage after reviewing the law and the evidence in this particular case chose to indict the case. was not shopped around to
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multiple grand juries. the same grand jury was the one that reviewed all of the evidence and the law in this particular case and the one that issued the indictment. >> was there any new evidence sent to the grand jury? >> this grand jury was presented lots of evidence over a significant number of weeks and at the conclusion of all of that evidence presentation and an explanation of the law in this particular manner they chose to indict mr. peterson. >> what was the extent of the injuries? >> i really can't comment on the specific facts of this particular case outside what's in the indictment in this case. >> if there is an internal investigation. [ inaudible ] >> obviously it appears that there's been a significant leak of very sensitive information regarding this case. in the state of texas, investigations of child abuse are confidential under the texas family code. an unwarranted or unlawful disclosure of the details of a
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child abuse investigation by someone in their official capacity is a crime under the local government code in the state of texas punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. we're working with all of the agencies that had access to the official investigative file in this case. all of them had committed to us that they are going to pursue an aggressive investigation to determine what entity or what person might be responsible for leaking details and documents and photographs that were part of that confidential file. and it's certainly something that our office is going to take very seriously as well. mr. peterson, as well as the state of texas, is entitled to a fair trial. that's one of the reasons that the rule in the state of texas limit what we can talk about pretrial and why we won't be publishing any of those photographs or any of those offense reports from our office. it's not permissible under the law. it's imappropriate. it shouldn't have happened.
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we're going to cooperate with law enforcement authorities to find out who did it. >> how did you find out about the initial incidents? >> i can't talk about the specifics of this case, as i mentioned before. i'm going to have to let the indictment speak for itself. i want to thank you for your time and i appreciate your presence today but that's all we're going to say at this point in time. thank you. i do not know when his first court date is at this point in time. what happens now is that mr. peterson will take a court appearance, i assume sometime in the next couple of weeks. this is still in its preliminary stages so it will be several months before this case is set for trial. so we could look to maybe a trial date in this matter sometime next year. that's all i have. thank you. >> all right. hearing the prosecutor there taking the last couple of questions and the last thing he said, a trial maybe next year. adrian peterson, the best running back in the nfl has now
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been charged, dieted by a grand jury with one count of reckless or negligent injury to a child. that child being his four-year-old son who he admits he disciplined by spanking him with a switch. the prosecution said it went a little farther than just disciplining a child because now this important phrase he used, reasonable discipline is in fact a defense in the state of texas when a parent is accused of injuring a child. reasonable discipline. well, the grand jury he said decided that this went beyond reasonable discipline. what he did with his child. let me bring in peter alexander who has been falling this case and other cases involving the nfl now. he also alluded to a lot of details that we know or a lot of details that have been leaked out about what's happened. but what is being wildly reported is some of the injuries, including cuts and bruises to his son's ankles,
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buttocks, as well as his scrotum. still their defense is that this was just a disciplinary matter, not a criminal matter. >> it's ugly for a variety of reason, not the lease of which because we're talking about a four-year-old child here. this was a child that was being reprimanded, disciplined and americans are going to have to decide for themselves if they believe in the way in which that was done was appropriate. the grand jury believed that this was beyond reasonable discipline. another statement from the attorney for adrian peterson said adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury. among the facts in this case that investigators are going to have to consider is the statement from adrian peterson who insists that this was the same type of treatment that he received when he was a child. the communications between the mother of the boy and adrian peterson. there's a lot of people raising questions about whether or not the mother of the boy may be trying to punish adrian peterson
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or to get something or accomplish something by pub la sizing this case. that will be something they'll conclude via text messages or other messages between the two individuals. and finally as was alluded by the d.a., the prosecutor there, some photographs that have now been leaked out that obviously authorities are going to be focusing on going forward. but i think the one thing that a lot of people, even at this point it's clear, we're only to going to get so much evidence going forward, accent that which has been leaked out. investigators are going to shut down right now. it's the timing of this for the nfl. this is one of the best offensive players in football. one of the best offensive players in the league's history. and the league itself is on defense like it has never been before with the announcement of this independent investigation taking place. league owners right now, t.j., they want the focus to be back on sunday an back on football. they've had a lot after affi affirmative statements in support of roger goodell, not in
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support of the way he handled things but the way that he handled things going forward and changing the discipline for ray rice himself. >> peter alexander following both of these major stories. the nfl is just the major story as well. they will be relieved to get to sunday and football once again tomorrow. we turn now to certainly another big story right now. secretary of state john kerry in the middle east today to gain arab support for action against isis. he met with egyptian leaders in cairo this morning. u.s. has won the backing of ten arab nations including saudi arabia and cutter. but it is unclear if any of those nations will take a combat role. chief foreign correspondent richard engel is live with us
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now. >> reporter: today secretary kerry was in cairo, and there as in many of the mied l eastern countries he open been visiting, he's been getting a lot of moral support, a lot of smiles, a lot of commitment to fight against terrorism but not much concrete. the arab countries have now done what they can to stop the flow of personnel coming in arab countries to syria and iraq to fight against isis. they're very sincere if n that effort. countries like egypt and saudi arabia do not want their people to leave the country, being radicalized, learning skills in syria and iraq and then coming home. u what they're not committed to is taking part in any military action. they're not committing to using their territory to launch air strikes. while it's very easy to say you're against isis and it is a despicable group that is pers kuth religious minorities,
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executing, mass murder, it's guilty of terrible atrocities. when you start looking at what would be involved to actually attack the group, you realize this is much more than just a terrorist problem. it is a conflict long the sunni shia faultline. sit a regional problem. it quickly involves iran and questions about the syrian regime itself. many military experts and retired officers i've been speaking to ask why the united states needs to be drawn into this when there are more than a mill job soldiers in this region under arms. saudi arabia, for example, has a very sophisticated military and air force. if it is so concerned about isis, it can use that air force. why does the united states from halfway across the world need to come here to sort out what is effectively a very nasty intermuslim problem? >> before we let you go, can you give us one other update here on
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british hostage david haines who is seen in that video. his family is making a plea to isis right now. >> reporter: yeah. a lot of journalists have known about his case for some time and we have been asked and we're abiding by not releasing his name for his own safety. so as not to elevate his importance in the eyes of his kidnappers, which could not lead to a positive outcome for him. but now his family has come out, they've issued a statement saying that they want to have some sort of direct contact with the kidnappers, direct contact with the members of isis who are holding him hostage and have threatened to till kill him. as we've seen in the past with two american journalists, even when overchurs have been made to the group, it didn't save their lives. >> richard, we appreciate you as always. president obama today, his weekly address drof 0 home the
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point, international cooperation will be needed to defeat isis. take a listen. >> american military power is unmatched but this can't be america's alone. the be in fact, it would only risk fueling extremism even more. >> we turn to kristen well kerr at the white house for us. what kind of international support can the white house expect? >>. >> reporter: well t.j., i think you heard richard map out how complicated it eelg going to be to try to get the arab nations on board with helping out militarily at least in terms of trying to fight isis. john kerry has been criss crossing the nation shoring up support. but countries like turkey say the u.s. can't use the region to launch air strikes. the u.s. know this is going to be a long and complicated process to try to get
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international partners on board. based on my conversations here at the white house, officials are not ready to say what type of commitments they've gotten from specific countries. against that backdrop there has been some mixed messaging coming out of the white house this weekend. president obama, secretary of state john kerry calling this a counter terrorism campaign. but on friday you had senior officials saying this is a war against isis, similar to the war that the u.s. is fighting against al qaeda. for pressed while we're getting these mixed messages, officials tell me it was important to clarify for the american people that this is not going to be iraq or afghanistan. in other words this is not going to be a military conflict in which u.s. boots are going to be put on the ground. having said that, it's also a way of acknowledging the fact that this is an expansion of the united states military engagement in iraq and likely soon in syria. so president obama continuing to hold meetings about the situation in iraq and syria and
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about the efforts to combat isis. we know that there are surveillance missions that continue to fly throughout the weekend as the u.s. identifies isis targets in syria. >> what about support just up the street there on capitol hill? >> we're seeing something that we don't usually see which is has number 0 republicans lining up behind president obama saying they're going to support his ask of them. president obama asking congress to give them the authority to train and equip syrian opposition forces. congressional leaders including republican leaders are saying that it is the right thing to do. we know there's a sense of urgency about this. the house is canceling a planned vacation day it had on monday. they'll be back in session. they'll begin to debate this measure. interestingly, a number of democrats, especially those facing tough reelections in the fall, have said they're not so sure that arming the syrian opposition is the right move.
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having said that, we expect that congress will find a way to give president obama the authority to do that in some way, shape or form. but the other debate here in washington is whether or not president obama actually has the authority to launch air strikes. the president says he does have the authority to expand air strikes in iraq and expand them into syria. and while a majority of lawmaker as agree, a majority of the lawmakers don't want to vote on this. but there are some that say wait a minute, we want to vote on this. >> thank you so much as wells. and stick around here for a moment. we're going to show you something you won't believe. what you're seeing there is a high profile legal player that's in trouble this afternoon. that's vikings running back adrian peterson. also, someone just made a public appearance, his first public appearance since that elevator video surfaced. yes. we're just seeing ray rice make
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his first public appearance. we will take you there, show you where he has just shown up. stay with me. i am so nervous right now, it's not even funny. oh my gosh... driver 1 you ready? yeah! go! [sfx] roaring altima engine woah! ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country,
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is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. 24 minutes past the hour. take a look at your screen, folks. that is mrs. race, janay rice on the right side of the screen. on the left that is ray rice. you're seeing video. we were just getting moments ago. this is at a high school football game with ray rice has made his first public appearance since the elevator video surfaced. there were rumors that he might show up at this game and in fact he did. a lot of people were surprised there was increased security and media. but this is a live picture of the game going op. new rochelle, his alma mater. he is on the sidelines there with his wife. first time we've seen ray rice since that video surfaced. he's there with his daughter and
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his wife. looking at that picture it looks like any other family on a saturday afternoon. but we know this is a family not quite like many others given what they've gone through in their own house hold and now publicly. there they are, folks. the first time we're seeing the two of them since that video surfaced. if he makes any public comments, we'll be sure to bring those to you. the one-time nfl mvp adrian peterson, he's not going to be playing tomorrow. he turned himself in overnight in texas after being indicted for causing injury to a child, his son. the running back won't be playing in tomorrow's game against the atree yots. peterson's arrest coupled with the arrest of ray rice becoming a growing problem for the nfl just as the season gets underway. i want to bring in richard blumenthal to try to reform the
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nfl. the first question has to be, do you believe roger goodell should continue as the commissioner of the league? >> if the recent reports are true that roger goodell and the nfl had the videotape of what happened inside that elevator, then his kred about is really shot. and he has to go for the sake of the nfl and the fans. but the question is really broader than roger goodell. the question is what the nfl is going to do about domestic violence, whoever is the commissioner. >> you say if it's proven that essentially he has lied and that -- or that the video was in house and he did not see it. why does it take that? why is that not that already his credibility is shot in handling a number of cases now? why does it take that in. >> the recent reports of that video point to his perhaps
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irreparable credibility gap. the question about the video is more what did he know and when did he know it and did he lie. that's a matter of credibility. the nfl team owners will have to decide whether he can continue in this job. but what they really ought to be demanding is specific very strong steps to combat domestic violence like increasing the penalties for players who commit it. and a major commitment, a serious significant commitment in dollars to education, changing culture and action to really enable and empower and support the victims and sur vie survivorers like janay rice. >> they have a policy in price that make the first offense six games. they have updated that policy. you think that policy didn't go far enough? >> ludicrously inadequate.
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it is much too lenient. and ray rice would have received a six-game suspension but for the video that showed him knocking out his wife. and remember, t.j., that this case is exceptional. not that ray rice is an athlete of renown, but there is a video. most cases of domestic violence happened behind closed doors. they're shockingly silent in the victims failing to come forward. in this instance the exception proves the rule. the victim survivor who is put on stage and made to apologize, a prosecutor who regarded their routine as much too lenient and that routine has to be changed, the practice. and the normal way of dealing with these cases has to be done more harshly and strictly. >> is it because domestic violence is difference from, let's say, a dui or a drug
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charge of some kind? meaning that we always want in this country people to have due process and to have their day in court. but in a case of ray mcdonald out in california with the 49ers who police say his fiancee had visible injuries on her, are also the case of greg hardy who plays for the carolina panthers who has now been convicted of domestic violence, both of these guys suited up and played last week. they're going to play tomorrow as well. is domestic violence difference if they should not be allowed to play in you opinion and not given the due process when it comes to domestic violence? >> everyone deserves due process. i'm a former attorney general in the state of connecticut and a former federal prosecutor. i believe deeply in the due process. in fact, ray rice never received a trial. he was given the benefit of pretrial diversion without a
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trial, probation that will mean erasing his entire criminal record if he completes certain period of time without committing an additional offense. these individuals are role model ps thap can be role models for good, like derek jeter on they can be role models for bad like ray price and mcdonald and peterson. and the nfl ought to be really enforcing policies that have due process. but with a video like ray rice, there should be harsher punishment. >> you're okay with them playing until they get their day in court? >> no. i think the nfl should act on the evidence that it has. there's due process that the nfl can accord along with the criminal justice process. >> last thing, people always want to bring this up when things happen. like some senators have suggested, reeval vath the tax exempt status? >> the nfl has a special
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position of trust because it's afforded tax breaks. we'll be watching the nfl. and the nfl in a sense is going through a trial period itself where it has to prove that it can meet the challenge of domestic violence in its own ranks. 85 since 2000 instances of serious charges of domestic violence and other, in addition, criminal charges against its players, its culture and the culture of other leagues, the nba has to change to take these cases more seriously. >> sir, we appreciate you giving us time. i know this has been a project of yours and the nfl is something you've gone after and kept your eye on for years. thank you very much for you time today. >> thank you. we'll keep an eye on what's happening with ray rice right now, making his first public appearance. he's at his alma mater, at a football game, a high school football game in new rochelle. you see him right there in the black -- that is not him.
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he's to the right there. forgive me. he is to the right of your screen, the far right in all black there watching the game. his wife is there as well. making their first public appearance since the elevator video surfacesurfaced. stay with me. nourishing vitamins and seven beautiful benefits in one. for younger-looking skin. olay, your best beautiful. i'm not an airbrush kinda girl, i just want to look it. olay total effects pore minimizing cc cream. colors, corrects. instantly reduced the look of pores in 80% of women. olay, your best beautiful.
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more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! welcome back folks. i want to take you to a live press conference. pennsylvania state police giving and an update after their officers were ambushed and a suspect still on the lose. one state trooper dad, another one in the hospital. let's listen. >> nobody should be calling or bare racks right now because of the incident going on there and the examination of the evidence that we're doing at that point. the one thing i would like to mention is to try to explain what is meant in law enforcement by a person of interest. i have several hundred troopers and law enforcement agents that are investigating this case right now. we are talking to many people.
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there is no specific person that is a suspect. just because someone is being interviewed or that they're looking to interview them u does not mean they're a suspect in any way. no one is in custody. and i don't want anyone to be unfairly tarnished by misapprehension that this person or that person might have done something illegal when right now what we're doing is talking to hundreds of people. we're going to be talking to hundreds more before this is over with. that's the way an investigation like this has got to go. colonel bichbs if you would explain about the crime stoppers. >> certainly. the pennsylvania state police through pennsylvania crime stoppers is prepared to offer up to a $20,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of an individual responsible for this crime. if anyone has information, we'll provide the number here shortly. you can contact our homesdale
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station or call 1-800-forpatips. we hope that if someone out there has some piece of information that might be helpful that they will come forward. >> thank you. and as always, if you have any concern, if the public has any concern they can call 911. and that will get them the quickest response. as i mentioned, this attack was an ambush. our troopers were leaving the barracks and were shot without warning and really had no chance to defend themselves. it's a cowardly attack. it's an attack upon all of us in society and the people of pennsylvania. when people attack law enforcement in this cowardly way. we're looking for the cooperation of the public,
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whether it's money that would motivate you or just outrage at this terrible act. we would ask them to come forward if they have any suspicions in this particular case. because i can tell you, the pennsylvania state police and law enforcement in general will not rest until this individual is apprehended. and i would like to thank, in particular, the new york state police, the new jersey state police, all of the local police in pennsylvania, the many contacts we've been given by support, the pennsylvania attorney general, everyone that has -- the law enforcement in this state, in the country, the fbi, the dea, the atf, are all focused on this case and we are going to do everything in our power to resolve it. i'd also at this time like to turn the mike phones over to the district attorney. >> i am ray tonkin, district
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forei attorney. we stand with the pennsylvania state police and we've been actively helping them in their investigation. they're a fine law enforcement agency and with the assistance of many other, both state, local -- >> we've been listening in there. they're offering a 20,000 dollars e reward for the information leading to the capture and conviction of the person responsible for the cowardly attack on two state police. this is in blooming grove in pennsylvania, two pennsylvania state troopers ambushed in what they're calling a cowardly attack. these two officers didn't even have a chance to defend themselves, walking out of police barracks. one of the officers killed, another is in the hospital but they do not have anyone in custody at this point. they are calling this an active shooter and abactive crime scene. there is an active shooter on the lease. they do not believe that anyone else is a target of whoever did this.
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they do not believe that anyone else out there should be concerned about this person coming after them. they do belief this was specific to state police and this was an ambush there in pennsylvania. but you could hear it in the police commission there, his voice, that he is absolutely upset. he said, i don't care if it's money that motivates you or just outrage, we need information to find the suspect who was on the loose, dangerous and armed who ambushed and killed one of their state troopers and another is laid up in the hospital right now. it's 20 up the top of the hour. we're right back here on msnbc. a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at
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stone, right in? this new iraqi government, how close does that get us to defeating isis. >> i think it was very important for the administration to push against maliki having another form. but it was also important regionally because right after that became the effort that we've been seeing in recent zas where secretary kerry has been going around and low and behold finding tepid support. that support would have been worse had we not done the work in baghdad to get maliki out and am ma deed in. this is going to be very difficult. the sunni/see quite divide is a long standing issue. you can see why napoleon said my great ens strength is i have no
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allies. speaking of allies, let's turn to syria. the deputy foreign minister, let's listen to this. let's all be friends. >> when it comes to combatting isis, we have no reservations whatsoever to work together with any real force that wants to eliminate this menace. because now the united states and syria are facing the same enemy. >> clark kent irvine, any of my enemy is any friend. i don't expect to see president obama and president bashar al assad with their arms around each other anytime soon. but do we have an ally here. >> this is the ultimate irony. almost a year ago the president was on the brink of ordering air strikes against the syrian regime. we know that the president
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ultimately did not do that. on the other hand, a year later here we have, as a practical matter we are on the same side as the regime in that the greatest threat right now to the united states is from isis. and so it's just a classic mideast conundrum. it's a very difficult situation. i think that's one of the reasons why the president was so hesitant to intervene in syria and ultimately had no choice and i'm glad he made the announcement he did from you heard clark kent say we're talking about one of the greatest threats to the united states being isis. how do you gauge, how do you see the thought that isis is to the united states homeland in particular? some people are hesitant to go that far just yet. >> well, obviously we're not that far just yet. but if isis is able to consolidate itself on the ground, to hall territory the size of some u.s. states, isis is going to be able to have people there who will want to do
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what osama bin laden was doing, that is having people train in camps for the purpose of attacking the united states. moreover, we've seen a lot of disaffected muslims from place like the uk, germany, france, u.s. and australia making their way to syria. none of them have joined the syrian moderate opposition. they've all been joining isis. i think we're organically linked to this mess and i think we need to find a way through it. and i suppose in the fullness of time the history books will look at the question of whether we really should have called for assad's immediate yourselfer when we didn't have a plan of backing anyone else apart from continuation of what are which has caused over 200,000 civilian deaths. we do have a problem on the ground. >> we're talking about arab nations pledging support but not military support. how helpful is it? any help, you know, is
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appreciated. but how close does this get us to defeating isis if that type of military support is not what we're going to get? >> some help is better than no help. there's no question. we're getting political support but no boots on the grounds apparently. i think what this means is i would not be surprised if we do not see some at least special operations forces, american special operations forces on the ground. air strikes alone won't do it. no one is talking about a large scale iraq-like or afghan-like invasion. and that's what the president is clear about. we're going to have to have a robust military presence because we're not going to get that regrettably from the muslim world. >> gentlemen, thank so much. enjoy the rest of your weekend. i know we'll be talking again soon. making guns at home? it's happening right now. all around the country using 3-d
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printers. we have more information about how big the trend is. stay with us. that's up right after the break. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can't turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. ♪ do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three.
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soon could be the new law in climp, regulating the manufacturing of home maid guns. yes, homemade guns, including those made with a 3-d printer. a bill introduced by a california senator has been passed and sent to the governor for his signature. the governor's office said it would not comment on the pending litigation. the new 3-d technology may allow some individuals to make their own guns a home with a 3-2k printer and plans that on the internet. you can print the plastic parts for your guns. i want to bring in the "the new york times" reporter. is this real? is this going to be something
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just about anybody can do by downloading some plans off the internet and getting some equipment at home? >> it's real. not as real as printing out a gard gard garden knome or something like that. i first wrote about this a year and a half ago and when i did, there was a gentleman in texas trying to print a 3-d gun. he hadn't done it at the time and i spoke to number of experts who said it would be years alater. a few months later he managed to print a 3-d gun. now they're moving into semi alms, like parts or ar-15s, often the guns used in massacres in america. it's getting scary out there. >> are these guns, do we have any evidence that these guns are getting out there and being used in some way? >> a lot of it is testing. people are using them. you can go on the internet and
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go to youtube and look up 3-2rks printed guns and you'll see videos of them. no one has used one yet. but it brings up concerns about the fact that kits could end up shooting these things. a kid in their bedroom, i's not a big deal for them to be a 3-d printer these days. most parents don't think about what these things can do. you can imagine a scenario where kids start to explore on the internet and download parts for it. it's pretty difficult to put one together but when you look at the time frame of when i first wrote about this a year and a half ago and now it's getting a lot easier. >> the type of technology or printers you need at home. the equipment at least you need, the printer you need at home and what you need to make this, again, is this stuch easy to get in how expensive is it to get in we're seeing some video and looks like something complicated. >> you can get 3-d printers at
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home depot. you can get them on amazon. the prices drop dramatically other the last few years. it was originally a couple thousand dollars and now they're down to a few hundred dollars and that's only going to get cheaper and cheaper. >> are they racing now, lawmakers, are they racing now and lamplt racing to try to either make laws to try to slow this down? are they chasing this technology to this point to try to legislate in some way? >> they are. the big fear from the lawmakers is the fact that guns that are made from metal are dedistricted in a metal detecter. with a 3-d plastic gun that's not the case. a lot of people that are critics of the 3-d printed guns, they say, oh, it's ridiculous. you can only print one of these guns and maybe shoot it one to ten times before it breaks. the reality is you only need to
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shoot it once to kill someone. if someone would sneak one on a plane or a government building or something like that, you know, there definitely should be worry that that could happen. >> scary tough. technology is wonderful but it can be scary sometimes. thanks for spending some time with us today. you have a big idea, let us now it. the #what's the big idea. coming up in just a moment, we're coming up on the top of the hour, ray rice is making his first public appearance and he's making that public appearance with his wife. they're at a football game as we speak in the new york suburbs. and this is all at the nfl is dealing with another major case today. this one involving child abuse. also in politics, can hillary clinton find her footing in iowa six years after the tough loss. we'll look at her hailey
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developing now, another off the field incident for the nfl. minnesota vikings all pro running back adrian peterson turns himself into police, indicted on one count of injury to a child. how will the nfl react this time. as the league's credibility is already under scrutiny. now new questions emergesing about another nfl player in a dlk case who has gone unpunished by the league. make no mistake, we know we are at war with isil. >> we are at war with isil. >> for the first time, the administration acknowledges we are indeed at war with isis. we'll look at the whout stras gi including the critical effort for secretary kerry to round up regional support. hello to you all. good saturday afternoon. thank you for being with us.
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we start once again with the nfl and the nfl not talking football. talking about something off the field. again dominating national headlines this afternoon. another player is being taken off of the field this time after turning himself in on a charge of injuring a child. this is not the image the league want to portray. this is not just any player, e thisser, folks np is adrian peterson. superstar running back. regarded as the best running back in the league. won the nfl mvp award a couple of wear years ago. his team has deactivated hymn after his indictment and arrest. the local district attorney's office set the record straight on peterson's case. prosecutors went after him because of his fame. >> this case was presented to only one montgomery county grand jury. this grand jury, after reviewing a ul of the law and the evidence in this particular case, chose
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to indict the case. it was not shopped around to multiple grand juries. the same grand jury was the one that reviewed all of the evidence and the law in this particular case and the one that issued the indictment. >> well, this arrest comes on top of a slew of other bad head lines including the now infamous attack involving ray race and his then fiancee. you see them both there. his arm around his now wife. this was moment ago. they showed up at a high school football game. that is ray rice's alma mater. this is the first public appearance we've seen since the infamous video was out. you're seeing them in an embrace there. but we've seen them through live video and other pictures we've seen of them hugging and kissing on the sidelines there looking like a happy husband and wife. let me bring in jason page here in the studio with me. also, nbc national correspondent peter alexander. peter, you know what, jason, let me start with you.
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that's my first time actually seeing the video. what's your reaction now and how could that change things to see ray rice and his wife out in an embrace looking like a different couple from what we've been seeing all week? >> now you've got the pr perspective on all of this and we've got to figure out how it's going to be spun. you've got to remember the player's association hasn't gotten involved in the suspension yet. when are they going to jump in and say okay indefinite so spengs not going to happy have a feeling that's going to go away in three, four, five weeks. there's in way they're going to make an indefinite suspension stand. this is the first step in him, stepping out, not dealing with cameras or not answering questions but being seen in that happy image with his now wife trying to erase some of the images that we saw starting on monday. >> a lot of people were shocked that he showed up at this game. there were rumors that he would. but it sounds like this is part of a clear strategy by ray rice.
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>> absolutely. >> let me get you highway mer. the nfl needs a strategy. these are two high profile players. but adrian peterson is regarded and wf of the top players in the in league. put this in perspective now, what the means to adrian peterson given the week that the nfl has. >> as we spoke to one sports columnist who described this as an overwell mmingly terrible week for the nfl. this was a about as bad as it gets for me brand. whether or not roger goodell goes, that remains to seen. the owners ultimately will be the one to make that decision. this is not a privately traded company. they're the guys that will have the ultimate say when it comes to this. of course the nfl is praying that they can get to sunday, focus attention back on the field on football, on the sport that americans love, the most
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lew kra dif game in america, $6 billion in revenue last year. but the mugshot, now the video of ray rice with his arm around janay rice on the sidelines, this keeps the story alive, keeps the conversation going and it continues to put pressure on the nfl to provide better answers about what it's doing to address situations like this. on top of ray rice there with his wife janay, thart daughter, young infant child was in atense dan according to the baltimore ravens website. adrian peterson, by the way, we should note, his attorney is disputing the claim, the charge against him of injury to a child, reckless and criminal neglect saying that he's a loving father, never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury. >> jason, let me bring you back in here. we want to let you know we have
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been seeing the video of the ray rice at the game. we're told by our folk at the game, it looks like he's wrapping up and about to leave that game and he's actually signing autographs. he's been smiling and get support there. again this is his high school, his alma mater. some students took it upon themselves to actually make kind of a makeshift picture or sign of their own and put it back up there. so he has a lot of support there. but it looks like he's leaving, signing autographs. >> the idea of what peter is talking about here, 3w 2 owners are going to decide his fate. that's not necessarily true. who are going to decide his fate are consumers with, advertisers. because if advertisers start jumping >> but they haven't. >> but to his point, to peter's point is that, you know, it's still up to the owners. nobody else can force him out. >> but if they see sponsor dollars walking awab, that's going to change a lot of things. >> the gist of this is not a single sponsor has walked away right now.
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there's a lot of money at stake here. and one thing that owners are keeping a close eye on obviously we aeye that the bottom line is what's going to drive this. but this week while all eyes were focused on what's going on with roger goodell and adrienne peterson, the buffalo bills sold for $1.4 billion. you better believe the owners are paying attention to that. they know who's been helping them. so that's roger goodell. a lot of owners with or without a fbi director involved, i hope the investigation is as independent as as it can get. the owners have greet allegiance to this guy. art rooney of the pittsburgh steelers, two men in the words of one source of mine who is close to the league, they're described by league owners as being viewed as pair gones of virtue.
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there's a lot at stake here. >> we're talking about ray rice. we're talking about adrian peterson. a lot of people talking about greg hardy who has been convicted in a bench trial. he's appealing, for beating up his girlfriend at time or someone he was dating. i want to play something for you that has been out there which is now getting more play which is a 911 call. not quite the same as seeing video in an elevator but this is a 911 call that someone made while this alleged assault was taking place. take a quick listen. >> some girl in a [ bleep ] and i heard it and i seen it. he is beating her [ bleep ] right the [ bleep ] now. so get here now. we need the police here now before this girl gets seriously hurt. now. >> we're talking about greg hardy who has not been disciplined by his team. he has not been disciplined by the league. he will play and there's in word that he is going to be taken off the field.
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i want to bring in kim gandj. he was previously the president of the national organization for women and helped craft the new nfl's domestic violence policy with commissioner goodell. thank you for being here with us. what is your reaction now to what's happening in the nfl? you tried to help and craft a policy to move forward, but things keep happening. do you think the policy is enough or does something else need to take place? >> well, policies alone will get you nowhere. those policies have to be enforced. they have to mean something. one of the things that was in the letter from roger goodell is when there are charges made they will be investigated and acted upon. there will be referral to counseling and other services as necessary pending criminal proceedings. and if that has happened, it has not been made public yet with
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regard to both ray mcdonald and greg hardy. and i think that's a real frustration to the fan to see them still playing. >> should we absolutely efrds need their day in court and they're entitled to due process. and you don't want to convict someone in the public eye before it's adjudicated in court. shouldn't we be treating domestic violence differently? meaning that okay, young dpel low, you still get your paycheck but we're not going to continue to let you put that uniform on and represent us while we have a 911 dap or you fiancee with bruises to her face? does that absolutely need to be the case that these guys need to be pulled off the field when it comes to domestic violence? >> you're not going to have a situation where any investigation that the nfl conducts can put somebody in jail. you've got to have a criminal proceeding and a trial to do that. but an investigation by an
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employer can be very similar to a civil case and not a criminal case, which it does not require beyond a reasonable doubt. and that kind of information where you've got a witness who came forward on the 911 tape is probably sufficient for an investigation by the nfl. i'm not sure thou nfl is managing to conduct these investigations, though, because they're so busy trying to deal with what's going on internally. >> should those two be pulled off the field, not by the nfl, or maybe by the nfl but their teams, do you think greg hardy and ray mcdonald should be playing this sunday? >> i think it doesn't do the teams any good, it doesn't do the nfl any good to have individuals with that level of accusation and what looks like pretty good evidence against them out on the field. at the same time, i heard a suggestion the other day that
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the team could also withhold the pay for a certain number of games, and then if they -- if the investigation found that they were innocent or for whatever reason it wasn't appropriate, then they could return the funds. it's not like these guys can't buy grocery for a few games if their pay is withheld. >> one quick thing to you jason page that she brought up. what is it about this league, it does nobody any good. why let them keep playing? does that come down to the bottom line of winning, that even if it's domestic violence they are still putting these guys on the field? >> greg hardy should be off the field. he was found guilty. in the case of ray mcdonald you have to be very careful when it comes to accusations because you don't know the full story. i've talked to sources -- >> can't you pull them until you get the whole story? >> then you're affecting the other 50 guys on the team as
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well. i think the ray mcdonald situation is a much grayer area than greg hardy is. you know, i think that's -- i think you have to treat each differently, adrian peterson, greg hardy, ray mcdonald. they're three different cases. >> that video as awful as it is and people have said that the damage that it's probably doing to janay rice, to have that play out publicly as much as it did, she went through it privately and then she has to go through it publicly. but did that video in some way, is it going to be helpful, if you will, because we talk about domestic violence in such a way and it almost -- you don't get it until you see it. and most of us don't see it. and this is forcing us to confront this and have a conversation about domestic violence maybe like never before. >> i'm very sympathetic to a victim of domestic violence who is having her life played out on the public screen, on the
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television, you know everywhere she turns around is a picture or a video of her abuse. i think that's extremely difficult. and at the same time, it's opened a national conversation about domestic violence like nothing i have seen in 40 years. >> well, if something can come out of this, again, we hear it all the time, domestic violence, domestic abuse and we just keep going. but now we have the image in our heads an it is, it's forcing all of us to look at it a little differently. thank you all for you time. nbc's peter alexander has been with me the past hour 15, hour and and a half reporting on everything in the nfl except football. >> we'll see you on "nightly news". >> all right. we'll see you there. hillary clinton making her highly anticipated return to iowa this weekend. stay with me.
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big political story this hour. well, this hour but it's really what, almost two years away. 2016, folks. the primary season, are we talking about is this? yes. things heating up in presidential politics in the final iowa steak fry. it's hosted by democrat senator tom harkin but those two will be there, bill and hilly will be attending the event tomorrow. the first time she's stepped foot in iowa since 2008 when she came in third in that year's presidential caucuses there. the clintons won't be alone. vice president joe biden will visit next week, all upping the speculation on their presidential bids. joining me now, kathy 0 broad
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vich. it seems there's a steak fry, a festival, any back yard barbecue is a big deal in iowa. but what's the significance of this steak fry? >> senator harkins last steak fry, it was always going to be a big deal. he's been in washington representing iowa for over 30 years. so everybody was going to be watching the steam fry and expecting a huge guest. senator harkin has had past presidential candidates, presidents come to this thing and now with bill and hilly clinton, definitely a capstone for his career and big, big steak fry. probably going to be about 5,000 people there. over 200 media had credentialed last time i checked. everybody is going to watch every move she makes. >> you got president clinton there as well. it's almost like he's chopped liver. are people really buzzing about
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hillary clinton being in the state? >> absolutely. all of the speculation about whether she's going to run for president is really sort of fading into speculation about when she's going to announce that she's running. the doubt that she's running is pretty minuscule at this point. now, we don't expect that she will announce in iowa. that's not likely to happen. but just coming to iowa is sort of a declaration for her. after she lost in the caucuses in 2008, there was a lot of concern that maybe if she ran again that she wouldn't want to come to iowa, she wouldn't pay attention to iowa or see iowa as a threat. this is her opportunity to say, look, iowa, i love you, and that should she run that she will be all in in iowa. >> i love you and it seems like sigh what is loving her back. it's early but we still have these polls. the cnn poll came out friday shows her leading in iowa at 53%
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right now, followed by joe biden. and also learning from her mistakes. the washington post writing that many of these activists says clinton needs to learn from mistakes of her last campaign for not understanding this culture. is it clear this is one of those moves that you have to make with this steak fry? we're a couple of years away but this is part of it and part of what you have to do in iowa and you to start showing up at things like this. it's really unique in iowa how they -- they take it seriously. >> yeah, they do take it seriously. you know, to be clear, i don't think hillary clinton ran a bad campaign in iowa. it's just that barack obama ran a much better campaign. he was really invested in the caucus process. this was his way to the white house. i think hillary clinton underestimated the ability of barack obama to get a foothold
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by using the caucus process and using it very well in iowa and around the country. she has to get out of her bubble. she has to really engage with people. make it clear that she's in iowa to win it, maybe with body language or how she behaves and then go from there. >> all right. we will be checking in with you again. plenty always going on in iowa between now and 2016. thanks so much. enjoy the rest of your saturday the head of the clinic where joan rivers went into cardiac arrest two weeks ago is no longer at the clinic. the spokesman for the yorkville end skop pi says dr. lawrence cohen is no longer the medical director and no longer performing procedures. circumstances around his departure has not been revealed. rivers died september 4th, a week after going into cardiac arrest. the new york state department is investigating the matter.
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sfloo . we're continuing to follow the developing news out of pennsylvania. the state police said they're still on the lookout for a person who killed one state trooper and injured another. state police commissioner identified the trooper killed as corporal brian dick son. trooper alex douglas is in stable but critical condition. the person who committed the crime is still on the loose. >> i understand that many members of the community are concerned and i wish i could lessen their concern. by have a very dangerous armed criminal that has already killed one pennsylvania state trooper and wounded another that is not in custody. and we do not believe any particular person is specifically at risk. >> here now a look at some of the other stories topping our headlines today. a close eye being kept on
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hurricane odile. the storm is expected to pass near or southwest of the baja california peninsula tomorrow night. new york state is the latest to confirm cases of a respiratory illness among kirn children. more than a dozen children have been affect by the enterovirus. the centers for disease control says this year's outbreak has been unusually severe and a proposal to split california into six states doesn't make it on to this year's ballot, according to the washington post. more than a million signatures were turned in to support the proposal. well surpassing the 800,000 required. but a random sample determined that not enough signatures were valid to meet the requirements to qualify. up next, weary or ready, president obama has laid out his plan for taking out isis. but is the american public ready the take on another war. we'll debate that with the brain trust.
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our objective is clear. >> this president is going to do whatever it takes. >> we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil. >> wherever it is found. >> the president made a compelling case for action. >> i think he's going in the right direction. >> against isil in syria as well as iraq. >> i didn't hear in the speech how we're going to do that. >> global coalition of nations. >> they let the u.s. fake all of the heat, all of the expenses and all of the action. >> the rest of the strategy seemed incredibly fuzzy. >> many different moving parts. >> the president has been criticized. he wasn't tough like chaney and bush. >> we're going to need thousands of troops overtime on the ground. >> so we can complete the trilogy. >> this is not the iraq war of 2002. >> thank god. >> this becomes america's war. >> make no mistake. we know we're at war with isil. >> he is the reluctant warrior.
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>> this is not the legacy this president sought. >> if you fight america, you will find no safe haven. >> let's get to our brain trust right now. david rode and, jonathon alter and the author of "the center holds." iraq, how are they going to take his plan, the president finally has the strategy. it's laid out now. how is iraq? >> well the strategy is devoid of understanding iraq in my opinion, to be honest. first of all the president said isis does not have a vision. sigh sis does have a vision. we don't like their vision but they have a vision. not owning iraq or syria, their goal is to go all the way to saudi arabia. the vision is recruiting people. we have to address that and the president does not address why they are recruiting people, aerks, fun for i'd logical
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issues. when we talk about coalitions with arab countries, their arab countries are not unified. no one is pushing for one direction. so that's one. but second, isis is paying people also. you know when we connect about humanitarian aid to iraq to supplement the military, we've got to look at the underpinning reason why these groups are thriving. they're addressing the i'd logical gaps in the middle east bup they're also bridging the economic gaps with the youth. >> you wrote in fact that this is the prth's moment of truth. is he missing something like she just said there? we waited for in strategy, okay we have it now. but did he miss something in it as she said in terms of you calling this the moment of truth? >> i don't think he did. it was a short speech. if it had gone on too much longer, the networks would have cut him back to go to their sit
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comes or whatever. he had to lay it out. it's obviously much more complex than he had time to explain. nobody knows where this is going to go or whether it will be successful. but we do know that it will be a multi-pronged approach. it will not just be air strikes. there will be great effort made to cut off the money that isis has which might go to your point and make it a little harder for them to, you know, meet payroll. they're paying a lot of former malitia leaders. and if they suddenly can't pay them, that's another way of undermining them. this is going to go on for a long time. >> and you can't be limited to air strikes and most americans at this point -- 40% believes u.s. involvement should be limited. are we coming around, the american public going to come around to the understanding that
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okay it's going to take more than just these air strikes? >> not yet. i think you need more americans to die. the poll numbers have come up unfortunately since the two journalists were killed there. but american boots on the ground aren't the answer. i the we saw that in the past with iraq and afghanistan. i would agree that there's a problem here in the region and john, too, in terms of the money. there's a story today about how turkey is not on board with this yet and a major source of revenue for isil is smuggling oil from areas they control into turkey. they make a million to $2 million a day smul ling that oil. turkey didn't sign the communique. but beyond that, there's a problem. the president needs to show results quickly and he needs to show that there are allies. >> the turks are worried about the kurds which has been a consistent problem for them. this is going to be like herding cats to get all of these arab
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states and other states in the region to be on the same page on this. and i'm also really concerned about the gulf states. cutter is always playing both sides against each other. there are going to be some very hard diplomatic conversations ahead in terms of making it clear to these states that they have to be with the program as they're claiming they are. >> i know you wanted to get in here but also i need to get back to your point. at soum point he needs to show results. what do those look like? what are the results? >> they did take back the dam in northern iraq. the kurds have fought fairly well in the formula of local ground forces and american air strikes. but the kurds will only go so far. they need to start regaining some territory in iraq. the iraqi military needs to actually gain ground. >> but there's another issues, which is a new strategic issue of how america addresses the
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middle east. america is still -- at least the president's speech is operating as if it's the old middle east. it has changed. the map has changed. we have people suppressing brother hoods, supporting brother hoods. we have islamists. america has to be a cohesive vision towards it folcys in the middle east because right now we're supporting governments that are contradicting in their own directions from egypt to saudi arabia. we are not consistent in our support of allies in the middle east. and that we have to look at it from ground zero. syria, the war in syria right now arabs don't feel so strongly about bashar al assad. but now they're afraid that if he goes more fundamentalist groups are going to come. i don't see a new vision in terms of how america deals with the middle east and that's what is needed at the moment. this is a moment of crisis and we need to kwopdevelop a new vi.
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>> it sounds like we're attacking the problem with old thinking. that's a broader and much more difficult thing to do is to have a new vision for the middle east versus using the tactics that we're used to using to fight al qaeda. many will point to and say we had success. that strategy worked and that is what we need to do is degrade. >> al qaeda did not win. we still have isis right now. we're playing a whack a mole game dealing with the latest crisis instead of dealing with the way that america dealt with europe. >> i want to ask you about the messaging frankly in terms of war. because we had some back and forth, john kerry one thing, didn't sound like we were at war with isis. then the president as you were pointing out, he made sure he didn't say me were at war. but then his lieutenants come out, including the whout press secretary and now there's a drum beat we are at war.
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why is that messaging important to say we are at war with isis in. >> well, because we are. and you know, sometimes you just have to be completely honest about it and not beat around the bush for political purposes. so i think today and yesterday you started to see the white house coming to terms with that. that this will be called, you know, the war on isil or isis or whatever everybody finally decides to call the enemy in in particular situation. but you know, one of the things that concerns me is this idea that we would somehow get to this grand strategy. i don't think europe and the arab world are comparable in this sense. the complexities among the arab states are much greater than they were when they were resisting the soviet union, much less fighting nazism. i think it is going to be whack a mole and i would like an
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argument that whack a mole is a fine sustainable policy for the united states. >> i don't think whack a mole will work. i think young people will keep joining isis. they're thinking we're only doing this because we want to stop terrorists attacks in the united states. we don't care about average people in the region. >> what are we supposed to do to convey that in massive aid? >> have a consistent policy. the saddies and the egyptian military want to crush the brotherhood. they want to tall yarn dictatorship. are we going to support that or democracy that would lead the muslim brotherhood to have authority. we're siding with the aauthoritarian regimes. we should do that and say that privately and signal it as well. we're trying to have it both sways. >> they're not going to trust us no matter what happens. >> that is not true. >> when has there been real
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trust? >> syria, egypt, you know, the saudis, you can form that coalition when you're clear and do the ground work. >> and the region sees the inconsistencies of america's politics pap it's a love/hate relationship. we i can't you to come, want to have your life but you're not consistent in how you're dealing with us. what you said is right on actually and people feel it in the region. >> really so glad we could have you all in and your expertise. i think it shows why we certainly appreciate having you all at our disposal. >> we're 20 of the top of the hour. stay with us here, folks. we're keeping an eye on a lot of moving story ps isis is a big story today. of course what's happening in the nfl is a big story. domestic abuse a big story. but what we saw in public since that infamous video is this.
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ray rice with his wife janay, they made a trip to attend a football game at rice's former high school. listen now to what the head coach said about rice's appearance there today. >> the new rochelle football program is a very strong program and once you're a member of that program, you're a member of that program for life. and ray is a part of our family and a part of this program. having him here today means the world to me. i've known ray rice since he was in eighth grade and he's had one misstep in the years that i've known him. if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens?
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new sanctions being place placed on russia. sanctions aimed at major russian banks and include pemtties that would cut russia's ability to develop oil and gas projects. can we still call this is cease-fire? >> so far. but it's been violated a lot. we're a little unclear how it's all going to work out. one of the problems if you've got the warring parties with to be ukrainian government forces and the rebel. but you also have groups within those groups. and some will recognize cease-fires, some won't. it also is very clear what comes after the political part of this. so whether it will hold, nobody knows at this point. >> we're talking sanctions as well. are they working? >> i would say to a certain extent that are. obviously russia is hurting economically because of them.
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and what the west wants to do right youb including europe and the united states, they want to ar get the energy sector and specifically parts of the energy sector that russia really wants to develop but hasn'ted that the opportunity or the no-how really to do it. that's kind of we've got a lot here in the united states with shale oil. russians want to do the same. and deep water. these arctic drilling areas that are very, very deep. they really need western aek no technology. the u.s. is making it difficult for companies. this could hit exxon mobile potentially. make it very difficult for them to provide not only the technical supplies, but also the goods and services that go along with that. >> it's going to end up hurting western companies? >> it could, yes. they're going to try to mitigate that. but in order to hit vladimir putin where they want, that may
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have to happen. >> vladimir putin right now, how have you seen -- this is a region you have covered extensi extensively. you're certainly familiar with vladimir putin. do you see him being rattled at all and changing course at all based on these sanctions or any international response that's come his way in response to the actions he's taken in regards to ukraine? >> he's not showing a lot of it. if he's affected, he's not showing it. i think what he feels is this, in a way, is a way for him to boost his domestic economy. i mean it's a long way to do that. but food were for instance, which was part of the sanctions, the effect of cutting off food supplies, and he really feels you cut some of this imported foods, helps domestic producers. he really feels that he can go it alone.
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now whether that's rational and practical, i don't know. there's a lot of doubt about that. he is hurting. his economy. but he feels at this point the greater hurt would be to allow nato or the western, you know, economic and political and military force to come closer to his border. he doesn't want to do that. so he's trying to weaken any type of union that ukraine might have with the west. >> rational and practical, those two words used often to describe vladimir putin? >> rational he is but i think there is an emotional side about vladimir putin that we don't always recognize. >> jill, it is so good to see you today. i appreciate your expertise. we're ten minutes of the top of the hour now. it's been over a month since a police officer shot and killed an unarmed teen in ferguson,
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missouri. getting new observation of an eyewitness account of that shooting. stay with us. yeah! vo: don't just dream of being the hero. make it happen. i can't believe we're missing the game for this. we're not. i've got xlte. vo: it doubles our 4g lte bandwidth in cities nationwide, so be that guy with verizon xlte. now get 1gb of bonus data, and our best pricing ever on the more everything plan.
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the shooting death of unarmed teen michael brown still resonating in ferguson, missouri. demanding justice for all tuesday at the first city council meeting since brown was shot and killed by officer darin wilson. there still is no accounting of the shooting. residents vented their frustratio frustrations. >> you have the mike brown movement in your face because of your ongoing neglect.
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none of us would be here if the police chief you guys put in office would have just came forward and said, we apologize. this was handled wrong. you know what i'm saying? just give us a minute to conduct our investigation. >> and there's also new video this week purported to be recorded at the time of the
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