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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  September 14, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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♪ turn around. face away. lay down. put your hand behind your back. do it now. >> a mentally ill celmate -- cel mate soils his cell. >> fell on the ground.
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>> definitely a girlie girl when it comes to dressing up. >> a fresh face joins the female unit. >> you think you belong there? >> no. >> she finds herself in the middle of an investigation. >> are you off your medication? >> no. >> i heard you do the splits. >> an old-timer proves she's got the moves. >> she'll drop it like it's hot. >> my goodness. >> whoa! ♪ about 15 miles west of the washington monument is fairfax county, virginia, where george washington bought his estate. after the county formed, another
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bit of history was made with the election of its first female sheriff. >> being the first female sheriff is special because i have the opportunity to not only be a role model for young women but also to move an agency forward that i've had the opportunity to work with for many, many years. >> sheriff kinkaid's largest responsibility is overseeing the jail facility where she began her career as a corrections deputy 26 years earlier. the fairfax county adult detention center houses 1,-200 men and women, midwest of whom are only charged with crime and are awaiting trial on their cases. the majority have been here more than once. nationally, the bureau of justice statistics estimates 2/3 of released inmate are incarcerated again within three years. the new sheriff says she wants to change that. >> these are our neighbors. these are, you know, folks that we live around.
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so what i'm hoping to accomplish is to establish some type of case management system post release that once they get out there are resources provided to them and someone that can be there to provide any other opportunities to help them once they get out. >> brenda braugher has been in and out of the jail for more than 30 years with seemingly no exit from the revolving door. >> i see her. i've known brenda since i've worked in the jail. i think we started coming here at the same time. you running the show in here? >> i try and keep them on their toes. >> i appreciate that. this is is her second family if you will. this is what's become of her life. >> how many times would you sayoff been arrested here in fairfax county? >> i would say 160 sometimes. i have a real bad, bad record.
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that's all my whole record is is shoplifting, that's all . >> she's charged with grand larceny and intent to sell. >> somebody's cheating. >> shed she plans to plead guilty and hope for the best. >> you got a four. >> though her record involves a variety of convictions, she says shoplifting is the anchor of her criminal life. >> i wear a girdle, and i make my own skirts. the kind that come down to my ankle. i put stuff in my ankle. i come out of the store, you can't tell i have anything on me. sometimes i have 20 pair of jeans at one time. one time i stole 31 pair of gucci shoes. i had gucci loafers, gucci sanders, and the gucci tennis
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shoes. will goy. >> braugheeaugheebrewer fed her heroin addiction since she was 22. she doesn't have teeth. brewer says she suffers from diabetes and has to use a cane because of back problems. when it comes to ability, she can show up young ladies, even grandchildren. >> i hear you can still do the splits. >> hold this. >> i mean, i was stunned when i first seen her. i was like, oh, may goy goodnes. >> wait a minute. let me do it the other way. >> an old lady. i can't do the split. here she is doing the splits. >> i'm more amazed that she can get up from there. >> she'll drop it like it's hot. just like that.
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>> and then bounce on it. and get up. and you wouldn't know that i had a bad back in doing all that. >> that's right. >> that's why i won't get well, because i'm hard here. >> although she's got funny stories and can be entertaining, the fact that she has spent the majority of her life locked up is sad. >> okay. see you. >> see you, sweetie. you take care. you take care. >> bye-bye. >> being locked up is often more than just sad. caleb baumgartner recently discovered it could be life threatening. >> assaulted up on the fourth floor. dude called may out. said i was snitching. never talked to the dude. don't know who the dude is. i never had my [ bleep ] whooped
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before. he be[ bleep ] me up bad. he hurt me. >> bumgardner was on probation and in protective custody when he failed a drug test. he was here for nine days when he said his assailant accused him of being a snitch. >> i was in the cell with a bunch of people. he walks by and said somebody was snitching and was like, "it's probably you." he was like, "you were gone yesterday for an hour." >> bumgardener said he left not to snitch but because he had a visit. >> i was like, "you need to think what t you're saying. whether have i talked it you? i don't know what you're [ bleep ] here for." >> a short tim later, the inmate attacked him in view of staff. >> i get pushed from behind. slammed my face into the wall. hit my head here. i fall on the ground. he stands up and stomps me in the face. knock me cles economy clean in
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face. -- knocks me clean on the face. i was in and out of consciousness. rushed me to the hospital. >> he wound up with a fractured rib and injuries to his eye and jaw. he spent aity ity inight in th hospital, and the staff continues to investigate the assault. >> this of a randoma agct of hatred. there is no justification. that random. i couldn't believe it when it was happening. i'm like, what in the [ bleep ]. >> narrator: coming up -- >> what did he look like? >> blood dude -- black dude, dreads. >> the inmate took his fecal matter and wrote threatening gestures about killing. >> staff must deal with a mentally unstable inmate.
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somebody once said that to come intereo a jail when your sn working normally -- brain is working normally under the best of circumstances is unpleasant. to be in jail when are you mentally ill or your brain is not working prime minister is often brutal. >> like most jails, the fairfax county adult detention center must cope with the growing population of mentally ill inmates due to an ever-dominican republicing -- ever-decreasing number of facilities to help them. >> here it's a population of three million people. we have one state hospital with 129 beds. in this facility we're treating from 200 to 300 of them. a lot more than 129 beds. so this institution right here is de facto the mental health care safety net, if you will, of northern virginia. >> jails began to see more meantly ill inmates as far back
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as the 1970s when state hospital were closed due to funding cuts along with court rulings that made it more difficult to involuntarily institutionalize or treat the mentally ill. >> oftentimes people are arrested for behavior they've done oftentimes as a result of not taking care of their mental illness. for instance, not continuing on their meds, not following up with outpatient treatment. and as a result, they get arrested for various and asundry charges, and they end up as an inmate. >> now one of those inmates is in an apparent state of crisis. >> the inmate took his fecal matter and smeared it throughout the cell. on the floor, on the cell window. he wrote threatening gestures about killing and whatnot. that also gives us the idea that
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he may want to hurt himself. >> stick your hands out. both of them. go. go. >> we were able to negotiate with him. the agreement was he would be escorted to the shower, given the opportunity to shower. his cell would be cleaned and sanitized, and he'd return to that cell. he's agreed to cooperate and cease all the banging and unruly activity. >> come, man. all right. >> the inestimate covered with a tear-proof -- inmate is sofred with -- is covered with a tear-proof gown and escorted to the shower to clean up. >> we'll be back. clean yourself up, all right? >> how often do you see stuff like this? >> down here because of the nature of the housing, it's quite frequently. it's normal down here. the smell. the nature of the inmates being housed down here. this is all normal. >> i guess trust that he's going
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to clean up. >> geez. >> trustees are inmate maintenance workers like greg. >> usually there's not a whole bunch of work. last week and a half, two weeks, since the gentleman's been here, it's been quite a bit of work. this is the fifth or sixth time in two weeks that he's done this. that's nothing compared to what he's been doing. usually it's up on the ceiling, as he as he can get it. he'll take globs and throw it in the vents or camera. that -- i'm not even mad at that. that's okay. i'm okay with that. >> for confidentiality, jail's mental health staff will not comment on their treatment of individual inmates, but they say treating the mentally ill in jail is a growing and daunting challenge. >> a lot of time people come into the jail at the worst point in their life, and that's no different for the mentally ill,
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off medications. once we've identified that there is a mental health issue, we need to work to keep them safe. our primary goal when someone comes in is to stabilize them, then identify what they need, and then try to medicate and/or offer services that can help them. >> fairfax, all the excitement you'll get. >> two days earlier, caleb bumgardener experienced the wrong kind of excitement. he was assaulted by an inmate he says he didn't know. >> dude called me out. said i was snitching. never even talked to the dude. don't know who the dude is. black dude, dreads. >> in the report it said inmate bumgardener couldn't identify the male who twooked him. it -- attacked him. it said it was an inmate on the
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upper tier. did the investigation, he determined it was the underbell that had assaulted mr. bumgardener -- andre ball that assaulted mr. bumgardener. >> he's pled not guilty and denies assaulting bumgardener. >> 100% not guilty. >> why are you down here if it wasn't you? >> because they found me guilty of it anyway. >> there was a witness that the deputy talked to. the witness identified inmate bell by name, that he's the one who assaulted inmate bumgardener. >> sergeant taggert gave bell 20 days of disciplinary segregation for the assault on bumgardener. that means he will be confined to a single-person cell and have possessions taken except for one religious book. his mattress will be removed during the day, and all his meals will consist of what's known as "nutritional loaf," except on sundays. if you had beaten this guy up, would you tell may? >> no.
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>> why not? >> messing around with fairfax county, they're going to tell me what [ bleep ] they do. probably bring [ bleep ] up. probably find a way to try to get me more [ bleep ]. i'd rather not admit guilt of anything around fairfax county. >> bumgardener can still press criminal charges against bell but says he probably won't. >> i'm not trying to be in this jail and press charges on somebody and then [ bleep ] happen all over again, a bunch more times. that's how it is. coming up -- >> it sucks not having a selection, variety of clothes in front of you every day and to wake up to the same jumper. >> a new arrival in the female unit quickly learn the many limitations of jail life. and -- >> he's creating a biohazardous
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situation in his cell. he's throwing fecal matter and urine. >> the troubled inmate acts out again but refuses orders to exit his cell, prompting a stronger response. to the mariner? we could save you a boatload! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ what's seattle's favorite noise? the puget sound! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ all right, never mind doesn't matter. this is a classic. what does an alien seamstress sew with? a space needle! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly continuously ♪ oh come off it captain! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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like those at jails across the nation, most inmates at the fairfax county adult detention center have been incarcerated more than once. sabrina monahan, however, is a first timer, who only arrived a few days earlier. >> a nightmare. it's a living nightmare. it's horrible. definitely make you walk a super straight path. oh, my gosh. >> monahan says police stopped her for a traffic violation and asked to search her car. >> i said, sure, i have nothing to hide. not thinking i had anything in my car, but i did. >> monahan says the opiates
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found in her car weren't hers. but she pled guilty to possession of a controlled substance to avoid a possible felony conviction. she was sentenced to three months. and because it's a misdemeanor, she'll only have to serve half of that. and while she says these drugs weren't hers, she does admit to recreational drug use. >> now that i'm here i can't, but before i was here, i did a little bit. oxycodone, xanax, trazodone, my favorite. >> monahan says she has been arrested two times in the past for drug possession, but the charges were dropped. and this is her first time in jail. >> it sucks not having a selection or variety of clothes in front of you every day and to wake up to the same jumper. i'm a fashionista. i like to have a lot of nice clothes. i do have a lot of nice clothes, shoes. definitely a girly-girl when it comes to dressing up. i literally haven't slept since i got here monday, five days.
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because i'm forever starving. i don't eat the food. there's no salt. there's no flavor at all. the girls usually say they're ramen noodles, the packets. there is no salt on any of the food or vegetables and keep the packets for salt. that's a good idea. >> ramen noodles and other snack foods can be purchased from the jail's commissary twice a week. >> luckily i have loving, caring parents. the minute i got here i got money in my account. $300 in my account. lemonade, hot chocolate. 15 coffees. got to have coffees. >> but monahan has discovered that abundance can also bring unwanted attention. >> it's just amazing how the people here, like, when they know you have two bags when no one else will get two full bags of stuff, that's when you make your friends. it's fake here. you can't expect a good friend here. inmates. you know what i mean? just got to watch your back,
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that's all. >> do you think you belong here? >> i don't know. no. >> what are you guys playing? >> spades. >> do i look down on anyone here? try not to judge anyone. i don't want to be judged myself. what if i was being judged? >> have you had a chance to give advice, since you're so new? >> ask. don't expect anyone to come to you. while monahan is considered the new girl on the cell block, brenda brewer has had over 100 stays here. while her presence often brings smiles to others, she says her life has a dark and painful side that she dreams of sharing someday in a book. >> i do think there's something out here that god wants me to do and that's to publish that book. because there's some stuff in that book that will make the world cry that happened to me back in the day that i never
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said anything about. i was raped. and i was able to get up and walk away. i guess you don't get over it, but you just don't think about it. and i think that's why i stayed with drugs. because all of that blocked it all out. but i don't want to do this no more. i don't want to steal no more. >> how are you guys doing? okay? >> brewer acknowledges that in her younger days, she wasn't interested in programs offered by the jail to help inmates stay out. but now at age 62, she wants to take advantage of the ged program and get a certificate of high school equivalency. >> if i said find the difference of your age and my age, what would we do, add, subtract, multiply or divide? >> subtract. >> subtract, right. >> she's probably the oldest
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woman i've had in this class. and she keeps coming back. so i'm assuming she really wants to get this. brenda is working at a lower level. she didn't go very far in school. >> ain't been in school since god knows when, so a lot of that stuff i'm not up on. >> okay, so it's a difference again. >> subtract. >> subtract, good. >> she says she is really motivated this time. she can't be working at third and fourth grade level and be ready to pass a high school equivalency in a matter of months. but maybe down the road. >> coming up -- >> all of the new people in here are flocking to me. i don't know why. hopefully it's not for my commissary. >> sabrina monahan learns that having support from the outside can be an asset and problem in the jail. and removing a troubled inmate from his cell.
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i'm frances rivera. isis has released a new video
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reportedly showing the execution of british hostage david hanes. the white house has condemned the aide worker's death which follows the murders of two others. ray rice showed up at his former high school for a football game. his first public appearance after being indefinitely suspended from the nfl following domestic violence allegations. back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. inside the fairfax county adult detention center, caleb bumgarner has spent the last week in the medical unit, recovering from a brutal assault that left him with a fractured rib and injuries to his eye and jaw. >> the doctor told me that i was healed up and ready to go. cleared for population. probably going to take a while for the red to go away in my
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eye. i mean, i feel lucky. from what they told me, the guy could have killed me. >> bumgarner is less concerned with himself than with his fiancee and the baby they're expecting in less than a month. >> she said at any time i feel i could have the baby. she is probably not going to make it nine days until my court date. >> bumgarner is in jail on a probation violation. he could receive up to five years in prison, but hopes the judge will go easy on him. >> the birth of my son. that's a once in a lifetime thing. and that's going to be my whole argument when i go to court. but my lawyer told me the judges don't really give a [ bleep ] about stuff like that. >> bumgarner will soon go back to a general population unit. but andre bell, the inmate jail officials say assaulted bumgarner, is still in disciplinary segregation. >> this [ bleep ] is like medieval days when they threw you in the [ bleep ] dungeon. this ain't no [ bleep ] cell. this is horrible. >> except for one religious book, inmates in disciplinary
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segregation are allowed no personal possessions or any other privileges. they even have their mattresses removed during the day. >> what is the purpose of taking your mattress? that's just torture. this is what little bit of stuff they leave you with. they take all your clothes and leave you with two t-shirts, two pair of boxers. i've got my toilet tissue wrapped up in here to use as a pillow and roll all that up on my bed and use that as a pillow. >> the main goal is voluntary compliance or disciplinary segregation does gain compliance. they might think next time before they break a rule in jail. >> and bell admits that segregation has had an impact. >> i ain't doing [ bleep ] in jail. nothing. i'm staying in my lane. i'm not associated with nobody else in jail. i ain't having no conversations with anybody else in this
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[ bleep ] jail. i'm good. i'm chillin'. >> it's been a different story for a mentally ill inmate who has been housed in an isolation cell. these cells are stripped down to prevent self injury. and for this particular inmate, things seem to be deteriorating. >> the inmate took his fecal matter and he wrote some threatening gestures about killing. >> mental health staff does not comment on their treatment of individual inmates. they do say, however, that they frequently treat and provide medication to inmates in need. and now this particular one has alarmed staff again. >> he's been creating a bio hazardous situation in his cell. he's smearing fecal matter and throwing urine out from underneath the cell. we have been tasked by lieutenant clark to put him in the chair. >> since the inmate refuses orders to leave his cell, the sheriff's emergency response team has been deployed to extract him. >> a cert will be called out any time there is a weapon or not
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compliant. they go through all the steps. try to talk to him, try to reason with him. once cert shows up all that's done, he's now under our control. if he's going to comply, he'll put his hands behind his back, the team will enter, cuff him up safely, move him. if he's not going to comply, we'll soften him up with electronic control devices, pepper spray, pepper dispensing systems. pin him, cuff him and move him. any questions? all right, go word is whiskey. all right. >> we have the ability to overwhelm somebody by sheer numbers, by our training. and that's what we do. again, to keep everybody safe. >> i need you to turn around, face away from me and lie down on the ground. put your hands behind your back. do it now. keep them there. do not move. do you understand? >> whiskey. >> do not resist!
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>> do not resist! >> secure. >> secure. >> all secure? >> yep. >> 1, 2, 3. >> turn around. turn around. >> the inmate will be placed in restraint chair where he will remain until his cell is cleaned up and he has calmed down. like county jails nationwide, fairfax faces ever-increasing demands to house mentally ill inmates who are unable to get help elsewhere. >> our priority is to stabilize persons who come in. we need to identify them and then work to keep them safe. that's our main goal here. sometimes that results in isolating them and then trying
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to get records from elsewhere to make sure we understand who this person is and put the pieces together to identify what this person really needs. and then trying to establish some kind of relationship with them so that we can continue getting them through the process. and that can be difficult for everybody. what i believe that mental illness is reaching epidemic proportions in our country. nobody wants to pay attention to it. but i think we're going to have to. and the clash between the criminal justice system and mental health is probably going to be the place where we eventually are going to say enough and try to come together and figure out a better system. >> while the mentally ill represent an increasingly high percentage of the population, most inmates wind up in jail due to their involvement with drugs. nicole boyce is one of the newest inmates in the female general population unit. >> i'm detoxing from heroin, mdma, suboxone and adderall. you sweat a lot.
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you can't sleep. you take a shower to try and make the bugs stop crawling under your skin, but it doesn't help. the first couple days, i threw up a lot. >> boyce is serving a month and a half for a probation violation on an earlier grand larceny conviction. she is also charged with distribution of drugs to which she has pled not guilty. but boyce is considering entering a not guilty plea in hopes it might get her into a drug treatment program instead of more time. >> i hope i get out and don't use, but i don't know yet. i've only been in here for ten days. i would be lying if i said i didn't want to use. you know what i mean? it's scary. you know, people won't eat something with hair in it, but will go out on the streets and shoot up you something they don't know. >> you did that, right? >> uh-huh. yeah, i wouldn't eat food with hair in it, but i would go and shoot up heroin, yeah. it's crazy. because i was detoxing so badly, the doctor said we'll continue you on your medication, just have someone bring it in, and we'll eventually wean you off of
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it. and i was like, all right. >> according to sabrina monahan, who a week earlier was considered the new girl herself, boyce latched on to her right away. >> a lot of the girls are new here -- i don't know why, but they like to talk to me. the first person they go for, for some reason. i guess i have that warming, welcoming way. even though i've never done time in my life. >> but inmate ginger lucas describes monahan another way. >> she's gullible. this is her first time around, you know. she's gullible. >> so what do you see happening to her? >> getting used. >> all the new people coming in here are flocking to me. i don't know why. hopefully it's not for my commissary. but that's a danger you have to watch out for. you get commissary, you're going to get a lot of enemies slash friends. enemies meaning you tell them know, they're going to hate you. they're going to find ways to get you out of here.
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>> i have the chicken noodles. >> that's cool. >> is that all you wanted? >> yeah, that's fine. >> you'll be surprised. some of the girls don't want to see a girl with commissary or the pretty girl or whoever -- the girl with the small amount of time here, because they are stuck here with a lot of time. so they'll do everything to get you out of here. and it's just like -- >> i mean, she does bring a lot of commissary down. >> commissary girl. i guess i'm that one. >> they just ask her for stuff or, you know, give her attitude. majority of the girls here don't get commissary. and they try to find somebody weak to prey against to get commissary. >> who does that kind of thing here? >> i wouldn't put names on that. >> coming up -- >> anything else you want to tell me? >> uh-uh. >> an inmate tips of staff, but >> an minutes -- inmate tips off staff, but sabrina monahan finds herself in
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the middle of a drug investigation. and -- >> some of those people in there have no morals. it's crazy. i sit and stress all day long. >> caleb bumgarner is placed in a new housing unit and it does little to allay his fears.
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inside the fairfax county adult detention center, caleb bumgarner was recently moved to a new general population unit for medical, where he was recovering from an assault. but he describes the vibe in the new unit as toxic. >> it's like hell. it's rough. they're just trying to cope with the people around you. i mean, most of those guys in there, you can't even have, like, a civil, decent conversation with them. some of those people in there are the type of people that have no morals. it's crazy. i just sit there and stress all day long.
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>> bumgarner says fear of being beaten up again isn't his only source of stress. now he has a new one. >> my son was born two weeks ago. i missed out on that. it sucked. i've got to deal with it, though. i mean, i get to meet my son saturday. visitation. visitation on the weekend. meet him for the first time through glass. it's going to suck. it's just how it is. >> and now it will be even longer before bumgarner holds his son. he recently went to court where a judge ruled on his probation violation on an earlier conviction of attempted robbery. >> he gave me a year for my violation. i only got like eight more months. i have to wait eight months to really meet him. >> and much of that eight months could be spent in the housing unit he now dreads. >> i mean, anything can happen here. that dude in the fourth floor, he could have killed me in that cell and left me there. >> over in one of the female
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housing units, sabrina monahan, serving a month and a half for misdemeanor drug possession has recently caught the attention of deputies. >> i noticed on tuesday that inmate monahan seemed a little out of it. like a little loopy or whatever. and i talked to her. she said that she had been drinking a lot of coffee. this morning my sergeant called me and told me that ms. brewer gave her information that inmate boyce is possibly giving medication to inmate monahan. >> brenda brewer, considered the housing unit's matriarch, says unlike most inmates, if she says something suspicious, she'll report it to deputies. >> the girls will say i'm a snitch, because i told them the truth. well then so be it. because if they ask me something i'm going to tell them the truth. i'm not going to lie. i'm not a person that just lie. lie, lie, lie. i don't have time for that. >> another inmate says she heard a similar story about monahan.
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>> what i heard was that somebody was giving her pills in exchange for her commissary. that's the word. but i don't know. so -- that's just the gossip. >> a few of the inmates said they heard the conversation. they didn't actually see anything with the medication between monahan and boyce. so we're going to follow up on that. >> private first class claiborne pulls brewer aside for questioning. >> ms. brewer. do you know anyone that's sharing medication? >> yes. the girl in 11. she is the one that gave sabrina the pill. >> where did she get the medication from? >> when the nurse come up, she -- the girl is supposed to open up and put it in her mouth. the nurse isn't paying attention. she'll switch on her tongue and go like this and then walk away. she sit at the table with us. i knew something wasn't right. >> who is she?
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>> sabrina. she says -- woo, girl, i took that pill and i can't sleep. >> thank you. >> uh-huh. >> you can have a seat. >> the questioning continues with nicole boyce, who, according to inmate rumors, traded her medication to sabrina monahan for commissary snacks. >> did you share your medication with anyone? >> no. it's a sub lingual film that dissolves right away. you can't share it. it's something that dissolves with saliva. >> so you don't know if anyone is sharing medication? >> no. >> but you're not sharing medication? >> no. >> okay. you can step out. >> finally, sabrina monahan, who has attributed her odd behavior to having had too much coffee, is called in for questioning. >> how are you feeling today? >> i'm feeling fine. i had no coffee. >> so the way you were feeling
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on tuesday was because of coffee? >> i had nine coffees that day. >> so you made nine coffees. >> about nine coffees, yes. >> why would you drink that much? >> i was getting into my book i was almost finished with. >> anything else you want to tell me? >> uh-uh. >> are you on any medication? >> i'm not on any medication. >> has anyone offered you medication? >> no. >> no one. >> no. >> all right. >> hopefully she's telling the truth. but you never know. got to use precaution. they're going to do a drug test and we'll take it from there. >> the drug test is done through urine collection in what's known as an integrated test cup. >> you can tell if it's positive or negative after the test is done, you rip off this area right here. and the lines will appear. and if it is negative, there will -- a line will appear next to each number and this tells you what you're testing for. if there is no line, it's positive. if there is a line, it's negative. >> monahan must now urinate in
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the cup in front of a deputy and the results are almost instant. >> they urine tested me and i passed. >> monahan was drug tested. her findings were negative. and we'll just keep our eye on her for now. >> of it a very sensitive test. so anything in my system, even a few weeks ago, would have been on that. hopefully now they'll leave me alon alone. coming up, calen bumgardener plans to meet his newborn son but finds himself in a race against time. >> she says she's coming, she's coming. only thing i can say is she's in trouble.
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at the fairfax county adult detention center, arepeat
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offender, brenda brewer, has seen inmates come over the years. the latest to leave is sabrina monahan, having completed a short stint for drug possession. before she left, she was submitted to a drug test after brewer told staff she'd been trading commissary snacks for prescription drugs. while she passed the test and was,on rated, brewer admits to having dealt her own medication in the past. >> it all depends on the type of medicine they give me, and if it make me high i'll go out there and see a white girl like to get high, and sell my medicine to her. uh-huh. >> supporting her drug habit on the outside is what had led to brewer's 30-year-long revolving door relationship with the jail. >> my pattern is to get out of here, go out there and steal, smoke crack and dope. that's the first thing i look for. get my a girl, put on a skirt
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and go shopping. that's my routine of getting out of prison to do. and i don't want to go back to that. >> the odds are stacked against her. brewer recently dropped out of the jail's ged program, and she says she will soon enter a guilty plea on all the current charge. she could face up to six years in prison. and brewer says in her case, that's not all bad. >> when i'm in prison, i make a killing. i don't never run out of nothing, and i'm always getting something. when i go on the outside, the first thing they'll say, "[ bleep ], brenda back, we're going to have us contraband." that's what i used to had i go to prison. stealing and selling it to the girls down there. >> 22-year-old caleb bumgardener serving oneiary for attempted robbery is 40 years younger than brenda brewer.
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it's too soon to say if the revolving door is in his future or not. after suffering a brutal assault from another inmate and missing the birth of his son, it's given him something to think about. >> my fiancee, my brother, and my new son is coming to visit me at 1:00. >> have you seen youron? >> no. not yet. he was born two weeks ago. >> have you seen a photograph? >> not yet. no. his baby pictures got taken, i think this week. >> due to limited space and available security staff, visitation at the jail is limited, and the policies are strictly enforced. >> inmates are allowed one 20-minute visit per week. the visitor will preschedule the visit. visiting is held on saturdays and sundays. the inmate will come inside the door, find their visitor, sit across from them. they each pick up a phone and speak to each other. 20 minutes later, the deputy working the post out there will end visiting. >> i live like an hour away from
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here. it's a long drive. for a 20-minute visit, you know, crazy. i just -- i'm like, you know, visit me like once a month. >> as bumgardener waits for his visit, the clock continues to tick. >> she says she's coming, she's coming. only thing i can see is she's in trouble. they tell you when you set up the visit that if you're not here by a specific amount of thyme you can't have your visit. so she could have like hit traffic and been like, oh, there's no point in driving the rest of the way up there. i guess now i have to wait longer to see my son. >> mr. bumgardener, we're going to have to cancel that visit. it's 25 people at least on every visiting list after this. we're going to have to send you back upstairs. >> okay.
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>> come on out. >> about 15 minutes later, bumgardener's fiancee, amanda, arrives with their newborn son and bumgardener's brother, cameron. they are nearly an hour late. >> how are you doing, instantly. >> bumgardener. >> bumgardener? what time of your appointment? >> it was at 1:00. >> at 1:00? >> yeah. >> yeah, that group's been closed, and they're already upstairs. >> okay. >> just try to be here about 30 minutes early. that way we can check you in, and you won't run into the problem again, okay? >> thank you. >> check-in time was 12:30. we had run into traffic. i knew they wouldn't let us see him but figured i'd try anyways. >> i know she's going to drive extra slow with cane in the car. she probably was driving really slow.
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>> he hasn't been able to see him yet. >> how hard was that for you? >> pretty hard. still really hard. >> it sucks. it is what it is. got to we'll do it. it's the same old, same old crap every day. >> thanks a lot.
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