tv Up W Steve Kornacki MSNBC September 14, 2014 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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there's not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. a third beheading by isis. thanks for getting up with us this sunday morning. it hapened, again. isis released a propaganda video showing a beheading of david haines. the third to be executed in recent weeks the other two james foley and steven sotloff. british prime minister david cameron is holding an emergency meeting today with his military and security officials in
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response to the beheading and address the execution only minute ago. >> people across this country would have been sickened by the fact that it could have been a british citizen. a british citizen who could have carried out this unspeakable act. it is the very opposite of everything our country stands for. it falls to the government and to each and every one of us to drain this poison from our society and to take on this warped ideology that is radicalizing some of our young people. >> we also heard from president obama in the wake of the haines execution and for more on that and the u.s. response, we go to kristen welker live at the white house. >> steve, first, too, president obama releasing this statement overnight strongly condemning this third beheading and saying we will work with the united kingdom and from around the
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world to bring the perpetrator from this outrageous act to justice and destroy this threat to the people of our countries, the region and the world. steve, the question becomes how will this third and latest beheading affect that international coalition. prime minister david cameron holding an emergency meeting this morning to talk about how to respond to this latest threat. and what's interesting here is could it galvanize the people within the uk to want to take a stronger military response to deal with the threat of isis. as of last week it wasn't clear what the uk was willing it do to join the united states and on the issue of air strikes, particularly, you had one top official saying the uk is not going to join in air strikes. the prime minister's office knocked that down saying, wait a minute, we're not ruling anything out just yet. military action is very unpopular in the uk. could this galvanize the people
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here and the people in the uk to want to get onboard with something stronger like air strikes. that's the question right now. of course, we know secretary kerry has been traveling throughout the middle east to build a coalition there. ten air countries to sign on to communicate basically pledging hum humanitarian aid and it's very unlikely that any of the arab nations will put boots on the ground. if you talk to military officials, steve, they will tell you that is what is really necessary to defeat isis. air strikes are a part of the strategy, but if you want to defeat isis, you need troops on the ground. the u.s. says it's not going to be american troops. could this latest beheading add to the effort to get arab nations onboard with doing something stronger. i'll just end on this note, i think this latest beheading will be seen different by different countries. u.n. anticipate it will add to the anger and outrage there to want to try to do something.
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seen very differently country like turkey where 48 of their diplomats are being held hostage in iraq. so, i think that the united states as it continues to build its international coalition certainly as tragic and horrific as this third and latest beheading is, it could be one of the arguments that the u.s. makes to these countries about why strong, robust military action is needed. steve? >> again, kristen, just one question. looking at this video and you look at the foley video, it seems similar in terms of the backdrop. on the surface to me, it seems a little similar. any indication that anyone you're talking to there that in the last few weeks with these videos coming out of where, because we know there are other american hostages being held and other brits being held and other europeans being held. any indication that anyone learned more about where they're being held.
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any valuable intelligence that would help get some of these people out. >> what we know is that they're working to try to do that. an urgency to try to do that, steve. and because of the sensitivity of trying to get them out, the administration, intelligence officials are being incredibly tight lipped. you would recall that there was an effort to try to rescue james foley, steven sotloff. that rescue effort failed. one of the reasons why it failed because this group isis, i'm told, moves their hostages around with some frequency. for that specific reason. to make it more difficult for the hostages to be found. so, i think, that is one of the challenges. in terms of nailing down where they are right now, administration officials being very tight lipped. they would say that a key priority and also a key priority to bring to justice these people who are behind these brutal
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beheadings. it is believed the person who carried out the latest beheading is the same person who carried out the beheading of james fo y foley. the people who have viewed this video say he sounds almost id t identical to the person who was behind the beheadings in the other two videos that we saw. i know there is an urgency to try to find these people, but incredibly difficult process. steve? >> kristen welker live at the white house, thank you, appreciate that. the family of david haines issued a plea urging his hostage takers to contact them. do not allow ransoms to be paid in these situations doing so would only encourage more kidnappings. 15 europeans being held with haha haines were released, which
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david cameron ruled out paying a ransom "it's a desperately difficult situation. we don't pay ransom to terrorists when they kidnap our citizens." we'll talk about that more later in the show. until then shifting gears to football sunday. how this day of the week is commonly referred to. from labor day until the deep freeze sets in in late december. but this doesn't feel like most football sunday because of two players not in uniform this week and likely won't be in uniform for any time to come. adrian peterson will not play against the patriots today. he was released on bond after being indicted on one charge of injuring a child. his own 4-year-old son who he is accused of beating with a switch. >> obviously, parents are entitled to discipline their children as they see fit, except for when that discipline exceeds what the community would say is
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reasonable. so, a grand jury having indicted this case looked at the injuries that were inflicted upon that child and determined that was not reasonable. >> also, ray rice, the former baltimore raven who was released by the team and suspended indefinitely for playing for any team after video surfaced of rice perchiunching a woman who w his wife. he made his first appearance, attending his old high school football game. in a letter to rice informing him of the suspension roger goodell says the surveillance video "gave a starkly different sequence of events from what you and your representatives stated when we met on june 16th." working in goodell's favor is
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working with team owners. by turning the league into more of an economic powerhouse since he assumed the job back in 2006. women fans, female fans that make up 45% of the nfl fan base. today the group ultraviolent plans to fly planes with trailing banners over three nfl stadiums. print would the hash tag, goodell must go. at thursday's game in baltimore, women wore their ray rice jerseys for a variety of reasons. football is a big business and roger goodell is the primary owner of that business. robert mueller is at the league's request conducting an independent investigation and those results will go a long way toward determine figure the owners stay in goodell's corner. today is not just any given sunday in the nfl. the attention isn't on the field, but off the field.
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joining me now is bruce beck, leads sports anchor here in new york and kevin clark, national nfl columnist for "wall street journal." appreciate you being here. let me start with that issue. mueller has this investigation and he's launching now an independent investigation and maybe that could change goodell's status. could it change sooner than that? >> i think this week has been the most turbulent week. we're talking here on a sunday where there is 14 games. this is crazy. but in terms of merit and rooney overseeing this whole investigation -- >> the giants and the president of the steelers, two of the fabled families in the history of the league. they are close to the nfl and would like to see the commissioner continue. so, i think the word ambiguity will come out ten times today and that's because it's confusing which way the league is going, what's been said,
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what's not been said. when you've got your two principle guys overseeing this investigation you wonder how much tranceparency there will be. >> the owners will explore every option except for moving goodell, unless there is a smoking gun. i don't think there are five owners who want to do it right now. the buffalo bills sold for $1.4 billion this week. thursday night football ratings were at an all-time high. they look at that maybe than the short-term embarrassment, another one of these scandals like the miami dolphins bullying. >> they think they can ride this out. >> thithink at the end of the news cycle people will move on. >> what is, do you have a sense either we talk about the league and it almost remind me some of the reporting coming out of the league. the hierarchy that is difficult from outside and this issue with the video that came out this week. somebody from the police and not in an official capacity sent the
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video to somebody in the nfl, to an executive in the nfl. we don't know what level that is. somebody got it and did that person give it to roger goodell? first i ever heard of it was this past week. i wonder, knowing the nfl a little bit, kevin, is that plausible. the way the organization works and how big it is, is it plausible to you that somebody like goodell wouldn't see somebody. >> very compartmentalized place. it disciplined people and the security people don't have much action with roger goodell on a daily basis. i think it is plausible that somebody saw it and didn't give it to goodell. i don't think he would put himself in this mess because he has $9 billion of revenue he's sitting on. i don't think he would throw it away for ray rice. it's looking worse and worse as time goes on. the public believes he saw the
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video and he needs to do something quick to sort out why he didn't see the video. >> the security folks in the nfl, too. a lot of former law enforcement people who have nfl jobs now, security jobs in the nfl. >> no question the league wants to release this properly but admit to stumbling and bumbling this matter from the beginning and goodell in a letter written to his owners said we didn't get it right, we're going to get it right next time and employing a six-game suspension for the first time and a domestic violence issue and they're trying to do it within. as you said, where is this tape? who got this tape? when did they get the tape? that's the big question. i don't think goodell ever saw this tape. if he did, that would be the one situation where you would see the owners having to say, you know, roger must go. >> when you're talking about this, goodell coming out this summer. he took a lot of heat for only giving the two-game suspension
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to ray rice and then changing it. what was the reason it was only two games in the first place? >> there has been policy in the past for different disciplinary reasons like they try to have some caughtnuity here and he realizes now with the public backlash that you need to start with six games and then go from there and then there could be a suspension indefinitely, which could be appealed, just like this ray rice situation. but there have been so many situations in the past with the league and players getting in trouble that there was nothing that was firmly established. goodell went forward here to say six games is where we're starting in the future. >> the greater outrage among people that look under to it nothing was done to the domestic violence cases. situations where guys have hit their girlfriend and have played that sunday and then never been suspended. maybe they were fined and charges were dropped and got of the legal system and goodell never did anything. i think people are going to look at this going forward and they are going to say it needs to be
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six games or life and that is appropriate. if you look back, a very ugly situation with how the nfl handled domestic violence. >> the public weighing in because once this tape became public then we saw the outcry. we've seen this with so many other matters before us. even the mike rice situation when that tape comes out and it's explosive, people react. the nfl a league of integrity and public perception lives very strongly on what their fans are saying. the outcry not only from women's groups but from everyone was so loud. >> it is amazing the difference a tape can make because you start reading about some of the other incidents that have not produced this sort of outcry that just sort of happened and the guy is playing for the team and nobody knows it in the fan base anyway. we have to squeeze in a break. i want to talk about this is the first sunday since this video came out. we'll do it when we come back.
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back talking about the first nfl sunday since ray rice news came out and adrian peterson news that broke friday night, as well. ride this out, survive the news cycle and we'll see what this investigation brings us. we also had in the intro here we talked about a group that is flying over nfl stadiums today saying goodell must go. what are you expecting in terms of protest in terms of any kind of boycott by group and i guess if there is any kind of visible protest or attempt to get sponsors to back away from the league. are you expecting anything on a wide scale there. >> on a wide scale attendance dropping and tv ratings going in the tank to have any tangible
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impact on goodell's safety. job safety. 17 million people and sponsors are not going to bail on that because of this. even if the heat got tense from women's groups, we can't abandon the nfl. if a beer company wants to abandon the nfl, ten other beer companies that will jump in and probably never get back in if they leave now. so, i think nfl, they have the leverage and they're not going to let anyone leave and if they do, they're going to make them pay. >> anything in this investigation. mueller has the investigation, if he doesn't find that goodell saw the tape earlier, if goodell's story on that holds up, do you think goodell survives then? >> first of all, i do think that he survives. i think the owners want him to survive. he's overseeing, as kevin mentioned, $9 billion in revenue. he started as an intern in the nfl office. he's their guy and i think they do want him to stay, but they
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have to look at the whole facts that came through on this whole ray rice matter to make sure that everything was done according to script. everything was done properly and mueller has brought in a guy with vast experience handling this a former fbi guy. that's just what the public wanted, if not for a woman investigating this. that may have been a better move on the league's part. >> i wonder, too, you cover this professionally. i think a lot of people who are fans, even casual fans even just know the nfl not even as fans, just big cultural force might be looking at the nfl a little differently than they were a week or two ago because of the video and because of peterson and because all these other stories that come to light about other players that didn't get the attention of ray rice. you looking at this professionally as something you cover, do you look at this and say, wow, i'm surprised by this or are we now seeing what you've seen for a long time? >> i think the nfl is the microcosm of society. today we have 14 games.
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every weekend we have 1,800 players who are dressed. you're going to have situations that come up that reflect society. i'm never surprised any more about what happens, it's just a cycle that comes through and you deal with it. today i'm covering the giants football game, an important game in addition to everything else that is going on. you have to cover the game. the fans want to get back to fantasy football and watch their hometown team and root. in many ways this football sunday gives them a break from the entire news cycle of the week with all the negativity about the nfl. remember, fans are what drives this league and they're going to be rooting for 28 different teams today. >> that has been the appeal of the nfl. the week of work and all the responsibilities in your life and then get the games on sunday to take you away from that. my thanks to bruce beck, kevin clark, really appreciate that. coming up, the woman roger goodell called for help on how to change the nfl domestic
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violence policy. she talked to him and she joins us, next. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. but i've managed. ♪ i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. ♪ when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. ♪ he said humira is for adults like me who've tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies,
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lost in the controversy over why the nfl's policy on domestic violence has changed is the basic fact that it has changed. on august 28th, nfl commissioner roger goodell announced players subject to a six-game suspension for their first offense. the informed team owners of the changes, goodell admitted he "didn't get it right" when he initially suspended ray rice for two games earlier this summer. quoting further, "i take responsibility for the decision and ensuring our actions in the future properly reflect our values. i didn't get it right. simply put, we have to do better and we will." tony porter who runs the adv advocacy group told espn when i saw that policy, i was astounded. i didn't expect the response to be that big.
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it all appears to have start would a phone call. mr. goodell picked up the phone and placed a call to kim gandy and they spoke for an hour. and, actually, excuse me, and joining us now to tell us about that call, what led to it and what is happening now is kim gandy. president and ceo of the national network to end domestic violence. kim, thank you for taking a few minutes. that phone call, you talked to roger goodell and we live in this world before the ray rice video emerged and this is after the video emerged and this is initially when he handed down the two-game suspension. tell us about that phone conversation. what was that like? what did you talk about? >> i was not the only person he called. he reached out to a number of domestic violence experts and asked a lot of questions. he was really trying to understand what the dynamics are of domestic violence and what it
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means. he ehad a lot of questions. and that's why the call was so long and he asked me if i would come to new york and spend intii some time with his team talking about the policies they were working to put in place and other domestic violence experts, including tony porter who was part of that meeting where we went over the policies with them and gave them our feedback and our thoughts about it and they put the policies together, we just gave them feedback on it. >> the ray rice one, this incident with ray rice is the most high-profile domestic case the nfl has ever had, but hardly ever the only domestic case. you look at statistics going back years now. this is not a problem that just started with ray rice, would you talk to about, hey, why is it not until the spring and summer of 2014 that you guys are even picking up the phone and asking me about this? >> i didn't have to ask, it was very clear why they came calling
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and it's because their female fans were exploding. the conversation was everywhere. and it wasn't just on twitter and facebook. it was in cabs that i was riding in. cab drivers talk to me about it. it was, it was absolutely crazy. i had some friends in pittsburgh who were mailing their pink jerseys to the nfl. i'm mailing in my pink jerseys. there was a huge reaction to this. it was really clear that they needed to do something. i am sorry they didn't do something before now? yes, of course. better late than never and i do think this is a very serious policy and if they enforce this policy going forward, it is going to make a real difference. >> so, i'm curious. it sounds like you're very satisfy would the policy and it sounds like you believe roger goodell was belated, but was sincere in terms of reaching out
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to change the policy of the league. when you measure your own experience with him and the policy changes that were enacted after your consultation with him and others and you look at what he's saying right now and the controversy whether he should continue to be nfl commissioner, should he go as commissioner or are you okay with him staying? >> well, i take a very practical approach to this. right now we have a commissioner who's been held to account and people are watching him and they're saying, okay, what is he going to do? is he going to make up for these bad decisions that have been made in the past. new commissioner comes in, we may not have any expectations of a new commissioner or the new commissioner may not feel like there is anything, if you will, make up for. and i think with goodell at least you have someone who has something to prove. he, i'm sure feels the need to prove that he really does care about this issue. and that he's not just trying to gloss it over. >> that's interesting because i think one of the arguments for,
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besides in situations like this it seems inevitable that the person at the top always the call for that person to go but the people who advocate that symbolic value of making a statement that a major organization like that. this is how serious we are. if you screw something like this up, you are. it seems like you see more value in terms of combatting domestic violence in the nfl with potentially keeping it. >> i think there's potential there. again, it depends on how seriously the nfl takes this new policy. but everybody's going to be watching roger goodell. every time something comes up, the world is going to be looking to see, are you going to do this right? some new commissioner comes in, may or may not get the same level of scrutiny on the handling of domestic vilan iic that he'll get. >> have you heard from him since your conversation earlier this year? >> talked to him last week. >> what did you guys talk about?
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>> we talked about ray rice, domestic violence and talked about their policies and talked about their intentions and talked about what i always talk about when i have this conversation is the importance of and the need for the nfl to be part of changing the culture of this intersection of the way our society sees masculinity and how tied up that is with violence and with sports. and the ability of an entity like the nfl with all the influence and power they have to start changing that dynamic. to start changing that culture. they could do so much. if they decided that they were going to change the culture of entitlement that starts with high school athletes in small towns and goes to the ncaa to the nfl, you could do whatever you want and you won't have any consequences for it, if they could start changing that, that
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would change generations. >> all right. kim gandy, my thanks to you. appreciate you taking a few minutes this morning. from the gridiron to the courtroom. up next, the case against adrian peterson goes from here. hello? hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. next time i'm going to midas. high-five! arg! i did not see that coming. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
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more adventures await in the seven-passenger lexus gx. see your lexus dealer. what may go down as one of the worst weeks in the history of the national football league got even worse on friday night when the texas grand jury indicted adrian peterson. a single charge of reckless or negligent injury to a child, his 4-year-old son. it involves peterson using a switch to spank his son as a form of punishment. peterson is cooperating with authorities. beyond the question of how the nfl will respond to the peterson indictment is how the legal system will face since he's facing potential prison time, if convicted, his career might be the least of his worries right
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now. joining us right now is brian weiss one of our favorite legal voices criminal defense attorney in houston where peterson has been charged. thanks for joining us this morning. the d.a. office is saying he could be facing two years in prison. when you look at this as a lawyer, what do you think of the case they have against him that they put against him so far? >> it's a pretty compelling case. injuries substantial enough that a week after the alleged discipline, there were still substantial marks and bruising on this 4-year-old's body. this is a penalty range that could incompass anywhere from six months to two years in a state jail facility and five years probation and a condition of that probation up to 180 days in jail. more over, adrian peterson and his superstar attorney, rusty hardin are walking into unfriendly territory. one of the most conservative venues in texas.
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certainly not the easiest place in the western hemisphere to try any criminal case, but particularly a criminal case with facts like these. >> so, the statement here, this was from rusty hardin, from peterson's attorney. you can see what the defense is going to be here. adrian is a loving faurlth and used his judgment as a parent to discipline his son. he used the same kind of discipline with his child that he grew up with as a child growing up in east texas. it sounds almost like he's trying to say to a potential jury, hey, there's something very sort of culturally texan about what i did. this is what parents do especially in east texas, they discipline their kids. >> you're 1,000% right. the sins of the father defense, steve. my dad whooped him with a switch and his daddy whooped him with a switch and over the course of
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this weekend people whom i've talked to seen me on nbc local here talking about this case who almost laughingly said, if this mindset was in existence when we were growing up my brother and sister and my mom and dad would have all been in cuffs because they beat us with switches. it's a tradition, make no mistake like you said, it needs to be, whether or not adrian peterson got whooped as a kid will not make any difference unless he and rusty hardin can convince these 12 jurors that what happened is reasonable under all the circumstances. nobody wants law enforcement telling us how to raise our kids. but at the end of the day, somebody has got to speak for these kids when they can't speak for themselves. >> can you see, is there a prospect just knowing the legal system so well a prospect for any plea deal no prison time? could you see something like that happening? >> i think that's entirely likely. given adrian peterson's posture
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as a first offender and given the facts that they don't meet the extreme level that we've seen in other cases and with rusty hardin at the elm. they may be two touchdown underdogs walking into court. i think it's highly unlikely that adrian peterson sees the inside of a jail cell after a booking in the montgomery sheriff department booking the other day. >> thanks for joining us. we'll keep an eye on this case going forward. shifting gears, getting congress to way in on the president's plan for isis, is next. yeah! vo: don't just dream of being the hero. make it happen. i can't believe we're missing the game for this. we're not. i've got xlte. vo: it doubles our 4g lte bandwidth in cities nationwide, so be that guy with verizon xlte.
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rebels. more of the president's plan that lawmakers should be weighing in on and, if so, when? the president has 60 days to carry out a military campaign without an act of congress. so, if applied to all the president's air strikes against isis started with the more limited campaign that he announced last month long before the speech he gave this past week that campaign would have to come to an end in early october unless congress authorizes it between now and then. what about the much more expansive and open-ended strategy that he announced this week. shouldn't congress vote on whether this is something america should be committing itself to. the president said he doesn't need congress to go forward. >> i have the authority to address the threat from isis. i believe we are strongest as a nation when the president and the congress work together. i welcome congressional support for this effort in order to show
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the world that americans are united in confronting this danger. >> key to the white house's argument is the 2001 authorization to fight al qaeda, which was passed by congress just after the 9/11 attacks. that's the resolution under which the war in afghanistan was launched. but i but isis is not al qaeda, they're enemies. should there be a new vote in congress and, if so, how would congress vote? joining me now is congressman chris van hound, a democrat from maryland. congressman, thanks for joining us. >> good morning, steve. >> let's start with an answer to that question. we were talking about this vote this week about arming and training the syrian rebels but putting that aside the expansive campaign against isis that the president outlined this week. should there be a congressional vote on that? >> i think congress should weigh in on that, steve. the vote should be an important
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one and go back to arming the rebels. with respect to the question of the president's authority to engage u.s. forces against isis in iraq and in syria, i think the congress should act. now, as you indicated, the president has cited that 2001 authorization to use military force against al qaeda as the legal authority to go after isis because isis began as al qaeda in iraq. and, so, that will on the books is very broad. in fact, the president in the past has indicated that it is overly broad. many of us in congress like adam shift and jim mcgovern have been trying over the last couple years to constrain that authority. the real question is whether or not congress will come back and actually amend that aumf to focus the authorities for the specific purpose of going after isis and what limits.
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for example, no ground forces in syria, no ground forces in iraq. >> no, i understand that, congressman. but you're saying you think congress should vote on this. are you saying you also believe that that 2001 resolution does give the president the authority to act here without congress? >> i think the president's lawyers are on pretty firm ground on asserting that authority because of the origins of isis. the dna of isis is al qaeda and the reality is you just can't change your name to escape the authority. >> but you're talking about a leaderer of isis here who began with al qaeda and left the group in some instances they have been outright enemies on the battlefield. when they are groups in opposition to each other, it does seem strange that an authorization in 2001 that basically says al qaeda and associates. this isn't an associated force. >> again, the dna of this organization began as al qaeda,
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you can't just change your name necessarily to escape that authority. anyway, the point so long the president is operating under that authority, what i'm saying is that congress does need to act. as part of that action, you need to amend the 2000 aumf. if congress reacts over here with respect to isis but the aumf is still on the books and that is the basis of the president's claim to authority and then he can keep acting under that. he says he doesn't want to put u.s. ground forces into syria. he doesn't want to use u.s. ground forces operationally in iraq, but i believe we should amend that aumf to make sure that does not happen. >> do you think that is going to happen any time soon? >> i hope congress will take action on it. from my perspective, the sooner the better. as you indicated the first step is that congress will consider this other request to arm and train the syrian rebels. there are some issues that were raised yesterday that could
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undermine that effort. there were reports coming out of the region that, in fact, one of the largest factions of the so-called moderate syrian rebels had formed a nonaggression pact with isis. very difficult to arm the syrian rebels with the purpose of going after isis if they formed a nonaggression pact with isis. that was not the case, it is a temporary agreement and it shows the murkiness of the situation right now. >> again, getting to the situation of the more expansive campaign the issue people raise here in terms of congress playing a role or not playing a role here is you guys are going to be out campaigning. you're going to be on recess for a long time this fall and back this week and pretty much out for the rest of the campaign. the question is, if you guys do not do what you're saying right now revisiting this 2001 authorization or, you know, casting a new vote on authorizing what the president talked about this week and weighing in in some meaningful
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way now, you're not coming back until afterthe election and who knows where this campaign is then and who knows if it's too late for congress to have a meaningful role. >> a lot of us trying to weigh in to amend that expansive -- >> do you think it's going to happen at all before the november election? >> i hope it does. but i don't know. >> i keep asking because i do not get the impression listening to the leadership in congress that it's not going to happen. >> it's not clear to me. right now we're going to be facing the question of this authority the president is asked to train and equip. whether or not in that conversation congress decides to move forward and address this larger question and some of us trying to deal with for two years remains an open question and i hope we act and the sooner the better. the challenge, steve, is congress has to get on the same page with respect to how we would amend that 2001 aumf to make sure that we don't alow for ground forces, for example, to
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be engaged in syria or even in iraq in an extensive way. i'm not sure all of congress is on the same page on that and the reason i say that is for the last two years, we tried to get congress to act to constrain and narrow those authorities that are on the books. that the president is now claiming with respect to going after isis. >> so then in terms of the strategy that you outlined this week. you're outlining some concerns with it. if you had to vote on it, vote on what the president outlined this week, what would you do? >> are you asking now about the situation with arming the rebels? >> both, actually. you're going to have a vote on arming the rebels this week. strategy to be outlined this week. >> the overall strategy the president outlined is a good one in the sense of rolling back the isis gains in iraq by allowing usair power to be used to support the iraqi forces and the kurdish forces. the challenge there is to make
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sure we're operating support of the united iraqi government, not on behalf of shia militia. with respect to syria, we, obviously, have a bigger challenge. the idea of arming and training the rebels, if their priority was to go after isis, would be an important part of the strategy. but, if, in fact, their number one priority is to go after assad and they're not interested in joining with us to go after isis, obviously, that piece of the strategy would be in trouble. there are serious questions raised regarding the reports yesterday about this so-called not aggression pact between a major element of the so-called moderate operation and isis. you can't be arming folks to go after isis if they're in a nonaggression pact. a lot of questions have been raised even the last 24 hours with respect to that piece.
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>> we'll see. again, sort of a two-prong thing. the question of whether congress will weigh in any more meaningful way on the broader strategy the president outlined this week democratic from maryland, appreciate your time this morning. still ahead, we go to london for more on the death of a british hostage at the hands of isis. stay with us. there's a reason no one says "easy like monday morning." sundays are the warrior's day to unplug and recharge. what if this feeling could last all week? with centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long.
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the news of the first james foley threatened with prosecution, as we reported 15 other hostages held by isis all europeans were released earlier this year and one hostages said it was because the ransoms were paid. the u.s. and the uk have long held policies of not negotiating with terrorists and not paying ransoms. we're going to address that angle of the story, that's ahead. [guy] i know what you're thinking-
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no negotiating with terrorists. all right, thanks for staying with us. as we've been reporting, there's been some more tragic news oerb night. the extremist group isis released a new propaganda video showing british aid worker david haines. the third such execution video the terrorist group has released in the past month since the usair strikes against them. james foley and steven sotloff were also beheaded. more from london in a couple mnths, minutes, including the question what going forward. among hispanic activists president obama's recent decision to delay on acting on immigration reform until after the election is being viewed as a betrayal. frank sherry tweeted, we're
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bitterly disappointed in the president and democrats we didn't make the reform promise, we just made the mistake of believing it. on tuesday a group of young activists held a sit-in at harry reid's office. frustration stems from a promise that obama made back in june when he had plans to implement an executive order by the end of the summer and that he would "act without any further delay." but then last week an about face. obama will delay any action until some time after the sunday mid-term elections. but the frustration of activists go back further than that. earlier this year they rallied against the 2 millionth deportation on the president's watch. >> for us, this president has been the deporter in chief. any day now, any day now, this administration will reach the 2 million mark for deportations. >> it was those protests and that label, deporter in chief,
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that helped spur obama to make that promise back in june. the promise he would deputize jay johnson to come up with a plan for an executive order and then make that executive order without delay. activists are saying that with an average of 1,000 deportations a day, this will mean roughly 60,000 more people being deported between now and the november election. 60,000 who perhaps wouldn't be deported if obama acted now instead of waiting. this is giving rise to suggestions including from some activists a permanent riff between the president and latino voters who backed him overwhelmingly in his two presidential campaigns. is this perhaps short sighted. likened the situation this week to obama's relationship with the lgbt community which was very shaky early on in his presidency because of his decision to repeal the don't ask, don't tell policy. in a lame duck congressional
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session he did push it through and the relationship changed. by 2012, he was on the cover of "newsweek" as the first gay president. the question is, how lasting is the delay from immigration reform? will all be forgiven if president obama acts after november? here to discuss this jonathan capehart of "washington post" wesley lowery of "washington post" and gabby, thank you for being here. gabby, let me start with you. it's been about a week now since we had the news of the president going back on that pledge that he made in june. with a little bit more perspective, a week's perspective, do you look at that any differently than you did then? >> i want to get one thing out of the way, the people that will not be forgiven are republicans and conservatives. when we're talking about forgiveness in the long, in the macroview.
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in fact, the polls show that 3 to 1 latinos play republicans because of the lack of comprehensive immigration reform. it will still be palpable because this is such a personal issue. i mentioned these numbers on air before. we have 62% of the latino voters who know somebody who's undocumented. 91% of them, it's a family member or a close friend. and 30% know somebody who has been deported. so, no, the frustration will remain. as a political communicator and someone who had to talk to the latino community every single day, what frustrates me the most is the unforced errors of how this announcement was made. why go on a sunday show to tell a political reporter that you're going to do this and not on the two networks, one, telemundo to speak directly to them. >> "meet the press" as we talked
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about last week. >> when you know you have 95% of the hispanic community waking up every single day turning on telemundo to see if they can sleep without fear of deportation. so many unforced errors. the second, why make a promise at all? you are known as the president who broke his promise because you promised a campaign promise that you would pass comprehensive immigration reform in the first year and then you make another promise. we knew the political reality. we knew the senate races that were close didn't have high voter population. so, it's frustrating because we believe that his heart is in the right place. we believe that his mind is in the right place and that he's going to do this, but all these unforced errors that show just how much democrats have to improve engaging latinos. >> jonathan capehart, i read your column this week and we quoted from it there. i thought it was an interesting comparison because thinking back i can remember what you outlined there and take people through it and remind people of the story you were telling. >> remember the lgbt community
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was not 100%, but overwhelmingly supporting barack obama when he was a candidate for u.s. president. he promised to do away with don't ask, don't tell. he talked approvingly of same-sex relationships, even if he didn't go the all the way saying he was in favor of marriage equality. once he was elected, not even 100 days into his presidency, he started getting criticized by lgbt activists saying where is our fierce advocate? where is don't ask, don't tell. what are you doing on the so-called defensive marriage act? they really push the president to do something and when the president didn't act fast enough, a lot of the things gabby just said about the frustration within the latino community with president obama, it's like a flash back moment for me because it was some of the same arguments used against president obama by the gay community. there were people who were
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calling on the president to issue an executive order. to force the military to accept the lesbian and gay troops in the ranks and the president kept saying, no, no, no we need a legislative fix, otherwise these changes won't be permanent. when the pentagon announced it was going to take a year-long review of the don't ask, don't tell policy to see how or whether it could be eliminated, a lot of people said that the president had thrown the gay community under the bus. that he was punting on the issue and not really serious about it and then fast forward, you have at the same time the justice department issuing a court brief that was supporting the so-called defense of marriage act. lots with unforced errors by the obama administration on lgbt issues and now look where we are. where don't ask, don't tell was legislatively eliminated by
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congress with the pressure from the president on the defense department to get this done. he stopped defending the so-called defense marriage act in court. evaluated invalidating it and now we have marriage equality in 19 states and the district of columbia and all the other states that have been bans on marriage equality are being challenged in federal court to the point that the supreme court this coming term or maybe the next term will have to deal with the issue of marriage equality and possibly overturn it. that "newsweek" cover showing president obama with a rainbow halo over his head calling him the first gay president is something no one would have predicted in 2009. >> right, no, it's true. that's why i find your column so interesting. we sort of see obama as sort of one of the most progressive president ever on gay issues and yet just a couple years ago the
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discussion would have been different. a question gabby was raising earlier about why make the question in the first place. i want to put a polling up on the board that may shine a little light on this. in april if he asked the question support for pathway to citiz citizenship. i know it's sort of unrelated, but the case at the border, 53, 45. the white house would make the argument that is what changed. >> the great point was made, the idea of an unforced error. i remember an old high schoolteacher told me, you never make anyone wait for bad news. they understand the political dynamics here. the idea when you come out and promise them something from the rose garden and then go back on it, there is a question of trust. i think in any type of minority community, whether it be the lgbt, the latino, you hear this especially towards democrats this idea of don't take us for granted and a lot of o, we need
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to make noise if promises are broken to us to remind politicians on the left that we might consider voting else where. we might not show up. i think that's part of it. but i think even more so than the polling, this really was a strategic political decision by the obama administration. when you look at where democrats need to hold seats in the senate this year. these are all almost completely in red states with democrats who are facing, who themselves are either moderates or arguably conservative themselves who face electorate they could all not show up. >> in arkansas, alaska, these are the states. north carolina. >> really measure how many hispanic voters there are because such an insignificant number of voters. >> gabby, as you're experiencing the disappointment you had this summer. the president says this, telegraphs this and doesn't do it. now they're telegraphing, coming after the election. is it coming after the election or do you have some doubt? >> i hope so.
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everybody that i talk to tells me he's going to do it. i want to get back to the unaccompanied minors issue. this is being framed as this is something that just happens and all of a sudden it became our political reality. that is not true. we have seen those numbers increase, summer after summer. and had the white house done what, for example, governor o'malley did or what other states are doing, san francisco and said, wait a second. this is our responsibility as a nation. these are refugees fleeing violence and we have to welcome them. i think those numbers would be better. instead, they opted for deport them as quickly as possible and put them at the front of the line. that was another offense to a community not just a latino community. the american people that understand that our country -- >> as you say, one of the things that was going on for a while and became the big media story. >> how did they leave? >> then we immediately forgot about it. >> it was urgent and the most important thing. congress can't leave without doing anything and congress did
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nothing and we're not even talking about it very much any more. the way the politics work, this is really important until we get distracted by something else and then we forget completely about it. >> we have so much going on, we have to cut it short. i want to thank jonathan capehart and read his column if you haven't, wesley and gabby, i'll talk to you later in the show. we'll go to london to talk more about the death of david haines. we'll talk about that, next. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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was forced to read a script to combat isis. chilling scene, similar to the killing of two murn journalists that took place in the last month in the wake of air strikes against the group. naming another british hostage as the group's next victim. isis is reportedly holding an additional british citizen and two american aid workers. david haines' family urged the hostage takers to contact them. 15 other europeans who were being held with haines were released this spring in release for ransom according to one of those hostages. refused to make concessions to terrorist groups who have kidnapped their citizens. last night president obama issued a statement "we will work with the united kingdom and a broad coalition of nations from the region and around the world to bring the perpetrators of this outrageous act to justice and to to degrade and destroy
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this threat to the people of our countries, the region and the world. roger, thanks for taking a few minutes this morning. let me ask you about this issue of ransoms because this is raised, anybody reading about this this morning will encounter this issue. any story you read and that is this idea that a number of european hostages were released in exchange for ransom while the united states and the united kingdom continue to refuse to pay ransoms. obviously, very, wrenching decisions and a lot involved here. but at a basic level, do we have a sense, if the united states and british were to pay ransoms, do you think they would actually, it would actually result in any released hostages? >> well, the precedent of what happened with the spanish, french, italian hostages, steve suggest that, yes, isis when it asks for ransom and it gets paid, it does release the hostage. but i think the united states and britain, however wrenching this is and agonizing it is and,
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obviously, one's heart goes out to these families. most recently the family of haines. if this ransom money is paid isis is not going to go to the candy store and spend it there. this is going to be spent on weaponry and further means to attack us. my view is that awful and difficult it is, it is right to hold firm. if, however, money were paid, the examples up to now suggest that, yes, hostages do get released. >> i guess the question it raises, would the standard be different when one of these groups dealing with the united states or dealing with britain, dealing with the two super powers here would the standard be different then in an attempt to make an example? >> i don't, we don't know. we're dealing with a hypothetical. i don't think the standard would be different. what i do know is that it is not a good thing for the allies to be disunited for us to have two policies. the fact that european allies are, it seems, paying ransoms
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and the united states and the united kingdom are not, that, obviously, suggests to isis we can drive a wedge between the allies at the very moment when allies are committing themselves to a campaign, military campaign against isis in both iraq and syria. >> so, as we say, there are, there are other westerners being held right now by this group and you have the first one of these videos came out basically right after the president launched the initial round of air strikes against isis. last month there seems to be a clear connection and now a vastly stepped up campaign against isis. the potential, i'm sure, for more hostages to be taken. is this something that as americans and as brits have to get used to. more of these potentially, a lot more of these horrible incidents happeni happening. we're talking about an open-ended commitment going for years now.
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is this something that will come with that? >> it's possible. and it is likely that we will see more of this as the campaign against isis goes forward. what is the alternative, steve? are you going to let these barbaric people just dictate their will and expand their influence? a lot of mistakes have been made. mistakes were made in syria, the war was allowed to fester for too long. president obama said that assad would go without a plan for that to happen. that was a red line set. it wasn't respected. almost no point in back going over the past but clearly mistakes were made. we can't just leave the road open to isis and right now it seems to be winning the propaganda war. i think that there has to be a strong response, not a reckless response. clearly isis is trying to tempt us into overreach and to falling into another operation like the wars in afghanistan and iraq. the president has been very
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clear. we're not going to do that. but there does have to be a stepped up campaign. if there could be some sort of propaganda victory for the west in the near future where it is clear to everyone that we have hit back effectively, i think that would be important. >> and, quickly, kristen welker reported for nbc news suggested earlier in our show that perhaps this video would make it this goal right now of building an international coalition. saerbl secretary kerry is very engaged in this. this might make it easier for the united states to build that cooperation whether it's from britain or other countries with a video like this coming out. do you agree with that? >> that's possible. you know, steve, i'm skeptical on who is really in this coalition and who is not. as we know, saudi arabia, for example, has been or these citizens of saudi arabia have been aiding the jihadists at the same time they say we need to take them on. there is a lot of talking out of
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two sides of the mouth coming out of the arab world. so, i think clearly britain, the united states, france, united european allies will do our best to bring in and we should not suggest too much in that possibility in what they will actually do. >> roger cohen, thank you for joining us. the new battleground state upending everything we know what we think we know about the fight for the senate. we'll switch gears and talk about that next. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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and in the newest poll on the race, he does lead. you can see him there at 39%. but you can see it is a complicated race in south dakota. just like it was a complicated race in kansas before the democrat dropped out and gave independent greg orman a much better chance to receipt senator pat roberts. south dakota right now, though, is still a three-way race. rick riland is the democrat and larry pressler a former senator who held the same seat between 1978 and 1996. he is now running as an independent in this race. he saw the movie "american hustle" last year about an fbi sting operation that caught a bunch of members of congress accepting bribes and you might appreciate this. when he was the senator the first time around he was famous for saying no when the underage cover agents approached him. mike rounds the republican now leads this race, as we said, by 11 points. let's look closer at that poll because it asks if larry
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pressler weren't running in the race, who would his supporters go for? the answer is that most of them would go for the democrat. you can see that there. 44 to 42 for rounds over wild and the democrat without larry presser. that's the two-way race. it's a lot more interesting. it could work the other way, too. either way, a two-way race. this is a lot more competitive. it raises the question, could something happen in south dakota like we just saw happen in kansas? one of the two nonrepublican candidates deciding to drop out and suddenly turning what had been an easy republican pickup into a heated race that could ruin the senate gop takeover hopes. joining us now larry pressler now running an independent in south dakota. he joins us this morning. i guess we still call you senator 18 years later. senator, thanks for joining us this morning. let me just start with i think this is the basic question for your candidacy in this race. if you're an independent and you
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were to win this race in november, you would have a decision to make. would you caulkwise the democrats and khamco caucus wit democrats? you endorsed president obama twice for the presidency, which candidacy would it be? >> i would caucus with whichever party would give me fundamental roll call votes that part of my reason for running is congress has not been doing its duty and it will fail again this week and probably not produce any resolution on the middle east. but under senate rules, one can caucus as an independent or a republican or a democrat. and i've been advised to wait until i get there and see how i can help south dakota the most. >> all right, so, you mentioned president's isis strategy announced this week and you think and i tend to agree with you, i don't think congress is voting on the strategy this week. you got your vote. you heard the president this week, up or down vote and how do
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you vote on what the president outlined this week? are you for or against it? >> i would vote for the air strikes for the war powers part of it. i would vote against the syrian part of it. but congress informuting foreign policy congress should have a vote on a general strategy. now, congress is always complaining that the president is doing this and that and everybody is bashing obama and i criticize obama a lot, but the point is, now it's congress' turn and congress, i predict, will take a pass. they might have some votes but they're not going to pass anything before the election, just like they took a pass on the highway tax. just like they take passes all the time on budgetary things and our deficit goes up and up. that's part of the reason i'm running is to try, we now have two independent senators and we get another one from kansas and myself, we'll then have at least four independent senators and this may be the start of something big in american politics because it could end the poisonous disputes between republicans and democrats and
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actually congress would get something done. especially on the deficit. this coming week i predict congress will debate and posture, but they won't pass, it's critical that they pass a resolution on the war powers act on the bombing part of it. also critical that they pass a resolution and i would be opposed to it on arming the syrian rebels because i don't want it put more arms into that region. everybody is over there fighting each other with u.s. arms. they have more recent u.s. arms than ours have in some cases and it's absurd. i hope part of my reason for running is to try, once again, to get congress to do something. why do you at your age running again after you served three terms in the senate? because i decided to get off my bought anymore try to do something about it. >> when you endorsed president obama, i think this was back in 2008, as i say you endorsed him twice and a republican senator for 18 years before that. when you said that in 2008, you said to the republican party that it was drifting towards a dangerous path that puts extreme
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party ideology above national interest. does that assessment still hold today six years later? >> yes. my endorsement of president obama doesn't mean i agree with him on everything. he is a personal friend of mine, but i've criticized him on several occasions. but i felt that john mccain would get us into too many wars and i'm a vietnam combat veteran and i believe we should not be involved in some of these civil wars as much as we are. now, there are some times that we have to, i think some bombing to strike back when there is a beheading and so forth is very necessary. but i don't want to see us get into that syrian thing any more. and as a vietnam veteran i take a view that we wasted our time in vietnam and my time and i was against the iraq invasion and i would have been against the afghan thing at the level we did it. we need to have special forces operations and we also need to strike back with high technology
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weapons, but not boots on the ground. and that's the part of my philosophy and congress should pass a resolution and overall strategy to that effect. i teach international relations. one of the things congress is supposed to be a co-equal in foreign policy. congress doesn't vote on anything. they don't vote on the budget. just pass continuing resolutions. and now they have a chance to vote on something and they should and i predict that they'll pass no resolution before the election. >> i got to ask you just about this race because we frame the national significance of this. everybody penciling this in as a republican win because generally a republican state in south dakota. this being a republican win, if it was, a gain for the seat because a democrat currently holds it. when we look at that polling, as i say, if it becomes a two-way race, suddenly a much more competitive race and it looks to me from afar, i'm curious, is it possible for you or riland to win a three-way race or do you need a two-way race if you're
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going to beat mike? >> i plan to win a three-way race. i have a feeling that we will. but i will fight very hard to do that. i can take my seniority back to the senate and be a very powerful senator for south dakota. that's just beginning known and taking my senorty back, i can do a lot for our rail crisis in south dakota, the grain stackers are stacking grain up. we have all sort of crises. also i expect to be backed by a large number of the native american community and that's unusual for an independent or for anybody other than a democrat. so, there's a dynamic there on a trajectory. i plan to win and i'm not necessarily downgrading anybody else in this race. my two opponents are fine fellows, but they will go to washington cloaked in special interest money. i have very little money in this campaign, an independent gets very little money. what we have now the democratic
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and republican parties are special interest money and we may make history with four independent senators on january 3rd and that will provide a step to end some of the poisonous infighting between republicans and democrats. this week we'll see congress just blame each other and not pass any resolution on foreign policy and that will be tragic because congress is supposed to do that. >> we say, can't keep an eye on kansas. we weren't looking at that at the start of the cycle. i say keep an eye on south dakota. appreciate you taking a few minutes and joining us this morning. we should point out we reached out to the other campaigns and also invited them to appear in the show and we will welcome them in future weeks. hillary clinton finished third in the iowa caucuses the last time around. we'll look at her new threat this time. ward was that new car smell and the freedom of the open road?
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it's a big day today in iowa for 37 years democratic activists and presidential hopefuls have been gathering every fall at senator tom harkens steak fry in central iowa to hear from the party's presidential hopefuls. it plays an outsize role in our national politics. iowa, of course, is a key battleground for control of the senate this year and also makes today tom harkens' final steak fry after nearly four decades and going out with a bang. not one, but two clintons will be headlining this afternoon's gatherings. hillary's first face-to-face opportunity. the new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll her positive rating is now down to 43%. 41% negative. that's a net favorable rating of two points. among all voters there. compare that with bill clinton
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56% positive rating and 21% negative rating leaves him with a 35% favorable, net favorable rating. as she gradually inches towards a candidacy, hillary's numbers have stopped defying gravity. that's what happens when you reenter day-to-day politics. to discuss where hillary stands as she pretty much embarks on her second presidential campaign here. i'm joined by patty who is a long-time aide to the first lady and senator hillary clinton, she also managed clinton's 2008 campaign. thank you for taking a few minutes this morning. i appreciate it. this was an interview last year really jumped out at me and i think of it right now because hillary clinton's first trip back to iowa in a long time and i think we can say unofficially this is the start of the campaign here for 2016. you said this in an interview last year. if hillary clinton were to run again, i think she would learn from her mistakes. i just wonder, what was her biggest mistake in 2008? >> well, talking about iowa. i have to say i was, i
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participated in the iowa caucuses last time around as a staffer, but pretty up close and personal. and i have to tell you, iowa really takes their responsibility of electing their president very seriously. you know, listening to speeches and watching is just not enough. they like to kick the tires and ask questions and they like to meet them. you know, several times and really get a feel for the candidate. and i think having gone through the process, you can't walk away from it not having a lot of respect for iowans and you can't walk away without being inspired by the process and i think that's what hillary walked away with. so, i think this time around should she run and i know she hasn't decided it. i hope she does. should she run? she's going to really embrace iowa and the process. >> so, how do you look at in 2008 i can remember this and i
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think this was a big part of to me from afar why she struggled in 2008 and in general democratic voters a lot of the iraq war vote still loomed as a mang major issue and she was the frontrunner and came in as the overwhelming frontrunner and there is a tendency in life to rally around the underdog and help fuel barack obama and the position she's in at least the democratic party, within the democratic party the position she's in right now seems to me to be very different where there is no obama out there. there doesn't seem to be anybody who's generating much energy in terms of 2016 besides hillary clinton. i wonder if you see that, as well. what changed in the party in six years to make that happen? >> well, clearly, last time around there was an error of inevitability for hillary clinton, but never in the state of iowa. she was never ahead in the state of iowa from the get go.
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in 2008. and i think that this time around, should she run, that's not going to be the case here because even now the ready for hillary pack is organizing. hillary herself has nuthing to do with it because she doesn't, but they're organizing in every county. so i think that's kind of off the table at this point. and there is no barack obama this time around. in fact, one could argue that the idea of the first woman president is really that kind of motivating factor for a lot of people this time around. >> and i wondered to this interview you gave last year you hadn't actually seen hillary clinton since 2008. is that still true? >> i have not seen her. but we are in touch. we communicate. >> and you do, it sounds like you do want her to run again. >> i really, i think she is,
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first of all, i think she'd be great. second of all, i think she's enormously qualified. and i think she, like i said, the idea of having the first woman president of this country is something that appeals to me as a mother of a 16-year-old daughter. >> all right, patty, hillary clinton's campaign manager 2008, appreciate you taking a few minutes this morning. up next, a key democratic constituency sitting right here at the table. great for frank, who's quite particular... russian jazz funk? next to swedish hip hop. when he knows what he wants... - thank you. do you have himalayan toad lilies? spotted, or speckled? speckled. yes. he has to have it. a cubist still life of rye bread... sold. it's perfect. which is why we'll ship a canary yellow jeep with leather seats from dallas to burbank if it's the one frank wants. carmax. start here.
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what happens when it's the democrat who's leading the charge to reign in pensions and go after public employees. meet gina remaundo. she made a fortune as a venture capit capitalist. when she became treasurer of rhode island babbling in 2010, she told residents they were facing a pension crisis. because of that, she said, the state could no longer afford the generous benefits that were promised to public employees when times were good. needless to say, the public employee unions hated this. they railed against the changes she implemented and they lost and then they vowed revenge. they vowed revenge this year because gina is running for governor of rhode island and the government said they're going to stop her. she won last tuesday and she won it big. we think of the democratic party and unions being allies,
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especially public employee unions. she went to war with public employee unions in her state and she just won at the polls. matt miller wrote "tuesday's primary became a test of whether a democratic who challenged orthodoxy could survive a backlax that romondo won and defeat her opponent in november marks a transformative moment for thinking." joining me now is union president randy wingarden and she joins us here on set. >> it is my pleasure to be with you, steve. >> the rhode island result jumped out at me this week. it's a small state. i grew up near rhode island not always a national barometer. i love the state, though. i thought it was significant in this sense. we talked so much about the energy in the democratic party moving increasely to the left and bill de blasio in new york
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city and then the story of gina rianondo where she went to war with public employees in her state and they tried to stop her and there is a mixed message about where the energy is in the democratic party. >> i think the energy, so, i think there's two things, a lot of things that interesting about all the primary results. but the story about gina is a mixed story. in fact, right now, she's trying to settle the lawsuit that workers brought because, you know, this is really what happened in rhode island. the workers contribute to their pensions. they don't get social security. their pensions are the only thing they get. and, so, what happened was when she actually went out and did this, it's because the state hadn't contributed for years. so, the workers did their obligation. the state didn't. and that's been happening around the rest of the nation because of austerity. the difference between what gina
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did and others in other states is that worke workers were at t table trying to help figure out the solution. but, now, as she's running for governor, she's trying to settle that lawsuit and she's she's tro actually make some of those amends, and she got some labor support and labor split its votes in various different places. >> but i remember following this at the time, because she did an interesting thing. she got elected in 2010 and she was sort of the point person on this. in a lot of other states it's the governor but in rhode island it's the treasurer. but she went around the state of rhode island and she sold this thing and the cries from unions voices back then, i remember hearing, it was betrayal, this is war on the unions. >> and you saw that throughout 2010 because there was a sense of this huge hurt from what was happening with the recession. and now what you're seeing -- so, let's before anybody starts writing an obituary of the labor
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movement yet again, let's look at what's actually happening in the 2014 elections. there are governor upon governor, whether it was rick scott in florida, whether it is corbett -- tom corbett in pennsylvania, rick schneider in michigan or even scott walker in wisconsin. they are all in either tight races or in races where wolf in pennsylvania is now leading by double digits. and they all did the same kind of -- they all worked from the same playbook. cut education, cut worker rights, suppress votes, cut women's rights, all the while increasing corporate tax benefits. and what is happening is four years later, voters in these states are saying not so much and so -- >> do you see a difference between a democrat like gina raimondo and a republican like rick schneider? >> yes, i see a difference even though i think gina raimondo was wrong that year in actually
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taking a state where they didn't have any social security benefits and cutting pensions where the workers actually had contributed to those pensions. and when she went around the state, she never actually told people that. but what's happening is that four years later after people woke up to these regressive policies, people are saying not so much. people are saying we want to invest in children. people are saying we want to make sure that workers have the right to bargain collectively, to help saufl thoolve those pro. so let's wait to see what happens in november this year before writing this obituary because what is -- what the labor movement is trying to do is trying to get a fair shake in the economy at the very same time as the middle class has been flattened, social immobility is up, being social mobility is down and income inequality is up. so what we're doing is fighting to make sure there's a fair shake for kids, for families, for communities. >> all right, randi weingarten,
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thank you for joining us this morning. yes, we will follow this through november. what should we know for the week ahead? our answers right after this. th? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. pehabits of cleaning theirld dentures with toothpaste, and dentures are very different than real teeth. they're about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. it's unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor-causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning it a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why dentists recommend using polident. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday.
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all right. i promised they'd be back. gabby and wesley back at the table. >> i think for me and those that care about immigration and the issue, we're going to be seeing communities across the country, including groups that i work with, embracing immigrants, celebrating immigrants integration. it's called welcoming week and there's going to be over 1,000 events around the country. so for those of you that appreciate the contribution immigrants give to this country, local in your local communities because it's completely different from what's happening in washington. >> wesley. >> something we haven't talked about for a little bit but the benghazi committee in congress is back having their first hearing on wednesday. it's been out of the news cycle for a while but we know it's red meat on both sides, so we'll see for the first time this committee that was put together that boehner signed off on, having witnesses come in, relitigating some of the facts.
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i'm hearing people on both sides that they hope it's a pretty productive hearing. i'll be covering that wednesday. interesting to see how that plays in the news cycle again. >> a productive benghazi hearing, that would be new. >> gabby, wesley, thanks for getting up and thank you for joining us. coming up next is melissa harris-perry. have a great week. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. this is holly. her long day of outdoor adventure starts with knee pain. and a choice. take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. onward!
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