tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 16, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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like a cover up and that will actually give it more legs than it otherwise would have. >> smoke and mirrors. gentleman, thank you for your time. that is all for now. i will see you back here at 4:00 tomorrow. the ed show is coming up next. good evening americas and welcome to the ed show, live from new york. let's get to work. >> this is the largest international response in the history of the cdc. >> 50% mortality rate. >> ebola is a new infection on this continent. >> we get serious about addressing the public health, humanitarian and security effects of this outbreak. >> our colleagues across the ocean have been dealing with it for 40 years. >> death toll now 2400 and climbing fast. >> serious threat. not just to africans to others
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around the world. >> this disease is preventable and this outbreak is controllable. >> we know that if we take the proper steps we can save lives. but we have to act fast. good to have you with us tonight folks. thanks for watching. we start with breaking news. the united states will send 3,000 military personnel to africa it in an effort to combat the worse ebola outbreak in world history. today president obama travelled to atlanta where he received a full briefing on the outbreak. short time ago he made clear how bad the situation in west africa actually is. >> hospitals, clinics, and the few treatment centers that do exist have been completely overwhelmed. an already very weak public health system is near collapse
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in these countries. patients are being turned away. people are literally dieing in the streets. here's the hard truth, in west africa, ebola is now an epidemic, of the likes we have not seen before. >> president obama says the world is looking to our country to help. >> faced with this outbreak, the world is looking to us, the united states, and it's a responsibility we embrace. we are prepared to take leadership on this to provide the kinds of capabilities that only america has and to mobilize the world in ways that only america can do. that's what we're doing as we speak. right now, the world still has an opportunity to save countless lives. right now. the world has a responsibility to act, to step up, and to do more. >> the president laid out a clear four-point plan to combat
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the ebola outbreak. >> we've devoted significant resources in support of our strategy with four goals in mind. number one, to control the outbreak. number two to address the ripple effects to communities to prevent a truly massive humanitarian disaster. >> three, to coordinate a broader global response. and four, to build up health in the future in countries that don't have a lot of resources generally. >> the new campaign could cost up to $750 million over the next six months. the military is expected to set up a regional command post in liberia, the country where transmission rates are highest. u.s. government will coordinate
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international relief efforts. the pentagon will send engineers to set up 17 treatment centers in liberia, each one will have 100 bed capacity. will train up to 500 workers in the region. plans to send 400,000 basic response kits to the area. including protective gears for families, along with gloves, masks, disinfectants and fever-reducing drugs. today the world health organization called this ebola outbreak unparalleled in modern times. so far 2500 people have died in west africa from ebola outbreak. world health organization estimates 25,000 people could become infected in the coming
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months one saying it could spike into the hundreds of thousands. republicans are supporting the president. >> i support these efforts to contain the ebola epidemic and know we will monitor this crisis in weeks ahead. >> i think this ebola outbreak in africa is a serious problem. frankly i'm a bit surprised that the administration hasn't acted more quickly to address what is a serious threat, not just to africans, but to others around the world. and i think, in the coming weeks you are going to see the congress and the administration take further steps to look at how do we best contain this very horrible disease. >> the world health organization says ebola is still spreading at an exponential rate estimating
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it could take up to a billion dollars to skbcombat the crisis. this is a crisis that must be answered. i'm sure many americans are asking the basic question, is it coming here and am i going to get it. for morre on that, great to hav the two of you with us. dr., nancy is this the perfect storm? i mean, when you look at the country, the region of this continent, what has unfolded and what they are looking at as far as resources. >> it is perfect storm it jumped from animal to man, then jumped borders, first time ebola made it to a major metropolitan area, monday roefia and then of course jumped countries in air travel. so it is unpress departmecedent
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spieralled out of control. >> what are the chances of it coming here and being a major health problem. >> zero to none because we have a robust, sophisticated health care system so if someone shows sign that person would be put in isolation in aa hospital, anyone who was in contact will be watched for 21 days. the infection will go away. remember, people who have come back to the united states have survived because we gave them treatment. basic modes of treatment are not available there so most people die off vomiting and hemorrage. >> how did we know we have done enough squl
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enough. >> we know we're doing enough because basic sanitation and basic hygiene is really all you need but you have to have the support. meaning you have to have the logistical support to be able to build these clinics and to be able to build places that the patient epts can come and be treated appropriately. that's why it wouldn't be a big deal here in the united states because we have that type of support. in monrovia that doesn't exist. dirty needles, no masks. and we have to remember, the dead, the way they are being disposed of all over west africa, the people are becoming infected because they're interacting with the fluids from the deceased people and the people have died from ebola virus. we would never have that type of situation happening in the united states. >> so doctor, with training, what kind of training would a lay person, all a sudden gets
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thrown into the position of having to help the community. what has to be learned and how hard is it? >> it's not very hard at all. the most important thing is support. when you have the lay person, they have to know the signs and symptoms. the reason it is so out of control in west africa because the signs and symptoms are almost the same as the flu. when you try to educate a populati population, do you have ebola or influenza, they will be the same to them. that's why the health care earning persons in the united states have to be very aware. when a person comes to the united states on an air plane no one has really checked for ebola unless there is symptoms. if there's a hospital in mid america when someone shows up with ebola and the nurse doesn't know the signs, that could be a
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real problem. >> every physician in this country now, i think they have to asked have you travelled and where. that should be if typical part of the examination. >> why the military. are they the only ones to have the muscle to take care of this. >> they are really great at quickly building mass units. our troops know how to quickly build things, train people, and expedite things. the real question will be who is in charge. what is the chain of command all the way up. >> can we do this alone? is this coalition signed up. >> multiple countries have signed up. you will see a global effort.
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hopefully this stresses the importance of global health. i believe it is the burden of wealthy countries to help the poor countries. >> how confident are you that $750 million and 3,000 troops and the number of facilities that will be set up to do what it has to do. >> i won't be shocked if this goes well over a billion dollars. >> oechbkay. thank you. great to have you with us tonight. the politics of all this. it is rare republicans and democrats come together on something. what is the conversation in the halls of congress? >> well, i think there's going to be support for this effort. you know, you can see john boehner from the comment you played earlier, you made the comment that it needs to be addressed. took his time out to take a pot shot at the president for not doing something quick enough, which is their standard line
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today. but i think the support will be there. it is getting so much play on tv. it's on all the shows. people have seen movies about this kind of thing so they get concerned. so republicans know politicly it would be in bad standing not to support the president. a lot of confidence in the center for disease control in this country, you see the paul allen foundation, you see, doctors without borders, those organizations provide a lot of political coverage for republicans to recognize how important it is for public investments for things like the cdc, that these are government organizations doing it, but it would be political inappropriate for them not to support it at this point. >> this is a rather unusual mission for our troops, isn't it. >> well, most definitely. but i think your previous guess, why, we are talking about
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infrastructure as far as the military side of things. we're talking about basic training on health issues. we're talking about setting up facilities. these are things the military has a good deal of experience doing, especially given the last ten years where they were setting up bases and camps all over the world. >> what is our moral obligation. how far should the united states go on ebola? >> well i think it is such a risky disease. it will have to go week by week month by month but i think we should have a strong commitment. it is a really important issue. could get way out of hand. this is a humanitarian crisis. i think the united states has a very unique role in the world to lead the way in humanitarian issues, we have a responsibility to take the lead and get commitments. now we should continue to build, again, a coalition, we shouldn't be the only ones putting in
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money. we should try to get other neighboring countries to the extent they can support what is happening here, so we are not carrying the whole burden. this could lay ground work for the next couple decades because the word has shifted. but ultimately at the end of the day we have to lead the way. >> all right, congressman appreciate your time. coming up, child abuse allegations coming to life against peterson. he's reinstated. first hagel and dempsey strategyize against isis. next. ines will be sprayed to be made. and making something stronger... will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud.
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>> what's hot what's not. time now for social media. we want you to join the ed team. social media nation has decided today's top trenders voted on by you. >> benghazi. >> two years since the terror attack and just two days until the opening hearing on the select committee. >> everyone is too out on again gauzy. >> a former official is blowing accusations on hillary clinton and her staff. >> conservative revive favorite talking point. >> think the academy review board would be showing bad light
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on hillary clinton. >> there was zero coverage on it last night. >> did this happen. >> this is really serious. this is a cover up. >> main stream media has other things to talk about. number two. peter king predicts lower manhattan could be an isis target. >> we always have to be on our guard and isis could attack us at any time. >> peter king tells us this week he's not convinced isis is not a threat to new yorker. >> isis is definitely a major player. isis is a very real threat. >> in today's top trender. >> if left unchecked isis will threaten our home land and allies. >> american military power alone, cannot, will not erad indicate the threat posed by
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isai isis. >> it will be a consistent campaign. >> must take action against isil. >> no more war, no more war. >> this will not be an easy or brief effort. >> if we believe our advisors should attack troops, i'll recommend that to the president. >> joining us tonight senator barbara boxer from california, senator good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> the information gathering taken place by your senate off and yourself where do we stand, how do you see it. >> i view this through the lens of the president. i think he speaks for me when he says the world cannot stand by and allow a group like isil, which is a very-well funded
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growth, an outgrowth of al qaeda. they have kidnapped 46 people from turkey. we know what they've done to two innocent american freelance journalist what they are doing to the brits. they say every american is a target. we have to build a world coalition. we have done that with three arab nations. i think we have three choices. we can say we're doing nothing and let them go forward with their reign of terror, raping women and girls, selling them off, giving them as gifts to their fighters, or we can take a stand, build a coalition, use combat troops on the ground from the countries in the region where we are builting the military strategy. and the third thing is what a lot of my republican friends are
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talking about, all out war. i pick the middle ground, which is exactly what the president is saying, and i think he's right. >> senator, does the administration really know what it wants to do. are we on the same page. general dempsey did not rule out putting boots on the ground. but today the state department fired back. >> the president has been very kpleer clearwat clear. we will not have troops op the ground, period. there's an exchange of what the advisors are doing but we're clear about the combat boots on the ground question. >> where do you stand on that senator? do you see any scenario unfolding if the united states would use combat troops that would be taking the fight to isis? >> no. >> do you see anything unfolding that would be at that position? >> we're not there and i don't see it.
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because i do believe what the president is doing makes sense. and i think it is very important we train the vetted syrians, and this is a very well-thought out operation that i hope the congress will rally around in a vote coming later this week. we have to remember we have one commander in chief. you're going to ask the military do they take anything off the table? they don't. so i didn't take it that way at all. it's hypothetical and we have one commander in chief. if anyone wants to keep the troops off the ground it is this president. i think he is taking that middle ground building a coalition. we're on the right track. we can't sit by. we simply cannot. sometimes there's gray issues. this to me is black and white. i voted against the war in iraq.
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this is something we have to do. unless a human being thinks you can sick back in the face of what we're seeing from this group. because literally, if you doesn't convert to their form of islam, they give you three actions, you can convert, you can flee, or we'll kill you. i mean, we can't allow this to go on. >> yeah. >> and we know since 9/11, of course, is that we're a target. this isn't a shock. we've known that and we're going to continue to be a target. we can't answer it with fear and hunker down and say we're too afraid to go against this group. that's the worse thing we can do. >> i don't think it is news if one congressman says he thinks we might get hit. we all have to know we are living in a different world
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right now. >> look at the boston marathon. we did get hit. so let's not forget. we have to be vigilant since 9/11 and now more so. but this is not something that is a shock. >> what about the extreme end of lindsey graham and john mccain who think we're not doing enough. how do we know they're not right? >> can i say, they were so wrong on iraq. and i know it personally. john mccain is my friend. we talk all the time. okay. he told me one day in the hall, when things weren't going well in iraq, he said barbara, don't worry, this thing will be over in six or eight weeks, lindsey graham was so wrong. they got us involved in the worse foreign policy disaster. >> so they have no credibility. >> to me they have zero. and my message to the american people is, don't follow the people that led us into the
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worse foreign policy disaster ever. work with the president. he has the moderate position. that's what's going to move us forward. stand up to them. that's what we should have done after 9/11. instead we went into iraq, it was a disaster. >> okay. >> and now we have an opportunity to lead the world against this kind of terrorism. >> senator ba, thanks. great to have you with us. and when we come back, we talk about the investigation of peterson's abuse against another son. next i'm taking your questions, coming up here on the ed show.
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>> welcome back to the ed show. appreciate all the questions in our ask ed line segment. first question. >> how do i stay motivated -- keep hope alive. motivation is not the problem, it's keeping up with everything. our ed team is fantastic. how do i stay motivated, keep hope alive. our next question is from dennis. he wants to know how about a #edshow fish fry. well now i normally get these question bz a minute before i go on the air but i have an inside scoop. this afternoon, one of the folks came to me and said look at this, i said, i want that one. when you go on the road, it's amazing what you pick up.
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the harken steak fry, is it over, we can't do that. on the road in iowa. look at this baby right there. a farmer from iowa and his brother a number of years started a company. look at this. you're ready to go. that sucker is 42 inches wide and 60 inches long. if i get one of those, we going to have a big fish fry. here's your market wrap. dow is up 100 points. s & p 500 gained 14. producer pricers were flat in august. economyists were expecting a slight gain.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. >> good to have you back with us. thanks for watching tonight. we have breaking news this hour. sponsors are starting the process of turning away from the national football league, in response to the recent domestic violence cases against the nfl. anheuser busch release this statement.
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notice the signage behind general manager's news conference. it is nothing but the team's logo and the radisson logo. peterson is now facing a second aallegation of child abuse against another one of his sons. late monday night, khou had this report. >> another child, another series of photos. these from an incident that allegedly occurred last june showed a head wound to a boy identified as adrian peterson's 4-year-old son, a wound weeks later left a scar above his right eye. this statement was released.
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joining me tonight national sports columnist and journalism sports professor and host of "america's attorney" great to have you with us gentleman. well terrence, it continues to snow ball. we have had the conversation about the money, now the sponsors are getting nervous. what does this mean? what's your reactions to those statements at this point. >> i am not encouraged one bit. even though i'm journalism professor at university of miami wra i went to school i majored in economics. we're not talking about marriott. and the another thing, suspending, what does that mean.
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anheuser busch, paid the nfl 1.2 bll billion they said we are concerned it is effecting the season. poor babies. then you have pepsi saying we are encouraged by what they are doing. let's cut to the chase. they know what everyone should know that the nfl is going to remain very popular. the reason these sponsors sign these long-term contracts because even if an hiawaiier ha is all window dressing. >> there are pictures that make this a heck of a lot different from hearsay or even a deposition of sorts. there's evidence. there's the arena of public
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opinion. and there's the legal arena. which is worse for the nfl. >> this is a message by vikings owner and roger goodell. if ray rice would have beaten his wife with a tree branch instead of his fist i guess everything would be okay with the nfl leadership. that's how schizophrenia this is. it gets worse. in 2001, ten games out for domestic violence charge and he was quitted and then running backs within hours no many no duty process. back then no fantasy cop out babble talk about letting the judicial process coming to a final decision as we are hearing in the peterson case. the vikings didn't feel they needed jefferson to no win a football game back then.
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now they know they need peterson to stay alive against the saints or they will get clobbered like they got clobbered by the new england patriots. it's all about money and putting fans in seats. both goodell and vikings owners are going to ovhave to look ove facts. >> what would change in last week's game to upcoming game to make peterson available to play. this is gross for the franchise isn't it. >> i want to tell you something, ed, one of the most disgusting things going on here, is to have the nfl and these teams, throwing out this term "due process" harkens back to the south. it's all about "states rights". this is a code and the code is,
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as your guest just pointed out, is they want their star player to play. we talked about minnesota getting clobbered. they are playing in new orleans this week. you got san francisco lost to the bears. now they're playing this weekend at arizona, which is 2-0 in their division. no way mcdonald's not going to play. and carolina, they have their guy greg hardy. but whew, got by with that one. >> so it is all about the money and the wins and losses. >> that's the bottom line. >> you think the vikings are making a football calculation here that we'll get through this, he's going to play. >> yeah and that is why the nfl has got to take over and decides these things. it's not going to happen. they will act like they're going to do it but the nfl has to make the decision. because teams will always side with, we want our guy out there.
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>> what legal responsibility does the nfl have here in any. if they have a code of conduct for the league players and this is how they act, don't they leave themselves wide open, the mother of a young child that gets whipped like that, if the league didn't do anything about it, i don't mean to be a stretch here but it seems to me that the league might have some kind of legal liability or not. >> well they probably have boiler plate material to protect themselves but the closer they get to this type of thing, the bigger problem they have. this isn't new news. peterson faced a similar story in 2014 he beat his four-year-old to the point the child's head needed to be bandages. no charges are brought. the prosecutor who heard testimony and saw pictures, concluded peterson should be
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charged with reckless injury to a child. >> the league doesn't have to do anything whatsoever? >> at this point for them to say we don't have any is a nice thing to say, a good attorney looking at this, every fact and case will be different, but the best way to describe what this guy peterson has been accused of, is where a person -- i'm talking about wrecklessness, the way he acted with his child, where a person drives 80 miles an hour through a school zone after drinking a quarter of whiskey. it is seflfish and stupid. this is not a man who should be playing on sunday. >> does he play the rest of the season? >> i think he will get away with it. the nfl invented the department of social accountability, whatever that is, trying to make the public think they're doing something when they are doing
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nothing. >> thanks gentleman. coming up, largest city going green. we'll bring you the details on burlington, vermont's historic change to renewable energy. be right back. ahhhha! we told people they were riding nissan's most advanced altima race car. we lied... about the race car part. altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. how did you?...what! i don't even, i'm speechless. innovation that excites. and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top?
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and the pretenders tonight, no means no. rush limbaugh, the radio host, knows how to lose hosts. he said there's nothing romantic about consent. >> at roy state university, in order to avoid being -- agreeing on the why takes all the romance out of everything. takes all the seduction. seduction used to be an art. now it's broodish and predatory and bad. >> the self-anointed master of seduction mocked the guidelines.
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>> the absence of no does not mean yes. it must be asked every step of the way. it cannot be implied or assumed even in the context of a relationship. how many of you guys, in our own experience with women have learned that no means yes, if you know how to spot it? limbaugh's thinking is both dangerous is disgusting. if rush limbaugh thinks there's romance in sexual assault, he can keep on pretending. was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to
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>> and finally tonight, a story for the folks who shower after work. the state of vermont set a goal of getting 90% of its energy from renewable resources by 2050. burlington, vermont, the state's largest city, they're way ahead of schedule. the burlington electric department purchased the mega watt one hydroelectric project earlier this month. it was the final push needed to get the city of 42,000 running on 100% renewable sources using wind, water, and biomass. burlington joins 11,000 residents of central and northern vermont who reached the goal of 100% renewable energy earlier this year under the washington electric cooperative. this isn't just the
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environmental conscious thing to do, it's making economic sense as well. both utilities will buy power from traditional sources if the wind isn't blowing or the rivers are low. however, when the resources are available, they can sell off the surpl surplus, which is the best of both worlds. the state is expected to sell more than they buy. this is how you lead, folks. if states are the laboratories of democracy, vermont is proving if we can invest and make this change, it can change america. joining me tonight, the senior vice president for government affairs for the league of conservation voters. what does this mean? these folks are way ahead of the curve. why aren't more cities and states going down this road? >> this is really great news and we absolutely are excited for the people of burlington, that they are leading the way, setting an example, all while
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enjoying the cheapest electricity rates in the state of vermont. it's a very good question you pose. we've seen more progress from cities and states who are taking leadership. it's time for congress to catch up. it's a real problem because they're standing in the way of a clean energy future. >> you got wind, i don't know if solar is involved in this, but hydro electric is strong and biomass. is this a formula for the future? >> this is absolutely a formula for the future. vermont has the highest per capita rate for its solar jobs. so vermont, a less sunny state is leading the way. we're confident that states in the south and southwest can lead the way. it bodes well. it's time to stop doubling down on dirty energy and move to a clean energy future that's win, win, win. creating jobs, protecting our
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national security and protecting the planet. >> this isn't too big a metropolitan area, 42,000 people. it would seem this is not that heavy of a lift. and if it does reduce energy expenses for families, how can states not invest? and what about the size of the community? how ideal is that? >> i think that those are very important factors that you point out, but i think that we're seeing by burlington's example that it can be done in places across the country. and you note there's a receptive audience, or population in burlington, but we're finding in poll after poll across the country, across all ages, walks of life, demographics, that people overwhelmingly want to have a clean energy future. they cut the proposal to cut carbon pollution from coal-burning power plants, responsible for 40% of the pollution in this country.
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it makes us more optimistic, if we ban together, reelect clean energy champions in the senate, like the udalls, gary peters in michigan and bruce braly in iowa. those are the kind of people we need to help congress lead us toward a clean energy future. >> what will be interesting to see is if the consumption of energy is going to be the same. do you think conservatives might be inclined to hop on board if they understood the economic advantages here? >> we hope so. hope springs eternal. there's one republican, susan collins from maine, who has been a very strong supporter of clean energy and the fight to address climate change, but there are more than 100 climate change deniers in the congress today. they need to see these are win-win solutions. there's a report out in the last couple of days saying it's good for the economy, saves consumers
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money, and it's clearly the way forward. >> it will be a campaign issue in 2016. great to have you with us tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, and thanks to you for tuning in. breaking news of the nfl scandal surrounding two of its biggest stars, moments ago, anheuser-busch, the leading sponsor of the last five super bowls released this statement. quote, we are disappointed and increasingly concerned by the recent incidents that have overshadowed this nfl season. we are not yet satisfied with the league's handling of behaviors that so clearly go against our own company culture and moral code. we have shared our concerns and expectations with the league. and late today, another major
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