tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC September 17, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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to arm syrian rebels this afternoon. >> we have been at war in that part of the world for the past 13 years. if money and military might could've made a difference, it would have by now. >> it is 1:00 p.m. on the east coast, 10:00 a.m. on the west, and here's what you need to know right now. first up, breaking news, secretary of state john kerry will be in the hot seat on capitol hill. that's next hour. he'll be testifying before the senate foreign relations committee. just hours before the house is expected to vote on the president's plan to arm and train syrian rebels. president obama spent his morning at u.s. central command in tampa thanking the men and women who will help take on isis. >> and whether in iraq or in syria, these terrorists will learn the same thing that the leaders of al qaeda already know. we need what we say. our reach is long. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. we will find you eventually.
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>> this as isis released a new propaganda video just today threatening u.s. troops and the white house. congresswoman karen bass will join me in minutes to talk about all of this. fast-moving developments in the nfl abuse scandal. in the last hour, nike suspended its contract with minnesota vikings runningback adrian peterson. and the minnesota vikings announced they are banning peterson from team activities. this while he's under investigation for allegedly beating his 4-year-old son. >> in the end, it really is about getting it right. and that's what we wanted to do here. and we made a mistake. and the main thing is, we're getting it right and that's how we came to this decision. >> the players association endorsed the move saying peterson, quote to make a
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voluntary leave to take care of personal and legal issues. mean tile, the players union is still appealing ray rice's suspension after a tape surfaced showing the runningback punching his wife. and more nfl sponsors are speaking out. among them pepsi saying domestic violence is completely unacceptable. the search is intensifying for the gunman who killed a pennsylvania state trooper. police are looking for 31-year-old eric matthew, described as a survivalist with antigovernment leanings identified by documents found in a jeep that he ditched near the barracks in blooming grove where he's accused of ambushing two state troopers last week injuring one and killing the other. the funeral will be held tomorrow for corporal brian dixon. and the southwest is bracing for record flooding. here's the reason. the remnants of hurricane odile is about to hit southern arizona and new mexico today with 8:00 inches of rain. it's the second soaking for the southwest in just days. and here's the damage odile's
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already done in mexico where it made landfall. the military is working to evacuate 30,000 stranded tourists. >> so happy to be out of there, you know. it's just tuesday, too, seemed like we were there forever. make sure look at the weather forecast up and down before you go anywhere. >> thunderstorms knocked over trees and knocked out power. let's drill down, though, on today's developing news. a flurry of activity on the hill as congress considers the president's plan to take on isis. secretary kerry will testify in the senate. and the house will hold its first vote. west virginia's democratic senator saying on the floor today that he will vote no to arming and training syrian rebels. >> i strongly believe that if our military arms and trains syrian rebels, we'll be involving ourselves in a ground conflict that we cannot resolve. where potentially everyone involved is our enemy.
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>> joining me now is congresswoman karen bass. congresswoman, thank you so much for being with me today. and let's go ahead and start with today's vote, that authorization to train and arm syrian rebels. how do you plan to vote this afternoon? >> you know, that's an excellent question. i will tell you that i am still conflicted. i have a couple more meetings to go. and my conflict centers on sy a syria, centers on who is it that we actually are going to train. and there's a number of us, i think, that have that same concern. we want to support the president in a way, we don't feel there's any great options here. but is this the best option? that's the question. i have a few more hours before i decide to how i'm going to vote today. >> and congresswoman, what sort of assurances could you receive that would get you to that yes vote? >> well, i think more specificity on who the rebels are that we would be arming and training. there's a lot of concern about that. because you know what the
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stories have been that some of these rebels have actually sold their arms to isis selling a hostage to isis. so how can we be assured of that? what exactly is the vetting process going to be? i'm glad that it is spelled out in the amendment and also that it would be subject to the leahy amendment, which means that we could not provide training or arms to individuals who had violated human rights. so that is important that's there. but many of us want more specificity, especially at the vetting process. >> indeed. and as you know, congresswoman, yesterday general dempsey seemed to open the door to potentially having troops on the ground there in iraq. something the president has repeatedly said will not happen. the president spoke today. let's take a listen. >> i want to be clear, the american forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission.
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they will support iraqi forces on the ground as they fight for their own country against these terrorists. as your commander in chief, i will not commit you to fighting another ground war in iraq. >> as you know, congresswoman, when you engage in military action, when you fight back against an enemy like isis, you can can't always predict exactly how things are going to go. so were you reassured today by the president's comments? >> well, i was. but i also heard that full exchange. and, you know, he was -- the general was presented with a very hypothetical situation. of course if the u.s. is attacked, you know, he's going to have a different recommendation to the president. so i didn't quite take what general dempsey said as opening the door that we would have troops. i heard what the president said. i was glad to hear him reenforce that.
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i really thought that was taken a bit out of context. >> and some said including our own first read this may have been a trial balloon from general dempsey. it may have been something the administration wanted him to put out and see how the public reacted. do you see that as a possibility? >> actually, i didn't. he was asked a very hypothetical situation. and i don't know how he would've answered that hypothetical situation any other way, frankly. >> all right, congresswoman, karen bass. >> thank you for having me on. a new propaganda video declaring war on the u.s. and joining me here onset, we have michael kay and host of saving heroes, a terrific program. and nbc terrorism analyst evan coleman. thank you so much for being with me today. >> thank you. >> evan, i want to start with you on this video. in it, they do threaten the white house, they threaten president obama. what do you make of the timing
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of this video's release? what do you read into it? >> well, first of all, this is the opening. it's just the trailer for the actual full-length video. there's going to be -- this is what we have in store for you. now, look, i mean, i don't think they didn't have this in store for us previously. this was always part of their plan. but there's no doubt they're taking advantage of it increased tension by the american public on this situation to try to drive interest and try to intimidate the u.s. public. >> michael, let's talk about this vote today in congress to train and arm syrian rebels. we heard congresswoman karen bass saying she has a lot of reservations about how we know exactly who it is we're arming. also, we're only going to be arming 5,000 in the next year, arming and training 5,000 in the next year. so it doesn't seem like that would be a sufficient force to
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match the 30,000 plus of isis. there's also questions about how do we make sure these rebels are actually fighting isis and not assad. do you think this is a smart strategy? >> i think all the points you raised are incredibly valid. i think congresswoman bass' reservations are valid. we've got to look at contemporary history to really understand and look at the complete lack of evidence that supports the arming of syrian rebels. there was a guy who the cia armed and funded in the 1980s. he was one of the senior leaders within fighting the soviets outside of afghanistan. he is now the leader of the army, an insurgency and militia that operates in pakistan and afghanistan that today hits u.s. led coalition forces in afghanistan. as a byproduct of what it is that we're about to do with the rebels in syria. this isn't a good idea. there is no detail to obama's strategy.
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and until we have that detail, the points that you raise, for the bbc is with syrian regime today in damascus. and he's talking to them. and they are fighting. they're in the process of fighting an alliance of the islamic front, and the free syrian army. we are talking about a strategy to free isis outside of the context of the real problem, which is assad and syria. and no one's talking about that. >> hmm. what do you make of this plan? to train and arm the syrian rebels? a number of members of congress. i think a lot of members of the public deeply concerned because of the reservations that the congressman raised, because of the concerns that michael kay just raised. is this effectively, though, our only option if we're not going to personally be putting boots on the ground? >> i think that's the issue is that if we don't support someone in syria and we're not going to put boots on the ground, how can we possibly defeat isis if their headquarters is in syria? but i think there's a very valid point here to the idea that we have to be careful who we're giving weapons to.
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we've seen that in iraq where even people who may have genuinely had the right intentions didn't have the ability to fend off isis. and as a result, the weapons fell into the hands of isis. but more importantly, if we look at what's going on in syria, isis is not the only problem. al qaeda's official franchise in syria, they're recruiting americans, and the americans that are fighting for them over there are recording videos saying we're going to come back to america and we're going to kill people and set off bombs and we're going to go after president obama. that's not isis. that's a group that's working in some cases with the free syrian army. so we have to be very, very careful who we're giving weapons to here that doesn't wear a u.s. military uniform. >> yeah. i think there's a lot to be leery of. i'm personally very concerned about this vote that's happening today. thank you, both, so much as always. >> thank you. >> and more breaking news. nbc's ann curry has just wrapped up an exclusive interview with
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we are back with a major reversal from the minnesota vikings on adrian peterson. the team is not only suspending peterson but also banning the running back from all team activities. peterson is charged with a felony for allegedly using a switch to punish his 4-year-old son. at a press conference held moments ago, the team's owner says he firmly believes this is the right decision.
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>> we made a mistake. we needed to get this right. we embrace our role in the community and the responsibilities that go with it. >> this as new developments are coming fast and furious in the ray rice scandal. the nfl players association is appealing the running back's indefinite suspension. the union citing a lack and unfair process. he was caught on tape punching his then fiancee in an elevator. they'll be holding their weekly press conference, that will happen later today. and in the midst of all of this, some major brands are voicing their concerns. mcdonald's, general motors, pepsico, visa and anheuser-busch are just a few of the major sponsors voicing concerns to the nfl about domestic violence. and in the last hour, nike
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suspended their contract with adrian peterson over $1 billion. that's billion with a "b." that's how much money companies pay each year to be nfl sponsors. and that is how much money is at stake here. joining me now is the sports columnist for "bloomberg view" and also trevor price. thank you, both, so much for being with me. >> thank you. >> so we have this huge question of the sponsors and what will they do? and we've had a number of sponsors come out and condemn the way that the nfl has handled the ray rice situation with domestic violence in particular. we had radisson, though, as essentially the only sponsor who has actually pulled their ad dollars, that from the minnesota vikings. what is it going to take for more sponsors to actually drop here? >> it's going to take sponsors realizing they have more to gain in the public relations of coming out on the right side of this issue than they do from the
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millions of dollars they invest in the nfl, frankly. anheuser-busch as you mentioned has a six-year $1.2 billion endorsement with the nfl. it will take a national sponsor on that kind of level to actually move the needle and convince the other owners that this is affecting their bottom lines and not just, you know, the vikings and the ravens. >> trevor, from a player's perspective, how do you view this situation where you have the increasing scrutiny on the nfl, on specific players. what do you think is going through the minds of players right now? >> yeah, i've long said that as an athlete, not a football player, but as a professional athlete in this country, we take things that are not supposed to be taken very seriously, very seriously. these are games we play. we play children's games for a living. but when you add budweiser and nike and the billions of dollars that come with people consuming our sport, then it becomes a
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serious matter. when you're playing on a playground, it's not a serious matter, although it's the same game. you put all that together, what do you have? you have a bunch of men, professional athletes that when it's time to take something other than your sport seriously, it takes us a little while to process it. because we use that part of our brains playing football or playing football or baseball or whatever it may be. i think there's a time, you know, roger goodell got it wrong, the vikings got it wrong, the ravens got it wrong. that's part of the culture. i'm not saying professional athletes and owners and coaches don't have common sense. they do. it's just that most of it is being used on what's happening next sunday, what's happening with the a.l. pennant race? the nba playoffs? you know what i'm saying? >> yeah. >> i think we have to be careful when we're saying it's about professional athletes but more along the lines what we take seriously when we take it seriously. >> and trevor, the nfl players
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union is appealing ray rice's indefinite suspension. they say there was a lack of a fair, impartial process. do you think there's any voracity to what they're saying? >> no, the problem with the players association is the same side of -- different sides of the same coin. so they have to represent all nfl players whether or not they are guilty or wrong or right. if you're an nfl player and you're part of the union, then that is their job. they're in a bad situation. because when you say fair, impartial, everybody saw the video. >> right. >> anybody with any common sense will say, you know what, what the ravens did and the nfl did is right. but that has very little to do with the union. >> the problem is it took them so long to do it, not the ultimate decision they came to. thank you, both, so much for your time. >> thank you. and joining me now is congresswoman diana diget of colorado. and thank you so much for being here with us. i know you are urging house
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leaders to hold a congressional hearing on how professional sports leagues handle domestic violence. you wrote, quote, a "usa today" data base identified 33 separate incidents in the past five years. what compelled you to write that letter? and can you tell us what progress there is on that hearing at this point? >> yes. well, i'm the senior democrat on the investigation -- oversight investigation subcommittee of the house energy and commerce committee. we have jurisdiction over major league sports. and we have a long tradition on this subcommittee of investigating widespread issues around major league sports. we did the doping allegations with the major league baseball and others. and it seems to me that there's a widespread misunderstanding or
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worse among the nfl about how to handle these very serious domestic violence allegations. so i sent the letter to my chairman fred upton. i work closely with upton on these issues and he's looking closely at my letter to see whether he wants to have hearings. i hope we do. often times when we have these hearings in my committee, then we find miraculously that policies are revised, things happen just shortly before we have the hearing. so we're really shining light on the issue. >> and congresswoman, if you could, speak to the importance of really holding professional sports players to a higher standard than you hold the general public because they are seeing so much as role models in the country and in their communities. >> well, i think every member of the public should be held to high standards when it comes to domestic violence. the problem is, in the nfl and in major league sports. unfortunately, just like the rest of society, a lot of domestic violence was swept under the regular or minimized. and since this is such an
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example for families across america, we do believe that the nfl should take the initiative, should put together a very robust policy. right now, what they've done. they've even made it less standards than they have for drugs or for alcohol, or for other things. and it's at least as serious. >> indeed. senator cory booker, as you know, is seeking to yank the nfl's tax-exempt status altogether. what is the justification at this point for the nfl to keep their tax exempt status? >> well, i'm not going to talk about the tax exempt status. but what i would say is that i think that the nfl needs to see both of these recent cases as a wake-up call. and they need to demonstrate to their viewers, by the way, i'm a season ticketholder, so i -- i'm one of the viewers. to say we hold the league to the highest standards, and we are
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not going to accept domestic violence as part of any football player's life. >> congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us and thank you for your work. >> good to be with you. >> and for this week's call to action, we are asking you to team up against domestic abuse. join the 16 female senators who wrote a letter to nfl commissioner roger goodell calling for a zero tolerance policy in the nfl. if you agree, head to our website to sign your name, tweet us with #zerotolerance to let us know what you think. so far, more than 1,000 of you have signed our petition. keep those signatures coming. that hard. i read most of the book.. you didn't read the book. i read some of the book. it's all about being prepared. proper nutrition... keeping the romance alive. level 7! and setting a good example. daddy's trying. we are so ready for this.
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what our constitution says building our nation is about we, the people. it sounds corny. but that's exactly what it is. that's why the work you're doing to register voters increase participation is so important. only some of the voices are being heard. and as a result, things have gotten really out of whack, folks. there's nothing inherently bad about corporations or wealthy people. they're just as patriotic as other folks. but something happened. things are out of whack. it comes down to a simple question of fairness. americans have always done best when we've acted as one america. when we do, the nation succeeds. >> speaking my language there. vice president joe biden striking a populist tone in iowa less than an hour ago. three days after hillary clinton
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was in the state. biden was in des moines to help kick off a voter turnout bus tour built as nonpartisan, but as the des moines register points out, this is iowa, the political implications are ever present. ever present, indeed, since the vice president is in iowa keeping his name in the presidential campaign conversation. we wanted to get a perspective from someone who has been part of a biden presidential campaign. so joining us now, we have robert hoops, president of the public affairs firm vox global and former chief of staff to the vice president at the 2012 democratic national convention. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks, my pleasure. >> robert, you have known joe biden for quite a while. you first worked with him during his 1988 presidential campaign and you later joined his senate office and also preia08 do you think he's going to run? what do you think as an expert? >> i think, i think right now the vice president is focused on really one and two things. the first is being the best vice president that he can be. the second is, he will take and
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accept an invitation from anyone who is interested in the same core philosophical political issues that he's advocated since he came to the senate in 1972. and i think he learned at a young age to do specifically what the nuns told him to do. so a chance to be in iowa with them, talking about issues like voter registration, equal pay, closing the income gap, these are really important things to him personally. the other piece of this -- >> so it's just a coincidence it's in iowa, then, robert? >> well, there's a lot of races in iowa. he's in denver this week, he's in texas this week. but iowa's an important state. and look, he's run twice for president, he's got a lot of friends in iowa. no question about that. >> right. indeed. and some -- on a troubling side, the vice president did have to walk back a jewish slur he used in a speech yesterday. he was describing his son's bo's experience helping members of
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military in iraq. take a listen to that. >> people talking about what happened at home in terms of foreclosure, in terms of bad loans that were -- i mean, these shilocs who took advantage of these men and women while overseas. >> as you can imagine, he drew criticism for that comment. they jews and remains offensive to this day. vice president biden issued a statement saying it was a poor choice of words. this is far from the first time that joe biden has made this sort of a slip. this sort of a gaffe. are these types of flubs, fumbles, inappropriate statements i guess you could say, are those going to keep him from being taken seriously as a presidential contender? >> no, i think -- look, that whole statement also notes that the vice president has been and is among the greatest champions of the state of israel. so i think biden's authenticity, biden's sincerity, actually make him highly desirable candidate
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and a highly desirable part of the american government. i mean, people appreciate folks that don't just talk in sound bites, but actually say what's on their mind. if sometimes that creates a little enthusiasm and twitterpalooza from the traveling press corps, so be it. but i think the vice president is who he is. who he has always been. and i think the american people appreciate that about him very much. >> yeah. well, we do have a cnn poll released friday about the way the democratic candidates potentially stack up in iowa. hillary clinton far outpacing everyone else. joe biden, though, coming in second there with 15%. do you think hillary already has this thing locked up? or is there room for a more populist candidate to her left? >> right now, nobody's got it locked up. go back to president truman, to the '08 campaign, to a governor
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from arkansas that nobody had ever heard of. no such thing as a lock in american politics. it's like college football, why you play the games. >> indeed. and i think 2008 is certainly testament to that. robert hoops, thank you so much. and up next, what causes a person to stay in an abusive relationship? meredith vieira comes forward with her very personal answer to that story after the break. >> and then it went beyond that to actually taking his hand and grabbing hi face and saying, i could ruin your career if i wanted to and no one would want you. it's time for the "your business" entrepreneur of the week. harold, the owner of eight cousins bookstore in massachusetts had an idea, get customers to shop local with a where's waldo scavenger hunt. it was so successful, the idea's gone national. for more watch sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc.
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it turned into pushing me into the wall. and then it went beyond that to actually taking his hand and grabbing my face and saying i could ruin your career if i wanted to and no one would want you. then there was the night that i -- we shared an apartment and he threw me into a shower naked in scalding water and threw me outside into the hallway. and i continued to stay in that relationship until i was offered a job in another state. and that's where i felt i had the ability to get away. >> i loved this guy, she says. i'm joined now by cindy southworth. cindy, thanks for being with us. and what i think is so important about meredith's story is it reminds us that domestic violence is not an nfl problem. it's certainly not just an
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african-american problem, every nine seconds a woman is abused or assaulted in this country. is meredith's story representative of why so many domestic abuse victims do decide to stay? >> crystal, absolutely. when you think about it, first of all, no one comes to you and says i'm going to control you, dominate you, terrorize you, control where you go, would you like to go on a date? so what happens is they can be charming and lovely and wonderful. and victims do love their partners. it's typically why they're together. why they stay is complexed and nuanced. but, you know, fear, terror, you know, there's so many reasons women stay. >> yeah. and guilt at times, too. because he comes back. i'll never do it again, he's crying, it'll destroy me if you leave. and i think for some, they want to believe that and so that -- so they do. it takes the average domestic violence victim seven attempts over a period of years before they'll end an abusive relationship for good as meredith said in her situation,
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she found a way out by getting a new job in another state that was away from her abuser, the victims who are able to leave like meredith. what typically pushes them to actually walk out that door? >> well, and one of the challenges with leaving, it's the absolutely most dangerous time, which is sort of counterintuitive. people say, why doesn't she leave? not realizing staying might be keeping her alive. and 75% of homicide victims tried to leave or did leave with a year before they were killed. so there's, you know, real risk. and also the risk of if you leave, i'll kill the pets, the children, your family, myself. there's so many barriers. i'm to some extent in awe that women do leave. there are so many barriers. one of the things that can make a big difference for victims in leaving is support. and nonjudgmental support. not blaming, not judging, actually stopping the questions of why didn't you just or why don't you just. and being supportive no matter
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what choices the victim is sort of forced to make. >> and i think a lot of people, unfortunately, connect to these stories because either they have experienced abusive relationship or a loved one has. it has far, far too common. thank you so much. >> thank you for covering it. and up next, a potential major development involving the ferguson, missouri, officer who shot unarmed black teen michael brown. that's next. i've always loved exploring and looking for something better. that's the way i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis...
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we have breaking news. nbc's ann curry has just wrapped up an exclusive interview with iran's president, hasan rouhani in tehran. we have new details referencing isis. he told her, quote, from the viewpoint of the islamic tenets and culture, killing innocent people equals the killing of the whole humanity. more of that exclusive interview coming up tonight on msnbc and tonight on nbc news with brian williams.
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>> the country is looking to see if we can bridge this divide. >> arrest darren wilson, that was the battle cry last night at a meeting of the city council in ferguson, missouri. wilson has not been arrested, be he is reportedly speaking. according to a local newspaper, the police officer involved in the shooting. spoke for four hours yesterday before the grand jury. ron allen, of course, has been covering developments in ferguson. he is here in our studios now for an update. >> thank you. >> so we are hearing that darren wilson is testifying in this case. what do you make of that development? >> it could be a huge development. it's not unexpected. he had -- we'd heard he wanted to do this. he's not obligated to do it. it's the central demand of people in ferguson, arrest darren wilson and what is his story.
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as you heard at that county council meeting last night. people can't understand why what they've seen in the media and read and heard. so many witnesses have come forward who said he had his hands up, he surrendered with his hands up when he was shot and killed. some people made up their minds, they believe he was executed to use their words. but if the officers coming forward, that's significant. it's also going to increase expectations now that the grand jury will wrap up its business. what else do they need to hear now, people will ask. the term was extended into january raising the expectation that this might play out into the winter, into january, which is possible still. >> right. >> but now i think there'll be expectations that they'll -- what more do you need to hear? you heard the witnesses, the cops, let's make a decision. >> what do you think will happen in ferguson if he's not arrested? if he's not charged? >> i think there'll be trouble. i think there'll be problems. i don't think there'll be violence, but people are upset. and this has become a line in
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the sand to use an old cliche, if you will. people have decided that they want to see justice in this case. and as you've seen, the issues go beyond michael brown. they're about just the relationship that the community has with law enforcement generally. over so many issues. and their leaders. so if the officer is not indicted, i think you're going to see more scenes like that county council commission and so many others in the streets, as well. >> indeed, and as you're mentioning the death of michael brown has resinated across the country, resinated even around the world. about the criminal justice system, growing poverty and perception. our partners have traveled to another african-american community to get a new look at one of the year's biggest stories.
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ours has lasted, you know, all this time. it's a place -- it's a place of refuge as well as resort. it's nice to come to a place where you can be around people who have had the same success as you have had, but not feel embarrassed about it, not feeling ashamed of it, and not being one of just a few, but you're one of many now. ♪ ♪ >> the fact that you can see so many african americans actually just enjoying themselves and relaxing, having a vacation. different from the depiction that so often is seen, us being
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ourselves. doing what makes us comfortable and being bright, intelligent, beautiful people in a beautiful setting. it's natural. ♪ >> we are the polar bears. >> woo! >> the dichotomy of what's going on in ferguson versus here, it's like i can't even -- there is no comparison for me. but the fact that it does happen, it really does sadden me. i think as most people, black and white, violence is rampant, racism is alive. we have incidents like ferguson. we still have a ways to go in america. i think we're on our way. ♪ no stopping us now
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♪ we're on a roll >> i remember one incident here when a -- i think it was the fourth of july. there was a huge onslaught of black students from black colleges. black students from all colleges here. the state of massachusetts sent in policemen. and we were outraged because these are our kids. they never came back again. so, on one hand, when there were a few of us here and they can maintain it, is one thing, but when there's an onslaught of people they know and they have in their minds the history, they're going to tear the place up. >> hands up! >> don't shoot! >> hands up! >> don't shoot! >> i understand, you know, that community has 26% unemployment for that black community. those folks don't have a lot to look forward to. about living in oak bluffs. you know, you're not going to forget you're black.
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as long as you have a mirror you'll pretty much know your deal. it might not be brought to your attention as much as the rest of america. >> thanks for that report. ron allen is still with us. one of the things we saw in ferguson was the difference between the way that white people and black people viewed the situation on the ground. and i think what's interesting about that piece is it doesn't matter where you are around the country, whether you're in ferguson or martha's vine yard, right, the african-american community sees the issues in ferguson in part as racial issues. >> yeah. and there's a lot of focus on it because every time the issue of race comes onto the national agenda, it's a very sensitive and emotional issue. it's hard for some people to talk about. people at all ends of the economic spectrum are vigilant about how it's being discussed. it plays out differently in the streets of ferguson and plays out differently in martha's vineyard, for example. one of the women mentioned, i
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think in '90s, i think, a large number of black youths were partying on a beach. it was broken up by police. they wonder how race plays out in the media or elsewhere. >> whether you're in ferguson or no matter where are you around the country, i think that's why ferguson struck such a chord because it's issues of race, issues of criminal justice, issues of inequality, even poor public education, all of that. nbc's ron allen, thank you. that wraps things up for "ronan farrow daily." i'll see you back here in one hour for "the cycle" but now it's time for "the reid report". >> next up, bringing the fight to isis. the president reiterates his plan to combat the terror group as secretary john kerry goes to capitol hill. about a half hour from now to defend the strategy. plus, more bad news for adrian peterson and the nfl. ♪
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hello, i'm joy reid. we're following two big stories right now on t"the reid report" >> this is not simply america versus isil. >> president obama went to central u.s. command in tampa to sell his strategy to take on isis. while john ker heads to capitol hill to sell the plan to congress. a new sponsor just cut ties with adrian peterson. john kerry will testify. testimony we'll bring you here live. it's the latest round in obama's sell to congress. now trying to make the case for war against isis in iraq and syria. just a short time ago, president obama was in tampa, florida, at u.s. central command, which oversees all u.s. military operations in the middle east.
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reiterating his pledge to put no boots on the ground. >> i want to be clear. the american forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. they will support iraqi forces on the ground. as they fight for their own country against these terrorists. as your commander in chief, i will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in iraq. >> back on capitol hill, the message was the same as the fbi director and the director of national counterterrorism told a house hearing that competition between isis and al qaeda could make the u.s. a richer target for terrorist recruiters. and yet many on the hill today expressed skepticism about yet another war in iraq. some questioned if we could trust the group known as the free syrian army, which included congressman joe manchin which
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told andrea mitchell that he would rather vote for a government shutdown rather than an explicit vote on arming the rebels. nancy pelosi says she suspects the president's plan but no amount of careful planning can erase the stain of the 2003 invasion. >> i think the american people are very burned by that experience of iraq. >> nbc's kelly o'donnell joins me from capitol hill. a lot of skepticism, especially by joe manchin. what do we expect today? >> reporter: joe manchin from west virginia, a state with a very high population of those in the armed forces and of veterans. he's really echoing among
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