tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC September 19, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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you know? and if words got back to the locker room with what was going on within our household, then that could sometimes escalate the arguing into our home because we were letting the things that were happening at home in our home outside of the home. so that was -- >> dejuan smith williams and harry carson, thank you very much. i really appreciate hearing from both of you. that is "all in." good evening, rachel. >> good evening. so the political process in one u.s. state today fell completely apart. and while all states are equally important at some level right now, this is a particularly important state and their democratic process today just went kersplat. in an unexpected way. we had been following the story for a few days, i guess for a couple of weeks now. as the story has been getting stranger and stranger, today, truly, it went off the rails in a way that nobody saw coming.
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here's the stage for what happened. his name is chris kobak. he's the secretary of state in kstz kst. he 1 the top elections official in that state. but he's also a national figure. he's trying to make himself the national model for how conservative republicans should run elections. chris kobak has been markting this program to states around the country. it's called the interstate cross check program. the idea is to have as many states possible dump all of their voting records into this giant pool and then everybody sorts through those records, looking for any nefarious americans who might be registered to vote in two places at once. since chris kobak started coaxing over states into this project, it's grown to include more than 20 states, a hundred million voters are now voting under the cross check program, even though the program guide itself warns about a significant
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number of false positives. false positives makes it look like people are committing voter fraud when actually, they're doing no such thing. chris kobak has been famous for making voters hand over new documentation that they've never had to show before. he has evan jalized voter id laws. in kansas, where he is in charge, he's pushed the whole voter id thing even further. he's ended up in court defending kansas' new law which didn't make it just have to ploouf your identity with an id kard. it made you have to prove your citizen ship. how would you prove your citizen ship? do you know where your birth certificate is right now? could you put your hands on it? as far as you can tell, you're not a citizen and you're not voting in kansas. chris kobak made these new rules
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so strict in kansas, they have to have a whole set of parallel rules for voting in state elections and federal elections. i mean, 23 you can't meet this new requirement being pushed in kansas, then, in all likelihood, you can still vote for president and for congress, because those are federal elections. but you can't vote in your local races. you can't vote for governor or mayor or secretary of state. chris kobak just doesn't trust you to vote under kansas law. so kansas has created two separate classes of voting. i mean, we haven't seen much of this in this country since they used two-tiered voting systems in the jim crow south to keep african americans from voting. but kansas has brought it back. and is voting that way again in 2014 because if you ask kres kobak, some kansas voters are really only half qualified to vote. 17% of the people who had
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otherwise lawfully re lly regiso vote in kansas were not allowed to vote this year. they went through the trouble of registering but chris kobak said you're not registered enough. yeah, that might be good enough for you to vote in other elections, but not here. that is the system that was championed in kansas. >> so those people haven't completed their registration yet. they can complete it tomorrow if they want to. and by the way, 72% of the people who have registered to vote since january 1, 2013, have kbleeted their application. and have proven citizenship. so those are the 28% prokra procrastinators. i'd probably be one if i were registering to vote. >> 72% of people trying to register to vote are getting there eventually. but the rest, procrastinators.
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19,000 kansasans that would work to vote in any other state and would work for them to vote in a federal election, but not in kansas. not under chris kobach. he is a national conservative on this stuff. he is a crusader. he is the national poster boy for stopping any she nan begins in voting even if nobody's quiet shoour what these supposed shenanigans are and it's stopping thousands of people from voting in kansas who would legally be able to vote under any regime. you've got to stop the shenanigans. that's who chris kobach is. that's the stage here. and today, chris kobach is reaping the whirlwind. what is happening right now in the election in his state, it's, like, the fact that it's happening to him -- it's like --
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when a family values politician gets caught in bed with a goat or something and it turns out it's a boy goat? really? it happened to this guy? this guy? yesterday, secretary of state chris kobach lost a ruling in kansas. he had been trying to force a democrat to remain on the ballot for the u.s. senate race in kansas in year. mr. kobach was refusing to let him quit the race. the race we're talking about is the race for the senate seet held by pat rob erts. this has become the most important senate race in the country as the republican party tries to take over the senate and they doent want to have to defend would ought to be safe seats. but rob erts is in real trouble especially if the democrat in the race drops out, as he wants to. that leaves the roberts trailing
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a well-funded independent campaign. and in a two-way race between these two guys, everybody in kgs kst understands the dynamic here. pat rob erts has a much harder time keeping his seat in the senate. head-to-head, the independent guy looks like he beats him handily. and national republicans would have a much harder time winning the six seats that i had're desperate to win. i mean, all states are important. but this kansas race is important like that. i mean, it's the whole country, right? so chris kobach, this is his moment. and as the chief elections official in kansas, he has tried to force the democrat to stay in the race. yesterday, the kansas supreme court ordered him that he needed to take the democrat's name off the ballot. the court ruled unanimously, all the democratically apointed judges and republican appointed judges, it was in a minute, please. so chris kobach lost that court fight yesterday. and after he lost the fight, he went back to try to make this a
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three-way race anyway. he announced that he'd given the democrats agt days to pick a new candidate on the ballot. he also said he was pushing back the deadline in order to allow time for that to happen. he was pushing back the deadline because there's a certain date by which he'd have to sends out overseas military ballots. it's important to know here that they don't want to put anybody on the ballot. that's why their candidate drops out. the democrats are not going to rush to fill that ballot line on chris kobach's say so. it's important to know what chris kobach told the court before they ruled against him. he told them, officially, that as secretary of state, he was up against a hard deadline of tomorrow.
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he told them already that's the deadline. it's a hard deadline and there's a reason they said that. that is actually federal law with a deadline of tomorrow to get those ballots sent out. the justice department had agreed to give mr. koebl a one-week extension on that deadline. i don't know why the ap reported that. today, the justice department said we don't know what you're talking about. there's no waiver for kansas. there's no extension here. that's the law. so now, the kansas secretary of state has changed his mind again. late today, chris koeb said okay. fine. i will send those ballots out tomorrow. i will meet that deadline because, you know, it is the law.
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he's not going to just send that out because that makes him too uncomfortable. he's inventsed a new way of electioneeriing. he's going to send them a disclaimer with them. a disclaimer. an asterisk? a disclaimer on a federal ballot. kansas, i could not love you more. sooersly, are you trying to get away with this? i thought i couldn't love them more. but then we actually got a copy today of the disclaimer. we got the letter/disclaimer that mr. no shenannigans is is about to send out with the ballot in this race and it is fantastic. ready? quote. two kansas voters, excuse me, two kansas voters receiving bat lols to the absentee voting act.
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people voting onto vote for senate in kansas and the two different kinds of ball lots might have different lists of candidates on them. and you're supposed to interpret that when you get that. you're, like, serving in germany. you're in the national guard when you get this with your ballot. and what exactly are you supposed to do? if ewe vote with the ballot that chris koeb puts in the mail to you tomorrow, with this disclaimer sent along with it, if you vote that ballot, and then chris koeb sends you a second ballot, which of your ball lots is he going to throw out? the first ballot that you sent? what if you didn't actually use the other one that he sent to you? what if you like the way you're going to vote when you see the one list of candidates, bud then when he sends you a different ballot with a different list of candidates on it later, you, like, maybe want to change your vote because you like that list of candidates better. which ballot are they going to count? and how are they going to know which one to count? and how are you going to know
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which one they did kournt? orr if they do count it? do you send back the disclaimer? no shenanigans. we also learned today that chris koeb said he is ne gauche yating with the justice department to know try to move the date of the entire election. the election. the election day this year, november 4th, check your calendar. it's pre-printed in there. not for kansas. chris koeb wants the election in kansas to, instead, be november 12th. chris kobach was amazing to watch when he was trying to force the democrat to stay on the ballot. and then he ordered to choose a new candidate. and then he said they would not and then sent out the date wac again and now he wants to send one ballot now with a disclaimer and then he wants to send a replacement ballot that he says is the only one he will count and not the one he's sending with the disclaimer. and all of this from the man who's been lecturing america on
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how to run your elections right. bring your ids. jump tluf flaming hoops with puppies. everyone if that cuts 18,000 registered voters from voting, they're procrastinators and i'm chris kobach. and oh, this year, we'll delay the election a week. just for kansas. this story has been getting more fascinating with every passing day. but, today, it went completely nuts. i'll be right back. we are a collection of smalls. a home saved.
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let's say you live in beautiful, rural north carolina. you live in a place so beautiful it's literally called eden. and, yes, unfortunately, there was a giant toxic coal spill in your river. it is a lovely part of the state and a lovely part of the country. 23 you live in that part of rural north carolina, your congressm congressman, for ever, has been this guy, howard kobul. there's no real race for his seet. there's no chance that the democrat will capture his seat. it's rated safe republican, solid republican. whoever wins, the republican primary is expected to have a lock on that seat. imagine you are from there. now, imagine you are a muslim. i don't know how many muslims live that that congressional district. there are 2 or 3 million people
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muslim in the united states. statistically, the odds are some of them are in north carolina and some of them are probably even in that district. but imagine you are muslim and that is the congressional district you live and you have just learned that this guy is about to be your congressman. >> if i read the koran, as a minister, i have a copy of that. and if you hold the koran, every one of you people who are not islam in belief, you're infidel. do you know what infidel is? they have every right to kill you. i respected george w. bush and some of the things he did, but i would beg to differ that islam is a religion of peace. you can't have a religion of peace where you have a billion people chopping off heads all over the country. >> that ice what being muslim is. meet mark walker. he won the republican nomination for howard kobul's seet this year.
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this video hosted it today and it started to get some attention in the north carolina press. not so much for him saying that islam is a billion people who all want to murder you. a billion people chopping off heads. that's getting less attention then what he goes onto say in the same event about wanting the united states to declare war on mexico. and not just any kind of war, but laser war. >> they got other people, other countries why can't we regard our own? >> my first answer to that would be to yuutilize the national gud as much as we can. but i'll tell you, if we have foreignerer sneaking in with drug cartels, to me, that is a national threat. if we've got to laser blitz somebody with a jet to make a point, i don't have a problem with that, either. [ applause ] >> i hope you wouldn't have any
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qualms about stopping up a little war with mexico? >> well, we did it before. if we need to do it again, i don't have a qualm with that. >> why would i have a qualm with that? laser'm. laser'm. boom. he's probably going to congress this year. >> do you think the house republicans are going to put him on the foreign relations committee? maybe the science committee? laser'm. >> it's been a long time since foreign relations was a strong suit in the united states congress. or since having a third grade level grasp of the subt was a prerequisite. yes, maybe the democrat in the race will beat mark walker who believes every muslim on the earth is trying to kill you. maybe it suggests she will not and he is on his way to
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congress. today, president obama passed legislation which funds the government through mid december and also funds the expanded program for syrian rebel groups. there's no money attached to that authorization. their aut riization only goes for a few weeks. also, the cia already doing this in training of the rebels anyway. but they approved just a nonsecret version of something they're already doing. today, the pentagon announced two more u.s. air strikes inside iraq. and they also announced that the first air strike was completed by somebody other than the u.s. military. a french military jet today also completed an air strike tonight somewhere in nort eastern iraq. this is officially the joint u.s. air war in iraq. a joint u.s. french air war in iraq that congress has never weighed in on, approved or debated.
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but we are in this war with france, which does raise one point of potential awkwardness. the terms we use to describe that war are very different. when we talk about who it is that we are fighting against in iraq and soon-to-be syria, it's been confusing enough just over here. >> in this case, a strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. >> to degrade and detroy isil. >> isis will only be truly defeated when it's rejected. >> isil, isis, the islamic state, is, we use them all. but, there france, our new partner, they do not call them any of those things. and thats not just because french is called something different in empk lish.
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>> is that the french pronunciation of isis or isil? not al all. dash is essentially an arabic acronym for isis. that's used by some of the arabic states in the region. some of the rebels who hate isis in syria call them that. the syrian government calls them that. one of the great advantages is that they aparentally really hate it. the isis guys really hate it. dash is just an acronym for their name. theoretically, it shouldn't bother them, but, apparently, it sounds similar to an arabic word to tremble upon. when you're talking about feet and shoes, that is not a nice thing to say about anybody in arabic. so, because it bothers them, that is what the french call them. dash. it apparently makes isis really
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mad. really annoy. and that is good in its own right. does it unset 8 you? houbt if i said it louder? but even though the french have made that choice, in our system of government, it is hard to imagine our members of congress in plarticular being able to manage the culturally sensitive nuance like that. laser blitz'm. but as our congress goes home now until mid november, until after the elections, what is likely to happen now in the war effort that is proceeding without any democratic debate in our country at all? while congress is out, are we about to start bombing isis not just in iraq, but in syria, too. does the administration feel strained in anyway given that congress has not weighed in in any substantive way at all and they've just gone away for two months. is the fact that the u.s. is now operating within a 40 nation coalition, is that either constraining to what the u.s. would otherwise be doing if they
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were acting purely alone? or is that coalition driving the u.s. in any particular direction? is the course here set? joining us now is anne garen. diplomatic for the washington post. thank you for being here. i will not ask you about the laser war stuff. >> oh, darn. >> unless you want to go there. congress has not weighed in substantively on the war in iraq and syria. therefore, it is a diplomatic measure in terms of how the u.s. is proceeding. do you know enough from your reporting on what the u.s. is planning on doing? >> certainly, what happened in congress over the last week was remarkable. there was a really sort of a crisis of conscience among democrats and republicans on what to do over this really minor funding and approval. >> a few weeks to make unsecret what we're already doing. >> absolutely. because they are all looking ahead to what happens next.
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after the midterms, they will actually have to reckon with whether this is a war effort that the united states congress wants to get blind. and that's a big deal. and so you have a -- you have a real issue of democrats who want to support the president on otheri issues, really not wantig to go all that far to support him on this. you have republicans who would ordinarily be going yeah, let's go after him, not wanting to give the president something that he's asking for. and then you have the noninterventionist republican wing saying we don't want to start being the world's policeman. and all of those things are going to come to bear after the midterms when congress has to be an antiwar president asking for a war authorization. >> if they go there. >> it seems like they're going to go there. i sort of felt like they were starting to get embarrassed enough. they might have not done
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something when they left. i got excited when they were gone early from this past weekend. >> this is a fig leaf. the idea that you can do it under the 2001/2002 authorization in iraq. no one really thinks that that's a viable war authorization going forward. >> so the administration is saying that in order to say they have a legal basis for going forward. they don't really believe that that's a strong business. >> it's a place holder until after they get passed the election. >> in terms of the ugs and its relationships with its allies. now there's this very important alliance with france, they're shooting things. are the u.s. negotiations in discussions with other countries about this at all constrained by the fact that we haven't done anything about it with our own demock ra ra sill at home? >> well, britain does. they have this very problem last year when -- right, kpagtly.
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parliament would not get behind david cameron and all of the sudden, had to go oh, wait, not so fast. so, yes, parliamentary demork ra sills completely understand the president's predicament. not so much when you get to the aauthoritarian regimes. in saudi arabia, they ponied up 500 million bucks. they don't have to have a congress to say yes or no on. so it's a very different set of circumstances for them. and, yeah, they do kind of wonder whether the united states can deliver on everything as it promises when the president goes out and says x or y can happen and he can't totally 100% guarantee that congress is going to back him on it. >> and that's putting it a very small point. the absolute defining feature of his presidency on anything. i think if the president decides bombing raids are going to start in syria while congress is on
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vie cas vacation, it's going to be a responding moment. much more ahead tonight including more breaking news at the end of a very busy news week and a cocktail moment tonight. please stay with us. we'll be right back. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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vrj if any of these vick ttimedd buffalo bills someone you loved? >> as you've said a few times, you've gotten it wrong in a few cases. and that tends to happen when there's no checks and balances. how willing are you to give up some of that power? >> well, rachel, as i said in my statement, everything is on the table. >> you've mentioned on tv last week, that you guys checked and tried to get the ray rice video. the atlantic city professisecut office says they don't have any electronic communication from the nfl. >> our security department works with law enforcement. they are fully cooperative. we gather almost entirely all of our information through law enforcement. and that's something else we're going to look at, rachel. we asked for it on several occasions.
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according to our security department, we asked for it on several occasions over the spring. >> adam glen here with tmz and tmz sports. i have to go back to the video and your curiosity to see the video. you suspended ray rice avenue our video. why didn't you have the cure yogsty to go to the casino yourself? we found out by one phone call. you guys have a whole legal department. we found out by one phone call. >> i can't explain how you got the information. only you can do that. >> he did explain. it only took one phone call. this is the splash page on the usa today web site this afternoon. roger goodell emerges with a big thud. roger goodell would have been better off staying in hiding. the sports site ran this headline, roger goodell spends 45 minutes dodging questions. the always reliablely snarky
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dead spin. goodell, i suck at my job. now trust me. this is supposed to be the day that nfl commissioner roger goodell came before the public, apologized and the league started to put it behind them. but just hours after that press conference ended today, the whole thing popped again in a huge way. late tonight, the espn inves gaitive unit published a bomb shell seven thousand word report. it's a report that paints a picture basically of a straight up cover up by the baltimore raichs. the public story, up until this point, is when the ravens and the nfl saw the video of ray rice knocking unconscious his then fiance in an atlantic city elevator. the public said that is the first they were aware of the brutal nature of that assault. the ravens had retained ray
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rice. but when they saw that tape, they said everything changed. they released ray rice immediately, the nfl suspended him indefinitely. and that public story holds up. as long as it's true that the ravens and the league weren't aware of what really happened inside that elevator until lags week when the rest of the public first learned about it from that video, as well. according to this new report, thafgs just published online tonight, the ravens knew what was transpiring right from the beginning. they had 20 sources inside the nfl and what they are reporting is that just hours after that assault took place, an official with the ravens, 2 head of security for the team, was on the phone with an at llantic ci police officer.
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>> it was not reportedly just this one team official who knew. quickly relayed the play-by-play to team executives in baltimore. that's february of this year. right when the assault happened. ravens officials knew then what happened inside that elevator, even though they professed shock when that video was publicly released last week. once ray rice was arrested after that assault, he hired a defense attorney to represent him and the ravens claim they had no access to that tape. ray rice's attorney, aparentally, described the tape in detail to dick cast.
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out of jail, a two-game suspension and the tape never got out. until it did last week. roger goodell was asked over and over and over again today about who in the nfl saw this tape before they all professed to being so shocked by it when it was released lags week. ray rice's team not only knew about that tape, but they were reportedly in on an effort to cover it up and to make sure that his suspension was only two games, even though they knew exactly what he did. just within the last ten minutes, the baltimore ravens have released this statement. >> joining us now is bill rowden, a sports analyst for the times. >> it gets worse and worse and worse. but, you know, a couple things. if you don't understand the job
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of the commissioner, then everything you think you understand about this is going to confuse you. the sole job of the commissioner, from the time he saw that young lady get beaten up -- forget the second or the first. from the time he saw that, everything was about protecting the shield. he gets paid $44 million a year to do anything he can do, lie, cheat, steal, to protect the shield. he's got 32 owners, a couple of whom are facing sexual abuse charges themselves. other guys are in drug rehab. this is the den of thieves that he's protecting. and so today's performance, and that's exactly what it was, it was so disingenuous. the whole idea -- he threw money -- now, thank god. let's look at the glass half full. thank goodness for the domestic hotline. line. that's great.
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who do we -- who do we get? who do we buy out. you know, with what they make in one sunday, they can throw it at him. what are you going to do if you're the senator. thank goodness. they know, just like most rich and wealthy institutions, they know who to buy out. so -- >> so with the power that goodell has, that's his reaming. protect the league, protect the league's image to make money that's been so good for all of us. given that that's his job description, what could he do right? to make this situation better than it is. the chaotic nature with which they've addressed all of these situations recently makes me feel like there's incompetent there in addition to other stuff going on. >> first of all, he could act out a sense of morality. there's no one shred of morality
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in everything he's done rachel, from the very beginning, the two-game susz pension, has been done out of a sense of reaction to the public and the shield. he sees this video. and the first question asked, and, see, this is why it's not a moral thing. if that would have been his daughter or one of his owner's daughter, see, the players just surface. if that would have been his daughter or one of the owner's daughters, we wouldn't be here today. we would not be here today. but everything he's done has been in reaction to public out cry. i give you two games. out cry. i come up with this harsh penalty that's not enough because there's out cry. no, the video comes out. okay. ray, you're gone. every single thing, including today's performance, has been basically a reaction, including throwing money at two institutions. but, good. good for these two institutions. but does that -- the face of this stuff has become -- the face of this has been black men and black women.
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okay? black woman, black families. so the first thing he does, and men do it a lot of times, too, when there's a problem, first thing the men do is hit the white button. we're going to have a young black woman, we'll have a black guy, a lot of black families. so, to solve this problem, we're going to get four white women to be in charge to take care of this problem. well, why? it's cynical. now you're going to believe that because what the expansion of the new market is women. and not women of color. so everything they're doing is -- >> more white women that the nfl is under control. >> on your side. >> bill roaden, thank you for being here and good luck in cleveland. we'll be right back. stay with us. >> you're the only one. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] surance. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪
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an oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kick-starts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands.
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offer better? and that comes as the most profitable country -- excuse me, the most profitable company in the world, russia's best corporate friend exxon has announced that it is pulling out of a huge russian drilling deal. it's a deal that putin himself had championed. exxon and a russian state-owned oil company were set to start a huge drilling project in the arctic. 8 billion barrels of russian oil in the arctic and exxon is going to drill it for them. not anymore. exxon now has had to pull out of that deal basically as soon as they started. and it's because of the sanctions against putin and russia that have been organized by the u.s. government and the european union. that's the world's biggest and most powerful oil company, exxon. not being allowed to do that giant russian deal anymore. and that radical news comes as we're just being informed of something else fairly radical concerns russia. the night before last, two u.s. fighter jets apparently
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intercepted a big bunch of russian planes just outside u.s. air space after the alaska coast. now, u.s. military sources say that one or two russian planes get close to u.s. air space near alaska about ten times a year. not the most shocking thing in the world, but in this instance, it was something different. six russian planes, all flying together, two russian bear long-range bombers, two russian refuelling tanker, and two russian mig fighter jets. the fighter jets in particular, that is the sort of collection of russian fire power that the u.s. military says it hasn't seen flying that close to the u.s. since the cold war. u.s. air space extends just 12 nautical miles from land. the russian planes did not get that close. they didn't come into u.s. air space. they were in about 55 miles of the alaska coast. but still. norad put out the notice about this happening tonight. apparently the incursion happened on wednesday night this week. with all this stuff happening at once, this is worth keep ang eye on, particularly in terms of
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whether there's going to be some sort of american response potentially over the weekend. after u.s. jets intercepted the russians, i should tell you that more russian planes came back a few hours later and did the same thing off the canadian coast. so russia is apparently trying to upset everyone right now. things right now with russia are both tense and weird. set a google alert. keep your eye on this one. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪
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more adventures await in the seven-passenger lexus gx. see your lexus dealer. this is holly. her long day of outdoor adventure starts with knee pain. and a choice. take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. onward! let's say you're a small sub national ree joj of 5 million people or so. you're not having a war, not home to religious fanatics bent on world domination. in fact, short of epic disaster, there's really only a couple of things that could happen in your part of the world that would put
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you on front pages of newspapers around the globe. number one, is that you could declare independence. you could try to form into your own independent nation, a chance to be the world's newest country. that's huge news, right? that is only one of two ways that i can think of that a place like scotland would make global front page news. that's one. the second way scotland could make front-page news around the world is to change something fundamental about golf. scotland invented golf. the spiritual home of golf is st. andrews in scotland, the royal and ancient golf club. for 260 years st. andrews has been an exclusive members-only affair. the spiritual home of golf, and every single one of its members has always and ever been a dude. no women allowed. changing that, allowing women at st. andrews, that is really the only other way besides trying to become a new country that scotland could ever conceivably
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make global front page news. so they decided to do both of those things on the same day. the no votes won by 10 points over the yes votes. but letting ladies into st. andrews, that is apparently working out. 2400 male members of the club were eligible to vote on the issue. they voted 85% in favor of letting women join. they're going to move forward to admit the first female members need immediately. so in honor of szott land doing the two most noteworthy things it could do on the same day, and as a congratulations to uk prime minister david cameron who's not going to lose his job because of the way the vote went, here's how you make a classic drink called the camerons quick. we're using an ounce of bushnell's. then an ounce of a different kind of whiskey from some place else that is also and still part of the uk, famous grouse is a
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nice blended scotch from scotland. so an ounce of each of those. it makes a difference actually. then half an hour of fresh lemon juice, which weirdly enough comes from this desivice. it's called a lemon. half an ounce of lemon juns and half anal ounce of something french. mary queen of scots was raised in france and wrote frnch and kind of frenchy? that's my excuse for including a french ingredient called almond serum. shake it for longer than that. pour it. it's called cameron's kick. use an orange twist is your garnish. and when you are at st. andrews, who matter who is
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