tv Lockup MSNBC September 20, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. cut his head open down the middle, almost cut both his arms off. >> a gang member with a violent past and a long disciplinary record in jail tries to convince staff he's changed. >> i woke up to the body force, the impact, when one jumps on you. he put his arm around my neck. >> once a victim of prison rape, another inmate lobbies to do his
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time in isolation. >> i had a lot of because of my drinking, i lost everything. >> an inmate with a drinking problem develops a reputation for another kind of addiction. >> she a cougar. i thought he was a cougar. she a cougar. in the suburbs of washington, d.c., fairfax county, virginia, is home to the central intelligence agency. and inside the nearby fairfax county adult detention center, intelligence plays a key role in reducing gang activity among the 1,200 men and women incarcerated here. most have only been charged with crimes and are awaiting trial at the resolution of their cases. >> backs against the wall. >> reporter: only a small percentage of the inmates are identified as gang members.
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staff say they still pose a serious threat. >> we have right now 77 in our facility. they still practice criminal activity, even while in here. i know that's shocking. but they do. >> private first class doolittle heads up the sheriff's intelligence unit whose primary responsibility is monitoring gangs. >> let's go! >> the unit conducts frequent shakedowns to gather intelligence. >> we line up in a fashion to let them know that we're still in charge. >> don't flush your toilet. don't grab anything. >> are they continuing to further their gang activity in here, outside? if they're doing it outside, who are they contacting outside? >> what is that? >> telephone number. phone numbers are key. we don't know who they're contacting, who is trying to contact them. we try to capture as much information as we can. >> we're clear up here. >> we're not just trying to keep a deputy safe.
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it's about keeping another inmate safe. >> jermaine knight, a member of the crip street gang, is currently serving nine months on a conviction of unlawful wounding. at the time of his arrest, he was on probation for robbery and received an additional two years for violating his probation. knight says his dedication to gang life is not at all what it used to be. >> i haven't been in jail since i was 16. i've been a crip since i was 8. once you get in, you can't even get out. so i am what i am. but -- all these tattoos i got, they've got to go. all prison tattoos. glorify being incarcerated. being in gangs. >> while knight admits to a near lifetime of criminal behavior, he says he now wants to set a different example for his three
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young children and protecting his family is what led to his latest conviction. knight says he told some loud neighbors to quiet down. then one of them attacked him with a machete. >> and the next thing i know, he hits me in the shoulder with the machete. crazy. he cut my face from here to there. 15 stitches in my face. cut my hand open. and i finally got the machete from him. and i hurt him pretty bad. i almost killed him. cut his head open down the middle. had to get 140 staples in his head. almost cut both his arms off. i mean, somebody tried to kill me. i've got kids in the house. i've got a pregnant girlfriend. i don't want to die. >> knight was arrested, however. and while he maintains self defense, he says he pled guilty to avoid a harsher sentence if found guilty at trial.
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>> jermaine knight is being housed on administrative segregation, which is where we house inmates who don't get along well with others. he's had problems not only with individual prisoners as far as getting in fights, he's also had several incidents of threatening staff. he regularly has been a behavior problem. this is his file. normal prisoner's file is maybe a third of this so -- >> my record is just so bad that these things have just got to keep me based on the past. but i'm a changed person. i just want to do my time and go home to my kids. >> knight hopes jail officials have recognized the change. he has requested a transfer to general population where he will have more privileges and time outside his cell. over the years, knight has come to trust private first classitner. >> what's going on? >> i don't care where you send me. send me to population. i've been here for eight months
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for no reason. >> there is always a reason. have you ever been in segregation before like this? >> yeah. >> and why were you down here before? >> my own -- my own troubles. >> there's no other reason why you're down here. do you have a history of in-house beef with deputies? >> true. >> true. and what about inmates? >> true. >> so maybe we just have a personality conflict. >> true. maybe. i don't want to be in here no more. i learned my lesson. >> one-on-one, he's great. if you can establish rapport. i've known him for close to six years. oftentimes in population he tends to get a little heated. and sometimes little things turn into more serious issues and he then becomes a management problem within the block. >> a few doors down from knight is anthony morris. he's appealing to staff to not send him back to general population. >> i just would rather be isolated, be by myself. i have a violate history. i believe if i was to go to
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population i would probably end up doing more time. because i have low tolerance for stupidity. saying little dumb things, especially towards sexual preference, choice of lifestyle. so being in segregation is actually my sanctuary. >> while morris might appear younger than his 47 years, he is a veteran inmate. he has already completed a 23-year state prison sentence for second degree murder. after three years on the outside, he is currently charged with malicious wounding for allegedly stabbing a man in the foot and has pled not guilty. when he was booked a month earlier, morris explained to staff why he wanted to be isolated. >> in talking to him, he was very adamant that he wanted to be housed by himself, that he said he had been sexually
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assaulted in prison. a assured him that there are sort of safeguards in place to help protect him or that, you know, if he feels that he's unsafe that he can get help when needed. but he was adamant he wanted to be housed by himself. >> the institutional classification committee routinely reviews the status of every segregation inmate to consider moving them back to general population. now it reviews moris' request to remain segregated. >> now, when he asked for this, we did tell him that all of his privileges would be revoked and he was okay with that. >> we do restrict privileges for people that request segregation. it actually acts as a deterrent. right now we have about 1,100 people incarcerated. and i don't know about you, i wouldn't want to be in jail next to someone i don't know. so we would probably have 1,100 requests to be in segregation. and we just don't have the facilities for that. and once we tell them they're going to lose their privileges,
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miraculously they want to go back to population. >> okay, we reviewed your case, reviewed your request. and we're inclined to go ahead and approve that for you. you were notified you're not going to have any privileges during that time. you're not going to have any visiting, no programs and no rec, all right? any questions about that, sir? >> no, that's fine. >> all right, sir. have a good day. >> i'm ecstatic. i would take this over population any time. i mean, i have a hard shell against what people say. when it comes to the physical contact, then another person comes out of me and i don't want that. >> morris says that's what happened when he was raped in prison. >> i was lying in the bed asleep. and my roommate came in and jumped on top of me. i woke up to the body force, the impact, when someone jumps on you. and by shock, raised me up and
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he put his arm around my neck. took me a while, i had to struggle to get my arms free. and as i got my arms free, i grabbed the twins right off the bird's nest and i squeezed. i turned around and that is i turned around, i twisted him even more. yeah. i think i gave him something his father should have gave him when he was a child. i beat him like he stole christmas. >> did you tell him what he had done to you or tried to do to you? >> well, no. i -- you don't snitch in a penitentiary and i wasn't trying to die. i just wanted to kick his ass and send a message throughout the penitentiary that i'm not to be messed with. coming up up. >> this is my third dui. somebody is it telling me something. >> alcohol brings a 51-year-old woman to her first extended stay. >> and -- >> you have not lasted long in population. last time you were in population was in january, you made it two weeks. >> jermaine knight find out if
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officials at the fairfax county adult detention center say safety and security is at the core of every decision and policy they make. and that extends to the recreation areas. >> we used to have basketball quite frequently in our rec yards. basketball is a physical sport. you know, inmates here are competitive like everyone else is, and sometimes fights did break out. so we're going with a little bit less contact sport, so to speak. >> neomia kuhlman, validated member of the crips, says he has no problem with volleyball, but can't stand the shirt he is required to wear during rec time. red is the color of their arch rifle, the bloods. >> i take it off immediately. just because i'm a crip.
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i don't wear nothing red. every time i change it, i go -- do this. and then i step on it. shake it off and then i just put it on. that's it. that's all i do. and i just keep these on. >> kuhlman and another admitted member of the crips, jermaine knight, are both in administrative segregation. ad seg inmates are segregated from general population for security reasons. they are allowed out of their cells only one hour per day for either recreation or a shower. knight hopes his recent good behavior in the rec yard and ability to get along with others will prove to staff that he is no longer one of their biggest disciplinary problems. >> i like it. i play all sports. i play anything. anything is better than just sitting here dying. >> knight has been in segregation and has asked for a transfer to general population. he also says he's put his gang
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banging behind him. and often writes about it. >> sick and tired of jail. all i want is freedom. i smell success, close enough to taste it. god save my soul. kids need me. but i'm never around. soul state loss, street life is found. i continue to rap about being in the street and leaving the streets. being torn between trying to do the right thing and being surrounded by the wrong thing. >> i did a lot of stuff in this jail. it's like they won't let it go. i guess when you mess with the police, they just keep messing with you. so -- just go with the flow now, man. whatever they say, i do it. i don't want no smoke. they can have it. this is their house. >> after four months of good behavior, the classification committee has reviewed knight's request to retroactive. >> mr. knight, good morning mr.
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knight. i'm lieutenant suarez. we reviewed your file and you've been here in this jail for a little over two years now. you have not lasted very long in population. last time you were in population was in january. you made it two weeks. before that, it was -- i think it was may of last year. and you did make it about five months. so you have a history where you've demonstrated you can make it, but you have just been in segregation a long time during this incarceration. but to your credit, you've been down here, haven't gotten into any trouble over the last few months. so we have recognized that. you have requested to go back to population. we're going to give you a shot at population. >> ooh! god is great! [ bleep ] thank you, thank you. >> you do understand, however, that it's up to you to make the most of it. if you get into any trouble, you'll end up right back down here on a.s. the ball is in his court right now. he's got a lot of jail experience. he's got some gang history. so there are a lot of things working against him. so it's going to be on him to sort of take a step back and
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back away from any potential conflict. >> somebody act like they are going to beat me up, defend myself. but as long as nobody is about to put their hands on me, then that's all that talking, i'm a bitch, yeah, i'm the best bitch you've ever met in your life. i've got no problem with that. i don't mess with these guys, man. i try to stay out of their way. >> patriciaa galarini says she has been doing the same thing in the female unit. >> i make the best of it and avoid situations that will get me in any kind of trouble. people are preoccupied with other people instead of worrying about what they need to be doing with themselves. and that's what i'm trying to work on. that's why i'm here. >> galarini has been in jail for two weeks charged with driving under the influence and avoiding police. she fully expects to be convicted. but hopes to reach a plea deal with prosecutors. >> this is my third dui.
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this is somebody is telling me something. next time i could have killed somebody. i'm grateful that i'm here, i really am. and i plan on turning my life around. i really do. i had a family, but i messed it all up. drugs, alcohol. divorce. you know, my kids -- my kids -- i would see the sadness in their eyes. they would be like mom, are you drinking, don't drink, i hate when you drink. they have seen me go to rehab after rehab. but i always thought i had it under control. but look at my life. i had a lot. i had a business, i had homes. all of that. i had a flower shop. i had so many opportunities. and because of my drinking, i lost everything. >> in jail, gallorini has replaced drinking with poetry. >> my heart has been broken, my soul has been sold. pick up the pieces of this shattered life, just wanted the
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family and home and perfect life. it's over and done with, i must carry on. >> finding a new dream today is all that i long. >> gallorini says her drinking has alienated her from much of her family but is looking forward to a family visit. >> my sister is coming from california next week. that will real emotional. she has never given up on me. she loves my poetry. she thinks my poetry has been a healing process for me, which it has. >> coming up. >> it's horrible, especially if you're as sexual as i am, it's a nightmare. >> patricia gallorini reveals her other side. and anthony morris reveals his current charge. >> i am a murderer. stabbing someone in the foot and walking away is an insult to my talent for killing people.
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through a good book. five days a week, 79-year-old joyce shul makes her rounds through one part of the jail or another with a library book cart. >> how are you? >> fine, how are you? >> good. thanks for coming. >> what do you like to read? >> newspaper. >> joyce began volunteering 24 years earlier as part of a christian fellowship program. she became the staff librarian nine years later and has been here ever since. >> what has been the best part about being here? >> interacting with the inmates and getting them things to read so they have things to do. i mean, if i were sitting in a cell with nothing to do, i can't imagine how awful that would be. >> do you have one with mike tyson on it? >> do i know what mike tyson looks like? >> when my mind is at rest, my mind is here. i'm here in the jail in the library, figuring out what could be better, what could be done. >> what do you like to read? >> mysteries are good.
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>> mysteries? >> of course they all want james patterson and "the hunger games" and fifty shades of grey. but they're never going to get "the 50 shades of gray." >> anthony morris is awaiting a charge on malicious wounding. he says books are definitely his means of escape. >> i was up all night actually anticipating for the book cart to come. because i was kind of going through withdrawal, not being able to read. >> what do you like to read? >> sixth book towards the end. >> okay. >> i'm a nerd. that's how i get my day by, reading. it's an obsessive addiction. i can't stop. i've suffered from insomnia two or three times because i couldn't stop reading. >> is that it for you? >> yes, it is. thank you very much. >> okay, you're welcome. >> i wouldn't mind working in a library out in society. actually, the love of the
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library came as a kid. that was my get-away. that's how i get away from my pain. that's my therapy. >> morris prefers to be housed alone in the jail's segregation unit, because he says he was raped while serving a prison sentence for second degree murder. during that murder trial, two of morris' aunts testified he suffered an abusive childhood. morris says it was a childhood that also included more than one sexual assault. >> i can't remember how old i was. but i never forgot it. never. or forgot the rape in juvenile hall. or forgot the rape in oakland, california. unfortunately, it was like i had a magnet on my ass. loud neon sign across my back. it was horrible. yeah. >> what are you laughing about now? >> yeah, because i have to. keeps me from crying. i'm 47 years old and i still
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live with every -- every horrific event that transpired in my life. every day. >> one of the most prominent of those offense is the killing that sent him to prison. morris says he stabbed a 55-year-old man numerous times because he believed the man played a role in the drug overdose of his best friend. >> i'm the type of person that seeks revenge. there was no need for a trial. i admitted to doing it. >> but morris denies the alleged stabbing incident that has him back in jail on a charge of malicious wounding. he says he and the victim were arguing and the man stabbed himself by accident. >> i think it was one of those anger proclamations. he was making a statement. he had meant to stab the ground next to his foot. but he ended up stabbing his foot. i didn't stab this man. i mean, if i had a knife -- i would have stabbed him in the neck. i would have opened up an artery
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and let his ass bleed to death. there would have been nothing nobody could do about it. absolutely nothing. i am a murderer. stabbing someone in the foot and walking away is an insult to my talent for killing people. >> coming up -- >> i'm trying to be able to go to the college courses in the school in the jail before i go home. and i take a fatherhood program. but they won't let me go. >> jermaine knight struggles to convince a skeptical deputy that his gang days are behind him. and -- >> i've always thought about becoming like an exotic dancer. i finally got my body in shape now where i feel confident i could do it. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms.
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i'm melissa rehberger. new details about the man who jumped the fence. 42-year-old omar gonzalez is an army vet who served in iraq. he is facing unlawful entry and weapons charges since he was armed with a knife. white house security has been stepped up. and five inmates escaped from a county jail south of san
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francisco. the men held on charges including attempted murder and armed robbery. all five should be considered armed and dangerous. back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discussion is advised. from the outside, every floor of the fairfax county adult detention center looks the same. the fourth floor maximum security general population unit is like a whole new world to jermaine knight. he was just transferred there from administrative segregation. knight will now have more privileges, time out of his cell, and a window. >> freedom. i just came back up last night and see a girl. >> knight is also experimenting with new food choices. he filed a request with the jail
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chaplain to be on a special meal plan for members of the rasat that far i didn't know faith. >> it's a veggie tray. i ain't got no religion, man. they put me down as a rasat that farrian. ya man. i can't tell what my religion is. you can't say i'm not. >> so what kind of food does a rasat that farrian get? >> i don't [ bleep ] know. >> the chaplain says he knows some inmates game the system to get special meals for various religious faith, but there's not much he can do about it. >> the one thing i really try to comply with the federal law. basically, it's not my place to judge whether they're practicing or not, because under the federal law, if someone wants to practice particular religious discipline, he doesn't have to already be committed to that faith system. >> i was going to put mormon, but they were going to make me call my rabbi and i don't have
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one. so i didn't go for the mormon. i just went with the rasat that farrian. >> knight would also like to take advantage of some of the programs offered to general population inmates. but his affiliation with the crips gang could get in his way. >> i've got to see the gang man, and try to get off this gang so i can get some programs before i go home. hopefully take me off. >> knight will appeal to private first class doolittle to be eligible for programs. they range from attending church services to various classes. >> they get to a point where they're tired of being in the gang lifestyle. i want to better myself. but the problem is, there's so many little things. gang members like to go to church. now they can discuss family business. whether it's planning to assault a deputy, whether it's planning criminal activity outside of here. so we have to minimize that by
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having keep separates. >> keep separates are part of the system the jail uses to prevent known enemies from being in the same place at the same time. >> and it's not just to keep separate from another rival, it's to keep separate from another fellow gang member who may be trying to plan something. >> since gang members typically cumulate numerous keep separates, it's difficult to place them in different programs. >> tell me in your own words what it is you're looking for. >> i'm trying to get off the gang list. because i don't affiliate with any kind of gangs in the street or in jill jail or anywhere. i've got three kids. i don't have time for gangs. i want time to go to the college courses and the school in the jail before i go home and take a fatherhood program. but they won't let me go because i've got all these keep separates from the gang and i don't know none of these dudes. >> you know like i know. it's not about who you know now. it's about who you were affiliated with. the biggest hurdle is not even
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me. it's my supervisor. he is the one that has to be convinced that you are trying to change. he's going to look at your past. but that is the nature of the gang beast. >> yeah. i know. >> i can only promise you this. i'll talk to the lieutenant. i'll do what i can. but ultimately, it's going to be up to him, not me. inmate knight seems to be okay. he has three children. he doesn't want to be in a gang or affiliated with a gang anymore. while it's admirable, i have nothing really that i can give to my supervisor that will articulate that he is actually changing or wants to change. they all talk a good game. and so it's a best-case estimate, because i can't look at a man's heart or mind and say his intent is good. plain and simple. i can't do it. >> over in the women's wing, changes also on patricia gal reaney's mind. >> when people go to jail, you
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hope that's the last straw. to me, it's this or death. if i pick up the alcohol, i'll be right back in here. when i walk out these doors, i want to put it behind me. >> gal or eveny is currently awaiting trial for driving under the influence and some related charges. she has two prior convictions for driving under the influence. and hopes to reach a plea deal with prosecutors to avoid prison time. gal reaney admits to missing alcohol but now jail has triggered another craving. >> it's horrible. especially if you're as sexual as i am. it's like a nightmare. it's like a sex addiction, i guess you would call it. >> she's loud. she was telling us some stories about herself and everything. i heard her. she a cougar. i thought i was a cougar. she a cougar. >> hey! >> i want to be a dancer.
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that's like my fantasy. i've always thought it would be kind of neat being like an exotic dancer. i finally kind of got my body in shape now where i feel confident that i could do it. i might have to steal one of these guards at night or something. there is a key part out there i have to snatch up. i swear, i can't contain myself. >> but the attention gal reaney has just received from staff is not going to help her at all. >> this morning we conducted a shakedown, and we found that inmate gal reaney -- she had extra property, extra jumpsuit. >> yeah, extra uniform that i didn't turn back in. i exchanged a uniform on monday, because the one they gave me was too big. and i just never put it downstairs. >> she clogged her vents. that's a big fire safety hazard. >> i cover them up at night so i can sleep because it's too cold. i usually uncover them in the morning before inspection. i didn't have a chance to do that. >> and also she took off her
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inmate wristband. >> last night it was really irritating me for some reason. kept scratching my skin. so i just figured i would take it off when i was sleeping and put it back on when i woke up. but i didn't have time to do that. >> this is the source we use for identification of all inmates. they cannot leave the block if they do not have a wristband. because they could tell us they're anyone. >> sergeant smith presents gal reaney with her write-ups. >> for each of those charges you can get up to 15 days of disciplinary segregation. they can also take privileges. commissary, visitation, programs, anything like that. >> thank you. >> yes, ma'am. alrighty. have a good day. >> all right, you too. >> gal reaney will have a disciplinary hearing within the next 24 hours, which will determine how much time, if any, she will have in disciplinary segregation. like administrative segregation, disciplinary inmates are confined to their cells and lose their privileges. but it gets much worse. the only possession they're allowed is one religious book.
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they're mattresses are removed during the day, forcing them to lie on a metal bunk. every day but sunday their meals consist of something called nutrition loaf. >> i don't know. i didn't -- you know, wasn't trying to do anything wrong. just was in pain and just took it off in the middle of the night. not knowing that that was something wrong. so it's funny what a day can change things, right? it's all good. i'll be all right. fine. just the initial shock. >> coming up. >> i try to follow all the rules and i don't have problems with people. and i just hope that you will consider that when you make your decision. >> i'm taking into account everything that you have to say. >> patricia gal reaney receives her punishment. and -- >> and the other thing that's not working in your favor is your history here. >> jermaine knight finds out
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patricia gallorini has just completed one of her most upsetting days during her six weeks at the fairfax county adult detention center. while awaiting trial for driving under the influence. but now things could get much worse. >> i go to my hearing today to see what kind of punishment i'm going to get. >> gallorini had been a model inmate. but during a surprise cell inspection, she was written up for removing her identification wristband, blocking her cell vent and having an extra uniform. facing up to 45 days in one of the jail's very harsh disciplinary segregation cells, she says her poetry is helping lessen the anxiety.
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>> invade my cell in the middle of the night, tried to grab all my stuff, didn't put up a fight. the guard at my door had time to prepare, rifling through all my things as if they don't care. waiting for my hearing, don't want to be charged. it's only a wristband, not an escapee wanted at large. i take a deep breath, god's got me, it's going to be okay. the clouds turn to sun, what a beautiful day. >> lieutenant suarez will conduct gallorini's hearing. she can aseen gallorini up to 15 days in segregation for each of the three violations or suspend various privileges. >> i'm expecting to have some kind of privilege taken away. hopefully not my visitation, because my sister is coming. >> gallorini! she's nervous. >> i could lose commissary. i could lose the rights to the phone. recreation. which i like to run every day. they'll probably hit you where they know what you like the best. so that will probably be my
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running. >> have a seat right there. >> thank you. >> sure. all right. after lieutenant suarez reviews the violations, it's time for gallorini to plead her case. >> okay. what do you want to tell me? >> we'll start with the vent. i am guilty. i put the toilet paper up there. it's been extremely cold for the past month. and i do it before i go to sleep. i have really bad arthritis. and the air just blows straight on me. in regards to the wristband, laid it next to my bed. was going to put it back on the next morning. i had no idea that you weren't supposed to remove your wristband. and i was going to put it on as soon as i left my cell. so -- but i didn't have a chance, because the shakedown happened. and with the uniform in my room, i had gotten the wrong size. they gave me another size. i just didn't have a chance to bring back down the other uniform. i was going to bring it down yesterday. >> okay. anything else you want to tell me? >> no, i just want you to know i feel like i'm a good inmate and i try to follow all the rules
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and i don't have problems with people. and i just hope that you will consider that when you make your decision. >> i'm taking into account everything you had to say. i've read the deputy's report and i've talked to deputy clay bore born. i've taken into account you haven't had any problems. you just need to make sure you follow all of the rules and regulations. you pled guilty to obstructing vents and other openings. i found you guilty. i oppose you five days of disciplinary segregation of that charge. i've suspended all five days, okay? >> okay. >> you pled guilty to removing an inmate wristband. i've given you seven days loss of visiting for that. so that's one calendar week so if you have a visit scheduled for next week. >> i do. >> you won't get that visit, all right? >> my sister is coming from california. >> and for the abuse of privileges, you have pled not guilty, i have dismissed that charge. do you have any questions? >> no. >> i need your signature. >> of all things, they took my visitation. now i'm not going to see my sister. i don't even have visits.
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it's my one visit i'm going to get. my sister is going to be here. >> removing an inmate wristband is a big deal, that's why it's a class one charge. that's our only way for sort of tracking who is who here in the jail. >> even if it's just maybe a foot away but not on the wrist, it's still -- >> it's still a charge. still just as serious, because, again, there is no sort of lesser charge, you know, removing an inmate wrist band but having it close by. it just either is or isn't. so i gave her a loss of visiting for a week. it so happens she does have a pretty big visit scheduled next weekend. so i think it will hit home to her sort of the punishment for what happened. >> can i ask them to take another privilege away or what do you think? >> no. that's not up to you. >> oh. >> you can't decide what you're going to be punished for. >> i understand. >> so i'm unable to get my visit. it's okay. i really don't want them to see me like this anyway. they probably wouldn't be real happy, so -- jermaine knight awaits a
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staff ruling of a different sort. he has applied to be taken off the jail's validated gang list so that he can participate in programs. as he nears the end of his two-year, nine-month sentence for unlawful wounding and violating probation on an armed robbery conviction. >> so talked to the lieutenant. he's showing that you are still a gang member. his whole thing is, he's still validated. that's how he feels. and the other thing that's not working in your favor is your history here. >> i mean, you can go through the jail and ask any of these dudes that are supposed to be crip, do they know me. they will tell you no. >> that's all i have to go by. right? while we have had no issue, i've always been straight with you. vice versa. it's the history. i wish i had better news for you. no, serious. just keep your head up straight and keep your head on straight. kind of walk a straight and narrow, as it were. and i know you're doing that. that's how you're going to prove it to everybody.
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that's the only way you're going to do it. well i do feel for the guy. you don't turn your humanity off. yeah, people change. when they change, none of us really in this profession know when they change. because we're not mind-readers. we don't know what's in a man's heart. the balance and the challenge that we have is, there's a lot that a person has to do to demonstrate -- really demonstrate that they are, in fact, trying to leave that lifestyle. in his case, it's hard to tell. >> coming up. both anthony morris and patricia gallorini have their days in court and learn what's in store for their futures. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods?
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time on the exercise equipment the jail has in its security housing units. >> gallorini is not a it typical older lady. she likes to work out. nice to see someone using the gym because so many sleep so long. it's nice to see someone get up and exercise. >> now gallorini is getting her exercise in the jail's prerelease center following a short trial. she was found not guilty of eluding police but was found guilty of driving under the influence. it was her third such conviction. since the prior two were out of state, this was treated as a first conviction. still, she received a maximum sentence. >> and most people only get 15 days. i got nine months. >> gallorini may only serve half the sentence before she is released on probation. and with three-and-a-half months already served, she will be out of jail in about a month. during her stay here, she has confided to master deputy sheriff hamilton about her struggles with alcohol. >> when you get out though -- >> i'm not -- no, whatever it
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is. >> noel alcohol? >> oh, check no, i'm done. >> how can you guarantee that? >> if i stay away from certain places -- i can't guarantee it. >> that's the answer i'm looking for. >> there's no guarantee. i want it -- >> that's what i was looking for. that was the answer i was trying to get out of her. she can't guarantee that. every day is going to be an issue for her. >> i keep thinking i can once in a while go out and have a drink. i can't do that. if i think i can go back and do that -- >> right. >> i'm stupid. i do belong here. >> as she awaits her release, gallorini must also contemplate how to deal with what she describes as a sex addiction. lately, she has been cultivating some new relationships with younger men. >> i have a pen pal, another guy who has been writing to me from another jail. yeah, he's written me some pretty juicy letters. he's been in jail for a long time. i just wrote him and told him when i was getting out. apparently he really wants to
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see me when he gets out, but i don't think so. he's young. >> does he know how old you are? >> a little bit. i told him i was older. i didn't tell him my exact age. i lied a little bit. but he said he likes older women so that's cool. i would never date a convict. but i guess someone could say that about me, right? >> while she can laugh at it, gallorini acknowledges that her addictive personality can get her into more trouble. >> i'm worried for myself. i am. it not going to be easy. i've got to start my whole life over. i have to ski this side. good/bad side. one side of me wants to go this way and one side wants to go the other way. i know the other way is not right. so i pray on it. that's what i do. but i guess go get some therapy. i don't know. i don't know if you can take that out of somebody. >> morris. you've got court, buddy.
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you ready? >> anthony morris hopes to soon put jail mind him. he has already completed a 23-year prison sentence for second degree murder in the stabbing death of a 55-year-old man. today morris is headed to court to face a charge of malicious wounding for allegedly stabbing another man in the foot. the victim is scheduled to testify against him. >> if he doesn't show up, they'll release me. see, i'm hopeful. i'm in a good mood. >> a couple of hours later, morris was back in his street clothes and on his way to at least a temporary freedom. though his charges of malicious wounding are still pending, he has been released on his own recognizance as no witnesses, including his alleged victim, appeared in court. >> i knew he wasn't going to come to court and say that i did it. the officer said that he's running late, he doesn't have time to come down. and the district attorney says i really don't have a witness.
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so why not just release him on the personal recognizance and we'll take this up on another day. only once again, he's not going to show up then and there either. >> having spent more than half his life incarcerated or living in shelters, morris says he will miss some aspects of jail. >> i'm going to miss being catered to. room service. i miss room service. the bed. like a fairytale princess. anyway. >> throughout his incarceration, morris has insisted the man he was accused of stabbing in the foot actually stabbed himself during an argument. but now morris has a slightly different version. >> i said, didn't i tell you to leave me alone? and he was like, oh! i'm like, yeah. >> so you stabbed his foot.
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>> yeah. >> so do you feel fortunate to be walking out of here then? >> yeah. this is probably a wake-up call, you know. put the knives down. >> here i'm seeing a necklace around your neck. and what is that? >> it's a razor blade. but it's not a real razor blade. just a simple of a razor blade. i bleed for you, darling. >> what's your thing with knives? >> i don't know. i don't regret it, but he stopped [ bleep ] with me. i think he got the message. so anyway, yeah. innocent until proven guilty. and now you have to be proven guilty.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons into a world of chaos and danger. now the scenes you've never seen. "lockup: raw." >> for some inmates, a prison sentence means nothing left to lose. >> what the [ bleep ] it look like? >> if i'm ever put in general population i'm as good as dead. >> but sometimes life has other plans. >> it's either him or me at that point. >> this [ bleep ] was real. it was all there was.
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