tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 21, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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we'll return in two weeks. with a bit of luck, we'll have a shiny new set. if it's sunday, it's "meet the press." we're following two developing stories this sunday afternoon in rural pennsylvania. we're awaiting a news conference on the man hunt for a self-taught survivalist suspected of killing a state trooper. this is a community that remains on high alert. this charlottesville, virginia, we're waiting for an update on the hannah graham case. nine days into the man hunt for eric freen and he remains on the run, but police believe he is still in that area. he is suspected of fatality
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shooting a state trooper and injuring another one last week. they are recommending that people stay indoors and not go into the woods. we are live in blooming grove, pennsylvania. >> reporter: the key thing we're expecting to hear today is that why authorities believe that freen is still in this area nine days after the attacks. this is going to be welcome information to the people in this area who have been hungry for any information of any kind. people asked not to leave their homes and to stay away from any windows, but there was never any explanation as to why. we're going to get to that press conference right now. >> as you know, we're continuing the investigation into the shooting incident that occurred last friday night at the blooming grove station where two pennsylvania state troopers were
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ambushed by eric freen. we known he has prepared and planned extensively for months and years. he prepared his attack and retreat. we believe we are closing in on him. his advantage has been this is his backyard. our tactical operations people now know his backyard, the area he once felt safe in. we are pushing him hard. he is no longer safe and i'm confident that he will be apprehe apprehended. based on our investigation, our search efforts at this point in time are primarily focused in the pike-monroe county border area. we continue to follow up on other leads as we track his movement. as those leads come in, we will refocus our search efforts. we have a map back here and i'll show you in just a minute the general area that we're
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searching at this time. we're making significant progress in the investigation, and we've found several items that freen has abandoned or hidden for possible future use. it includes an ak-47 style weapon and magazines and ammunition. we're asking the people to use common sense and please to avoid going into the wooded areas around barrett township. we are also aware that archery season is right around the corner. hunters might be setting up equipment. we're asking hunters to refrain going into these areas just until freen is captured. if members of the public that have photos or videos taken from trail cameras, that if they would review those images. what we're looking for are
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photos of freen and other suspicious activity they may have captured with those came s cameras. we ask they contact law enforcement. if the public is aware from past time spent in the woods of any shelters, bunkers, anything else that might be used by freen or it was possibly constructed by him, please let us know about that so we can follow up and investigate and determine whether it is pertinent to this matter at hand. we have had several possible sightings. each of those are being investigated and followed out. we have received hundreds of tips over the past week, many offering credible information. we'll continue to pursue each and every one of those. in the interim, we're still recommending a number of precautions to the public. first and foremost, we want the public to be alert and vigilant. if they see anything suspicious,
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we're asking them to report it to 911 or our tip line. do so immediately so that it can be followed up on. we're asking the public not to approach or encounter any suspicious person or vehicles, but rather report those immediately and we'll be glad to have someone follow up on it. the suspect is still considered armed and dangerous. we ask and remind residents to lock all doors and windows, as well as their vehicles. at night, keep the exterior of their homes well lit and look for any open shed doors, gara s garages. if they do find something like that, give us a call and we'll check it out. lastly, i'd like to thank the communities in this area for the outstanding support they have sho shown to the pennsylvania state police. the men and women of the state
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police truly appreciate it. i know this is a trying time for everyone. people are concerned. their lives are being disrupted. we're working as quickly and as efficiently as possible to resolve this matter. their patience is very much appreciated. anything at this point? or take questions? s >> we're open to questions. >> have any shots been fired related to the so much or was there ever a possible exchange of gunfire with the suspect? >> i'm aware of the reports that you're talking about. at this point, we can't confirm that those shots were directly related to this matter. there was another report that i'm aware of that i believe may be the source of those gunshot reports. >> have you been very close to him, do you think? >> i know that because from our investigation, we're finding things. our trackers, both dogs and human trackers, are getting
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indications that we are on the right trail. and so i know how many people we have put into that area. i know the kinds of sweeps and things we're doing. there is no doubt we are pushing him hard. he's losing items and based on other sightings that we've had reports of, we have every reason to believe we're pushing him. >> there's no doubt in your mind that he's nearby? >> i'm confident that he's in that general area. i'll show you on the map. >> you said there have been possible sightings. where have those been? >> i'm not going to give specifics. over time, there have been sightings. what i'm most concerned about is the immediate past and current time all of the information that we have, whether it is sightings or items that we have found or information coming back from the
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tracker, we have strong reason to believe we are in the right area. >> you said he planned an attack for months and years. how do you know that? >> we're talking to a lot of people with confirming information. >> are you finding any other survival equipment other than the weapon and the mags? >> i don't want to disclose what we have or not found again. in the event he is able to hear the news reports, i don't want to tip him to everything we have found at this point in time, but there are a number of items that we have found. >> has there been a confirmed sighting? has there been an actual confirm ed sighting of him? >> i wouldn't be willing to say that is a confirmed sighting. >> do you have any idea how he got near here a couple miles away to all the way down to where you're looking for him
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curre curre currently? >> we believe he traveled on foot. >> are you still tracking his cell phone? >> i'm not going to disclose what techniques we're using to track his movement. we're using every tool available to us and i believe we're doing everything we can to track him right now. >> is it safe enough to reopen schools? >> those are individual decisions the school district will have to make. we are in consultation with several district officials. we'll provide them all of the information that we can to allow them to make an informed decision and ultimately the decision is theirs. >> would you send your kids to school in these districts? >> i think they have to make an individual decision based on what's going on in their area. we'll provide them with as specific information as we possibly can, but ultimately it is their decision. i will tell you as i have said in the past, we have every
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reason to believe that freen is focused on law enforcement and specifically the state police. there is no indication that he is a danger to school children or someone else in the public. i believe he's had every opportunity to harm others if he had chosen to do so. his fight is with law enforcement. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i'm not aware of an application. it's not to say that he hasn't. they were recovered. whether they were dropped or left or cashed if you will -- >> was that recently deposited there? had it been out in the woods for a long time or short time? >> no, these are items that we believe he had with him at the time of the shooting.
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investigation will follow up on these items. we're confident these were his. i'm sorry. >> is this one of the two guns you knew he had with him? >> this is a gun we had knowledge that we had, yes. >> is this the gun used in the shooting? >> we don't have all of the results back at this point in time. >> how many other items did he drop or have been roughly recovered? >> i couldn't give you a number right now, but there have been several. >> but you are certain that it is stuff that he carried with him that night? >> i'm saying these are items left by him i believe since the time of that shooting. >> any better idea now why he did this and why he is targeting law enforcement specifically? >> no, i have talked in the past about his desire to portray himself as a serbian soldier and
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live in that world. beyond that, i really couldn't speculate as to why he has done something until we have an opportunity to speak with him. >> there's no writings, there's no conversations, that you've found he had with anybody. >> we're aware of some conversations and things. the way i would characterize those is that it's clear he's been planned this for sometime. i don't want to go beyond that. he has held these beliefs. i think others maybe just didn't believe he would act on this, but he has talked for sometime. >> he has talked and he's been all over social media. his friends say he doesn't have social media and doesn't use it. can you elaborate on where you're finding where he has
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written about the police? >> no, i can't. >> have you tried to contact his father, his family? >> there has not been any contact with his family at that point. >> is he acting alone? do you think he's still acting alo alone? >> everything we have looked at at this point has only identified him as a suspect in this matter. we remain open to reviewing any piece of information that comes to light and would certainly discuss that with the district attorney in weighing other charges. the district attorney has been clear in the past that anyone that aids him during this man hunt would be charged as well. but in terms of the actual shooting, we have only identified him as a suspect. >> have you heard of any bounty hunters have been coming into the area? is that discouraged or legal in
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pennsylvania? >> we have heard rumors from the media that's been occurring. we have not encountered anyone that has identifiy eied themsel as a bounty hunter. they would typically engage trying to going after someone after they jumped bail. they could potential be interfering with law enforcement while we try to capture this individual. they have no authority other than that as a private citizen to come here and do this. >> do you have any idea where the ak was found? >> it was up in the area closer to where the jeep was recovered. >> how long is the trail of the things he left? >> i wouldn't characterize it as a trail of things he left. it was in the general area where the jeep was found.
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i'm not going to discuss where we have found items. i'm not prepared to have him know what we have. >> how big an area? >> this really just depicts the area that i know the media has been down in this area. but this is the pike-monroe county border. this entire area, it's enlarged -- this entire area is our primary search area right now, but we're following up on other tips. all of our people are not concentrated in this area. we have significant resources. we have secured some perimeters. we have done a number of sweeps through the area. we have aviation in the area to allow us to search it, but we're following up. >> how big an area are we talking about? >> this area is a few square
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miles. i would characterize the larger search area as 200, 250 square miles. >> has he attempted to contact his family? >> i can't comment on what we know that he has or has not. >> do you believe he has a cell phone with him? >> i wouldn't want to comment on them. >> the weapons in the pictures, were they found that way? >> the weapon was suspended so it could be seen better. >> were they hidden? >> no. >> how well planned was this? isn't it fugitive 101 you don't go anywhere near your home? >> i don't say it was well planned. i say it was planned. >> why was that shelter in place order lifted? has he moved out of that area?
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>> it is because we constantly balance the obvious concerns with disrupting peoples' lives with trying to ensure their safety. we have swept through the majority of the areas where the residences are located. now, you know, be aware though that he can always -- if he's able to slip through a perimeter to get back into there. we have done thorough searches through those areas, and we are doing our absolute best to try and ensure he's not the immediate area where the majority of those residences are located. it remains up to the individual if they want to remain in their residence. >> if you could speak directly to him, what would you like to say? >> he needs to turn himself in. the state police will apprehend him. it is only a matter of time.
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for his sake and safety and the safety of law enforcement and the public at large, he needs to turn himself in. >> has anybody taken down his facebook page or twitter page? he seem to be a ghost online. >> i couldn't tell you about the current status of his facebook or twitter. >> how long will you continue to allocate resources to this search effort? >> until we capture him. our agency will dedicate even more resources if we believe it is necessary and appropriate at any point in time. >> are these just state troopers you are using? i have heard you are recruiting local law enforcement from around the state to help out. >> we're using primarily state troopers. we have utilized specialized teams from other law enforcement agencies, but not typically uniformed patrol officers or
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anything from other agencies. we're not recruiting. we have a lot of resources within the state police. i have pulled troopers from stations across the commonwealth. it is not to negatively impact their operations, but i have pulled troopers over the last several days. we'll pool resources from wherever we need to. >> do you believe that to be one of the two rifles that the assailant had on him at the time of the shooting? >> i believe that is likely. >> can you anticipate what his state of mind is right now? hasn't been able to sleep in days. >> we are approach -- >> this has been an update from the pennsylvania state police. eric freen is accused of killing one state trooper there and
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wounding another one. right now i'm going to take you to charlottesville, virginia. let's listen to that. >> -- university of virginia and the community of charlottesville. you've been following this for seven days. in just a couple hours, it will mark a weeks worth of trying to find hannah. i don't know if you were out yesterday for the search or at the j.p.j. friday night, but when i pulled in there, it was devastating to me to look under that parking lot and see so many cars that were driven by so many people who said, we're going to set friday night aside and help. a man said, i have a daughter and this has struck me to my core and i want to do something for this child and her parents.
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the only thing i can do is search. him and 1,000 other people did. we're going to talk a little bit in the couple minutes about that search. how it's coordinated, the tenacity of the people that were there, what they found, what they didn't find, the relevance to the investigation, if any, all those things. before i start, if you're here in this room, if you're one of those people that's been e-mailing us, if you are the thousand plus people who showed up to search for hannah, you rose to the occasion. you stepped up to the plate and you rose to the occasion. that's all i asked you to do. that's all mr. graham asked you to do is just rise to the occasion and help us find the little girl and you did. i'm so proud of this community and every person who has touched this community by their thoughts and prayers this week.
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you have been through this chronology of how this started. i'm just going to touch on it. at 30,000 feet, not with the level of detail we have with previous press conferences, but just to remind you from how we got from friday night to today. on friday night, hannah left her apartment. she had dinner with her friends. she went to a few other places. she socialized and then she left. and her world begins to get turned around at that point, i think. she makes her way to mcgrady's pub. she interacts with the doorman there and she's turned away. she proceeds down preston avenue. the video camera captures all of that. you saw that. the world saw that, playing this video over and over again. and she finds her way to second street and market.
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an eyewitness sees her make that turn. she went southbound on second street and she goes on to her mall and she goes eastbound. we know that because surveillance cameras tell us that. at least two tell us she's walking up that mall. in one of those images, one of which i thought was a reflection because of how the image was taken, we now look closer and she's walking with a man. i believe that man was jesse matthew. i really do. and i believe jesse matthew and hannah found themselves at the tempo restaurant. i believe that. eyewitnesses told us so. i believe hannah graham left the restaurant with jesse matthew. i believe that. in fact, i believe that jesse matthew was the last person she
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was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. let me say that again. i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth because it's been a week and we can't find her. but somebody knows where she is. somebody's got to know where she is. and we want to know who that person or persons are. i've mentioned the name jesse matthew a couple times. in fact, some of you knew the name jesse matthew before it ever came out of my mouth. we confirmed you had the right name. a lot of you have broadcasted that name. but i don't want to get tunnel vision. i don't want any of you to get tunnel vision. i want anyone out there in this community still looking for
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hannah graham to get tunnel vision just because we have a name or saw her with a particular person. we were so interested in jesse matthew we found our way to his apartment armed with a search warrant to seize a car. you'll see that car on this screen. i want you to take a good look at that car. if you were in charlottesville, virginia, friday night a week ago into saturday morning. i don't care at what time. if you saw that car, we want to talk to you. we want to know where you saw it and who was inside the vehicle if you saw someone inside the vehicle. hey, if you saw somebody get in that car at about 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, we really need to talk to you because this is a critical piece of the puzzle where there's lots of pieces missing. we searched that car.
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we searched the apartment of jesse matthew. those searches are over. they've been completed, and we're waiting to hear back from the department of forensic science as to whether or not any evidence was recovered from either of those two venues. and i hope and pray that such evidence was. i've made no mistake about it. we want to talk to jesse matthew. we want to talk to him. we want to talk about his interaction with this sweet young girl that we can't find because he was with her. so jesse matthew showed up at the police station yesterday. muck raked right through the front door just a couple minutes after a few cameras walk away.
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walked through the door with a couple of family members. he walked inside and asked for a lawyer and we found him one. i'm not going to tell you who that lawyer is because i don't know if it was ever retained. i know they talked for a little bit and i know they walked out that door and i don't know anymore about his interaction with hannah graham than i did the moment he walked in. the detectives don't know anymore about that interaction he had with that young girl than the moment he walked in. i hope and pray that we might have an opportunity to talk to jesse matthew again, because i think he can help us find hannah graham, because that's what we want to talk about. we want to talk about where hannah graham is. it's just that simple.
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when mr. matthew left, at some point thereafter, state and federal authorities who are overtly, not covertly, overtly monitoring his movement saw him get into a car, leave a location at a high rate of speed, driving in a manner that was reckless and placed others in danger, so much so they to disengage for their protection and the protection of other people. so the virginia state police have obtained arrest warrants for jesse matthew charging him with reckless driving. two counts because he had somebody in the car with him. that's a class 1 misdemeanor. there's where we are.
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that might not be interesting developments for you, but here's the deal. i wanted you to hear about those things from me. i wanted you to hear that he walked through the front door by me. i wanted you to hear that we engaged him and he fled in a vehicle. i wanted you to hear that by me. i wanted you to know that he was wanted on two class is misdemeanor warrants by me. i promise you we keep you up to date the best we can so it doesn't jeopardize our investigation. if i think information is going to jeopardize our efforts, i'm going to hold onto that. we're going to be as transparent as we can possibly be. always asking for your continued cooperation and patience when we're not able to answer your questions directly at the time that you ask them. i talked about yesterday's
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search. mark is going to do that in just a second. a thousand-plus people come from all over the community. they spent all day yesterday and today. they found things not knowing where they were relevant or not, but they did what we asked them to do. they stopped. they didn't touch it. they communicated to experts. we came, we looked, we made an evaluation. but regardless of whether those searches yielded anything of value to our investigation, we're going to continue our work. we're going to continue to work relentlessly until we find hannah graham. until we find hannah graham, we're going to work relentlessly. when i say we, i don't just mean the charlottesville police department. i mean every law enforcement agency that stepped up to the plate.
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i'm talking about you and every member of this community and people in this country that have been touched by hannah graham. >> thank you, chief. my name is mark. i'm the search coordinator for the virginia department of emergency management. on monday, we received a request from the chief and his staff requesting our assistance with a missing persons mission. on average, we get a similar request about 80 times a year. most of those do not turn into what we are looking at here today. i came to charlottesville. we began working with the chief and his staff looking at the information that they had, the leads, we were reporting search teams. we were working through the city, very highly urban area, which brings its own challenges. as we began working through this
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however, into tuesday, we began to realize if we're going to cover the city, there's going to have to be a much greater effort. more manpower than we can provide than what it would take to actually cover the city to some reasonable measure that we are certain that we have looked everywhere that we can possibly find. the chief and i began to discuss a plan at what it would take to bring in the community, engage the community, which at that time -- there was some push from the community wanting to be involved, and we knew that there was an interest. clearly, there was an interest. the question was how are we going to do it. so we spent two days planning, logistical coordination, at the same time we're still running search tasks with our own people, and we began working towards that plan, working with the university of virginia, uva, which has been a fabulous
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partner. we couldn't ask for any greater support. they gave us the arena. once i knew we had the arena, we had pretty much what we needed to bring in. we also realized we had to have all those details wired down. with some very talented university of virginia students, they set us with up with very little effort an online registration system. we asked everyone in the community to register, preregister, in that registration system to give us those numbers, to figure out how we were going to do that. so we were going to put that together and move forward. that turned out to be almost 2,000 people that registered on that. not all 2,000 actually came out.
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however, i am proud to say that the community of both uva, the city of charlottesville, there was over 1200 people that stepped forward. they gave us two glorious days. yesterday was a good day. we covered a tremendous amount of ground. by the end of yesterday, we had covered already 65% of the city. we still have teams out there right now. search efforts are still continuing, and they will continue until about 6:00 p.m. tonight. and we estimate by the time we finish, we're going to get 85% of the city. that's very close to our objective of the 100%. at this point, i can't first of all just say enough. chief talked about the volunteers. they come out for their own reasons, and the parents. i don't know how many parents i ran into looking for their own child in their own minds' eye, i believe. i heard stories of the citizens
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of the community coming out to the sidewalk to offer them food and drink. there's stories of them being cheered on as they moved along and it just touches my own heart. i will tell you friday was my own daughter's birthday. as much as i love my daughter, there's no place else i'd rather be than right here. hannah has birthdays, and i'm sure mr. and mrs. graham want to spend that with their daughter. so at the end of today, we're going to have to wind down on the community effort. we can only sustain that but so long. we have close to achieving the goal. we're going to scale back to our trained search and rescue teams. we do have a plan to continue forward in a more limited way, but also in a much more focused way. one of the greatest benefits that we came up with over the last two days, we have generated more leads, new information, and
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one piece always leads to the next. i was asked at one time, what are those volunteers going to find? they're going to find all kinds of junk. yes, there's a lot of trash in the city. we know that. this is not the first time that we've done that. and i know that we're going to sort through 90% of everything we find. it's going to be irrelevant. it's not going to really matter. we have to go to the 90% to get to the 10% of the things that are possibly relevant or the one thing that will turn this mission on the dime. there is always one thing and that's what we have to get to and it takes work to get there. and i am proud of the people who stepped forward who came out to be a part of this, who gave us their feet, their time, their efforts, their hearts to help us
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get to this point. over 16 agencies have participated. we have trained personnel team as far away as maryland. this is one of the finest examples of a mission and work and comradery that i've seen in my 30 year career. as we move into the next new days, we're going to be very focused, we're going to be very targeted, and we're going to pursue those leads. that's all i have, chief. >> all right. let me just be redundant with the few final minutes i'll speak. from the early morning hours of
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september 13th, you saw hannah graham, i need to hear from you. because as i said before, she wasn't the only person in that mall. her and jesse matthew weren't the only people in the tempo restaurant. we know that. when they walked out of the tempo restaurant and they walked in whatever direction they did, they weren't the only people on the street. if you saw the two of them together, we want to know that. we want to talk to you. once again, if you saw that car, in particular if you saw people get inside that car between 1:20, 1:40 in the morning, we really need to hear from you. if you have a child, especially a daughter, this will disappearance should strike at your core. it does mine. it does mark's. it does jim's.
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i know it does yours, because i have talked to a lot of you. sometime between 11:00 and 2:00, a bunch of you were lighting up my phone, burning it up, text messages, missed calls because about 10:00 yesterday morning i went home and picked up two 15-year-old girls, my daughter and her friend on the soccer field and we went across the mountain to a soccer game. as i stood there and watched those young girls going up and down that field, i thought of the two people that you're getting ready to meet, john and susan graham. they want to talk to you. they want to talk beyond you. they want to talk to an entire community. they want to tell you in their words, not mine, about hannah. they want to ask you not through
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me, but through their own hearts to help them find their daughter, because that's all they want. for somebody to tell them where hannah graham is. so i'm going to take a few questions, but i can promise you nothing that's going to come out of my mouth is going to mean as much as what's going to come out of theirs. i want to say mr. and mrs. graham will not be taking questions. they just want to speak to you. yes, ma'am. >> when you saw jesse matthew driving at a high rate of speed, your officers, do you believe he was trying to flee the jurisdiction? why haven't you arrested him? do you know where he is now? >> let me answer the question in the order the question was asked. it was state and federal officials outside the ju jurisdiction of the city.
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none of my folks made those observations. i can't tell you what was motivating his reckless driving behavior. it was obvious who they were, i would think, the officers that were there. he got in the car and he drove away at a speed that was at a high rate of speed and engaging in driving behavior that was reckless, but i can't speculate on the rationale behind why he might have done that. we are aggressively pursuing a location. once we have determined that location, providing mr. matthew does not surrender himself, we will go there and arrest him. >> the timeline wasn't clear on this. >> it was after he appeared here yesterday. at some point thereafter. >> what time was that? and how long was he there with you guys in the police station? >> jim, i'm sorry. >> he was at the police station probably over at least an hour.
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>> afternoon, morning? >> late afternoon. the officers encountered him after that, shortly after that. probably within 15 minutes of when he left the police department. >> do you have a location or street this this incident might have happened on? >> it was on the east side of the community. >> do you have a previous mug shot that you're releasing? >> at such time he is charged with a crime, he'll release his mug shot. >> do you have any previous ones though? >> not that we're willing to release at this point. we have had many discussions about that very issue. >> is there matthew now a suspect or a person of interest? >> he is a person whom we would like to talk about the whereabouts of hannah graham.
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>> this was when do you expect from the crime lab? >> great question. i wish it was today. yesterday actually. we're hoping tomorrow. at the very latest tuesday morning. if we don't hear something by midday tomorrow, we're going to reach out to the crime lab to see if he can expedite their work. >> as far as a location for jesse matthew, how far should people in virginia should be keying an eye out for him if they see him? >> four corners of the nation and beyond. >> what was he driving? >> i don't know that i know the answer to that. if there comes an appropriate time, if we can get that information, i will. i don't see any reason why not to share it. >> you have so much surveillance video of hannah. do you have her leaving the tempo restaurant? do you have video surveillance of them getting into his car?
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>> i'm not going to talk at all about the vehicle and what we know, but we do have them together after they left tempo restaurant. so he's still with her at that time. >> can you guys talk about the chopper that was up last night? >> that was to assist in the search and i was up in the chopper. >> can you clarify whether her last text was at 1:06 or 1:20 a.m. at this time? >> not at this moment because we're still working on the records with the phone companies. >> we're trying to validate those time stamps. >> how many eyewitnesses have you spoken with at this point? >> jim? >> i would say well over 50 to 75 eyewitnesses. we have received over 900 tips in the last four days. >> i have a question.
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you said you covered 85% of the city. does that include the surrounding county? >> the coverage of the 85% is the city. it is within the city. >> will you be continuing to search out into the county at all? >> as needed. if leads generate that way, we will pursue every lead. >> i'm going to bring the grahams in. jim reminded me of something that courtney mentioned i think at our first news conference. that is a reminder. if you haven't already done so, search or inspect your property. tire tracks that were not made by your own vehicles. if you find them, please call us. the rest of mark and i won't speak for the experts, but my
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i'm hannah's father. right here is sue, hannah's mother and my wife. as this nightmare for hannah, for us, hannah's big brother james, her grandparents, and for hannah's extended family continues, we would like to make this statement. we have been utterly overwhelmed this week by the generosity of spirit of everybody we have met and many more besides of whom we have not be able to meet. we understand that over a thousand volunteers have been out combing charlottesville looking for our girl yesterday and today. a similar number of wonderful people are out today searching. sue and i were out searching yesterday. so was some of our work colleagues, our friends, our neighbors, from our home, hannah's friends from softball and her high school team, high school, and many others.
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but the effort is much wider. members of the charlottesville community have turned out in force to help. armies of hannah's university friends have been helping. i read this morning that a gentleman came from as far away as baltimore, maryland came. thank you, sir. sue and i are utterly overwhelmed by the support for hannah and we cannot begin to express our thanks. we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. i think that the reason that hannah has such marvelous support is that this is every parents' worst nightmare. i'm certain that everybody in this room and those watching
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notice that what happened to hannah could happen to their child. we need to find out what happened to hannah and make sure that it doesn't happen to anybody else. you of all, i'm sure, have read about hannah. you'll have read that hannah is a second year student at the university of virginia, a skier, musician, softball player. she likes to help people. [ no audio ] >> we have just lost communication from charlottesville, virginia, where the parents of hannah dprgrahame talking to volunteers and the press. we have heard from the police chief naming a person of interest by the name jesse
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matthew. he believes she was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. we're going to try to meantime, let's bring in msnbc law enforcement analyst, jim cavanaugh. jim, obviously, this is very emotional for everybody, as her parents are speaking now, holding themselves together, it was a very emotional news conference by the police chief there, wasn't it? >> it was, melissa. he is really into the case. clearly and taking the steps to find hannah when the searchers and detectives, they have talked about the last certain seen with hannah and they have traffic warrant ras, misdemeanor traffic warrants out for him. i think the key is they have got to get those forensics jump started, you know, whether the chief has to call the director of the state lab or the governor and get those things examined as quick as they can so they can eliminate this man that was last seen with hannah or they can,
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you know, proceed for him. >> jim, let me interrupt you, let's go back to the parents of hannah graham, john and susan graham are speaking right now. >> however insignificant you think it may be, call the police tip line with anything that just might help us to bring hannah home. sue and i have received countless messages of support since this began. and i would like to read to you one e-mail that we received this morning from one of hannah's high school teachers. it reads as follows, "i am sure you are continually being inundated with hundreds of people reaching out daily, but i just wanted to touch base again to express some of my hope and confidence. throughout the week, as i spoke with anna's friends and teachers and the countless other people
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whose lives have been better by hannah's passion and positivity, one theme shown brightly through each conversation, hope. not because that's what people feel like they should say at a time like this, but because of who hannah is. hannah is brilliant, resilient, determined and loves life more than anyone else i know. everyone agrees, if anyone could get through this, this it is hannah. i have been trying to pray my thoughts with the idea that every moment that passes, we are one moment closer to having hannah back. let's hope today's the day" the lovely message that we received this morning. when i returned home from bringing hannah back to charlottesville for the beginning of term last month, i found that she had left this little guy behind. this is hannah's favorite white
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rabbit, bb. he was given to happen nah by one of my friends when she was less than a week old. bb helped out in tuscaloosa and he was hannah's constant guardian companion, friend and guardian angel until last month when she chose to return to charlottesville without him. constant companion, that is except for about six months, when hannah was 3 years old when he was lost at nursery. we found bb, we brought him home to happen nah and to us. all we want to do now is bring hannah home safely and i appeal to anybody who knows anything, please, please help us. thank you. >> thanks.
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>> this has been an update from charlottesville, virginia. we just heard from john and susan graham, parents of hannah graham, a university of virginia student who has been missing more than a week. the search continues for her. bring in jim cavanaugh, msnbc investigative analyst. tell us what you -- what your impression is of what the grahams just had to say there. >> well, it's heartbreaking, of course, they want their daughter to come back alive. and there's always hope when she is not found. you know, there was elizabeth smart, there was jaycee dugard, sometimes that does happen, there are other case. the case is still fresh and holding out hope maybe she is held somewhere, shack halled somewhere in a barn, in a cave, in a house, and all those things remain as small possibilities. the other possibility is that she has been gravely harmed or murdered and they know that and the police know that. so, that's why they are pressing so hard. >> we saw the parents holding up her stuffed animal that she was given when she was a week old.
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is that something that law enforcement encourages people like the grahams to do to personalize hannah in the case that she may still be alive and being held? >> well, it could be, i a lot of that.coulds right from the heart of the parents, just so emotional for them. the chief is not necessarily going to try to script what they say it is really coming from the heart. there is no real plea here to a captor or anything like that certainly, it does humanize her and that's important. but she is already pretty great example of humanity just by her personality and her age and her being a college student. so you know, i think the biggest thing for the police now is forensics i in the car and also whatever cell phone tracking this he can do on hannah's phone and on the last person seen with hannah and any associates or friends he may have. so they can eliminate them. >> we are on limited time here, i do want to get to that the name jesse matthew named repeatedly in the news conference by the chief of
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police. give us your impression on everything he had to say and what you make of it regarding jesse matthew. >> well, i would just caution that shouldn't be too out front too early because, you know, you have sometimes cases and things that look one way and turn another. you know, i worked extensively on the eric rudolph case and richard jewell l jewell was not who did it the hatfield case, washington, d.c., the an anthrax. what are the real facts here in the last man they know was with hannah when she was alive. that's the real fact. they don't have probable cause to make any arrest on that man or they would have done t they have a warrant out for him for a traffic violation. so, what they have to do is focus quick lynn at forensics to eliminate him or get probable cause and on the cell phone tracking, on him, on hannah, on his associates to eliminate him or to get probable cause. >> jim cavanaugh, thank you, i'm afraid we will have to leave it there. have much more ahead on this
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story and the search in pennsylvania for a suspect in a state trooper killing there. that is our show. thank you for watching this sunday afternoon. i'm millissa rehberger. have a great evening. $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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