tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC September 23, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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to anyone who would plot against america and try to do americans harm that we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists who threaten our people. >> the u.s. with five allies hit over 20 targets including isis headquarters and training sites. >> our initial indication is these were very successful. last night's strikes were only the beginning. >> the two leaders are not likely to meet in new york and he thinks the air strikes are illegal. even as secretary kerry tries to expand that coalition. >> we face a common threat and our response has to be all hands on deck.
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good day, i'm andrea mitchell in new york. brian williams ex-closively and the threat the group poses to the uk and u.s. what is the threat to the uk and what have you learned further about the isis threat to our country? >> i think the threat is very clear that you got here, not a terrorist organization as it were leaching off another state as we had in afghanistan with al qaeda and the taliban state. a terrorist organization is controlling a state. it has money and territory and weapons. no doubt it has already undertaken and is planning further plots in europe and elsewhere, specifically in belgium and brussels. it was an isis plot that went
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into a jewish museum and killed entirely innocent people. other plots they have been attempting including in my own country in order to kill and maim innocent people and the same applies to the united states of america. this is a fight you cannot opt out of. these people want to kill us. they have got us in their sights and we have to put together this coalition working with all those countries i mentioned to make sure we destroy thissing evil organization. >> the managing director brian williams joins me now. >> thanks for having me. >> thanks for being here. >> we woke up to a new day. >> it was breaking as we were going on the air. this is an unusual coalition. it's five arab countries and it's unclear there will be a briefing at noon in the next few minutes where we will be beginning to learn what countries did what. why weren't the allies involved.
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they have struck iraq and they have not struck isis targets in syria. the uk not involved. >> some took an early swing saying this was a matter of we needed more coordination for forward air controllers. let's wait and see what the briefing says. what's interesting is the ark. the president was criticized for saying we have no strategy. there were the makings of a strategy and we wake up to learn of this new group heretofore mentioned just once as far as we can find by clapper. the dni. it was asked in the briefing room, but as our audience learns all these new groups, isis we are still learning. isil we are still learning is the name of it from the administration and others. the coalition was more impressive than most people thought. if you separate out the air raids last night that took place
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and we are learning now how much equipment was use and how many targets were struck, we will learn a lot more by close of business today. >> one thing they have been stressing is that we don't have boots on the ground in terms of bomb damage assessment. real information both for targeting and action reporting. that's one reason they did not go after the leadership of isis. >> there is only so much they can do by air in perfect conditions and cloudless sky without having ground-based intelligence. that gets you exactly that. that kind of granular look. there is only so much they can do. >> it's so interesting to see all of these shifting coalitions. you have the uae and qatar engaged even though they have been arguing amongst themselves in the last year or so over whether or not qatar was supporting too many of these
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groups in syria. the precursor to isis or isil or whatever we are calling it today. you saw that turkey was not. turkey got the 49 hostages back and the president acknowledged they traded. they did a deal. they probably according to many reports traded a lot of isis fighters back for getting their 49 diplomats. >> now we have cameron meeting with the head of iran while in new york. i asked him today, does this prove the adage, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? he rejected that. he is meeting with him because he can. because it is coalition building time. you have a lot of strange bed fellows with this. >> i was at a breakfast briefing and he said he is not planning to meet with president obama because the foundations have not
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been laid for that, but he did think they could iron out their differences over nuclear weapons and the nuclear talks taking place are critical this week in new york. there will be a deal before or during or at the two-month deadline when the time runs out in november. he also said he thinks the isis strikes while legal in iraq because the iraq government invited us in and he took credit for iranian militias having pushed back isis and saved baghdad, he said he thinks that last night's attacks were illegal because syria's assad government did not invite us. >> they were inside the airspace of syria. he will draw that distinction and tonight no doubt we will hear another round of air strikes. >> it is a fascinating time. >> it is. we will have it all on nightly news including one andrea mitchell. >> i hope. of course david cameron. thanks for that. >> thanks for having me.
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>> we can see a lot more with prime minister david cameron tonight on nightly news. for more on the air strikes in syria and the strategy against isis and a lesser known group which is a branch of al qaeda, i am joined by the deputy national security adviser. busy night. thanks for taking the time. tell us what you think you accomplished in the strikes last night. >> first of all, the president said he would take the fight to isil wherever it is including syria and that's just what he did. he said he would build a broad coalition to isil including five countries last night. he said we would begin the process of moving from i till and what we did last night was to start to roll them back and disrupt activities and move them from their tows to their heels. >> tell us about this al qaeda
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group that now we are learning a whole new name or group that the president said was a direct threat to the u.s. and allies. what was the threat and how imminent was the threat and was that the reason and was it timed more to un meetings? >> this is a group called the kor zon group and these are battle hardened who take advantage of the war, take advantage of the chaos. we have been tracking them for sometime. we have been concerned they were developing plans and plotting to attack not only in the region, but in europe and the homeland. some of that plotting was getting advance and as we developed the information and as we understood where they were and could pinpoint them, it was time to take action. >> was it more important to go after them because of the imminent threat or were you going after isis primarily? which was the primary target? >> they were both critical targets. isis, it's important that we
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academy against them not only in iraq, but syria. if they were able to build a safe haven, they can build a base to which we can plot and attack. this is a smaller group, but these are much larger groups in pakistan and chechnya. they are focused on homeland attacks and attacks in europe. because the plotting was getting advanced, it was critical to take advantage of this opportunity to go after them as well. >> how advanced was the plotting regarding the united states? the homeland. >> we are tracking it carefully and had intelligence suggesting they were moving far along. that's as much as i can say. given that, it was important to act and to try to disrupt what they were doing. >> i was at a meeting with the president from iran and he said it was not legal because it was
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not authorized by the united nations and the syrian government did not invite the u.s. in. >> that's wrong. in fact there is as you know a doctrine of collective self defense. the iraqis asked us to take action and asked the united nations and wrote to the united nations asking the united states and other countries to act against isil because isil in syria threatens them. the border has been virtually erased and even as we take action in iraq, they are not able to do so in syria, they can plot and plan and build attacks including iraq from syria. this was at the request of the iraqis and fits into the theory of self defense. >> of the five arab countries, how many dropped bombs? >> i know the pentagon will do a briefing shortly where they will detail what took place last night. all five were very active participantsi flying with us lat night. >> before i let you go, we know
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that the fence jumper who got all the way through the north into the front door of the white house had a lot of ammo and a past record of threats against the president. how concerned are you as deputy national security adviser for the safety of the first family and the white house itself? >> let me say a couple of things about that. the men and women of the secret service put their lives on the line for the president and his family and others every minute of the day. they do an extraordinary job. they are looking into what happened. trying to understand exactly what took place and then making any necessary adjustments to what they are doing. this is something they are looking into. we have absolutely confidence in theirests and indeed what they do every day for the country. >> i know how busy of a day this is for you. >> thanks for having me. >> much more ahead on this first wave assault against terrorist targets in syria. last night's strikes are only
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i'm a doctor of internal medicine with something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands.
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support bases and enable in iraq their security forces with the help of partners to dislodge and remove isil from iraq. i would think years. >> jim miklaszewski questioning lieutenant general william mayville about last night's strikes against isis and an al qaeda off shoot, the khorazan organization. mick joins me now with the chief foreign correspondent, richard engle joins me by phone from istanbul. me what the allies did and what is the assessment? >> the air strikes that included five allies in the operation
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itself. then air strikes on the terrorist organization with direct ties to al qaeda in the northeast part of syria. then finally on the southern section of syria along the border with iraq, air strikes against various isis targets. in terms of the allies and that were in on the strikes, four are believed to have flown and qatar is believed to have provided the air base for american aircraft to take off to launch air strikes. that so far appears to be the participation in part of the arab allies. >> notice absent inis tan bull is turkey which has been the
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gateway for many of the fighters for the oil and the money that has been smuggled through to isis. a lot of complaints that turkey has not done enough to close that border and turkey is noticeably not part of this coalition. >> turkey is part of this conflict whether they like it or not. in the last several days about 150,000 refugees have come into turkey, fleeing from isis militants. they don't control the border and some of that is accidental and some of that is a difficult border to control. for a long time, turkey seemed to be encouraging fighters to use this country to transit through to enter into syria to topple that and lose control of the situation. it was enthusiastically
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embracing the role of being into syria and now it's struggling to turn that faucet off. the chief said on a flight back to washington, we wanted to make sure they knew i till had no safe haven and we achieved that, but you have been making the point without having people on the ground, it's difficult to get not only the bomb damage assess am, but the intel. that's one reason we were reporting they did not target isis leadership. >> and general mayville acknowledged today that the air strikes did not target isis leadership and we are being told again. without boots on the ground, they do not have sufficient intelligence to track the leadership to know where they are at any given time. think back to july when they launched a rescue operation for two american hostages there in
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syria. they were confident that the intel said they are here when they got on the ground. the hostages were gone. that's one of the drawbacks without having either u.s. boots on the ground or allied boots on the ground in terms of informants within isis that could provide that intelligence which is seriously lacking. i think what came out of today so far from the president and to general mayville, this has just begun and it will take years. >> thanks so much. i know you have to get back to a briefing, but before i let you go, can i ask briefly about the projection from general dempsey. it will take a year to train 5,000 syrian forces. the so-called moderate forces. you know these people well. you have been with them in the field. is that going to be the boots on the ground that makes this thing work? >> i have been talking to
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military officials and people who are involved in the plan. what they are hoping at a minimum is that these several thousand vetted, trained syrian army members can be at least spotters and go in and provide intelligence and they can be spies and spotters and informants. are they going to be able to turn the tide of the battle by themselves? absolutely not. it is immensely complicated. think of this area between iraq and syria. it holds roughly 8 million people in the isis run islamic state. they are able to move around freely. fighting on the ground there. you have a host of rebel groups. you have isis and you have hezbollah. you have the iranian government troops of assad and american air strikes. there so many players on this
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battlefield. without having sufficient ground forces there, it's going to be a very, very difficult thing for the u.s. to know from above who is who and who is bombing and who is helping and trying to hu hurt. >> thanks so much for reporting. the threat here at home, rudy giuliani joining me coming up
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next. >> they are focused on homeland attacks and because the plotting was getting advanced, it was critical to take advantage of this opportunity to go after them as well. >> how advanced was the plotting regarding the united states? the homeland. >> we were tracking it carefully and had intelligence suggesting that they were moving far along in their plotting. that's as much as i can say, but given that, it was important to act and to try to disrupt what
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they were doing. >> deputy national security adviser about the threat from this al qaeda off shoot known as the khorazan group in europe. rudy giuliani, mr. mayor thanks for joining me. >> a pleasure to be here. >> it's u nweke which is a security and traffic nightmare for new yorkers. huh to live with this. >> this was my worst week of the year when it was over. i would say a prayer and say thank god it's over. this was a group who tracks intelligence and have heard about them. little known to most and gives you a sense of how diverse the groups are and how difficult of a problem it is in a way when it was just al qaeda.
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dangerous as al qaeda was, it was easier. we had more intelligence and one group. now they are all over the map. it's a statement to act on their own. to me that's a very dangerous statement. that can activate a self jihadist and a complete nut who is sitting at home. that's the worst for any police or fbi. it's the one off nut who is not getting intelligence on and any surveillance on and it just happens. >> the lone wolf. >> the biggest threat in a way because you are not getting international traffic about that and your informants are not gathering information. we haven't had a lot of presence in iraq in the last two or years with the troops pulling out. we are not getting the level of intelligence we were getting in the past. i think we better be careful. i haven't seen this security in new york in a very, very long time. >> really?
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>> the commissioner has substantially increased the security if you go over by the un. >> i was there this morning. it was incredible. i know the security we provided and i know the security they provided. bill brat on as a police commissioner. this is an area we know well. >> we safer all these years after 9/11. >> yes in certain ways and no in certain ways. we are safer on airplanes and there is much more intelligence sharing from all countries now. we are less safe because the new groups keep emerging that we don't have the history of. when i prosecuted the mafia, i had pictures on the wall. i knew who they were and i had the information. when the new groups came along like the russian mafia, it took a while to find out who they were. >> you are involved with security as a consultant. you are also involved in a law
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case against noriega. the panamanian dictator who is still in jail, right? >> right. >> he is suing call of duty and you are defending. >> i'm a partner and i have been for years. my background is as a lawyer. i represented the "wall street journal" i barron's and the daily news as a first amendment lawyer and then a prosecutor for many, many years. this is a notorious dictator who killed many people and is sitting in yale and he is suing this company that owns call of duty that employs 7500 people and takes care of jobs for 500 veterans. it's a good company. he wants millions of dollars. he is mentioned briefly, briefly in the game. the reality is if he's allowed to do this, it's assault on the first amendment.
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then somebody like bin laden's heirs could sue "zero dark thirty" for that movie and all the historical narratives can all sue. president bush is in this game. oliver north is in this game. david petraeus is in this game. they haven't sued. that's the reason i took it on. >> rudy giuliani versus noriega. i know where i'm putting my money. >> a name from the past. >> coming up, the a jend is here with the president's coalition building in the fight against isis. can he deliver. >> the overall effort will take time and there will be challenges ahead. we will do what's necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group. for the security of the country and the region and the entire
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>> welcome back. for more about this important moment in the obama citizen. the senior political analyst and author. this president has really responded i think to the intelligence and the briefings. he came to this reluct aptly or cautiously, however you want to describe it. how do you feel about where he came down and doing this on the eve of the un general assembly. >> as you said, i think he is responding to the facts as he received them. he has been reluctant throughout for good reason. you discussed it during this show and many others. it's a very complicated
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situation. one of his concerns is that we not get embroiled with other people's civil wars that are not easily resolved and b, that we not have the point of the sphere each time there is a conflict in islamic countries because that just lends to the propaganda machine of these terrorist movements. he has been very cautious and think properly so. here you have a group that represents a real threat to american security. and he felt that would get the house in order first. now you can go to the community and we have skin in the game. what's your skin in the game. >> david, at the same time you have leon panetta, hillary clinton, bill clinton, and the former defense secretary, bob
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gates all saying that they should have armed the syrian rebels two years ago and they would have boots on the ground. maybe isis wouldn't have metastasized and grown this way. what about the advice they had from the entire security team. >> first of all, presidents get lots of different advice. we have civilian control of the military for a reason. his judgment was that it was a dangerous proposition to arm this group. we didn't know where the arms were facing a different situation now and he responded differently. this is a classic game of washington which is the hindsight is 20-20. if we had done it my way, we would have turned out. we don't know how it would turn out. who was right and who is wrong. it doesn't matter. what matters is what we will do
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from this point forward. i think he is handling it in a smart way right now. >> we are showing and speaking also new video froms en com of the bombing mission itself. senator cain of virginia and the former chairman was on "the daily rundown" earlier today. this is what he had to say. the house and the senate think there should be a vote. with the 2001 and 2002 authorizations cover this military action and think a majority of members and both houses and parties share my belief and they are not broad enough. this has the president has written another letter to congress. we just got it under the war powers act saying he has the right as commander in chief to do what he did.
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>> i appreciate where he is coming from. i'm not sure he is speaking to that. my sense was there was not a lot of eagerness on the part of the congress to vote on this. i think you know that. the president is faced with a real life situation here where he has to protect the security of the country. there imminent threats and it's a dynamic situation. he felt he had to act and you had the politics of washington which was more complex than simple low let's have a vote. obviously he believes he has the authority to act and i think the majority of the members of congress are relieved he did. >> david axelrod, thank you very much. >> joining me now for more on the president's expanding war against the terror groups. "wall street journal" white house correspondent carol lee.
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jeff, you have written about the reluctant president and praised the fact that he pulled this coalition together. five arab countries and more than you might have expected. >> right. a couple of things have happened in the last day that go against the conventional wisdom about barack obama. he is a loner and can't build coalitions with the foreign nations. here he has a pretty impressive coalition. the core sunni arab states and of course the second criticism is he is hesitant about using force here. he defined an american national security threat. and he is gone and led the action against isis. no one else in the world will lead. he is am can be to a point i think in his presidency where he realizes even though he doesn't find this acceptable, he realizes there is only one super
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power that the world looks to the united states for leadership and he will lead on this crucial question. >> he is going to stop by a meeting at the un with the other arab leaders and the leaders from the states that were part of the coalition. what about this new threat, the threat to the homeland and the kor zon group. the white house is pouring information out and we have to do our own reportering job to find out how imminent the threat was. >> a bunch of white house officials did a call and said this was something that they believed was in the advanced planning stages and was intended to either directly hit the homeland or directly hit europe. that raises a whole host of other questions and like you said, the beginning of the campaign in syria was something we anticipated and this other piece of it has now been introduced. that raises a lot more questions than answers right now. >> the other major player arriving today is the president
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of iran. i saw him at a breakfast meeting today and jeff goldberg, he said the ground work has not been laid for a meeting. that doesn't mean it won't happen. he doesn't think it would happen. there was the call, the last minute call when he was on his way to the jfk airport. he made that call to president obama. they haven't laid the ground work for a meeting. a couple of things. he said he thinks there will be a deal. it could be that they are trying to real negotiators in and that's unlikely given the stance, but he didn't think the differences were great and he thought in the two months left there would be a deal and it is in everyone's interest and the status quo is understandable. they need the relief. that was an interesting indicator and he thought the strikes were illegal. assad had not welcomed them in.
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>> the iranian backed hezbollah. you are witnessing again the charming president of iran and charmed from new york. on the nuclear question, i think we will have to wait for the last minutes. to see if they are going to get somewhere. i think the iranians if they give anything will have to give at the last moment. i think the chances are right now that we might see an extension of the negotiations. they will give just enough to keep this going. he wants to come back with the
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best deal possible. he has been charged by the people to fix the economy. he can't do that without the lifting of sanctions. that's the mission. they asked him about the fact that americans may not want the deal. iranians including the supreme leader who rejected the deal since 2009 when a deal was being proposed, he said yes, he's aware of that and it may not smell so good, but it will smell like a rose. jeff's right. at the same time what about the white house. john kerry has been forward leaning meeting with the iranian counterpart and wanting to push that along. is the white house eager for this or not? >> the president is very eager for this. i think you know and jeff knows that this is something that has been on his list of foreign policy victories he wants to net
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before leaving office. that's why you saw an extension. there was never any doubt that that was going to happen and while you may see him get more deeply involved, the interesting thing about that is last year the white house built up expectations for some sort of exchange and this year they are playing it a little bit different and downplaying the expectations. i think that there is just a little bit of a game going on between the two sides that we are starting to see. it will be interesting to watch it play out the rest of the week. >> great to see you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> jeff goldberg as always, thank you. coming up this hour, we will hear from the president at the united nations on a different fight. climate change. making big waves in new york city this week. we will bring that to you live. two weeks after the ravens cut ray rice, the team is once again playing defense. in a press conference yesterday, the owner disputed espn's
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reporting that ravens officials received a detailed description of what was seen on the infamous elevator video within a week of the attack. he denied that they lobbied roger goodell to go easy on rice and they admitted there is no excuse for them not pursuing the tape earlier. >> there is no excuse for me to have not demanded that video except i wasn't concerned or interested enough to demand it. it never crossed my mind. i'm sorry for that. deeply sorry for that. ♪ ♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers.
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>> it's a good excuse to visit with you. you are the resident expert when i see people talking about the u.s. lead, i think back to them when they didn't show a lot of leadership. they are claiming that the white house is doing a lot more. one of the surpriseding things about the obama administration, it has been committed to doing something about climate change. he said it would be a priority of his second term. it got blown off the front page of the newspaper, but the united states is now coming from a position of strength. the obama administration and it got an agreement with the companies to double feel efficiency and going to reduce
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carbon emissions from power plants and oil power plants by 30%. these are the actions that the united states is doing at home. it can say to the rest of the world, we can do it. we can help you do it. that's what is extraordinary. >> 400,000 people are marching. i'm sure you were there this weekend. there were protests on wall street and also the moms protesting. >> and the difference is americans are living climate change in realtime. there were a lot of moms out there. it was such a family affair and the mothers were concerned because they see what happened today and they fear for their children. a mom from california wants 100
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clean energy. that would dramatically reduce the green house emissions. another mom from maine is seeing the gulf of maine species is changing. they are seeing more jelly fish. jelly fish show up because the water is warmer. it's not just happening in maine, but all-around the world. you see other moms who were protesting fracking. fracking that gets here in the east gets natural gas out and natural gas has fewer emissions than coal, so to burn it for electricity is a good thing. what fracking does to the environment when you get that natural gas out of the ground. people are now feeling the impacts of climate change. in 2014 in a way we didn't before. >> we had such extreme weather events whether it's cause and effect, it makes people think this is more imminent. what do you say to people who say whatever you do here with reducing emissions is not going
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to matter as long as china is growing at 10% and polluting and using coal. it's a global problem. why should we sacrifice. >> if the united states does all of this which is the two big emitters of carbon don't do something. i was saying what's the point? the key is if the united states can do it, maintain the position as a world super power and continue to grow and have a high standard of living. you mean to tell me they are not going to do the same thing? >> it will drive technology for solutions. once green energy becomes more affordable than coal, why are you going to burn coal? why won't you go to solar and wind and water. >> that's why we love seeing
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you. >> i'm so glad you are here. that's the only good thing about u nweke. >> we will be carrying the president's climate change address live coming up next. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity.
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>> tune in for special coverage up to the global concert in new york city. we will be airing that live here. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." what a busy day. we will follow the developments in syria and at the united nations general assembly. sarah brown will be joining us to talk about education for girls and other children. follow the show online on facebook and twitter at mitchell reports. ronan is here next. she said, "dad, go pro with crest pro-health." [ male announcer ] 4 out of 5 dentists confirmed these pro-health products helped maintain a professional clean. crest pro-health really brought my mouth to the next level.
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♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. youlooks amazing.on weight watchers? looks like my next dinner party. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. the united states is backing up words with action taking a fight with isis to syria. the arab states as promised and
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by which we mean so far, one. details. >> we began strikes against isil targets in syria. >> this is a fight you cannot opt out of. >> 1:00 on the east coast and 10 on the west. breaking news off the bat. we are awaiting live comments from president obama, the united nations this hour. he will be addressing world leaders at the climate change summit. this three-day visit will be dominated by isis. a major expansion of the military solved against that group. the fighter
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