tv Jose Diaz- Balart MSNBC September 24, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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threat. this high profile speech comes as a turning point for the u.s. which is taking the fight to isis directly inside syria. u.s. central command this morning confirming more air strikes on isis targets in syria and iraq. the pentagon says one of four, one of our arab coalition partners joined the u.s. in one of the air strikes in syria. bringing the total to 20 since monday. this morning's speech begins a busy day of diplomacy for the president who will meet later this hour with iraq's new prime minister, and then later this afternoon the president will make some history. becoming the first u.s. president to chair the u.n. security council twice. the president will make a pitch for nations to stop the flow of foreign fighters to groups like isis. we're seeing the president of brazil. an interesting tidbit. she actually cancelled the meeting with president obama some months ago after it was
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determined that the nsa had been listening in on her private conversations. brazil, very important country in south america, an ally of the united states. it was a tiff for awhile there between the president of brazil and the united states because of, well, the nsa had been listening to her personal phone conversations. let's talk about the most important story of the day. and to help us set things up as we await to hear from the president chris matthews, chris jansing, and msnbc managing editor. thank you for being with us. chris, i want to start with you. set the stage for us as president obama plays to an international audience as well as one here at home >>well, i think he's very comfortable in a international setting. he's a different kind of world leader from the beginning with the cairo speech when he first went into office. he had hopes for the arab spring and democratzation and being on
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the good guys side, if you will in the middle east. not being knee jerk proisraeli but trying to build real support base among the arab salespeoppe. he tried. now he has to go to war in the arab world again. he has to bomb muslims and killing muslims on national television. this is what i opposed. a lot of people opposed the idea of americans putting on the show of killing arabs for the whole world to watch. here we are, perhaps for the best of reasons, they're beheading our people, they're killing christians, they're killing yezidiezidiyezidis. he has to sell to a developing world audience today in the general assembly. us, the western power, the white power, if you will the united states going into that part of the world and killing a lot of people. it's a hard fight ethnically, even if he's right-on the facts. >> much of the world and much of
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that region understands the language of power. and the president, no doubt, spent a lot of time reaching out to the arab world and giving an optimistic view of the future. you know what? they're killing us. who cares what they think. it's a situation where the president feels it's in the national security to deal with something. it's not because they're muslims. >> are we having an argument? excuse me, i'm explaining what the president is trying to do today. he's trying to win a world audience. it's not about your opinion or my opinion. it's what he's trying to do. he's trying to win the audience. that's why he went up there today >>well, i'm not bringing an opinion i'm just saying -- >> try to win world opinion on our side a tricky situation. a ultimate western power. once again finding arabs on our side, monarchs, trying to, you
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know, someone would say parasites in the country. trying to call them our allies in a world where the arab street may be against us and maybe the developing world is against us in terms of us being the big shot again. i think it's a similar situation for americans to face even when we fought cuba. we had to send pictures to show they were building a nuclear weapons against us and even then we had to make the argument. it's a tough argument in that environment. >> and, chris, i bring you back to supposedly what fdr said when dealing with kninicaragua. he's an sob but he's our sob. you can't choose your allies. >> when the statement about the south and latin america is a buck in the pocket and kick in the butt. the there was a wloft countries to the south of us. now we are dealing with poor countries. they have the representatives in new york. it's not of new york. the u.n. is a global community
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sitting there right in new york. they're not exactly pro-american. i think that's going to be his challenge today. to face into the audience. make the case that in this case we're the good guys. it's a hard fight. >> yeah. hey, chris, stay with us. i want to bring in chris jansing. swefed details about the details about the president's speech. >> it's going to be a lot of topics. obviously as you've been talking about. this is the focus on it. on monday the united states started dropping bombs in syria. ping the white house would make the argument to chris matthews that that's the reason he articulated how fraught this is why they felt they needed to bring this arab coalition together. look, these five states that backed the u.s., four of them with air strikes of their own, are not people who actually get along so well themselves.
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they have their own internal problems amongst themselves. the reason they are signing on they see isis and the rise of the terrorist group is a threat to them as well as to us. i think that is what you're going to hear from the president. it's the largest diplomatic gathering in the world. this is the biggest stage he has. he's going to make the argument to the folks there, also, to the larger world where it will be reported. but i also think there's going to be one on one diplomacy that goes on. as the white house is looking for more commitments, of various kinds from the military to the humanitarian, much is going to be done in private meetings that the president will have across today and tomorrow as well. >> thank you so much. i want to go back to chris matthews. let's talk about the domestic implications of this. the president, as you very well pointed out, is speaking to a group that isn't particularly fond of americans. the president does have to deal with the political ramifications behalf he's doing in the united states. >> isn't it interesting, jose?
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there's a strange bedfellow situation between mitch mcconnell and harry reid? why do they not want to vote? why did they let the congress go home and not vote on something as important as war and peace. it's incumbent protection. protecting people in office. it's a rotten deal. why do the guys and women decide it's in their interest, in fact, they do it out in front. we want the job title of congressman or senator. we like the title and the position. we don't want to take the responsibility of making big decisions. we're going to slide away from it. it is pretty rot ton when you think about it. they had plenty of chances to have a vote. so now they're talking about going back and maybe doing it after the election. well, what good is that? the voters get to vote they don't know where they stand on the war. i think it might be progressives, in big cities, for example.
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you might find minorities and liberals generally don't like the war. they don't want to force the people to have vote, the members of congress. you have red state democrats. certainly people landrieu and pryor and the red states facing tricky election. they might be better off voting for a tough war situation. i think we should all have a vote. i think you agree. i think most americans think that's why we have a congress to vote on the big stuff. >> absolutely. we had senator nelson of florida on in the hour that just passed, and he said, well, i think we should go back and vote on it. what does it take, chris, to get them back in d.c.? >> harry truman did it in 1948. he called the congress back into session and said i want you to vote on the republican platform. i want you to do what you say you're going to do now. he won the election because he did that. it shows so much guts and strength to say nice speeches. nothing got done.
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he won the election. i think he can pull that one out of the hat. that would take real guts to go out and say i want harry. say i want you back in town. no more campaigning. back here, quick. tuesday. i want to vote. wow! wow! >> it's always -- >> wouldn't that be great? >> it would be so unusual as well, wouldn't it? >> he's asking for votes in the u.n. but not the united states. >> they also have a responsibility, you know. they get paid to do their jobs. let's let them ask their own schedule. >> we never fight. we have the great exchanges of ideas. which i learn from. it's a pleasure to see you, my friend. chief foreign correspondent richa richard engel is live in turkey. what is the latest? good afternoon, richard. >> it's good to talk to you. and here along the border a and
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in turkey people are watching closely what is happening inside iraq. what is happening inside syria. there have been more air strikes today. at least five of them against isis targets. four of them in iraq. one in syria. we're told by a u.s. military official. and we're expecting to hear what the president is going to say at the u.n. general si ame bli quite soon. i would expect unanimously everyone is going to come out and support in principle, at least, some sort of condemnation against isis. isis is a disgusting group. it's been beheading people. it's been enslaving people, it's been persecuting religious minorities. it's been going from town to town like hords of locusts and looting and pillaging and selling women into slavery. it's easy for people to say they don't stand for this. however, the specific strategy that this administration has
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come up with to confront isis is raising a lot of questions. even people we've been talking to here refugees say there are inherit flaws in the strategy. they say the u.s. is trying to target isis, which they welcome, but the u.s. is also helping assad, which they don't welcome. they said there are inherit inconsistency that's u.s. is trying to back the free syrian army, it's been promising to back the moderate rebels for three years now. it's backing them just enough so they can't win and can only go into battle and lose the battle. if you ask people, refugees with, those directly affected by the conflict, they say the u.s. strategy has been unclear and sets up syria for many more years of civil war. now a civil war that includes american selective bombings of american enemies in syria.
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>> richard, thank you so much. i want to bring in nbc news chief global correspondent joining us from the northern iraq town of irbil. good morning. after six weeks of u.s. attacks in iraq and syria. what impact is that having? >> the question, jose. that's when we'll hopefully hear in a few moments from president obama. one thing may tell -- how successful these air strikes have been and indeed how he judges success in the long-term. we've had four more air strikes in iraq overnight. two in baghdad and two near where i'm standing now in irbil. that brings to a total of 198 air strikes in the last six weeks. and yet a cautionary tale from iraq. it looks like the actual frontline positions haven't moved a great deal.
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isis has been pushed back only a few miles but that's it. they remain a threat to cities like irbil and others in iraq and indeed on the outskirts of baghdad. the big question for president obama and, indeed, other members of the coalition is how do you judge success? how is isis being hit? is it losing men, is it losing momentum? and, you know, how long will this campaign continue? we expect president obama to answer some of the questions. >> appreciate it. there was some technical issues, but we're having a live shot fromm from irbil, iraq. we go live to the united nations. the president of the united states about to speak. >> mr. president, secretary general, fellow delegates,
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ladies and gentlemen, we come together at a cross road between war and peace. between disorder and integration. between fear and hope. around the globe there are posts of progress. the shad koe of world war that existed at the founding of the institution has been lifted, the prospect of war between major powers reduced. the ranks of member states has more than tripled, and more people live under governments they elected. hundreds of millions of human beings have been freed from the prison of poverty with the proportion of those living in extreme poverty cut in half. and the world economy continues
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to strengthen after the worst financial crisis of our lives. today whether you live in downtown manhattan or in my grandmother's village more than 200 miles from nay row bee, you can hold in your hand more information than the world's greatest libraries. together we have learned how to cure disease and harness the power of the wind and the sun. the very existence of this institution is a unique achievement. people of the world committing to resolve their differences peacefully. and solve their problems together. i often tell young people in the united states that despite the headlines this is the best time in human history to be born. for you're more likely than ever before to be literate, to be
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healthy, to be free to pursue your dreams. and yet there is a pervasive unease in our world. a sense that the very forces that brought us together have created new dangers made it difficult for any single nation to insulate itself from global forces. as we gather here an outbreak of ebola overwhelms public health systems in west africa, and threatens to move rapidly across borders. russian aggression in europe recalls the days when large nations trammed small ones in pursuit of territorial ambition. the brutality of terrorists in syria and iraq forces us to look into the heart of darkness. each of these problems demands
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urgent attention. they also are symptoms of a broader problem. the failure of our international system to keep pace with an interconnected world. we collectively have not invested adequately in the public health of developing countries. too often we have failed to enforce international norms when it's inconvenient to do so. we have not confronted forcefully enough the intolerance, sectarianism, and hopelessness that feeds violent extremism in in too many parts of the globe. fellow delegates, we come together as united nations with a choice to make. we can renew the international system that has enabled so much
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progress or we can allow ourselves to be pulled back by an under tow of instability. we can reaffirm our collective responsibility to confront global problems or be swamped by more and more outbreaks of instability. for america, the choice is clear. we choose hope over fear. we see the future not as something out of our control but something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort. we reject fatalism, or cynicism when it comes to human affairs. we choose to work for the world as it should be, as our children deserve it to be. there's much that must be done to meet the test of this moment. today i would like to focus on two defining questions at the root of so many of our
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challenges. whether the nations here today will be able to renew the purpose of the u.n.'s founding with, and whether we will come together to reject the cancer of violent extremism. first, all of us big nations and small must meet our responsibility to observe and enforce international norms. we are here because others realize we gain more from cooperation than conquest. 100 years ago a world war claimed the lives of many millions proving that with the terrible power of modern weaponry, the cause of empire ultimately leads to the graveyard. it would take another world war to roll back the forces of fascism. the notions of racial sprem see
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and form this united nations so nation can subject gait their neighbors and claim their territory. recently russia's actions in ukraine challenge this post war order. here are the facts. after the people of ukraine mobilized popular protests and calls for reform, their corrupt president fled. against the will of the government in kiev, crimea was annexed. russia pored arms into the eastern ukraine fuelling violet separatists in a conflict that killed thousands. when a civilian airliner was shot down from areas that these proxies controlled, they refused to allow access to the crash for days. when you craukrainyou -- moved
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the border. this is a vision of the world in which might makes right. a world in which one's nations can be redawn by another. civilized people are not allowed to recover the remains of their loved ones because the truth that might be revealed. america stands for something different. we believe that right makes might. bigger nations should not be able to bully smaller ones, that people should be able to choose their own future. these are simple truths but they must be defended. america and our allies will support the people of ukraine as they develop their democracy and economy. we will reinforce our nato allies and uphold our commit to
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collective self-defense. we will impose a cost on russia for aggression, and we'll counter falsehood with the truth. we call upon others to join us on the right side of history. for while small gains can be one at the barrel of a gun, they'll ultimately be turned back if enough voices support the freedom of nations and peoples' to make their own decisions. more over, a different path is available. the path of diplomacy and peace and the ideals of this institution is designed to uphold. the recent cease-fire agreement in ukraine offers and opening to achieve the objective. if russia takes that path, a path that for stretches of the post cold war period resulted in prosperity for the russian people, then we will lift our
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sanctions and welcome russia's role in addressing common challenges. after all, that's what the united states and russia have been able to do in past years from reduce our nuclear stockpiles to meeting our obligations under the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. to cooperate, to remove and destroy syria's chemical weapons. that's the kind of cooperation we are prepared to pursue. again, if russia changes course. this speaks to a central question of our global age. whether we will solve our problems together in a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect, or whether we dissent into the instructive rivalries of the past. when nations find common ground, not simply based on power, but on principle then we can make
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enormous progress. i stand before you today committed to investing american strength to working with all nations to address the problems we face in the 21st century. as we speak, america is deploying our doctors and scientists, supported by our military, to help contain the outbreak of ebola and pursue new treatments. we need a broader effort to stop a disease that could kill hundreds of thousands, inflict horrific suffering, destabilize economies, and move rapidly across borders. it's easy to see this is a distant problem until it is not. that is why we will continue to mobilize other countries to join us in making concrete commitments. significant commitments to fight this outbreak and enhance our
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system of global health security for the long-term. america is pursuing a diplomatic resolution to the iranian nuclear issue as part of our commitment to stop the proceed -- spread of nuclear weapons. this can only take place if iran seizes this historic opportunity. my message to iran's leaders and people has been simple and consistent. do not let this opportunity pass. we can reach a solution that meets your energy needs while assuring the world that your program is peaceful. america is and will continue to be a pacific power promoting peace, stability, and the free flow of commerce among nations.
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but we will insist that all nations abide by the rules of the road and resolve their territorial disputes peacefully consistent with the international law. that's how the asian pacific has grown. that's the only way to protect the progress going forward. america is equipmented to a agenda that eradicated extreme poverty by 2030. we'll do our parking lot to help people feed themselves, power their economies, and care for their sick. if the world acts together, we can make sure that all of our children enjoy lives of opportunity and dignity. america is pursuing ambitious reductions in our carbon emissions. we have increased our investment in clean energy. we will do our part and help developing nations do theirs. but the science tells us we can
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only succeed in combatting climate change if we're joined in the effort by every other nation. by every major power. that's how we can protect this planet for our children and our grandchildren. in other words, on issue after issue, we cannot rely on a rule book written for a different century. if we lift our eyes beyond or borders, if we think globally, and if we actcooperativetively, we can shake the course of the century as our predecessors shaped the post world war ii age. as we look to the future, one issue risks a cycle of conflict that could derail so much progress. that's the cancer of violent extremism that ranve advantaged
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so many parts of the muslim world. of course, terrorism is not new. speaking before this assembly, president kennedy put it well. terror is not a new weapon, he said. throughout history it has been used by those who could not prevail either by persuasion or example. in the 20th century terror was used by all manner of groups who failed to come to power by public support. but in this century, we have faced a more lethal and ideological brand of terrorists. who have perverted one of the world's great religions with access to technology that allows small groups to do great harm. they have embraced a nightmarish vision that would divide the world into adherence and infidel killing as many innocent civilians as possible, employing
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the most brutal methods to indem nate people within their communities. i have made it clear that america will not base our entire foreign policy on reacting to terrorism. instead, we have waged a focussed campaign against al qaeda and the associated forces taking out their leaders, denying them the safe havens they rely on. at the same time, we have reaffirmed again and again that the united states is not and never will be at war with islam. islam teaches peace. muslims a world over aspire to live with dignity and sense of justice. when it comes to america and islam. there's no us and them. it's only us. because millions of muslim-americans are part of the fabric of our country. so we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations.
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belief in permanent religious war is a misguided refuge of extremists who cannot build or create anything. therefore, pedal only hate. it is no exaggeration to say that humanity's future depends -- race or religion. this is not simply a matter of words. collectively, we must take concrete steps to address the danger posed by religiously motivated phenetics and the friends that fuel their recru recruitment. more over the campaign against extremism goes beyond a narrow security challenge. we have degraded core al qaeda
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and support a transition to a sovereign afghan government, extremist ideology has shifted to other places. particularly in the middle east and north africa. where a quarter of young people have no job, where food and water could grow scarce, where corruption is rampant, and sectarian conflicts have become increasingly hard to contain. as an international community, we must meet this challenge with a focus on four areas. first, the terrorist group known as isil must be degraded and ultimately destroyed. this group has terrorized all who they come across in iraq and syria. mothers, sisters, daughters have been subjected to rape as a weapon of war. innocent children have been
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gunned down. bodies have been dumped in mass graves. religious minorities have been starved to death. and the most horrific crimes imaginable, innocent human beings have been beheaded with videos of the atrocity distributed to shock the conscience of the world. no god condones this terror. no grievance justifies these actions. there is no reasoning, no negotiationing with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this coalition. in this effort, we do not act alone. nor do we intend to send u.s.
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troops to occupy foreign lands. instead we'll support iraqis and syrians fighting to reclaim their communities. we will use our military mite in a campaign of air strikes to roll back isil, we will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground, we will work to cut off their financing and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region. and already over 40 nations have offered to join this coalition. today i ask the world to join in this effort. those who have joined isil should leave the battle field while they can. those who continue to fight for hateful cause will find they're increasingly alone. for we will not succumb to threats, and we will demonstrate to the future belongs to those
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who build not those who destroy. so that's an immediate challenge. our first challenge we must meet. the second, it is time for the world, especially in muslim communities to explicitly, forcefully, and consistently reject the ideology of organizations like al qaeda and isil. it is one of the tasks of all great religions to accommodate, devote faith with a modern multicultural world. no children are born hating. no children anywhere should be educated to hate other people. there should be no more tolerance of so called clear
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ricks to harm people because they're jewish or christian or muslim. it is time for a new compact among civilized people of this world to eradicate war at its most fundamental source that's the corruption of young minds by violent ideology. that means cutting off the funding that fuels this hate. it's time to end the hypocrisy of those who accumulate wealth through the global economy and siphon funds to those who teach children to tear it down. that means contesting the space the terrorists occupy including the internet and so social media. their propaganda cohearsed young people to travel abroad and fight their wars. and turn young people into suicide bombers. we must offer an alternative vision.
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it means bringing people of different faiths together. all religions have been attacked by extremists from within at some point. and all people of faith have a responsibility to lift up the value at the heart of great religions. the ideology of isil or al qaeda or will wilt and die if exposed and confronted and refuted in the light of day. look at the new form for promoting peace in muslim societies. we must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace.
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look at the young british muslims who started not in my name campaign. declaring isis is hiding behind a false islam. look at the christian and muslim leaders who came together in a central african republic to reject violence. listen to the mom who said politics tried to divide the religion in our country but religion should ben't be a causf hate or war or strife. later today the security council will adopt a resolution that underscores the responsibility of states to counter violent extremism. but resolutions must be followed by tangible commitments. so we're accountable when we fall short. next year we should all be prepared to announce the concrete steps that we have taken to counter extremist ideology and our own countries.
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by getting intolerance out of schools. stopping radicalization before it spreads, and promoting institutions and programs that build new bridges of understanding. third, we must address the cycle of conflict especially sectarian conflict that creates the conditions that terrorists prey upon. there's nothing new about wars within religions, christianitys a vicious sectarian conflict. today it is violence within muslim communities that has become the source of so much human misery. it is time acknowledge a destruction by proxy war and terrorist campaigns. between sunni and shia across the middle east.
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it is time that political, civic, and religious leaders reject sectarian strife. for let's be clear, this is a fight that no one is winning. a brutal civil war in syria nearly killed 200,000 people, displaced millions. iraq has come perilously close to plunging back into the as by. a conflict created a futile ground. the good news is we see signs the tide could be reversed. we have a new inclusive government in baghdad. a new iraqi prime minister welcomed by his neighbors. lebanese factions rejecting those who try to promote war. stheepzs must be followed by a
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broader truce. nowhere is this more necessary than syria. together with our partners, america is training and equipping the syrian opposition to be a counter weight to the terrorists of isil. but the only lasting solution to the syria's civil war is political. an -- regardless of ethnicity. regardless of creed. the cynics may argue that such an outcome can never come to pass. there's no other way for this madness to end. whether one year from now or ten. and points to the fact it's time for a broader negotiation in the region in which major powers address their differences directly, honestly, and peacefully across the table from
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one another rather than through gun wielding proxies. i can promise you america will remain engaged in the region we're prepared to engage in that effort. my fourth and final point is a simple one. the countries of the arab and muslim world must focus on the extraordinary potential of their people. especially the youth. here i would like to speak directly to young people across the muslim world. you come from a great tradition that stands for education not ignorance, innovation not destruction. the dignity of life not murder. those who call you away from this path are betrying this
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tradition not defending it. you have demonstrated when young people have the tools to succeed, good schools, education in math and science, an economy that nurtures creativity and entrepreneurship, that societies will flourish. so america will partner with those that promote that vision. where women are full participants in a country's politics or economy, societies are more likely to succeed. that's why we support the participation of women in parliaments and peace processes, school schools, and the economy. if young people live in places where the only option is between the dictate of a state or the lure of an extremist underground, no counter terrorism strategy can succeed. but where a genuine civil society is allowed to flour rich, where people can express
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their views and organize peacefully for a better life you doctramatically expand the alternatives to terror. such positive change need not come at the expense of tradition and faith. we see this in iraq where young men started a library for his peers. we link iraq's heritage to their hearts, he said, and give them a reason to stay. we see it in tunisia where parties worked together to produce new constitution. we see where civil society thrives alongside a strong democratic government. we see in malaysia where vibrant entrepreneurship is propelling a former colony into the ranks of advanced economies. and we see it in indonesia for
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what began as a violent transition evolved into a genuine democracy. ultimately the task of rejecting sectarianism and extremism is a generational task. a task for the people of the middle east themselves. no external power can bring about a transformation of hearts and minds. but america will be a respectful and constructive partner. we will neither tolerate terrorist safe havens nor act as an occupying power. we will take action against threats to our security and our allies while building an architecture of counter terrorism cooperation. we will increase efforts to lift
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up those who counter extremist ideologies and who seek to resolve sectarian conflict. and we will expand our programs to support entrepreneurship and civil society, education, and youth. because ultimately these investments are the best antedote to violence. we recognize as well that leadership will be necessary to address the conflict between palestinians and visraelis. as bleak as the landscape appears, america will not give up on the pursuit of peace. understand the situation in iraq and syria and libya should cure anybody of the illusion that the arab-israeli conflict is a main surs of problems in the renal for for too long it's been used as an excuse to distract people from problems at home.
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the violence engulfing the region today has made too many israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace. that's something worthy of reflection within israel. because let's be clear, the status quo in the west bank and gaza is not sustainable. we cannot afford to turn away from this effort. not when rockets are fired at innocent israelis, or the lives of so many palestinian children are taken from us in gaza. as long as i'm president we'll stand up for the principles that israelis, palestinians, the region and the world will be more just and more safe with two states living side by side in peace and security.
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this is what america is prepared to do. taking action against immediate threats while pursuing a world in which the need for such action is diminished. the united states will never shy away from defending our interests, but we will also not shy away from the promise of this institution and the universal declaration of human rights. the notion that peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of a better life. i realize that meamerica's creditics will be point out that at time we have failed to live up to our ideals, that america has plenty of problems within his own borders. this is true. in a summer marked by
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instability in the middle east and eastern europe, i know the world also took notice of the small american city of ferguson, missouri. where a young man was killed and a community was divided. so, yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions. and like every country we continually wrestle with how to reconcile the vast changes brought by globalization and greater diversity with the traditions we hold dear. but we welcome the scrutiny of the world. because what you see in america is a country that has steadily worked to address our problems. to make our union more perfect. to bridge the divides that existed at the founding of this nation. america is not the same as it
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was 100 years ago or 50 years ago. or even a decade ago. because we fight for our ideas, and we're willing to criticize ourselves when we fall short. because we hold our leaders accountable. insist on a free press and independent judiciary. because we address our differences in the open space of democracy with respect for the rule of law, with a place of people for every race and every religion and with an unyielding belief of men and women to change their communities and their circumstances and their countries for the better. after nearly six years as president, i believe that this
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promise can help light the world. because i have seen a longing for positive change, for peace, and for freedom and for opportunity and for the end to bigotry. in the eyes of young people who i've met around the globe. remind no matter who you are or what you come from, or what god you pray to, or who you love there's something fundamental that we all share. eleanor roosevelt, a champion of the u.n. and meshamerica's role it once asked where, after all, do universal human rights begin? in small places, she said. close to home. so close and so small they cannot be seen on any maps of
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the world. they are the world of individual person. the neighborhood he lives in, the school or college he atte s attends. the factory, farm, or office where he works. around the world young people are moving forward hungry for a better world. around the world in small places they're overcoming hatred and bigotry and sectarianism. and they're learning to respect each other despite differences. the people of the world now look to us here to be as decent and dig if ied and courageous as they are trying to be in their daily lives.
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at this cross roads, i can promise you that the united states of america will not be distracted or deterred from what must be done. we're heirs of a proud legacy much freedom and we will secure that legacy for generations to come. i ask you join us in this common mission for today'si children ad tomorrow's. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> president obama speaking for just under 40 minutes wrapping up his speech before the u.n. general assembly. chris matthews is back with us. we heard the speech together. what is your take away? >> it was a great speech. i thought it was a case in which the president of the united states didn't just speak at the u.n. but to the u.n. he was talking to the members of the u.n. some was good politics making
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the connection with his grandmother coming from 100 miles away from nairobi. talking about america not being a perfect country. we should have been better on public health in the third world, especially a reference implicitly to ebola. making a clear point that he's not against islam. some of the right, even scott browne was throwing in islamic terrorism. he said i'm not going to let it become a ethnic thing. it's the terrorism i'm against. made that point strong strong. two hardball points. one was against saudi arabia. over there in saudi arabia who talk violence, talk basically fundment tallism, islamism, they send their young people into the world with the attitude. which is so consistent with the terrorists, which is our way or the highway basically to put it lightly. he went after israel, too.
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there was a punch in the nose of netanyahu saying the status quo is not sustainable. everybody knows netanyahu's game is play for tie. pushing off, demanding the arabs declare israel the jewish state. every technique to avoid a two-state solution. he said there has to be a two-state solution. there was hardball against our allies, saudi arabia, and israel. but also i thought commanding call, again, to american exceptional ism saying america has dealt with the problems. we're a better country than we were ten years ago. i wish more people would think about that. our dinenism in this country. we're not the same country historically. >> yeah. and, chris, i also was struck by how he spoke directly to people. you talked about that. he spoke directly to the youth and i love he said, for example, if young people live in places where the only option is between the dictates of the state or the lure of an extremism underground, no counter
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terrorism strategy can succeed. it's a powerful statement. >> yeah. i thought it was tough the line about the people that can't build anything so they go to religious extremism. i thought it was pretty tough. you think about the guys sitting around all day planning revolution and killing people and cutting their heads off. what are they doing for the sfwhorld i thought it was a pretty strong statement. i think most people in the world today want to be educated. they want to get on their cell phones and connect with the world. they want to be part of the world. that's the optimistic view of everybody in the world to become part of the globe and the future. kids know that. young people in their teens know that. why do they want to be suicide bombers? what a hopeless career move. to be blunt about it. i'm going to kill myself. >> yeah. on the other hand some simply and the president talked about this. simply seeing no other future. it's either kill myself or rot here. >> unfortunately, there's a parallel with the african-american kid in north
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philly situation. you grow up in a situation where there no more blue collar the only job is the drug dealer. we have our problems. i think he was good to do that. the third world countries don't want to be talked down to morally. i thought he was humble and humility in foreign polts is something george douglas promised and never delivered. he has nhumility. >> thank you for being with me. >> chris will have more analysis tonight on "hardball" 7:00 p.m. eastern time. that wraps up the two hours on msnbc. thank you for the privilege of your time. next on "newsnation" with tamron hall new reaction to the president's address to the general assembly of the u.n. andrea mitchell join tamron live. see you tomorrow. take care. time for the "your business"
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good morning, everybody. i'm tamron hall this is "newsnation." we're following breaking news. reaction coming in after president obama just finished addressing the united nations general assembly minutes ago. focussing on the battle against isis. >> the brutality of terrorists in syria and iraq forces us to look into the heart of darkness. we have not confronted forcefully enough the intolerance, sectarianism, and hopelessness that feeds violent extremism in too many part of the globe. we can renew the international system has enabled so much progress or we can allow ourselves to be pulled back by an undertow of instability. we'll use our military might in the campaign of air strikes to roll back isil. we will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on
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