tv The Cycle MSNBC September 26, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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inside syria. it has not been awe then indicated by nbc news. what we do know for sure is we just found a new ally in the air, britain. >> young people have left our country to go and fight with these extremists. we must take action at home, but we must also have a comprehensive strategy to defeat these extremists abroad. >>. >> parliament voted a few hours ago to launch strikes in iraq but not in syria. still, the pentagon must be pleased to have another partner in this fight. >>. >> a broad coalition has been and will continue to be a cornerstone of our strategy against isil. and we appreciate all the contributions and commitments of our friends and allies. this will not be an easy or brief effort. >> we are at the grin ibeginnin the end. >> nypd and pentagon have launch a new initiative. josh earnest.
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>> united states continues to be and is continuing to be a vigilant whether it's somalia, yemen or, yes, even in syria, the administration will put in place a counterterrorism strategy to deny them a safehaven, mitigate the threat they pose and where necessary, use military force to degrade their ability to strike the west or strike the u.s. homeland. >> while that iraqi intel of an imminent attack has turned out to be unfounded, security in and around new york city is at its highest level right now since right after 9/11. we have entered a new front in the war on terror where a potential terrorist could already be among us. let's take that scary ideas to nbc news terrorism analyst evan coleman. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> let's start with the reality of that threat. is the greater fear here someone coming from syria, someone who is actually directly affiliated with isis, or is it more someone here who's self-radicalized,
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inspired by isis ideology? >> it could be either one. if you look at australia, there are questions about this plot that was interrupted. a plot directed by isis operatives in syria or simply a group of australians, mostly young men, who had gotten it is idea of trying to murder somebody from watching isis videos, from watching isis propaganda? unfortunately, the end result is the same. that's part of the problem here. whether it comes to france and belgium, the man who carried out the shooting attack on the jewish museum in brussels. this was a guy who was picked up. when he was arrested he had an isis flag and had a video claiming responsibility for the attack with an isis flag behind him. we don't know if he was sent out by isis or another group in syria. doesn't matter. he killed four people. that's part of the problem. if you look at what's going on here, the attack in brussels, this plot in australia, none of this is on the scale of 9/11. this is not another 9/11. but nonetheless, you better bet if someone here in the united
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states was picked off the street by a random group of isis supporters and murdered and that video was uploaded on the internet, that would cause a major, major situation in this country. again, one person versus thousands and yet it would still cause a major impact here. >> absolutely. when we think of the homegrown terror threat, there's been so much attention toward isis, these ideologies. there's now a wikipedia page entitled 2014 isis beheadings. do we need to start thinking about downplaying the exposure that isis is getting? are u.s. officials thinking how do we tamp down some of this attention? >> there's no doubt all of this public attention has raised isis's profile. no doubt a lot of the young guys and girls who are going to join isis, one of the things they're rallied is that this group is the bet noir, this is where you go if you want to a
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revolutionary. we have to recognize something for what it is. right now i would caution officials from the white house and the pentagon who are trying to downplay the significance of the threat isis poses here in the u.s. only because of the fact they do pose a threat. if something happens, there's going to be a political cost to be played for anyone who downplays that threat. make no mistake about it. isis has operatives that have left syria, re-entered western countries and been caught doing things that are extremely worrisome, including calling back to syria and trying to get assistance for carrying out unspecified attacks from isis commanders. with that in mind, you want to be very careful about this. again, i think we put it in context. you know, when you see this stuff about the juarez isis cells in the southern bored, that's nonsense. that's hype. make no doubt about it, it's a real threat. it's not 9/11, but it doesn't take a ph.d. to murder somebody. >> you say a real threat and you say there's a political risk. that's certainly true. yet, one question we always have
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to ask is whether those politics actually will get in the way of good security policy. no one says crime should be down to zero percent, ever. it's impossible. even though we want to prevent, deter, punish, any murder, any violent crime that may have happened. surely from a security perspective in terms of prevention, there has to be a different analysis for the organized terror plots versus copycat crimes which sadly, like other types of violent crime f you're talking about an individual who wants to go out and take that action, you cannot bring that down to zero percent if you're talking about isolated individuals. >> no. you cannot stop every lone wolf. you can't do it. unfortunately, i think that's what's demonstrated by things like the boston marathon bombings. this-f they're that dedicated, it doesn't take a ph.d. to murder people. doesn't take a ph.d. to build a bomb. there are english language instruction on the internet. we should focus our efforts on where they can be most
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effective. we want to make sure operatives trained in syria don't return to the united states or other western countries. we to want make sure anyone trying to contact isis or other jihadi groups in syria, we have a close feel on those contacts. working directly with law enforcement, both here in this country, canada, other western countries, including europe, i will tell you they're extremely concerned that they don't know the identities of everyone who has gone to syria to fight with isis or other groups. >> on that point, you know, we're talking about this with nuance, but what is your evaluation of the public officials in the terror target so far? we've seen governor cuomo and mayor de blasio, their emphasis, getting on the subway, telling new yorkers, no big problem here. are they getting it right? >> i think it's true. i don't think we want to spread paranoia. that's why you look at the story of the southern border and all the hype paid to that. that's the wrong kind of focus. the wrong kind of attention. look, we would be naive if we didn't think these people were trying to target us. they released videos of american
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over there who are fighting with them, who are ripping up their passports and saying, we're going to come back to the united states, we're going to deliver a blow to the united states in the homeland. we would be silly not to heed those warnings. but-w he have to put it in context. we have to evaluate each threat as it comes. a bit of intel yesterday from the iraqi prime minister that turned out to be bogus. a lot knew it was bogus before we even heard it was bogus because it isn't sound right. just because there are some misreports here and there, some people hyping the threat. make no mistake, there is a real threat. >> evan, the terrorists from these beheadings videos has gotten a lot of attention because it sounds, when you listen to it, this is a western, a brit, british accent. the fbi, i guess, saying this week they think they are narrowing down who this is, the uk also says they're on this trail. won't give out any identity or anything like that. do you have a sense from your own reporting, any more indications of how far along they are in that process of
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where this is going? also, just to get to that question we were talking about earlier, i guess there's some value here. ultimately they do find that guy and answering that question of how westerners get atracked to something like that. >> that's exactly right. they do have some better idea who it is now. one of the reasons is because of the fact they've spoken with a lot of the families of folks that have gone from the uk, canada and elsewhere to syria. they've asked the family members to look at these images and say, do you recognize this? is this your son? is this is your couch? is this your brother? and, you know, frankly, a lot of these guys, they're of the social media generation. so, a lot of video and photographs of these folks beforehand. it's possible to do this, right? in terms of the larger problem, how do we deradicalize these folks, how do we prevent these folks from joining this movement? unfortunately, we don't have a great handle on that right now. if you look at the efforts the state department has made in this regard, the video they put out where they were mocking isis, making fun of isis, the person that made that video really does not know what is drawing isis recruits from the west to this organization.
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they like beheadings. they like suicide bombings. they like this kind of thing. this is inspiring to them. we know this because of the fact we've seen audio transcripts, secret wire taps where these guys are cheering when these see these videos. that's not the way to deradicalize them. the way to deradicalize them is put victims of these attacks, have them speak in their own language, talk about what's going on in iraq and syria, the relatives of the woman who was just murdered within the last couple of days, have her relatives go on there and talk about all the good work she did for iraqis and why that's gone now. this group stands for nothing. we have to show people it stands for nothing. we can't make fun of it. that doesn't reach the audience we're trying to reach. >> evan coleman, thank you for putting this in the context it needs to be put. >> thank you very much. up next, it is all in the timing, what outgoing attorney general eric holder told our own joy reid about his decision to go right now. and still ahead, the latest on
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that fire making a mess of air travel from coast to coast. plus, the two major crime stories we would be talking about even more if not for this incredibly busy news cycle. you are in "the cycle" and we roll on. i've always loved exploring and looking for something better. that's the way i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke.
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nounsed his resignation, he was back in front of the cameras talking exclusively to joy reid at black caucus voting rights event in washington. voting rights is one of the many issues holder has been fighting for, expanding rights for same-sex couples as well, major prison reform, confronting wall street on a civil basis at least, all unfished battles the next a.g. will battle. when will the successor be named? option one would be fast track a nominee right through after the midterms in one of those lame duck senate sessions where dems would still number control or they could wait until the new year when republicans might have the majority. buzz feed's bureau john stanton seems like a betting man so we'll do some wagering. the a.g. is a huge post and yet when you're dealing only in a two-year lame duck session at the end, which is basically what
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this is, it's not the same as starting from scratch. it's not the same stamp that can be put down. you can see that in the lack of potential interest even by some of the folks who could replace him. do you see a big battle with a big, bold name or someone more like a custodian like someone who is in or recently from doj? >> you know, that's a really good question. i can see the administration deciding to pick someone, maybe a woman, a woman in color of particular, that could be something they could do to put a stamp on it, but also someone who can come in and not have the kind of profile holder does. regardless, they'll do this definitely right after the election. they won't wait, even if democrats remain in control, frankly. the next person is going to have a pretty big job on their hands. you know, eric holder has been pretty deviss ive in washington.
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he's done good things and controversial things. the next person that comes in will have this baggage they can't simply move aside, as you said. they have to deal with everything he's done. >> we are talking about the prospect of a nomination fight -- confirmation fight, i should say. the president has basically said, look, eric holder will step down from his job and will leave this job only when somebody else is confirmed. when you look at the level of the animosity that exists between eric holder among republicans, is that at all an incentive for them, hey, if you want to get rid of eric holder, you have to confirm the new guy or woman? >> there is, but quite frankly, eric holder is good for republicans in a lot of way. most republican voters dislike him very much. they use him in fund-raising eames all the time and on television commercials. they love to have lots of hearings about the stuff he is doing and he gets combative with them which works politically both ways. democrats love to see him yell at darrell issa. issa loves to get yelled at by
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eric holder. it works for both bases. >> sad. >> the reality is they have to come in and get somebody through in the fall durg the lame duck because they don't want a drawn out nomination fight. these fights always become less about the person, especially in the second term and more about the president and his policies. >> that's right. john, when you think about who might the next person be, one of the things eric holder has reportedly told friends is that he thought part of his role was to say things that the president couldn't say or couldn't say as easily. you know, we saw him go to ferguson to try to calm the waters during that time. when you think about who the new person might be, do you think they're looking to get someone? who might have the same qualities, to talk about the things the president can't? >> i find it unlikely, frankly. if only because there's really one -- only one other person other than his wife that could do that, and that would probably be valerie jarrett, who's not going to be the nominee. eric holder's relationship with him has always been very unique. they're very, very close personally. they think very much the same
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on -- in terms of policy. that did allow them to have this very sort of symbiotic kind of relationship with each other. i don't see anybody out there that could fill that role. >> one of the highest profile names that was floated immediately was massachusetts governor, deval patrick. he said he doesn't want the job. it's enormously important, but i don't want the job and i have no plans or interest in being the next attorney general. what do you think of his thinking there? >> i think he's looking at this saying, this is a two-year stint full of controversy. i'm going to be dealing with hearings on the hill constantly. there's no upside for him politically. as someone who definitely has aspirations towards the presidency at home thisome poin don't think it makes much sense for him to take the job. >> it's a very divisive job at this point. john stanton, thank you very much.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. cycling right now, things are slowly, i emphasize slowly,
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starting to return to normal at chicago's o'hare airport after a fire at a nearby air traffic control center led to a ground stop on all flights in and out. but 1,000 flights were canceled at o'hare alone. the ripple effect led to another 1,000 at airports nationwide. as for that fire, investigators say it was intentionally set by a contractor who worked in the building. the police chief in aurora spoke moments ago. >> at this time we believe the injured man set the fire and he used some time of accelerants. there was no explosion. this apparently was in an isolated incident. there are no indications of terrorist. >> there's still no word on a motive. also cycling right now, that massive manhunt for a cop killer stretches into day 13. eric freen has eluded authorities in the pennsylvania woods for nearly two weeks now, even taunting authorities at time from afar.
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they're calling it a sick game he's playing. meantime in virginia, police have their suspect but still no sight of missing uva student hannah graham. nbc's luke russert is in charolettesville with the latest on the desperate search. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, as of right now we are awaiting the prime suspect, jesse matthew, who was apprehended in texas yesterday. we are told he is now on his way to charolettesville, virginia, where he could be arraigned as early as next thursday. the reason why it's going to be all the way till next thursday? because there's a judicial conference that's been on a calendar and they're not going to switch it around. all that being said, the search is ongoing for hannah graham, that uva sophomore who went missing around september 10th, september 11th. so far we're hearing from searchers that they really want locals in the area, if they have wildlife cameras, to check those. if you're a real estate agent, look inside those open
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properties, that land owners know their properties better than authorities would. they also hope with this weekend's nice weather, folks who are going to go out on mountain bike trails, hiking in and around the near rural wooded areas, perhaps they will figure out some clues as to where hannah graham might be. but the focus of the investigation now is primarily on jesse matthew. from reports we're hearing around town here, he is someone who has a checkered past. he was accused of rape when he was a college student at liberty university. he is also someone -- one person close to him described him as lenny from mice and men. not completely of the highest i.q. so, there is some real worry about what happened with hannah graham because it has been concluded she was last seen with mr. matthew outside of a bar and was seen lying on his shoulder, sort of walking gingerly. she was the last person -- he was the last person she was with. so, when he gets here and he
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gets questioned, so far he's invoked his right for no self-incrimination. they hope to learn more. right now the search continues for hannah graham. we await for questioning of mr. matthew. >> great. thanks so much for that update, luke. for more on these pressing stories, let's bring in msnbc law enforcement analyst, former atf agent, jim kav ancavanaugh. thanks for joining us today. >> thank you, krystal. >> i'm subbing for abby. i want to start with that manhunt in pennsylvania for eric freen, the alleged cop killer. now, we are hearing reports there are as many as 400 law enforcement officers out in the woods. they've got this six-ton armored tank out in the woods. is this the right strategy and how come we haven't found this guy yet? >> well, we haven't found him out there because of the terrain and his training. the state police commander said
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it's like a game to him. i think it's more like a strategy to him that he's planned out over the months and years. yes, the tactical agents and officers need that equipment. but most is being done on foot. they have their bear cat armored vehicles on the roads once they can corner him. but they're mostly in camouflage, on foot and, of course, the danger is that he's laid ambushes in there, hoping to draw him into his fortified redoubt. >> yeah. i mean, jim, you mention, he's a guy by all accounts -- he didn't just commit a crime and run into the woods. this is a guy who planned for this. all sorts of intricate planning and have this game with police. what is the biggest obstacle police face in woods like this, massive area here, and obviously you say there's the risk he's laid traps, maybe bombs or something. what is the biggest challenge for them in an environment like that. >> great question. you know that territory up there. it's just across the jersey border up there in the poconos, it's mountainous. we've chased a lot of guys over
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the years in the mountains, militia men, hate mongers, klansmen, we've chased them all over the country. we know how they work. this guy is not dissimilar to that. yes, to your question, the danger. the danger is he lays the ambushed, which he's preplanned and able to fire his rifle, this 308 rifle, really like his baby, and he's able to fire that at one of the agents or troopers and kill them before they can discover his location. now, what he wants to do is what he just did to the troopics at the bare raction. kill a trooper or agent and withdraw, retreat and hope they come after him until he gets to his final place. he knows this is going to end in death so he wants to go to his last place and make his landst last stand there. >> what do you make of the idea people need to check their own private land when you're subscribing the profile of someone who may have a better hiding place than just somebody's backyard?
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>> i think that mountainous area they have that settled down. they had a cell phone call from him to his parents. 400 officers and agents up there sounds like a lot, but when you have to do a shift change, you know, it takes a lot of people. you know, we had thousands on the d.c. sniper case. we had hundreds chasing eric rudolph in the mountains for years. you have to eat, sleep, change, get your equipment right, you're in weather conditions, arduous conditions and you have to move slow because there could be spider holes, bungee pits, log em placements he's going to shoot from. they're going to catch him. the question is, can they catch him before he kills again? that's the real question in this one. >> turning to that other story of the missing student, hannah graham down in charolettesville, virginia, be there's a curious detail to this story. jesse matthew, the prime suspect, the last person they believe was with hannah before she disappeared, he's on his way
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back to virginia, but what's interesting to me is that he initially went to the police station and then he decided to flee the area and head down to texas. what do you make of that piece of the story? >> it's hard to tell what's going through people's heads when they get involved with the police and these major cases like this. they do some kind of strange things. we're always trying to stay astep ahead of them or figure out what they're doing. it's pretty unusual. he comes in, gets there, then wants the attorney. the police chief said they did not confront him and accuse him. and then he high-tails it down to galveston, possible en route to mexico. the question of where is hannah? you know, unfortunately, statistically she's likely killed. but they don't know. they've found other people, elizabeth smart, jaycee do you guard was found alive. he could have put her in a bunker, a well, it's a very slight possibility she's alive.
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i think very slight. you always hold out hope. i think the land owners searching on horseback and atvs and hunters out, there's a chance of finding her in whatever condition she's in, while the weather's good, if everybody will just do what the police chief asked. >> yeah. obviously, you hold out hope and when you look at what could be a very sad case like this. when you look also at the way they interacted from the footage we showed earlier there, how often do you see this kind of scenario where at least, based on what we allegedly know at this point, a suspect has some sort of what we might call social or consensual interaction. there's the video. we're putting it up again. outside a bar. versus a complete stranger apprehension? >> right. it's the new phenomenon, and all these things we're seeing, which is video. when i went on the police of '74, we didn't have the luxury in these difficult cases, missing persons cases of video everywhere. now that's the first thing we all go for, video, you know, iphone, cell phone,
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surveillance, closed-circuit tv. this bolsters probable cause. eyewitnesss at tempo bartha saw them together. video of them walking together. then your search warrant might get them hair or fibers in the car. so, they made great steps in probable cause. now they just have to close the puzzle and find hannah. >> there's been an unfortunate pattern in charolettesville, which, by the way, is where i went to school. over the past five years there have been five separate different missing girls. should we make anything of that pattern or are those totally random, separate occurrences? >> i wouldn't throw that out, krystal. i agree with you. i remember 2009, a young woman at the metallica concert. we just had haley bobo who was missing for three years and her body was just found. it's something to keep an open mind about. the police have said they don't think they're connected. you never know. they're doing right thing to focus on this instant case, stay
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focused on hannah and then they can bring all those, you know, facts in later to certainly look at -- i guarantee you, they'll look at them, but they have to, you know, really find something that would connect them, if that's the case. >> jim, thank you so much for joining us and talking us through these really difficult stories. up ahead more "cycle." two medium cappuccinos!
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people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ people have to understand something. barack obama is still the president of the united states. all right? he and i share a world view. i did the things he want me to do. we are partners. my departure is not going to have any impact on this administration's commitment to the civil rights issue. >> attorney general eric holder speaking exclusively with joy reid about why his policies and his approach to the justice department will continue long after he's gone, in part, fellows and ladies, because -- one fellow, but i count myself -- in part because eric holder says, look, he was carrying out the policies of this president. to read more from that interview, he says, my departure
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is not going to have any impact on this administration's commitment to the civil rights issue that's been the life of this president. he spoke a little about the ferguson case as well as voting rights. but looking at the politics here, steve, and maybe the lessons, one thing that i think this shows is the republicans did everything they could to stop this person, right? they held him in contempt. the first time an attorney general was ever held in contempt in american history. but because he did something very basic that everyone tells you to do in life, keep on going, don't mind the critics, do your job, get back up when you're knocked down. he's now the third longest serving attorney general in american history and leaving on his own terms. >> it's the difference between having a pointed office and having an elected office. you take all the grief that eric holder took in the court of public opinion from republicans and just in general, i imagine he would have a tough time if he decided he wanted to turn aren't and run for office. >> sure. >> in a competitive place. >> which is why you see some big names saying, like deval patrick
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saying, we don't want anything to do with it. >> the other part of it, too, the reluctance of someone like deval patrick, what ari is saying, when history looks back and says, who is the attorney general? the attorney general is always eric holder. the other thing s you know, what you're saying works two ways. what was so striking to me about eric holder as attorney general of this administration is how close he was, obviously, about barack obama, professionally, personally, politically. this is a president who had his back. it doesn't work that way always. janet reno, the clinton people would have been very happy if janet reno had left very early on in that administration. she stayed for eight years and did some things they weren't too happy with. they can work both ways. >> i shouldn't have been, but i was still surprised by the ugliness of the reaction from republicans as soon as the announcement came out that he was going to be resigning yesterday. i mean, the statements just came
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right out. nastiness on twitter. nasty official statements from darre darrell issa, from john boehner. this man served, yes, you disagreed with him, yes, you had some tense, very loud fights with him on the floor of the house, but he served the country and now he's moving on. and still in that moment you're going to come with the ugliness and come with the hate. and, yes in part it's because the country is polarized and our politics are exceptionally polarized. yes, in part, it's because eric holder was the face of a lot of the president's policies, including -- including marriage equality, including immigration, including obviously voting rights and civil rights in general. but there also is a piece there where they both are african-american men. i don't think you can let go of the racial piece of this. not only was he a proxy for the president because they were very close, had a close relationship and ideologically aligned and also had that similarity in
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common. as was pointed out earlier, he became great fotder for them. he loved to go up against them, score points and it worked for the base. >> a lot was because he was very impactful as a person, the justice department, we talked about a lot of the work they did over the past six years. so, i would actually challenge the idea that this is now a lame duck presidency. i know some people think president obama is acting that way. you can get a lot done in two years. if you look at the last two years of the clinton administration, you know, larry summers came in as treasury secretary. he was in for 18 months. in that time they passed the reform of -- they got rid of glass/steagall banking laws, passed options laws that people were unhappy with. i mean, there are a lot of things on the financial side that were impactful. you may not like them, but there's a chance to have a huge impact here. i would say to some of the candidates that are thinking about whether or not to take this job, true if you want to run for political office maybe not, but if you are sort of a justice department person or that's the kind of career you want, this is an amazing
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opportunity. >> that go to some of the blind spots we have in our politics. we look for the conflict. so we go and see how he's been fighting with issa. that was a long fight that never amounted to anything which was why so darrell issa was upset. they never laid a glove on him for most of the investigations. contrast that with some of the work they do below the radar. just this week this justice department under holder filed in a case in new york saying that basically the way lawyers provide the poor are operating is so substandard as to be a constitutional violation. >> wow. >>, so they enter into that case. new york, by the way, run by democrats. so, this is not about, you know, politics, this or that. it's just saying, look, there's not enough money here to provide the constitutional right to counsel that's required. doj going in there. that doesn't get as much attention as, what was it, asparagus? >> right. >> and i get that because it is -- it's memorable. >> what you're saying is true.
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eric holder came to office, this is not true for every attorney general, but he came to office saying he he did not clearly have any design and a political career of his own. he came in to do a job. dick thornberg was the attorney general in the '80s, ran for senate after that. janet reno ran for governor of florida. a lot will try to have political careers of their own. when you think like that, you act different as attorney general. >> they also have done things that have been very high profile. the most high-profile thing going on right now is the ongoing civil rights investigation in ferguson. where does that go from here? how do you transition from eric holder to whoever is -- would be next? >> well, that's something actually joy raised with the attorney general. his answer was typically modest or measured but he said, you know, the investigation's ongoing, it's thorough. as i promised the people of ferguson, it's an independent one and my departure will have no impact on the course of that investigation. that's his line. i think that symbolically it
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does matter and who replaces him does matter because he chose to go there. he use the his status to some degree and respect to calm the waters. you have agents and fbi involved to continue to look at the police department's conduct there. that continues no matter who is in charge of doj. >> absolutely. that piece is going to be critical. but also it was vital that he went there and to be on the ground, that was an incredibly important moment, too. up next, the final countdown is on to the concert of the year in central park. jay z, no doubt, another personal favorite of mine, carrie underwood. they'll all be live on that stage for a very good cause. we'll talk to the man behind it all. that's next. ♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey,
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synchrony financial. enagage with us. the stage is up. in less than 24 hours you will not be able to see an inch of that grass because tens of thousands of people will stream into new york's central park for the third annual global citizen festival. jay z, carrie underwood, no doubt and the roots are just a few of the big names that will grace that stage, all with the goal of ending global poverty by the year 2030. msnbc and nbc news are partnering with the global pa poverty. the organization behind the movement will broadcast the entire event starting at 3 p.m. eastern time tomorrow. joining us now is the man behind it all, hugh escvans, chief executive office and co-founder of global citizen project. thank you for taking time.
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>> thank you. >> now we get to the hard questions. no. >> as i understand it, everybody wants to see these groups, these musicians perform. you have given out tickets to people who have sort of performed acts of activism, some kind of social change. what did somebody have to do to get into this tomorrow? >> the way it works is 80% of tickets are free, but have you to earn your way in. people have gone to glob, and then you take action in what you learn, say, give, buy and do. these are the categories of action. you might do a quiz on a global issue. you might tweet a world leader. you might volunteer your time with a local organization. you might make a donation to that organization. you might, for example, purchase an ethical product like the global citizen impact. or you might actually become an activist and organize your own rally and those sort of things. different levels of action score you different amount of points
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depending on the impact of the world's poor. >> poverty is the big topic. you're trying to end extreme poverty. what kind of issues particularly are you looking at -- education? education? >> we are focused on education, particularly for girls and calling on the prime minister of canada to increase funding and working with the young activist from pakistan on this initiative. and the second thing we're focused on is water and sanitation. that is a huge issue in the indian subcontinent. narendra modi will be at our concert. and we are foe used on immunization and the prime minister of norway, the third largest donation to health also accepted the invitation. she's going to be there.
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>> one of the things i love about the way you tackled this is is it not nebraska louse stuff. you have taken specific actions and as susan mentioned your goal is to end extreme poverty by 2030 which is the goal the u.n. has laid down. a lot of people will say we can make improvements but is it possible to end extreme poverty. >> we can't take it for granted it's going to happen anyway. but if you look at the last 25 years we've seen the most successful anti-poverty push in human history. when i was born in 1973, 52% of the population lived in pofbt. today it is 20%. that is more than halved within my lifetime. the trajectory is downward based on economic growth factors. if you leave it up to economic
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growth you will see $700 million in poverty. with these interventions we can get extreme poverty down to approaching zero. about 3% is the technical term by 2030. >> what are you most excited about? >> i went to the stage and saw alicia keys jamming away and practicing. >> what are the surprises? >> sting is going to join no doubt. i'm excited. no doubt have been amazing and working with us this whole time. and i think jay z might have something up his sleeve which is big. >> a little bit of a tease. a concert for a great cause tomorrow. maybe a few surprise guests performing a free concert in central park.
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we'll be with them at 3:00 p.m. eastern. they are joining forces to fight extreme poverty. are you up on all the stats around these issues. go to and you can find more about getting tickets to the concert and how to take action. that par. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. tlike chicken blanketed in golden breadcrumbs and wholesome sides with her signature touches. all topped with thick, homemade gravy. because dinner shouldn't take all day... just taste like it did. marie callender's.
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. as we look forward to tomorrow's global citizen festival we've got some stark new census numbers to consider about poverty right here at home. one in five american children live in poverty. that's one in five. and at time when inequality is
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rising and class mobility is falling chances are if you born at the bottom you're going to stay there. the problems can feel impossible to solve, but in fact we may be on the cusp of a major breakthrough in figuring out how to give kids born into poverty today the best shot at a prosperous future. and tin sights are coming from an unlikely place, mother rats. a signtist noticed that some mothers treated their babies better than others. and they were not just happier or more loved they were better at mazes and health yen and lived longer. now in a new book, authors argue that the rats are on to something here. the care, suddenling and soothing that human parents provide to a child have massive
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impact on a child's development. and it's less expensive and more effective in preventing poverty. on my web show i spoke with the authors about why early intervention is critical. >> kids who have better maternal attachment do much better. and maternal attachment at three and a half is a better predictor of high school graduation rates than iq is. there was one human study from bucharest where there were children in orphanage. if you took the kids from the orphanage and they dent get that cuddling and grooming. those who were brought out before age 2 showed resiliency. if you bring them out after age 2, they never recover.
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we make the mistake that kids are resilient but it's if you don't invest in the front end we pay in the back end. >> we are paying with higher rates of crime, more prisons and generations stuck in poverty. why is it that we invest the most at the university level where the impact is the least? i suspect one reason is the aversion to big government telling us how to raise our kids. and another is con desession to impoverrished parents. but another reason why these sorts of early intervention programs are only available to 3% of the population that could benefit from them is that children, babies, they don't have lobbyists and they don't make campaign contributions and can't vote. someone has to be their advocate, their voice. it's on us to speak for them, to
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fight for them and not succumb to cynicism. 50 years later, the war on poverty is still winnable. that does it for us, "now" starts right now. a vote on air strikes against isis, but not on this continent. it's friday, september 26th and this is "now." >> clear the lobby! ♪ >> how long will this war last and when will mission creep start? >> not just months but years. >> we're at the beginning, not the end. >> killing extremists doesn't kill their ideas. >> like it or not they have declared war on us. >> the brits have taken this -- >> heated debate. >> why is congress not debating this? >> had i been president i would
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