tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 29, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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ahead. new jersey governor chris christie heads to wisconsin to campaign for governor scott walker. on a court note, jury selection begins in the penalty phase retrial of jod jf jody arias. i think everybody applauds the efforts that you made and the size of the coalition that has been assembled. most of them are contributing money or training or policing the borders.
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not getting particularly close to the contact. it looks like once again we are leading, leading the operation, we are carrying most -- >> that's always the case. that's always the case. america leads. we are the indispensable nation. we have capacity no one else has. our military is the best in the history of the world. and when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don't call beijing, they don't call moscow, they call us. that's the deal. >> it looks like we're doing 90% of it. >> steve, there's not -- when there's a typhoon in the philippines, take a look at who is helping the philippines. deal with that situation. when there's an earthquake in haiti, take a look who is
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leading the charge make being sure haiti can rebuild. that's how we roll. and that's what makes us america. >> good morning. it is monday, september 29th. that was president barack obama on "60 minutes" last night. >> what do you think? >> i liked it. i thought that he made some really clear points. he also threw him under the bus. >> you remember what harry truman put on the desk, the buck stops with the clapper. he did well. >> very well. a tough interview. >> he could have gained more points if he said i screwed up, i made a mistake. george w. bush doesn't hide behind the intel people. you never heard him say that in an interview it wasn't my fault. let's not get down in the weed. i think for the most part it was
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a strong delivery and it certainly -- he did not sound like a president of two years ago who believed that he led from behind. a big change. >> i think that he's responding to circumstances with mindfulness and trying to get a different approach to it in terms of getting other countries on board. >> yep. >> and he seems completely with it every step of the way on it. i don't know. >> i thouk he did pretght he di. >> there's a lot happening internationally but we have to take a look by what's happening here at home. >> on friday, such tragic news coming out of moore, oklahoma. a 54-year-old wife, her husband waited outside for her every day, a 54-year-old wife and mother and grandmother, colleen haford was attacked and beheaded by a former co-worker who spent
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the last few weeks to convert the other fellow employees to islam. local news out lets said he was shouting muslim phrases during the attack. their response according to "the washington post." that there was no indication, quote, no indication that he was copying the beheadings of journalists in syria by the islamic state. adding that they were treating this as quote workplace violence. workplace violence. really? despite the fact the attacker's facebook page had pictures of osama bin laden, the taliban, gruesome beheadings by isis, pictures celebrating the destruction of the twin towers and his promise that america would go up in flames and his declaration, quote, islamic terrorists behead their victims because the president was bestowed by their prophet. can you believe this? the fbi says there was no
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indication that he was copying isis. i'm not saying like isis has infiltrated us and this is going to happen. seriously? fbi -- how stupid does the fbi really think we are? who exactly are they afraid of offending? isis? moderate muslims? because moderate muslims are just as scared as moderate methodists. and as political correctness so pervasive through our government that the fbi can't tell the truth of the beheading of a mother in middle america for fear of offending muslims. muslims are offended by these actions. if the fbi is resorting to political correctness after the beheading on u.s. soil can they confront the evil that america faces and the threat of copycat killers? i mean, come on.
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no evidence, really? willie, mike? it's insulting. >> what happened to this community and to this woman. it is what is it. >> how does someone within a community have a facebook page of osama bin laden, go around boasting that the united states is done. we'll go up in flames and nobody says anything. nobody says hey you might want to pay attention to this guy at work? >> that's allegedly part of the reason he was fired because he was saying things around the office that were alarming some people so he goes to human resources, gets himself fired and then goes next door to the main distribution building and did what you just described. he would have beheaded another woman if the ceo of the company didn't step in with a gun and took this guy out. >> we look at these incidents like wildly separate.
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like the white house jumper. are we going to look at things as separate incidents an completely incidents or tie it to where we're at today. >> europe, unfortunately, for a long time has been trying to ignore muslim extremism and now it's at their door steps. they can't ignore it. they can't ignore it in great britain or in france. again the political correctness. there were people that wrote books warning about the rise of muslim extremism that were actually arrested for hate crimes. again, moderate muslims are just as concerned. that's what's so insulting about this. >> let's learn more about this. we have with us a lecturer at the city of new york a professor. give us a sense of what we're talking about here, what joe
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just said. how much of a link do you make between these isolated incidents across the country as we see them happen, and what we would define as the spread of extremism. >> yes. first of all, good morning. i want to say that i completely agree with joe in condemning this act of violence. this is, you know, such a grotesque brutal act that is completely deplorable and has no place in any society, has no place in any nation, it has no place in any religion and i think it's very clear that muslims, you know, around the world -- in fact, last week over 120 muslim clerics issued an open letter to isis declaring their -- how illegitimate isis was on the basis of islamic theology. muslims are outraged and just as fearful by the spread of this
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kind of ideology. i agree with you, mika, because we do need to look at this as kind of a, you know, this is that, this particular suspect posted these facebook messages or made these statements is not the complete story of his life, right. he a very troubled background. had several run ins with the law. served time in prison. and so we have to look at this particular individual in terms of his own troubles, just like we have to look at the individual who, you know, stormed the white house and his own troubles. i think we have to be very careful not to draw over generalized conclusions based on these acts and so i think that's really important for us to keep in mind. >> all right. last night president obama spoke to "60 minutes" about how the islamic state became so powerful. >> how did they end up where they are in control of so much
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territory. was that a complete surprise to you? >> well, i think our head of the intelligence community jim clapper has acknowledged that i think they under estimated what had been taking place in syria. >> he didn't say that just say that we under estimated isil. he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> and now those same iraqi troops who dropped their weapons and ran from isis are being recruited back to their ranks. as many as 6,000 iraqis have re-enlisted thanks to a new military campaign to rebuild the army there. however, there are those who doubt the president's strategy, specifically in syria. >> if the goal is to destroy isis as the president says it is, i don't believe the strategy that he outlined will accomplish
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that. >> why not? >> the other day i think it's going to take more than air strikes to drive them out of there. at some point somebody's boots have to be on the ground. maybe we can get enough of these forces trained, get them on the battlefield but somebody's boots have to be there. >> if no one else steps up you recommend putting american boots on the ground? >> we have no choice. these are barbarians. they intend to kill us. if they don't destroy us first we're going to pay the price. >> a new poll finds 72% of americans believe u.s. will eventually send ground troops to region to fight isis. >> another part of this nbc news poll talks about how a plurality of americans believe in sending troops. >> which is remarkable, given the lessons of the last decade and a half, it's incredible now a majority of the plurality are willing to go in with troops.
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72% say they believe that's going to happen because of the rhetoric they heard. we heard john boehner say it yesterday but, again, ral dempsey, i know what the president said but i see scenarios where i have to recommend ground troops. people are smart in this country. >> a couple of other quick things. white house story, see "the washington post" white house story that broke over the weekend, there's a horrible -- the white house was actually shot at and struck and the secret service and this guy shoots at the house, hits it and then the head of the security says stand down. seven times. stand down. it was a backfire. what's wrong with these people? i'm serious. they have one job. >> this is a really tough story on the secret service. >> it took four days. there was something in the reporting of michele obama was upset when she got back. i'll tell you what, remember
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would have been fired. if i had been there, if my youngest son had been in there and been shot seven times and somebody told him to stand down. they would have all been, you know -- i could quota line from "top gun." but they would not be around the white house or my children. this is just deplorable. i don't know what's happened to the secret service. >> according to "the washington post" it was only discovered by a staffer who saw broken glass on the ground and a little concrete and thought that was strange and alerted the secret service and looked in and say oh, gun shots. >> there are so many professionals in the secret service. i don't think this is a crisis of the secret service. it's a crisis of leadership. there's some people running the secret service that have to be cleaned out. let me get to mid-term politics. we got a full poll numbers in some senate races. first up iowa, to fill a seat
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left by senator harkin. republican joniernst leading bruce braley 44 to 38%. last night iowans got a chance to hear the candidates in their first televised debate. if two clashed on a number of issues including abortion, climate change, and the government shutdown. and there was a tense exchange after braley accused ernst of being in the pocket of the koch brothers. >> you're not running against these other people, you're running against me. i'm a mother, i'm a soldier, and i am an independent leader. you're being funded by tom pryor who is a california billionaire extreme environmentist. so remember please you're running against me, not against any of these other groups,
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you're running against me. >> i realize that and president obama's name is not on the ballot and i'm not going to owe president obama anything on election day, you're going to owe the koch brothers everything. >> that's ridiculous. willie, come on. this koch brothers thing. it's ridiculous. especially when they are getting tons of money from their own side. >> as was pointed out. we've been talking about this for six months. when harry reid goes on the senatorry day and talks about the koch brothers. and it becomes a national strategy. >> it doesn't even work in manhattan where people thank god for david koch. they do. >> you go to the hospital for special surgery because you're mortally injured. >> if you have cancer you think david koch. if you love the arts, you will thank david koch. i mean you will thank the koch
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brothers. this -- yes you can hate them if you want to hate them and people like to do it because it drives things to their website. they are spending a lot of money. democratic billionaires have been doing this for years. how stupid do these people think they are. >> we're obviously not from iowa. state after state i don't know what exact it has to introduce their names. >> they just aren't that like -- you know the weirdest thing is that ideologically if you read the "new york times" article about david koch or if you know anything about charles koch, they don't -- you know, they are more a grand pal on gay marriage and wars. they are total libertarians. they are not like these right-wing nuts.
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it's stupid. by the way, amazing things happening in the polls. >> i know. >> there's no tidal wave. in iowa the republican is moving ahead. she looks like she's in good shape. in louisiana you got mary ahead. she's ahead by 6.5 votes. in north carolina you got kay hagan moving ahead. and mitch is moving ahead. in the northeast you got republican governors in michigan and wisconsin in big trouble. and then you get a "the washington post" article this weekend saying that the republicans could have the biggest spread in the house than they've had in a generation. there is no way, mika, this is right now -- i always have to do this. we're still in september. september 29th this is one of the most fascinating mid-term elections because nobody knows what will happen.
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>> we have a lot ahead. chelsea had her baby. so cute. charlotte clinton. >> i was hoping they would use scarborough as a middle name. >> very cute. some of the coverage not so cute. whatever. actress, felicity hoffman joins us in the 8:00 hour. she's from "desperate housewives." and then columnist mike lupica. i hope he smiles like in that picture. is that a hostage picture. we'll have an interesting conversation about the economics of not getting married. but first -- >> marriage has been pretty good to you. >> it has. >> come on. you're on the other side of
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that. >> massive protests in hong kong as demonstrators demand free elections. that's next on "morning joe." hey, i notice your car's not in the driveway. yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. i'm sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they'll tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. all right. next time i'm going to midas.
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high-five! arg! did not see that coming. [ male announcer ] get the midas touch maintenance package including an oil change for only $24.99. and here's a deal, use your midas credit card and get a rebate of $25. oil. tires. brakes. everything. trust the midas touch. ♪ [ male announcer ] united is rolling out global, satellite-fed wi-fi to connect you even 35,000 feet over the ocean. ♪ that's...wifi friendly. ♪
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really, really mean. >> why would a wife do that, willie? i don't understand. >> pretty funny. >> it is funny. >> jelter gets a selfie. the guy comes out before -- mike who was the pitcher. >> joe kelly. >> takes a selfie with jeter before the game. his wife tweets when i was 12 i thought i would marry jeter.
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instead i married the guy took a selfie with jeter. >> it was incredible yesterday. >> there's so many yankee fans in fenway park. it was horrible. >> was it fun. >> no. because there were so many yankee fans. mike said there were 34,000. >> jeter fans. i think i was the only guy in the park, i was a little ticked off. they start the game already -- this guy is a yankee. >> jeter and yankee fan the red sox did an awesome job trotting out all the old captains. >> about an hour and a half of it. i've seen enough. serious. i sat down after an hour and a half of it. we're in fenway. you know. okay. anyway. >> that's jeter's last moment in baseball. newfoundland hit. gets an rbi. >> something that mika is very excited about, george clooney got married.
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>> i'm not excited about that. >> i know you're not. that's why i said it. >> all right let's take a look at the morning papers from the "wall street journal," pro democracy protesters are expanding their rallies throughout hong kong despite calls to disperse. officers are trying to negotiate with protesters one day after firing tear gas. the mass protests are the strongest challenge yet to beijing's decisions to reject open nominations for candidates in hong kong. a massive protest. >> huge crowds out there. the next times for once talked about a clinton has nothing to do with politics. chelsea clinton and her husband welcomed in their new daughter. president clinton remarked charlotte's life is off to a good start. >> cute. >> how exciting. >> albany "times unioni," andrew
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cuomo is taking part in a surprise trip to afghanistan. >> why? >> the new york democrat said he's being briefed on counter terrorism. >> okay. yeah. >> information that could help protect the country. >> oh, okay. >> cuomo who also -- >> i'm sure they are breathing a sigh of relief. >> cuomo also visited israel and considered a possible contender for possible in 2016 >> he went with a group of governors it should be pointed out. "the washington post," for all the talk in baseball was about derek jeter, the washington nationals had their own fairy tale ending to the season. this was incredible. jordan zimmerman takes a no-hitter to the last out. watch what happens. >> the ball driven to left center. souza, it's a no-hitter for
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jordan zimmerman. >> the last out of the 162nd game of the year. willie talk about story books. >> i want to see it again. >> souza with a diving catch. preserving the no-hitter. first no-hitter in franchise history. washington already in the playoffs. >> that's storybook. >> what a way to go into the playoffs. the wild card picture is set in the american league. the royals and the a's. >> the afternoon's one of the hottest teams just in a death spiral. >> they sneak into the playoffs. they go to kansas city. the winner of that game plays the angels. on wednesday the pirates and then the winner of that game gets washington. >> "saturday night live" topped off its 40th season. two new cast members made its
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debut including a new anchor of weekend update and one of the funniest skits of the night imitating roger goodell. >> we want to be part of the solution. the nfl is organizing its own take back the night march on october 8th. what this says is we fight women. [ laughter ] excuse me, we fight 4 women. [ laughter ] we fight four different women? no? oh, yeah, of course not i'm so sorry. >> still working it out. >> he's not good at that. he's just not good at that. >> before we go we want everyone to sign up for the "morning joe" wake up call. how is it going? >> i wake up with a song in my heart. >> you should have been reading that for seven years.
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>> it's a complete rundown. >> top stories that we're looking at every morning sent directly to your e-mail before the show, sign up by visiting coming up how the u.s. is building an international coalition to defeat isis. the foreign minister of bahrain joins us next. but first we have the must read opinion pages. don't go away, we'll be right back. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing.
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across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. in this case, our top lean process engineers. so they showed us who does what, when, and where. then we hit them with the important question: why? why put the tools over there? do you really need those five steps? what if you can do it in two? whoo, that's an interesting question. ideas for improvement started pouring out. with a little help from us,
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♪ i love that song. >> joining us now -- >> do you like that song. >> it's nice. >> it sneaks up on you. it really does. you know who else sneaks up on you >> who? >> ahmen. >> did he pinch you? i have him on the show and willie, we all had him on the show. because he's like -- i like this guy, you know. he's in a burbank set instead of gaza impressing women with his
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media thing. i like him. he comes on three or four times. then what does doe? he breaks out the rick perry glasses. what's going on? i thought you were irish. >> your blind >> no, not at all. >> they are vanity glasses. >> no. >> i got to try this. i thought in case i needed to read a prompt i would be ready. >> so now he wants to read scripts. really. come on. >> make yourself at home. >> the "new york times" -- >> i'll do the must reads. in the "new york times," from pen and phone to bombs and drones. my friend ira sent this to me. said it might be good if we focused on this instead of high per ventilating about nfl. he doesn't like some of our coverage and some of it has been fair but a little bit worried about sort of this --
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>> so ira wants to read must reads and ira is sending must reads. >> i would love to have -- >> let's read it. >> wouldn't it be good to have a bunch of owners on. >> he's got his own problems this morning. >> what? >> what? >> put that up again. that may be one of the best sports headlines i've ever seen. >> i don't get it. >> can i please read this now? >> don't you know what that stand for? >> from pen and phone to bombs and drones when american presidents rain down bombs on islam countries they use the awful treatment of women in the middle east as one of their justifications. yet because we need the regressive rulers in the persian gulf to sell us oil and give us cover in our war efforts, we continue really speak out about their human rights violations
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and degradation of women. saudi arabia, wooed to be in the coalition by john kerry with a personal visit this month, has been chopping off heads regularly, let's not pretend we're fighting for any democratic principles here. >> the u.s. does business in a lot of countries in that part of the world whose human rights record are not that good. >> awful. here's thomas friedman "new york times" who has it easier, reagan or obama. in several critical areas reagan had a much easier world than obama. the defining feature of the cold war is it was a war between two different systems of order. obama's order is different. it's defied by regions of order and regions of disorder where there's no one to answer the phone and the main competition is not between two organized superpowers but between a superpowered and many
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superpowered ann egry men. >> i made this argument. sounds great but every president from truman through bush 41 had to worry about a mistake that would end mankind. talk to dr. brzezinski who told us a remarkable story how he got a call in the mid. night the missiles were fired from is soviet union and figured out what he was going to tell the president and recommend we fire back. i mean, it wasn't any easier -- it's not the good old days of nuclear annihilation. >> there were defined enemies in history for many, many years and combatants wore uniforms. and we had nuclear weapons to worry about. today for the past several years, obviously, terrorism is like a cancer. it's tentacles grow. it ensnares people. they just have to get lucky one
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day. >> getting back to what we talked about at the top of the show. one defining feature, i hate to say it, i'm sure a lot of people will go after me to say this, you need presidents that can define good versus evil. for a long time people were wringing their hands when we talked about the soviet union being the evil empire. they killed millions of their own people. now you actually have barack obama who is willing to call muslim extremism evil. i mean that's something that he has not had the clarity and fbi certainly didn't have the clarity on friday. but understanding the face of evil and being willing to fight it is a good place to start. >> well i don't think there's any question he understands it. if you listened to his speech last night and the interview last night no doubt he updss the problem. the question is what do you do about it.
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george bush understood what evil was and made some mistakes. we'll see if he continues to use air strikes and no ground troops how long that holds. >> can you do us a favor. can you explain in the camera -- he's looking ahead. what? okay. look at that. yeah. okay. it kind of works. >> this is a new point in my life. >> two handsome men is all i have to say. two good looking rascals. he wanted to make a serious point. he had serious glasses. >> i don't think we went to war over communism. we contained it, built up democracies in europe. we don't drop bombs on russia until it dissolved. >> what would the impact be of a marshal plan in gaza? >> if you really -- >> what would the impact be? >> you would change the dynamic
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of the israeli/palestinian conflict 100% fold. to let people live their lives not just in gaza if you applied it in the middle east. the point i was trying to make you don't fight ideologies with bombs you can fight ideologies with ideologies and build up democracies. maybe a generational fight but that's how long it took us to fight communism. >> still ahead is speaker boehner right when he says the u.s. will have no choice but to put boots on the ground in syria. congressman royce will join us next. and why one country in the middle east joined the coalition. the foreign minister of bahrain joins us next. "morning joe" will be right back.
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♪ can you do it? >> i can do it. >> do you think she can do it. >> here with us now, foreign minister of bahrain, we have shaikh khalid bin ahmed al khalifa. >> we had the president last night on "60 minutes" and he was, obviously, talking about the threat of worldwide threat. you guys are getting involved? >> yes, absolutely. >> how important is it to push back isis? >> well, it's more important to us than to anyone else. we're very thankful for the president and for the united states to be there with us fighting those people because they are trying to destroy a legacy that the whole region evolved over centuries, you know, cohabitation, christians,
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muslims, persians, everybody. now they are separating those people, killing them and beheading them. that's what we're trying to stop. >> what's the reaction been so far in the middle east? we had the reports of the female fighter pilot leading the attack. how are countries responding across the middle east? >> i think countries for the most part are definitely supportive of trying to contain and get rid of and destroy isis. that's one issue. american military involvement is another issue. as willie said earlier our experience in the past ten years in iraq made some people in the middle east at the least very suspicious. >> how would bahrain respond if united states put boots on the ground. >> if you look at syria. they have a free syrian army. they can take care of their own area. in iraq if they are well trained they can do the job.
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now it's contained. but we leave it to be discussed or -- >> willie, were you talking before the u.s.-led this coalition were you and other gulf states talking about attacking this isis problem without the united states. how critical of it for you? >> it was not the only problem. isis is one of the states created by al qaeda. remember that. there's isis. there's one the aqb in the arabian peninsula. one just newly created in the african subcontinent. hezbollah is playing a negative role. they are playing a very bad role in syria and iraq. so, we were talking about terror coming all around us. but isis, nobody differs with anyone that isis is the number one priority to be dealt with now. >> so here in america the
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cynicism or concern is we'll be doing this ultimately ourselves. we'll be left carrying the bag. but you say bahrain's role here contributions are essential, not just symbolic. tell us exactly how so. >> well, as i said before, this is our fight, you know. this is our fight to really defend ourselves. >> what contributions. >> we have our air force. now we have our air force. we have our f-16s there. they are pitching in this fight with our allies. but for the future what else can we do. when we came to liberate kuwait we used our air force and ground troops. now this is a different situation. let's let the military people decide. >> thanks for coming in. it's kind of early. >> first thing i've ever done at 6:00 a.m. my day starts a bit later. >> really? what time will it be in brain?
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>> come and talk? >> sure. >> shaikh khalid bin ahmed al khalifa. >> well said. >> still ahead bill gates, warren buffett, the koch brothers we're breaking down america's richest people. but first will air strikes be enough to stop isis. chairman of the foreign affairs committee, congressman ed royce joins us next on "morning joe." you probably know xerox
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>> you said that we are not going to be the shi'ite air force, the kurdistan air force, the iraqi air force but in effect with the allies that's what we have become. we have become the iraqi air force. >> with the allies, with their ground troops, and if we do our job right and the iraqis fight then over time our role can slow down and taper off and their role reasserts itself. >> what happens if the iraqis don't fight or can't fight? what's the end game? >> i'm not going speculate on
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failure at the moment. we're just getting started. let's see how they do. right now we have a campaign plan that has a strong chance for success in iraq. i think syria is a more challenging situation. here with us now, republican congressman from california and chairman of the house foreign affairs committee chairman ed royce. >> john boehner yesterday talking about the possibility of troops on the ground, a plurality of americans saying they would support boots on the ground. is that the direction we're moving? >> you know, i think it would be, i think it would be far better if boots on the ground were kurdish boots and arab boots and from the standpoint of members i talked to on the foreign affairs committee what we want to see we want the a armaments get in the hands of the kurds and it has not. >> why not? >> because baghdad won't allow
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those missiles or long range mortars that's been requested by the kurds to be given to them and yet that's the only effective fighting force we've seen and syrian kurds also could put up that fight. >> they could. that's what the hope is. how long will it take to get them ready. >> we'll have to circumvent the process and run legislation separately through my committee to arm the kurdish fighters. >> does that mean turkey drops out of the coalition. >> turkey is not -- will turkey ever really be -- >> the turks have been clowns over the past several months. it's disgraceful. >> what we can expect from the turks at best is they close that border. i.t. in their interest and our interest. let's keep the pressure there. let that not tie us up in terms of having the foreign force or the indigenous force on the ground. >> if american boots on the ground are required to then kurds do you think -- do you see a will in congress to do that?
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>> i see a blow back. i see a problem. i think if you had, you know, we got -- >> a blow back from whom? >> we have cia trainers now working with different militaries in that region. but to put large scale u.s. contingents, the 82nd airborne on the ground i think that's a profound error in judgment on the part of the united states. >> you say you hope there's no american ground troops but do you share the skepticism of many foreign policy experts saying ground troops you're hoping to do the job not up to the task. >> if we do not give the we faps to the kurds that they need, it's very unlikely they will be able to roll back this 35,000 man force. but with 190,000 that the kurds have to say nothing of the syrian kurdish forces that could be armed and other arab forces, to me it's something of a no brainer here. why not get the weapons into
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their hands and allow them to defend themselves. after all they are fighting isis right now on the front line. that seems to me to be the best policy. >> mr. chairman, how do you see the air campaign going. do you feel it's successful so far? >> it's certainly not robust. you had a couple of hundred air strikes. >> you call one of those air strikes bombing one tank not exactly -- usually two pickups, isn't it. usually a couple of pickup trucks. what we saw in the first gulf war was -- when the invasion of kuwait if you recall when air strikes attempted to push that back, 116,000 air strikes, 42 divisions eviscerated. so if you follow the kurdish request we haven't done enough on the syrian side or iraqi side with the kurdish forces
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struggling. you need a morrow bust he flort. >> congressman ed royce thank you very much. coming up at the top of the hour new air strikes on the syria/turkey border as the u.s. offensive expands. a live report from richard engel. plus an update on three of the most closely contested senate races this year. >> joni ernst doing very well. >> a wedding to end all weddings. >> george clooney gets hitched and of course we got the details. all that and much more as ahmen gives us another look at his shades when "morning joe" returns. 's ok that your soup tas like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow.
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♪ all right. mika, big story of the day. mika has been talking about this nonstop. she has such a crush on george clooney. >> big story of the day. george clooney, mika, as you know, off the market this morning. 53-year-old actor married human rights attorney amal alamuddin. the newlyweds caught taking a water taxi. there's bono, bill murray was there. cindy crawford was there. anna winter was there. matt damon. the whole gang there was. >> okay. you guys done? >> here's the headline of the day. >> headline of the weekend. >> internationally acclaimed
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barrister amal alamuddin mears an actor. >> business woman media website. >> are you okay, willie >> come on. >> friday night there was a kitchen accident with a giant serrated knife. >> did you go to the hospital? >> yes. >> what happened. >> we were at the top of the hour. we're glad to hear you're okay. >> bleeding out. he's bleeding out. >> welcome back, everybody. >> welcome back to "morning joe." ahmen is still we're his glasses. >> good morning. >> we have a lot of news to get. >> let's talk about jeter first.
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>> where's barnacle? >> i don't know what he's doing. it was huge. went up there yesterday -- >> tlurp. >> i think the red sox did a bigger sendoff than the yankees. wouldn't stop. what a way to end his career with an infield hit. >> run scores, ends his career on a single and rbi. 3365 career hits sixth most in the history of the league. joe girardi looks at him do you want to come out and he does. let's take a look. >> it's been a blessing. to play along such a great player, to manage a guy that is what you want in every player. what you want every player to care about. what you want every player to fight for. what you want every player to do. and it's been a real blessing.
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>> joe girardi was a teammate of jeter before he became his manager. the boston red sox did an incredible job with that ceremony. >> they always do. >> even the clip at the beginning where it talked about the rivalry. they showed the clip. that included like the ugly parts. the home run. the 2003 home run. pretty incredible. >> nice. >> a lot more yankee fans. no it wasn't. a lot more yankee fans than red sox fans at fenway. it was horrible. i just wish there had been about 30,000 less yankee fans. >> three minutes past the top of the hour. i'll now get to the news. we begin with new air strikes against isis in syria and iraq while the president speaks out about the strengthen of the terrorist group. over the weekend u.s. coalition bombed several oil fields controlled by isis while targeting the militants along the syrian/turkish board e-a
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complicated situation there. last night president obama spoke to "60 minutes" about how the islamic state became so powerful. >> how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? was that a complete surprise to you? >> well i think the head of the intelligence communities jim clapper acknowledged that they under estimated what had been taking place in syria. >> he didn't say, just say that we under estimated isil. he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> kim, the "daily news" this morning sums it all up and this is the takeaway. when trouble comes they don't call beijing, they don't call moscow, they call us, that's how we roll. the "daily news" calling him the
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baminator. we're a long way from the nobel peace price from 2009. >> the american president mr. obama still has to earn that nobel peace prize. i do think it was an interesting way for him to address tissue of american power. he doesn't speak often about american power that forcefully. he's always been a bit reluctant about the idea that america is the nation that people call on first not beijing, not moscow. it was an interesting change of tone. i remember covering his first administration, when hillary clinton was secretary of state that was sometimes, some tension between them because she's a very strong believer in the idea that america must remain the global leader and the president has a bit more reluctance to admit that. it's an interesting shift in tone. >> we're six years in. and the president is shifting. >> yeah. >> just like six years into george w. bush's presidency, he
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began to shift. it's remarkable in this age of terror, if you want to call it that after 9/11, how each of the presidents have had to react to the realities. in two completely different ways. >> here's the issue. we have a poll and then i'll get to the boehner bite, nbc news poll finding 72% of americans believe the u.s. will eventually send ground troops to the region to fight isis and 20% think it won't. 45% support the u.s. of ground troops against the islamic state. and then there's tissue he issu exactly what might have to happen. >> that s-willie, after a decade of war, absolutely fascinating. that plurality of americans support ground troops.
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stunning to me. >> it is remarkable one decade after iraq which most people viewed as a disaster and cost us a lot of lives. now we have an entirely new chapter in this fight against terrorism one decade later that they are willing now, at least 45% of americans say they are willing to send young american men and women into the ground. >> it's videos of the murders happening. very visceral response. here john boehner looking at the president's strategy in a different way. >> if the goal is to destroy isis as the president says it is, i don't believe the strategy that he outlined will accomplish that. >> why not? >> the other day i think it's going to take more than air strikes to drive them out there was. at some point somebody's boots have to be on the ground. maybe we can get enough of these forces trained, get them on the baffle but somebody's boots have to thereabout. >> if no one else will step up there, will we put american troops on the ground? >> we have no choice. these are barbarians.
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they intend to kill us. if we don't destroy them first we will pay the price. >> in 2009, we were pretty outspoken against tripling the number of troops in afghanistan. we would have all these foreign policy leaders and senators coming on, we have to send troops to average because of da, da, da and then the camera turns off and they go we don't know where we're sending troops to afghanistan. now what's happening, people come on set we can't have boots on the ground, we'll never have boots on the ground. camera goes off and they go we got to have boots on the ground. boehner actually is saying in front of the camera what everybody else, american and foreign alike is saying off camera. it seems our memory in this country is about three seconds long sometimes because we forget the experience what happened in iraq. i hear some of the same narratives over and over again.
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as willie and i were just talking it's extremely disturbing to hear u.s. troops going into another arab country. >> yet, i thank him. there's a reality that a lot of people see even in the polls we just showed. >> you have to acknowledge there are already some boots on the ground. in iraq no doubt special forces already operating somewhere in syria. the point i would make you can have boots on the ground they don't have to be americans. a lot of people in the syria opposition say there are boots on the ground but we've been asking you for backing support and arms for three years. >> who do we support there? >> at this point three years into the war. three years into the war pinpoint has become a lot more difficult to determine who these rebels are that you can support, and, you know, i was speaking to european officials last week who were a bit distressed that at this point they are having a lot of trouble mapping who these different rebel groups are.
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there are hundreds of them. they are splintered by three years of war. a year ago, two years ago, three years ago it was a lot near. but just on the point that these polls that show americans want support the idea of intervention at the moment. a lot of people in syria who have been living through three years of conflict, 200,000 dead are feeling somewhat, i don't know, depressed, that it took the beheading of two americans for the u.s. to finally turn its attention to the conflict. they understand perhaps why that happened but it is difficult to explain to people living under shelling for three years that that's what it takes for the world to pay attention. >> let's bring richard engel into the conversation. he's nbc news chief foreign correspondent. he joins us north of the syrian border. he's in turkey. we've been listening to president obama's conversation on "60 minutes" we said we under estimated isil but overestimated the iraqi army's capability to fight isis.
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that's an assessment a lot of people have shared for a long time. >> reporter: well, it's quite surprising, in fact, and i've been listening to your conversation and sounds like a lot of surprises have been coming up. i.t. surprising that the president said that u.s. intelligence missed this one because it seems that u.s. intelligence was the only group that miss this one. everyone knew that islamic extremists were on the rise in syria and in iraq. it was well documented. the extremists were publicizing their activities online, they were bragging about it. they were coming through turkey, journalists including us were interviewing foreign fighters as they were going in and out of syria. this was no state secret. and the fact that u.s. intelligence missed it is somewhat surprising. and the fact that they overestimated the iraqi army is also disturbing because the iraqi army -- it was well-known to be full of corruption, to be
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full of sectarian divides, that some of these units were nothing more than shi'ite death squads, that they were unpopular in sunni areas. this was also not a state secret. in fact, there were many, many reports about this, some of them delivered to the u.s. government. so, the fact that the u.s. intelligence community missed this one is shocking. >> all right. richard engel, thank you very much. i'll tell you, this is like a rolling nightmare in terms of trying to contain this, really at this point. then there's tissue of turkey and why they won't close the border, why are they resisting, at what point does turkey act like a real ally? >> the turkeys will argue the u.s. hasn't acted like a real ally to them over the last three years because they have been raising the alarm about number of refugees coming in to their country, raising the alarm about president assad wanting to do
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something -- >> close the border? >> close the border of foreign fighters going into syria or seize people inside turkey who might be suspected -- >> why have they done that? >> i'm not in the minds of turkish leaders but i suspect there's still some ambivalence about what the goal of this mission really is or should be. you know, a lot of countries in the region, turkey, saudi arabia, even the uae, they have been wanting to get rid of assad for at that while and now they've agreed that the priority will be isis but in the back of their mind they still would like to see something done about president assad. although in public american officials aren't able to say that, that perhaps that might be the second goal. they are leaving the iranians and syrians guessing about what the end game is. in private you already are hearing american officials say that the campaign against isis might provide an opening particularly with iran for discussion at a later stage
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about president assad. >> some other headlines now after a series of security lapses the latest involving a fence jumper who made it literally inside the white house front door, we're now learning that the secret service may have dropped the ball investigating a 2011 incident in which shots were fired at the second floor residence. "the washington post" reports it took the agency four days to realize the white house had actually been hit. the report says officers who rushed to respond were ordered to stand down by a supervisor who felt that the noise of bullets actually had come from a construction vehicle that had backfired. not until a housekeeper noticed broken glass and chunks of cement days later did officials realize what actually happened. "the washington post" reports officer were sure that bullets had struck the white house and they were ignored. and some feared speaking up. the president, first lady, older daughter malia not at home but sasha the youngest daughter was
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inside. the gunman was arrested in pennsylvania five days after the incident. and is now serving 25 years in prison. >> really is unbelievable that they actually had officers right there by the scene, telling them that shots were fired, the supervisor said. >> it's backfire and actually tried to correct him and they didn't listen. >> i can't imagine. now they are having an overall review given the fence jumper situation. kim thank you so much. great to have you on board. still ahead, actress felicity hoffman joins us in our next hour. then a stunning end to the liverpool match. roger bennett will join us for the football frenzy. >> all of america, i'm sure was shaken. >> stunning. >> who is the rich jet man in american? randall lane is not but he has that list next. you're watching "morning joe." >> he looks like the richest man with that hat.
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all right. it's time to take a look at the morning papers as willie walks away from us. the "wall street journal," the faa says things should get a whole lot better at airports nationwide today after a critical communications room in chicago was knocked out by a fire late last week. more than 2300 flights were cancelled on friday and another 950 were grounded on saturday. regional airlines that service the midwest were impacted the most. authorities say the fire was intentionally sparked by a man who allegedly tried to take his own life. >> there's a lot easier ways to do that in a way that doesn't disrupt -- >> how scary is that for the guy for a whole weekend stopped air traffic. let's go "the plain dealer," former congressman went to prison on bribery charges has died following an accident on his family farm. he served nine terms and expelled from the house in 2002
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for exchanging government favors for crash. he was behind bars for seven years before unsuccessfully attempting to revive his political career. he was 73. >> i knew jim thaficant fairly well and he was a happy soul. famous forgoing "beam me up, scotty." everybody he saw, mr. chairman. how are you, mr. chairman. very nice guy. there was a great article in politico this weekend, it said our kind of crook. written by a guy who is explaining how fascinating his life and times were. >> to say nothing of the hair too. >> the hair. one of the funniest moments. he goes up and starts to give a speech. he goes, mr. speaker, what's wrong with this picture? and he goes the suit, the hair, the tie.
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the whole place just erupted. he was an original. >> let's go the "st. louis dispatch." protests continue in ferguson, missouri. officials are searching for the gunman who shot two area police officers in separate incidents over the weekend. in the first incident, one officer was shot in the arm near the ferguson community center saturday night. then early on sunday an off duty st. louis officer was shot. those injuries also nonlife threatening. officials don't believe the incidents are related due to protests over the michael brown shooting. and the "los angeles times" more than 30 people are believed to be dead following a volcanic eruption in japan. hundreds of hikers were on the mountain when a thick cloud of ash suddenly exploded from the ground there. there are serious concern about the toxic gases still hanging in the air. and that's slowing down the search and recovery effort. only a few bodies have been recovered so far. >> oh, my lord. >> look at that video.
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>> column business dispatch hardest hit in football this weekend was not in the nfl. didn't come from a player. check this out. ohio state/cincinnati game. a fan runs on the field. big mistake ever. that is your ohio state buckeyes strength coach. body slam take down. a former ohio state linebacker himself, even got a shout out on twitter from wwe stone cold steve austin. great slam. >> what's he doing. why did he run out there. >> he could have messed that kid up. >> company have. >> looks pretty safe to me. >> the kid is smiling there. >> he's okay. >> i've seen still pictures of where the kid hits the ground. like that guy could have been -- that's cement underneath that turf. >> my brothers did that to me all the time. let's go now to -- >> and there's nothing wrong with you. >> you guys are supposed to
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laugh right now. >> right now we go editor of "forbes" magazine who has this year's "forbes" magazine 400 richest americans. randall, we one you're not on the list but you look like you belong there. who is? >> well, it's a record year for wealth. 2014, we've been doing this 33 years as you guys know. we've never seen a year like this. 2.3 trillion dollars for the top 400 richest americans with bill gates at the top. >> rich keep getting richer. binghampton gates $81 billion. warren buffett $67 billion. that's what i'm thinking. when i hit 50 billion that's when i'm going to nantucket for the summer. charles koch, 42 billion and david koch 42 billion. >> it's stunning. to even get on the list, joe
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take notes for next year, 1.55 billion last year, only 1.3 billion. we had 113 american billionaires who are billionaires and could not even qualify for the 400. >> what are we doing wrong? >> mark zuckerberg, $34 billion. >> won't get you in the top ten. he jumped more than anybody on the entire list. $15 billion up from last year. >> because of the ipo. what did i say. >> yes, did yo rkyes, you did. >> i learn from buchanan burn the tapes. >> how about this 30-year-old, elizabeth holmes. youngest woman at age 30. she founded a blood testing. >> nobody in their 20s but zuck from facebook and elizabeth
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holmes is unbelievable. pre-ipo company. she came out of nowhere and she's, again the youngest self made woman. >> how did she make 4.5 billion? >> her company was valued at $9 billion, $10 billion and she still owns 40% of it. they are very innovative and changing how blood test cigarette done. i think that speaks to the full 400. we did for the first time this year we studied how self made each person on the 400 is made one being a silver spoon to ten being horatioalger. you have people like elizabeth holmes who did it herself and her brains and idea. so for all the talk about income inequali
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inequality, the american dream is alive. 20 years we went back all 33 years, even 20 years ago a majority of the list was inherited. so we had a huge -- >> that's so interesting. >> i always thought somebody inherited from somebody. show this woman again. >> elizabeth holmes. $4.5 billion. at 30. >> at 30. totally self made. daddy did not give her any money to start. this is somebody who did it just with brain power. >> wow. all right. >> also hopeful signs in terms of innovation and people moving forward in this economy. thank you very much. the richest americans is the new issue of "forbes." still ahead the biggest names of the music industry were in new york city to raise awareness about poverty. what a concert that was. we'll tell you one of the remarkable stories to come out of this year's global citizen festival. first he's been called the greatest sports writer for
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middle school readers. >> come on. >> i didn't say that. >> he has a great book. >> he's a little grumpy. we'll be right back. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. in this case, our top lean process engineers.
4:28 am
so they showed us who does what, when, and where. then we hit them with the important question: why? why put the tools over there? do you really need those five steps? what if you can do it in two? whoo, that's an interesting question. ideas for improvement started pouring out. with a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. a hundred percent bump in efficiency. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know... can help you grow. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming -
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and are ready for it. make it matter. you know your dunlike natural teeth. try new fixodent plus true feel. the smooth formula helps keep dentures in place. it's free of flavors and colorants. for a closer feeling to natural teeth. fixodent. and forget it. i know... this third shift is rough... it's just a few more weeks max! what are you doing up? it's late. i just wanted to have breakast wih you.
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♪ we got new york sports columnist remember espn radio host, mike lupica has a new book out called "fantasy league." "times" best seller list. these things explode. >> the reaction to these books around the country from l.a., texas, richmond, kids love these books. and moms and school librarians say they can't keep the books on the shelves. it's the greatest compliment you can get. >> what's this one? >> 12-year-old boy who is living in southern california with his mom is the pin ball wizard of fantasy football. not a very good player. charlie gaines status is because he's the star of fantasy league and gives him status. his best friend is the granddaughter of the old man who has brought pro football back to
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los angeles. i keep telling everybody, could the league do it? did i bring pro football back to l.a., i did. he makes a couple of suggestions about players. one about an ageing quarterback who is sitting on the bench in cincinnati that turns around the fortunes of the team and all of a sudden the world find out that a 12-year-old has become the de facto general manager of a pro football team even though most 12-year-olds that i know think they can do a better job than the guys running the plays. >> i think they could. did you see the jets yesterday? >> we know, all of us know kids walk around, looking at all these devices, flip from one thing to another, has an attention span of ten seconds. reading a book, the difference that it makes in a young person's life. >> my kids heard of this before. i start off every talk at schools by saying listen when mr. lupica was growing up there was no espn and the boys shiek.
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no internet, no laptop, no text messaging but we're the same because we still like a good story. page one, chapter one of a book you really want to read is greater than all the magic and all the technology in the world. >> yeah. no doubt. let's go from fantasy league to the league. the nfl. how bad is roger goodell? >> i think he's in a world of trouble because it starts with his mishandling of this -- joe, you know this. when you get on the wrong side of history you get run over. so he misidentified how serious this issue is and has been. you know, i saw robin givens who had her own issues with mike tyson. you know why things are going to change now? men are finally upset about this issue. because there had been like half a dozen incidents of some kind since the time goodell has become the commissioner.
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for him to even need the elevator video or for any of us to need the elevator video, unless he thought she knocked herself out in that elevator was absurd. >> what do you think, in addition to that, the largest scope of issues facing the national football league. the concussion syndrome and impact on parents and high school football. >> you hear more and more. more and more parents saying -- i was playing football by the time i was 5. parents don't do that any more. >> the game has to evolve. >> the late great arthur ashe had a great description of john mcenroe. a nick here and a nick there, you'll see blood. once parents become afraid of their kids playing football -- the numbers are holding right now, but when you start to hear that maybe one out of three ex-players are going to suffer from some lingering
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brain-damage, you know, i was not joking when i said that we could have tied up all the issues in the nfl if ray rice's fiancee had gotten a concussion that night. everything would have organizeed into one terrible moment in that elevator. >> i was at a football game in a small town recently and that's what all the mothers were talking about, the cover of "time" magazine and tissue of injuries and they are all really worried. >> this may be true in the long term but if you look at the nfl right now in the midst of its worst month ever, ratings way up, the games are sold out, people are buying the jerseys, they are playing fantasy football and doing all things they love and they can separate that from whatever roger goodell is going through and what ray rice did. they still love football. >> it's bigger than it's ever been. but, you know, in the 1950s, michael, how big was boxing in this country. you thought you couldn't kill boxing. okay. >> in the 1970s was the golden
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era. >> look where we are. i don't think brain trauma is part it. all i'm saying they got to get out ahead of this now because they were so far behind on concussions and they were so pathetically in a bone headed way behind on domestic violence. >> how long have you been covering sports >> i've been covering sports since boston college. i went to boston college in 1941. >> mike and i always talk about -- there are great moments in sports. 1980 hockey, for us 2004 -- but i got to say have you ever seen a more sort of fairy tale ending to anybody's career than what unfold at yankee stadium thursday night of it with derek jeter? seriously, fade to black that's the move. >> it's one of the greatest moments i have ever witnessed and on a fight when a
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championship was not decided because this was the only thing that could have made yankee fans feel like they had won something this year. he comes up in the first inning, i'm sure the ball is out, okay, that's our hollywood ending. then the orioles hit the two home runs in the top of the ninth and now you're looking at the third up single, you know gardner -- and then i'm thinking please swing at the first pitch. please. and it was as loud as the new place has been. the old place, the old yankee stadium held noise in this unbelievable way. that was one of the great moments i've ever seen because -- and joe i've been trying to think about this. when there will be a comparable good-bye in sports. i can can't think of anybody out there -- people in california were calling me the next day and saying they were crying watching this guy make a hit. >> i don't think so. if you look at the cast of characters in baseball today, they play for several different tapes. this is a guy who played for the same franchise in the same city
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for 20 years. i mean, the adhesion of loyalty to him and love for him. not only in new york but "around the league" because he exemplifies what you want in an athlete. he has character, he has talent. 20 years there's never a sc i-n-t illa of evidence of anything tawdry going on with him. >> i was shocked what i was hearing coming over the public address from the announcer at fenway. seriously. it was as if they were saying good-bye to yaz or ted williams. just couldn't have been more -- >> shows you the respect he's garnered "around the league" and from your greatest rival, fans that hate the yankees and derek jeter they couldn't he themselves. they had to respect him. they had to respect what he had
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done not just on the field but the way he carried himself, the way he talked about his opponent, when he tipped his cap to the baltimore orioles in that moment that was about him and yesterday when he talked about the boston fans. >> by the way, i need to correct the ted williams thing. ted williams final day i'm sure they were spitting at him and he was spitting at them. >> 10,000 people. greatest article ever written. >> "the new yorker" -- extraordinary. >> this guy, played in 2700 games. and of those 2700 games there were only four games where the yankees were mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. he mattered in 2700 games. he always mattered. >> that's why this pin headed notion that you can quantify what derek jeter meant in baseball by statistics alone is ridiculous. i wrote this today and i believe
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this. he's what we want baseball to be. he's what we want sports to be. and i wonder if we're ever again going to quite see his like. >> you know, he is what you want your son to be, or your child to be. again it gets in a tangent who derek jeter is. one of the does life is good parenting. his parents have been at every game, i don't know for how many years but they were there yesterday in boston as well. >> the book is "fantasy league." mike lupica, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> up next a serious virus is leaving children paralyzed and doctors are scrambling to figure out why. then wayne rooney behaves badly and gets sent off manchester united's recent game. did it cost his team a victory. >> that hair is coming back. i love that. people with type 2 diabetes
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♪ a medical mystery has doctors working fast to try and figure out why a group of colorado children is now showing polio-like symptoms include being paralysis. whether that could be linked of a rare strain of virus affecting hundreds of kids nationwide. >> reporter: at this denver playground the kids all smiles, some parents on edge. >> it actually terrifies he having three kids and one with severe asthma. common cold is no longer common cold. >> reporter: nearby where doctors say nine children with respiratory illness show
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symptoms sill lsymptom s similar to polio. this year enterovirus 68 has been confirmed in 277 people, mostly children across 40 states plus d.c. >> it is a bit of a mystery right now but just like any other mystery we have some clues. >> reporter: dr. larry wolk say the nine children in colorado are up to date on polio vaccination. the cdc is trying to figure out if there's some link to entero various 68. a similar case hit california in 2012. that's when lucia had trouble breathing before his left leg stopped working. he was never tested for enterovirus 68 but was diagnosed with polio-like syndrome. >> i had to take a breath. it was the hardest thing that i think i heard. >> reporter: she understands what families in colorado are going through. >> my whole purpose is to let
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these families know there's hope. >> reporter: hope this medical mystery may be solved soon. >> we'll stay on top of that. that's frightening. still ahead, not married? not a problem. we'll explain why more singles than ever before are staying that way. but first, one of the men in blazers, roger bennett is here. this is going to be disturbing. your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning
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♪ a man who cuts a sad and pathetic figure. >> he's a strange man. >> he says the only joy he gets is from watching other people lose. >> sad but true. >> let's go to the highlights with joey scarborough and you. >> join us every derby day when cross town rivals clash. >> this is horrible. >> two teams separated by less than a kilometer. brother against brother. 65th minute. steven jerad. the close st the premier league
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has to a derek jeter. >> obviously, gerard, after the game, said he was answering back. getting absolutely pounded by people. >> in the 91st moment, a drone strike. like a 60-yard field goal. that was more like the 1984 hail mary pass. >> blather. >> this guy could kick that 1,000 times and only do that once. >> they're clicking, henderson decided to show up for once. and then the hack cancel it out. >> liverpool fans, we're not actually depressed after the match as much. everybody e-mailed me and said, we finally looked good. brendan rodgers is finally bringing all these people together.
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as joey said, they looked a lot more dangerous than your sorry side everton. >> as long as i have a cell phone, a video of that goal, until the day i die. more than my children's birth, and that goal -- >> okay, that is about as good as it gets for an everton fan. you want to go to north london? >> tottenham spurs. tottenham opened the scoring with the goal. this is the equivalent of randy quaid outacting dennis quaid. arsenal leveleded with possibly the most english name in football, a young gentleman called alex oxley chamberlain. >> your son needs to translate what he's -- >> no, no, joey, arsenal,
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arsenal always finds a way. >> a bit of cleavage for you, mika. >> if they can get healthy, they're clearly not gelling yet, if they get healthy, but that's a question every year. >> always does it at the end. the final four. how many years have they been in the final four? >> it might as well be 30. >> since 1736. you mentioned health, let's talk about mental health. >> oh, wade rooney, oh, my god, he's getting absolutely massacred by the tabloids in london. >> as he should be. two sides of wayne rooney in this game. they win, but they still self-harm. rooney scoring inside of five minutes. the flick. that's good wayne rooney. very hard to do that. but then in the second half, kung fu fighting. kicks an opponent in the crotch. red card. he's the captain of this team. he's the worst captain since captain and tenile.
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>> a man who famously got red carded when he kicked ronaldo in the crotch when he was on the ground. >> he prides himself on defense. he got beat. he got a little insecure for it. and he decided to make up for it in a very, very boneheaded way. >> so he's red carded. >> three games. >> the story we're not going to talk about because they're not one of the big fours, southampton, extraordinary. >> mika picked them before the beginning of the season. >> let's explain to americans. they got raided by liverpool. they got raided by teams -- their best five players gone. they're at the top. >> in a 1,500 meter race, the pacemaker that drops out after a lap or two. they'll be gone very soon. mika picked them though. she said they'd be strong. we laughed at you. >> at the top of the list, joey scarborough, chelsea. i always told him, cheering for chelsea is like cheering for general motors. not gm, microsoft.
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chelsea. >> they got a lot of options. they started those two together for the first time this season. i mean, willon was up to things the entire game. they got options in the forward. >> it's chelsea in the city, isn't it? >> enjoy it while you can, manchester city. >> i would be amazed if chelsea football club did not win. >> the question is by how many points. it's going to be double digits. >> joey scarborough -- >> garbage, almost as bad as everon everton garbage -- >> are we going to go to a match? >> every year, and you let me down. >> like, i'm going. >> real's coming to andfiefield. >> i will go if you turn up. >> i will go. up next, new polling suggest
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americans are preparing for another ground war in the middle east whether they support it or not. plus, new details of another white house security breach. is the secret service dropping the ball? next on "morning joe." to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. in this case, our top lean process engineers. so they showed us who does what, when, and where.
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i think everybody applauds the efforts you've made and the size of the coalition. but most of them are could contributing money or policing the borders, not getting particularly close to the contact. it looks like once again we are leading -- leading the operation. we are carrying most of the -- >> steve, that's always the case, that's always the case. america leads. we are the indispensable nation. we have capacity no one else has. our military is the best in the history of the world. and when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don't call beijing, they don't call moscow, they call us. that's -- that's the deal.
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>> it looks like we're doing 90%. >> steve, there is not -- when there's a typhoon in the philippin philippines, take a look at who's helping the philippines deal with that situation. when there's an earthquake in haiti, take a look at who's making sure haiti can rebuild. that's how we go, that's how we roll. and that's what makes us america. >> good morning. it is monday, september 29th. that was president barack obama on "60 minutes" last night. >> what do you think? >> i liked it. i thought he made some really clear points. he also threw some under the bus but -- >> you remember what harry truman put on the desk. the buck stops with -- clapper. with clapper. also he blamed maliki too. but he did well. >> very well. and it was a tough interview. >> i think he could have gained even more points.
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if he just said, i screwed eedi made a mistake. george w. bush doesn't hide behind tenaet or all the intel people. but let's not get down in the weeds. i think for the most part, it was a strong delivery. he certainly did not sound like the president of two years ago who led from behind. >> i think he is responding to circumstances with mindfulness and trying to get a different approach to it in terms of trying to get other countries on board and he seems completely with it every step of the way on it. thought he did pretty well. there's a lot happening internationally as well with this as it moves on. also, we have to look at this at home we're seeing. >> on friday, just such tragic news coming out of moore, oklahoma. on friday afternoon, when a
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54-year-old wife, while her husband waited outside for her, what he did every day for five years, but a 54-year-old wife and mother and grandmother, colleen huffford, was attacked and actually beheaded by a former co-worker who spent the last few weeks trying to convert the other fellow employees to islam. now, local news outlets reported he was shouting muslim phrases during the attack. so the feds were called in to investigate. their response, according to "the washington post." that there was no indication, quote, no indication that he was copying the beheadings of journalists in syria by the islamic state. >> how is that possible? >> officials said. adding they were treating this as, quote, workplace violence. workplace violence. really? despite the fact the attacker's facebook page had pictures of osama bin laden, let's see, the taliban, gruesome beheadings by
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isis. pictures celebrating the destruction of the twin towers. and his promise that america would go up in flaps. and also his declaration that, quote, islamic terrorists behead their victims because the precedent was bistroed by their profit. cab you believe this? the fbi says there was no indication no one was copying isis. i'm not saying that, like, isis has infiltrated us and this is going to happen. but seriously, fbi, no rblgs -- how stupid does the fbi think we are and who exactly are they afraid of offending? isis? moderate muslims. because moderate muslims are just as scared. and now the fbi can't tell americans the truth. about the bleeheading? trust me, muslims are offended
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by this creep's actions. but if the fbi now is so weakly resorting to political correctness after a beheading on american soil, can they really defend the threat of copycat killers? i mean, come on. no evidence, really? no evidence? who are they trying to protect? it's insulting. >> -- what happened to this community, to this woman. it is what it is -- >> how does someone within a community have a facebook page with osama bin laden go around boasting the united states has done whatever's going to happen, that we should all go up in flames and nobody says anything, nobody says, hey, you might want to pay attention to this guy at work. doesn't happen? >> that's allegedly part of the reason he was fired is because he was saying things around the office that were alarming some people. so he goes to human resources, gets himself fired. then goes next door to the main
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distribution building and did what you just described. would have beheaded another woman if the coo of the company had not stepped in with his gun and shot him. >> -- weirdly isolated because someone is crazy like the white house jumper who is suffering from ptsd, who went and served his country and probably went crazy because of some of the actions that this country, situations that this country put him in? are we going to look at things as separate incidents that are completely isolated? are we going to start tying together where we are today? >> for a long time, europe unfortunately, mike, has been trying to ignore muslim extre extremi extremism. now it's at their doorstep. >> great british can no longer ignore it. >> again, it's the political correctness. there were actually people who wrote books warning about the rise of muslim extremism. that were actually arrested for hate crimes.
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again, moderate muslims are just as concerned. that's what's so insulting about this. >> we have with us a lecture ur on black studies program in new york, ahir aali. give us a sense of what we're talking about here. of what joe said. how much of a link do you make between these isolated incidents across the country and what we would define as the spread of extremism. >> yes, first of all, good morning. i want to say that i completely agree with joe in condemning this act of violence. this is, you know, such a gr grotesque brutal act. that has no place in any society. it has no place in any nation. it has no place in any religion. i think it's very clear that muslims, you know, around the world, in fact, last week, over 120 muslim clerics issued an
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open letter to isis, declaring their -- how illegitimate isis was on the basis of islamic theology. i think it's very clear, as joe said, that muslims are completely outraged and just as fearful by the spread of this kind of ideology. now, i also agree with you, mika, because we do need to look at this as a kind of -- you know, this is -- that this particular suspect posted these face book messages or made these statements is not the complete story his life, right. he had a very troubled background. had several run-ins with the law. served time in prison. and so we have to look at this particular individual in terms of his own troubles. just like we have to look at the individual who, you know, stormed the white house and his own troubles. i think we have to be very careful not to draw overgeneralized conclusions based on these acts.
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and so i think -- i think that's really important for us to keep in mind. >> professor, thank you. last night, president obama spoke to "60 minutes" about how the islamic state became so powerful. >> how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? was that a complete surprise to you? >> i think our head of the intelligence community has acknowledged that they underestimated what has taken place in syria. >> he didn't say, just say that we underestimated isil, he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army, to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> and now those same iraqi troops who dropped those weapons and ran from office are being recruited back to their ranks. "the new york times" reports as many as 6,000 iraqis have
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reenlisted thanks to a new military campaign to rebuild the army there. however, there are those who doubt the president's strategy. specifically in syria. >> if the goal is to destroy isis, as the president says it is, i don't believe the strategy that he outlined will accomplish that. >> why not? >> at the end of the day, think it's going to take more than air strikes to drive them out. at some point, somebody's boots have to be on the ground. maybe we can get enough of these forces trained, get them on the battlefield, but somebody's boots have to be there. >> and if no one else would step up, you would recommend putting american boots on the ground? >> we have no choice. these are barbarians. they intend to kill us. if we don't destroy them first, we're going to pay the price. >> a new nbc news poll finds 72% of americans believe the u.s. will eventually send ground troops to the region to fight isis. 20% think it won't. >> what's interesting, another part of this poll, willie, talks
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about how a plu ralty of americans actually support troops being used in this fight, if that's what they say the generals say they need. >> which is pretty remarkable, given the lessen so lessons of last decade. saying they believe that's going to happen because of the rhetoric we heard. i know what the president said. i see scenarios where i may have to recommend ground troops. people are smart in this country. they know that possibility. >> quick thing. the white house story, you see "the washington post" white house story that broke over the weekend? that there's a horrible -- i mean, the white house was actually shot at and struck -- >> while the obama's youngest daughter was in the house. >> she was in the house and the guy shoots at the house, hits it, and then the head of the detail goes "stand down." >> this is a couple of years --
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>> "stand down," it was a backfire. ways wrong with these people? i'm serious. they have one job. >> this is a really tough story for the secret service. it took four days. you know, there was something in the reporting that michelle obama was upset when she got back. i tell you what, everybody would have been fired. if i had been there, if my youngest son had been in there, shot seven times and somebody told them to stand down. they would all be, you know -- >> yeah. >> i could quote a line from "top gun." but they would not be around the white house or around my children. this is deplorable. i don't know ways happened hat' the secret service. >> it was only discovered by a staffer who saw broken glass and then alerted the secret service who looked in and said, oh, gaub sh gunshots. >> there's so many professionals in the secret service. i don't think this is a crisis
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of secret service. think it's a crisis of leadership. there's some people that need to be cleared out. >> there's a full review under way and we'll follow it. let me get to midterm politics. we've got a few poll numbers in several senate races heating up in battleground states. first up, iowa. to fill the seat left by retiring senator tom harkin. a new des moines register poll shows joni ernst leading. 12% say they haven't made up their minds. last night, iowans got a chance to hear the candidates in their first televised debate. the two clashed on a number of issues, including abortion, climate change and the government shutdown. and there was a tense exchange after brailley accused ernst of being in the pocket of the koch brothers. >> you're not running against
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these other people, you're running against me. i am a mother, i am a soldier, i am an independent leader. you're being funded by tom stir, who is a california billionaire extreme environmentalist. so remember, please, that you are running against me. not against any of these other groups. you're running against me. >> i realize that. president obama's name is not on the ballot. and i'm not going to owe president obama anything on election day. you're going to owe the koch brothers everything. >> it's just ridiculous. willie, i mean, come on, this coke brother thing. it's ridiculous. especially when they're getting tons and tons of money from their own side. >> as joni ernst pointed out in that debate. weem talked about this for six months. when harry reid talks about the coke brothers, that becomes a national strategy. does that work on the ground level? >> i don't think so. >> it doesn't even work in manhattan where people thank god for david coke. i mean, they do.
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>> if you go to the hospital for special surgery because you're like mortally injured, you will be, thatting david coke. >> if you have cancer, you will be thanking david coke. if you love the arts, you will thank david coke. i mean, you will thank the coke brothers. i mean, this -- you're going to hate them if you want to hate them. a lot of people do it because it drives to the website. they're spending a lot of money. democratic billionaires have been doing this for years. how stupid do these people think we are? it's stupid. >> we're obviously not from iowa, any of us. in state after state after state, i don't know what impact it has to introduce their names. stire and coke. both sides. >> what do you mean, coca-cola? >> there just aren't that -- i'm sorry. you know, the weirdest thing is ideologically if you read "the new york times" article about david coke or new anything about
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charles coke, they don't, you know, they're more like rand paul. as far as on gay marriage and on the wars. they're total libertarians. they're not like these right wing nuts. by the way. it's stupid. amazing things happening in the polls. there's no tidal wave. in iowa, you've got the republican moving ahead. she looks like she's in really good shape. in louisiana, you've got mary ahead. in north carolina, you've got kay hagan moving ahead. in kentucky, mitch is moving way ahead. like eight points last time or something like that. in the northeast, you've got republican governors in michigan and wisconsin in big trouble. and then you got a "washington post" article this weekend saying the republicans could
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have the biggest spread in the house that they've had in a generation. >> still ahead on "morning joe," raising awareness for the fight against breast cancer. actress felicity huffman joins us. and then jay z stole the spotlight at this weekend's global citizen festival. it was all for a good cause. later this hour, coming up, an epic college football takedown. why someone not even suited up to play. that story is next. first, here's bill karins. >> good morning, hope you had a wonderful weekend. the temperatures are insanely warm. this is the warmest it's ever been this late in the season in areas of maine, new hampshire, vermont. it was 87 yesterday at fenway for jeter's farewell. this was ridiculously warm. it's going to cool off as we go throughout the week. one more, and then we'll drop down to the mid-70s where we should be this time of year. other big weather stories out
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there. it was not a gorgeous weekend. florida into georgia. areas of south carolina. lots of clouds and rain continues this morning. it's umbrella weather all day. kind of gloomy around atlanta too. it's much warmer actually in new england than it is in the southeast. in the middle of the country, you are quiet and beautiful. the intermountain west has a storm. and that's going to kick out in the plains today. we may get isolated tornadoes in areas of northeastern colorado, down into areas of new mexico, large hail and wind damage also possible. so your monday forecast shapes up like this. as nice as it gets really from chicago, detroit, kansas city, dallas. on the west, we're kind of cool in the northwest. as we go throughout this week, we will be watching a lot of quiet weather. nothing too violent out there. this is how we like it. no hurricanes. not many tornadoes. we're not talking about that four letter word yet either. no signs of any snow. a shot of washington, d.c. after a warm beautiful weekend. still gorgeous for this time of year. i know what you're thinking...
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why would a wife do that? i don't understand. >> it's pretty funny. >> unless you're him. >> this is the -- jeter gets the selfie. who is the pitcher? >> joe kelly. >> takes a selfie with jeter before the game. his wife tweet, when i was 12, i thought i would marry jeter. instead, i married the guy who
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took a selfie with him. very funny. >> that's mean. >> that ceremony was incredible. there's so many yankee fans. it freaked me out. >> it's horrible. >> was it fun? >> no, there's so many yankee fans there. 34,000. >> jeter fans. >> oh, my god. >> i think i was the only guy in the park who was a little ticked off. like, start the game already. this guy's a yankee. >> the red sox did an awesome job. trotting out all the old captains. nice job. >> from "the wall street journal." pro-democracy protesters are expanding their rallies to define calls to disperse. officers have tried to negotiate with demonstrators one day after firing tear gas at the crowd. the mass protests are the strong et challenge yet to beijing's decisions to reject open nominations for candidates in hong kong.
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look at those massive protests. >> "the new york times." for once, talk about a clinton has nothing to do with politics. chelsea clinton and her husband welcome their newborn daughter charlotte into the world on friday. of course charlotte's famous grandparents weighing in. hillary called it one of the happiest moments of her life. president clinton said charlotte's life is off to a good start. >> how exciting. >> the albany times union. taking part in what was a surprise trip to afghanistan. >> why? why's that? >> well, the new york democrat says he's being briefed on counterterrorism efforts. >> owe, okay, yeah. >> information that could help protect potential targets in his home state. >> i'm sure they're breathing a sky sigh of relief in schenectady. >> cuomo also is considered a possible contender in 2016. >> he went with a group of
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governor, it should be pointed out. >> "saturday night live" with actor chris pratt as host. two new cast members made their debut. and one of the funniest skits of the night. he appeared as a fumbling roger goodell trying to make amends. >> we want to be part of the solution. so the nfl is organizing its own take back the night march on october 8th. what this says is we fight women. excuse me. we fight for women. we fight four different women? no? oh, yes. of course not. i'm so sorry. >> he's just not good at that. >> work on the messaging. >> we want everyone to sign up for the "morning joe" wake-up call. >> i did.
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it changed my life. >> how's it going? >> i'm happy every day. it's a complete runnion of the top stories we're looking at every morning sent directly to your e-mail before the show. sign up by visiting up next, warriors in pink. actress felicity huffman. just a few days before breast cancer awareness month. and then why so many americans are deciding to stay single instead of getting married. it's actually an economy story. all that and more when "morning joe" returns. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right?
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but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. in this case, our top lean process engineers. so they showed us who does what, when, and where. then we hit them with the important question: why? why put the tools over there? do you really need those five steps? what if you can do it in two? whoo, that's an interesting question. ideas for improvement started pouring out. with a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. a hundred percent bump in efficiency. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know... can help you grow. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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yeah, i'm good. here with us now, oscar nominated actress and sports woman for fords warriors in pink, felicity huffman. >> wearing pink today. >> you're so cool, i can't even stand it. this is ahead of breast cancer awareness month in october. a message for moms and their daughters to get the conversation going about the potentially deadly disease. i have two daughters. i have a friend who's confronting this right now. it is really, really good to have you on. >> thank you, i'm so happy to be here. >> how have you been lately?
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>> i've been swell. >> what have you been doing? >> i've been doing a new series for abc by john ridley, the guy who -- >> we love ridley, we're friends with him. >> yeah, he's wonderful. >> joe and ridley go way back. >> really? >> yes. >> he was one of the first co-hosts on "morning joe." he's kind of annoying sometimes but he's good, right? >> oh, he's never annoying, we love him. when you guys start doing the whole joking thing -- >> yeah, mika doesn't like that. what is annoying for a lot of women is the conflicting studies they get from one study after another. mammograms, the most important thing. every woman should do it. mammogram, just doesn't matter. it's just one -- i'm a man. and i'm frustrated. >> you are? >> and i'm frustrated the conflicting signals. what is the best way to prevent breast cancer and take care of it? >> that's very big subject. i'm not a doctor. but i will tell you what the
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warriors in pink has found out. which is it's preventive. the more steps you can take early on in terms of taking care your health and part of your breast health, that's what you do. warriors in pink did a national survey. because they wanted to examine how women are talking about their breast health. i'm going to include you guys in the conversation. >> go ahead, they can handle it. >> and they found a surprising statistic which is 87% mothers feel like they can talk to their daughters about anything and yet less than half talk to them about breast health. there is a disconnect between how concerned they were and what they were doing. >> talk about preventive measures we can take. >> well, it depends on the age. if you're talk to -- how old are your daughters? >> 16 and 18. >> so mine are 13 and 14 almost. >> okay. >> so the conversations that i will have with my daughters is very different than what you
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will have. i talk about overall health. exercise is a major part. exercise actually drops by 12% your rate for breast cancer. the conversations you would have, are you doing breast exams, are you talking to your doctor about it. this survey included women 18 to 40. >> warriors in pink is bringing up a really good part of prevention. joe, we can do the whole mechanical part of it and have a slew of doctors on to give us a lot confusing advice, but what you're saying is start the conversation with your daughters and go to your doctor and have that conversation together. don't forget to do it. >> you don't have the conversation to only be -- >> you don't want your only conversation to be breast health between you and your doctor. you want it between your whole family. it's got to be sort of a whole global conversation. >> any advice on how, for younger kids? >> sure, i have to say, when i read that statistics, about 87%
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can talk to them about anything, and less than half actually talk to breast health. that's me. >> what if your daughter doesn't talk to you? >> welcome to the world. >> mothers and daughters, tough. >> the best place to talk to your kids is in the car. >> i agree with this. >> research foundation did a whole thing on how to talk to your adolescents about health and breast health. it happens in the car when you don't have eye contact but they're locked in and can't get out. >> you know who else says that? mika. different than when my dad talked to us in the car. i'm going to beat the hell out of you. >> my daughter asks her to drive her anywhere. i run, i don't walk, i run to the car. like, we might connect. we just might. >> i think for that age, you talk about overall health. you include breast health in it. it's not just take care of yourself but you talk about -- >> how are you bringing that up, felicity? help me out here. >> since i got this research, i drive a long -- i have family members who have been affected by breast cancer. so i just talk about, look, my
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girls love their boobs. they're excited to have them. >> they're going to love you today, right now. >> so i talk about it's actually a cool part of your body but it's an organ that should be taken care of. we just talk about it in an overall health way. >> starting with clothes that they're wearing. >> mom and dad and dad being away, william h. macy, does he help helm these conversations or does it fall all on mom? >> the breast health falls on me. yes. >> what are you going to say to your daughter? >> but he is surprisingly a part of it, much to his horror. >> we all have women in our lives -- >> single dads actually -- >> need to have these conversations. these are organs, as felicity's saying. we can't make this silly. this is important stuff. dad needs to take an important role in all this. >> the more it's not just we're going to sit down at the table and talk about breast cancer,
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breast health, the more it just is a part of your everyday or every week conversation about taking care of yourself. >> even the simplicity things. we can raise pink just to raise awareness if we don't feel comfortable talking about it, right? >> yes, i agree. >> felicity, thank you so much. >> thank you for being here. >> thanks. >> say hello to john for us. >> >>cy. >> i will. >> are finances the right reason not to get married? apparently so. next. and the weekend's global citizen festival. we'll introduce you to someone who is truly make global change. keep it right here on "morning joe." there are two reasons why i
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let's bring in cnbc's brian sullivan. >> and also the author of "over womened, work, love and play." when no one has the time. bridget, welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start actually with the -- i thought your piece was amazing yesterday, about the decline of marriage numbers purely on economic levels. what do you mean by that? are we really seeing a trend? >> yeah, we really are. which is really interesting. we've seen marriage rates have been declining. people have been getting married at latter and latter ages. weem been seeing that for a while. the pew research center came out with a report that showed we are at an historic level of people who have never been married. will also be an historic high when they reach middle age. so that we have this growing sort of a seismic shift, if you will, in terms of who's getting married and what we -- how we're going to live and love and
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procreate in the future. >> that's incredible. having kids also outside of marriage, what numbers are we seeing there? is that also economic? >> it is absolutely economic. right now, it's really unprecedented. we've got 40% of all births are outside of marriage. when you look at just young people under 30, it's 50%. and i think what is the economic argument there is 60% of those, according to different research, are unplanned. that's not to say those children won't be loved, but where the economics come in is when you have a stable relationship in marriage -- marriage is a sort of hot topic, it's been an argument for some time, you know, with marriage proponents saying this is a way we need to go to promote stability, particularly children. there's lots of research that shows this is a great way to raise kids. there's more stability. they do better in school. they have a better future. with this growing sense -- this
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growing number of children who are born outside of wedlock or outside of marriage, sort of an old-fashioned term, you have a rise in cohabiting and those tend to be more unstable and so what you've got is a growing sense of particular -- like a marriage divide, if you will. people with more education and resources tending to get married and stay in stable relationships and people with less education not getting married and not being in more stable relationships. so that will add to this growing income and equality we have in the country. >> the numbers are significant and also the implications are significant. not ultimately to judge it but you do wonder about the breakdown and what is best to give children a good future. we also have brian sullivan with us. do you want to chime in? i know we also have major news out of china to report. >> i thought budget's article was excellent. a couple other points. don't forget about demographics. you look at europe, a lot of their problems.
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italy, spain. you could track that back to flat or negative birth rates. the reality is we need young people to come up because we've got to support the retirement of the baby boomers. dual income households have a level of disast disaster. my dad lost his job in the mid-'80s. thank god my mom worked. at least she had an income and we were able to balance it out a little bit. and when you have a single parent household or just a single person household, whether it's kids or not -- >> really interesting point. >> if you lose your job, there's no safety net. this is also contributing to income inequality. >> same thing in my house. >> it's exactly your story. >> let's talk about china. specifically, hong kong. for years, people have talked about the glories of hong kong. what a remarkable city it is. really, the economic hub of asia. riots in the streets. it's hard to believe what we're actually seeing. the images out of hong kong.
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what's going on? >> it's unbelievable. i was there about a year and a half ago. you could feel it. in 2007, china reiterated its promise for democratically voted elections. here's where china's trying to come in the back door and why people are so angry about it. they should be. china saying okay, in 2017, we'll have elections, but the people you're going to be voting for are those who we vetted. basically, they're going to be our candidates, our team members. those are the choices you have. and it's tickeder off. cnet and some other outlets are reporting that instagram in china looks to be down. we know about china's history of censorship. again, this is third party reporting. there's a lot of chaos going on there right now. our reporter in hong kong for cnbc, susan lee, was reporting they had to go back to the studio because they had trouble getting the feed for a live shot on the ground outside. >> my god. >> so maybe some of the viewers you have around the world, people are relatives in china, can let us know, are they able to get the full media story
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the midterm elections, it's crazy, it's absolutely crazy. you've got republicans doing better in some states. arkansas, louisiana. joni ernst in iowa doing well. kay hagan in a race that's going to be the biggest, probably the most expensive race ever in north carolina. the democrats moved ahead in north carolina. democrats are moving ahead in some midwest governors races. this is a topsy-turvy year. >> let's take a look at some new poll numbers in several of these senate races joe just mentioned. iowa. that's to fill the seat left by retiring senator tom harkin. a new des moines register poll
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shows joni ernst leading bruce braley 34% to 38%. is that within the margin? >> no, not really. they're moving out. mike doesn't seem to be able to get out of his own way. >> i heard the debate was pretty tough for braley, right? >> he had a tough time. >> he had a tough time. okay. so, last night, they actually had that debate. i think this is the tough time you mentioned, mike barnacle. take a look. >> congressman braley, you're not running against these other people you're running against me. i am a mother. i am a soldier. and i am an independent leader. you're being funded by tom stire who is a california billionaire extreme environmentalist. so remember, please, that you are running against me. not against any of these other groups. you're running against me. >> i realize that.
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president obama's name is not on the ballot. and i'm not going to owe president obama anything on election day. you're going to owe the coke brothers everything. >> obviously the view's not good for the democrat last night out of iowa. >> well, this was their first time being on the same stage and sharing those barbs back and forth. so it was interesting for the viewer at home to make those decisions. as we see by that poll, the nbc news poll putting ernst ahead just outside of the margin of error. and she looks like a strong candidate. >> she does. >> she's not backing down. certainly coming across very powerful last night. so we'll see. >> you also have to ask yourself the question. we understand the issues. we talk about the coke brothers all the time here and in venues like this. you're sitting out there in waterloo, iowa, you're sort of half paying attention. the coke brothers, who are they, do they own a drugstore? >> it's just a stupid strategy. >> to louisiana now and
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democratic senator mary landrieu's re-election race. landrieu is ahead of her leading challenger republican congressman bill cassidy by three points. >> helped, the keg handstand, it helped. >> oh, yeah. within the poll's margin of errorer. in louisiana, candidates much reach 50% of the vote to win. so if matched in a runoff, likely voters choose cassidy over landrieu, 50 to 47. >> what does that mean, mika? who wins at the end? mary by 6 1/2 votes. now to north carolina and democrat senator kay hagan's re-election battle. hagan leads the republican challenger tham tillis 46 to 43. and likely voters say they could still change their mind on whom to vote for. the northeast, you've got the republican governor in wisconsin, republican governor
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in michigan, both in a lot of trouble. >> jumped ball. >> there is no trend at the end of september. we've got a month to go and there are no trend lines. >> the two trends you can count on is the fluctuating mood of the electorate and the question mark around the turnout. what will the turnout be? >> anybody that says this is going to be a wave election right now as of today, i think -- >> president obama seemed very confident last night. >> good for him. >> okay. up next what, if anything, did we learn today.
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and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. in this case, our top lean process engineers. so they showed us who does what, when, and where. then we hit them with the important question: why? why put the tools over there? do you really need those five steps? what if you can do it in two? whoo, that's an interesting question. ideas for improvement started pouring out. with a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. a hundred percent bump in efficiency. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. but at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know... can help you grow. introducing new listerine® healthy white™.
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it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy white™. power to your mouth™! [ male announcer ] even more impressive than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients. morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. welcome back, kids. time to talk about what we learned today. >> i learned a lot today. other the weekend i learned the global citizen festival rocked. >> was it great. >> >> i was home in baltimore and i watched it with my mom. >> yeah, beyonce, huh. >> she showed up. the queen showed up. queen bey. she might have had a little -- well, don't show this part. stop showing that part.
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>> wardrobe mal -- >> don't show that part! >> yeah, okay. >> wardrobe malfurngs. >> malfunction. >> what happened? >> what happened? >> wardrobe malfunction. >> at home it looked like something to me but -- >> jay z. they kept trying to keep out jay z -- >> he has very strong lyrics. >> tell me about it. my daughter's a huge jay z fan. i won't allow the songs in the car. some of them. but they're, you know, he's talented. >> i would not want to have been on the button. >> no. >> and alex of course definitely would not have been good on the button. >> mike what did you learn? >> i learned when we watch these football games, college and or professional, the sidelines are stacked with assistant coaches, strength coaches. all sorts of coaches. urban meyer, ohio state game, strength coach runs out.
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there's a guy on the field, runs from the stands on to the field. the strength coach grabs this guy and tackles him. i bet the guy's going to be hurt in more ways than one for about a month. >> wow. after he sobers up. i don't know. a lot of pent-up anger in him. all right. if it's way too early, mika, what time is it? >> it's time for "morning joe," but now luke is stepping in on "the daily rundown." have a great day,er. everybody. underestimated. a blunt assessment by the president on how isis seized control of so much space so fast. and new developments of the white house being caughto off guard much closer to home. the supreme court needs to review how several states struck down their same sex marriage bans. will the justices jump into the fray. plus, just 36 days from the midterm it t
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midterm. the first lady, jeb bush, high-profile help hitting the ground today in key contests. good morning. from washington. i'm luke russert. it's monday, september 29th, 2014. this is the "daily rundown." also, the latest on the manhunt in pennsylvania. we begin with isis. president obama now admitting the extremist group is tougher than we originally thought. it may be shocking to some, but to folks who have been watching the threat, the real shock is that the u.s. intelligence community didn't see this coming. over the weekend, the u.s. launched another round of strikes in northern and eastern syria. but nbc is reporting isis isn't retreating. it's actually gaining ground in some spots. the president now says officials thought our enemy would be easier to beat. here's what he said on "60 minutes" last night. >> how did they end up where they are? in control of so much territory?
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