tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC September 29, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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underestimated isis but some u.s. intelligence officers beg to differ. it's monday, september 29. and this is "now". >> underestimated isis. >> president obama acknowledging that the extremist group is tougher than we originally thought. >> we did it underestimate how quickly they can grow and develop. >> the fact that the intelligence community missed this one is a major failure. >> mosul went down. fallujah went down. >> did the president intend to blame the intelligence community for not warning him about isil? >> the president is the one who takes responsibility. >> shocking that the intelligence agencies didn't see this coming. >> in syria, isis continues its march towards the turkish border. >> john boehner saying u.s. ground troops may be needed. >> i don't think there will be enough people within syria to really go after isis. >> the question that is open is whether those ground troops will be americans.
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>> we should not put troops into syria. >> the president ruled that out. >> if we don't take care of this now, it could be a much bigger problem for us. >> just one week after the u.s.-led mission against isis was expanded outside of iraq, today air strikes continued to hit targets inside syria. according to the pentagon, there were a total of eight air strikes in the northern part of the country striking an isis compound and air field, training camp, storage facility and several other isis targets. but according to the syrian observatory for human rights, some of these air strikes hit glan si grain silos and appear to have killed only civilians. this comes one day after the president in an interview with "60 minutes"ed a meted h emitte administration underestimated the threat. >> i think the intelligence community jim clapper has
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acknowledge that had they underestimate what had had been taking place in syria. >> he didn't just say we underestimated isil. he said we overestimated the ability and will of our allies, the iraqi army, to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> foreign intelligence officials told nbc news today there was no way the emergence of isis went undetected and that it would have been difficult to underestimate the threat. a former senior pentagon official told the daily beast today either the president doesn't read the intelligence he's getting or he's bsing. and it's not just former officials opposed to the strategy. now some moderate rebel groups and ones the u.s. is arming are also among those unhappy with the united states. according to foreign policy, some rebel forces claim u.s.-led
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air strikes have killed civilians and they're also accusing barack obama's administration of taking its eyes off the islamic state. it could prop up assad and weakening the opposition to him and the islamic state. joining me now is bbc correspondent and national intelligence correspondent and political editor and white house correspondent at the huffington "post". jonathan, let me start first with the sort of rolling news story of the day which is how much information the president send that siz synthesized. we have more information that the cia could have been providing more information, that perhaps -- than the president revealed. scepticism coming from corners of the intelligence world. how fair do you think it was for him to say that clapper underestimated the threat? >> i was really surprised by
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what the president said because three months ago go, i did a piece looking at what did the u.s. know, what did the intelligence community know.go, piece looking at what did the u.s. know, what did the intelligence community know. and i determined a lot of it is in the open of what the united states knew. there was testimony, multiple congressional testimony both from intelligence officials, but also from the u.s. diplomatic point man in november and february about how much the united states knew. they knew what the islamic states objectives were, they knew what the goals were. and that was to create this caliphate in both iraq and syria. but i also found out that beginning early in 2013, u.s. intelligence agencies began issuing more than a dozen analyses known as strategic warnings which are warnings to policymakers including the president saying there are major developments going on, this is a serious threat, you need to --
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generally what these are about are basically saying you need to adjust policy because your policy is being overtaken by developments on the ground. >> throughout this the white house, specifically the president, has maintained isis' capacity 4has changed and greaty g evolved. in terms of the time table, are we all on the same page here? >> i think it's important to go back to 2012, 2011 to see why we are here today. there were a lot of warnings at the time that america's inaction is hands off policy when it comes to syria would lead to a vacuum that would be filled by others. there was a lot of concern expressed already at the time that when a conflict like this is allowed to continue and to fester, it's usually the radicals who fill that vacuum. so it's possible that the intelligence community or the president underestimated the
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capacity. they could have seen isis was planning this and not believe that they could actually achieve it, but everybody was warning that if you leave this conflict to fester, you will he saend up radicals on the ground. >> this has been a tough time for the president not just because we're getting more involved in iraq and opening up a new front in syria, but also just internally in terms of dealing with his own administration, the d.o.d. has called in to question whether or not boots on the ground are necessary. thousand we have intelligence officials kind of pushing back on his latest interview with "60 minutes". i guess in your estimation, how difficult is that landscape for the president to navigate at this moment? >> well, there has been a consistent -- or, sorry, frequent mixing of messages from the administration. not just with respect to the boots on the ground or the intelligence community or president himself failed in understanding the threat, but
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recall that it was defense secretary hagel who called it an imminent threat and then there were other elements of the intelligence community that said there were no plans for an imnepts attai imnents attack. so they have had trouble getting a can he heompany he's receive going forward. and to the extent that it dominates the press briefings and is a topic of chatter, it's a distraction for the president . >> and i want to talk about who we're actually supporting. it's all about folks on the ground, rebel opposition groups being opposed to american action. who from your reporting are we actually supporting in syria? >> i think the headline is about the president saying we underestimated the strength of isis are important, but it's also important to look at the current strategy. and is it the right one. overall, most people that i've spoken to say the strategy is
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right, but the sequencing is wrong and the messaging is wrong. a lot of people inside syria, the rebels calling for help from the united states for three years now, are confused about why the u.s. is suddenly deciding to get involved but only targeting isis whereas they have been calling for help to fight assad. and people on the ground who are still being there are upset that united states has decided to get involved but only to target isis. it is possible focusing people's minds on targeting isis will create an opening for long term to end the conflict, but that's where the messaging is wrong. people in syria are very upset with statements like the one made by john kerry saying the focus now is on isis. we're not targeting assad. they don't want the u.s. to give those kinds of reassurances to president assad. >> which is what they seem to be as much as the white house will say we are not here it reassure
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assad. >> it is understandable that in public statements here the mandate is about going after isil, isis, whatever you want to call it, but it's important to manage the coalition that is needed on the ground, as well, to also target isis and not just give conflict to president assad. >> when we talk about the reality on the ground, again, we have reports that we may have been bombing grain silos and hitting civilians. a huge gaping hole in all of this is intelligence on the ground and verifiable sourcing in terms of where we should aim our fear. how confident are you that as this gets more complicated and we try to take back cities from isis control where there may be more civilian and jihadist enter menti ling-ling that we can do it with beingaccuracy accuracy? >> our reporter in turkey has had to bring september com centcom to several mistakes that
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they have made in their announcements of here's what we're targeting. they announced they had hit a target in a kurdish part of northern syria. my colleague talked to someone kobani and said they didn't hit here, they hit quite a ways away. centcom had to say we'll correct that. and also in the very first strikes, we hit al nusra in syria. and that created a huge stink among the other members of the opposition rebels because neal nusra may be al qaeda, but they have been used -- they're a mobile force, they go where they're needed by the other opposition is groups. and to hit them kind of degrades their ability to fight assad.
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and so the grounds that the united states would be -- has been supporting wants to support have been really angry that we're hitting perhaps the best fighting force on their side. >> and it also brings to mind are we also at war with al nusra. striking khorasan is in effect declaring a proxy war against al nusra. sam, in terms of intelligence, part of the problem here in terms of truly determining the toll on the ground and accuracy of the strikes is there are no reporters left in syria. we are increasingly reliant on the syrian observatory for human rights or d.o.d. to tell us these strikes have hit with precision and there has been very little civilian casualty. >> or apparently mcclatchy. thank you, jonathan, for providing our eyes and ears on the ground. but our media reporter here wrote on this, there is very
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little media preparsence in syr and very little reliable information to go on. keep in mind we do have 1700 american officials who are on the ground in iraq and i presume syria in an advisory role. but if they were fired upon, they would be boots on the groundtheoretically. this is a hole that is not easily filled. i'm not certain that inserting combat troops into syria would did the trick. it could be a massive recruiting tool for groups like isis. because now you get to kill americans, as well. so every action has a reaction. people who are arguing that sending in combat troops is a simple solution are misleading the public probably. >> to that end, the boots on the ground, there is a headline saying the iraqi army is recruiting deserters. how effective are we to believe that the iraqi army can be even at this point? >> it's hard to undo years of
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damages done to the sense of national unity within the iraqi army by the leadership from maliki. but it's the only option on the table at the moment and somebody will have to somehow make that work. but i want to go back to the point about syria and eyes and ears on the ground. that is one of the reasons why rebel commanders are very upset that the u.s. is not coordinating with them. they say we have information, we'll give it to you, why are you not coordinating with us. we want to fight isis. we want to fight assad. but we're in the same trench as you, so you have to coordinate with us. because it's very hard to explain to people on the ground doctor we're not aware of who is bombing them. is it the regime or the americans?we're not aware of wh bombing them. is it the regime or the americans? >> we've been reporting that there is coordination. it's the cia to a number of rebel commanders directly in northern syria and southern syria. the people that they're cutting
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out are these kind of moderate political leadership that the u.s. helped create driven by personal feuds, by hanging out in turkey on our tab. and their military leadership which really has no ability to command inside of syria. so there is some coordination. but not with these central commands that the united states political and military that the united states helped create. >> takes comp it is a complicat situation. >> the world is not black and white. >> thank you both for your time. sam, happening with me. after the break, the iowa senate race gets rough in the first face to face debate. i'll speak with radio iowa news director about with just happened. plus hong kong is on the brink despite tear gas and pepper spray, protesters continue to
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there were plenty of hey makers in eye state last night. the first of three iowa is that the debates. and for a campaign that has had neighborhood disputes over wandering chickens, the stakes are actually pretty high. they are competing to replace tom harkin in a state that president obama won twice. but democrats have not yet been
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able to nael doil down a seemin winnable seat. ernst currently leads and iowa could prove critical in determining which party controls the senate. so ernst is going after hot topics including job killing regulations. >> you ccan you tell us some spc regulations that are hurting iowa employers today? >> if you look at cap and trade would be one example. >> yes, that famous job killer, cap and trade. a bill that is not law because it died in the senate four years ago. then there were ernst's thoughts on the federal minimum wage. >> i do believe that is something that needs to be set by the states because our cost of living is very low. currently at $7.25 an hour and i
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worked minimum wage way back when it was much lower. but the way we can do better for our iowa families is by growing our economy and making sure that we have good paying jobs to go out to. >> so the way to ensure good paying jobs is by paying people less? if ernst position was ever so slightly alarming to the 1.4 who would be affected, she tried to restore semblance of moderation by addressing climate change and mostly just confused everyone. >> i drive a hybrid car and my family recycles everything. so i don't know the science behind climate change. i can't say one way or another what is the direct impact. i've heard arguments from both sides. >> back with me, sam stein.
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and also o. kay henderson. kay, please explain to all of us who do not understand what is happening in my dad's home state of iowa, how joan any ernst has gotten this much traction given views that seem fairly are far to the right of the mainstream. >> well, iowa is the most purple of states. republicans do well here on occasion and democrats do well here on occasion. i don't think it's any surprise to people that joan any ernst is doing well. she catapulted ahead of the republican field of five and easily won a victory in the primary. many of the issues that are now being discussed on the cam been trail were hashed and rehash rehasheded. what she said during the primary was a view held by another candidate in that primary field of republicans. and iowa is a state which has very low unemployment. so the minimum wamg is not an issue that may resonate in other places in the country where
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there are a number of high unemployment states. >> she's also referred to the president as a dictator who should be removed from office and believes that the department of education and epa should be shut down. the minimum wamg may not play well, but those are fairly which stream viex. stream views. >> keep in mind bruce bailey hap hasn't been the stellar candidate. from the sources that i talked to in and out of iowa, one of the bhig problems here is that bruce bailey has been character l ized as elitist and out of touch. one killer issue is his attendance at veterans affairs hearings. they have run a very effective
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cam been against bradley that has painted help as someone who is a career politician and ernst has taken the wind out of the sails. >> huge amount of this is focused on the backyard chickens. i want to play the killer line from last night. ernst getting accolades for delivering this hammer. >> congressman, you threatened to sue a neighbor over chickens that came on to your property. you're talking about bipartisanship? how do we expect as iowans to believe that you will work across the aisle when you can't walk across your yard? >> people seemed to like that. what is going on with the chickens and why have they become such a potent weapon in the senate race? >> this was stumble number two on the part of braillely.
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number two was suggesting that senator grassley was not qualified to be the chair of the senate judiciary committee because he was just a farmer who doesn't have a law degree. this sort of plays on that same theme. ernst is running a campaign with a kicker line that tells people that she is a good neighbor. so this is an issue about determining who is the better character of these two. this is really turning in to a character election where each is accusing the other of being the kind of person that you just shouldn't trust to be your united states senator. >> and on that note, we have mary landrieu helping with a keg stand. i feel like all these senate races are becoming identity -- there is the keg stand. is this what the upper chamber has devolved into, chickens and
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keg stands? >> doesn't that make you want to vote for laymatter r mary landr? it's absurd and it's ridiculous. and it's sad reflection of our political system that these are the dominant issues. i don't think the voters are necessarily consuming the assumes as much as the media is talking about them, but i encourage readers to buy the new book by gary hart because this is an extension of what he talks about. the trivialization of campaigns and judgment of candidates by quo quote/unquote character. i assume the voters are interested in those things more so than keg stands and your thab's chickens, but perhaps they're not. >> kay, in terms of the climate change answer, biofuels and the question of sort of energy is a big deal with iowa voters, how
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do you grade joan any's response which seemed to be a mix. i drive a hybrid, but i'm not willing to say man has anything to do with increasing warming. >> iowans are not surprised by the answers at all. those are answers that she gave during the primary campaign. nothing on the issue front was really that much of a surprise on any of the issues either candidate addressed last night. it just may be that people who hasn't yet decided may have seen them for the first time. >> thank you both for your time. breaking news to report. general election voting was supposed to begin in ohio tomorrow, but the u.s. supreme court has just blocked residents from casting ballots until next week. a lower court had ordered ohio to allow extra early voting beginning 35 days before the election. and a week earlier than the state law requires.
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but in a 5-4 decision, the supreme court ruled today to put a hold on extra early voting due to an appeal by state officials. coming up, for a decade, he was denied a visa because of his connection to a massacre. tonight elvis it the white house. an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. gps: proceed to the designated route.
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and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. this weekend's global citizen festival featured an appearance by one of the biggest on the global stage today. it was not the alicia keys and it was not kerry underwood. have no doubt it was not gwen stefani. although all of those people were there. the man i'm talking about is the winner of the world's largest ever democratic, he saidian prime minister. he made an appearance saturday as part of his whirl wind tour
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of the united states which included a visit to the u.n. general assembly and a rock star rally at madison square garden. but he was also met by a strong contingent of protesters. he was denied a u.s. visa for ten years on human rights grounds as a former governor in india, he's accused of failing to prevent and some say he's accused -- some say help to go incite hindu riots that left more than 1,000 muslims dead. those protests are expected to continue tonight. he'll be dining at the white house with president obama. the staff has been informed he's fasting. just ahead, a dramatic standoff playing out in hong kong between chinese officials and tens of thousands of demonstrators calling for true
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democracy. i'll speak with the author of the coming collapse of china next. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! hi michael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it's just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she's breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things.
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in hong kong, protesters are at the barricades and they are not backing down. tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets have failed to dislodge thousands since the protests first began friday night. if anything, their movement is gaining momentum. today hong kong's teacher's union called for a general strike and the hong kong bar association contend what it called the indiscriminate and excessive use of tear gas. dramatic images of fldemonstrat tors protecting themselves have moved some to call it the umbrella movement. a ruling last month allowed hong kong to select its own leader just as long as the candidates
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were hand picked. china responded by unleashing its biggest soecial media ever. umbrella revolution has been sharply censured. starting last night, beijing blocked instragram joining earlier bans of facebook and youtube. but up in of that is stopping the uprising. one that china clearly wants to keep from spreading. a commentary in the people's daily cast blame for the upheaval on a gang of people whose hearts belong to colonial rule and who are besotted with, quote, western sddemocracy. joining me now, gordon chong. this is a huge moment. how much is at stake? >> i think a lot.
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these are his policies. that means nobody can criticize him because that would be criticizing the top leader. also there is a democracy contingent. if people with vote in meaningful elections, people in shanghai will say why not me. and indeed yesterday what we saw in social media was a group of shanghai people in the middle of their metropolis expressing support for the people in hong kong and asking for the vote in china. >> we talked about the arab spring and very little was made of supposed jasmine revolution in asia because it never really took off in large part because the chinese government quashed it. this has been a great fear of theirs for years at this point. >> and on july 1st on the am democracy march, there was about a half million people from hong kong in the streets in a very peaceful demonstration. this is in the city of about 7.5
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million people and on wednesday and thursday of this week, which is national day in china and in hong kong, it's a holiday. we'll see demonstrations much bigger than the ones over this weekend and the ones today. >> do you think this is bigger than tiananmen square? >> they haven't gotten to the million yet, but they are saying they want more say in their lives. they are disgusted with the way things are. a lot of grievances that have nothing to do with democracy, but this issue which is this 2017 election for chief executive of hong kong. that has gotten everybody so energized. and they can't put it back in the both. >> in terms of the crackdown on social media, one of the ways the message of democracy has spread is through the internet. how effective can and has the chinese government been given the fact where a door closes, a win did he opid he window opens.
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>> what we saw yesterday in hong kong was really startling.he wi. >> what we saw yesterday in hong kong was really startling. social media helped, but we saw older people see the image of the tear gas, they thought it was really wrong for the government to do that, so they left their living rooms immediately, they went downnto the streets to support the students. this is traditional media supporting the demonstrations. not just social media. and this shows that really beijing has lost heart and hipd minds. and those demonstrations are out of control. >> what is the play from the west? i thought the worded statement, we do not take sides in the discussion of hong kong's political development nor do we support any particular individuals or groups in involved, i mean, not exactly erring on the seide of
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transparentranc transparen transparency. so where can we go in term of trying to nudge beijing towards a more progressive stance? >> i think what happened here is that nobody wants to antagonize china and the u.s. does not want to become an issue in the demonstrations in hong kong. so therefore we're sort of pulling back. but we don't need to actually inspire people because people are inspiring themselves. >> it is a huge story. the world -- >> it will get bigger. >> this is one of the most important stories we'll be covering this week. thank you so much for your time and thoughts. coming up, why is goldman sachs now banning its traders there buying stocks and bonds? we'll tell you just ahead. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge
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regulators to the banks they are supposed to be overseeing? i'll discuss that with ezra klein next. but first, josh lipton has a cnbc market wrap. >> here is a look at how stocks stand going into tomorrow. stocks dropping today despite encouraging economic data. this as hong kong protests weighed on the stock market. the dow losing 42, s&p down 5, nasdaq losing 6. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. ll with new e frozen cookie dough, you can bake as few or as many as you please. whenever your sweet tooth comes calling, they're frozen and ready to bake. find them in the frozen aisle. bake some love™. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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issues. the tapes were leaked after highly questionable behavior. behavior that was detailed in an earlier internal report which found supervisors paid in-differ to banks and were less aggressive in finding issues or in following up on them in a forceful way. on npr's this american life, she accounts she first became alarmed when a senior executive from goldman said once clients were wealthy enough, certain consumer laws didn't apply to them. >> i was shocked. a senior compliance officer from goldman sachs saying something like that is a natural red flag. >> she took the issue up with her superiors at the fed and then describes what happened next. >> this colleague at the fed basically said, you know, oh, that point? oh, y you didn't hear that. and i looked over at the new
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york bank examiner and the fdic bank examiner and we sort of, you know, looked at each other and we said, yes, we did. we did hear that. >> the leaked tapes show regulators suffering from what is called regulatory capture. where those charged with investigating banks show undue deference and try to soften critical findings. here is one example. >> we don't want to discourage gold man from disclosing these types of in the future and therefore maybe some comment that says don't mistake our in-give differenceness and our desire to understand more about the marketplace in general as a criticism of you you as a firm necessarily. >> in a statement, the new york fed categorically denied the allegations. joining me now is editor and chief of ezra klein. those aprils are not a good
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thing for the new york fed. >> no, they're not. although so what, right in the new york fed is a pretty insulated institution. the head of it as with most feds is appointed with a certain amount of input from the banks. so something going on here behind the question of simply the tapes is the level of sort of intertwining of the institutions and the financial sector themselves, which is to say i think the way we think about this is public opinion is going to move this. but the question is what opinion is the fed responsive to in the first place. >> regulatory capture which i will refer to as stockholm syndrome seems like a catch 22. the complaint is overseers don't understand the things they are supposed to be regulating, so the logic is we'll put them in the environment, they will better understand what is going on. but then once you do that, they become too cozy with the people they're supposed to be regulating. so how do you fix that problem. >> and it's a very, very real problem. and you can even take it in a slightly different direction. if you're thinking about how to
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stop the financial crisis, which i think is still on people's minds after 2008 and 2009, you are dealing with financial crises bubbles happen in periods. not just when people are too cozy with the folks regulating, but when sort of the weight of opinion is sort of in these areas is that there is no problem at all. all the smart people a quote/unquote think there is no problem at all. because if they think there is a problem, we wouldn't have a bubble. so you have this very deep problem that we do financial regulation with a lot of discretion given over to the regulators. but at the times when he is they need to be most aggressive, they are often least likely to be aggressive because either they're too cozy or they don't believe it's necessary and they believe instead we've done a wonderful job and eliminated risk or substantially reduced it in the system. and that makes it the way we
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regulate these things very difficult and very dangerous. >> we know that in the past 24 hours, goldman sachs has changed its conflict of interest policy this was the thing that she was focused on and she may have gotten fired for. she said basically gold map doesn man doesn't have a real conflict of interest policy. there was a lot of back and forth over whether that was true. go y do you positiositioyou think th longer look at the fed? is this maybe the beginning of some kind of incremental change in terms of who is regulating what? >> maybe. but i'm pessimistic on this to be quite honest. and the reason goes to what i was saying. yeah, you could move the new york fed. and after the financial crisis in general, regulation is much stronger across the board because everybody is looking for another bubble. the problem is what happens in the period when everybody is not.
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the problem is what happens in the period when you do not have this kind of scrutiny. when the last bubble is not fresh in people's minds anymore. i have some concerns around dodd-frank. i think the law did a lot of good. there are very big things in it that needed to happen including consumer financial protection bureau. but we still give a lot of power to regulators. and there are blunt very simple rules like tough requirements on how much capital these banks need to keep on hand at all times. blunt rules such that even in times when people don't want to enforce them, they're not things that we choose whether or not toto enforce. >> one thing she got in trouble with was raising the red flag over trying to game the system on capital requirements. even when you do sit down a mile marker, there seems to also be a while away iround it. i want to get to the difficulty of figuring out who is
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regulating. the head of the new york fed is william dudley who was a partner at goldman sachs for a decade, i believe. that on some level is his qualification. on the other hand, it should disqualify him, right? it is unclear if you have folks who are going between these two worlds and who want to curry favor perhaps with potential employers, how can you find the right people for the job and b ensure they are not too cozy. >> i worry about the revolving door going the other direction. i worry less about dudly coming from the financial sector into regulation which is something that we've seen. what i worry about a lot is the regulators going this to the financial sector which is a regulator at the new york fed or anywhere elseto the financial sector which is a regulator at the new york fed or anywhere else who realizes if they make the jump, they could be making a million, two
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million. and that is a huge problem. gigantic pay disparity between what you can make in the private banking sector and what you can make on the public side. solution nobody ever likes. you can do tougher rules just trying to keep them from doing these jobs. so that's pretty hard to do. but to some degree i think we should be paying these regulators a lot more. to get the best people, to keep the best people. and to not give them the incentive to be keeping the door open to make a jump to wall street when they need to put a down payment on a house or send their kid to college. >> keep kids off the street. editor in chief of, ez came klein. good ez came line. a new report reveals that the white house intrude erma it much further into 1600 pennsylvania than just the front door. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain
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report this hour. the "washington post" is now reporting the white house intruder, the man who jumped over the fence earlier this month, actually made it much further inside the white house than previously reported. according to the "post," the intruder omar gonzalez overpowered one secret service officer and ran through much of the main floor of the white house after barreling past the guard and immediately inside the door, the "post" reports gonzalez carrying a knife dashed past the stairway leading up to the first family's living quarters. he then ran into the 80-foot long east room often used for receptions or presidential addresses. in the end, he was tackled by a counter assault agent at the far southern he said of tend of the. u.s. official has confirmed this account. they had previously said he had been detained at the main entry. that is all for now.
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the ed show is coming up next. good evening. welcome to the ed show live from new york. let's get to work. syria is a more challenging situation. >> the president gave me a mission. destroy isil. >> at some point somebody's boots have to be on the ground. >> this is a president who simply waited while isis gathered strength. >> maybe we can get enough of these forces trained, but somebody's boots have to be there. >> when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don't call beijing. they don't call moscow. they call us. >> if i were the president, i probably wouldn't have talked about what i wouldn't do. >> in the face of war, the president is just as arrogant. >> good to have you with us. thanks for watching. we're 35 days away f
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