tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 29, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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that is all for now. the ed show is coming up next. good evening. welcome to the ed show live from new york. let's get to work. syria is a more challenging situation. >> the president gave me a mission. destroy isil. >> at some point somebody's boots have to be on the ground. >> this is a president who simply waited while isis gathered strength. >> maybe we can get enough of these forces trained, but somebody's boots have to be there. >> when trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don't call beijing. they don't call moscow. they call us. >> if i were the president, i probably wouldn't have talked about what i wouldn't do. >> in the face of war, the president is just as arrogant. >> good to have you with us. thanks for watching. we're 35 days away from the
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midterm election. that means there could be a serious shift in power in washington. and yet we're all confused about what the american people really have their pulse on. what are we really concerned about? let's start with war. i think one of the qualities that this country has developed is that we can consume a lot of things. yet our attention span sometimes i think is about 25 seconds if we don't like the subject. so let's put -- how long does it take to you reu you to read a t? 20, 25 seconds. well, i read richard engel's twitter account and he wrote now the kurds are upset with us. the people in northern iraq who are a big limpg pip to all of this defeating isis, now kurds are upset because we're not hitting isis hard enough. so it's militarily confusing, it's budget taker carc confusin
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can't get a vote from congress, and we're 35 days away from an election and who knows what will happen if the neo cons get control of the senate. it's not the america that we want right now as i see it. what can fix all of this is if congress actually goes back and works for a living. that's what can start to fix all of this will. if we can get everybody with skin in the game including this guy, john boehner, if he can get his caucus together and find out exactly what they want to do, do they want to wipe out isis? well, the best way to wipe them out is to probably just nuke them, right? we can't do that. there might be a chain reaction. well, he's now talking about boots on the ground. why didn't he talk about that before we had a vote not too long ago is this everybody goes home. well, now we won't talk about it until next year.home. well, now we won't talk about it until next year.long ago is thi home. well, now we won't talk about it until next year. and we'll is budget taker concerns. do you feel confident about
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where we're going? you get to vote in 35 days. let me start with some number wills. 72% according to a brand new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll things that the united states will use ground troops against isis. three quarters of the country thinks we'll be on the ground. in a separate poll, 75% think it's very likely or somewhat likely that the united states will send ground troops in. does this mean we've been sold that we're going to get right in this thing is what we're going to do? the cnn poll also shows that 60 b b60% of the american people oppose boots on the ground. only 45% favor using troops if military commanders thinks that's the best way to defeat isis. 37% of americans oppose all of
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this. now, this is where the american people are right now and i think there is a tremendous amount of confusing numbers out there. these numbers haven't stopped republicans from talking about boots on the ground. they're all home now. it's interesting. they're all home. and now they can blame obama. because this is setting up to be a political rat's nest. house speaker john boehner said americans have no choice when it comes to ground troops. >> the other day -- i think it's going to take more than air strikes. at some point, somebody's bats have to be on the ground. >> american? >> listen, the president doesn't want to do that. if i were the president, i probably wouldn't have talked about what i wouldn't do. maybe we can get enough of these forces trained and get them on the battlefield, but somebody's boots have to be there. >> and if no one else will step
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up, american boots? >> we have no choice. these are barbarians. if we don't destroy them first, we'll pay the price. >> well, i'm curious to know who john boehner's military advice is coming from. who is his expert in his ear that tells him that we can't get this done unless we have boot on the ground yet he won't even vote on it? the guy who wants to put a vote off on isis until 2015 is calling for boots on the ground, says there is no way we can do it without them. speak aer boehner needs to call congress back. he tried to pin all the blame to president obama to not calling back congress. >> you want to have a vote on your resolution. why not now? >> i'd be happy to. >> last night on my orders -- >> the president typically in a situation like this would call for an authorization vote and go sell that to the american people. send a resolution to the hill.
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the president hasn't done that. he believes he has the authority under existing resolutions to do what he's doing. i think he does have the authority to do it, but the point i've been mading is that this is a proposal that the congress ought to consider. >> the point you've been makes is that the president is wrong no whatever what he does. j john boehner's job is to call congress back, not the president's. the man who was in charge of the least productive congress in american history looks to me like he wants for keep it that way. there is one thing john boehner did get right. isis does pose a threat to americans. but we as a country have to decide how we're going to deal with it. if he thinks that air strikes aren't enough, he's doing a little monday morning quarterbacking and heckling from the stands. so sunday, president obama admitted u.s. intelligence
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underestimated isis. >> how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? surprise to you? >> i think the head of the intelligence community jim clapper acknowledged they had underestimated what had been taking place in syria. >> he didn't say -- just say that we underestimated isil. he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army, to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> and that's not good. and of course what a great opportunity for senator john mccain to jump in. he couldn't find a tv camera fast enough and went right after the president. >> we predicted this and watched it. it was like watching a train wreck and warning every step of the way that this was happening because a residual force would have stabilized the situation
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and of course maybe had a break on maliki. it is a direct result of our failure to leave a residual force behind couldn't, they're g the truth. i was there and we know it for a fact. this idea that somehow we didn't know this was happening? of course we knew it. we saw it happening. >> it's another great i told you so moment for the republicans. we knew a lot more than the president but we didn't step in and say anything. john mccain needs to remember his intelligence vote on iraq back in 2003 was all bogus, wasn't it? mccain voted on a war that got us in this mess in the first place. to mccain's credit, he is calling for congress to get a vote on military action in syria and iraq. on friday chairman of the joints chiefs of staff was predicting they will have budget problems here pretty soon. isn't that something we should
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talk about? not really because republicans love budget prisooblems when co to war because they get to cut other stuff. boehner hasn't addressed this budget problem and is waiting until 2015 and basically is playing politics with national security, monday morning quarterbacking every place he can go. it's called incompetence. as a country, as i see it, we're all over the map. and the president is trying to navigate through in as best he can. and all hands don't seem to be on deck. because you see, we have an election coming up and the republicans just can't get enough of failure. sad commentary, i know. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, do you think bringing in ground troops will end the conflict faster? a for yes, b for no. we'll bring you the results
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later in the show. for more, let me bring in congressman from california, sits on the house armed services committee. great to have you with us. >> good to be with you. >> your reaction to boehner's comment all of a sudden that we can't get this done without ground troops. >> first of all, he's dancing around his responsibility. he's the man that has the power to bring congress back so that we can debate this and get the facts about what's happened about we need to know about whether we knew or at the present time know. that's how you do it through hearings. but he hasn't called us back and basically said he's going to ignore taking this issue up in the lame duck session following the elections. that's wrong. >> what about the timing of that? how troublesome is that? >> personally, very troublesome. this war ingoes on, december 11 we run out of money. at that point, yeah, gates has a
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problem. so we have to take this issue up. and in taking up the money issue, we must take up the issue of this war. >> so we could be in the midst of a major conflict not knowing how to pay for it and there might be shut down the government talk again. >> absolutely could happen. >> do you think the president should say congress get back to work? >> it's not his place. should he, yes. we need to talk about this. we need to talk about paying for this thing. how much will it cost? how much will the deficit increase? we spent a trillion already in iraq. here we go again. >> what about the kurds -- and they're our allies as far as ground troops and resources. now they're upset because we're not hitting isis hard enough in northern iraq. >> we should expect that. we should expect that from every side because there is not enough that we could do to save them,
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to advance their military. if we bombed every day, there still wouldn't be enough. that's just the way this will work out. >> what do you make of three quarters of the american people think that eventually we'll have boots on the ground here. >> i pray they're wrong. i don't want those boots on the ground. we've been down this path. we've seen lives lost. we've seen hundreds of billions of dollars spent. to a continuation of something that has gone on for 1400 years. >> congressman, stay with us. i want to bring in michael owe hanlon and heather holbrook. great to have you with us. michael, what is the danger in putting this up for a vote? clearly boehner won't address it until 2015. where does that take us? >> well, i guess what i worry about is that the vote could be no. and i don't see any alternative
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but to address this threat and i think that's the main worry. i'm putting it very simply, but it really boils down to that. i guess congress is already voting as the congressman well knows on the funding for the syrian opposition. it's already done so. that amounts to a partial endorsement of part of the strategy. for those of us who were nervous about the possibility of a no vote, one could argue that's already adequate role for congress at this jupgs chur especially since the 2001 and 2002 votes arguably apply. i think that's the counterargument. i admit to being torn on this subject, but the danger is that congress might vote no and stop an operation in its tracks that is essential i think for our broader security. >> what about that, congressman? >> could happen. >> and you think boehner is afraid of that? >> i'm not sure what he's afraid of, but i know he has the responsibility for us. the constitution of the united states says we have the responsibility to declare war.
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this is a new war are. syria is new. you can get legal arguments here. most don't come to the arlt that this is a proceed foundly important issue. >> how can the speaker say we won't have a vote until 2015, eventually boots get involved. >> he doesn't control his open party. he's afraid of enembarrassed by his open party. so he's trying to shift embarrassment and attention to the president while avoiding the discussion that as both my colleagues have said we should be having. and what is noteworthy, a number of members of congress mostly democrats, a couple republicans, have put forward different proposals for how should congress vote on this, how can the american people understand what we're doing. what should the limits of what we're doing be. and that boehner is afraid that one of our two parties in this
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two party system we have can't show up responsibly to have that conversation, you know, that's a pretty terrible commenar terrib. >> was it wrong for the president to say we underestimated the power, the ability of isis? >> no, i greatly appreciated that comment. i think this is a very difficult situation and we're all worried about it. and none of us can fully forecast middle eastern politics and what they will spawn. so i appreciated the president's honesty. and i think it's always good to look forward in these debates and say what is the right next step. that's part of why i'm also glad there is a little bit of murkiness around the expression boots on the ground. you've mentioned the polls you've been discussing. i don't think there is any clear definition of what it means to have boots on the ground or if there is, we already have 1500 americans in iraq. so that is an example of where i
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would like to see some flexibilities. >> my feeling on boots on the ground that means we do iraq the way we did iraq before. an overwhelming force. that's what in-t think the amern people understand. >> i think the intermediate option, american special forces and advisory fields oforces not to fight, but to advise. i'm not sure where it fits in your framework. ac and i think the language tends to overlook the middle ground. >> if there is a resolution tightly following what the president said in his four point that's made about a month ago, i think that will pass. but if you're looking at an open-ended option in which could you have infantry, artillery, armor on the ground, i don't think it will pass nor should it
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pass. we should have a very limited role in this. we cannot win this war. we've already tried to win it once. you need to have iraq, you need to have the neighboring countries win this war. we can supcan support them. we can debate where that number is. and finally, there has to be an end point. you can't go back to the 2001 afghanistan resolution and say it applies here. >> candidate obama would never have said that the president could do something like this. heather, what about that? we can pull out the old tape. he never would have said the president would be authorized to do something like this. he'd have to get congress on board. >> first point is the reason that we shouldn't be authorizing ground troops at this point is we didn't know ground troops for what. if we learned anything from the last ten years, it's that we're much better at breaking things than we are at building things. and until there is something on the ground that you could say we are securing this, we are
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helping this functioning government, there is no role for u.s. ground troops. so that is point one. point two, candidate obama in his worst nightmares didn't imagine a congress that would be afraid to debate an authorization for the u.s. of military information. congress in his worst nightmare didn't imagine a congress where you would have members come in and say the whole world is the battlefield, who would introduce resolution saying the u.s. should be able to use any kind of force anyplace innocenat thet time. so a lot of that has changed. >> congressman, michael, health her, great to have you with us. appreciate your time. remember to answer tonight's question. share your thoughts with us on twitter and like us on facebook. coming up, a call for democrats nationwide. 35 days and things seem to be slipping away in the senate. rapid response panel discusses that. midterms coming up. but first michele bachmann
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>> a disorderly field gets slammed. >> he might be too old to play, but he still has the moves. >> he's charged with trespassing. >> full two, baby. >> you got to seat baby. when are you going to see the baby? >> september 26, 2049, that's when 3 day old charlotte clinton mezvinsky will officially be allowed to run for president. >> clintons welcome a grand child. >> new grandmother hillary clinton said she couldn't be any happier unless the baby was a latina in a swing state. >> will hillary clinton be content being a grandmother? >> in today's top trender. >> isil is not islamic. >> we can't forget the others who are persecuted around the world. just because of their religious beliefs. >> vast majority of isil's
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victims have been muslim. >> our president has the wrong prescription. >> bachmann declares war on islam. >> yes, mr. president, it is about islam. >> no religion condones the killing of innocence. >> you declare war. you don't dance around it. >> joining me tonight from "the daily beast". i find this more than interesting. dean, michele bachmann, we know what she'll say and how she will say it. but that is beyond the pale and on and on. but she can say things because she's leaving congress. is there a connection? is she the lead in all of this in the way they really think? >> i think she would say that if she wasn't leaving congress. in 2012, she said the muslim brotherhood had penetrated the halls s of justice in america.
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so i don't think it's about that. her audience is a conservative base. >> i thought does she want keith ellison to leave the congress? this is -- it's so outrageous that it's not -- we're an inclusive country. freedom of religion. we're not that anymore? >> i hope we are. what makes it reckless, isis will use that. what she's saying is the exactly the way isis wants us to be framed. they frame this had war as the united states versus islam, a christian versus islam. she's a member of congress saying that. i don't doubt isis will use social media effectively and use a clip like that to help recruit other muslims who feel alienated and to raise money. this works to their advantage. >> what does it do to america?
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there's a lot of muslims in this country right now that see the republican party. this is what they're connected to. >> i agree with you. and i think it's short sighted. before president bush in 2000 came into office, there were so many muslim republicans. but during the time bush pushed them away. there are a lot of wealthy republican muslims deep down conservatives, but they don't feel welcome. this rhetoric says muslims need not apply. and it stokes up the sense of anti-muslim bigotry where i'm muslim that i'm in the as american as other people of other faiths. and i'm worried for muslim children growing up in this country that their classmates might not see them as americans simply because of their faith. >> so as a muslim, what do you say about isis? >> isis is horrific. and to us, isis is not islamic. but islam plays a role. and not in what they're doing,
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but islam versus isis. that is the class of civilizati civilization. 120 muslim clerics from around the world for the first time wrote this 17 page letter identifying specific actions by isis and saying in terms of islam why it's wrong. >> but she's preptsisenting thes that all muslims such as yourself are a problem to america and we should declare war against you. this is senator rand paul specifically came out in agreement with the president on this point. >> i think there was one important point that he was making about them not being islamic or a form of true islam. ultimately civilized islam will have to step up. >> what do you make of that? that is a divide. >> i think this is so much better than rand paul's speech
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last year. it was so much about it's a war on christianity by muslims. his tone is changing. he's tempered and it's much more responsible. he's being responsible where michele bachmann is being reckless. the idea that -- isis is killing more muslims per day than any other faith. and i want people to realize it's not convert to islam or die, it's convert to isis or die. and to me, they're a clear and present danger to muslims. every day they could be killed. >> great to have you with us. all the best. coming up, the three states democrats need to hold the line in the senate this november. and only 35 days to the election. and breaking news on the ohio early voting supreme court decision case. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science.
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we talk about voter suppression quite a bit. by a vote of 5-4, the united states supreme court has voted to block extra early voting days in the state of ohio. the court granted an emergency plea from state officials to block a lower court's order expanding statewide early voting days and times. the plea was requested by ohio secretary of state john hug hus. early voting will be delayed by one week. no opinion issued, just a ruling. stick around. i'm josh lipton with your market wrap. geopolitical worries sending stocks lower. dow pulls out of a triple digit decline to finish off 41. s&p follows 5. nasdaq sheds 6. consumer spending rose more than expected last month, however that gain game at the expense of
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58% republicans will take power. and there is a heated battle in the middle of the country in the state of iowa. a new poll released this weekend shows tea partier jone i ernst over braley. >> she's opposed to a federal minimum wage. she would vote to repeal it. and seld nhe would not raise th state minimum wage. that means you're making $15,000 a year. i think that's wrong. she has called the federal minimum wage ridiculous. >> she wants the states to make the decisions. you may remember she described herself as an iowa farm girl. she leads by a percentage of 44 to 38. in north carolina, a new poll
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shows senator kay hagan three percentage points ahead of thom tillis. and a steep challenge for mary landrieu in louisiana. she needs to win more than 50% of the vote on november 4 to avoid a runoff. and if you look at north carolina, louisiana, arkansas and alaska, republicans think if it they can win three out of those four seats, this can ey c the question. can they do it? joining me tonight, john rralsn and john, what is the best path for the republicans to win the senate and do you believe the numbers? >> first let me say there are so many different paths that the republicans have, that's why i think the democrats are worried. there are all kinds of different methods for them to get to a majority. but these numbers that you're
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citing, the 58%, we've seen these before. especially during a midterm. you're focusing on the right races. the iowa race is a dead heat. you mentioned that poll. but there was a debate getting a lot of attention. they have drive those messages. you talked about kay hagan. they have thrown like $30 million at her and she's still in that race. from the people i talked to, i think they have not given up on landrieu yet. and then there is the real wild card that the the republicans never thought was going to be in the mix and that's kansas. where you suddenly have an independent who is considered to be in a dead heat with pat roberts. so republicans still clearly have the advantage. but you throw them around 58%, 60%, it's a midterm, turn skrout will be low. democrats are very, very skill full especially harry reid. remember, harry reid was given an 87% chance to lose right
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before the election. he won by six points. harry reid is the most relentless guy in the world. he's got his people running that super pac. i wouldn't count reid out yet. >> larry, what do you make of all of that? >> boots on the ground will show up in north carolina and iowa. i think what congressman braley just said is key. keep people focused on what government can do, proetect ther interests. if he doesn't win, we're likely to see lamar alexander chairing the committee who will push the issues in to federal court. this choice couldn't be clearer. the difference between mitch mcconnell and harry reid, who will lead the senate, and what are we prepared to do about it. >> a year ago at this time, we were talking about health care
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and jobs. in fact obamacare will be one year old this wednesday. john ralston, does the middle east play into this midterm at all? >> i think it does in the accepts that the foreign policy in general has hurt the president's numbers. unless you to the kind of micro targeting that larry just talked about with voters who can be the kind of micro targeting that larry just talked about with voters who can be activated. i don't being the average voter really cares who is the head of the senate. so you have to do something else. and i don't think for policy drives them. i think to get democratic voters to the poll, you have to use minimum wage, you have to use bread and butter issues. and still it will be very, very tough. the cliché is about the headwinds the democrats are facing. they haven't seen headwinds like this in a long time. and when you were talking about the rates, they have very little
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margin for error. the republicans essentially are within one seat of the majority if you look at the races that are considered done already. so it's a very, very tough for the democrats and i don't think foreign policy will motivate voters. >> mr. cohen, isn't it rather unusual that the party of obstruction, the party with no ideas, the party that hasn't done anything on job, voted 50 times to get rid of obamacare, that the amount ofntis are lead lot of the polls? >> we have to get better at uniting people. talking about what our country can be. how do we restore an american dream for ourselves, for our kids as opposed to the collapse
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of economic opportunity that we would face if these 19th century capitalist ideas became dominant. that's what they're talking about. no regulation. no floor. rand paul, you're on your own, buddy. it's just the market. we need to make it clear government is about the economy. it's about worker's rights. it's about minimum wage. it's not about the things that divide people up. you need upnity. >> yet in the state of iowa, you have a candidate who is running an ad saying that she's a big farmer. or it's a pig farmer ad. going back to the raw sense abilities, what about that? >> i think that stuff works. and it depends on the environment. but i think the ad that says she's one of us, or he's one us, that's used all the time this politics. as long as the democrats can
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keep it even in terms of money, and the democrats are outspending the republicans overall, i think that they have a chance because they know how to get hair voters to the polls. that's what harry reid did in 2010 to win that race. that's what the people who were running that super pac who used to work for him, some still do, they know how to do that. harry reid told me 20 years ago he doesn't believe in polls. he was not being facetious. he believes only in what his internals say and getting his voters to the polls. the people who work for him believe that they will get rid -- they won't listen to the static that is out there and hope that in these key states that we're talking about that kay hagan can hold on, that somehow a miracle down in louisiana occurs, that somehow braley can pull it out and pat roberts will lose to an independent which nobody thought was possible. that's how they hold the senate. that's about the only way. >> two states that don't get
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much attention at all are montana and south dakota. i talked to rick achweiland, t democratic candidate. what about that state, mr. cohen? >> i think south dakota is definitely in play. our members there are excited. again, they think rick is a great candidate. so this is a situation where it's not just voting is about choices, in the case of south dakota, voting is about standing up for somebody and volunteer and getting turnout. turnout will be key in all these races. that's what we're focused organization getting the volunteers who will turn out voters and convince people these elections make a difference. >> and john, why is health care toxic? when you have the numbers where expenses have come down for families, there is competition in the market, we're getting better outcomes because middle i don't knows of americans now have it, nobody is being denied. why is that such a hard sell?
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>> i think because the messaging got past the democrats a long time ago and the republicans seized on it when a lot of the real negativity was coming out, when the federal exchange rollout was batotched. but there are a lot of success stories in a targeted way. you can use obamacare, but it's knowledge like what the democrats including harry reid said a year ago it would be. harry reid said we would run on obamacare. you don't see many democrats running on obamacare. the question is it as toxic as it once was. it's being used in a targeted mail. but i'm not sure it's as powerful now as it was a rearing a go. >> gentlemen, good to have you with us. thanks so much. seven weeks since the shooting of michael brown. there is new unrest on the streets of ferguson. update on that. (male announcer) it's happening. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®,
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fan of fiction. bill o'reilly, the mayor of cable news is making the rounds. o'riley is promoting his new book about world war ii general army patton. even in print, he puts his own spin on things. >> i think stalin killed him. his wife was in the hospital room, and he's having cogniac, he's laughing with the nurses and he goes to sleep and he wakes up dead. stalin had a factory that produced traceless poisons back then. but now with our advanced technology, we could see if there was something in patton's remains. >> stalin killed patton? wait a minute, did i hear him say that he wants to dig up patton to see it that really happened? okay. general patton's death is widely believed to be from injuries he sustained in a car accident while on a hunting trip in germany after the war. if bill o'reilly thinks his version of history is one for the books, he can keep on pretending.
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welcome back to "the ed show." major developments out of ferguson, missouri. it's been seven weeks since the officer shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old michael brown. this weekend brought renewed protests to ferguson. eight protesters were arrested sunday evening. all eight protesters were arrested and booked on failure to disperse and resisting arrest charges. police say bottles and rockets were thrown at officers. on saturday night, a ferguson
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police officer was shot in the arm while the officer was performing a routine check of the ferguson community center. st. louis county spokesperson provided details for reporters. >> the officer was riding by himself at the time when he encountered, two male individuals that ran from him. the officer exited his car, he ran to the west, chasing these two individuals. as he came into close proximity with them, one of the individuals turned with a firearm. the officer was able to block it with his arm and then was shot in the arm by one of the suspects. >> the officer's injuries were not life-threatening and a search for the two suspects under way. meanwhile, early sunday morning, a st. louis police officer was shot in an unrelated shooting. for more on that, let me bring in brown family attorney, darryl parks. your thoughts about the nature
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of the community right now, is this all from a lack of justice, or the wheels of justice just moving too slowly? how do you see it? >> well, first of all, i think some of it is coincidental, just general crime you have in that community. however, i think that one of the main things we're seeing in ferguson has to deal with the fact that people are growing impatient, waiting for the grand jury. we know it will take time, but people want justice. the longer we delay and go without getting action in the situation, i think people are going to continue to go restless. however, let me reiterate, ed, this family continues to call for people to be calm and wait for the process to roll itself out. but we want justice. so they, um -- we're hoping that this grand jury will come back with the right decision. we continue to ask the governor to appoint a special prosecutor. we think given the fact that weave seen the prosecutor come out publicly gives us concern.
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for example, when you see a defendant testify before a grand jury, that is not normal in america. so we're concerned about that. >> well, police say that these shootings were not related to michael brown's death. i find that hard to believe. i mean, the pulse of the community is seeing how this all is going to end, and if justice is going to be served. what are your thoughts? >> well, i hope it's not related to michael brown's situation. >> they're on the street because of this. you take away the shooting of michael brown, are we going to see these protests in the street? >> well, no, you won't see the protests in the street. but you'll still see basic crime that happens every day throughout america. doesn't mean it's related to the situation involving michael's death. the situation of the one officer, as i understand it, the officer was patrolling and saw these two individuals, who may have been doing some type of burglary situation, and the officer decided to follow them. there's nothing to call that to what happened on canfield in
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missouri. >> i want to give you a chance to expound a little bit more on the brown family and what they're asking the community to do at this point. >> well, certainly the brown family doesn't want anyone committing any type of crime, of violence, in the name of michael brown. i think that anyone who contemplates that should think about what that does to michael brown's legacy. it does nothing to enhance or bring justice. it does nothing to enhance the memory of michael brown. so no one could do anything that in any type of way that endangers anyone, or any property or causes any civil disobedience. they are very civilized people. this family has continued to carry themselves in a proud and upstanding way. and certainly, they're angry, without question. but they've chosen to do it the right way. >> darryl parks, attorney for the brown family, good to have you with us tonight here on "the
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ed show." appreciate your time. thank you. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. breaking news on that white house fence jumper who was the first person to ever make it inside the executive mansion. tonight, we're learning just how far he made it. "the washington post" reporting omar gonzalez made it much farther into the building than previously known. overpowering one secret service officer and running through much of the main floor. after barrelling past the guard immediately inside the door, gonzalez, who was carrying a knife, dashed past the stairway, leading a half flight up to the first family's living quarters. this is
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