tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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the first case of ebola has been diagnosed in the united states. let's get to work! >> how did it happen? >> our security plan was not properly executed. >> how much would it cost to lock the front door of the white house? >> i'm concerned about our leadership. >> i'll make sure that it does not happen again. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation here today. >> the american people want to know if the president is safe. >> this is our watch. >> 1% failure is not an option. >> someone should be held accountable. >> it is obvious that mistakes were made. >> the president and first lady have confidence. >> the time is right for a 21st century makeover.
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>> this is not a democratic issue, a republican issue, this is an american issue. ♪ good to have you with us tonight, folks, thanks for watching. if you asked one of your coworkers what does it take to get fired you would probably get a pretty good answer. maybe strike up a lengthy conversation. you know the dos and don'ts in your workplace. you know what will get you fired and what will get your coworker fired. this is a firing situation as i see it. now today, watching the hearing on the secret service and how incompetent they were in protecting the white house on september 19th, you could talk about a number of different instances. let's just hone in on the most recent, september 19th. i heard a bunch of government
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talk today. i wanted to know if heads would roll. if there would be someone held accountable and if people would be reassigned because of this. because of the seriousness of it. i didn't hear any of that. that's why i think there really has to be chaa change at the he of the secret service. madame director you have to go. you didn't tell me that people would be reassigned, fired, or that it was totally unsoftball. and on my watch it will never happen again. that's what american's wanted to hear from ms. pierson today. americans are stunned that a man with a knife can go so deep into the white house. julia pierson took major heat today. we're told there was great
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employees. that they're very competent, they have a tough job. you flow is a lot of good people in america who lost their jobs. you can roll it back to 2009 when the economy was changing. a lot of good people were out of work. what does it take to get out of work for the secret service. what does it take to get reassigned? it's unacceptable for folks in charge of guarding the white house and the first team. this is not about policy or procedure. this is about performance. pierson should lose her job after what i heard today and everyone on duty at the white house on the lawn should be reassigned. they have proven they can fall asleep at the switch. you might ask the question, what kind of security do we really
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want? i thought you would never ask. here is the security i'm talking about. this is a guy at a football game at ohio state. they know how to handle people on the wrong turf. do you think we could get someone like that on the front lawn of the white house. this is how you handle somebody not where they're supposed to be. security is an attitude. you need to want to defend that turf, maybe the white house should hire a fie guys from ohio state that can recognize a situation and take care of it. here is what happened at the hearings today. here is how it sounded. >> there was a serious of security failures, not an instant of praise worthy restraint. >> an unsettling failure to
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disclose or understand what has occurred. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you're protecting your reputation here today. >> i am concerned about our leadership and mixed messages. >> this is not a democratic issue, not a republican issue, this is an american issue. >> it is obvious that mistakes were made. we must identify what the facts are, learn from the facts, assess, make changes, enhance training to ensure this never happens again. >> okay, that is about as good as it got. i'll tell you who else ought to get fired, that is the public servants that took time away from their last, latest six week vacation to crank out the false outrage machine. the american people have lost faith in damn near everything, haven't we. you can't say that, oh yeah, i
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can say that. we don't even think the nfl is serious about stuff any more. no one trusts their internet service, cable provider, or cell phone company. most americans have lost faith in democracy. it's dangerous that a guy can get so deep in the white house and someone off duty decides to put the hammer down. it's also dangerous for congress to punt on a war. it's dangerous for congress to pass over 50 bills that will take health care away from millions of americans who desperately need it and millions who have never had it before because of a pre-existing condition or they could not afford it. five weeks from today could be a very dangerous day. the most dangerous of all. at this moment, the party of unprecedented obstruction will gain control of the house and
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the senate. this will have disastrous consequences. let me remind all of you that if you don't do what you have to do bad things happen. obama care will be number one, the number one target. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. let's not do that. let's love people as people of faith. i'm a born again believer in jesus christ, and i believe that as part of my duty as a believer in christ, and what he has done for me, that we should do for the least of those who are in our midst. that's my personal belief and conviction. >> what's the parallel here? it's an attitude. they are going to do it. and if they are in a position to do it, you can count on it. when republicans grab the reigns, they will rush to put
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american boots on the ground no matter what. >> maybe we can get enough of the forces trained and on the battlefield, but somebody's boots have to be there. >> and if no one else steps up you recommend american boots on the ground. >> we have no choice, their barbarians that want to kill us. if we don't destroy them first we will pay the price. >> sound like he is serious to you? if they had the power would they do it? oh yeah, the military industrial complex would be revved up and on a role. and the effort to roll back women's rights will not top if they get power. >> the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe their helpless without uncle sugar coming in and giving them help to control their libido and their the women
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are far more than the democrats played them to be -- >> really? i thought we were about equal rights and equal pay? all of the things -- >> i want people to make as much as they can. i support having more taxpayers, more people employed and i want people to make more than $9. $9 is not enough. you can't do that by mandating it in the minimum wage laws. they have never helped the middle class retain more prosperity. >> hispanics can kiss the american dream goodbye if these folks get power. >> it's true in some cases but they're not all top of the class. there is another 100 out there
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that weigh 100 pounds and they are hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. >> only a parent wants to make it harder for a psycho to run into a school with a weapon in hand. >> i wish he is had an m-4 in her office locked up so when he is heard gunfire he is pulls it out and he is doesn't have to lunge with nothing in her hands but he is takes his head off before he could kill those precious kids. >> one of the single most dangerous things is the conservative obsession of making it harder to vote in america. >> voter id, that allows governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> now did they stop after that
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loss in pennsylvania? they need to dig deep and top this attack on democracy. no supreme court has done more than what this court has done in the past year in the way they have rolled back protections and racist southern states. on monday they made it harder to vote in the biggest swing state in america, ohio. americans need to recognize the moment, recognize the moment, what is happening. it's not as fast as a take down on the field, not as fast as a guy getting in the white house, there's a little mojo it takes with but overtime if you're asleep at the wheel and you don't recognize the moment, you will find that some day the elections have consequences. if gore had really defeated bush, right? bush stole it, right? remember florida in 2000? do you think that al gore would have put roberts on the court to
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be bend it conservatives so they could do what they did yesterday, render a ruling without an opinion on voting rights? do you think liberals would have roled out voting rights on the supreme court. if bush had not won we would not have a supreme court. elections have consequences. so get out and vote and protect your yard because that's what this is all about. and when they say they are determined to do things, believe them. i want to know what you think. is a republican takeover of congress dangerous for america? text a for yes, b for no. we'll bring you results later in the show. this is no small order what unfolded in ohio yesterday through the supreme court of the united states. let me bring in my guests now.
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mike, you first. is this ruling signal by the supreme court? would a liberal court have done this? >> this is a court that has become an extension of aggressive repunitive republican policy. they are keeping the elderly, students, and minorities away from the poles because historically they vote against republicans. there was no question in my mind, or anyone that followed this court, we knew they would do this. the political motivation of this court is made clear this this ohio voting case. the dysfunctional case, they deprived thousands of ohio residents the eighty to vote early. it's called a golden week in ohio where they can register and vote on the same day.
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they know that john houston all that admitted that voter suppression efforts were to keep minorities from voting. he said it, it was clear and unequivocal. he knew he said it. >> does this ruling sound the alarm greater than ever? your reaction to tuesday's ruling? >> it does, it's un-american, it's immoral, and i agree with mike. this lays at the feet of the g.o.p. in ohio. they asked for a supreme court for an emergency stay, 16 hours before early voting was supposed to start today, ed, people were ready to vote today. that opportunity was taken away from them by the man that is supposed to be protecting the rights of voters to vote. people news to understand that what is happening in ohio and north carolina all across this country, they're coming for the
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ballot box. if they're successful at taking away that great equalizer, what do they have left? >> so mike, if nina turner doesn't win the secretary of state's office in ohio, can we come to the conclusion or make the assumption or speculate there will be more of this stuff, maybe even before the supreme court in a major state that traditionally effected the white house run? >> i don't think we have to speculate. we stee in wisconsin and north carolina. what happened with this court, ed, is they have become so predictable. the sign of a dysfunctional court, when a court becomes so dysfunctional that you can predict within 100% of what they're going to do, when you a majority like roberts and thomas, when you have these characters all together and you know ahead of time that they're always going to vote against the consumer, they're always going
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to vote against the expansion of human rights, against the environment, they'll always vote for the corporation against the little guy, they'll always vote for the personhood of a corm ration. it is comically predictable and you know that course is dysfunctional. there is a test that constitutional lawyers use all over the world. this is one of the factors they look at. can we look at that court and understand ahead of time that what we have is politicians dressed up in black robes. they are not judges any more, ed. they're politicians in robes. >> so nina turner, how big of a uphill battle will this be? >> it's big, ed, people have to still get out to vote. we will utilize the hours we have left and continue to compel people to get out there and vote. at 59,000 voters in 2012 utilized the golden week.
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there was a study put out by the northeast ohio voter advocates that african-american voters utilize it by 56%. they're hurting low income voters and homeless. they don't care they will put their party over the people, but the people will have the final say, ed. i don't want folks to get discouraged by this, i want them to use their energy and synergy. our very it democracy commedepen it ed. people need to take note. this is a national crisis of consciousness and we need to get -- take elected officials out of office who don't believe in the fundamental right to vote, ed, immoral and un-american. >> nina turner, thank you, it's great to have both of you with us tonight. remember to answer tonight's question on the bottom of the screen.
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share your thoughts with us. a update from the cdc health officials will be addressing the media in about 15 minutes about a possible indication of ebola in the united states in dallas, texas. we'll bring you that news conference live here on "the ed show." first, states in play. a closer look at the governor's race that the gop is at risk of losing. ut what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. what if we finally had that would be amazing. hey, what if we took down this wall? what if this was my art studio?
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the podcast is available for you 24/7. it is free, access it 24/7. social media nation has decided and we are reporting here is today's top trenders voted on by you. the number three trender, take a knee. >> a penalty from a monday night football game -- >> the devout muz lick that stepped away from the year saw yellow flags flying. >> a 15-yard penalty for unsportsm unsportsmanlike conduct. >> they were sliding him for the slide. >> i got too excited. >> the number two trender, dry out. >> drought, drought, drought, climate, drought. climate change.
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>> it's so confusing. >> there has been more than 23,000 wild fires in california this year and a persistent drought. >> california is facing a drought. >> they need rain, and they're not going to get it. >> governor brown said climate change is to blame. >> a new study links the drought to climate change. >> drought is causing major problems for just about all of the state's crops. >> this year they will suffer -- >> it is an indisputable fact that the earth is getting warmer. >> tell that to the polar vortex. >> rick scott, a lot of great republicans. >> we're going to give scott walker the shock of his life. >> scott walker -- >> yes.
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>> yeah? >> yeah! >> the race to watch -- florida. >> florida governor rick scott. >> he is too shady for the sunshine state. >> taken part in unprecedented voter suppression. >> they're set to face off in what is likely to be the nastiest and most expensive race in the country. >> joining me tonight miami-dade county chair. annette, thank you for your time tonight. describe the campaign in florida for our viewers. i have friends down in boc boca raton. what is happening in florida? >> well, rick scott is so desperate to retain the governor's mansion that he spent $35 million attacking charlie chris. where has that gotten him? nowhere. we're tied or ahead as of the
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latest poll today, six points ahead. that goes to show you that after four years of the fails policies of rick scott the middle class has felt it and we know we can't live with four more years of rick scott. we have to be scott free. i'm delighted by the fact that so many people are responding to us. we have over 32 officers throughout the state. we're doing a ground game like this state has not seen before. >> a lot of people are predicting a photo finish, will it overcome the negativity and the amount of money that scott and the team are throwing at you? >> we're on television and defending ourselves and we have raised more money than any democratic in the history of florida for governor. we're feeling good about it, but i will tell you that you can't buy the governor's mansion. he did it the last time and i think the people learned and we're about the people. we're showing the faces of the
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people. we started a kitchen table tour where we're going to people's homes and talking to people who lost their jobs, their insurance. their electric bill going up, the insurance for their house going up -- >> so it's about the economy. when you're out there, it's about what is in people's backyards, what's important to them on the kitchen table. and what we notice is that this effort to go big time austerity with these republican governors, they're all struggling, what do you make of that? >> people are smarter than what they think we are and they realize that their priorities, big corp raorations at the top, their lobbiest friends. children at school, $1.3 billion was cut here in florida, and rick scott held a tea party rally to try to cut $4 billion
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from our education. it is criminal what happened to our education in florida. people are feeling it and aware. i think he realized he was able to buy his way with money that he got through the biggest fraud in the history of medicare, we're not going to let him do it again. >> will it be a high voter turn up, they say history is against you, it will be low voter turnout, how do you engage it? >> i think we'll surprise a lot of people with the voter turnout, but i will tell you i think that's why i feel so good about the officers throughout the state and the ground game and the phone calls that people are making and the house parties. we learned how to do that in 2012 and 2008, and in 2012. we reduced the number of voters in off year elections, but there is no off election. this election is more important for regular working people.
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>> all of these republican governors have operated out ot of same play book. favoring the corporations and big tax breaks. attack, attack, attack. everything but the people count. we'll see how it unfolds. great to have you tonight. i appreciate your time here on "the ed show." income inequality in the nfl. the fcc makes a ruling in favor of the fans. chairman of the sports fan coalition will be joining me. in a short time, the cdc will address the media about a possible case of ebola in the united states. what would happen... if energy could come from anything? or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark?
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states. the folks say the unnamed patient has been placed in strict isolation due to the patient's symptoms and recent travel history. the world health organization estimates that at least 3,000 people have died since the first outbreak was identified in west africa six months ago. local health officials in texas are in close contact with the center for disease control and prevention, a spokes person for governor rick perry says the governor is aware. they're set to hold a press conference at any moment. we'll bring it to you live here on "the ed show." will you help us find a new house for you and your brother?
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[ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really?
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show." u.s. officials confirmed the first ebola case in the united states. my next guest dealing with health care issues on the finance committee, great to have you with us, senator. the president of the united states spoke to the u.n. not too long about about ebola and challenged the world on what we have to do, we have to do more. if this is unfolding like we're told tonight, what does it mean? >> it is obviously bad news, but i also know i spoke with tom freeden, the head of the cdc a few days ago. he was in cleveland talking about infant mortality and low birth weight babies, and this is always a public health issue.
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i mean we knew how to eradicate small pox almost entirely. we have managed the issue of hiv aids. this is the biggest threat in africa and also a threat in the united states. it speaks to the issue of public health internationally and also public health in this country. that is a lesson to learn from this. we need to be alert. we need to fund public health infrastructure. we need to listen to people like dr. freiden. we know how to control it generally. >> there is no doubt that we're far ahead of these west african countries when it comes to prevention and procedure. how confident are you that we'll be able to handle this and it
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won't be near the threat that it is in africa. >> it won't be that kind of a threat here. we should not be alarmists about something like this. we know we went years in the u.s. about any significant tuberculosis. we're more prepared for this. but consistently we under fund public health in this country, we underfund it. i hope the lesson is to invest in public health infrastructure the way that we should be investing in other infrastructure. it grows and protects our country and it's what our country's future is all about. >> does this change anything in america? does it change the priority list? does it change funding? does it change effort? what does it mean? it's now here. >> i think it should change priorities. we have, in many ways, been
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neglecting public health. the government can play a partnering role like where i was in cleveland earlier today. when something happens, there is always inevitably a problem that we can contain that problem because we have the right public health infrastructure. we have done that remarkably well in the last 100 years in this country. people in this country live 35 years longer than a child born 100 years ago. we have great high-tech medicine. that's the lesson in this. >> isolation procedures, do they need to be properly funded? and i don't know just -- if more resources to this are going to change any hospital procedures
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or not. your thoughts? >> well, i don't know, i don't know enough about ebola to know how you do isolation and all of that. i do know that -- i did a round table on akron last week about the issue of antibiotic resistance. we don't have thean antibiotics that we used to have. we have too many hospital inquired infections in this country. and i think there is a real public awareness. the president just came up with an executive order a week ago to deal with antibiotic resistance. we know how to do these things, but do we have the public commitment and as tragic as thiany one case of ebola is, regardless of where it was, we have a case and i hope the lessons that we learned from that, that person i would assume can be cured and
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saved. we need to learn these lessons if the outbreaks are wider spread than this. >> we're visiting with ohio senator brown, and we're waiting on a press conference from atlanta, georgia for the centers of disease control. the first ebola case -- let's go live to that press conference in atlanta. i'm barbara reynolds, the director of public affairs here at cdc. we will be hearing briefly from four speakers and take questions from the media. our first speaker is the cdc director d director. >> ebola is a serious disease. it is only spread by direct
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contact with someone sick with the virus and it is spread through body fluids. eight to ten days after exposure, it can be as short as two days. it's a severe disease with a high race. there are tried and true interventions that stop it. today, we are providing the information that an individual traveling from liberia has been diagnosed with ebola in the united states. this individual left liberia on the 19th of september, arrived in the u.s. on the 20th of september. had no symptoms when departing liberia or entering this country, but four or five days later around the 24th of september began to develop
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symptoms. on the 26th of september, initially sought care, and sunday the 28th of september was admitted into a hospital in texas and placed in isolation. we received in the laboratory today specimens from the individual, tested them, and they were positive for ebola. the state of texas operates a laboratory that found the same results, the testing for ebola is highly accurate. it is a bcr test for blood. so what does this mean? the next steps are basically threefold. first, to care for the patient, and we'll be hearing from the hospital shortly. to provide the most effective care possible as safely as possible to keep to an absolute minimum the likelihood or possibility that anyone would become infected. second, to maximize the chances
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that the patient might recover. second, we identify all people who may have had contact with the patient while he could have been infectious. ebola does not spread from someone who is not infectious, it does not spread from someone with fever or other symptoms. it is only from someone sick with ebola that can spread the decide. once the contacts are identified their monitored to see if they develop fever, if they develop fever, the same criteria are used to isolate them and make sure they are cared for as well as possible so they maximize their chances, and to minimize, or eliminate, the chance they would infect other people. the bottom line here is that i have no doubt that we will
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control this importation, this case of the ebola so it does not spread widely in this country. it is certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual, a family member, or other individual, could develop ebola in the comes weeks flp is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. it does reflect the ongoing spread of ebola and in west africa. while we do not currently know how this individual became infected, they undoubtedly had close contact with someone who was sick with ebola or who had died from it. in west africa, we are surging the response not only of cdc where we have more than 130 people in the field, but also throughout the u.s. government. the president has leaned forward to make sure that we're acting
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very proactively there, and the defense department is on the ground already strengthening the response. we're working with parts of the u.s. government and with a broad global coalition to confront the epidemic here, we are all connected by the air we breathe. we're invested in ensuring that the deciisease is controlled in africa, and in ensuring where there are patients in this country that become ill, they're immediately isolated and we do the tried and true core public health interventions that stop the spread of ebola. thank you. i would like to next introduce our second speaker, dr. david leggy. good afternoon, everyone.
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thank you, for your support of the cdc as we work through this current situation. as i start off, i first want to say our thoughts and prayers are with the family and with the patient and that the treatment for this individual. our laboratory, the texas public health laboratory in austin has a specially trained team to handle high risk specimens like this. we were certified on the 22nd of august to do ebola testing. as of 9:00 this morning we received a blood sample. all of the controls were in expected ranges and the pcr was definitely positive for ebola and we got that result back at 1:22 this afternoon. i want to reiterate that we have no other suspected cases in the state of texas at this time. we're closely monitoring the situation and we're ready to assist in any way that is needed.
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we have been in significant contact with the hospital, with the local health department, and the cdc, and they have our full support as we work through this situation. and we're committed to keeping texas safe. i want to thank the cdc, the local health department in dallas county, and the hospital for the work they're doing while we work through this together. >> thank you, dr. lakey. next is dr. goodman. thank you, thank you to everyone and the cdc. i want to correct one statement that may have been misinterpreted by dr. freiden when he commented on "the air we breathe." ebola is not transmitted by the air, it is not an airborne
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infection. the hospital in dallas is a large hospital with a robust department. we have had a plan in place for some time now in the event of a patient presenting with possible ebola. ironically enough, in the week before this patient presented, we had a meeting of all of the stake holders that might be involved in the care of such a patient. and because of that, we were well prepared to deal with this crisis. thank you. thank you, dr. goodman. our final speaker is the dallas county health and human services director zachary
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thompson. >> thank you, i want to thank the other speakers and texas health presbyterian. i want to thank the team for their work in what they have been doing to conduct public health follow up. dallas county health and human services will proceed with the public health follow up per cdc guidelines and dallas county health and human services want residents to be reassured that your health is our number one priority. thank you. thank you, director thompson. we'll now take questions. >> thank you very much, for questions we'll start in the
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room and then go to the phone. i thank you very much, also. thank you for that comment, dr. goodman. as emphasized, ebola only spreads by direct contact. . i want to thank texas and -- >> you have been watching a press conference live from the center of disease control. confirmation that u.s. health officials have confirmed the first ebola case has reached the united states. also on the press conference was three doctors and health officials from the state of texas talking about the care. identifying the people that may have come into contact to the person with ebola.
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they have explained exactly what the situation is at this hour. i'm going to bring in an ebola expert. great to have both of you with us tonight. tell us what we heard at this press conference and how confident are you we will be able to isolate this in country. >> i think the likelihood they could ignite an epidemic in dallas is low. it is only transferred through direct contact of body fluids.
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we have seen this kind of outbreak in west africa but it is a different situation here in the united states and in texas. this case has been contained, it will be isolated and any contacts will be identified. you're not concerned at all that we will be able to handle this basic care and prevention procedur procedures, it's just a matter of paying attention to detail, that's what it sounds like? >> that's a reasonable way to summarize it. this is not a virus that's easy transmitted. we have tropical diseases here in the united states that are worrisome, but ebols is not one of them. >> how ready are health officials to prevent the spread of ebola in the united states. >> i think we're very ready. first i want to tell all of the viewers don't panic. this is not a panic situation. it has spread many, many times
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through direct contact. also, i want to be very pragmatic here and let people know that we have to educate all of our health care professionals now. whether you see a nurse pr practition practitioner, physician's assistant, those people have to be very vigilant about asking health history and travel history. we do know now there is a case here. so we're not worried about the spread from person to person. what i'm concerned about is missing a person that comes through the border yet again that has the ebola virus. there is no way for us to know that a bern going through customs is not carrying the ebola virus. health care officials watching, ask all of the questions you need to ask when you see a patient. >> let me get rather graphic here, are we talking about sexual intercourse?
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saliva? any kind of bodily fluid that could be transmitted any particular way. if they want to id the people that the patient has been in contact with, describe that for us. remember, if you look at the way this disease is transmitted in psyberia. it's loved ones that are caring for someone who is sick and handling their saliva, or burying the dead. so as i said, this is not something easily transmitted. it's just that we have a total break down in infrastructure. i should also mention that we do not expect to see a lot of patients coming in via air travel or via ship.
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remember it's only patients actively sick. have high fever often, and they're too sick to even get on a plane. so i personally do not think we're going to see a lot of cases like this, there will be make one off entities here and there but it is not a serious public health threat to the united states. in part because we are blessed with such a wonderful federal agency like the center for disease control and a great state health department. so all of those factors mean that this is not going to translate into an epidemic of ebola. >> doctor, there is a chance that people could be coming from overseas that have it. and not know they have it, is that correct? i mean he says it takes eight to ten days after direct contact, how do we prevent that? >> it is only people who were actively sick and have high fever that are capable of
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transmitting the virus. so from that sense, i don't think we have a big worry of being on an airplane, or contracting the virus. if someone comes here and they get sick afterwards, there is a risk and we have to alert health care providers. what we have done here in the city of houston is we have brought all of the hospitals together, together at the city and county health department, to come up with contingency plans in case a patient with a fever comes in. we have great plans in place at the college of medicine hospitals, and texas children's hospital, the largest health care provider for children in the city. i think we're ready in case the patient comes in with an illness and was in that part of the country. >> what's your thoughts on people coming into the country
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that may have hat contact but do not know they have ebola, what are we dealing with here? >> what we know is i travelled and worked in west africa, we know the incubation period is about 21 days. we have to hold someone for 21 days to see why they develop symptoms. what we asked earlier, the ebola virus can last and persist in human semen for about 70 days. i would like to say it's not about panic, it's about knowledge. we have the best system in the world to be able to contain anything that could have some type of epidemic proportions in the world. at the same time we have to be vigilant. this is spret by direct contact but there is a lot of direct contact in the united states. i'm very serious about that. so people out there b wi. especially in places where you
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know a person has been infected or you have travelled, you need to go see your health care provider. we don't want it to get out of hand. doctor, how easy is it -- it is a blood test, and they're very accurate, that is the way it's done, right? >> very accurate, yes. very accurate. >> it is -- >> go ahead, d -- doctor. >> it detects viral rna. it is very fast and only done in a few specially laboratories. so it is -- it has to be referred to the right place to get the blood test done. >> i appreciate -- >> we have a lot of tropical diseases here in the united states, that we should also use this opportunity to pay attention to.
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>> thank you, i appreciate it so much. if you just joined us, u.s. health officials confirming the first case of ebola has reached attention to. >> we got to go. thank you, doctors, i appreciate it so much. in case you just joined us, u.s. health officials confirming the first case of ebola has reached the united states. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, refr. >> good evening, ed. and good evening to you. we're going to continue the news about the first ebola case in the united states. let's go right back now to atlanta, to the center for disease control, where the director is taking questions on the first egoabola case diagnos in the united states. let's listen in. >> unlike this, that individual was
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