tv Politics Nation MSNBC September 30, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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much. if you just joined us, u.s. health officials confirming the first case of ebola has reached attention to. >> we got to go. thank you, doctors, i appreciate it so much. in case you just joined us, u.s. health officials confirming the first case of ebola has reached the united states. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, refr. >> good evening, ed. and good evening to you. we're going to continue the news about the first ebola case in the united states. let's go right back now to atlanta, to the center for disease control, where the director is taking questions on the first egoabola case diagnos in the united states. let's listen in. >> unlike this, that individual was not cared for with infection
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control and resulted in a number of secondary cases. but even in lagos, and even with 19 secondary cases, they appear to have been able to stop the outbreak. i have no doubt that we'll stop this in its tracks in the u.s., but i also have no doubt that as long as the outbreak continues in africa, we need to be on our guard. other questions in the room? >> request you give us a number or a scale of how big the team from the cdc is going to be, and who that directly entails? doctors in the hospital? or people who are fanning out into the community? can you give us a little bit more information on that? >> i can get back to you with the exact size of the team. we provide emdeemiologists or disease detectives, communication experts, a hospital infection control and laboratory experts as needed in the situation. every cdc staff who is there, or
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the 130 who are in africa, are tied tightly to our experts here, who provide backup 24/7. >> we defer to the local and state health departments and they're there on the ground, they're the lead and we're there to support. in the room? on the phone? >> the next question comes from laura neargard of a.p. your line is open. >> thank you. do we know, can you even say if this is an american, or is this a visitor? and then, has the health department already reached any of those contacts? has the contact tracing begun? >> what i can say is the individual was here to visit family who live in this country. the further details, i think, are to be identified in the
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coming days, relevant or not, we'll see. in terms of contact tracing, we're just beginning the process, since investigation just began today. but the health department had been already forward leaning on that. so we're locating information for individuals so that that can begin immediately. on the phone? >> the next question comes from maggie fox with nbc news. your line is open. >> thanks. i know that you have been extremely clear that people don't stress this virus unless they're showing symptoms. nonetheless, the reaction in the united states has been disbelieves of i'm wondering what steps you might take to reassure people who fear they may have traveled on the same plane with this patient or passed through the same airport with this patient, that they are not at risk? >> well, people can always call us at cdc info. they can also check on our website, the flight in question is a specific flight, departing
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liberia to the 19th and arriving in the u.s. on the 20th. that would be a small number of people who would have that level of concern. but really, i think it's important that we understand a lot about ebola. ebola is a virus. it's a virus that is easy to kill by washing your hands. it's easy to stop by using gloves and barrier precautions. the issue is not that ebola is highly infectious. the issue with ebola is that the stakes are so high. that's why in the hospital in texas, they're taking all of the precautions they need to take to protect health care workers who are caring for this individual. >> think of it this way, when we begin testing on people when they have a fever, the most sensitive tests in the world
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sometimes don't detect it because there's so little virus that they have. it's only as they they become sicker that they become more infectious. hi, thank you. you've been saying -- i know that you can't give many details about the patient, but i just want to confirm that this is a male and i don't know if there's any age range you can give. and also just wondering, is this the first case ever diagnosed in the united states, and if not, when was a previous case diagnosed? >> this is the first patient diagnosed outside of south africa, to our knowledge, with this particular strain of ebola. and as i mentioned earlier, we have had other patients with hemorrhagic fever, including a
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patient in 2007 with marburg, which is a virus like ebola. that individual in 2007 was hospitalized, went through surgery before being diagnosed and did not result in the spread to any other individual. so this is the first case of ebola diagnosed in the u.s. and as far as we understand of this strain of ebola diagnosed outside of africa. i think we've referred to the patient in any way that we can so far. next question on the phone? >> next question from bloomberg news. your line is open. >> hi, thank you. i'm just wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about the contact tracing process, and how that's done and how you can assure that you have, i guess, reached all the people that that person was in contact with when they were sick. >> contact tracing is a core public health function. we do it in a very systematic
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manner. we interview the patient, if that's possible. we interview every family member. we identify all possible names. we outline all of the movement that could have occurred from the time of possible onset of symptoms until isolation. then in a cascading manner, we identify every other individual who can add to that information p we put together a map that identifies the time, the place, the level of the contact. and then use a concentric circle approach to identify the contacts who might have had the highest risk of exposure, those with an intermediate risk and those who may have had exposure, even though unlikely. we err on the side of identifying and tracking or contacts rather than less. i mentioned earlier today that in lagos with 20 cases, we at cdc and elsewhere, identified
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nearly 900 contacts and monitored all of them for 21 days. in senegal, we also identified a single patient who came in, had exposures at two different health care facilities and in the community, we monitored more than 60 contacts every day, none of them became ill. so this kind of contact tracing is core public health and it's what we do day in and day out and what we will be doing here to identify any possible spread and to ensure that there aren't further chains of transmission. on the phone, two more questions. >> julie from reuters, your line is open. >> okay, i have two questions. first, i want to confirm the time line. my understanding is the patient arrived in the united states on the 20th, initially sought treatment on the 26th. i'm assuming was then sent home and came back again on the 28th of september and was admitted. the second question is, will you
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be offering this patient any convalescent serum or experimental therapies? thanks. >> you are correct about the time line. in terms of possible experimental therapies, that's something that's being discussed with the hospital now, and with the family and if appropriate, would be provided to the extent available. the last question on the phone. >> the next question comes from d denise grady of the "new york times." your line is open. >> thank you very much. i think people have touched on this but i want to ask this just in case we can get any more clarity on it. can you tell us if this person is an american citizen? will you be releasing the flight information? and is it correct to assume that he was staying at a home with family members, rather than in a hotel? >> the patient was visiting
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family members and staying with family members who live in this country. we will contact anyone who we think has any likelihood of having had an exposure to the individual while they were infectious. at this point, that does not include anyone who might have traveled with him, because he was not infectious at that time. and you asked a third question, which i don't remember. >> i asked if he's an american citizen. >> he's visiting family who live in this country. do we have any other questions in the room? >> follow-up on that, will you identify the flight information? >> we will identify any context where we think there is a risk of transmission. at this point, there's zero risk of transmission on the flight. the illness of ebola would not have gone on for ten days before diagnosis. he was checked for fever before
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getting on the flight and there's no reason to think that anyone on the flight that he was on would be at risk. i want to end with just a bottom line before we stop. ebola is a scary disease, because of the severity of the illness it causes. and we're really hoping for the recovery of this individual. at the same time, we're stopping it in its tracks in this country. we can do that because of two things. strong health care infection control that stops the spread of ebola, and strong, core prubl health functions that trace and track connell tacts, isolate them if they have any symptoms, and stop the chain of transmission. we're stopping this in its tracks. thank you very much. >> that was thomas freeden, director of the center of disease control, confirming the first case of ebola diagnosed
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here in the united states. he said the patient is in strict isolation at the texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas, and that the patient is an adult who recently traveled back to the u.s. from liberia and developed symptoms days after returning here. but there is a four-day period when this patient had symptoms but was not in isolation, and the contact the patient may have had with others during that time is of real concern. the cdc director says it is likely a handful of people who were exposed to the patient. likely, mostly family members. i want to bring in dr. peter hotez, ebola expert at the texas children's hospital. dr. freeden said, doctor, that
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this is a scary disease. what's your reaction to this press conference he just had? >> i actually think dr. freeden did a very nice summary. he mentioned it is a scary disease. it is associated with my mortality, but it's not a disease that's easily transmitted. remember, this is not a virus that is transmitted as easily as measles or whooping cough. it requires direct contact with patient fluids. for that reason, it's been difficult to transmit. the reason it's a problem in sierra leone and guinea, the total collapse of the health care infrastructure. they've gone through such horrific civil wars over the years and they're paying the price for the destruction of their health care system. we're looking at a very different situation here in the united states. >> so let me make sure that we understand you correctly. it is difficult to transmit, but it is a very serious disease, a
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deadly disease? >> i think you summarized it very nicely. the risk that this could lead to an ebola outbreak in dallas, or in texas, is practically zero. remember, we have the mechanism to isolate patients. we have good protective clothing and gear for our health care providers. this is a virus that will not gain a foothold here in dallas in texas. there are a lot of tropical diseases among the poor in the united states and in texas and the gulf coast i'd love to talk to you about, but ebola is not one of them. >> let me trace what the concerns are. this individual, traveling from liberia to america, has been diagnosed with ebola. the patient left liberia on the 19th of september, arrived in the u.s. on the 20th of september. the patient had no symptoms when departing liberia, or when he entered this country. 4 or 5 days later, around the
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24th of september, he developed symptoms. on the 26th of september, the patient sought care and on the 28th of september, which was just sunday, he was admitted into texas presbyterian and placed in isolation. today, they received the specimens from testing and they were tested positive for ebola. there are no other suspected cases of ebola at this time. what does this time line and this four-day period, what questions do you have about this? and what concerns do you have about -- knowing this time line could be possible? >> so thank you for that excellent summary. by the way. my i interpretation of the time line is based on what i know about the virus and how it's transmitted. it can be transmitted person to person, only when you're actively sick and have a high
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fever. so the entire period when she was trav -- he was traveling to the united states, there is zero risk the virus would be transmitted on the air flight, for instance. >> then when he becomes sick in the dallas area, it's not transmitted through respiratory contact, not by any casual sbrarkz. it requires direct contact with blood or other secretions from the patient. in liberia, the health care providers who are handling secretions or it's close family members handling secretions, or those who unfortunately have to bury the dead and come into the secretions. so this is not something that's going to be easily transmitted and that's why i have a lot of optimism with the cdc and state health department identifying any potential case contacts that this will be controlled and will
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not lead to an epidemic in the area. dr. hotez, stand by. i want to bring in dr. amy ray, with the hospital medical center. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. four days without being tested, doctor. tell me how you respond to that, what concerns and questions are raised when you hear that? >> well, i think first and foremost, the ep deem logical history of the patient has to be obtained by the medical care providers. many hospitals in the united states have already taken care of ill travelers returning home from western africa, west africa, with fever, my hospital included. so the very first step is understanding where the patient has been, when they had traveled, when they returned and when they became symptom attic.
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i'm not aware of the details of this particular case in texas, but it's certainly not a surprise to me that a case has been diagnosed in the united states. >> dr. hotez, let me ask you this, they knew when he arrived in the united states that he had come from liberia. don't you think that they should have been more aggressive and harder when he first started showing symptoms? why wait the four day when is they knew of the ebola outbreak in the area of the world that he had just come in from? >> well, again, this is a disease that's not going to be transmitted unless you're sick at the time. so presumably when he came into the united states, he was not having a fever, showing no signs and symptoms of the infection, and he was at zero risk. what we don't know is what happened after he developed fever, knew he was sick, and we don't have a lot of details of what happened in the next day or two before he sought medical
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attention, and we'll learn more about that in the coming days and weeks as well, as we follow this patient. >> that's what concerns me, doctor, is that if it took several days, three or four days before they could diagnose him, how do we know, or how do we tell the public that they would know that there may be some concern that they ought to check out? to dr. ray -- >> well, again -- sorry. >> no, that's okay. the details remain to be seen. so depending on how far he was into his illness upon presentation to the hospital and what the suspicion was for ebola, there are different infections that can be acquired as a result of travel. so we have to get the time line and the contacts and the basics
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of public health nailed down before widespread panic should ensue for sure. >> dr. hotez and dr. ray, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. >> thanks, all the best. we're going to have much more on this breaking news story, the first confirmed case of ebola in the u.s., including a press conference from that hospital in dallas, where the patient is. and also breaking news on the intruder who carried a knife into the white house. both stories are breaking. we'll have them both ahead. new always discreet underwear, for sensitive bladders. absorbs heavy leaks faster than the leading brand so you can feel comfortably dry. plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because hey, pee happens.
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inside the executive mansion. "the washington post" reporting the intruder was tackled by an off-duty secret service agent who coincidentally was in the house and leaving for the night. quote, he happened to be walking through the house when chaos broke out and the intruder dashed through the main foyer. it's amazing. every day chilling new details are emerging. here's the state floor of the white house. remember, the secret service initially said the intruder had been apprehended at the main entrance. but then we learned the intruder made it through the east room, all the way to the doorway of the green room. and today we're learning he was stopped there by sheer dumb luck, an off-duty officer. of course lawmakers questioning the secret service director today didn't yet know about
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these details. but they new enough to ask some very tough questions. >> we must learn whether today's secret service, as structured, for example, could stop five or six fence jumpers. >> after allowing a paparazzi crazed reality tv star to crash a state dinner -- >> someone should be held accountable. >> don't let somebody get close to the president. don't let somebody get close to his family. don't let them get in the white house ever. >> this is beyond the pale. and i've listened to your testimony very deliberately here this morning. and i wish to god you protected the white house like you're protecting your reputation here today. >> yes, sir, if i may. any time any organization, you start to make significant changes, some people will have resistance. >> the secret service was under a microscope today. the focus could be about to get
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even more intense. joining me now, congressman steven lynch who serves on the house oversight committee, and was in that hearing today. and jack rice, former cia agent who spent time as a special agent in the office of security. thank you both for joining me. >> thank you, reverend. >> congressman, before we talk about the hearing, what's your reaction to this new report about an off-duty officer was the one that stopped this intruder? >> it's basically accurate, reverend. the officer who ultimately stopped the intruder, there were two officers involved, but i think the one that made the difference was actually just finishing up paperwork downstairs and heard the commotion upstairs. so you're right to ask, what would have happened if this officer, you know, we got lucky. this officer was coming off duty at the time the intruder came
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through, and that was how he was stopped. it raises a lot of questions. >> let's look at more detail from "the washington post" story. it says, quote, there's no telling how long this guy could have run around if the detail guy hant happened to be there, one person said, on the condition of anonymity. i mean, this is chilling. the congressman said, we got lucky. we're protecting the president of the united states and his family with luck? >> yeah, chilling. outrageous. if we think about the failure, it's one after the other, after the other. first he never made it to the door, then he made it in the door, and across the room, and now there happened to be a guy there by mistake. so now we're depending on off-duty officers who were finishing paperwork. at what point are we going to be
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outraged? i think we've crossed the line. >> a security contractor, this is in "the washington post." a security contractor with a gun and three prior convictions for assault and battery was allowed on an elevator with president obama during a september 16th trip to atlanta, violating secret service protocols, according to three people familiar with the incident. what's your reaction to this, congressman? >> well, if it's true, it's another lapse. and one of the things that come out of a classified briefing today was that both republicans and democrats agreed that instead of having the secret service do an internal investigation and investigate themselves, we think it would be worthwhile to have an independent investigator look at their whole protocol for security at the white house from top to bottom. because obviously major changes need to be made.
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>> major changes, congressman. what are you thinking about? >> well, we used to have a very strong tradition of security and professionalism at the white house. but as you know, reverend, we had an incident in colombia, with agents soliciting prostitutes. we had agents under the influence of alcohol, unable to perform in the president's entourage. we have this instance where on three separate occasions, the secret service interacted with this individual intruder. and the first time, he had 11 weapons in the car. he had long distance scopes, sniper rifles. the second time they caught him, he was outside the white house with a hatchet stuck in his belt, and yet -- and also at the time, they knew that he had mental illness, and yet no one
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obtained a restraining order. no one thought to raise a red flag that this individual should not be around the white house. finally he came a third time, and as you say, he jumped the fence and got all the way to the green room. he basically did half of a white house tour that the public usually does, before he was just coincidentally tackled by an agent coming off duty. >> with a knife in his pocket. and, jack, look at the fact, analysts told "the washington post" that five layers of security failed to stop this intruder. counter surveillance officers should have seen him jump the fence. there should have been an alarm alerting uniformed officers. a dog could have been released to stop him. there was supposed to be a guard positioned at the front door, an emergency s.w.a.t. team roving the property. this is something we talked about last week. how could all these layers fail
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at the same time? >> yeah, rev, again, that's the real problem that we have here. this is a credibility question that the secret service has now. this really invites additional threats. the failure started before he jumped the fence. as the congressman described, there are multiple instances when they had contact. they should have been watching this guy on the front end, before he jumped the fence. and rings of security, each one failing. there's one last issue. i'm a former prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, i've seen this on the gun side. the idea that this contractor is standing next to the president with a weapon and he has domestic assault convictions. he shouldn't have had the weapon in the first place. and we have a procedure in place that the secret service should not have allowed it. it's not about changing all of the policies. it's about applying the ones that actually exist, and i want
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to see that too. >> you had some tough words for the secret service director today. i want to play some. listen. >> i don't think the secret service is taking their duty to protect the american president and his family at the white house, i don't think you're taking it seriously. based on the evidence, unfortunately that's the conclusion that i arrive at, that you're not taking your job seriously. i'm sorry. i hate to be critical, but we got a lot at stake here. i have very low confidence in the secret service under your leadership. >> can the american people feel that the president and his family is safe in the white house tonight? >> i think because of this incident, they have redoubled their efforts. they have taken very stop-gap measures. they have not done a top-to-bottom review like we need to. but i think for the time being, because of that incident, yeah, i think that they've reinforced
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the original security and i also think they're paying very keen attention to what's going on at the white house. but that's what it took to get us there, we had an intruder get deep into the white house and that's the only reason that the security has been enhanced. >> and several other lapses. i mean, with all of these lapses, congressman, don't you think that somebody needs to be removed at some position of authority? because as jack said, we're not talking about new rules here. we're talking about implementing and executing the rules that are already there. that have magically been overlooked from atlanta to the white house. >> i think jack's right. if this last incident turns out to be what is reported, i think that the president and jay johnson, he's homeland security director, he oversees -- he's
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actually supervises the secret service as well. i think they'll have to have a long conversation about whether or not director pierson is the necessary person at the secret service. >> thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. still ahead, more on the breaking news out of dallas, the first confirmed case of ebola inside the united states. we're expecting a news conference from that hospital in the next few minutes. also, he shot a young man because of loud music. today he testified in his own defense at his murder trial. we'll have that story. and mitt romney is making headlines by talking about 2016. stay with us. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets.
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dallas are holding a press conference right now about the ebola patient in isolation there. let's listen. >> -- supporting those caregivers as they do every day. the patient has been in appropriate isolation, which, according to cdc is called contact isolation and drop let precautions. since they arrived for this admission on sunday, our staff is thoroughly trained in infection control procedures and protocols. and we have been meeting literally for weeks in anticipation of such an event. the purpose of hospital system to care for the sick and the injured and the ill, and to advance knowledge about health and well-being. at texas health, our training, or message preparedness, our dedication and focus on safety and quality, essentially
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everything we do is in preparation to handle these types of cases. it's important to note that bound by federal law, we cannot name any patients without the written permission and consent and that the hipaa privacy rule forbids health care institutions from releasing any identifiable health information about any patient. we're caring for this patient, because this person came to us for help, and they came to us sick. and it's the right thing to do. our mission is to improve the health of the people in the communities we serve. our focus on compassion is at the heart of everything that we do. as health care professionals, this is what we train, and what we prepare for. we'll now take your questions and will be ever mindful of patient privacy. we'll do our best to be mindful of patient privacy, to give you
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the answers. >> doctor, why did it take 48 hours after this patient initially sought care to be put in isolation? >> the patient's initial visit was two days before, when they presented with very non-descript, non-specific symptoms, and it was not clear the patient had come from an area with ebola virus present. >> when did you first learn he had come from west africa? >> on the second visit on the 28th, that's when the information became more clear. even then, it wasn't completely clear, but it's still evolving. we're getting new information as it goes on. [ inaudible question ] >> i can't speak to the people outside of the hospital. but what we're determining and we're looking at all of the people who might have had contact. there doesn't appear to have been -- because only exposure
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requires exposure to blood or body fluids. at the time of that visit he wasn't that ill, he wasn't having body fluids, vomiting or diarrhea. [ inaudible question ] >> i would say there's no concern. we're going to track all the people who had contact with him and we're going to watch them and monitor their health. >> does that include hospital workers? >> of course. >> did he come by ambulance or did he come on his own? >> i'm not certain, but i believe he came on his own. the second visit, he was brought by ambulance. >> can you pinpoint exactly when the patient came in the first time, and can you also explain, if you can describe without violating any laws, his condition and what he looks like right now? >> i don't think i can answer the second question. i think that might be a violation of federal law. best i can recall, the patient came to the hospital late
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thursday night or early friday morning. >> had he gone to other hospitals before and was directed here, how did he end up here? >> we're not certain, but there's no evidence that he went anywhere else before. [ inaudible question ] >> first of all, let me say that it is not an airborne disease, so there's no requirement for separating the air. however, he's in the intensive care unit not officially because he was that critically ill, but because it had the negative air pressure in the event that we needed that kind of isolation. and secondly, it has glass walls that we can look in. and one of the tenets of personal protection is that the people caring for the patient have somebody watching them to ensure that they're doing all the things proper for their own protection. it has to be a segregated area
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away from any other patients. and we've put restrictions. it's an ideal location, in fact. >> how are the doctors and nurses who are treating this patient prepped? is it similar to the footage in africa, where they're head to toe in clothing? >> we've been listening to doctors from the dallas hospital where the patient with the first confirmed case of ebola virus in this country is now in isolation. joining nme now on the phone, d. steven morris, expert on infectious diseases at columbia university. what is your reaction? >> well, i think that it was inevitable and sooner or later, and i think we'll have more patients like this.
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people will be coming from these areas and some of them may have caught ebola while working there. and we will be seeing cases like this. i think the hospital was very wise to recognize that there was something unusual about this patient, take the infectious disease precautions to isolate the patient and basically handle the symptoms until ebola was confirmed as the cause. >> your expertise is in infectious diseases. how risky is this to others that may have interacted at any point with this man in the four days that we have been told that he was at large in texas, and had no idea that he had ebola? >> sure. it depends on the nature of the contact. it requires close, physical contact, or contact with blood,
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or other secretions and probably many of the people he casually encountered never got that close or had the opportunity to get infected. if they were family members who were taking care of him as he began to get sick, they might be at greater risk. and i'm sure that right now, the cdc and the texas state department of public health are doing just that, looking for possible contacts to keep an eye on them and see if they're going to be all right. usually, you watch them for about 21 days to see if -- make sure they don't get a fever or other symptoms. >> dr. morse, we thank you for your time tonight. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> we'll be right back. people are stuck in very old habits of cleaning their dentures with toothpaste, and dentures are very different than real teeth. they're about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed
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we're back with tonight's justice files. joining me now are prosecutor and legal analyst paul henderson, and trial attorney carmen st. george. thank you both for being here this evening. >> thanks for having us. >> our top story, michael dunn, testifying in his own defense in the so-called loud music murder retrial. dunn is charged with the murder of unarmed 17-year-old jordan davis. on the stand today, dunn once again claimed he shot to protect
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himself. >> i see the young man lean down. i see his shoulders and he comes back up with something in his hands, and he bangs it against his door, and says, i'm going to [ bleep ] kill you. i made the determination that my life was in imminent danger and i was going to defend myself. >> dunn also testified he meant to pull the trigger 50 times, if it meant protecting his life. however prosecutors pointed out that no weapon was ever found inside the car. dunn was also grilled by the prosecutor about why he never called the police. >> so you got in your car? >> yes. >> with your cell phone? >> yes. >> you know how to call 911? >> yes. >> you did not? >> no. >> both sides are expected to finish up their closing
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arguments tonight. the jury is set to get their instructions tomorrow. carmen, did it the state prove its case this time? >> i think they did. this is a very difficult case for the defense. i mean, it's up to the defendant to show that he was in recently fear of imminent danger. and unless he can prove that the door was opened to that vehicle, and there was a gun, in fact, it's going to be a very difficult case for the defense. >> you know, that was what the prosecutors really hammered on, paul. they said that -- they hammered about the fact that there was never a gun or weapon found in the car with jordan davis. watch this. >> let me be very clear. there was no shotgun in that red durango that night. there was no branch, there was
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no hallow pipe. there was no weapon. >> now, how important is that to the case? does it even matter if mr. dunn says he believed his life was in danger, paul? >> absolutely not. based on my opinion of this case. because the threat has to be real or perceived. we know it wasn't real because there's no gun. i don't even believe it was perceived because even the ex-fiancee said she didn't see a gun, never heard anything about a gun, he never mentioned anything about a gun to her. he had so many things that he could have done in reaction to, even if that threat was real in any way. he could have rolled up the window. he could have locked the door. he could have called the police. he could have driven away. he did none of those things, reached for the one, pointed it, shot it ten times, and killed that young man. this is a terrible case.
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i'm hoping he is found accountable for all his actions here, but i think the prosecution did a fairly decent job. the only thing i would have liked to see is a little more righteous indignation from the prosecution about the behavior of their dunn while he was on the stand. i know the jury was watching him very closely as they make up their mind. >> and he never -- and i'm repeating what paul pointed out. he never told his girlfriend who was with him, and they went to a hotel and had pizza, i believe, never mentioned to her about a gun. >> it's a problem. they drove away from a scene where he had fired ten times at a vehicle, at a human being, never once mentioning having rum and coax, drinks, partying, after he had been to his son's wedding. and not saying anything until the next day. it's incredible. i think the expert that he presented himself is problematic, because all the experts said the door had to be
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open for the shots to be fired, the expert also said that he was quite a distance away from that vehicle. >> yeah. >> which is hard for you to prove you were in imminent fear of death. >> going to have to leave it there. thank you both for your time. coming up, the history of the secret service protecting the president and restoring trust today. and the late-night comedians welcome chelsea clinton's beautiful baby girl into the world. that's next. >> charlotte, kind of suspicious she was named after the largest city in a major swing state. if it had been a boy, would we be celebrating the birth of little baby akron? will that be all, sir?
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>> in 1981, a secret service agent took a bullet meant for president reagan during an assassination attempt caught on tape. but a generation earlier, they couldn't save president kennedy. the secret service has a solemn duty and a sacred trust. president lincoln once said, though it would be safer for a president to live in a cage, it would interfere with his business. the president of the united states cannot live in a cage, but we must have confidence in the secret service. this agency must get back on its feet. so the president can do his job without worrying about his own safety or the safety of his family. today's hearings did very little to answer so many questions, that so many americans, on all sides of the political spectrum have to ask.
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how can one man go through and flip five or six waves of security? how can we have another man get on an elevator with the president with a gun? how can all these breaches happen? we want to know. we want our president protected. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. >> it's here. and this is "hardball." ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. one of the world's most terrifying diseases has reached u.s. shores. the cdc has confirmed the first ever case of ebola diagnosed here in the united states. i've got some questions i'd like answered tonight, especially after the president said this just two weeks ago. >> i want the
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