tv The Ed Show MSNBC October 1, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening americans and welcome to the ed show. we start with breaking news. secret service director julia pierson has resigned following a big hearing regarding the man who jumped the fence and made it well into the white house before being stopped. her replacement will be joseph clancy. this news follows yesterday's heated hearing on capital hill. moments ago the white house press secretary addressed the issue. >> she spent several hours in front of the cameras yesterday answering difficult questions from members of congress. in the context of that interaction she took responsibility for the short comings of the agency she led and she took responsibility for fixing them and that quite
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simply, i think, is a testament to her professionalism and character. >> president obama called her to suppress his appreciation for her time served in the agency. i want to talk now with congressman cummings. is this the move that had to be made? >> it absolutely had to be made because a culture has developed in the secret service whereby secret service agents feel more comfortable coming before a member of congress and talking about the problems in the secret service and revealing information that they were either afraid to or feared or did not think would be heard if they took it to higher ups like the detector pierson. >> why was it like that congressman?
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why? >> i'm not -- i don't know. but that culture zdoes not help when you are trying to change an organization and it erodes the trust within the organization with the public and the first p family. >> there was anotherecurity breach in atlanta september 16th, apparently an armed contractor with a criminal record was on the the president and the white house is confirming that the president found out right before the breach was reported. it makes me wonder who is running the country. how powerful is the secret service. is the president on a need-to-know basis here, what's going on he >> in therewas a lot of information disappointing that came out yesterday. and this atlanta incident gave us a lot of concern. you know, the secret service, ed, a lot of their power comes
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from their ability to do the job and do the job in an excellent way and have a reputation for doing so. that reputation is very, very important because the reputation is what helps deter people from trying to attack the white house or bring harm to the president and others. and that reputation was clearly eroding. so we had to hopefully restore, we can now begin to restore some of that trust. >> yeah. >> and that reputation. >> congressman why isn't there an over site on a daily basis. is the secret service a rogue organization. if you want to change the culture you got to change personnel and procedures, there's a lot that has to happen to change a culture. >> yeah. >> why is it that you're committee isn't made aware right away of security breaches. why wasn't the government over
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site committee told a guy with a criminal record was on the elevator with the president. why isn't there kind of tightness. >> we should have had that kind of information. when you have secret service agents that you don't feel the comfort of going to the higher ups and the higher ups would normally, like the head of the irs would normally bring those kind of concerns to us. that certainly is not happening. ifs we have to get it from whistle blower members of the service. that just won't work. you said something else i think we need to keep in mind. i want to first thank miss pierson for 30 years of dedicated service but this culture didn't just come about because of miss pierson. >> yeah there's been other breaches, yeah. >> my point is there are probably other folks who need to
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take the exit sign out too. i'm hoping that secretary johnson of homeland security will take a very close look at this agency and make sure that folks who don't need to be there are let go. >> you want some heads to roll? >> i want some heads to roll. >> okay. >> because i want this organization restored to the rep station it h -- reputation that it had before. >> how about mr. chanc can mr. coming back. >> the president believes mr. clancy would take a bullet for him. he has worked with him before and is very, very comfortable with hill and thinks he's an outstanding professional and he knows he is well-respected by other members of the secret service. if the president feels that strongly about him, i feel good about it. >> thanks so much for your time on the ed show.
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changing topics now, today is a day of anniversaries. everyone is worried about isis. no doubt. and ebola. we will have more on that later in the show. but on october 1st, 2013, everyone was talking about a government shutdown and the roll out of obamacare, two horrible anniversaries for republicans right now. this time last year republicans were so furious, uninsured americans were finally going to get health care, they shut down the government. it lasted 18 days, devastated our economy, over 100,000 people lost their jobs and cost the economy $24 billion. this number is the only thing the republican party has accomplished, we lost $24 billion. democrats and the president did not cave.
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obamacare was enacted and there was outrage for months regarding the rocky roll out th. >> this is not fair to millions of americans that they are losing the policy they have, that fits their needs. >> the bottom line is the problems with obamacare run deeper than just the website. the failed website is the most advisable problem right now. but it's not just the traffic. >> that insurance they decided was good for them now they have to go out and buy alternative insurance one that covers things they don't need and will cost more money. i wish it was just a horror story but it is reality. >> there's no way to fix this monster. >> i tell you what we had
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experts all over the place, didn't we. no doubt the roll out didn't bo well but it got fixed. it got better every day. that's what the president said would happen. problems were fixed. and one year later obamacare is doing better than ever. so far 10.3 million uninsured americans are enrolled and receiving coverage since october 1, 2013. there's been a 25% increase in the total number of insurers selling health insurance in the marketplace. it's the numbers. you're in business, it's the numbers that count, correct. well, let's go to the board. let me show you some numbers, folks. we were told that this health care law was going to be nothing but a big government take over. let's look at the stock market. let's look at the private sector. let's look at united health
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group. their stock was at 72.58 one year ago today and since then had 16% increase. that was just one company. what about the rest of them. how about humana closed at 95.35 one year ago today here they are 34% increase. if you invested in humana you got a good return on your investment. how about aetna, how about well point, come on 37% increase. come on republicans tell me how health care will get screwed up in america. that is not a government take over. they lied to you. and they lied to you when they told you will that they had a better plan. because if the republicans had a better plan they would have called a big press conference
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today to say this. you won't see boehner or any of these other experts on the private sector come out and talk about these numbers. i will guarantee you, wall street thinks 34% of your money, 37% wellpoint, this obama guy is not so bad after all. so much for the republican lie. and that's exactly what it is, of a government take over of our health care system. let's not forget seniors. 8.2 million seniors have saved over $11.5 billion. where do you think that money went? right back into the economy. how many months of private sector job growth have we had? the growth of health care has dropped. costs have grown annually 1.1%,
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that's all? that's the slowest rate for any three h three-year period on record. let's talk about the hospitals for a moment. the hospitals are projected to save $5.7 billion this year in uncompensated health care cost. the republican plan was to go to the emergency room, who is paying the bill? that's not happening any more, that's how much is being saved. that means the tax payer isn't picking up the tab to americans who can't afford health care, 74% of savings coming from states that expand medicaid. there are 23 state that's still haven't expanded medicaid. if republican governors would have gotten on board these hospitals and their states would have been saving billions of dollars. they don't deserve to
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bereelected. here we go next open enrollment. houston, we got a problem. maybe. the next enrollment opportunity begins november 15th. some reports say the website will have problems but we've been down this road before, it will get fixed if there are problems. but after a year i'm going to bet the website is going to work pretty good. meanwhile these guys want you to forget about obamacare. that's why they don't want to talk about it. they want to talk about isis. they want to talk about the secret service. they want to talk about anything else but what we were talking about a year ago. which is revolutionary change. change that i can believe in. change that you can believe in. the government shutdown was all they gave us and cost us $24 billion. this time last year the american people pinned the blame solely on them for costing the government $24 billion. notice how republicans are
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ominously silent today. no one is out complaining the one year anniversary of obamacare. give me those health care numbers one more time fellows, i'm private secretary yootor gus the president. i love profit. they know it's working. and they can't argue with the numbers and the numbers count. get your cellphones out. were the republicans wrong on health care? i'm going to ask that in a very sensitive voice, were the republicans wrong on health care. a for yes, b for no to 67622 or leave a comment on our blog on
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i want you to think hard about a governor who rejected medicaid expansion in your state that has cost tax payers billions of dollars everywhere. bringing in our guests now. gentleman, great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> good to be with you. >> mr. potter, one year later, how successful is it? >> did a great job of explaining that. one thing that i think also needs to be added is that all of us have benefited because insurance companies can no longer engage in common business practices like drop us from coverage because we're sick, or they can no longer refuse to sell us coverage because of preexisting conditions, can keep our kids on the policy until they turn 26. the rate of uninsured has dropped from 21% a year ago to
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16%. we have come so far in just a year's time. >> mr. gerard what has this meant to over 10 million people who now have insurance. had it not been for the democrats this would have never happened. they change people's lives. connect that to the election and motivating people. >> i think first we have to recognize that if all those governors and people that tried to make sure obamacare didn't happen, if they had not succeeded in preventing obamacare we would have closer to 20 million people. republicans voted over 50 times to repeal obamacare. i think every democrat candidate has to ask which part of obamacare would you reveal, free
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breast exams, help seniors with billions of dollars, ask them each section which one will they repeal. i think you should take it head on in the last months of the election cycle. if they would have succeeded in stopping obamacare we still would have growing ranks of uninsured, we would have had kids knocked off their health care and people who met their limit and couldn't get health care. now is the time to confront every republican, what if you had succeeded, what would you do about this and what did you do about that. we got to go to kentucky and make sure grimes takes him head on. he repealed it 50 times. >> what's so amazing is that he's leading in that pole in the state of kentucky. >> he's leading with outside money just powuring in, it's
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disgusting. >> do you think it will be reversed? >> ed, i really believe if allison takes him on and we look at the close to 500,000 people that got health care because of a democrat governor having the guts to stand up, having democrats in the senate having the guts to stand up, taking on item by item in health care, got those $500,0 500,000 to vote and he's out of there. >> you have seen the numbers, we have seen healthy profits. their world hasn't changed much. what's the next move. >> to get deeper into the exchang exchanges. united health care will be double where they are this year.
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we will have a lot more offerings to choose from. a lot more companies will be selling products next year. they are getting into this and they see it is a way to win. we are all winners here. not only are 10 million americans newly insured. 12 million by the end of this year. but so is the private sectors. the insurance companies. the hospitals. the drug manufacturers. everybody is doing quite well. >> so the republicans were wrong across the board or am i wrong in stating that? >> they were. this also helps the economy. when you have people who have insurance and get the care they need. people are not having to resort to expensive care in the emergency room often that they can't pay for. hopefully fewer people will have to file for bankruptcy. it's a good thing all around. >> good to have you gentleman with us tonight.
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i appreciate your time on this very important anniversary. next year it will be even better when it comes to more open enrollment on obamacare. plastic or paper, that's the question in california they won't be having to answer any more. we weigh in on the state's plastic bag ban and its environment effects for the better. plus a warning from a nurse's union about the threat of ebola in the united states. we're right back.
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service. security. savings. synchrony bank engage with us. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will what's hot, what's not. trenders social media get on the ed team.
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got a podcast up every day. ed show social media nation decided we are reporting today's top trenders voted on by you. >> to be very frank for you it was very difficult for me to sleep last night. >> number three trender, secret disservice. >> there were a series of security failures. >> the security guard who had multiple felony convictions shared an elevator with the president. >> no details emerge on a secret service breach. >> the guard had a gun. >> have you ever heard of these guys. >> julia pierson offered her had resignation. >> it is obvious mistakes were made. >> she's out. number two trender. >> the president has said there will not be american boots on the ground is this a promise that can be kept. >> i don't think so. >> paul ryan challenges obama's
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isis plans. >> i fear the president is micromanaging the military. special forces team embedded with indigenous fighters have been very successful in the past. >> we can't win a last war in iraq we proved that. and our top trender. >> the man left liberia september 19th apparently already infected with the ebola disease but not showing symptoms. >> the first ebola case is diagnosed in the united states. >> four patients have been brought into this country after contracting the disease in africa. >> the unidentified man is the first traveller to bring the disease state side. >> our staff is trained and prepared. >> texas is one of only 13 states certified by the cdc to
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conduct ebola testing. >> we should invest in our in a infrastructure the way we invest in others infrastructure. >> doctor i appreciate you being with us tonight. >> thanks for having me back. >> 24 hours after this has been reported. how do you feel we are handling this and do we have a good grip on it? >> i think we do. todd freeman made his remarks saying the likelihood this exploding into an epidemic is close to zero and i agree with that because we have a system to track all the contacts and my understanding is about a dozen contacts have been identified, will be isolated and have their temperature taken twice a day. if they develop a fever they will be treated accordingly.
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>> doctor, nurses are really the boots on the ground. there's no question. >> they are the front lines, right. >> they are the front lines. and the national nurses united union says more than 60% of hospitals are not prepared to handle ebola rand calling for a preparedness plan in every u.s. hospital, is this possible and do you share their concern? >> well, i can tell you in our texas medical center which has a number of hospitals, we've followed cdc instructions very closely. we have good instructions from the cdc. it's a matter of educating the nursing staff. making them aware if the patient is coming from one of the three infected countries in the last 21 days, that's cause to isolate the patient and put on protective ware.
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so i think that is fairly straight forward in terms of more detailed isolation precautions most hospitals in the united states should be able to manage that. >> does it concern you that the nurses say they haven't been given the property training to handle this particular situation. >> something i learned early on when i was a young house officer is you listen to nurses. i think we have to take them very seriously and if they have made that statement we have to look at the specific gaps and address them accordingly. won't have that big an impact right now in this current case in dallas but i think when things calm down we need to revisit that with nurses. >> the word epidemic is pretty strong, no question about that, but can we potentially believe that there may be some other patients that have ebola that could, you know, unfold here in
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this whole scenario that's playing out, that there will be more patients -- >> i can't say will be but certainly a possibility. unfortunately we had this incident where the patient was sent home allowing two or three days this individual could have come in contact with others so it is a possibility that we could have one or two more cases a rising out of this. i'm hoping it won't happen but there is mobpossibility. i think the cdc is on top of it. >> how do you prevent from sending a patient home when you're really not sure. >> sorry, i'm not sure about the question. >> if they sent a patient home and that patient came into contact with other people how do you prevent that? >> well, i think at this point now, most hospitals have taken the lessons learned from what just happened over the last
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couple days and i think every emergency room in the country right now has their antenna up about a patient coming in from those three infected west africa country and i would be very surprised if it happens again. i don't think we know the circumstances of what kaucaused that error in judgment the first time but would be really surprised if it happens again. >> thank you so much sir. coming up, state senator joins me to discuss impact of plastic bags. i got your questions next. stay with us. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical.
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appreciate the questions. our first one from james. >> why don't we have a travel restriction. that's what i don't understand. you want to kwarntine, i would think a travel restriction. that makes sense. it is not about politic correctness or offending anyone. it is about a serious health situation and it could spieral out of control if we're not careful. i would be in favor of travel restriction and screening. next question. well the republicans aren't the only one who have hateful rhetoric towards the president. words count and words inspire
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people. my answer to that is yes. stick around. rapid response is next. i have your cnbc market wrap. steep sell off on wall street dow slides 238 points. nasdaq fall 71 points. private sector added 213,000 jobs in september. airline stocks getting hit today on fears of the arrival of ebola on the u.s. might spark an air is travel slow down. delta, united, jet blue and southwest all finish lower. that's it for cnbc, first in business worldwide. or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year?
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thanks for watching tonight. california took a controversial step to help the environment in reverse climate change. they did it by the law. soon you won't be able to hear the question paper or plastic at check out counters across the state, governor jerry brown signed a law banning the use of the plastic bags starting july 1, 2015. this is the first ban of its kind in the country. not everybody's pleased. >> it's good to think of the impact and what we're leaving behind and plastic bags don't break down. >> california doesn't lead the at student attitude of the real people. >> many of the bags travel long distances in the ocean with currents and winds and the litter is a vicious killer of marine mammals, sea birds and
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other wild life. litter is about 6.4 million tons per year, a vast area in the north pacific ocean contaminated with the trash. >> i came out here expecting to see trash, pieces in the water you can pull out, but instead what i got was an even ruder awakening. >> the plastic is it everywhere. >> environmental conditions are changing dramatically as a result of human behavior. a new study saying humans are to blame for a 52% in decline in wild life in 2010. right now there are thousands of walrus gathered on a shoreline in alaska. the ice formations where they
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usually rely on for their hunts for survival is disappearing. the alaska sea ice is accelerating in recent years due to climate change. bringing in now california state senator had alex who introduced the law for the single use plastic bag ban in california and with us biologist in california good to have you gentleman with us. alex how hard was in to get through. >> by no means was it a slam dunk. 2ki6r differentiterations of this bill have been introduced seven years, i took it up last year and it took two years to get it to the governor's desk for the first time. he found that it is good for the environment and good for the budget. we can talk about that.
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we hope we can set the stand artd -- >> how so government budget. >> in california more than $25 million is spent to clean up plastic bags. you did a beautiful job of painting an impact of the pacific ocean but it also impacts our storm drains and parks and create blight and they can't be recycled. so all the money previously had been going to collecting plastic bags can be go into police fire services, schools, libraries, much better use of our tax dollars. >> the bill will provide $2 million in competitive loans to plastic bag manufacturers shifting their operations. >> one of the arguments in the past to stall the bill was the concern, supposedly about the job impact.
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i think the estimates were over blown but we put in a provision to make california a partner. a california-based manufacturer who wants to get into the business of reuseable bags, the state of california will help finance those retooling costs on the condition of retraining and retaining those employees. with that provision we earned the support of manufacturers, retailers, groceries and environmental community of course and local governments across the board. >> doctor, is this the kind of legislation we need to have if we're going to reverse this. >> yes. good evening. nice to see you. this is a land mark decision for california once again to lead the state of the union. these bags, my students at beach comb along the santa monica bay, these bags are awful because these bags choke tens of thousands of our sea turtles,
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they are sponges for ddt, muscle mercury, pcbs and over other known toxin in the ocean. this is a terrific step. by the way around the earth we manufacturer over half trillion of these bags every year. we have to get rid of them now. >> have other countries done this? >> absolutely, primarily european countries have phased out the plastic bags or the model we have seen in the u.s. we make this available to phase out plastic completely with the goal of using reuseable bags and reduce the waste stream. >> sure. let me show the picture of the walruss what is happening here. why are there 40,000 walr aurks
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s all of a sudden on shore. >> it is 14 million pounds of beautiful animal that's require ice. because ice is missing they have clamored together on shore here. the first thing we will see, sadly is mega aggression. aggression will follow by hunger. hunger will lead to disease. these critters are telling our world, hello, is anyone listening that the ice is melting. and instead of devising a battle plan we are continuing to sub iddize to the tune of $1.9 trillion oil, gas and coal. we need to feature-proof and we need it now. >> is there any other phenomenala that would force them to go to the shore. is it definitely the ice cap
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melting that brought them where they are. >> yeah. if you lose your home, you die. their habitat is going. the polar bears are in the same basket here. this is awful. and we're seeing it. because we're seeing it, it's time to acknowledge it and devise a battle plan to redu reduce -- >> all right. >> -- our green house gases. >> and next time we talk we will talk about what a solution would be. thanks gentleman for being with us. coming up disturbing new findings on the impact of football on the human brain. next. think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here think salmon and energy. creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country,
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she said what i said is that this wouldn't be the issue that drives the 2014 election. i told the report he, it is getting boring having them only press this issue with republicans while ignoring democrats. someone should remind bachmann, she has a long history of taging gays in america. >> people who are dealing with a very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life and sexual identity disorders. this is a very real issue. it is not funny. it is sad. any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle, we have a member of our family that is, this is not funny. it is a very sad life. it is part of satan, i think, to say that this is gay. >> the envelope is already being pushed. it is not stopping with same sex couples. the envelope is being pushed on polygamy, group marriage, on incest, bestiality. concepts a lot of us didn't know were out there. >> i am running for the
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presidency of the united states. inl running to be anyone's judge. >> you have judged them. >> i don't judge them. i don't judge them. i am running for presidency of the united states. >> if michelle bachmann thinks she can make americans forget her long and disturbing history on gay americans -- i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it's just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she's breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things.
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plar players will develop cognitive problems and show symptoms at a much younger age than the general population. the kansas city chiefs linebacker was just 25 years old in december of 2012. belcher shot and killed his 22-year-old girlfriend, cassandra perkins. he then drove to arrowhead stadium and turned the gun on himself. now over a year later after his body was exhumed, an autopsy reveals he was likely suffering from traumatic chronic cte. it is a progressive degenerative brain disease found in people with a history of repetitive brain trauma or hits to the head. the disease has been linked to memory loss, confusion, ill paired judgment, paranoia, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and progressive dementia. the nfl is finally taking steps to address the issue of domestic
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violence amongst its players and it is time to ask the question whether there is a link between this disease and violent or abusive behavior toward others. because football players are particularly vulnerable to cte, according to pbs's front line. researchers at the national largest brain bank found evidence of the disease in 76 of 79 former nfl players it examined. joining me tonight, the co-director of the north shore neurological institute. great to have you with us tonight. gosh, that's a very high number of former players that have been examined. 76 of 79. what do you make of that? >> well, it is a high number but you have to remember that is a highly selected group of people. it was all those who thought they had symptoms or thought they were having problems. so that is something we're aware of. it is highly selected. it doesn't reflect necessarily that is a number in the general
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population of former athletes but it is an impressive number, an important number no matter how high it is. >> what about this disease possibly being connected to domestic violence and violence against others? >> well, that's another horrific crime that we heard about. a horrific scene in kansas city. and that report, i haven't seen the actual medical reports. but the report that he had cte changes. again, very, very interesting turn. and does this mean that this is during in more cases? we don't know that. this is only one case. but it is a very important question. and it means that science has to continue to pursue this and try to figure it out. >> do you think there is enough evidence to continue the research to make sure that this, there could possibly be a connection here and this could be the lynchpin to it all? >> i think it is an important clue, programs. i think we have to wait and get
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more evidence. look. we know having your head hit many, many times, programs thousands of times corks result in injury to the frontal lobe. whether that results in the extreme behaviors, we don't know for sure. it is hard for medicine and science to really predict or explain all human behavior. >> and doctor, every human is different. it may be a number of hits on someone's head versus someone else's that might not have the impact or is that an overstatement? >> you're exactly right. it is individualized and perhaps there is a genetic aspect to this as it is with so many thing in our lives and our health. so again, i think that it is perhaps a piece of the puzzle that we're beginning to understand more. >> so is that a defense for someone who possibly could be involved in a domestic violence situation? and how in your opinion should the nfl move forward with this kind of information? i mean, is someone responsible
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for their behavior if they're suffering from cte? >> well, that's a question i don't think that we have answers or i have the answers. but a very good question. and is brain injury enough to explain and excuse or give a legal alibi? i'm not the right person to answer that. but this is one that we have an incomplete knowledge. in terms of the epidemiology of any disease still early days in our understanding of how it all happens, and what the influence is. >> great to have you with us tonight. a fascinating subject and it is something that we're going to cover again. i appreciate your time tonight. thank you so much. i want to say that the nfl has agreed to pay $765 million to players found to have neurological impairments and many are thinking that's a great start. there needs to be a lot more.
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that is the ed show for tonight. "politics nation" starts right now. >> good evening. thank you for tuning in. we start with breaking news. secret service director julia pierson resigning after a series of dangerous blunders by the agency including allowing an armed intruder to get inside the executive mansion. today miss pierson told an interviewer, quote, congress has lost confidence in my ability to run the agency. the media has made it clear that this is what they expected. i can be pretty stoic about it, but not really. it's painful to leave as the agency is reeling from a significant security breach. the interim director will be joseph clancy, who was previously in charge of the presidential protective division
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