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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart  MSNBC  October 2, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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of four of his close family members until the 19th of the months while duncan remains in isolation in critical condition at a dallas hospital. and more ebola concerns in hawaii where a patient is in isolation and being evaluated. back in dallas, a team of ten cdc investigators on the ground, trying to contain the deadly virus. the cdc and hospital officials are under fire for their handling of the case. despite telling a nurse he was in liberia, he was initially sent home with antibiotics before later having to return by ambulance. his nephew, accusing hospital officials are not taking the ebola threat seriously. >> i called cdc again, some action was taken, i was concerned for his life, and he wasn't getting the appropriate care, and i feared other people might, you know, also get effected if he wasn't taken care of. >> he called the cdc! meanwhile, the school day is just beginning now in texas, and
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nervous parents are keeping kids home after learning five students attending class after possibly being exposed to the ebola patient. some parents pulled their kids out early yesterday. >> i just started crying, i was like hysterical. >> i just wanted to get to my kids, so i went and got them. and i felt better when i got them. >> meantime, a grim reminder from nbc's dr. nancy snyderman on the very difficult situation in liberia, ground zero for the ebola epidemic. >> corpses are piling up. a man died in his car awaiting treatment. too little help is coming too late for too many. >> ebola fears spread to the financial markets, with worries about the deadly disease, factoring into yesterday's 238 point plunge in the dow. look at this. on wall street now, you see the numbers.
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dow-jones down almost 20 points. standard and poors, 32, nasdaq four points up. let's go to texas where charles is following the latest developments, joins us from texas health presbyterian hospital. good morning. >> good morning, jose. those numbers came out from the state health department. as many as 100 may have had some contact with this patient during the time he was in texas, in dallas, texas. the health department also advises that number may go down as they begin to interview people to find out exactly what kind of contact they had. the county health department maintains that people that had close contact with the patient remains about 18 people. that includes the emergency room personnel, the paramedics, and the family involved. in fact, the paramedics are still under voluntary quarantine in their homes, and the family has been ordered to stay in their homes for the next 21
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days. four family members got that order from the state department, state health department last night. it was learned that the family had allowed guests to come into the house even after this crisis began. so they ordered people to stay away from the family, and the family to not have visitors, not to leave their house for 21 days. the family has children. five of them involved in five different schools. those schools have sent kids home for 21 days. the rest of the school students are expected to return to class today, even though the crisis is going on. a lot of parents are concerned about it, jose. >> meanwhile, the family of the patient has not shown any symptoms of anything so far as we know, right, charles? >> reporter: there are no other patients involved in this, no one else has come down with any type of symptoms related to ebola. that's the good news. but they want to monitor the 100 people, have themself evaluate themselves the next 21 days,
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just to make sure. they believe they can stop this in its tracks without spreading here in texas. >> charles hadlock, thank you for being with me this morning. appreciate your time. i am joined by dr. anthony fauci, doctor, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> how concerned are you that hospital officials didn't really initially take the right precautions when mr. duncan initially came in for treatment and told them he had been in liberia. >> well, i think it is important not to have a blame game. those things happen, it is unfortunate it was missed, and we should look at it as a lesson learned for the future, because we may be seeing circumstances like this arise again. so it would be a good lesson about what needs to be done, but i wouldn't put too much emphasis on blaming people for that. those are the kind of things that might happen in a busy emergency room. >> i know. and i am not trying to make this a blame game, but also it seems as though if you're feeling
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really bad and you've come from a country where according to reports you saw family members of his die, and you go to the hospital, you say i was in a place where that happened, just a situation you think it would be obvious to go let me check you a bit. >> exactly, you're correct. it should have been handled differently. there's no doubt about that. i mean, i don't think anybody who is familiar with the situation would say that. the important thing is that the cdc for some time now has been emphasizing the kind of approach one should have when people come into a facility, a health facility, an emergency room with symptoms that are compatible with ebola, that you should do a travel history and link that travel history where appropriate to what your subsequent action is. the cdc has been trying to get that message out. hopefully with the attention put on this particular case, the word will really be out about how you should handle this. hopefully in the future this
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won't happen again. >> this is not a situation we're trying to scare people for the fact of being squared, but it is the first one. it hasn't spread so far. what should we know about this specific focus in texas, and what about people who are in west africa now and may be coming? paint the picture for me as far as a national level of concern for us. >> well, first of all, the way you prevent an outbreak, and this is very clear from experience since 1976 with multiple outbreaks in africa of ebola is that you do contact tracing, you identify the people who have come into contact. you observe them for a period of at least 21 days. if they don't have symptoms, they're home free. if they do, you isolate them and you test and see if they have ebola. that's what's going on now, and that's the reason why health
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officials are fairly confident that we won't have an outbreak. it is conceivable that one or more of the contacts that are now being observed over this 21 day period might actually come down with ebola, but from the standpoint of concern about a significant outbreak, the contact tracing and isolation that could occur from that would prevent that kind of outbreak. with regard to the situation in africa, it still is a very dire situation. there's an outbreak there that many respects is out of control and we need to put many more resources in there to be able to handle it from the standpoint of taking care of people, but also doing the infection control that's necessary to stop this. and this is going to require a multinational effort, not just the united states of america. as the president said last week to the u.n., we can't do it alone. it has to be a multinational, multi organization effort.
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>> doctor, i want to take you to, because two doctors that worked with patients in africa, they both early on knew what was happening to them and got immediate help. is the fact that this gentleman is not a doctor, sent him home with antibiotics, is the time that passed before they got to him, knowing what he had, going to make a difference in his recovery? >> well, it could. he came in, again, i'm not taking care of the patient, not on a day-by-day basis, but you would imagine if someone is ill and then does not get into the hospital for another couple of days, you've lost some time. it could have an impact on his long range course, whether or not he makes it or not, but right now he is under excellent care at the hospital, so let's hope that he does recover because he is certainly getting the best of care right now. >> doctor anthony fauci, always
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a pleasure to see you. >> you're welcome. >> we may have some good ebola news after concerns in hawaii overnight about a possible ebola case there. cdc says the person's symptoms do not fit the ebola profile that the cdc is not going to test, the state may test. let's go to the white house. kristin welker is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jose. thanks for having me. >> let's start with the ebola case. we know the president is on the road today. how closely is he in contact with the cdc and health officials in texas and how concerned is the white house? >> reporter: senior administration officials say he is in close contact with the cdc, getting briefed regularly about the situation. there is concern here, but at the same time they're trying to urge caution, the president saying he has full confidence in the medical infrastructure of the united states, and also that of texas.
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cdc officials have been sent to texas to help make sure that response is seamless, to make sure federal, state, local officials are working to provide those who are dealing with the situation there with all of the resources that they might need to do so. senior administration officials stress this is a difficult disease to catch. at the same time, they have stepped up screening at the border, making sure anyone that might be showing any symptoms of ebola is evaluated and not just allowed to cross into the u.s., so there is concern here, jose. but they're trying to make sure that everyone remains calm, and making the point that the u.s. sent 3,000 u.s. forces to liberia to help with the response there. so there's a two pronged response going on here at the white house, jose. >> kristin, take you to another story you're covering closely from the moment julia pierson walked into the hearing room, you asked her if she mislead the public. since we got off the air, a resignation and court appearance
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by the intruder at the white house. where does the fallout stand today? >> reporter: major fallout. julia pierson resigned. ultimately the pressure was too much, jose. lawmakers, rank and file secret service agents and ultimately the president himself had just lost faith in her. i am told that the tipping point was that revelation that during a recent trip to atlanta, president obama rode on an elevator with an armed contractor with a criminal history. that's something the president didn't learn about until after the hearing. you recall, he was briefed by julia pierson last week. she never mentioned the incident in that briefing, didn't mention it in over three hours of testimony on capitol hill, so that was a real breaking point for the president and for lawmakers. so the white house has named joseph clancy to be interim director of the secret service. he is someone who has 30 years with the agency. so he's a veteran.
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he has an intimate knowledge of how white house security works, going back to president bill clinton. speaking to friends and former colleagues that say he has an in depth understanding of how the security situation at the white house works, so they think he is the right person to come in and to fix it. he also has a close relationship with president obama. he headed his security detail for almost three years. so he is pictured often standing right next to president obama. this is someone who the first family really trusts. he also just spent three years working at comcast, heading security there. we should say comcast is a parent company of msnbc, from an outsider's perspective, it is clear he wants a fresh set of eyes to address what is a crisis within the secret service, jose. >> i was amazed, you told me that the former director of secret service met with the president and didn't tell him that he had been in an elevator with a guy packing heat that had a criminal record?
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just forgot? >> reporter: just didn't mention it. i think that was, based on the briefing yesterday at the white house, josh earnest saying that played into the president's calculation that she needed to go, but i think a lot of people were stunned by that. remember, jose, not only in that briefing but in over three hours of testimony on capitol hill she didn't bring up that recent security breach. i think it was a breaking point for a lot of people on both sides of pennsylvania avenue. >> kristin welker, appreciate your time. >> reporter: thanks. we are going to take a break. we have more on the developments around ebola. expecting news conferences throughout the day from different agencies involved. the ebola response and secret service fallout, two critical issues facing congress. there's isis, immigration, mid terms. talk about that. later in the show, a half world away, the scene in hong kong.
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thousands and thousands of protesters peacefully demanding democracy. there's a deadline looming. the chinese government doesn't like deadlines, they don't react well to them. we will talk about that when we come back. then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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service. security. savings. synchrony bank engage with us. trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46.
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we are in the nation's capital this morning. look at the capitol dome. there's no shortage of crises for lawmakers to deal with, despite officially still being on recess, just two issues, the first ebola patient diagnosed in the united states remaining in isolation this morning in a dallas hospital, questions about whether proper precautions were taken at several levels. and the abrupt resignation of the secret service director julia pierson as fallout over the white house intruder claims a high ranking presidential appointment. congressman joins me here in
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washington. what a pleasure to see you. >> jose, pleasure to be with you. >> talk about the secret service thing. pierson resigns. seems to me like nobody is in charge in the secret service, and there's a culture that really is not very good about informing people when agents see problems. >> you can't have lapses, certainly not in the white house, not with the president and his family. so i think miss pierson did the right thing. she made it possible for us to move forward. clearly there's a need to clean the system up, and we have to take care of it. you cannot have accidents and you can't have luck be the reason the president and his family are safe. >> i am amazed the president would be allowed in an elevator with someone, whoever it may be, that they don't know about, and he happens to be armed, and just happens to have a past record. >> well, i know from over 20 years of experience that any time i have someone visit the white house, not see the president, visit the white house, they have to give all their data.
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it is amazing to believe someone who has a criminal record could have been in the same elevator. >> i am amazed that the president wouldn't be told about this, you know. let's talk about ebola. now there's a case in texas. how concerned are you, how are we as a country handling this? >> i hope we would treat this, handle this, the way we say we treat and handle threat of terrorism. there's a better chance we will see americans dying of ebola than at the hands of isil. if we spend a half billion dollars to make sure isil isn't a threat immediately, we should be ready to put resources to make sure ebola is not a threat here. >> what are you going to do, shut down planes from west africa, this patient went through europe, went to amsterdam, dulles. >> you can do screening. you can do as much as you can to try to prevent it.
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you can alert people to what they should start to look for. we can try to be as preventive as possible. but you're right, this disease is hidden. >> and there's a political situation around ebola. saying the cdc is underestimating the impact of ebola and abroad, saying i think because of political correctness, we're not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions. it's a big mistake to underestimate the problem being worldwide. >> we don't need to inject politics into this. we all want to be safe. don't want to die of ebola, don't want our kids to contract it. if you are going to run for president, talk about things that are political. don't get into this about ebola, gosh. >> it is amazing. politics is in everything. get it out of ebola. i want to talk immigration. you have been dealing with immigration for decades really, and you know congress put its act together, trying to find the
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words. >> say it like it is. >> didn't want to do it, i don't know what the response is, the president promised he would have some executive order before the end of summer, he changed that. now it is i guess end of the year. how do you see things? >> i think the president will speak tonight. congratulations to you, you will be honored for the work you have done in news and media for the years you have been out there. thank you for that. tonight when the president speaks, i believe he is going to make it clear that he is going to act, because what he's saying is that we can't let a broken system disrupt our economy, disrupt the lives of so many americans. while congress is unwilling to act, many of us in congress are ready, but house republicans refused to allow a vote on immigration reform. senate already finished, it is just the house, but the president said i'm not going to wait, i'm going to try to make this work as best as possible. do what i can at the border, do what i can to go after
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criminals, do what i can to make sure no terrorists threaten through the boardeborder, not g after folks that are -- >> why wait, say i am going to do something end of the summer, then say wait until after the elections. >> i think it was more difficult to get it done the right way. remember what happened with kids at the border during the summer. all of a sudden people were saying wait a minute, is this what you meant by immigration reform and executive action? he would say these are two different things. >> before the end of the year? >> i think he will do something before end of the year. while his powers are limited, i think he will do whatever he can to make the laws work as best as possible. >> congressman, always a pleasure to see you. >> congratulations. >> thanks. i will see you tonight. coming up, some of the other top stories. many of you know who this is, not a good guy. he is responsible for countless murders both sides of the u.s.,
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mexico border. first, andrew mitchell has an interview with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, coming up on andrea mitchell reports. here is a peek at that conversation. >> what if president obama agrees to a deal with iran you say is unacceptable, what does israel do? >> well, all i'll say is that israel has the right to defend itself. my name is daniel. i have diabetic nerve pain. the pain felt like my feet were on fire. i had these very burning, needle-like sensations. i knew i needed to see a doctor. my doctor said, "let's try lyrica." lyrica has helped relieve my pain. it's known that diabetes damages nerves lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression,
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weather alert. the top stories. more than 3,000 people registered to vote in ferguson, missouri since the shooting death of michael brown in august. the increase sending a signal the city is ready for changes. the population two-thirds black, with five of six city council
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members white as is the mayor. the st. louis prosecutor's office is investigating an accusation of misconduct on the grand jury hearing that's taking a look into the brown shooting case. a twitter user accused one of the jurors of discussing that case with a friend. one of mexico's most wanted drug lords busted. they busted hector leyva at a seafood restaurant three hours outside mexico city. police say he had been living a low key life-style, posing as a businessman dealing in art and real estate. officials say the gang he led responsible for countless murders. he faces charges of trafficking cocaine from mexico to south america, the united states, and europe. and a weather alert, several midwest states at risk today for severe storms. look at this area, chicago to dallas, could see hail, wind damage, even a few tornadoes. out west, another heat wave is getting under way in southern california, and with that comes
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a fire threat as well. los angeles expected to top out at 101 degrees saturday, but take a look at this. in colorado, cold enough for snow making crews to pump out some white stuff at copper mountain. ski season just around the corner. coming up, more on the ebola developments, including a scare about schools from parents and potential impact on air travel. i talk to montell williams that made an emotional plea to help a former marine jailed in mexico. first, who is 17-year-old joshua wong, why is his name at the forefront of a fight for democracy? we will answer that question, go live to hong kong in just seconds. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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looks like we're about to board. mm-hmm. i'm just comparing car insurance rates at is that where they show the other guys' rates, too? mm-hmm. cool. yeah. hi. final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] who's ready for the garlic festival? this guy! bringing our competitors' rates to you -- now, that's progressive. updating you on a developing ebola story. a short time ago, texas health officials said 100 people may have had contact or been exposed
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to thomas duncan, the first person in the u.s. to be diagnosed with ebola. we just got this word from the cdc on a potential ebola case in hawaii. the cdc now says the patient does not, does not fit the profile for ebola and will not be tested for ebola. the first case of ebola in the u.s., officials warn international travelers to take precautions. tom costello joins us from washington. pleasure to see you. >> nice to see you. here's the thing about this. they're warning people to take precautions but there are no restrictions in place. this starts with the flight. the flight started in liberia, went to brussels, a major transit point for flights into and out of africa. from there, from brussels to washington, d.c., through dulles airport, and ultimately went on to texas. that's a long period of travel and delay and layover in washington dulles in which people might have been exposed, although we hasten to add nobody at any time exhibited any
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outward signs of infection of ebola. what is happening now on the ground in west africa is that these individual countries are trying to scan people and screen them at the airports before departure. >> for the fever. >> exactly. is there any sign that anybody is exhibiting symptoms. if there is, they would deny them entry. now in the united states, customs and border patrol are putting up these posters, that say if you are coming from a west african country or a country where ebola is a problem, you need to be looking for these particular types of symptoms. and then you should contact your doctor if there are any problems whatsoever. lastly, they're handing out this flyer that i have here. they hand this out to everybody that comes from a potentially exposed country. they're saying if you have symptoms and they list the symptoms, then you should -- by the way, be watching for them for 21 days. if you have the symptoms, you need to see a health professional immediately. at the bottom, instructions for the health professional.
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>> which in texas, they hadn't read this yet. let me ask you about this. what are the airlines' responsibility and legal authority to deal with something like a passenger they feel maybe is some risk. >> that's right. the department of transportation gives the airlines full authority, in fact, requires them by law to report in advance to the health authorities of the united states, the cdc, and maybe local health authorities, if somebody is on that plane who looks sick and is a potential threat to anybody else on the plane, they need to advise in advance before landing, we have somebody on board, you need health care professionals standing by. more importantly, those airlines have the authority to deny boarding to anybody who might simply be exhibiting those symptoms. >> in this case, no symptoms were exhibited. >> exactly. last point i need to make. this is not going to be stopped necessarily at the customs and border patrol level in the united states. this has to be stopped at the point of origin, whether in
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africa or europe at a transit point. those countries as well, roam, italy, netherlands, they're worried about potentially infected people coming into their countries. >> tom costello, thanks. interesting stuff. i want to bring in a doctor, physician and assistant professor at nyu school of medicine. pleasure to see you, debbie. >> nice to see you. >> 100 people may have had some form of contact with ebola patient thomas duncan. how concerned should we all be about this spreading? >> well, that is a concern with the 100 people. difficult to tell whether that's a good or bad thing. the good thing, at least they managed to find this many people, been able to track them down. the concerning part is those people, how many did they come in contact with, are they having any symptoms. it is a little difficult to interpret that. just on what tom costello was talking about, i do think that we need more community support. we have to look at it as a community.
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this has been the biggest problem facing west africa, i mean, a lot of people are actually fighting some of the health care workers and fighting the government. i think in terms of flight attendants, pilots, besides posters and handouts, they can make announcements, telling them about the threat of ebola, how if people have symptoms, not just call the doctor, talk to your health care provider, but let everyone along the way know and try to quarantine yourself. because even for this patient in dallas now, he had contact with, you know, the people in the ambulance, the kids that were living in the house. there are a lot of things that could have been done before he appeared in the er. >> it is important to remind people exactly how we can and cannot be infect by ebola. how do you get it? >> it is spread through bodily fluids, which means it is more difficult to catch than most things. the flu is airborne, for example. this is more difficult to catch. the thing is in west africa, for example, one of the reasons it has been able to spread so
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easily is because the irrigation system is not the same as what we have, the sewage management system for taking out the trash and things that might be contaminated with body fluids is not the same. even in hospitals and quarantine centers, those things effect how the virus can be destroyed, whereas here in hospitals and other things, we have a much more efficient way of managing those things. >> and parents with kids in the same school as the kids that apparently had contact with this patient, what do we do? what do you do with the kids, they have to keep going to school. >> the thing is you can only get symptoms or only catch it from somebody already displaying symptoms. so the fact is these kids had no symptoms when coming to school, the other kids around them would be safe. now of course, the kids are quarantined. but i feel that if parents feel strongly, if they're concerned and actually there in the dallas area, they were actually in contact with these kids, i can't tell those parents no. i wouldn't recommend they keep their kids out of school, but i
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can't blame them for feeling like they want to take the kids out early, but i don't think it makes sense for people here in new york, for example, to keep their kids out of school. >> that's a very good observation. thank you so much for being with us. good to see you again. >> thank you. the tense standoff in hong kong escalating now. we are an hour and a half away from a deadline set by pro-democracy protesters, and the chinese government, they don't like deadlines, they're warning of chaos. protesters are demanding the hong kong top leader resign by midnight local time or they say they will charge and occupy government buildings. let's go live to hong kong. cnbc, susan lee. how are authorities responding to the deadline set by protesters, and there's tens of thousands of them behind you? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. smaller numbers than what we have seen in the last 24 hours, still out in force. it is kind of a change of course
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for the government. in the last 15, 20 minutes or so, they have called a press conference before midnight, which is a deadline set by the student protesters for the chief executive to resign, otherwise they will occupy government buildings or surround his residence, places i should remind you where we have seen heightened police attention for the last few days. now we have a press conference to attend, which breaks away from the largely silence we have been get frg the hong kong authorities when it comes to the deadlines, they have come and gone, largely ignored by the leadership. it is interesting we are looking at a change in tact. >> susan, thank you for being with us in hong kong this morning. let me bring in assistant professor from yale university, jessica chen wise. author of "powerful patriots." thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me.
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>> how do you see the situation playing out in the next hour with this deadline approaching? >> we are entering a very tense time, as you noted. beijing doesn't like deadlines. i think the tragic end of the 1989 demonstrations at tee enman square and with the protesters in hong kong. >> you wrote a piece this week titled what the protest means for future of rong tongue. >> i worry that the state of demands leave little room for a face saving compromise, should beijing be willing to take one. i think one of the concerns is that although there's been inspirational set of images coming out of hong kong, the rhetoric in beijing indicates it will be hard to back down from the tough position they have taken so far, blaming foreign scapegoats for aiding and
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abetting demonstrators in hong kong, rather than acknowledging their grass roots origins. >> that would be a new tact. let me ask you how this ends. >> i am hoping the end of this movement will not repeat what happened at tiananmen square in 1989. the protesters have been fond of singing this song from the musical, "les mis." do you hear the people sing. i am concerned after that song followed the tragic one of empty chairs and empty tables. >> thank you so very much. let's hope things end up somehow for the best. >> i agree. >> thanks so much. coming up, montell williams joins me to talk about his emotional testimony about a fellow marine imprisoned in mexico. he will tell me why this case is so important to him in seconds. ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions.
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there's so much going on in washington, d.c. but the biggest names in politics are actually on the campaign trail today. the president is on home turf in illinois to give the incumbent governor pat quinn's campaign a boost. meanwhile hillary clinton goes to florida to give crist a boost. and mitt romney, heading to michigan. and joining us, msnbc contributor and blue nation review, jamie williams and former white house political director for george bush, sarah fagan. sarah, i want to start with you. mitt romney, stomping for mitch? >> that's helpful. first of all in michigan, the romney name is still gold.
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second of all, mitt romney is still extremely popular among republican donor class. when he's out around the country raising money for the candidates, it is very helpful, and it is helpful to mitt romney. let's be clear here. there's a lot of buzz around whether he is or is not running for the president. i don't think he is going to run ultimately, but like all people in politics, he probably likes the attention. >> you would love for him to run, do you think he will run? >> i think cars on would be great, michele bachmann gave an interview where she wants to stay on the national stage. i welcome any and all of the above. i think they're all fabulous. >> we agree for different reasons. i think they should all run, that means it is more likely somebody will emerge that can beat hillary clinton, the likely democratic candidate. >> talk about hillary. clearly she's got a lot of momentum on her side. doesn't seem to be a lot of
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energy spent on who may run against her, if she decides to run. how powerful, for example, is she in florida? >> she's there today doing a book signing in coral gables for charlie crist. that's wonderful and fine and a tight race. listen, florida is an important state. hillary clinton going to iowa, hillary clinton going to florida, hillary clinton going to new hampshire, just to name three states that matter in a presidential race. her going to, i don't know, say north dakota probably would not be a good use of her time. don't expect her to do so. but i think her name is great. i think her star power is great. and i think every poll, never seen a single poll to date that a single republican beats her. i welcome her going anywhere and everywhere she wants to be, including bill clinton. >> you feel certain she's going to run? >> i don't know why she would be doing this if she wasn't going
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to run. >> let's talk about the republicans. if hillary clinton runs, who would be the best person for your party to run against. >> probably the best person to run would be jeb bush or chris christie against her, if you look at polling head to head, they're competitive with her today. also it is going to take at least a billion and a half dollars to wage a presidential campaign against her, and while we have many, many great candidates and it is going to be a big, diverse field, good for the republican party, those two are most likely able to raise the kind of money necessary to defeat her. >> your final thoughts? >> jeb bush would be the most formidable opponents. chris christie has opponents with the investigations going on. >> there's no evidence to suggest he is linked to that. >> didn't say he was, just investigations going on at home and at the federal level, not a great way to run around the country campaigning for others
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in tight raises or in your own race. chris christie is out of it,exo. >> do you think jeb bush will run? >> yes. >> he might. >> nice to see you both. still ahead, montell williams joins me fresh off an appearance on capitol hill in effort to free a marine jailed in mexico. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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two big developments in a story we have been following. an american marine veteran detained in mexico for the past six months, the mother of andrew tahmooressi testified at a house subcommittee hearing yesterday, saying her son tried to kill himself after threats of rape, torture and execution in custody. meanwhile, white house press secretary josh earnest says the state department is focused on the case. some critics say it doesn't go far enough. sergeant tahmooressi has been in a mexican prison since the 31st
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of march after crossing the border with guns in his truck, legal guns registered in the united states. joining me now, montell williams. >> good to see you. >> 22 veteran of the marine corps. you became emotional at the hearing. what did you tell the house members? >> i think it is important that house members understand that we have an ill marine who is being held in custody in an ally's prison, and because of a mistake, and it is now clearly demonstrated through the entire court system and mexican court process that this has been a mistake. so for us to sit back now and not be willing to do anything it takes to get this young man home, who is in such dire need of not just treatment for his combat ptsd but now he is going to need treatment for prison ptsd. >> montell, whether he made a mistake or not, he did violate a foreign country's local laws, right?
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>> without a doubt, jose, and here's the truth. we respect the laws of mexico. just like when mexican people illegally enter the united states of america, if you get here, get arrested and go to prison, if they notice you have diabetes or any illness, we treat your illness, the mexican government which is an ally of ours is incapable of treating combat ptsd. they already stated that. why if they can't do so, allow him to come home to be treated. >> montell, do you know why someone with ptsd who clearly is suffering from some issues had weapons in his car, legal registry weapons, why is someone with ptsd driving around with weapons in his car? >> you think about that, i'm sorry to say this, jose, we have about 2 million retired soldiers who live in our society, probably driving around, that may be exaggeration of the number who may have weapons that they have possession of legally, and because we're not even treating it.
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remember, sergeant tahmooressi was diagnosed by the united states government with ptsd about four days before he was arrested. he saw a doctor that day. he has been rediagnosed having ptsd by the mexican government. it is reconfirmed he probably has traumatic brain injury. like so many other soldiers that have come back, this is the failure of our va system. let's look at it. failure, failure, failure, for those who put their lives on the line for us, and enough is enough. >> montell, you and i have spoken about this. you said the president was doing something to deal with this. what do you think we need to do in the future? >> i thought he was. but we don't know. part of the hearing yesterday, i found it extremely disturbing. here is jill tahmooressi. and jill tahmooressi has had a son in prison for six months who is ill. no one from the white house has reached out to her to say we're going to do something. the state department hasn't even called her directly to say we're going to do something. yet remember, and i'm not going to get into the argument about
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this, political argument about this. remember, when bergdahl was let out, the president said he did so because he was in imminent risk of danger. the president should do the same, not trade anybody, make the call to the president of mexico. >> montell williams, pleasure to see you. thanks for your time. >> pleasure to see you. that wraps up our hour. thank you for the privilege of your time. "news nation" is next. see you tomorrow from washington. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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alright, we got one shot. let's go twins-right 24 stretch. hit him with a hard count,ne... all diamonds on 3, break! see if they'll tip their hand. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to power their game day communication. they're blitzing up the gut! get out of the pocket! hut! duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition. good morning, everyone. i am richard lui in for tap ran hall. new fears about the way the new case of ebola has been handled. we are learning that health officials are working from a list of 100 people who may have had contact with ebola patient thomas eric duncan or with
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family members who have been with him. duncan traveling to dallas from liberia, was turned away from dallas hospital when he sought treatment friday. he was finally admitted to the hospital sunday, and in fact, his nephew telling nbc he had to call the centers for disease control for help. >> i called cdc to get some action taken, i was concerned for his life, and he wasn't getting the appropriate care. and i feared other people might also get infected if he wasn't taken care of. >> dallas school official sending letters telling them five students are being monitored because they may have had contact with duncan, prompting other parents to pull their kids out of school today. joining me now, charles hadlock in dallas. charles, what more do we know about duncan's nephew's call to the cdc. >> reporter: hi, richard, good morning. excuse the noise here thi


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