tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 3, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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u.s. for treatment dr. nancy schneiderman has been kwarn teemed. "the rachle maddow show" starts right now. >> we're going to be speaking with the doctor in just a moment. that is news that involves this network. late tonight, within this last hour, nbc news reported both of staff here and now publicly to everyone, nbc news has reported that an more than camera man who has been working as a freelancer for nbc news in liberia, he has just tested positive for ebola. he had been working on the ground with nbc news chief medical correspondent dr. nancy schneiderman. she is going to be joining us live from monrovia in just a moment. the camera man was just hired on tuesday.
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he had been working on the ground in liberia for three years prior to that. again, he is an american. he's reported to have come down with symptoms of ebola yesterday on wednesday, at which point nbc news says he immediately quarantined himself and sought medical attention. earlier this morning, he was given a blood test to test for the presence of the ebola virus. within less than 12 hours, that blood test came back positive. nbc news is not disclosing the name of this freelance photojournalist at the request of his family. we know that he's 33 years old. he's an american. he had been working on the ground in liberia for several years and was recently covering the ebola outbreak. but his diagnosis today makes him the fourth american known to have contracted ebola who will be flown to the u.s. for treatment. now, all of the others that we know of contracted it, also, while in liberia. and like the three previous cases involving americans, two
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doctors and and aide worker, this camera man will be brought back to the united states for treatment. as i mentioned, this freelance as i mentioned, this freelance camera man had been working on the ground in liberia with our own dr. nancy schneiderman. it's further reported tonight that dr. nancy and the rest of her nbc crew in liberia is also going to be flown back to the united states and they are also going to be placed under quarantine here, in the united states, for at least 21 days. it's described as the conservative end of the spectrum. we're told this is being done out of an abundance of kwaugs. so far, none of the nbc staff aside of this young camera man have shown any of the symptoms. but, again, the breaking news at this hour is that a 33-year-old
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american freelance camera man working on the ground for nbc news in liberia has been tested positive for ebola. her crew there includes this young camera man. thank you so much for being there tonight. i'm sure this is a very, very difficult time. >> hi, rachel. it's been a bumpy day, to say the least. but you got things right. this is a very experienced photojournalist who we hired to augment our team on the field in monrovia. yesterday, we were at a border crossing traveling from one area to another. his temperature was normal. my temperature was normal.
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as the day went on, he started to feel just tired, a little achy. and, as you know, a lot of times in the field, you work long days and don't take very good care of yourself. we thought he needed some rest. he signed off early, went home and called me with an elevator temperature. at that point, he quarantined himself and checked in with me. this morning, he went to the clinic and tested positive for ebola and he is being kept in the clinic there right now. the rest of my team, very healthy, we have been extraordinary vigilant. but we are obviously very respectful of this virus that has killed so many west africans at this point.
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>> the terms of exposure, we're told that the time of exposure to when you start to show symptoms, when you start to show a fever, can be anywhere from two to 21 days. nay're saying the typical reaction is 8-10 days. do you have any inclination of where this exposure might have been. >> we started working with him three days ago. i believe his exposure was sometime, you know, previous to that. we also observe the custom now, which is to not shake hands, not embrace people. to wash hands with bleach water before we enter the hotel. we dip our feet in bleach solution. i was in an ebola ward the other day and in a typical has mat suit and after that, was
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meticulously disrobed by nurses on the ground. we have really worked hard to minimize our risk. i mean, obviously, zero risk means never coming to liberia. minimal risk means crossing over into this country. but you are right. it is 8-10 days from the time you're exposed to the time you show your first symptom, which is usually fever followed by vomiting, achiness and sometimes diarrhea. the deaths occur because diarrhea and vomiting is so severe. the good news is this young man, our colleague, was admitted to the clinic very, very early. i spoke with him today. he's in good spirits.
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he's ready to get home. of course, appropriately concerned. but he will be air lifted out soon. and it's an abundance of caution, we are self quarantining ourselves, even going beyond the cdc guidelines. we recognize that there is a big story back home. and, frankly, we want to be respectful to our colleagues and to the american public. >> dr. nancy, i just have to ask you in terms of that self quarantine and these plans to bring that young man back to the united states for treatment to bring your crew out, what are you expecting in terms of your ability to continue to work and what does this mean in terms of your day-to-day life and who you're able to have contact with and what that's going to be like now. >> well, because we know that this is not a casually transmitted disease. and because none of the rest of my team has a fever, we have no other symptoms. we really present zero to
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marginal risk. i don't want to say zero because it's minimal. really, you cannot catch ebola from someone if that person isn't experiencing symptoms. and symptoms really include looking sick, feeling achy, and being exposed to bodily fluids, vomit, diarrhea, blood, urine, or sweat. we have mitigated those chances by being very careful. so our returning to the united states really prevents very, very very little chance of giving it to anyone. and would only be a risk if one of us ends up getting sick. so we will be taking our tempature twice a day, checking in with each other and if any one of us suddenly spikes a fever or gets symptoms, we will report ourselves to the authorities. we are taking it seriously. but i want people to know that
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we are well. >> dr. nancy schneiderman, nbc's chief medical correspondent. take care. and please give our best wishes. we'll look forward to seeing you back safe and sound. >> dr. nancy joining us live tonight. again, the breaking news tonight, a young man, an american, 33 years old, who's working as a freelance camera man for nbc news in liberia. has been diagnosed positively with having the ebola veal rus. virus. that makes him the fourth american citizen known to have contracted the ebola virus. all three of those americans did contract the virus in liberia, were flown home and successfully treated and survived the disease here. this young man will be flown back to the united states by nbc news.
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♪ okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. available on any device. much more ahead tonight on the breaking news of ebola. he's on his way back to this country for treatment. also, of course, the first-known ebola diagnosis in this country. that happened in texas. that's straight ahead. stay with us.
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liberia and sierra leonne, guinea, they're all relatively small countries, they're all contiguous, they're all in one part of coastal, west africa. but also, the fourth one that gets mentioned, nigeria. first of all, nigeria is huge. it's 180 million people, more people in nigeria than any other african country. their capital city is one of the biggest cities on earth. 21 million people in the capital city. nigeria is big. it's cosmopolitan, it's fairly well off compared to other countries in the region. but most importantly, it does not touch those other countries. so sierra leonne and guinea and liberia, god bless'm, but part of the problem is that it has been crossing borders there.
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easily among those three contiguous countries. they've just had a held of a time trying to beat back this epidemic. nigeria is not like any of those kouj tris. and it does not touch any of those countries. so how did nigeria get ebola? nigeria got ebola from an american guy. they got it basically the same way that dallas texas got ebola. one guy flew in from liberia who happened to have the disease. that's what happened in nigeria. that's what happened in dallas, texas. so dallas, this week, a city of 7 million people, the city of dallas, basically the country, is in hysteria. they're contacting anybody who might have been in contact to make sure that he doesn't infect anybody else. they did the same thing in july in the huge 2 million strong in
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the capital city of nigeria. again, just like dallas, just like the yats, they had no ebola epidemic in that country. it was just the one guy who flew in. but there he was. sick. in a city with 21 million people and they needed to make sure it did not spread. and in nigeria, they won. they were successful. they had a small outbreak, but they contained it. there's no epidemic there like there is on those other countries on the list. that's because nigeria had a really excellent response. they traced everybody that this passenger had contact with. and everybody who had contact with those people. an emergency epidemic command center that had been financed in part by the bill and melinda gates foundation that opened up in 2012 to fight folio, they decided to repurpose that center and decided to make it an ebola command krener. they did 19,0 0 face-to-face visits with people. they took every school kids'
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temperature to make sure they could find and isolate any kids who had a fever, which is almost always the first symptom. and they did it. they nailed it. they realized they had a problem. they identified it. they isolated it. they sprang into action. and since august 31st, there has not been a single, confirmed case in nigeria. for all intents and purpose, it is over. is texas capable of doing the same thing? when texas governor rick perry held his press conference yesterday to talk about the nation's first ebola patient being diagnosed, he opened up his comments with what amounted to good news, bad news and worse news. the good news is that the centers for disease control has developed a training protocol for state health department departments for how to prepare fsh and deal with potential ebola cases.
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the good news is that 13 states have completed that gold standard training process with the cdc. so they've got state-of-the-art preparation and training on dealing with the threat of ebola. 13 states. that's the good news bad news, obviously, is that means 37 states have not gone through that training, even though it exists. the worst news, though, is that texas is one of the states that has gone through the training. and texas appears to have blown this in multiple ways. texas's missteps are unsettling. the first and, at this point, the only person diagnosed with that disease here, arrived from liberia last saturday, september 20th. his family members say he reported to feel ill a week ago yesterday. the hospital in dallas says actually, the man came in a day earlier than had previously been reported. he started to feel ill on wednesday.
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he went to the hospital a week ago tonight. he went thursday, 25th. the hopt, reportedly, had just gone through a drill about how to handle the presentation of a possible ebola case. even though that individual hocht had training on how to deal with this, when that individual turned up presenting classic early symptoms of ebola, the hospital, for whatever reason, did not recognize him as a possible ebola case and they sent him home with antibuy otices. whereupon friday saturday and sunday he got sicker and sicker and sicker in the apartment co. plex. he got so ill that by the time he and his family needed to go back to the hospital that had previously sent him home, by that time, he had to travel by ambulance.
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and that leaves the secondary area of concern. who did he potentially expose? might have have contaminated that apartment that posed a risk to others. even after he had gone to the hospital on sunday. that man started to feel symptoms more than a week ago, last wednesday. as of today, the soiled sheets and dirty towels and soiled bedding that he used in that apartment getting sicker and sicker and sicker are still there in that apartment. and the apartment is not empty. the family members he was staying with ordered them to stay there. nobody had removed that potentially infectious material
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from that apartment. even as they were ordering family members to stay in that apartment. there's no reason to be hiss material cat able broad or casual risk. but if somebody who is very sick with the disease has had their body parts on towels and bedding, then those materials need to be handled with extreme care. ebola is a virus chlts like any good vie russ, it replicates itself. after a person first gets the vie russ into their body, it takes between 2 and 21 days, typically 8, 9 or 10 days for
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the virus to replicate enough inside that person's body that it produces symptoms. it's only when a person has symptoms that they are at risk. it means that you can't just widely blood test everybody who might have had contact with the person. if you don't have enough virus in your blood to give you symptoms, you don't have enough virus in your blood for it to show up on a blood test, either. the virus has not den enough work to make you sick or be detectable. so the key thing to watch for is the development of that fever or the development of those other symptoms of ebola. achiness, vomiting, fatigue, bleeding, diarrhea. the problem with that list of symptoms, it's pretty common.
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hey, happy october 2nd. it's getting to be flu season. so you can't strike that jazz to stop an out break with any fix. there's no vaccine at this point. there's only experimental treats. you can do any mass blood test to figure out who is everybody that is the relevant population, right? there's no technological fix. you need old fashioned, low tech, shoe leter public service style detective work. you need to have a face-to-face talk with you in which they report any symptoms that they've goen. they submit to monotoring. it's low tech, but it's also intrusive. if it's going to work, people are going to have to trust their
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government. people are going to have to trust in health officials and their government. they have to believe it not a conspiracy. they have too believe that the government is telting them the truth. they have to believe that this is actually designed just to help people and to control the spread of disease. this is not a high-tech problem. but it is a difficult problem. how is texas doing on that? are we good enough at this? has texas done anything as a state to prepare them as well as they need to do it. there's news tonight that the center for disease control has flown in basically an epidemic a-team to take point on this.
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it's five service officers who are the cdc's disease detectives. it's five of them to do the investigative work to find out who's been exposed. also, they've flown in three senior scientists. they're sending in a specialist communication officer, a specialist public health department advisor. this ten-person, cdc team that's flying in to bolster the capacity of texas state officials. and that sounds good. >> that said, on the ground in dallas, school attendance was down today. when local and state officials gave their afternoon briefing on the subject, honestly, there were way more questions shouted out and ignored. when the briefing had ended, not to their liking, the local press
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erupted. >> so we know that there are other people that have come in close contact with his bodily fluids. so we've been told to expected a potential other patient. when that happens, our local medical authorities will be notified. where will that patient be taken? wouldn't you want to keep them all in one place? >> no, again, that's diagnosed -- that would have to be evaluated. >> why would you wait until the last minute to evaluate it. >> what can you tell us asht the cleaning company that's coming today? what is their background? what are they focused on? how many people you had to go through before they agreed to do this. >> as information becomes available, we will continue to bring it to you. and i thank you all for your attention. >> seriously, is this transparency? if you get us all here and then
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walk away after a half dozen questions? >> after half an hour -- >> even half an hour isn't enough? >> cheri, i've got meeting after meeting after meeting. >> i have a job, too. and you guys are not being forth coming. >> thank you. >> that was the end of a local texas briefing. you can hear the frustration from the local press. the response from this not only has to be done right, it can only be done right if people trust that health department authorities know what they're doing and that that they're doing the right thing. are we hand lting this right so far or not? joining us now is dr. anthony foucci. he's had an esteemed career. dr. foucci, it's an honor to have you here. in my description of what's going on in texas and, in
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particular, talking about the virus and blood it'ses and things like that, did i get anything wrong? did i say anything that we should correct here? >> i think we're going to dwif you an honorary m.d. you were very, very good. very on the money, on target and very accurate. >> well, thank you. what's gone right so far in terms of your view in how we've responded with this first case of ebola in the u.s. >> if fact that thomas duncan got on the plane without any symptoms and was without symptoms even for four plus days after he landed in the united states is good news. as you said very correctly, if he doesn't have symptoms, and he didn't have symptoms, he's not going to pass the virus ong to others. and the exposure that may have occurred on his travels is something that's extraordinarily low risk there. that's the good news. the other good thing is that finally, he got into care where he's now isolated and being cared for in a critical care
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session chlts the other good news is that the contact tracing is being vigorously pursued. and that's how you prevent, as you said very accurately, how you prevent and out break by casting a big net and making sure that you get people who might have been contacts and eliminate the ones who clearly are not contacts. and then you'll probable lip have a core group of around 20 people or so who you have to follow in the way that you describe, namely, monitoring them on at least a daily basis in order to determine if they develop symptoms. if they don't after 21 days, then they're good to go. if they do, then you have to isolate them and put them under the appropriate care and determine if they're infekted. all of that is on target and doing well. obviously, you described a disturbing situation where there were some missteps. the only positive thing i can take out of those missteps, rachel, is that this will now be a really hard lesson learned. so that people who are seeing
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this unfold in the united states and other countries that might have patients with ebola, to realize the important things you need to do. and i don't think there's any emergency room doc or nurse anywhere now who when someone comes in with symptoms suggestive of ebola would not do a travel history. and then after you do the travel history, connect the dots of making the right decision about how to handle it. it's unfortunate that there were these missteps, but hopefully it won't happen again. >> i think our first thing in this day and age is to look for and hope for a technological solution of some kind. some sort of magic bullet. and when it comes to something like this,obviously, we're looking for treatment. we're looking for a vaccine. something to come out of some lab somewhere that's making this easy to deal with. from a public health
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perspective, this has a low-tech solution. people who are trained to follow up those contacts and do those daily encounters with people and you have to have that cultural sensitivity. >> the cdc is really superb. they are the best in the world at this. the people are doing that. the people are doing the contact tracing or who are training the people to do the contact tracing are as good as you can get. so i have an extraordinary amount of confidence ashlt how our centers for disease control will handle that. they set the example. they set the protocols.
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whenever we need to figure out exactly how we're going to hand someone, all of the protocols of how you handle someone who is either exposed or actually has ebola, how how you dress, the kinds of equipment that are put on, are all protocols by the cdc. so they're good. and i have a great deal of confidence that if people follow their protocols, as you say, it may seem like low tech. but that's how you, a, take care of patients in an appropriate way and then take care of an outbreak. the tracing that's going on right now, done properly, we won't have an outbreak. that said, you gave good credit to nigeria. they did a terrific job on that. >> one last question for you. we're hearing some sort of wild pitch policy proposals from a congress that's on vacation right now saying things like we ought to close off all airplane travel from west africa. we're seeing a local response in
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dallas county where parents are pulling their kids out of schools, saying that they don't want any kids in schools because something might happen. they're not trusting lee kal authorities. what's the right response to proposals like that? >> i think it's understandable that people might feel that way, but that is really counter productive. when you start having those kinds of restrictions, you create a good deal of fear, particularly if you block transportation in and out of a place. it creates a situation where you can actually make matters worse. you have to be very careful. >> dr., great american, sir. thank you very much for being with us tonight. >> i appreciate it. thank you, rachel. >> not like i get to bestow the hitle great american. but it's a big feel that he
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this has brn a crazy news day. we're following the breaking news of another american being diagnosed with the disease. he's a 33-year-old american camera man working for nbc news with an nbc news crew in liberia. dr. nancy schneiderman and the rest of her crew in monrovia are in a self isolation condition and they're also become brought back to the united states. there's no signs that anybody else on that screw has any symptoms or that they've been exposed. but nbc is bringing them home out of an abundance of caution.
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on top of those breaking news stories tonight of, all week long, we've been following a string of block buster scoops about the failings of the secret service. partly because of that reporting, the director of the secret service offered her resignation. a couple weeks ago, [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. it's one of the fastest growing crimes in america.
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♪ [ female announcer ] when the pressure's on... only secret offers clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel with 100% odor protection. secret clinical strength. a couple weeks ago, president obama went to atlanta to speak to the center of diseases control. since then, the united states has had our own first case of ebola. but a couple weeks ago, president obama was there to talk about the global leadership against the virus. on that trip to the cdc, we have since learned that secret service agents traveling with the president allowed president obama to board an elevator with a man who has been hired by the cdc as a private security contractor.
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>> and then here's the really bad part. >> that was reported tuesday at the washington post. today, she reports that the white house and the agency that oversees the secret service, the department of homeland security, neither of them were notified of the gun in the elevator ins dent when it happened.
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the guy with the gun in the elevator with the president, that happened two weeks ago. white house officials say they first learned about it only moments before the washington post published their story on this matter of tuesday of this wiek. so that's one thing that we learned today about the secret service. today, we also learned that during president obama's re-election came pain in 2012, almost one of the secret service agents to keep the president safe, instead, leaked non-public details of the president's schedule to the mitt romney campaign. he said exactly where the president was going and when he would be there before it was public. that was made known by inside sources. he says he confirmed the report with multiple romney campaign sources. i have to say if multiple people on the romney campaign knew that a secret service agent was doing that, why didn't they tell nip before now?
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i know you're running against the guy and that's stra teenic advantage and everything. but as an american, wouldn't that make you worried? wouldn't you say -- any who. we've also now learned about the secret service, this gentleman, will be the agency's interim director. he's a secret service veteranment he retired in 201 is. he's getting a positive reaction from apparently lots of people inside the secret service who are now leaking to the press about those supposedly secret service. we also know that joseph clan sill was the guy in charge of 2009 on the night that two totally random people waltzed uninvited to the dinner of the president and getting to shake hands with him. it's not like the secret service hasn't had trouble over the years.
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that state dinner breech was the first public sign in the obama era and the guy who is now in charge starting monday was the guy who was in charge of white house security that first night. joining us now is a report i recall from the washington post who's broken many of the details about this story as it has folded over the past two weeks. carol, thank you for joining us tonight. i really appreciate it. >> thanks, rh 8. rachel. i'm glad to be here. >> so what can you tell us about the interim director? there has been some anonnous response to learn that he be taken over at least in short run. >> yes, most of the people that i have spoken with and trust have said joe clan sill, you can't find a person in this service who doesn't like him. genteel. his nickname was "father joe" because of a brief stint he did in seminary, grew up in philadelphia, played football. all around good guy. he's kind of anticonflict.
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and that sounds like a good thing to be if you're going to be the temporary sort of place holder until a permanent, outside person comes in to do the real reforms and shake-up. most of people i've talked to said this is not the person who's going to lead any reform, but he certainly will be warmly received and trusted by many of the agents, especially the ones that he worked with. >> the white house says that they're not going to name a permanent director until december 15th, which is when an independent pan of experts is expected to release its support to the homeland security secretary. is it clear from your reporting on this, you report reported on it more extensively than anyone else in the national press, is it clear what the areas of reform are going to be? not in terms of the exact recommendation, bud the problem areas that they are going to need to overhaul? and does he have the credibility
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to make movements in the short run? >> well, it's hard to make movements in that kind of short run. but you could boost morale. you can't, all of the sudden, host a zillion secret service academies that have enough recruits to fill all the vacant, open jobs that need to be filled to really make this team, you know, full strength instead of stretched too thin. but if this group that's going to do the top to bottom reform and review is serious, it will think about what these agents and officers are saying nids. inside. those kind of fall in four categories. one, they're stretched too thin. they're doing more assignments, more security details, more special national security events than ever before and they have less people.
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and that's just not tenable. and, as well, the second thing would be a certain amount of complacency. there hasn't been a real assassination attempt on the president. and that's a great thing. don't get me wrong. a lot of agents say wonderful, but they're really petrified about how sort of comfortedble everybody seems to have gotten. training has fallen by the wayside. modernizing of surveillance and weapons and tactical strategies and focusing on the protective mission. so people are really worried about that complacency. that's second. third, probably, is the whole idea that, and this is the number one complaint i hear from agents and officers, that it's not amer tok ra sill. that you don't rise based on performance. you rise based on being fail voshed, the get along, go along guy. and that's really got to change. and then, finally, i think the morale problems that everyone's been really struggling with and suffering from will probably fall in line if you fix those three. >> absolutely. the mer tok ra sill one is in any agency. it's a chilling diagnosis.
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and then finally, i think the morale problems everyone has been suffering from will >> believe it or not, we have more breaking news tonight out of texas. but this is not about ebola. this evening, we got a major federal appeals court ruling that will force at least a dozen abortion clinics in texas to close immediately. as in they are closing tonight. after a year-long league struggle, the court has decided to uphold for now the most dra conian part of the anti-abortion legislation passed last year. this is the same legislation that wendy davis attempted to block with a marathon filibuster. since the first part about legislation took place last fall, half the abortion clinics in texas have already closed. another part of the law that would have closed even more clinics in texas had until now been blocked by the courts. but tonight, an appealing court sitting in new orleans has ruled that texas can go ahead and implement that further part of the law. and that means at least a dozen clinics, "the new york times" is reporting 13 clinics will be forced to close their doors tonight in texas. that includes the clinic we
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visited a few months noog the rio grand valley which had been able to reopened, if briefly. that clinic's owner gave us this statement when the ruling came down. quote, we've been open for a whole month now and this ruling will force us to stop offering abortions immediately. we'll also have to cease abortion care in our ft. worth clinic as well as where we have been the only provider open since the law went into effect last november. but again, tonight's decision takes immediate effect. as of tomorrow, texas will have only eight clinics providing abortion services for the whole state with 5.4 million women of reproductive age. there will be no abortion services available in west texas whatsoever as of tonight. more news coming in. stay with us. [ female announcer ] nervous whitening will damage your teeth?
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vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy. welcome back. i want to recap our top story this hour. an nbc news freelance camera man work on the ground in liberia for nbc news, he's now tested positive for the ebola virus. he's a 33-year-old american photojournalist working in liberia with our own dr. nancy snyderman. the young man woke up feeling fine but then he began feeling symptoms. he started running a fever. earlier today, blood test results confirmed that this young man has, in fact, contracted the ebola virus. he's a 33-year-old camera man. he's working for nbc news just for the last few days on a freelance basis. he's now the fifth american known to have contracted the ebola virus. he's the fourth american to be flown back to the u.s. for treatment. the three previous patients who
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flew home were all successfully treated and released here. dr. nancy snyderman herself and her nbc news news crew, they are going to be flown back to the united states and they will be quarantined for at least 21 days out of an abundance of caution. nobody else but this cameraman is showing symptoms. we spoke with dr. nancy about this earlier this hour in liberia. >> our returning to the united states really prevents very, very little chance of giving it to anyone. it would only be a risk if one of us ends up getting sick. we will be taking our temperatures twice a day, checking in with each other. and if any one of us suddenly spikes a fever or gets symptoms, we will report ourselves to the authorities. we are taking it seriously, but i want people to know that we are well. >> dr. nancy snyderman speaking to us lye from monrovia, liberia. but the breaking news is that an nbc news freelance cameraman has contracted the ebola virus and
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will be the fourth american patient flown from liberia back to the united states for treatment tonight. back to the united states for treatment tonight. "first look" is up next. good morning. right now on "first look," ebola hits home as an nbc cameraman contracts the deadly disease and the dallas quarantine grows. >> there's a list of about 100 what we call potential possible contacts and that will be called down to a list that we'll begin the contact tracing on. >> severe weather leaves thousands without power in the texas area causing major damage ahead of the weekend. plus the future now. one step closer to creating a flying car. italians clash with police in heated confrontations. and some of the best photos capturing pure fright on people's faces. good friday morning. i'm angie goff. st
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