tv The Reid Report MSNBC October 3, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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where he was staying and where four family members are being quran teed is finally being sanitized. meanwhile, the parents of freelance journalist who was work with dr. nancy snyderman's nbc news crew who tested positive for ebola says he's in good spirits. >> his spirits seem better today. i think obviously he's scared and worried. he's been filming what's been happening in liberia for two weeks and seeing the death and tragedy and now it's really hit home for him. >> the whole team will be transported back to the u.s. this weekend. a public health professor at ut dallas and a staff writer at dallas morning news. >> let's start with the procedures and how they might have changed after this bungled first response to this ebola case. >> the hospital tells us that
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the electronic medical record system is what fsz flawed. they're saying the nurse did ask the patient about the travel history and the patient volunteered that information, yes, they were from liberia. we're told, though, the nurses' work flow were separate to the medical work flow that the physician had access to. that's why that information was not relaid to the entire medical team. no health care worker should be relying on someone else to take a history and the physicians should be taking a travel history, especially now when the cdc has offered guidance saying the travel history is a crucial question to be asking at this time. >> a lot of people would find that alarming, even if you just go in feeling ill, you assume the nurse practitioner when they put those notes in, those notes eventually go to the doctor. in this case was tla failure of those two systems to connect or are those two systems always this separate?
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>> they're not always this separate. we've talked to many local hospitals saying, this isn't how it works for us. since august 4th when cdc offered guidance about taking a travel history, many offices said, we have automatic screening questions that come up all the time for anyone who triages or speaks to a patient. so, other hospitals in the area are asking those crucial questions. >> and let's talk now about the clean-up. that's the other alarming thing. four days this family was basically sequestered in this apartment where you still had the bed linens and other things used by this man. has that procedure changed or is there some sort of an official procedure to have a professional, competent entity remove those sheets, this bedding and things like that? >> well, any soiled clothing or bedding has to be discarded in a very proper manner. there are guidelines to do so. we're told a hazmat crew was deployed to clean up this mess. many local residents are asking why there was such a delay. we know this is a very collaborative process. many agencies involved in this response right now. there's a local public health,
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state public health and of course the cdc as well. there are guidelines about how to discard those biohazard materials. >> that's assuming you can, of course, find a contractor willing to undertake it. a very troubling case. thank you very much. nbc's charred hadlock joins us outside eric duncan's family apartment. we're hearing the cdc is making progress narrowing down the list of potential contacts. what can you tell us about that? >> they have narrowed the contacts down to 50. that doesn't include the doctors and nurses at the hospital. the latest news from the apartment complex, the city of dallas is now on site with the fire department, hazmat treem a long with a private company to disinfect the apartment. we just learned the family will be moving out of this apartment some time this afternoon to an undisclosed location. the location is not a medical facility but another housing place somewhere in dallas county.
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that's all the pio can tell us, the public information officer for the city of dallas could tell us at the moment. they are going to clean up this apartment. we asked why they are moving the family out now and they told us the families around the apartment unit are concerned. as a matter of safety and to ease everyone's minds, they'll move them out of this apartment complex later today. back to you. >> it sounds as if you're saying they're going to move them into another complex where people wouldn't say they're coming and you're saying this is not a medical facility. another private apartment complex? >> reporter: that's what we're told. i asked that question specifically, will they be moving to a medical facility. they said they resident moving to a medical facility but another housing place in dallas. they didn't say whether it was a house, an apartment, a condo. we don't know. >> wow. charles hadlock, appreciate it.
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cindy is director of texas nurses association. thank you for being here. >> thank you for being here. there was a statement issued by the texas nurses association that essentially said when something is missed or goes wrong, we need to ask why and how. blaming individuals is counterproductive. worse, it can distract from the central question of highway can we prevent this from happening again. wouldn't the simple answer to that be, to have the nurse's system she inputs information in connect to the doctor's system? why didn't that happen? >> my understanding it was a system design issue, even both both parties, both team members are following protocol, the way the system was designed they didn't communicate in that manner where the information the nurse entered was available to the physician when he was making his or her clinical diagnosis.
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that is a risk of electronic medical system. there are nurse informatacist and are aware of systems in documentation. >> this is not a documentation issue. in a case where a patient is presenting with ebola, texas one of 13 states certified good to go to deal with potential ebola cases, wouldn't it be incumbent on the nurse to not just enter information into the computer but to say, hey, red flag, doctors, we need to pay attention to this and verbally make sure people understood the gravity of the situation? >> i think when you depend on systems to collect the system. the nurse was following her protocol. we've learned a lot from this
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situation in terms that the systems were not communicating. i don't know if that was known previously. now that that information is known, the hospital has fixed it and it's been alert to many other health systems to look at their systems and make sure they don't have a similar flaw so that they can also make sure that nothing slips between the cracks. >> you're primarily dealing with nurses and nurse practitioners. shouldn't there be more than just inputting systems? shouldn't it be incumbent on health professionals, doctor or nurse, to alert the people around thm, just for the safety of the people around them and to say, this is a very serious disease. if someone says, i've been to west africa, shouldn't there be more than just inputting into a system? >> well, what's incumbent upon
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the nurse is to take the information. the nurse used the electronic medical record to communicate that information. the electronic medical record system, to my understanding, did not communicate that information in the manner the nurse thought it would. i don't think you can fault the nurse in this case. i don't think it's useful to do so because it's more important to identify the system issue because that has ramifications throughout the country as hospitals struggle to be prepared in case they encounter a patient with ebola. >> the last question, are the nurses and nurses association, are nurses being briefed on the potential severity of ebola itself? if you had a sense of the gravity of a potential case, they wouldn't just input, they would walk up to a doctor and say, i believe we have a case that may present the symptoms of ebola or someone has been to west africa and is sick and cue
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the doctor to take action right then and there, aside from the system? >> i believe nurses are aware of public health threats such as this one. this is an infectious disease process. nurses not know how to respond and treat infectious diseases. >> thank you for being here. appreciate you being here. thanks. now to a reid alert on the fight in isis. in the past 24 hours the u.s. has conducted six air strikes in syria. australia announced it's spending special forces troops and jets to attack the terrorist group in iraq. the white house released a statement saying they welcome australia's participation. coming up, healthy job numbers and immigration. president obama goes into campaign mode and tries to set the agenda four weeks from the
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midterm elections. more on the fight to contain the ebola virus. will more people from western africa come here to try to get medical treatment. if they do, is it ethical to try to keep them out? 17 years ago janine turned her passion for running into a way to earn a living, opening runner's alley in portsmouth, new hampshire. now she's added two more locations. for more watch "your business" sunday morning on msnbc. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i've learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it's open for everyone.
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welcome back. president obama is definitely in midterm form with another big speech on the economy in an hour and big talk on immigration. today he got a big assist from the september jobs numbers. the headline numbers were both positive. with almost 250,000 jobs added and an unemployment rate under 6% for the first time since july 2008. revisions also helped august's four numbers into something more respectable with revisions for it and july, adding another
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69,000 jobs. wages, which are barely keeping pace with low inflation declined a tenth of a point. still, the administration was front and center today touting the overall good report. >> the unemployment rate below 6%, 5.9%. it was 10% that's a good thing. you can clap for that. >> robert jones, ceo of public institute research. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> i recently had was on a panel with you. you talked about the data and the economy and what people perceive about it. talk about why it is and who it is that does not believe these good numbers even when they see them in black and white. >> you're right. the numbers at the macro level look fairly rosy. but it's pretty gloomy out there when we get down to the grassroots. our last national survey showed a significant number of
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americans still struggling economically. we asked americans some very practical questions. have you had trouble paying a bill? have you put ov going to the doctor. have you had trouble having food and having to reduce your meals or skip meals to make ends meet what we found, 4 in 10 americans say they are living in either high other moderate economic insecurity households. those numbers rise to half of latino households and 6 in 10 african-american households. a significant number of americans, despite rosy numbers at the macro level still saying it hasn't trickled down to them. >> it's interesting because you also talked about the political lens through which people sometimes view the economy. what you find is how republicans, for instance, self-report how they're doing versus how they think the economy is and how democrats self-report verse how they think the economy is. 48% of democrats in the pri poll said they believe the economy has gotten better.
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only 15% of republicans, even though republicans self-report doing better. what is that about? >> i think it's about the power of partisanship. it doesn't gr get much starker than this. democrats overall are doing worse by their own self-reports on their personal level, they are nonetheless more optimistic that the economy is doing well over the last two years and it's reverse for republicans. republicans are by most measures doing much better than democrats in this economy. and yet as you said, only 15% of republicans say the economy is doing better. bereally have very powerful example of the way partisanship really does shape even things as basic as perceptions of how the economy is doing. >> when you put partisanship aside, the basic baseline question of whether people believe we're still in a recession. this was a stunning number. do you believe the recession has ended in the pri poll? only 21% of people believe the recession is over.
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three-quarters of people say they think we're still in a recession. that was stunning to me. was it as stunning to you? >> it was a real surprise to us but i think it's consistent with the other numbers we see. one number i'll add to that is that we only saw 4 in 10 americans today saying the american greem dream, this basic idea if you work hard, you'll get ahead, still holds true today. that's a pessimistic outlook for something that's a fundamental american value. >> let's turn to immigration, the subject of a speech president obama gave before the congressional hispanic caucus last night. take a listen. [ inaudible ] >> about to get to that. about to get to it. >> i want to bring in maria, ceo of voter latino. maria-teresa, that heckling that took place at a friendly audience at the chc for the president showed the angst that you still see in the latino
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community over immigration. the president, is he in trouble here with latino voters? >> i was there last night. it was a heckler who is a dreamer who's been really active in the community. no one was surprised. everyone expected it to happen. and i think what folks were looking for is what the president did, he addressed her and also gave the opportunity about what we need to do as latinos. that is to register and vote. latinos are frustrated with both parties, joy. i think it's because we've had so many promises on the administration side and then we've had so many letdowns from the republican-led congress. fundamentally whatever the president does is going to be a band aid effect. we need to solve the problem. the only way to do so is ensure latinos register and register their allies. >> the president made that point over and over in his speech. he said anything i do will be a band aid. i'm only going to be here 2 1/2 more years. was that message compelling in the room where the president was
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essentially saying, this only works if we keep the senate and theoretically got the house. >> the amount of groups -- we have a coalition of over 48 organizations pushing the latino community to vote. when he talked about that i have to say, people jumped to their feet. they started clapping, recognizing they are part of the solution. and i think it was a message the president needed to do. obviously, families right now in the latino community that are hurting. we need to make sure we're teaching folks the process of civic participation just because what we forget a lot of times is that these young latinos are the first people in their family ever to participate in government. >> i want to get data from robby. are there hard numbers that
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latinos are -- >> one of the reasons latinos are frustrated, on this issue there is quite a bit of agreement. we have 6 in 10 americans agreeing on a path to citizenship that immigrants should be allowed to become citizens provide they meet certain requirements. 7 in 10 support for treating children arriving at the border as refugees. and i think the fact the public opinion support is there and it's there not only among democrats but also among republican, i think that is the reason we're seeing so much frustration in the latino community. >> are we looking at low, medium, high turnout in your estimation? >> i think it's very much going to be medium. this is an issue that cuts across party lines. we recognize as americans the immigration system is broken and we have a small sector of the
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republican party in congress right now that basically is playing political politics with america's future. we have to figure out how to actually change that equation come november. >> indeed. robert jones and maria-teresa, thank you very much. women seeking legal abortions in texas now have fewer options after a federal appeals court sided with tough new clinic restrictions? a sweeping abortion bill signed by governor rick perry. the ruling effectively closes all bet eight abortion facilities in the state. the fight over colorado's high school curriculum has gone state wide. a member of the state board of education reportedly posted to facebook she's concerned the ap u.s. history test failed to include that u.s. ended slavery volunteering, which it didn't. students and parents continue their walkout on the jefferson county school board to push to make sure the school district's history materials, quote, promote patriotism and respect for authority and don't
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condone civil disorder. and it's tough to get a mortgage. beb bernanke told a conference yesterday he's trying to refinance but so far he's been unsuccessful. fancy that. ( whistle bl)ws okay patrick, one more stop. lets go base, shark, blitz. base, shark, blitz, break! when the game's on the line... okay, this is for the game. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to power their game day communication. flag nineteen, set hut! abort! abort! he's keeping it. hut! duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition. but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance.
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so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. it's time for "we the tweeple" and hong kong is buzzing big time. pro democracy demonstrators clashed on friday. and hong kong's chief administrator has refused to step down as students demanded. you're sending 6400 tweets an hour about this push for democracy. now dubbed occupy central. this woman tweeted, hong kong is crying tonight, not because of tear gas. meanwhile, the daughter of hong kong's leader took to social media to brag about her fabulous life funded by taxpayers. and now that's going viral. social media is also bubbling with your growing ebola fears. this user tweeted, this ebola stuff is really scary. i'm about to buy a bubble to live in.
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but some are sending reassuring tweets like this, i don't think people realize ebola only spreads through bodily fluids. people need to simmer down. many are unhappy with the state and federal handling of the u.s. mainland case, the texas hospital where the patient was identified, lots of insensitive and incompetence at that hospital. i hope the cdc team can kick it up a notch. on the twitter chat on #ebolaanswers, they called the clean-up of the dallas apartment botched. many of your worries extend beyond our borders. early ebola systems can be masked with over-the-counter medication, meaning the disease is just a plane ride away, a point made by this user two tweeted, the only thing standing between us and an ebola hot zone is a passenger questionnaire and ibuprofen? we'll discover the ethics of keeping people from these hot zone out of the u.s.
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we're back with an update on the family of thomas eric duncan, the liberian with ebola. nbc news learned the quarantined family will be moved to an undisclosed location that is not a medical facility. meanwhile, the u.s. is stepping up its response abroad. the pentagon is now preparing to send up to 3600 u.s. military members into west africa. that's 600 more than the original plan. meanwhile, the number of confirmed cases of the virus continues to climb. according to the world health organization, at least 7,157 people have been sickened in guinea, liberia and sierra leone. 330 of those people have died. and the parents of the latest american to contract the disease in liberia, a freelance cameraman working with nbc news, are speaking about how he may have been infected.
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>> there was one point where he was helping some folks spray down and disinfect a car. and he wasn't wearing full protective equipment. he thinks he might have gotten a splash on his body. so, he thinks it was that but he had so many different contact. he was in the clinics filming a lot. and he really was careful and trying toe be cautious with wearing protective equipment, but he doesn't remember exactly when it was. >> and we just received confirmation from the nebraska medical center that they're expecting him to arrive there for treatment on monday. joining us now from monrovia liberia, west africa correspondent in west africa. tell us about how the government of liberia -- are you okay? talk about the how the government have liberia is attempting to respond to the crisis there. do we have krista?
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>> reporter: i'm here. there are some people trying to take a picture behind me. i'm trying to explain to them they're going to be on national television. >> okay. well, we'll get you situated. are you good now? i'm not sure we're good. let's move on and see if we can get that connection back to krista in liberia. we'll try to come back to her, if we can. we're going to move on to an important question. can you quarantine a big chunk of a huge continent? for more on the ethics of fighting ebola, arthur caplan, director at nyu medical center. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. you have a fascinating piece in "time" magazine in which you talk about some of this ethical dilemma. number one, the idea of quarantining. we're an idea that was upset about the nsa trying to dig through our phone data to find out if a potential terrorism suspect is calling into the united states. now you have the question of whether or not the government can keep you under your house.
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under the public health services act, secretary of health and human services and cdc are authorized to take -- quarantine can be very effective in halting the transmission of disease but americans are so committed to freedom government is only supposed to use quarantine if no less restrictive option were to exist. will americans en masse accept the idea of quarantine? >> if we had a bunch of people coming here because troops are over there and a big number gets infected or people start saying my odds are better in the u.s. than new guinea, so i'm going to try to work there, i think americans would get nervous about quarantine. on the other hand, we all understand that this disease really -- the way you manage it is by quarantine. and so, you have to have effective quarantine. what i mean by, that you can't just throw them in an apartment and lock the door. they need food, water,
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electricity, what about their income, if they have a baby, you going to -- so, we have to think more carefully than what we've seen in dallas, texas. >> we're cutting budgets so you have state governments to do that sort of thing. let's talk about that other piece you mentioned. if you have a patient in liberia or sierra leone where the death rated is 50% on the continent and in the united states so far at least, small number of cases. >> zero. >> so, ethically speaking, if that person thought my chances are better in the united states, i'm asymptomatic, take an ibuprofen, get on the plane and maybe come to the united states. ethically what would be the position of the united states in terms of letting that person in and potentially saving their life or saying, no, we're locking everyone out that comes from west africa? >> i don't think you can lock everybody out anyway. the last time i looked at the airline system it's interconnected. you fly to london and fly here, and you can say there are no flights from here to liberia --
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actually, there aren't anyway. we can do better. a couple things, one, really put those signs up. two, tell passengers what do you do if someone seems sick on the plane and you're coming from africa? who do they talk to? do te tell the airline crew? immigration? here's an idea. why don't we say you can't come in unless you have a health cashed that says you haven't had symptoms for two weeks. we don't need to stop the airplanes. just carry a card certified by a doctor that says, no -- >> then we have the trust the health system. >> i think that will go better than trying to stop the airlines. >> the other thing i'm concerned about is you have this sense of stigma and stigmatizing whole populations, and as the daughter of an african national, i feel personally about this, any students from africa, even with no ebola cases, we'll start to stigmatize you. talk about that. >> i do worry about that. we tell them, it's not easy to get and yet there's a trickle. a case here one day, case here another day.
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and the it starts to look like, maybe they're not telling me the truth. we are telling the truth. unless you have symptoms right out there, you don't have to worry about anybody. what you have to do maybe is express your fear to a health department, a policeman, fire department person, but he can still go into african restaurant, can you still -- you don't have to cross the street to avoid somebody that way. i'm worried we're going to see some of that behavior start to break out. we did with hiv and we really had to educate hard to tamp that down. >> absolutely. also i should note there is no law right now requiring passengers to tell the airline they are sick. arthur caplan, thank you very much. i believe we do now have krista. let's go back to monrovia where krista larson with the associated press joins us. can you talk about what the government of liberia is potentially doing to prevent people who are sick or even if they're asymptomatic from traveling outside the country, if anything. >> reporter: yes, thank you. well, the government of liberia
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has been working closely with the cdc staff here on the ground in monrovia. from what we understand, they have worked with the staff at the airport to be sure that they're asking the right questions and that they are screening passengers for their temperatures. before departing for onward destinations. of course, the difficulty here is requires the thermometers are working properly. several times i've been here in monrovia i had temperatures that would render me no longer living. and someone who is honest and scloegs their interactions with other people. >> speaking of that point, if people are honest, is there any reporting you've done on the ground about his potential motivation for coming here? we were talking with arthur caplan about the sort of obvious thing you might to want do if you're in liberia and feel you might be infected because united states has 100% survival rate. >> reporter: i don't think we
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have enough evidence based on our reporting in liberia to suggest he was motivated by reasons of poor health. i spent yesterday speaking to most of his numbers who are not otherwised hospitalized or dead about the same time mr. duncan became ill, at least a dozen of his fellow neighbors also became ill after apparently all having contact with the same one woman. they said at the time mr. duncan left for the united states, he indicated he intended to visit family members. and it was not disclosed that this woman died of ebola possibly until after he had already left. >> glad we were able to get you back. krista larson, live in liberia. thank you very much. a new pr headache for the ferguson police department after they fire the guy they recently hired to help them rebrand. msnbc tremaine brand joins us next. like a bear? how about like you're on vacation... in this place! [ dolphin chittering ] sleep like you haven't seen your bed in days...
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brown family. no one who has not experienced the loss of a child can understand what you're feeling. i'm truly sorry for the loss of your son. >> that is thomas jackson, embattled police chief of ferguson, missouri, awkwardly apologizing to the family of michael brown one week ago. that apology was most definitely not accepted by brown's family and it earned chief jackson not just scorn from ferguson's black community who is demanding the arrest of the officer who shot michael brown but also media ridicule. the video marked the beginning of the end for the relationship between the police and pr firm trying to fix ferguson's public relations nightmare. that firm led by 3 -year-old devin james took the fall for the video debacle and led to questions about james himself. as the st. louis dispatch's editorial board recounted it, one asked, what kind of pr man would give a client such device? which led to james' 204 conviction for reckless homicide
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and soon he lost that ferguson contract and now works on a pboo basis. now he's spoken with in an exclusive interview about his incredible story, how he came to be ferguson's pr representative and what the city was trying to do by cutting him loose. we reached out to the city of ferguson and another pr firm mentioned in the article but we have not heard back from them as of yet. tremaine lee joining me who got this great story. you quote mr. james, devin james, in the article. i'm going to read a little bit of that. i will read this piece. all of the changes on the table wouldn't be happening if i wasn't in the room. you can't take away the value of someone who has a closer life experience to the primary group that feels it has been done disservice. whether you feel i'm qualified to do pr is one thing -- and so did he -- he felt basically that he was much more qualified than anybody he was in the room with to actually understand the community?
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>> ten years ago he said he was in a situation where there was a home invasion and robbery where he ended up shooting and killing an unarmed man. he got a felony conviction that has trailed him until now. he just got off probation this year. he says when decisions are made in the city of ferguson about how to restructure the warrant system and fines and fees are used, who better in the room than to help guide this process, than him, a former felon. >> he's operating in multiple states, has lots of governments. >> the city of ferguson, the mayor and city leaders say they knew about his history. the problem is, he was hired under a subcontract so just days before michael brown was killed, he was working on promoting the city of ferguson and other municipalities in north st. louis county. he got swept into position of spokesman as the all-white pr firm fumbled in the early days of fiery protests. >> is he still working in any capacity? he is still working in a pro
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bono capacity for ferguson? >> we get e-mails every day from devin james. he's not getting paid but he told me he's committed to helping ferguson move forward in the falloff of michael brown. >> and he's saying he didn't come up with the idea of the apology video, is that correct? >> this is where we're dealing with semantics a little bit. he says he didn't come up with the idea but he helped facilitate it. as a spokesperson, you're hands on every step of the day helping to make this happen. clearly he played a role in the release of had video. you spent a lot of time in ferguson about this so-called hacking tweet. you have someone who tweeted they know someone on the grand jury, they say there's not enough evidence for an arrest. the claim is hacking twitter? >> which seems obscene, but when feeling with ferguson, this saga gets stranger and stranger every single day. whether it's believable is one thing but the broader impact is what's more important. will they have to reseat a grand
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jury? is the grand jury already tainted? there's so much controversy and speculation around county prosecutor being biased, this is just another step in the tricky situation. >> there were protests from last night. are they going to continue? >> from everyone i talked to protests will continue until there's an arrest or they get justice. i don't think things will be calming down in ferguson. >> great reporting from appreciate it. after the break, the motor city gets a jumpstart in tech in our continuing series "saving detroit." we take a look at innovators bringing detroit back to life. at legalzoom you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side.
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white house at 3:30 p.m. eastern. stay with msnbc for live coverage of that. to our continuing series "saving detroit." this morning the judge considering detroit's record $18 billion bankruptcy has some tough questions for kevin orr, the emergency manager charged with turning the motor city's finances around. the judge wanted to know why the city doesn't just sell its 4$4. billion art collection to pay its creditors, most of whom have backed off demand the city swap its van goghs for its dough. the bottom line s the deal is still not done. meanwhile, detroit's entrepreneurs are working their own plan to bring the city back. we meet with people whose investments could turn the city -- could turn the city of detroit into a rust belt silicon valley. >> we saw an opportunity. there's a ton of talent in the detroit area, so we decided to
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build a company to make mobile apps art paul is part of downtown detroit's later renaissance to turn it into a high tech and entertainment hub. he started detroit labs, an app development country. >> we started small in a space that was free. a lot of the buildings, when you look at these empty sky scrapers, we see opportunity. just in the couple of years that we have been building detroit labs, this block has transformed. >> reporter: transformed by a building boom and hiring spree. metro detroit's tech sector added more than 30,000 jobs in 2013, up 15% over the previous year. at a time when silicon valley saw a 4% decline. is tech the way you see detroit coming back? >> tech is an interesting thing because so many things that you can learn and that you can --
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detroit labs we started with four people three years ago. we're about to be 75 people. >> reporter: detroit's downtown tech boom has largely been funded by dan gilbert, founder of quicken loans and owner of the keeve land cavaliers. this self-made billionaire has invested over a billion dollars as his mission to remake downtown detroit. >> there are people now for the first time in a long time coming in from all over the country and the world. >> reporter: gilbert started in 2011 paying bargain prices to buy abandoned buildings downtown. he then moved his own company, quicken loans, from the suburbs to the city. and convinced start-up tech firms like detroit labs and twitter to set up shop in the same space. today gilbert's holdings including more than 60 detroit properties totaling over 9 million square feet of space and counting. over the summer, his company bought the building that used to house the detroit free press. he's also paying the city to widen a downtown freeway exit that goes into greektown casino
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and entertainment complex he's trying to revive and he's using his own money to rebuild the $140 million lightrail expansion, a move that could eventually bring more sxrnts businesses to downtown. for now, detroit's comeback is leaning on tech. >> there's over 100 technology companies over 500 technology workers. that's just on one block. >> walking down the sidewalk right now, you see a lot of -- building after building, it's filled up. it's filled up with creative, cool technology companies. >> reporter: is the school system prepared for something like this? do you actually have the systems in place around you to organically build up talent or will you wind up having to bring people from out -- >> we have great universities in detroit and surrounding areas. there's -- there's so much going on right now, that if you have an interest in it, there are
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ways to get into it, for example our apprenticeship program. >> reporter: how have you seen this city change over the last ten years? >> there are a lot more people here. the properties that dan gilbert has purchased for his businesses and to renovate those properties and put businesses in there, it's created so much buzz on the street. >> reporter: including in 1515, combination cafe and comfort space where people come for coffee, music or just to settle in with a good book. owner chris remembers what detroit used to be. >> it was the paris of midwest. you could work in an auto plant, and if you got enough overtime, had you your own home on a street with a garage and a driveway and your car in it. >> reporter: and sees what it could once again become. >> if you look around, because of the history of detroit, there's an incredible amount of great buildings that were built in the '20s and '30s that are now recognized as treasures.
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we always had the buildings. i felt people would start coming down. >> reporter: they both believe detroit's latest comeback has the right momentum. >> there's a whole new interest in detroit. we're seeing a lot of young people moving in, empty nesters are moving back to the city. it's quite dynamic. >> reporter: why should detroit be saved of all the cities? >> i think the question is, what's happening in detroit that is truly amazing and why is it that the opposite story tends to be told? coming here and seeing what's happening, you wouldn't even ask that question. detroit doesn't need to be saved. detroit is flourishing. >> and that wraps things up for "the reid report." i'll see you back here next week at 2 p.m. eastern. and be sure to visit us online at the white house briefing on ebola has been moved to 4:30 p.m. "the cycle" is up next. there's a piece outside and i hope toure will rant on it but i
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want you to tell me what you want to talk about. >> you just have to watch to find out. we're looking forward to that briefing from senior administration officials on the threat from ebola. also, big story today on the economy. jobless rate under 6% for the first time since 2008. so, we have jared bernstein and peter morsi to break those numbers down. >> here we go, "the cycle" is up next. about life insurance. but when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on the things that matter today. ♪ at axa, we offer advice and help you break down your insurance goals into small, manageable steps. because when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. can we help you take a small step? for advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa. a man who doesn't stand still. for advice, retirement, and life insurance, but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat,
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we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. i'm krystal ball and you are in "the cycle." as we come on the air, there are two major stories developing at this hour. ebola and the economy. first the ebola crisis. what's going on in dallas? what is going on in africa? and what's going on in washington? news conference with lisa monica, the president's assistance for homeland security is just about 90 minutes away now. we will have full coverage of the ebola crisis coming up. but, we want to begin with something that hasn't happened since july of 2008.
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the u.s. unemployment rate is below 6%. like i said, it hasn't been that low in six years. right now the president is on the road taking credit for an economic turn-around. he will hold a town hall at millennium steel, a processing plant in indiana, where he'll talk economy, manufacturing and jobs, fresh off that new jobs report today. we'll bring that to you live. and here are the numbers. the u.s. economy added 248,000 jobs in september. the unemployment rate, that dropped to 5.9%. but before you break out in a verse of happy days are here again, there is that pesky labor participation rate of just 62.7%. people actually in the workforce. that 62.7% is at a 36-year low. we have to go back to 1978 to see numbers that low. manufacturing is among the sectors lagging behind in job creation.
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