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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  October 6, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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let's get more news from pete williams. he joins us from outside the supreme court. there you have it. we laid down much of what the surprise was. let's get more of the reaction as well, pete >>well, we're waiting to see what issue is going fall first. my guess would be as a result of what happened here marriage will start shortly maybe even today in virginia. that was very one of the five states that the states appealed to the supreme court asking them to uphold their bans on same-sex marriage. the other states being utah, oklahoma, indiana, and wisconsin. virginia was a state that opposed the ban. was all in favor of what will now be the effect of the supreme court action today allowing same-sex marriage to be legal in those states. i would think it's going start pretty quickly. how soon it will start in the other states we'll have to wait and see whether they'll be form listic and wait for the supreme court to get the word to them and the things to kick into place.
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that's the first thing. marriage will shortly be legal. it is now in a sense but soon go into effect in the five state the subject of the lawsuit, but the u.s. -- this is federal court. the u.s. has broken up into smaller subdivisions known as circuit courts. for example, we had a case from utah that's in the tenth circuit. that ruling from the appeals court upholding a ruling that said utah's ban was unconstitution signal, that rules was put on hold by the supreme court until it acted on the case. it's now acted. the hold is gone. that means a three other states in that circuit, the tenth circuit court of appeals now marriage will be legal. wyoming, colorado, and kansas. same thing with the fourth circuit north and south carolina and west virginia. my guess is what will happen in all the other states there is a lawsuit they'll go to the judge and say look, judge, you're bound by the court of appeals ruling which has been let out of the cage by the supreme court.
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give us a default -- give us a summary judgment. that will take a matter of days, i would think. we instantly add five more states that brings us to 24. within a matter of days perhaps weeks we had six more that bring us to 30 states where same-sex marriage is legal. what happens next? the supreme court didn't say anything about why it took a pass on the issue. so it may simply be that the court wants to sit back and see how it continues to play out in the states given it's happening so fast or could be that the court wants to wait for a federal court ruling that upholds the ban. >> that's an intriguing part of the story. the justice, pete, decided not to comment in rejecting the appeals from indiana, oklahoma, utah, virginia, wisconsin which you pointed out. it leads to not necessarily speculation but in some form you will see that from people who study the court in these particular justices >>well, here is the interesting
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thing, tamron. normally when you have a dispute like this where someone is suing someone else, the side that wins in the court below says to the supreme court don't take the case. let the lower court ruling stand. that's the right ruling stay out of it. both sides in this case, the states and the challengers, wanted the supreme court to take the case and already seeing reaction from people who oppose and support same-sex marriage disappointed that the supreme court is not going get into this and give us the last word. going to let the uncertainty continue to play out. >> wow. pete williams with the breaking news of this morning. thank you. turning now to the other big story. just hours ago a photojournalist working for nbc news was infected with ebola arrived in nebraska for treatment. a mouka was able to walk off the specially equipped plane and put on a stretcher and placed into a ambulance. he's the fifth american with
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ebola to be treated here in this country. he was working with dr. nancy schneiderman's team for two days when he was diagnosed last tuesday. he contracted the illness before joining that crew. we're kpegting to learn more when doctors hold a news conference less than an hour from now. meantime the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states is said to be fighting for his life. thomas duncan took a turn for the worse over the weekend in dallas. he is now in critical condition. family members say duncan is on a res pa rater and dial sis machine. john yang is tracking the developments in omaha. we have doctor from the university of texas here to answer your questions. let's go to john yang in nebraska for the latest. what do we know, at least we have the news conference coming up, john. we'll learn more but regarding his transition and transportation to that facility there. it seems as it went smoothly
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>>well, he's been there for two hours. if things are going as planned, we're told he would be assessed. they're looking at his symptoms, seeing exactly what kind of shape he's in. that will determine the treatment. there is no regimen, no fda approved medicine to treat ebola. the nebraska medical team is confident because they have reached richard sacra here last month successfully for ebola. the confidence of ebola sfreepr to his mother who talked to nbc news before she came here to omaha from their home in rhode island. >> the fact he's feeling well right now or relatively well that his symptoms are not severe yet and he's also about to get fantastic medical care is an
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enormous relief after the very stressful few days we've been through. >> that medical care is a team of about 40 doctors and nurses and medical technicians here in the bio containment unit of the university of nebraska medical center. tlths there's a great deal of confidence and a little bit of excitement about this treatment. there are a lot of all the team members of the team are volunteers. there were many volunteers looking to join this team to treat this patient. also, here at the medical center are his parents, family, and his girlfriend. they won't be able to be in the same room with him. they can only talk to him by video conference. that hasn't happened yet. but given where he was 24 hours ago, a video conference is a lot better than having him still in liberia. tamron, back to you. >> and you mentioned dr. sacra. we should know he was recently -- as i understand, diagnosed with phenomena.
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doctors say it has nothing to do with having been exposed to ebola, correct? >> that's right. he took himself to his hospital because he was running a high fever. was having some breathing difficulty or coughing. they say this is a routine upper respiratory tract infection. the cdc tested him for the ebola virus. no sign the virus has reappeared. >> thank you very much. to dallas where thomas eric duncan is in critical condition in the eighth day of treatment for ebola. medical experts say the next few days are the most critical for almost 50 people. they believe had contact with duncan since he developed symptoms september 24th. most people would start feeling the effect of the virus 8 to 10 days after that, according to doctors. today, tomorrow, and wednesday are crucial. we are in dallas, texas now. let's more what the family is
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saying regarding mr. duncan's condition. >> unfortunately it's not good news. as we know he took for a turn for the worst. was downgraded from serious to critical condition. the family tells nbc news they've been told he's on a ventilator and dial sis machine. contrast it a few days before when he was able to talk multiple times on the phone. they're concerned right now. officials are coast lyclosely mg the group of people who had close contact with duncan. they're checking them multiple signs a day for signs of fever. they say this is key to stopping the potential spread of ebola here in the u.s. >> their temperatures are being taken by outreach staff from health departments in texas. in addition, their lo cases are known and if any of them might
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slip out, as you put it, it's being addressed appropriately by authorities in texas. >> earlier there was some concern about a nicie i missing of the group. a homeless man who road in the ambulance after duncan who checked in for his temperature check on saturday. authorities were able to track him down yesterday they're continuing the monitoring of that man. 48 people currently being monitored. nbc news spoke with the woman who duncan reportedly traveled here to america to marry. she's one of the three family members who had direct contact. she's in isolation at a gated community hold here. she told nbc news she's experiencing no symptoms so far. she is very concerned, of course, for duncan. >> thank you very much. now let me bring in the doctor from university of texas. she served as disease detective for the cdc. thank you so much, doctor, for
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your time. some of our viewers have submitted questions to us. i want to get to those but first, let's talk about what we know. if we can put the calendar up. some 48 people may have come in contact with mr. duncan. most people would feel the effect of the virus between 8 to 10 days. what we know is today, tomorrow, wednesday are crucial days for these people. will it likely be a situation where they are examined more thoroughly or likely go through the routine of checking their temperature and pretty much the routine they've been following. >> tamron, i just spoke to one of the members from that cdc team here in dallas to get more information about this. she told me they're doing physical visits, going to the homes of the people every day. the person themselves will take the temperature and the cdc team will check the temperature reading themselves. they'll make a note of that twice a day. as you mentioned the next few days are key. because it's day eight to ten
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that most people exposed to ebola become sick. that incubation period for the virus is a full 21 days. that's why everyone is covering their backs. they're monitoring everyone really closely for the full incubation period. >> one of our tweets that came in from a viewer asked is there a possibility for ebola vaccination. is anyone working on one? i'll also add. what is latest on -- we know that no more exists of the serum. what is the possibility of having more of that ready? >> so with the experimental treatments, not the vaccines. i'll get to there in a moment. there was zmapp. it was given to two of the people who returned to emery university hospital. the thing about that it's run out. there is no more. it was, of course, an experimental treatment. we don't know whether it would help or would the folks have gotten better on their own. there is a texas company working on producing more of the serum. we haven't heard anything more about that yet.
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there's another experimental treatment it's called tkm ebola. that was given to rick sacra in nebraska. however, it may also not be available and also it can make people more sick as soon as it's given. with the vaccine there are two currently being fast tracked. i spoke to experts about them and we said we have to temper our enthusiasm. it takes a long time to test these things. it takes a long time to produce enough for everyone to have access. it could be until next year or maybe the year after before we have any of the treatments or vaccines. >> doctor, does nih national institute of health have adequate funds to combat the disease in the usa? >> i'm sure they would say there's more funding and research they can have or do. we know the public health system here probably could do with more funding as well. perhaps it is will come under scrutiny because of the situation. we're seeing how important it is to have a good public health care system right here.
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dr. frieden said yesterday an outbreak anywhere is a global health threat everywhere. >> travis, on facebook asked a question that a lot of people have posed. even when the missionary worker and doctor were brought back and they, of course, fully recovered. why are we letting people into the u.s. from liberia? >> well, the thing is, tamron, they are being screened there. they're having their temperature taken before they get on the plane. they're being asked about the question. have you have any contact with anybody who has been sick. we're seeing they're not fuel proof systems. people still get through. the important thing here is we have to deal with the outbreak where it's really happening. that's in west africa. the world health organization, doctors without borders told us when travel was restricted in the past few months it's made it harder for them to do their job. made it harder to get medical aid there. it's balancing the thing about having people travel but also getting very crucial resources to that region.
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>> doctor, thank you so much for your time and insight. we appreciate you answering those questions that were sent to us from our viewers. thank you. the for the next couple of hours msnbc will continue to help answer your questions on ebola. in a live twitter chat. dr. cincinnagna natalie is taki right now. it's a live picture from our studio. you can tweet us us use #ebolaanswers or go to ebolaanswers the interrow virus that sickened hundreds of children. a 4-year-old new jersey boy has died without showing any symptoms. he has tested positive for that virus. up next i'll talk live with a pediatrician about the virus that is spreading so fast. plus, first day on the job. today the new interim director of the secret service taking over following a series of security missteps.
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can he repair the agency's tarnished image? what is his first major move? and this. >> wall street must aim to get a job at the top investment banking firm. >> something was missing he says. our exclusive born in the usa series is back. i'll talk to that man. he left a high-paid high power wall street job to launch a business he hopes will inspire kids to follow their dreams. he said there something was missing. how did he get it started? join our conversation online. you can find my team@"newsnation." you can find me on facebook, twitter, and instagram under my name, tamron hall. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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and now to another major health
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concern. today the enterovirus that has sickened hundred of children across the country over the weekend we learned that a 4-year-old boy from new jersey who died in this sleep nearly two weeks ago tested positive for the virus. the child's death is the first that has been directly tied to the respiratory illness. today another student who attends the same new jersey preschool is recovering at home after showing symptoms. we'relating to learn whether or not the student tested positive for enterovirus. more than 500 cases of the virus have now been confirmed in 43 states and the district of columbia. nbc tom costello joins me now with more. tom, as mentioned now this 4-year-old little boy went to bed. no symptoms. and died in his sleep. >> yeah. it's tragic. he had a case of pink eye. it appears to have been the only thing, at least they knew that clearly would not cause
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anybody to, you know, would not cause death. we he went to sleep on wednesday, september 24th and didn't wake up. his father said this about eli waller. father talking about little eli. 538 cases nationwide. i've talked to the experts at johns hopkins university as well as vanderbilt. they're concerned about how it has spread so quickly. there are more cases than normal of enterovirus d 68. the virus has been around since the 1960s and in fact, most of the time it amounts only to maybe a few sniffles, a cold, maybe a cough but nothing this serious. those people most at risk right now generally children who already have some sort of
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respiratory illness. maybe they wheeze, have asthma. if one of those children becomes sick with the enterovirus, or shows symptoms of a serious cold, doctors are urging parents to take that child to get medical treatment very quickly. and aggressively thre lly treate of the potential for something to happen. they point out, however, this is the only one single case we're aware of which the child, they believe, died of interrow virus d 68. there are four other cases including ing a 10-year-old chi but those people had underlying conditions as well. they don't know if the children died from this or simple lay case of succumbing to another illness. clearly doctors are concerned. the good news, they think it's normally going to completely probably die out. the disease should die out. the virus should die out as we move through october and into november. >> thank you very much. let me bring in dr. davis
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the medical director for child advocacy and case medical center in cleveland. thank you for your time. let me start off with eli waller's case. i know, you did not treat him and you know the details being reported just as we do, but september 25th, according to the reports from information from his parents, showing no symptoms. as reported he had pink eye but tested positive. we've been given families the advise from pediatricians. keep an eye on your children. look for symptoms. but if there are no symptoms what are you to do? >> one of the things we know about eli, i know this from the media. eli was one of triplets. triplets are often born premature. sometimes they have lung problems. eli may have had an underlying lung problem that hadn't been diagnosed. he had done pretty well. we don't know that. when he died in his sleep, he would go to autopsy and they would do viral culture. that's how they found this this
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time. so there's a lot we still don't know. we do know that children who have respiratory problems, specifically asthma, don't do as well with this enterovirus. and we've noted that and parents have been told that as well. you also heard tom report that in october we should see these numbers or around october dwindle down. explain that. >> well, this is a virus in the rhino virus things that cause, quote, the common cold. it presents like that with sneezing and cough. runny nose, and maybe some aches. children, unfortunately, are little hot bed of infection. they touch things, they put their hands to their face, to their mouth. you have to constantly sanitize things. when i say sanitizing i'm not talking about just using a hand sanitizer. you really need to teach children how to wash their
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hands, do a 20-second wash where they sing something that takes them about 20 seconds. it can be happy birthday, yankee doodle. you figure out what to do and teach them to do good hand washing. they touch a lot of surfaces and constantly touching their face. so it's very easy for them to get infengss. they don't have immunity. we're not seeing the virus strike adults the same way children because most adults have immunity. >> i know you pointed out teaching to wash hands. but let's face it they're going in and out. they're not washing their hands. at best maybe when a parent picks them up from school you might give them a little hand sanitizer before they get in the car. i'm curious if you think more schools, for example, as we see with cruise ships when you get on a cruise ship there's a hand sanitizer machine or buses should be equipped to children
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they're not reliable in that way to wash their hands. we know that we'll be able to at least have that little bit of defense even though it's not the complete picture. >> i think it's easier to teach children how to wash hands quickly. they like water play and like to be in the water. adults are the ones that scare me. you know, you go to the bathroom at public restroom and you see people come strutting out the stall and you want to go hey wait! children you can teach them and it becomes a part of what they do. so i'm not as -- i'm not as concerned that we can't teach children how to do this. i prefer washes because it gets under your nails, it gets into the cuticles, it does what you want it to do. i think sometimes people get a false sense of security with hand sanitize piers. >> that's a great point. once you get kids in a routine it becomes a part of their habit. thank you so much. you give great information to
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parents with these concerns we have too much. thank you. and developing now isis advances just hours ago. islamic militants planted a flag in a key syrian town. we'll get the latest in a report from richard engel. and using song as a protest message in honor of mike brown. ♪ ♪ justice for mike brown justice for us all ♪ demonstrators interrupt the st. louis symphony demanding justice for mike brown as they prepare for a four-day protest. it is one of the stories we're following around the "newsnation." means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm.
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despite two weeks of u.s.-lead air strikes targeting in syria. meantime the parents of an american aid worker who isis is threatening to execute next released a letter written by their son by back in june. in it peter said he's afraid to die. the latest now from nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel who is in istan l istanbul, turkey. over the weekend his family issued a video appeal stressing his humanitarian qualifications, his dire to go to syria to help the syrian people. they also called on isis to release their son. ice sis is threatening to cull an american hostage next. a former army ranger who travelled to syria to help victims of war. he converted to islam and changed his name. he was, quote, pretty scared to
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die in a letter to his family. isis is fighting a propaganda war but making advances on battle field. turkey this morning sent more tanks to its syrian border. taking up what appeared to be firing positions. this is why. isis militants are advancing quickly on the city on the turkish border. isis appears to want to provoke a war with turkey. this weekend it even fired mortars into turkey hitting homes. in response, turkey has deployed tens of thousands of troops to reinforce the border. so far turkish troops have no orders to enter. riots have broken out in turkey with protesters demanding that the country take action against isis. instead of just watching. turkey is still weighing the options. if turkish troops were ordered
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to cross the border to fight isis in syria. that would mean nato boots on the ground. it could be a game-changer. >> thank you. coming up at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. ayman mohyeldin will be taking your questions about isis. you can join that live chat and speako an explosive conversation about the secret service scandal. what e and a really close call race car narrowly misses spectators. it's one of the stories we're following around "newsnation." no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions.
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after julia piereson's resignation last week. clancey was security director at comcast following his retirement from the secret service three years ago. clancey's first priority will be a briefing today on changes made in the wang of recent security breaches at the white house. joining me now mark murray. over the sunday morning programs a couple of interesting things said by members of congress. first off, there have been some believed that clancey may not be the right person for the job because as one senator put it. there needs to be fresh blood here. >> there is a little bit of fresh blood, at least, for the short term leadership with clancey. but what has people upset is it wasn't mistake the secret service has made over the past three or four years. it's been one mistake after another that we've learned about. tamron, in our news business we emphasize what has gone down rather than right. we'll have more attention to the time that somebody screwed up
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rather than 99% of the time that an institution or agency gets things right. but what was so problematic for the secret service it wasn't one issue. it was one after another after another. that's what ended up leading to the scandal. >> absolutely. it's the series of mistakes and mishaps or whatever you choose to describe them as, mark. i think that created the suspicious. i think chuck todd pointed out the distrust of government. and it seeps into conversations whether it's ebola, secret service that people have a distrust or a lack of confidence in government in general. this spawns all kinds of theories and speculations. i want to play what elijah cummings said. >> there are these reports, and i know you're aware of them in the black community that a lot of african-americans are worried that the president is not being protected because he's an
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african-american. this wouldn't be the case if he were white. >> 85% of all fraafrican-americ that come to me mention what you said. i don't agree with it. it goes back to the bush administration. it's just they're coming to light. a lot of these things existed before president obama. >> so there you have it, mark. cummings said he doesn't agree with that but he believes about 85% of african-americans do. is this a larger look at just a lack of confidence in government? >> i think that's what has been going on. there's a lack of faith in all institutions and whether it's sports, even the media now, tamron. but that question you played has been a common refrain from the african-american community. we didn't hear mishap after mishap after mishap from the secret service from george w.
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bush was president or bill clinton. the media landscape changed so much. we're able to get information faster, quicker, people are a little bit more cynical. it's one of the things that is fuelling conversations among african-american voters. >> thank you very much. >> the most decorated olympian in history. michael phelps announcing entering a treatment program after the second drunk driver arrests. how much will it derail the olympi olympics plans. cool nerd clothing. i'm talk with the man who left his high profile wall street job as a investment banker to create a clothing line. but it's more than about fashion here. he's hoping these clothes will inspire kids. it is the return of our exclusive and popular "born in the usa" series. when you've only have one hand,
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expedia plus rewards. welcome back. the most decorated olympian in history, michael phelps is entering a treatment facility this week. in a series of tweets the 129 -- 29-year-old swimmer said. phelps was stopped early tuesday morning as he caught driving 84 miles per hour in a 45 miles per hour zone and failed a sobriety test. it was the second dui related offense. joining me now editor of the washington post. if michael phelps returned to international competition now he's saying he needs to take
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time away to get a better understanding of himself. what do we know ability his life when he was away from swimming? >> well, you know, he's now a 29-year-old man and he has always been -- he's had swimming to keep him grounded, so to speak. and he's back in the pool now, but he doesn't have the outlet, you know, he doesn't have anything in his personal life, really. he is just still a swimmer. and now he goes out and has, you know, he goes to a casino. he's gambling, he's drinking, and that's now two duis in the last ten years. unfortunately i think it shows up how well the training of athletes goes but not so much training of human beings. he was focussed on swimming and he didn't really have time to develop as a kid. >> it's not as if it happened during his break. this incident has taken place while he's now back in the pool. in international competition. swimming has been his life and
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distracted him from maybe some of the other perils that young men, i'm sure with that kind of wealth, would fall into. this is happening at the time when he's building a comeback, a successful one. >> well, you know, i don't think that for michael phelps today that necessarily requires the kind of training that it did when he was young. you know, i mean, he's one of the few people setting records this summer. he could qualify for the olympics in rio in two years and still be -- it wouldn't be as dominant as he would but he would conceivably win medals. >> he's due in court in november 19th. facing up to a year in jail, loss of driver's license for six months. does it derail his comeback? does it impact his image as a role model? >> the comeback, no, i don't think so. there's the possibility since his previous dui was ten years ago he might get probation. you know, i think the bigger issue is as we saw with tiger
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woods, you know, who entered treatment after his incident with his now ex-wife. you know, maybe there's something, you know, maybe he'll go through treatment find out what he needs to find out about himself as a person. maybe he won't be as interested in swimming again. you know, maybe that will be, you know, maybe that will change that dynamic will change a little bit for him. but i don't really see that's going to derail him. i think that with sponsors he's getting the treatment he needs. so i think they're probably going to be with him. >> be more supportive while getting treatment. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. and the town of ferguson braces for four days of protesters. that tops our looks at stories around the "newsnation" today. protesters are planning marches, rallies, and an active disobedience. grand jury considers charges against police officer darrin wilson who shot and killed unarmed teenager michael brown almost two months ago now. meantime about 50 demonstrators interrupted a
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performance of the st. louis several any this weekend singing about justice for michael brown. ♪ justice for mike brown justice for us all ♪ ♪ which side are you on the demonstrators left peacefully and the performance resumed. they were applauded by some in the audience and the protesters purchased their tickets to be inside at the time. and today we're launching another installment of our popular series "born in the usa" highlighting american business success stories. a former wall street investment banker who was living the american dream, you might say. he felt unfulfilled. professionally and personally. so this m.i.t. graduate took a leap of faith. he quit his job and meshed his love of mentoring young people
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with a socially conscious clothing line. the kool nerd clothing company redefines the term nerd celebrating their passion, creativi creativity. joining me now is founder of k.o.o.l. nerd clothing. thank you so much for joining us. there you are. investment banker, living as they say, the american dream. whatever that means. but something was missing. >> yes. >> why? >> when i look at path i accomplished an immigrant came here as 8 years old from jamaica. working in investment banking. there was a number of roles. i had great mentors and social program which i guided my career. unfortunately a lot of children don't have that. and i wanted to -- i wanted to reach out and try to influence children in a sense of participating in the big brothers program. i wanted something bigger can
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impact children's lives. that's how it came about. we began putting positive messages on t-shirts and inspiring people. t-shirts are walking billboards. as i slowly started to develop the brand from the start-up phase the response was amazing. i was happy with the response from children. it's so fresh. >> it is fresh. tell me about the low go. >> the logo is a core energy of kool nerd clothing. the hat to the back is symbolism of street. it's our core energy of kool. the taped glasses symbolizes and represents the traditional nerd. it's a strength of character. a person who normally wore taped cla glasses it was normally they are were bullied or couldn't afford it. it represents a strength of character. and the bow tie is the sleek
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fashion of today. >> the clothing, especially in your teen years it can mean a lot. it doesn't matter, you know, usually the labels because they know how to hook it but did you find it as an easy path to get into their hearts and their minds. here's a shirt and something you can identify with as opposed to other ways that may not have reached them as fast? >> there is a number of ways to communicate with them and they always want to be stylish. as we start to present, we tested the market and started to test in front of them. they said i love them. it's the growing of the popularity of the word nerd now. that person that was dorky or out cast and they are embracing it and we want to be the brand for the growing mind set. >> nerdland is her team they call themselves. the proceeds that transformed it
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into dollars. >> we are not just a power brand, but we have a power brand. $4 from every product sales is going to the inner city children programs and science, technology, arts and math. i'm excited to say that growing up in inner cities of new york, i didn't have the knowledge of various career paths. i struggled figuring out what i wanted to do. i was good at math and chemistry and a friend of mine said why not chemical emergencyin iengin. it will guide their path much easier. >> wow. congratulations on this. is this my shirt? >> of course. >> my cool nerd shirt. i will be wearing this after the show. born in the usa continues tomorrow with a 10-year-old entrepreneur who started her own
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cookie company to help the family and it turned into a successful business. thank goodness this shirt is an extra large because i will be eating those cookies. up next, debate dodgers. more and more political candidates are avoiding public debates. are voters losing out? we will tell you how it factors into the incredible amount of money being put into some of these races. it is our news nation gut check. go online and check out kool nerd. beverages every year. over-consumption may link to obesity. but there is a better choice. drink more water, filtered by brita. clean, refreshing, nothing is better. it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about xarelto®. >>xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner
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msnbc on that breaking news. time for the news nation gut check. with mid-term elections a month away, you may have noticed fewer debates as "the washington post" points out, office holders are refusing to meet opponents in front of television cameras and caught the attention of "usa today's" editorial board. that points out that race includes ohio. for the first time in 36 years, voters will go to the polls without having seen a single debate in the governor's race. in michigan, there no debates in the senate race and only one for governor. what does your gut tell you? do voters lose out when candidates don't debate? we will have more information about this story on our website. that does it for this edition of news nation. thanks for joining me today. i will be back tomorrow. up next, andrea mitchell reports.
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breaking news from the supreme court. they decide not to hear five same-sex marriage appeals. >> perhaps even bigger is the fact that now the lower court rulings stand. that means 11 more states will now -- the law will be that same-sex marriage will be granted. >> on u.s. soil, a free lance cameraman with ebola arrives back in the u.s. with in nebraska. >> not one inch of his body will be exposed. >> in dallas, the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the u.s. is listed in critical condition. stronger screening. the white house is considering instituting cdc screening of arriving passengers at four of the nation's gateway airports. des pray plea. the parents of an


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