tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC October 6, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> while we're watching easy progress on marriage equality, it's astonishing. cecille richards, thank you for joining me. a fight on all fronts. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews. up in philadelphia, four big battles in the news tonight, one with african countries in chaos, the u.s. gets thrown into the front line in the ebola fight. two, the united states supreme court refuses to fight gay marriage sex, 30 states now will honor same-sex marriage. three, why can't democrats get some respect for fighting the jobs war? even with ten million new jobs since the bush meltdown.
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that's what i want to know. four, the fight between ben affleck and bill maher on whether to blame islam for the terror wars. i'm with affleck. knocking someone's religion is the way to start a fight, no way to cool one. and why a cameraman who contracted ebola is now back in the u.s. his parents said he was scared, but relieved to be back in the country. meanwhile, the liberian man being treated in dallas took a turn for the worse over the weekend. he's in critical condition. now receiving an experimental drug to fight the disease. and the dallas d.a.'s office is talking about filing criminal charges for lying in order to board the plane and come here. there are 48 people now being monitored in dallas for signs of ebola. including ten people who had direct contact with the liberian visitor. today a nurse in spain was confirmed to have the disease.
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he reportedly came into contact with a spanish missionary who was being treated at the hospital. in monrovia, they began construction of a field hospital. they will also build 17 emergency treatment units for the public with a hundred beds in each. we're joined by a reporter from "the washington post" and an expert on infectious diseases at the university of texas. late today president obama said officials were working on additional screening of passengers coming to the u.s. >> we'll also be working on protocols to do additional passenger screening both at the source and here in the united states. all of these things make me confident that here in the united states, at least, the chances of an outbreak, of an epidemic here are extraordinarily low. but let's keep in mind that as
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we speak, there are children on the streets, dying of this disease. thousands of them. so obviously, my first job is to make sure that we're taking care of the american people. but we have a larger role than that. we also have an obligation to make sure that those children and their families are safe as well. >> i'm trying to figure out about how we look at this. i guess if we're complete nationalists, we could talk like donald trump and say, close the door to any travel. very few people think like that is this about nationalism, or being a human being and if we don't deal with it in west africa, we're going to have to deal with it here? >> yes, exactly. this is a global health crisis, and you need to treat this at the source. the outbreak is in africa, not by freaking out in the u.s.
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this is one case in dallas. over 3,800 deaths have been reported in the three countries hardest hit. and those are underreported. a lot of the basic treatment is within the capability of the world to do. they just need to pour a lot of resources, according to the global health experts. and that hasn't been done. if that is done, and they can get it in time, you can dramatically cut the transmission and spread of this disease. >> one reason for the freaking out, as you call it, is probably the thought that i had, is the president said it was unlikely for it to come here. was that a wise statement for him to make? >> well, i think you have to do the math. back in the end of july, there had been 2,000 cases reports and two cases were then going to other countries. one was to nigeria and one to senegal. that's a ratio of 2,002 going out. 1 case for every thousand cases.
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it's easy to see how if you have tens of thousands of cases and people are not getting properly treated or isolated and protected, then it is going to spread. i think that when it comes to the united states, the united states and dr. geisberg can probably speak to this, has a much stronger public health system. hospitals give better care. you get i.v. fluids. you're monitored. it's much better health care than folks in west africa, where there's countries have been ravaged by civil war and they don't have basic health care in the hospitals. >> doctor, how are we better off than the countries in west africa? in the reporting today, seemed like there was a lot of chaos over there. these countries are living in many ways on their operational budget. they can't put money into infrastructure. i've seen it all over africa. this is an example where they can build up a tremendous store of potential resources to use in emergency because they're living hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck over in those
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countries. >> chris, that's correct. these are great points. you're looking at guinea, sierra leone, liberia, three of the poorest countries on the planet earth. so it's the poor public health infrastructure there that's really contributed to these outbreaks. so they really don't have the resources. they don't have the hospitals. they don't have the staff. and as sad as it is, the humanitarian efforts that have taken place there, i mean, they're running out of simple things like gloves and gowns and masks and things like that. and all of these things contribute to the outbreak and make it worse. i mean, i was very glad that the president announced that the u.s. military was stepping in to provide, you know, mobile hospitals and things like that. i worked for the army for 23 years. they're great at this. they're trained to do this. and really this is the key to stopping this outbreak.
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stop it over there on the ground, break the chain of transmission. get people back coming to the hospitals. we established that infrastructure, we support it and that's really the best way to control the outbreak. >> liberia's president said back in august that part of the reason for the spread of ebola in her country, had to do with misinformation and culture. she said, quote, we have been unable to control the spread due to continued denials, cultural burying practices, disregard for the advice of health workers and disrespect for the warnings by the government. i'm not knocking anybody's cultures, but apparently the way in which they treat the dead is so personal, so physical, that it's very hard to break people from religious tradition. doctor? >> that's part of the problem. historically, these outbreaks have occurred in central africa. they've been a little bit smaller. smaller villages and cities. and you've had some organizations, the world health
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organization, the u.s. center for disease control and prevention, humanitarian aid organizations like msf, they bring skilled people, they go in, it's a sad situation for that area. but they isolate the contacts and it burns out. the other thing they've done a tremendous job of in central africa is educating the public. so they do, you know, public education, public awareness, you know, i've been over there several times. they teach people, you know, don't do this. don't touch the body during the burial process. this is a new problem to west africa. i think that's in part contributed to the magnitude of this outbreak. >> today, texas governor rick perry said the government had to do more to control the entry of people with ebola into this country. let's watch governor perry. >> washington needs to take immediate steps to minimize the dangers of ebola and other infectious diseases.
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to begin with, customs officials and border patrol agents at all points of entry should immediately be directed to conduct enhanced screening procedures. >> let me go for the last word on that. what should we be doing? what should the united states be doing at the airports, in hospitals? what's the lesson of the last couple days? >> i think for hospitals, the lesson has been, even though there has been guidance and protocols and a lot of discussions since this first came on the american radar when the two americans were flown back, i think hospitals are finding that the practical challenges are very differ than just having to know how to do infection control. most places can do the isolation, but then it comes down to, okay, how big of a room do you need? do you need to have room for a bed? do you need to have room for a bed and laboratory equipment? do you need room for a bed,
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laboratory equipment, and medical care? and what about training? hospitals are trying to get lessons from emory and the university of nebraska, two hospitals that have taken care of ebola patients, to learn from them. and on the screening, i think there is some discussion -- that the president said there was going to be more screening protocols. >> that's right. >> but if you're in liberia, and you have means, and you get sick and you're worried you're not going to get good care in your country, then maybe you would just get on the plane and lie and fly to someplace you could get good care. i guess that goes back to what public health officials are saying. if you can get the good care in the place where the outbreak is, and get it under control and get people to trust you and understand that you're not there spreading the disease, then you go a long way to helping to curb the outbreak.
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>> we have a long way to go culturally to prove our own goodwill and you're right, what good is it to set up a situation forcing people to lie their way to this country, like with mr. duncan and having to run down all the contacts he may have made. this is big picture. but we can't be nationalistic about it. we have to be, not one world, but certainly it is our world. thank you both for joining us. coming up, a big victory for supporters of same-sex marriage. a huge victory after the supreme court denied appeals from five states seeking gay-marriage bans. that means 3/5 of the country allow same-sex marriage. with the economy gaining teams, a quarter million jobs last month, president obama and the democrats take some credit. no. why don't they get any credit? also we'll look ahead to the mid term elections and some new poll numbers that have democrats feeling it's a bit more upbeat. we'll finish with the a
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here's your chance. tomorrow on "hardball," we'll give you an all-star assessment where things stand now in the battle for u.s. senate. four weeks before the mid term elections, you get the best take on how things will turn out. tonight we have new polling in who's winning now. first to north carolina where the "hardball" team will be this weekend talking to voters. i'll be with them. a new poll of likely voters shows kay hagan, the democrat up four points over republican challenger tom tillis. 44-40. in iowa, the poll has joni ernst up two over bruce braley. 46-44. this is a tough one democrats figure they need to win.
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next to kansas where orman leads roberts by ten, 48-38. and the one and only question there is which party would he caucus with if the democrats end up with 49 and republicans with 50? then and only then would his vote be decisive in the battle for control. to kentucky, a new poll of likely voter shows alison lundergan grimes up to mitch mcconnell. it's grimes 46, mcconnell, 44. five weeks ago, mcconnell was leading by four. she's picked up six points in a couple of weeks. with sleep number
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rejected appeal cases from five states, meaning that lower court decisions go into effect immediately. that means the court's action instantly makes gay marriage legal in the following five states. utah, oklahoma, wisconsin, indiana, and virginia. and as a result of today's action, marriage will soon be legal in six other states that are included in the federal appeals court ruling. they are wyoming, colorado, kansas, north carolina, south carolina, and west virginia. and that's a dramatic change. gay marriage will be legal in 30 states plus d.c. thanks to the supreme court's decision today, or refusal to take up the case in virginia, same-sex marriages were performed today merely hours after the decision. let's watch. >> dearly beloved, we have joined together to join this woman and this woman in the holy state of matrimony. >> today, republican governor
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threw in the towel. he said for us, it's over in wisconsin. congressman, what do you make of turning the sword over in this battle by the governor? >> all year he's been fighting this, taking it to every level to fight the decision that said it was unconstitutional to not allow marriage equality. but now he's listening to the supreme court. while we've had a big victory today for a lot of people across the country, we can't spike the ball yet. there's still a lot to do around employee non-discrimination, making sure the kids don't commit suicide, and a lot of work still to do, but it's a big victory. >> just following up on that logic, for a gay kid, who believes he's guy in his teenage years. the knowledge that marriage is equal. that you can have a same-sex marriage, will that alleviate that pressure of social
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isolation? >> you know, it's a huge thing. because we all know, people go to weddings. people who are married, you know what families are. when you have that definition allowing all people to be treated equally under the law, that really defines all treatment equal under the law. so it's a big thing for youth facing these troubles, but we have work to do, but it's certainly a huge victory today. >> steve, i worked in democratic politics all those years, and you were too, all those years. are you surprised in the space of a dozen years, from the first time massachusetts did this, and then you had three states vote for it by popular referendum, are you surprised we've come to this 30 states, a dramatic majority, having marriage equality? >> it's a dramatic step, chris. i got to say i'm surprised how quickly it's happened. i think the reason it's happened, people get married and
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people around them see that their lives are better, and nothing's changed in the world. like all the bad things that the anti-marriage people say is going to happen don't happen. i remember talking to our friend barney frank about six months after massachusetts had marriage and i said, what's going on up there? he said there's nothing new. people are getting married and their kids and co-workers are getting married and everybody likes it. >> i saw barney at an event in philadelphia here and i was the straight guy in the room. a number of other straight people were there, terry gross was there. and barney would talk to the young people there, the young gay couples that were there, and he said, keep hope, things are changing. i thought that was such a powerful message of hope in a way that really, in this case, steve, was appropriate. because it's true. the country has changed its heart. in many cases. >> it's a huge deal. and in all these states where people are going to get married, it sends a signal up and down, all across oklahoma, or utah, or
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wyoming, that it's okay to be gay. and that it's good to be gay and it's a joyous occasion when two people get married, no matter whether they're lgbt or not. >> did you come out at a certain point in your life? or did you let it come out gradually? did you make a statement? >> i remember. you know, i grew up, when i was in college, you had to make a decision to let other people know you were gay. by making that decision, hopefully you changed some people's minds. in 1982 when i was in college and did it, it was not an easy thing to do, because you got a lot of bad reactions. >> republicans are grappling that young people are moving towards gay marriage acceptance, even support. this pew poll tells the story. with poll numbers like that in mind that house speaker john
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boehner will visit california this week to raise money for an openly guy republican candidate. here's part of a campaign ad. pay attention to the first two images. let's watch. >> he believes in equality and diversity and is a defender of our personal freedom. the power of people over partisanship is a strength rarely shown in politicians, but it exists in all of us. he believes in us in san diego. who is this man? >> carl demaio, a new generation republican, a reformer, our next congressman. >> congressman, thank you for joining us tonight. haven't had you on before. tell me how you think this is working with your colleagues. when you wander through the democratic cloak room, i'm sure it's more hospitable. but in either cloak room, do you have a sense that your colleagues know this is the future if not the present? >> no question. i think people are realizing that hate doesn't sell anymore. when scott walker and michele bachmann are saying this isn't an issue, i think we've reached
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that threshold that people understand really equal treatment is the way the society is. a poll i saw, 81% of the people under 30 believe in marriage equality. so they're coming around to accepting where the rest of society's at. and that's a good thing. i think when i'm in congress, when i talk to folks, i've had republicans come to my office when the supreme court decision came out last year, and i had a republican come up to me and say, why don't you and your husband fly out to his district and officiate my ceremony. that's a big thing. and i think society is already there. elected leaders are catching up with where the people are. >> what do you think is the percentage of voters who have family sympathies, family identities, family relationships that are pro-marriage equality? i try to do the math sometimes. parents, cousins, brothers, sisters, it would seem to be a pretty strong group of people
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that have an immediate family connection with the desirability and the celebration really of gay relationship. >> absolutely. i think that's why we've had such fast success. for a while, people played on the fear. then people came out and said, that's my cousin, that's my son, that's my neighbor, and we're just as boring as everybody else. >> well, we can talk about that, because i do think the imagery of the button-down regular couple, coming down the steps from a church, or a justice of the peace office, is a very comforting picture for a lot of people. i think steve may have said it, i really believe that picture, it's just like us, you know what i mean. well said. thank you and congratulations and congressman pocan. up next, the hot fight between bill maher and ben affleck over islamic fundamentalists.
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take a look at this, bill clinton, back in his home state of arkansas, campaigning for democratic senator mark pryor. he'll do four events with him today and tomorrow. this is "hardball," the place for politics. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ]
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back to "hardball." time now for the side show. in his 60 minutes interview last month, president obama acknowledged that the united states had underestimated the threat of isis in the middle east, explaining that the terror group was able to use social media to recruit new followers. the folks at "saturday night live" thought it was ironic that the president whose own social media campaign helped him win the presidency in 2008 was so slow to recognize how effectively social media could also be used by isis. take a look. >> with all due respect, mr.
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president, you had a historically effective social media campaign in 2008, how could you be worse at social media than a band of terrorists in the desert in syria? >> you don't understand. these terrorists have nothing to do. they can be tweeting all day. they've started co-opting popular hash tags to trick people into reading their messages of hope. for example, one day the black flag of isis will fly over the white house. hash tag, the voice is back. or this one, we will destroy the infidels, hash tag derek jeter. and this weekend, bill maher went against ben affleck. specifically they argued about whether the islamic state itself plays a role in forming violence contrary to western notions of freedom of speech, and equal rights for women. affleck argued that criticizing
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an entire religion is unfair, and the other side, that too much tolerance is like turning a blind eye. this debate has been exploding. >> we have been sold this meme of islamophobia where every doctrine of muslim gets conflated to people. >> right. >> hold on, are you the people who understand the officially codified doctrine of islam? are you the interpreter of that? >> i'm well educated on this. >> you're saying islamophobia is not a real thing? >> i'm not saying certain people aren't biggoted against muslims as people. and that's a problem. >> that's big of you. it's gross, it's racist. >> but it's so not. >> it's not like saying you're a shifty jew. >> if you want to be liberal,
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freedom of speech, we're endowed with our forefathers and all men are created equal. >> we have to be able to criticize bad ideas. >> of course we do. >> but islam is the mother load of bad ideas. this is hot stuff, we'll have more on this fight coming up next in the round table. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. you do a lot of things great.
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and we have to be able to criticize bad ideas. >> of course we do. >> but islam is the mother load of bad ideas. >> jeez. [ all speak at once ] >> you don't understand my argument. >> your argument is like blast people. >> no, it's not. it's based on facts. the egyptians are not outliers in the muslim world. 90% of them believe death is the appropriate response to leaving the religion. in 90% of brazilians thought death was the appropriate
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response to leaving catholicism, you would think it was a bigger deal. welcome back to "hardball." a heated exchange between ben affleck and bill maher has set up a debate. plus, why aren't the president and the democrats singing happy days are here again with the economy. we'll get to it with the round table. writer from "the washington post", and editorial director of the huffington post. what do you make of the debate on television about whether islam is basically a problem, a problem with terrorism and violence? that's the argument they were making. >> it's only like three muslims talking about islam and talking with a familiarity with the religion that frankly they don't have. so, you know, as a debate, per se, i don't put a lot of stock in it. or take it that seriously. >> susan?
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>> well, in a way, we've been having this debate for 13 years since 9/11, right? with some people blaming the islamic religion for terrorist attacks and others arguing that there are a lot of muslims to whom that totally doesn't apply and is wrong. so this doesn't strike me as a fresh new line of inquiry that we're hearing. >> i think it's important, chris, i think that debate on bill maher was important because bill maher is a popular show in the mainstream of american, sort of intelligent public commentary. i thought it was kind of extraordinary. i think what sam harris said was outrageous. you don't call a religion of 1.6 billion people, the mother load of bad ideas. you just don't. i don't claim to have read the entire koran. i've read a fair amount of it.
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i have lots of muslim friends and i know something of the religion. and i think it's fair to say that terrorism, that isis, the people that we're responding to, do not represent a great historic religion and if i were a muslim, i would be completely outraged, however worried i was about a bad face of my faith being shown. >> and you know i think there's a big difference in the role that i play and all four of us, than the role of a comedian. he can have fun being a social critic. >> he wasn't be a comedian there. >> you say stuff like this, and that's a loser, because it will just rile people against you and won't change anyone's religious commitment. >> also, it's not true. >> that's correct. it's a ridiculous statement. >> we all read the bible, the old testament especially, there's lots of violence in there. >> a lot of smiting going on in the old testament. >> and death to your enemy and all that. let's talk about the economy.
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tote in "the washington post" a party controlling the white house could not ask for much more than friday's job report, issued a month before the mid term elections. the unemployment rate fell below 6%. added a quarter million new jobs. more than ten million jobs since w.'s meltdown, but neither the president or the democrats are getting any credit. when you ask americans which party would do a better job handling the economy, republicans have a ten-point edge. why can't the democrats do a little spiking of the ball in the end zone, a little bit of hotdogging here? these numbers are really good. i know not everybody's benefitting, but don't you play your strengths in politics?
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don't you play the positive? >> you took part of my answer in your question, chris. i think part of the problem, one part of the problem is that people generally don't feel that much better either about their current situation or their future situation because the vast middle class has seen no increase in their real net income over the last ten or 15 years. it's not just obama's fault, but it's partly that. so it's dangerous to crow. the other thing in is, in these mid term elections, virtually every democrat is running as far away from barack obama as fast as they can. they don't want to be identified with him, they often don't want to be identified as democrats. they're running on individual issues, on abortion, on women's rights -- >> it's a vicious cycle, because if you don't talk about the president, if you distance yourself from him, you leave him open to further attacks, which is exactly what the democrats have done for the last six months. >> you know what -- >> in all those years roosevelt was trying to bring the country
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back from the depression, the economy wasn't a lot better. there was a lot of people unemployed. double-digits to the end of the '30s. all the time he was keeping people with hope by saying, we got something done here, something's working. why do you not want to beat the drum for the success you've had? >> one thing president obama has not been effective at doing is making his own case. one reason we got the good unemployment numbers on friday, we also got the numbers on median household income, which is completely stagnant as it has been for the past five years. and there's the argument, it could be a lot worse. that's one of the arguments president obama would have to make. it was a lot worse in 2008 and 2009. we avoided another great depression.
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but it's hard to make that a great selling point. >> -- same situation, ten million new jobs, ran for election. touts the creation of the ten million jobs and here's how he did it. >> ten million new jobs, family income up $1,600. president clinton and al gore cut the deficit 60%, requiring time limits, taxes cut for 15 million, balancing the budget. america's moving forward with an economic plan that works. >> i like the music. >> there you go. run that ad again, and look, if you're a threatened democrat incumbent, then don't mention president obama. say, i did it. say, i brought this to you, constituents and unemployment is down to 5.9%. >> i have to say, i think barack obama and the white house have done a lousy job of using the best communications they can. just having the president go to some industrial plant somewhere in the midwest and hold a photo op is not the way you communicate these days. for all of his social media
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savvy in the campaigns, they've dropped the ball in terms of, from what i've seen in social media, in terms of really pushing this message out to targeted voters. i also see them wasting a lot of time running against the koch brothers. to me, campaigning against the koch brothers is idiotic. they're not on the ballot. >> i was thinking what w. would be doing right now if he had tripled the dow. you think of the most amazing running back and what kind of stuff, the calisthenics that goes on in the end zone, can you imagine what that president would be doing with the tripling of the dow, with ten million new jobs. republicans know how to celebrate themselves. i think democrats need to remember, happy days are here again, high hopes, don't stop thinking about tomorrow, democratic songs. the round table is coming back with a look at the mid terms now
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just a month away tomorrow. we'll spend the hour tomorrow night trying to figure out which party has the upper hand in the battle for control of the senate. going to be close. before we break, here's some of the sights and sounds of one of the key races, udall versus gardner. they debated today. >> policies of this campaign that are at issue, that are on debate right now, the president just said it yesterday. his policies are on the ballot. that's what we are going to be discussing today, the policies of the president and the fact that mark udall has voted with them 99% of the time. >> congress gardner didn't answer the question. he has the tenth most partisan record in the house of representatives. his record is out of the mainstream and that's the contrast that you have in this race. homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water.
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personal note here, i was doing a radio interview talking about my book. it's coming out in paper back this tuesday. that's tomorrow. was taken aback a little when the host asked me how tipper gore and ronald reagan began their relationship. tipper gore and ronald reagan. did they even have a happy? i don't think so. but anyway, better not tell nancy if they did. what's that radio person's question about? tipper gore? does that tell you how history fails to leave its impact, how young people come along with no word on what came before. how democrats and republicans did things long ago and got things done. found a way to work together
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we're back with a round table. what do you make of this race now for the senate? i want to start with howard on this baby. the united states senate race, people are talking about kansas. i figured the relevance there, if it ends up 49 democrats, 50 republicans, this guy gets to decide if the republicans get 50. that's the only time it matters in kansas, as far as i can figure. >> but i think it's symbolic of
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the unsettled state of the race. everyone has assumed that the republicans have the upper hand. thecouple bants are way over 50%. >> so you don't think it's a big swing ear way? >> right now. at one point, i did. if reason is, kentucky, which i know best, retch mcconnell is horribly unpop you lar in his home state. this is not an election of hope. it's an election of legalese, which makes it unpredinble in the end. >> the drumming that she's bb
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taking from, e mean a drubing, personal insults, and here she is back ochb top. >> we say that wu she's two percentage points up. so i would say let's look at the broad trend, which has been a very close race and mitch mcconnell had taken a slight edge and not taken one single poll of people who punch numbers on their phone as the last word. it does show that there's still a close race there. and that is astounding against someone with the plilt kal history of mitch mcconnell and lack of political history of alison. one thing about the kansas race, maybe one thing it tells us is there's an appetite for somebody what's neither a democrat or a republican. emp a state like kansas, there's an appetite for independent candidate. >> how do you decide if et's decisive.
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>> you insist that's not who he is. i think he'll go with whichever party gives him the bigger deal. you know he's more likely to go with the democrats that pat roberts is. >> if the democrats come down with the senate, think eel hold it for the following reasons. think're able to get this guy to organize with them. but to get there, they have to win in iowa, everyone thinks. he's going to decide the senate control. >> yeah, well, we've had some other strange, recent elections. this one is strange because it is so undecided or unclear this late in the cycle.
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now, as we go into the heart of election season, you can't be sure of that. you really can't be sure of it at all. >> what's helping is efb, at first, only thought of her as the hog kas traitor. it turns out that lowered expectations big time. but she's actually performed pretty well in the debates. >> yeah, she has. she's surprised people. again, their expectations were very low. that state has been trending, to some extent, culturely. it's been trending somewhat more conservative culturally, i think. >> i think it's going to be an eight-seat pick up for the republicans. that he're not going to win new hampshire.
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they're not going to win michiganment that he're going to get pretty far along this road. i just think the move of the country is upset. i don't think it's anything particular against. >> i think it's going to be republicans likely take the senate absence and development we don't forsee right now. that sounds like a pretty robust republican victory for me. >> i'm just astounded that this guy, scott brown, can waltz across the border, and actually be in contention against a pretty popular incumbent. this is why i think the sweep is still possible. although i think michigan looks good for gary peters. anyway, thank you. a lot more on this tomorrow night. make sure you tune in tomorrow night to "hardball" when we dedicate the whole hour to an all-star show on the close u.s. senate races around the country. you don't want to misthis one. we're a month out tomorrow. we'll be right back.
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let me finnish tonight with this. tomorrow night we're going to look at the battle for the u.s. senate. could it really come down to a candidate in iowa bragging about her ability to castrate hogs? could it? a month from tomorrow packs a lot of political dynamite. should the president lose control of the senate and continue to suffer minority status in the house? he would be at the mercy of the
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congress. they could spend their days investigating him and trying to destroy obamacare. they can do absolutely nothing and have a jolly time roasting the white house. they could get a kick out oaf him for the next two years. but then, what would become of such a performance? they will look like the bad guys. they will look like a party that seeks power in office merely for the chance that comes to reap destruction. the brand x party. the party you vote for just to say no. and meanwhile, all the time, the next two years, the republican is advertising itself as a no party. they will be evoking a lead every and a party they want to say yes to to hope for deliverance from a tough time. so here's a thought for the republicans. don't bet on the party, determine the flag of no to rally the american people to say yes. a month from now, they may settle sitly for relief from something they don't like.
12:00 am
three novembers from now, they're looking, yes, once again, for hope. that's "hardball" for now. thanks fg for being with us. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on "all in," the journalist who contracted eshs bola is back on american soil tonight. while politicians have found a way to turn ebola into a campaign issue. >> the military is not trained to go catch ebola and die. the president's priorities are all mixed up here. >> then, all in america cold coal country starts tonight. >> it's my trillion millionaire and ten thousand eat up with black lung and die. >> our series begins in kentucky where we investigate the war on the war on coal. >> who started the o
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