tv Politics Nation MSNBC October 9, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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of officer darren wilson. >> all right, attorney darryl parks, michael eric dyson, professor at georgetown, thanks for your time. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. we start with breaking news tonight on what we call the ferguson effect. in the two months since michael brown was shot and killed in ferguson, missouri, we've seen more and more people using cell phones to record alleged police misconduct. and a robust national conversation about appropriate police conduct from coast to coast. the latest from new york. it appears to be an officer knocking a teenager unconscious for smoking a cigarette that the officer believed was marijuana. >> you can't do that!
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>> it was just a cigarette. it was just a cigarette. >> the other incident, what appears to be an officer stealing from a man. >> you see this? look. you see this? you see this? >> give me my money, man. >> later in the show, we'll have more on these shocking videos, part of a national conversation sparked by ferguson. but in that town tonight, supporters are rn hadding mi-- honoring michael brown at a candle light vigil in front of the police department. just last night in nearby st. louis police shot and killed a teenager who they say fired a gun at an officer. his family disputes that claim. though a gun was found at the scene. the teenage are was also facing trial for prior gun shots. hundreds of protesters gathered
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in the area last night. and several police cars were damaged when some kicked in the car windows and tail lights. joining us now, democratic committee woman for ferguson township. and cedric alexander, president of the national organization of black law enforcement executives and chief of police for dekalb county, georgia. thank you both for being here. patricia, let me start with you. today, two months ago, 60 days ago, michael brown was killed by a policeman there in ferguson. they are having a vigil tonight. what's the mood like in the ferguson area today, two months later? >> well, you know, today is a very somber mood, especially in light of what happened last night. and today happens to be my birthday and gives me the opportunity to think about how mike brown won't get the opportunity to have another birthday again.
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and it's tense. especially knowing that there are organizations and people coming into the st. louis area for peaceful protests, but now the events of last night, you might as well have just thrown gasoline on the fire and we are back in a heighten sense and awareness and not quite sure how emotions are playing out today. >> now, let me go to you, dr. alexander. i want to play out the st. louis police chief described last night's shooting. listen to this. >> the suspect pointed the gun at the officer and fired at least three rounds at the police officer. at that point, the officer returned fire. as the officer moved towards the suspect, the suspect continued to pull the trigger on the gun. once we recovered the gun, we learned that gun malfunctioned, and it was jammed. >> he says there that the young man fired at the police three times and was about to do more. but people in the community
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dispute that. i mean, this shows this real distrust between police and community residents. what does this say to you? >> well, what it says to me very clearly, reverend sharpton, is that there's a growing distrust across this country, appears to be as it relates to police and community right now. we look in light of the recent events that have occurred post michael brown's death and even prior to that is creating so much anxiety and pause for a number of people who are now seeing video footage they have never seen before. and regardless of what's right or wrong here, it's creating a great deal of distrust. i was in a community meeting last night here in dekalb county, georgia, which is a great county. wonderful people, wonderful citizens, great relationship with the police department here. but here's what i'm hearing a lot of.
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i'm hearing from people who are now beginning to ask questions they never asked before, reverend sharpton. if a police officer get in behind me, do i pull over in the middle of the night? should i step out of my car if they ask me to? should i invite them into my home if they knock on my door? these were questions there were seldom asked before by citizens, but in light of everything that we're hearing about, there's this growing separation and distrust between police and community. we got to find a way to fix that. one thing for certain, a community cannot exist without police. and police have to have community in order to be effective. we got to work on some communicating here. >> they have to have the trust of the community to do the job right and trust is earned. you know, miss bynes, "the washington post" reported tensions with the ferguson police saying, the force continued to crack down on
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protesters even after federal and state officials got involved. i'm reading from "the washington post." the ferguson police department continued and even accelerated efforts to suppress peaceful protests using arbitrary and inconsistently applied arrest policies, according to justice department officials. arbitrary and inconsist tent policies. is this in any way a way the police force should be interacting with its community? >> absolutely not. since the department of justice has stepped in, i've been working very closely with them to make sure that they know exactly what is going on. i'm not going to miss this opportunity to work on behalf of the community is let interested parties know what's going on. there are things i've seen that have been inconsistent, that i have questioned. we have the aclu, which has come
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in and said they did things that were unconstitutional. i've personally seen officers still not wearing their name tags. so there seems to be, in this community right now, a sense that the police feel that maybe they're untouchable, or that way they don't have to follow what the department of justice is saying, but there are people like me and other people in the community where, we're going to make sure that changes. and we need to have an open dialogue to start establishing trust again. hopefully we can get to that point after this weekend. >> patricia bynes, thank you for your time tonight. dr. alexander, stay with me. the shooting of michael brown has sparked a national conversation about policing. in the last few months, many people have recorded interaction with police. but a new video from washington, d.c. is very different from most
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what we've seen. police were responding to a call about a burglary in a wealthy area, and stopped a disabled african american man who works in the neighborhood. a white homeowner who knew him got involved. >> excuse me. what exactly did you get a call for? what address did you get a call for? pardon? what number, please? >> 3602, and you're in the 4500 block. that address isn't even in this neighborhood. >> he's coming with -- >> no. >> he gets loud and boisterous. >> because you're accusing him.
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>> come on, dennis, she said you can go. come on. >> i'm disabled. >> come with me. >> this is the address. >> you don't need to stop him to tell her that. i'm reporting this. i'm an attorney and this is wrong. now please leave our neighborhood. >> they know me. >> just because he's black doesn't mean he's here to rob a house. he works for us, he's been in this neighborhood for 30 years. >> he's been in this neighborhood for 30 years. but stopped for no reason. it's a powerful video with a very different ending. many, many others that we've seen has not ended this way. >> joining me now are the two people in that video. dennis stuckey, the man who was
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detained by police, and jody westly, who spoke to the officers. thank you both for being here. >> my pleasure. >> thank you. >> jody, i want to start with you. what did you think when you saw the officer confront dennis? >> when my housekeeper came in my home and called for me and told me the police had dennis and from the immediate look, i could see he was on the ground. she was ordering him to stay on the ground, and that he was in trouble. and i told her that he had worked in the neighborhood, he had done nothing wrong. and she just completely ignored me, told me to stand back. and i knew that this was a situation that appeared to me immediately to be profiling. i turned to my housekeeper who had her phone in her hand and asked her to start video recording. dennis asked her, the policewoman, he asked her if she was wearing a video camera and she said yes.
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>> weren't you scared? what was going through your mind that made you just stand up aggressively to the police at that juncture? >> i knew dennis was in danger. and i knew that this was a wrong situation. and that they had no probable cause to be stopping him, much less, she was preparing to search him, by putting on her blue latex gloves and i just immediately went into response mode and tried to defend him and protect him from the situation that i knew was not appropriate or legal. >> dennis, were you scared when the police stopped you? >> yes. >> what was going through your mind before jody came to your rescue? >> that i was going to jail or something, get locked up for nothing, for being out in the area. >> you worked in that area how long? >> over 30 years. >> and you said a lot of the police in the area knew you? >> yes, they did.
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lot of them do. >> but the officer wouldn't hear you at all? >> not at all. these cops now, they ain't never been out there. never. >> just one second, let me ask you this, jody. what do you think would have happened if you hadn't confronted the officer, jody? >> i think what would have happened. she would have opened his bag. he has a small zipper bags that he carries a few simple little tools that he can do simple little assistance things, such as, you know, pruning snippers, dandelion digger. i think she would have opened the bag, looked at the tools and gone to the conclusion that he would be using those to enter homes. even though when she first saw him, he was standing there talking to a neighbor's garde r gardener. it was just clearly her presumption of he was guilty until she could figure out that
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he wasn't. that's just not how our country works. >> let me ask you, separate from this incident, but we've seen a lot of recordings of interactions with police. will these videos change the relationship communities have with police? >> well, it's going to be a struggle right now, to be honest with you, reverend sharpton. what's going to occur over time, hopefully we'll move past some of this, but clearly what's emerging in this country is this continued, here again, separation between police and community, in light of what we all are seeing every evening on our news channels. this is troubling to all of us. and it creates a certain amount of pause in regards to, more than anything else, that distrust. but what we have to figure out here real soon is how we're going to create and how we're going to merge these two entities back together. because here again, police is going to have to find a way in
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their respective communities to begin engaging communities, becoming close to their community. and communities are going to have to engage the police, because they need their support as well. >> i think it begins with an honest dialogue, and i think we need a lot more -- >> absolutely it does. >> i think we need a lot more jodys in this world. >> dennis, let me ask you something, what did you think about what jody westly did for you that day? >> she saved my pride. she came out and said to the police officers, and i appreciate what she did for me. >> i think if more people stood up, then we could create that dialogue a lot sooner and a lot more effectively. >> dennis stuckey, jody westly and cedric alexander, we thank you all for your time tonight. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, a police officer accused of stealing a thousand dollars from a man on the street.
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and then pepper strpraying him. it's caught on tape and it's in tonight's justice file. also, are republicans trying to scare people into voting gop? just check out the ads. >> evil forces around the world want to harm americans every day. they're entering into our country through arizona's backyard. plus, we'll go live to dallas for an ebola update on that sheriff's deputy in the hospital. and new questions about the failure to save the life of thomas eric duncan. i love having a free checked bag. stay with u stay with us. hey sweetie. stay with u
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eric duncan says he received unfair treatment, and are calling for an investigation into his death. questions have been raised about whether he could have survived if the dallas hospital had treated him immediately. and today, at a global conference, the cdc director stressed the work ahead. >> i will say that in the 30 years i've been working in public health, the only thing like this has been aids. and we have to work now so this is not the world's next aids. >> joining me now from dallas is nbc's sarah dalen. sarah, the hospital was on the defensive today, saying, quote, mr. duncan os physicians treated him with the most appropriate and available medical interventions. what can you tell us? >> well, good evening, reverend. this was the first time we've heard from the hospital on several of these issues. the pastor for the fiancee of
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mr. duncan said she's going through a lot of what ifs in her mind right now, what if the hospital had admitted him when he saw them on the 26th? would that have resulted in a different outcome? the hospital today is giving us a little more information into that official visit when mr. duncan presented with a fever and abdominal pain. he told the nurse he had come from africa. they say at the time, his condition did not warrant admission and he was not exhibiting symptoms specific to ebola. they also address the issue as to why he didn't receive the blood serum. one of the patients received a blood transfusion from another surviving physician, kent brantly. the question, why didn't duncan receive that sear rum? the hospital today said his blood type wasn't compatible with the surviving ebola patient's. and that's why he didn't receive that serum. >> he didn't receive the serum, because his was not compatible
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and the other was compatible that did receive the serum? >> that is correct. dr. kent brantly who gave that serum to dr. sacra, those were compatible. dr. brantley tells nbc news he was approached and asked if he would be willing to give a blood transfusion, he said yes, of course. he said he was never contacted again. the hospital saying today it's because brantley and duncan, the patient here in texas, their blood types were not compatible. >> all right, we're going to stay on top of this story obviously. nbc's sarah dallof, thank you for your time tonight. now we turn to breaking news out of pennsylvania tonight, and a chilling new detail from the manhunt there. for 27 days, police are searching for eric frein, accused of a deadly sniper attack last month, killing a police officer. law enforcement officials read portions from notes found in the
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woods they allege frein wrote. >> friday, september 12th. got a shot around 11:00 p.m. and took it. he dropped. i was surprised at how quick. i took a follow-up shot on his head, neck area. he was still and quiet after that. another cop approached the one i just shot. as he went to kneel, i took a shot at him and jumped in the door. his legs were visible and still. >> they also announced new charges against frein, following the discovery of explosive devices. >> i mentioned the two pipe bombs which were fully functional and capable of being deployed. as a result of this, additional charges have been filed against eric frein.
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two new counts of possession of weapons of mass destruction were filed today. >> joining me today, jim cavanaugh. thanks for being here, first of all. >> thanks, reverend. >> why would police read frein's note like that? >> they're trying to keep the public informed and on the side of the police in this, and i think the population of citizens in pennsylvania are on the side of the troopers and police. but to give an insight into what a cold-blooded coward this guy is. and do not think that maybe this is a guy you should help or aid or some robin hood. any government crack pot with a grandiose idea that he should write down what lhe did. >> he read another section of the note, describing his actions after the shooting.
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watch this. >> i ran back to the jeep. i made maybe half a mile from the gl road -- that's the gameland's road -- and hit a roadblock. i didn't expect one so soon. it was only 15 to 20 minutes. i did a k turn a quarter mile from them and pulled into a development i knew had unfinished access road. hearing hilos, i just used my marker lights, missed the trail around a run-off pool and drove straight into it. disaster. made half attempt to stash ak and ran. >> he sounds like he was prepared to make some sort of get-away. how significant is it that he was caught off guard by a quick police response, jim? >> well, that's right, reverend al. in the news business, you showcase bad police work, but this is a great example of great
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police work and the helicopter being deployed quickly. he likely was going to escape, and might have staged another killing in a few days or a week. but because the roadblock made him turn and the helicopter made him turn out his headlights, he ran the jeep into the pond. he thinks he's a great soldier, but he's just really a crack pot. and so now he has to run through the woods at night and hang his ak-47 up and go into the serbian soldier mode. so i'd say he's getting desperate. he's going down mentally, physically. doesn't have enough equipment, ammunition, as he thought he might need. there's been four sightings of him this week. i think they're closing in on him. he's a very dangerous guy. these anti-government people have grandiose ideas and they think that their death is going to be the trigger that starts the revolution against the rest of us. but what he doesn't realize is the rest of us, the police, the citizens, all of us, america, is
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against him. we are together to see him captured. >> but there's a lot of fear in that community. 27 days and we're on top of it. we'll stay on top of this story. jim cavanaugh, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend al. coming up, republicans running hard on fear. they're scaring you on isis and ebola. and guess what? it's all somehow president obama's fault. funny how that works. plus, two disturbing videos of police here in new york city. a teen knocked out allegedly over a cigarette. and an officer that appears to have robbed a man of $1,000. >> you see this? look. you see this? you see this? >> [ bleep ]. >> give me my money, man. give me my money. eptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth.
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did you know that president obama is to blame for ebola? me neither. but apparently that's the new talking point on the right. we'll look at it and how gop politicians are trying to literally scare people into voting republican, next. i hait's tough, but severi've managed.ease. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease.
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...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. now to the politics of fear. the republicans' latest campaign tactic. a month before the midterm election, the gop has a new plan. try to scare the wits out of voters by fear mongering over ebola and isis. >> radical islamic terrorists are threatening to cause the collapse of our country. president obama and senator shaheen seem confused about the nature of the threat. >> -- does not present a threat to the nation. >> really? can we take that chance?
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>> evil forces around the world want to harm americans every day. they're entering into our country through arizona's backyard. >> federal officials have repeatedly said there's no intelligence showing that isis is threatening to cross the southern border. just like there's no evidence ebola's coming into the u.s. from mexico. and yet the conservative website, the daily caller, is running the headline, president ebola, and republicans are playing it up on the campaign trail. >> senator hagan has failed the people by not securing the border. we have an ebola outbreak, we have bad actors that can come across the border. >> the irs, syria, ebola, the secret service. i mean, what's going well in regard to this administration? >> political correctness has caused us to underplay the threat of ebola. a wide open border is not only a
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danger for national security purposes, it's also a danger for a worldwide pandemic. >> both isis and ebola are real challenges, requiring real solutions, not fear mongering in the midterm elections. joining me now are richard wolf and karen finney, thank you both for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> richard, it seems like halloween has come early for republicans. what's your take? >> you know, rev, i actually thought, as scary as halloween is, this is even more crazy. i thought they would be going for a 2010 playbook at this point, rather than a 2002 playbook. it's almost the same pacing and soundtrack they have on some of the ads. it's preposterous that some west african traveler would go through mexico and take this long trek through the desert and
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survive ebola for long enough to make it through into a populated area, rather than, i don't know, die in the desert. it's ridiculous. it doesn't understand either the public health piece of it, never mind the terrorism part of it on isis. i guess it will work for some people who are stuck in 2002, but the bigger population, no way. >> karen, you're laughing. >> i know. >> but i think it's an insult to the intelligence of the voters they're trying to appeal to. today the "new york times" depicts the gop is seeking to depict quote, a dark and unsafe world. trying to portray democrats as leading it. quote, a government that is so fundamentally broken it cannot offer its people the most basic protection from harm. republicans believe they have found the sentiment that will tie congressional races together with a single national theme. i mean, is this the mark of a
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party without any real ideas? they finally found a theme and it's fear mongering. >> we know that comes from the karl rove playbook. they use lots of different issues, but this is particularly standing out. as you point out, we're a month away from the election, and they're not acknowledging they've done everything they can over the last six years, to increase the chances in terms of the fear, to not support government, to break government, right? some members of the house chamber have said that's why they came here, because they don't believe in government. here's when i find ironic. so the same republican party that lied its way, america, into a war in iraq, and then, you know, did not handle that war very well, is now saying that we should trust them, over democrats? i mean, they're trying to play on sort of that classic argument that republicans are better on national security than
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democrats. i don't think that's going to work. and i agree with you, i think most voters are smart enough to realize that africa and mexico are not back-to-back like that. >> you think? but richard, the other claim we're hearing from the right, from both the media and the politicians on the right, is that the administration can't handle ebola because of benghazi and the irs. listen to this. >> shouldn't we trust the government to keep us safe from ebola? with the government's recent track record not being so hot, we learned we couldn't trust the irs after the targeting of conservative groups? do we trust that we know all the answers yet about benghazi? >> the benghazi, wars -- >> the irs. >> the irs. we have virtually incompetent leadership. >> whether it's irs, benghazi, you can go right down the list. and so it doesn't foment, you know, people -- faith in people to think that our administration's on top of
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things. >> it's like a bunch of code words. it's like obama bingo. if they say enough words they get a prize. i don't know who they plan on trusting when a public health crisis, if not government officials. so you could take the view, i don't trust the government, but you need public health officials. the problem in liberia, there is no government officials, no public health system to contain a disease like this. fortunately, when you look at the recent poll that nbc has just done with survey monkey, actually, the vast majority do trust public health officials and government officials because there's nobody else who can do it. we all have a responsibility to contain a disease and washing our hands, but without government, without public health officials, what's the answer? >> karen, you know, richard said they're playing to the base. but look at the whole landscape. what are we looking at in these
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midterm elections? what are you projecting here? >> well, let's be fair. i mean, we saw that people -- we did start to see concern about isil or isis, whichever you want to use, after the beheadings. that frightened people. but whether you agree with the president or not, he's come forward with a plan and it's moving forward. in terms of reassuring people, we need to acknowledge, what's happening with ebola is scary, what's happening around isis is scary, but let's keep it in perspective. and let's also, as richard just pointed out, a majority of americans trust government to handle ebola. the president has put forward a plan. that plan is moving forward. in both instances, government has done -- president obama has done its job. you may disagree. but you can't just say government has just totally fallen apart. right? government has been there to do what it's there to do and so
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far, i mean, certainly with regard to ebola, you know, it has remained contained. so i think the key thing in this, though, is, the people that this will appeal to are people who probably weren't voting for democrats in the first place. >> going to have to hold it there. thank you both for your time tonight. still ahead, caught on tape, a new york police officer accused of punching out a teenager. over a cigarette! another officer accused stealing $1,000 from a man and then pepper spraying him. it's tonight's justice files. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again.
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we're back now with the justice files. joining us tonight, criminal defense attorney eric guster, and former prosecutor and host of "judge faith," faith jenkins. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. we start in new york city with two new videos of new york city police officers. the new york officer appearing to knock out a teen. to knock him unconscious over what he thought was marijuana. >> [ bleep ]. >> mister, it was just a cigarette. >> you can't quite see t but the officer appears to punch him, and seconds later, his friends
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notice the teen is unconscious. >> he knocked out! yes, he knocked out! you knocked him out! you knocked him out! you knocked him out! you knocked him out! you knocked him out! >> the nypd says it's investigating that case. >> also in new york, after a man allegedly yelled at police for arresting someone, watch what happens next. >> you see this? look. you see this? you see this? >> [ bleep ]. >> give me my moneymoney, man. give me my money. >> the officer appears to have taken $1,000 from the man. you can see on the video, something in the officer's hand. >> you see this? look. you see this? [ bleep ]. >> give me my money, man. >> the officer takes money out
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of his pocket and then pepper sprays him. he later said he had the money for a birthday celebration for his wife moments later. the man's sister tried to find out the officer's name. >> get his badge number. get his badge number. >> say your name. what's your name? >> he just stole his money. >> oh, my god. >> as you can see in the video, he pepper sprayed her too. the nypd says it's also investigating this incident. faith, let's start with you. with this incident of the alleged theft, what do you see? >> well, i don't see alleged theft. i see alleged strong-arm robbery. that's what i see, a forceable taking of property of another person by a police officer. just because he's a police officer, does that mean he
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should not be criminally prosecuted? i think that means he's held to an even higher standard. if you want to wear the badge and you're going to uphold the law, then you have to abide by the law. and the reason why these things keep happening, rev, is because of a lack of consequences for the police officers involved. >> and i totally agree. i believe it's a higher than strong arm robbery, because he had a gun, and he used a weapon, being the pepper spray. this is why people do not trust police officers. and luckily for these two incidents, these people had video. and that's the one thing that so many people are using in order to hold police officers accountable. because just like judge faith said, when police officers do things like this, you know, they must be held accountable. and this man must be held accountable for this. >> have you ever seen anything like this on tape? i mean, we talked about the ferguson effect earlier, but this is the staten island effect in terms of videoing the thing as it was happening. >> right.
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and what is so key about these cases is, i'm absolutely convinced had it not been for videotape, these officers would be exonerated. i've lived in harlem for a number of years, and you see things happening. you hear people talking about, what happens on the streets on a day-to-day basis. they don't always have videotapes, rev. and their voices aren't heard when they don't. that's a big part of the problem. >> and when people like me get involved, it's like, how could you believe that? now with the videotapes, people are saying for themselves, whether they agree or not with your conclusions or mine, that we are not making this stuff up. >> no, and this is stuff that you can't make up. this is a man, who was on the ground, in the first one, for this police officer knocked him out, i mean, completely out. he was completely defenseless. there was no reason. whether he was smoking a cigarette, marijuana, a pound of cocaine, that should have never
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happened. >> the police have said, released a statement, saying they had gotten a call about a man with a gun and these were the people on the scene when they first arrived. this is the first video that we play. >> the kid with the marijuana cigarette? >> no, when the money was taken. >> and so you respond accordingly, right? but you do your investigation. why is money involved in this? he takes money. he doesn't take a gun. he takes money. was that money accounted for? that's a robbery. >> absolutely. and this reminds me of the philadelphia case where all the police officers were arrested and investigated for stealing money. this is a very real problem in so many communities where a police officers are accused of taking money, taking drugs, and doing other things. this video shows that some of those claims could be very valid and very real, because we have it on tape, where this happened. >> now, judge faith, go back to
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the one you had referred to. the kid knocked out because he thought he was smoking marijuana. >> first of all, in new york, low level marijuana offenses are now being decriminalized, where police officers are being told because of the number of arrests, and because of the number of cases going through our court system, so convoluted right now, don't even arrest people for low-level marijuana offenses. that's the instructions you given to nypd right now. how do we get from that, to knocking out and assaulting a 17-year-old kid? it's not about a lack of training. any decent human being knows not to assault someone else. it's about rogue officers doing what they want to do because they don't have consequences, and they don't suffer the consequences for their actions. >> that's the point, i think. i think that we will see this as long as there are not consequences. i do not think all police are bad. not even most are bad. but as long as police don't think they have to be held to the law, we'll keep seeing this.
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because of ferguson, because of staten island, with the videotaping, so it brings us closer, but we're not there until there's equal protection under the law. eric and judge faith, thank you for your time tonight. we'll be right back. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear, you are saying "frog protection" right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it.
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all of these republicans have used some form of that phrase. to push back on science questions they didn't want to answer. and now we have a brand new member. >> if climate change is a problem, and do you believe it is or not? >> i'm not a scientist. >> do you believe, sir, in global warming? >> what i have said repeatedly, i'm not a scientist. >> that's a yes or no question? >> no, it is not a yes or no question. i'm not a scientist. >> that's right. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is not a scientist. it's his brand new line to avoid questions on global warming. so welcome to the club, senator. too bad republicans don't have an actual scientist. but wait, they do. republican congressman dan benny shek. >> i'm not sure there's any evidence to prove that there's
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man-made, you know, catastrophic global warming. >> and you really in your heart believe that? >> well, there's no significant scientist evidence -- >> i brought some scientist. >> i'm a scientist. i believe in peer-reviewed science, but i don't see any peer-reviewed science that proves that there is man-made catastrophic climate change. >> he's a scientist, and he doesn't think scientists have proven man-made climate change? what kind of scientist is he? congressman, i'm no scientist, although i do play a fake one on tv. but you don't even need to be a scientist to see man-made climate change is real. 97% of scientists believe it's true. and a recent u.n. report found the same thing, with 95% certainty. did these republicans think we'd ignore their melting logic on climate change. nice try, but here's my
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scientific conclusion. we gotcha. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable.
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over these last six years, the united states has put more people back to work than japan, europe, and every advanced economy combined, which gives us a sense of the kind of momentum that we could be building. >> president obama just moments ago, talking about how the economy's improved since the bush recession. the deficit is now $927 billion less than it was back in 2009. we've also seen a net gain of 6.8 million jobs in the obama presidency. and in the stock market, the dow jones average has gone up 110% since president obama inauguration. it's an incredible record, but republicans don't want to talk
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about it. or other things, the pay game from ceo to a regular work is an astounds 350 to 1. this must change. that's what this election is all about. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. the secret service spills a sex story. let's play "hardball." ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. remember that trip to cartagena president obama took two years ago? remember the trouble the secret service got itself into that weekends, the boozing and the prostitutes? with the president blaming it all on a couple of knuckle heads. fasten your seat belt. there it is, the news that the white house was given information
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