tv Morning Joe MSNBC October 10, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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public for over a month. that's going to do it for "way too early." first, real fast, we have to say good-bye to our john tower. show a shot of john tower. don't hide, don't hide, john tower. we celebrate john tower who has been a long time member of the "way too early" family who is taking off for a new position elsewhere. do you have anything to say? >> i would. no. they actually fired me. >> oh. wa-wa. no, you're on to great things. we love you john tower. more surprises to come four but i don't want to give them away. okay. big surprise. "morning joe" starts right now. are . we're vigilante in looking out for individuals of suspicion
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may be crossing our border. >> the chances of an outbreak of an epidemic here are extraordinarily low. >> i'm not an ice cream guy. >> good morning, it is friday, october 10th. welcome to "morning joe." we're here in washington, d.c., at least half of us are. we have senior political editor and white house correspondent for the "huffington post," sam stein. "new york times" reporter jeremy peters and columnist for bloomberg news al hunt. jeremy is mr. front page. >> jeremy is always mr. front page. of course, a lot of news to cover. also this weekend a lot of baseball as we get to the finals. we should tell our own al hunt that we mourn with him about the nationals. we'll get them next year, al.
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we'll get them next year. who your rooting for now? >> it is rough. >> mika, it was so painful, they deserved much better than that, they will be back, they have a great young team. great fan base too. baseball in d.c., yeah. it makes a lot of sense. so, mika, we were talking before about some of the ads being run against kay hagan, she's not showing up for this hearing or that hearing. i guess her opponent has a point because woody allen been quoted saying that 80% of life is just showing up. if that's the case, congress is failing at all turns not just kay hagan. republicans pounding away at the north carolina senator for missing hearings by isis so she could actually show up at fundraisers. so, what are all democrats and all republicans doing? well, they are missing in action while isis marches across the
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middle east so they can attend fundraisers, kiss babies and count votes. what's fair for kay hagan is fair for republicans as well and anybody thats to make attendance in congress an issue this campaign season should just shut up or show up because right now there's no honor in either house. i know a lot of people i talked to and you talked to want to know where congress is. why aren't they debating isis. why aren't they debating ebola. they are not doing their job. >> yeah. unless you put a clear position on isis yourself stay on the campaign trail and don't criticize the president. in the battle for the senate as you bring up the election, republican candidates are doing whatever they can to tie their opponents to president obama and democrats are doing all they can to avoid it. look at this. >> i just want to remind congressman gardner he's running against me not barack obama.
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not my father. not harry reid, it's congressman gardner and myself on the ballot this fall. >> i'm not sure he recognizes he's not running against harry reid or barack obama, he's running against me. >> i have a lot of respect for you but you're dead wrong. i'm absolutely running against barack obama and harry reid. >> and did you guys see this? kentucky's democratic candidate allison grimes who is kind of inching up in the polls even refused to answer who she voted for in the last two presidential elections. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about -- >> i know. who did you vote for. >> putting kentuckyians back to work. >> did you vote for him? >> i was a delegate for hillary clinton. i think kentuckyians know i'm a clinton democrat through and
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through. i respect the sanctity of the ballot box. >> so you won't answer. >> the president is on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be. it's my name. >> come on. just tell people who you voted for. al hunt, i had an opponent in '94 who wouldn't answer the question. i was like did you vote for, you know did you vote for bill clinton or not? this is a simple question. it just makes them look foolish. of course they just kept pounding away. we all know she voted for barack obama. a democrat in that position is in an awful position. it's not hard. >> joe, you're right. it's sophomoric. everybody knows she did. she could simply say i voted for barack obama. it's about the future. i'm disappointed in the future, whatever she wants to say. to duck it like that is really an amateur.
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if she was in a primary she wouldn't have said that. >> of course not. >> mika, that's a perfect thing to say. what you say yeah i voted against barack obama and like a lot of people in kentucky and a lot of people across america i'm really disappointed in him. i didn't think he would wage a war against coal workers in kentucky. i didn't think. then just add on to there and then suddenly okay, wow. yeah, well she admits she voted for him and she's disappointed so she can actually -- that was -- >> then you can go right on -- >> i also watched the georgia debate the other night and they would ask, if they asked david perdue about the future of the world what would happen in china or the middle east his answer was i'm running against harry reid and barack obama. >> essentially what she was afraid of having a short clip
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made of her saying i voted for barack obama and cut off there. >> losing the truth somewhere. >> it was a bit of a ham-handed answer. democrats are also concerned with her candidacy. why republicans are not nearly as worried. >> when you have consultants whispering in your ear don't give a sound bite where authenticity would have served herbert. >> a new cnn opinion research poll does mark begich trailing in alaska. and mary landrieu replaced her campaign manager. there's another emerging issue on the campaign trail. who showing up and who is not. >> all those big corporations is supporting the guy who is not here tonight, not the colonel. >> we had people arrested at denver international airport for conspiring with the islamic
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state. in chicago for conspiring with the islamic state. and senator udall doesn't even show up at the armed services hearing when it talks about emerging threats. >> in january president obama refers to the islamic state as a jv team. days later the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan, absent. hey began has missed over half of the armed services hearings this year. in fact hagan admits she prioritized a cocktail party to benefit her campaign. >> we have, joe, the crickets sound track in terms of where they all are now at this time of morning. >> yeah. not only that, al, obviously kay hagan going to a fundraiser instead of being at a hearing that's one thing. but those ads are so twisted and distorted, i feel like asking people -- have you ever been to a hearing? they got three or four people
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droning on and on and i'm looking here at the mark up for fy-'03 in relation to fy-'09. mr. chairman, can we get the parliamenti an in here. this is, again, don't go to a fundraiser when the hearing is on. >> he's not exaggerating. that's what they are like. >> the shame, the cry is not that someone missed a hearing but the entire congress left to go home without addressing the issue of the war. >> thank you. >> we have a threat and there were a couple of people on both sides of the aisle that said this is outrageous and they are
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equally culpable. >> if you're going to condemn senators for missing hearings to attend fundraisers, you should be condemning the fundraising culture of congress that requires them to be begging for dollars, calling for dollars. >> that makes too much sense. >> everyone is guilty of this. tom tillis is running ads. the chutzpa to run ads like that when you miss sessions. the fundraising climate you have to beg for dollars at all hours. >> i got to say, those al is exactly right. at the end of the day are we really going to criticize people, republican or democrat alike for missing a stupid hearing here or a stupid hearing there or are we going to criticize them for leaving town and not being on the house floor and debating intensely what is going on. by the way, what's going on in syria, what's going on in iraq
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and what's going on in turkey. these are the gravest most important times as far as foreign policy goes since 2001 and they all left. >> joe, should the president call them back? >> i would call them back in a second. if i were the president of the united states i would call them back. barack obama doesn't want to call them back because a lot of democrats would vote against him. too bad. he needs to call them back and they need to debate this out. >> jeremy >> this is not just happening in colorado, not just happening in colorado. you're seeing these similar ads highlighting the hearings that incumbent senators have missed in new hampshire, iowa as well. it's a potent line of attack and from what i understand unnerving democrats. it makes them look like they are taking unseriously the very serious challenges. >> what's the answer to it? >> what is the answer? >> can i just tell you what the answer is. ignore it. these things don't work. how i do know? i know from experience.
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they don't work. they were tried on me repeatedly. >> did joe ever miss a hearing. >> i missed so many hearings, but you know what? i missed hearings and when i went back to my district nobody said oh, that scarborough he doesn't work hard enough. everybody knew i was crazy and everybody knew i was working around the clock and i didn't have time to waste on hearings where people droned on and on. if there was a deal be made to cut the deficit -- voters are smart and they don't take attendance with their members of congress. they know who is effective, they know who is not and if kay hagan is fighting for the people of north carolina they don't give a damn she's miss ad couple of hearings. if they don't think she's not fighting for the people of north carolina, she's in trouble but not because she missed hearings. >> mike huckabee threatening to
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leave the republican party if it does not strongly oppose same sex marriage. here are two parts of an interview he gave on tuesday one day after the supreme court refused to hear appeals. >> i'm utterly e-upset with republicans who abdicated on this issue if they continue in this direction they guarantee they will lose every election in the future. guarantee it. if the republicans want to lose guys like me, and a whole bunch of still god-fearing republicans, go ahead and abdicate on this issue and go ahead say abortion doesn't matter either because at that point you lose me. i'm gone. i'll become an independent. i'll find people that have guts to stand. i'm tired of this. >> all right. we now have more details about
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the september 6th drunken palin family brawl. according to an anchorage police department report there were at least two separate incidents involving as many as 20 people. in one case bristol palin reportedly went after the party's host, punching him five or six times. bristol said she was punched to the ground and dragged outside. however, the host says bristol fell down when he finally tried to stop her from striking him. meanwhile bristol's brother track and father todd were involved in a fight outside. track alleges a family friend was suckered punch so he took off his shirt and prepared to fight but then was attacked by two other men. i'm having trouble keeping up. todd says everything escalated and it wasn't something they could walk away from. as for sarah palin, the former candidate for vice president of the united states, witnesses say she remained inside the family's
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white limo parked outside while her family was involved in these altercations. should i go to the dow, joe? >> no. >> take off your shirt before you fight. >> would you do that, al? >> always. >> really? >> absolutely. >> okay. >> don't threaten my woman. this is the first time i ever wished sarah palin was elected. it took place on mass avenue down the road -- >> joe takes it a step further. rips it off and then hurls and then fights. >> yeah. >> without using multiple vulgarities in that thing -- >> were there vulgarities. >> i'm going to tease. i'm in the middle here. still ahead on "morning joe," dr. brzezinski is with us for the latest on the advance of
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isis. look at this. this is the best counter intuitive lineup we have on "morning joe." we'll be speaking with fashion icon andre leon talley. but first amazon takes a huge gamble. we'll tell you why shopping at the online retail giant may actually require standing in line in a store. plus some interesting and controversial comments by the ceo of microsoft about equal pay in the workplace and how to get a raise. he has great advice. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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17-year-old malala yousafzai from pakistan an indian children's right activist, kailesh satyarthi were recognized for their fight against children being suppressed and their efforts to promote education. two years ago the taliban shot obvious as she was advocating for girls rights for education. obvious is the youngest winner ever of the nobel peace prize. >> that's amazing. congratulations to her. the minneapolis star tribune, vikings running back adrian peterson found himself in more hot water this morning. montgomery county texas prosecutors are actually seeking to revoke peterson's bond and have him re-arrested after the running back allegedly admitted to smoking marijuana while out on bail. according to paper work filed peterson said he quote, smoked a little weed before a drug test wednesday. peterson has been freed on $15,000 bond on a charge of
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felony child abuse, a trial date has tentatively been set for december 1st. >> thomas? >> go on to trial to get him back on the playing field. we'll see how that plays out. "wall street journal," it's reporting how amazon plans to open its first retail store here in manhattan and this just in time for the busy holiday shopping season. the store will primarily function as a mini warehouse with a limited inventory for same day delivery. it will accept same day pick ups for exchanges and returns and the store could feature amazon device such as the kindle and fire smartphone. no word yet if drones will be delivering any of the packages. >> let's go to "the washington post." a gutsy move to go straight to the company's ceo to ask for a raise. more gutsy to cc 200,000 co-workers on the e-mail.
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that's one way to do it. a wells fargo employee asked the bank's boss to give everybody a $10,000 salary bump using the company's profits to pay for it. i don't know. according to the proposal, the move would quote show the rest of the united states if not the world that, yes, big corporations can have a heart. the bank says it does not discuss personnel matters. >> that person was fired. >> my advice on that is don't do that. >> go mika. mika, we're talking about, talked about this microsoft story which i can't wait to hear your take on what happened at microsoft when a man basically said hey come on little ladies it's unbecoming, just sit back and wait. >> joe, i know you want me to
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warm up a little bit with people and have like a -- this is not going help. >> no. mika i would highly recommend you cold call microsoft today because someone needs a know your value summit at microsoft. >> whoa. cold call. >> they will pick up that call. >> it's an incredible story. yeah. all right. coming up, kim jong-un hasn't been seen in over a month. we'll ask dr. brzezinski what this could mean for the stability of the korean peninsula. and first we'll find out what jeremy peters is writing about this morning. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ the most amazing thing about the ford fusion
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♪ you said they underestimated the growth of isis. was it an intelligence failure or the white house was not listening. >> as cia director you can always use better intelligence but i think what happened here was a combination of intelligence plus policy decisions that fed into what we have now in isis. joining us for the must read opinion pages the host and
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managing editor of tv one's "daily show" news one roland martin. good to have you on board. i'll start with the "wall street journal." it's peggy, peggy noonan. i wish she wouldn't hold back so much. i really do. i wish she would let it out a little bit. >> poor peggy. >> she's got to just let it go. here's what she says. leon panetta's worthy fight, his book pretends to offer answers to a problem of which the book is actually an example, the mindless partisanship that has seized washington. this me moire is obnoxious and lacks stature. reading a comparable book, robert gate's recent stinging me moire you could see through. to think this is washington's wise men. >> it is disturbing, mika, and
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it's disturbing just like that face you just did, that was disturbing as well. seriously, this is just -- it's unbecoming of a supposed quote wise man. i can't imagine -- i personally cannot imagine me undercutting a commander-in-chief that i worked for as secretary of defense with a tell all book in a time of war. i can't imagine it. it shows a lack of discretion, i think, at least. but, unfortunately, more likely it shows a lack of character. and to do it again, i will say and perhaps one of the most critical times for our commander-in-chief in our country -- i mean hell i've been critical of barack obama almost nonstop from the beginning of his administration for a lot of different reasons because these are such serious times.
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i have given him the benefit of the doubt as commander-in-chief in this time of crisis. i can't imagine being a secretary of defense for the man leaving and then profiting by writing a tell all book in these times. roland martin, i would guess that like me you would think there's a time and place to do this and perhaps not during your commander-in-chief's presidency and not in a time of war. >> not only that. not only was he secretary of defense he was head of the cia. let's be who nest. you don't have profiles of courage, individuals of character, not many of them left in this city. you don't have many of the statesmen that you used to have who used to understand time and place. you have folks now that to make a buck or get it in and leon panetta's actions are shameful, they are disgraceful and certainly speak to his character and i think for him to make these rounds, writing this
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particular book shows that it's all about him and not about america so he's dishonored the troops, dishonored the presidency and frankly let down americans. >> let's move on to the "new york times" which you don't even have to open. >> mika, i don't mean to interrupt. can i go to al hunt quickly. al i'm sure you know leon and a lot of people know leon and they like leon. just tell me 10, 15, 20 years ago, let's say william cohen, sure there are a lot of things that bill clinton did that william cohen didn't agree with. would he have gone out and rain tell all book about bill clinton before bill clinton left office? designee wouldn't have. i've known leon for 40 years. i have immense respect for him. but i agree with this critique. i had dinner one time about 17 years ago with daniel patrick moynihan and george
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stephanopoulos just put out his book. daniel was outraged. he said it's a disservice to the president. it inhibits conversations and less likely to take people in who might do that. this president unfortunately somehow has had it happen to him three times, gates, panetta and clinton. all three were wrong. it raises questions about loyalty. >> by the way, it may have happened, mika. it may have happened and people said everybody is attacking barack obama. this speaks to barack obama's leadership. no. it speaks to the character of the people that written these tell all books about a man who knows them, who they served. and the thing is, what concerns me is presidents in the future will be more likely to get bland
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milqtoast homogenized lackeys. i want a republican to go out and get a democrat and bring them in or a democrat to get a republican, and get an exciting, energetic exchange of ideas. because what leon panetta did and other people are starting to do that's less likely for this president and for presidents to come. >> all right. so let's get to jeremy's piece in the "new york times." on front page, should i use my haunted halloween voice. okay. because it's called gop's campaigns have recurring theme, be afraid. darkness is enveloping american politics with four weeks to go before the mid-term elections, republicans have made questions of how safe we are, from disease, terrorism or something unspoken, central in their attacks against democrats, their message is decidedly grim. president obama and the democratic party run a government so fundamentally broken it can't offer its people
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the most basic protection from harm. is that your premise? >> it's the only thing they have right now that nationalizes the mid-term. they tried with it obamacare. obamacare has run its course. what they've done is taken all of these distressing items in the news, ebola, isis, even the notion that the secret service can't protect the commander-in-chief and tied them together to make an argument that the government is broken and democrats are responsible. >> roland, how do you spin -- how do you spin is not the word but how do you gate positive message out of this. >> it's about leadership. what they are essentially saying they failed to lead, we have a better shot at leading. the problem for the democrats is they have not created a consistent national narrative and so you have these different things going on and on. the president's poll numbers. you look at the economy. even with the great jobs report
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you didn't see the democrats create a strong narrative that other candidates have been able to pick up and so the question now are people enthused about the mid-terms. they are struggling to get people to say what happens in november less than four weeks matters. >> roland, i think the president absolutely jumped upon the economy and started to take credit for the growth we've seen. >> de. the president did. i'm talking about how we take that and expanding it where it becomes the party's narrative. that's where they've struggled. republicans are seizing upon it. makes perfect sense for them to do so. >> roland martin, thank you very much. up next kim jong-un missing in action and walking with a limp. is that a clue on what's going on in north korea. plus telling women to go along to get along. just don't worry about it. why one ceo thinks that's the
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strategy women should take to get ahead in the workplace. we'll be right back. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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♪ the ceo of microsoft is apologizing for suggesting women should go along to get along instead of asking for an a raise. at an event for women in the tech industry he was asked what advice he for women who were uncomfortable asking for a raise. his advice. quote it's not really about asking for a raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give the right raises as you go along. not asking for a raise he said is quote good karma that would
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help a boss realize the employee could be trusted with more responsibility. this goes against everything. yeah. >> mika, actually, you know what, though? as you know and you've had, i can just say it, you've had the honor of working alongside me for the past seven years, seven and a half years and you know during that time there's not one single time i've ever asked -- i'm sorry. let me say this with a straight face. not one single time -- i'm sorry. >> you can't. >> i never asked for a raise. what i do always tell you? slow and steady gets the job done. oh, wait, no. i ask for a raise every three days and i have -- talking about tearing off your shirt and putting on sack cloths and ashes and oh, my god. mika, let me ask you, are you going to seattle to do a
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workshop for microsoft, because they really need you. the women of microsoft need you out there. >> i think the women of microsoft are just fine. the comments caused an uproar online prompting microsoft to post a memo saying its ceo answered the question completely wrong and that he thinks men and women should get equal pay for equal work. that's exactly the opposite -- that's been the problem that women confront. they actually think if they put their head down and work hard someone will notice. well, guys are banging on the table saying where is my raise. we have to find our own way to communicate that. i would suggest not joe's approach, but certainly not what the microsoft ceo was saying. >> why not joe's approach. >> yours, ripping off your shirt. i was just saying. i tried your approach. remember. >> you took off your shirt. >> beat the chest and f-bombs
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were flying and that did not work for me. i found my own authentic way. >> different strokes for different folks. it works for some people, doesn't work for other people. >> i was going to say there's got to be somewhere in the middle of not asking and then emailing 200,000 people in your company and saying we should get a $10,000 each. >> you could write a book. >> somewhere in between is the sweet spot. >> turning to office news now. the most secretive country in the world this morning intelligence officials are scratching their heads and asking the question where is north korea's leader kim jong-un. today a national celebration was expected to answer questions about the leader's whereabouts but north korean state media indicated kim jong-un didn't attend the festivities. the young leader hasn't been seen in a month.
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leading to speculation about his health or whether he's still in charge. andrea mitchell has the story. >> reporter: where in the world is kim jong-un. not seen in weeks and before that with a distinct limp. noticeably overweight. is he suffering from gout or is it a political flu. ? >> this could be serious. >> reporter: kim is erratic. conreporting with dennis rodman and showing off his wife. ordering the execution of his uncle and having his uncle's entire family machine gunned. the most secretive nation in the world, that matters because north korea backward as it is has the very latest in nuclear weapons. >> this is a country that is a nuclear weapon state trying to reach the united states with
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♪ joining us now, former national security adviser for president carter, dr. brzezinski. joe, the last time we saw my dad was at the brzezinski institute. quite a night. >> yes. i've been waiting for someone to open a scarborough institute but, unfortunately, the ice cream shop at the end of my street passed out their last institute. dr. brzezinski, always great to have you here and a great honor to have you here after going to the ceremony for the brzezinski institute. i want to ask you about your last book, one of the most compelling parts was your description of turkey being so vital to the future security not only of europe but also the middle east and, of course, extraordinarily important arguments there. but what are we as americans to make of the past few weeks of turkey's behavior especially when they don't allow the uae or
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americans to use their airspace to push isis back off their board center >> first of all, clearly a very important country. and it's been doing relatively well. so that's just the point of departure. obviously it's a leadership that's very selfish, self-preoccupied. one thing more commitment from us before they do anything decisive themselves. i can understand their concerns. but it seems to me that the problem in the area to be solved, the real countries and there are only four of them in the area have to pitch in and turkey is foremost among them. >> al? >> the other three being? >> iran. we have to face the fact that they are a player. saudi arabia, it's a player, but very, very kind of complicated game they are playing and egypt which can't sit on the sidelines. >> dr. brzezinski, how much is the turkish issue here their
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internal dynamics. >> very much so. there's a conflict between them and the kurds. the kurds are in the process of setting up an snaept. they are doing reasonably well. they are good fighters. at the same part they are very much a part of the turkish so eighth and it will be a momentus effort in any sort of accommodation to create a separate kurdish states when so many kurds live in turkey including istanbul. >> can i ask your opinion about this "new york times" piece setting up autonomous buffer zones. what are the upsides, down sides to that proposal? >> more upsides than down sides, especially the turks to do it. they need some sort of informal collaboration with the kurds, which would make it a pretty potent effort. i think the turks are simply uneasy plunging into an
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adventure in which our long term commitment from our point of view is not certain and what happens if it doesn't go well. >> more inversely has it plunged into a venture in which their long term commitment -- >> you're right. that's why we're face dilemma. the last thing we want at this stage is to man the conflict which isis, an american conflict against increasingly fanatical islam. even today in the paper references to jihadists and so forth. we ought to lay off that kind of language. we're dealing with criminals who are threatening the world of islam and therefore our allies are islamic states. >> on that note, dad, what do we say, because according to the ap, the new u.n. envoy to syria says at least 500 civilians trapped in the syrian border town, the siege by the islamic state group and could be massacred if it fails to the
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extremists. it says analysis shows only a small portion of kobani remains open for people to flee the town. 500 to 700 elderly people and other civilians still trapped there while 10,000 to 13,000 are stuck nearby. jeremy? >> i wondered about the u.s.'s response. it's been criticized that they did not bomb isis aggressively enough as they got closer and closer to the turkish border. >> should they have? >> should they have? i don't know. what we know about the disposition of the enemy. what occurs to me there are kurdish forces nearby. maybe in these circumstances what we could do is in some fashion airlift them. and deliver them and to reinfor the resistance and show a signal we're prepared to extend
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ourselves. but i still maintain that we should not get involved in stumbling on the ground because this has the makings of growing geographic escalation. it will spread to central asia, it will affect afghanistan and pakistan. we go in on the ground we'll be fighting the world of islam for the next 20 years. >> does our ground presence, if we were to have a ground presence would that serve as a recruitment tool for more islamic jihadists. i know you don't want to use that term. if we put troops on the ground would it serve our purpose. >> it would recruit more fighters, much easier for the other side to presents themselves as true islamists, those with us, collaborators of the imperial power and we're connected whether we like it or not to the french and british. historically they don't have the strongest record in that region or too many friends. no. i think we have to play the way the president has set it up, but, of course, we ought to use every opportunity to be
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effective and i don't know the facts that you asked me as to what we can do specifically in that particular town. >> al >> what persuasion or pressure leverage do we have on the turks? >> not too much. they know we need them. they have the problem with the kurds. forget that. the kurds want independent state partially including some of the territory of contemporary of today's turkey. they have very large presence in istanbul. if you go to istanbul partially turkish, partially kurdish city. so untangling all that is difficult. turks are holding the leader of the kurds, the leader who has been leading the cause for independence. they captured him a decade and a half ago. they are negotiating with him. he's sitting in prison but negotiating.
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so hopefully they will arrive at something. >> dr. brzezinski, dad, thank you very much for coming in. still ahead, missing in action. republicans are going after democrats for missing committee hearings. but why that tactic may backfire big time. plus blowing the whistle on the nfl, one information league representative is apologizing why the league handles domestic violence including hundreds of unreported cases all that and much more next on "morning joe". . . what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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attempted to run from florida to bermuda in a plastic bubble -- [ laughter ] -- had to be rescued by the coast guard i went on twitter and started a hash tag called #thatwasstupid. dumb or embarrassing thing. this one from christina. she says i once accidentally said i love you at the end of a conference call. this one is from becca, one time somebody told me they had the same name as me and i asked what theirs was. another one. i heard a tornado warning on my tv and i freaked out before i realized it was a show i recorded two weeks ago. this one from lisa. at our wedding reception i introduced my new husband as my
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first husband. let's see how this goes. so far so good. >> technically right. i like that saying love you at the end of a conference call. i've done that. love you. welcome back to "morning joe." al hunt, jeremy peters still with us. joining the table, moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd and editor-in-chief for roll call, christina bellatoni. hi, joe, happy friday. >> how it is going, mika? >> quite a first hour, wasn't it? >> yeah. it was. we went from ceos insulting women in the worst way to my dad up pontificating about turkey. >> we talked this morning about the fine art of just showing up. just showing up. >> be nice. >> punching the clock. >> be nice. >> put yourself in the arena and
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as nike likes to say, just doing it. it would being a great if our nato ally turkey would actually just show up instead of letting america's sons and daughters and arab allies like united arab emirates keep isis off its door step. closer to home when it comes to politics the same could be said about congress again. quoting woody allen 85% of life is just showing up. if that's the case, congress is failing at all turns. now i'll talk to chuck in a second how republicans keep pounding away at north carolina's democratic senator kay hagan for missing hearings about isis, so she could show up at fundraisers. so what are all democrats and all republicans doing? why they are missing in action. isis is marching across the middle east and all this is happening so politicians can attend fundraisers and kiss babies and count votes and get re-elected. you know what's fair for kay
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hagan is fair for republicans as well. anybody making attendance an issue in congress should shut up or show up because right now there's notion in either house and mika, whether we're talking about isis, whether we're talking about turkey as an ally, whether we're talking about the market going down dramatically yesterday, there are so many issues and congress just isn't there. and the thing is, 95% of these people are going to get re-elected without even trying because most of the races because of gerry mandering they are not even competitive. anyway, i'm disappointed. very disappointed. >> well, as you mentioned, joe, there's an emerging issue on the campaign trail about showing up. who showing up and who is not. take a look. >> all those big corporations supporting the guy who is not here today. not the colonel. >> we had people arrested in
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denver, at denver international airport for conspiring with the islamic state. in chicago for conspiring with the islamic state. and senator udall doesn't even show up at the armed services hearing when it talks about emerging threats. >> in january, president obama refers to the islamic state as a jv team. days later the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan absent. hagan has missed over half of the armed services hearings this year. in fact hagan admits she prioritized a cocktail party that benefitted her campaign. >> senator kay hagan's campaign accused tom tillis the same thing in his case going washington to raise money in 2013 while the state house debated sweeping tax reform. chuck, it's like they are fighting about nothing ultimately. >> that's the thing. >> that's incredible. >> it is. like we have these two crises
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we're dealing with. one is isis, someone ebola. africa, while the fear mongering and fear factor here in the united states is overdone there's a crisis in africa and if the world isn't coming together and it is fun to see gardner attack udall, what's the house republicans done? john boehner and harry reid collectively they don't want any votes. they scattered and got out of town. so it comes across very d disindigenous. >> democrats are doing everything they can to their own quite frankly demise to avoid it. look that. >> thank you. i just want to remind congressman gardner he's running against me not barack obama. not my father. not harry reid it's congressman
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gardner and myself on the ballot this fall. >> i'm not sure he recognizes he's not running against harry reid or barack obama, he's running against me. >> i have a lot of respect for you but you're dead wrong. i am absolutely running against barack obama and harry reid. >> kentucky's democratic candidate allison grimes in an editorial board interview -- i know. cringe. >> this is the most cringing. >> even refused to answer who she voted for. everyone is cringing already. >> it's awful. >> it's awful. should we not show it. >> show it! >> she was asked who she voted for. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about -- >> i know. >> making sure we put kentuckyians back to work. >> did you vote for him. >> i was a delegate for hillary clinton and i think kentuckyians know i'm a kinne democrat through and through.
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i respect the sanctity of the ballot box and members of this editorial board do. >> you're not going to answer. >> the president is not on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell wants him to be. >> respect the sanctity of the ballot box. oh, my god. that's awful. chuck, come on. man, i had a guy, i had a guy running against do the same thing with bill clinton. so you don't support this, you don't support that, you don't support this. did you even vote for bill clinton? then he did the same stumbling, mumbling. people people aren't that stupid. how could grimes -- a rookie mistake. admit it and say he screwed up. i distanced myself from him. i regret my vote. just anything don't treat us like we're stupid. >> the idea of -- i'm sorry even to say you regret your vote that
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would seem as disindigenous. kentuckyians expect her to cast a tough vote on anything? is she ever going to answer a tough question on anything. you want to be a u.s. senator. if you can't say -- if you can't find a way to stand behind your party's president, you can disagree with him but can't answer that basic question and come across looking ridiculous. i think she disqualified herself. >> doesn't this point to the issue that democrats always had with her candidacy to begin with that she wasn't very good on the stump. >> yes. >> created by consultants. >> well, i want to go to jeremy's fabulous piece today about the way republicans are using isis and ebola in their campaign ads and isis is a legitimate subject. they would have more credibility if they voted on it before they went home. ebola is a total fraud. ted cruz and others are saying we'll have a travel ban.
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i talked to the head of the infectious disease center. that's so counter productive. it would prevent equipment, epidemic would spread in west africa, hurt more people. others like scott brown say there's a problem at the border. there's no ebola epidemic in guatemala. this is just an anti-immigration demogogry. >> there isn't the anger there was in 2010. this mid-term cycle if the election has been about a number of smaller issues. this is one way republicans can nationalize the race. >> but still, christina -- >> think of the fire pelosi slogan. that was effective for them. it's not working as well they say fire harry reid. that's what you hear in the house race. the house republicans are saying this is all about that, twoemt get the senate back and then you're having, of course, the senate, the people trying to get the senate for the republicans, just trying to nationalize it on
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every single issue. all of these races are going to be fought. >> a former nfl executive is speaking out about the league's policy towards domestic violence. jerry angelo who was general manager of the chicago bears for ten years, told a "usa today" that he regrets not speaking up about what he estimates to be hundreds of domestic abuse incidents. he said quote i made a mistake. i was human. i was part of it. i'm not proud of it. our sbis to win games. we got win games. the commissioner's job is to make sure the credibility of the national football league is held in the highest esteem. but to start with that you have to know who is representing the shield. we got our priorities a little out of order. the chicago bears have released a statement denying angelo's allegations though at this point i'm seeing, chuck, a change from the top down, really in culture.
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they are trying. i mean even on the local level we have the story out in new jersey where hazing incidents have led to entire season being cancelled. >> i think -- >> a sea change. >> i think there's a lot and i think somewhat generational. it's interesting, mike ditka former head coach of the bears trashed this guy saying where were you at the time. but i think -- >> where was everybody. >> where was everybody that's his point. look, there was this tolerance that happened. boy, he's a bad character, he's got bad character but he plays good football. i keep going back. all of this is supposed to be privilege not a right. i don't care -- >> chuck -- >> high school football, college football it's supposed to be privilege. >> chuck, it's not -- >> mike ditka and the bears everyone would say that guy. >> joe, jump in. >> exactly. you know, chuck, it's not fair for you or me to talk about
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anybody that plays for fsu, but let's look -- >> sorry. >> -- exactly. i really do think that fsu's heisman trophy winner picked a very, very bad year, bad two or three years to be very good in football and show a real lack of character. i think this year more than ever, with adrian peterson and some of these other people, hardy in north carolina, you're going to have owners say i'm not going to spend $20 million on a five year contract on a guy that's going to sully our image and we'll have to end up sitting on the bench anyway. >> i agree. i think you're right. i think he could end up a second round pick for that reason you'll have some owners totally afraid of him causing pr
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problems. >> the dow jones industrials average dropped 330 points yesterday marking its biggest dip since june of 2013. the market took a sharp turn from whed the dow gained nearly 275 points. its biggest gain of the year so far. experts say the dramatic loss was fueled by mounting concerns over global economic growth, corporate earnings, and market valuations. jeremy, what are you hearing about this on your end? >> well, i think that if the economy were going to become an issue in this mid-term, in a big way, like the way it was in 2010 when it sowed all the anger it galvanized the republican base. we would be seeing that by now. i think that quite frankly the economic upswing is benefiting the democrats. >> i think ultimately it may. christina, your take? >> every time you talk to a democrat they say if we fight
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this on middle class economic issues we'll win so that's the message that they are saying repeatedly, barack obama is saying you feel like you're not -- you are struggling not getting ahead. they think that's their most effective message. >> go ahead, joe. >> christina, i want to ask you, i want to ask everybody "around the table" this now. this is a good time for us to do a check. we're halfway through october. suddenly the poll numbers actually matter. this is when i was a candidate. i just didn't kash what poll numbers said even a month out. this is -- as the kids are starting to get their halloween costumes on -- by the way, everybody, you know, likes halloween. halloween for a politician is the most horrifying time because you know the witching hour is about three or four days away. seriously every halloween when i go back, thinking about in congress i would take my kids trick or treating and sitting
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there and my stomach is churning. i can't relax. it's about that time. fall is in the air. halloween is around the concern. what's your take right now on the tide. which way is it going? because we have seen a lot of turbulence just over the past week in polls. >> opinions have hardened. that's the biggest thing. they are not going to suddenly wake up tomorrow and watch a crossroads ad and say oh, wait i hate barack obama. yes a lot of time late deciders went with the tea party republicans. there was a message they were selling this was a message of change. now this is different. senate races may turn on that but you'll see people that are not fighting that much. >> chuck, we see the president -- >> chuck -- >> you see the president saying, sorry, joe, that the economy is on the upswing and this is his policies leading to that. is it working? >> well, part of the president's problem and part of the democratic party's problem is where the senate races are most
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competitive is where the economic recovery is the weakest. arkansas, louisiana and some of the more rural areas, even iowa. you have to take that into account a little bit. but, you know, joe, what i think the larger question you were asking earlier, there's something weird happening. you know, here we are in october, races aren't being put away. instead they are coming back under the playing field. look at south dakota. i think at the end of the day south dakota end up going the way we think it's going to go. the point is i think it's a volatile electorate. we're seeing a lot of third-party candidates although they are not taking off like they are in other place, we're seeing a lot of them serve as none of the above or as a protest vote. the guy running in florida the third-party candidate is getting double digits up and down the i-4 corridor. >> one or two percentage races. >> they make a difference. it tells you the overall mood.
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angry electorate but they are not beating up one party they are ticked off at both. >> al hunt, i can't think of an off year election where there's been this many cross currents. republicans are going to have a huge night and maybe even have two or three vote advantage in the senate. i can also make an argument that democrats are going told on and maintain the senate majority. it's just every day brings another poll that confuses the matter more. >> i can remember a mid-term election where there were so many cross currents. republicans were convinced there would be a mini tide. it hasn't happened. ten senate races are within the margin of error. i rarely disagree with charles todd i'm not sure i do today but i wouldn't be shocked if larry
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preston -- >> it fits the larger narrative which the country has been pissed off at both parties for a long time. if you give them a viable independent candidate to rally around and the person seems credible saying i'm mad at both parties, there's a chunk of the electorate dying for it. that's why orman took off in kansas. i don't know if pressler is credible enough. we'll see. but i'm watching alaska. they will elect an independent governor. >> christina bellantoni thank you so much. chuck todd what do you have? >> tom brokaw went out to berlin. we got him on isis. >> fantastic. >> they will do a little, how did republicans lose the culture war. a little deep dive historical. >> mike huckabee in the news today. the uk chancellor, george
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♪ time now to take a look at the morning papers with joe, thomas and me. the "the washington times," the u.s. government spent $500 million on transport planes for the afghan air force. the afghan military just scrapped 16 of them for six cents a pound. a report by a special inspector cited serious performance and maintenance issues after the planes sat unused on a tarmac
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for an extended period of time. now there's an official inquiry into how half a billion dollars of american taxpayer money was wasted on the program. joe >> this from the "new york times," former "saturday night live" actress jan hooks has passed away. hooks was a regular player on snl between 1986 and 1991. of course, starring alongside the great phil hartman and dana carvy. she was best known for her portrayal of the swinging sisters, a lounge act alongside actress lauri dunn. she recently had a recurring role on nbc's 30 rock she l-of course, played hillary clinton. hooks was 57 years old. >> thomas? >> the sweeney serious? >> the sweeney sisters were so
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funny. we get this from "the independent." a comedy club in barcelona using technology to charge its audience per laugh rather than per ticket. so the venue is leaning on facial recognition software to note each time an audience member laughs. a night of comedy with run the guests anywhere from 30 cents to $30. apparently it's going to depend on the comic. so if they got a good comic up there that will get to you chuckling they will know by facial recognition. >> i don't think i want my face analyzed while i'm watching a comedy act. >> in daytona a suspected burglar found covered in tar didn't have a single excuse when he was caught atop a convenience store at 3:00 a.m. he three excuses. first he said he was visiting family members. he then insisted he was fixing a noisy air conditioner which he
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heard from the ground and finally, he said he was simply sleeping and rubbed roofing tar on his body to remain unseen. he's now facing a host of criminal charges. >> that's a bad mugshot. >> joe, you could come up with a better one. okay. >> that's a bad mugshot. >> he was doing all three. >> stop. stop. >> use that tar to smack some hair on his head. an economic slow down in the euro zone threatens the region and could have a major impact on the united kingdom. the man responsible for britain's economy, george osborne joins us next. your customers, our financing.
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♪ back with us, we have british chancellor, george osborne. thank you so much for being with us. let's start by talking about the eurozone, growth there creeping under 1% right now. how much is that a threat to great britain's future growth? >> i think it's a threat not just to britain's economic performance but other countries including the u.s. it is, the eurozone risk slipping back into crisis and
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that has an impact on confidence, has an impact on exports. at the moment the uk is the strongest growing western economy, strongest in the g7 here in the washington meetings of the imf and i want to keep it that way. the way to do that is to identify these risks and make sure we have a plan to get through them. we have a plan that instills confidence in our economy. >> why has that happened? a few years ago when we were talking to you, growth in great britain was stagnant. actually you guys were flat. germany was experiencing better growth. things have flipped now. you all are doing much better through the eurozone. what's going on the continent? >> well, first of all, the uk, i came on this show several times, joe, and you asked me questions about britain's performance. i said we had a plan. we would deal with our debt and deficit. cut our business taxes and make ourselves the place to do business in the world and that plan is working and delivering. on the continent of europe,
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there are too many of these economies that have not reformed themselves, too many of them have public finance issues as well. germany may be suffering a bit from what's happening in the ukraine and some of the indicators out of china. so the european economies have not taken the steps they need to take to reform themselves and make themselves competitive in the modern world. >> sam stein? >> you're making essentially the case for austerity, reforming entitlements. in america at least on stump recently president obama has sort of hinted at the opposite case that americans recovery from the great recession was much quicker than europe's in part because we did fiscal stimulus. is he wrong? >> the u.s. approach has been different from the one we've done in the uk. partly there's a bit of luxury if you're the united states you have a reserve current circumstance people want dollars. i have to make sure the world
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wants sterling. i guess we take two approaches. countries likeberry taken, like america got to live within their means. no one owes us a living. second you got to go out and make your country the place where people want to set up business and invest. we're doing that in the uk. got some really strong performance now, huge amount of business investment coming in. so we did take somewhat different approaches. but actually and you would know better than me the reality of the u.s. fiscal path was not always as spelled out by the administration. >> i want to talk about what these austerity measures would mean. david cameron said there would be a small increase. at this time when western nations are fighting isis, what does that mean? is that really a good idea? >> well, i would say, first of all, after the u.s., the uk has the most deployable and capable military in the world. of course we're alongside you at
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the moment dealing with isis in iraq. we want to retain that capability but you've also got live within your means. we still have one of the world's largest defense budgets and investing the money in replacing, you know, cold war old equipment and buying britain the latest aircraft carriers, the latest fifth generation jets, the latest submarines so we can fight alongside the u.s. against our common enemies. >> christine lagarde said this is heading in the wrong direction. what's the impact if this doesn't turn around? >> there are some real risks out there in the world. there's big risks like -- >> impact on the british economy. >> it is a critical moment for europe. i think the impact on the uk would be through our exports, still 40% of our exports go the eurozone. we see impact on manufacturing. i'm making a big effort to expand britain's links with china and india.
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we have strong links with the u.s. we take an interesting decision this week we're the first sovereign nation to issue a chinese r and b bond to raise british government debt. now that is an indication that we want to connect with these asian markets, we want london to be the global center where these asian currencies are and traded. going out there and earning a living. >> can i ask you quickly, the big debate over the summer is whether sanctions on russia would have a backlash on the european economies. >> there's an indication germany economy has been strong and maybe impacted by what's happening in the ukraine. all these things, whether it's the ukraine, we absolutely have to hold the line against russia, or ebola in west africa or what's happening in the middle east, they are weighing on global confidence. there's an economic effect from some very serious geopolitical risks. >> will germany hit a recession?
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>> i hope not. too early to say what's going on in the german economy. all the economies in the world that's giving the most cause for concern because we don't know what's happening is germany. doesn't mean i want has the biggest problems just the biggest uncertainty. >> george osborne, always good to see you. up next an update on the nbc news investigation we brought you yesterday on artificial turf. now a member of congress is asking for answer about the potential risks. plus this. >> what happened to the whole destroy and degrade plan? don't you guys realize if they take over kobani our entire yogurt supply will be in jeopardy. i'm being told that's chobani. >> jon stewart jokes but the founder of chobani is taking the matter seriously. why the crisis in syria hits very close to the home of the
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the isis fighters, quite casually walking up to kobani. >> tanks towards kobani, moving through fairly open spaces. isis tanks, isis vehicles, freely roaming around the country side for the last five days. >> isil fighters saying things like yuhoo. taking numerous sun bathing breaks. look what happened to the whole destroy and degrade plan? don't you guys realize if they take over kobani our entire yogurt supply will be in jeopardy? i'm being told that's chobani.
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kobani is a syrian kurdish town on the border of turkey and does not have real blueberries mixed in it. >> that was jon stewart on wednesday night on the "daily show." the situation hits very close the home for the founder, chairman and ceo of the greek yogurt company chobani. hamadi ulukaya is joining us now with a big announcement about how he plans to help those in need and, sir, thank you very much for being on the show. >> thank you. >> tell us what you plan to do? >> i reached out to two very good organizations on the ground, doing a lot of work, just not only on the syrian/turkish borders but around the world but we'll reach out to people who are affected, whatever they need, medical supplies, preparing for winter and also women and kids who are deeply in need and get them their psychological needs for
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the long term. >> my understanding is this is at least $2 million for medicine, tents, blankets and psychological treatment. tell us why you made this decision? >> you know, just like everybody else who lives in america, we've been watching the tragedy that everyone is going through there. you know we get into understanding what happened when the small minorities got affected and the kids and women were in the mountains without any supplies and water and their families were separated and then we understood deeply what a greet human tragedy it is. if you think about it for a second what a person would go through when you are afraid of your life and, you know, when you are separated from your family, you are in danger of kidnapping and you just cannot just do, not do anything.
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and that's why we've been conscious on the world, i'm from the region, i'm from the eastern part of turkey, i come from a kurdish background it's also close to my heart and i wanted to do something. i realized people are not -- really we're not thinking about, talking about refugees and their conditions and what can we do. i'm looking at it and saying let's reach out to these people, show them our hearts and show them we will be with hem and thinking of them. >> jeremy peters. >> good morning. you talk about the humanitarian relief efforts here. i think one of the things that's a little bit difficult for many americans to understand is turkey's reluctance in getting involved militarily to fight isis. i wonder if you can help take us into the mindset of the average turk and help us get at why that's such a dilemma in turkey now. >> turkey is at the bottom of
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this whole what's happened down there. in the last year or so, especially in the last few month, hundreds of thousands of refugees crossed the boarder to turkey and turkey has been very generous with its borders and protecting refugees and helping them as much as they can. this recent kobani event the people in turkey is also asking their own countries to act and help a little bit more than what they are doing. and frustrations are on the street. that's also concerning where millions of kurds live in turkey and conscious people live in turkey is just waiting and seeing that nothing has been done. it frustrates them. i think the conversation, what they are having with the coalition and turkey and leadership they need to really act faster. as much as i think turkey has done great with the refugees i don't think they have done their part when it comes to kobani. >> hamadi ulukaya, thank you so much for coming on the show this morning. thank you for what you're doing.
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now more on an nbc news investigation into artificial turf fields that has hit a nerve with a lot of people, one of them a congressman from new jersey who is calling on the cdc to do more research. nbc news asked viewers to share their stories and comments about artificial turf fields and they have. here's nbc's stephanie goss with a follow up. >> reporter: women coaches started to ask is the field safe when 2005 her own players were diagnosed with cancer. one suspected it may have something to do with the small black dots on the turf known as crumb rubber. shredded cars and truck tires. locally walker from colorado reached out to us about her daughter. >> we always kind of discussed the link, the potential link to the soccer fields, and so a co-worker of mine sent me the link yesterday and said oh, my
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gosh look at this and when i read it i thought oh, wow, this is so close the home. >> reporter: faye played soccer since she was 4 and was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma when she was 16. >> i had to figure out what was going on. >> reporter: a father writes about his son a former college football player now battling leukemia. i feel sick to my stomach the artificial turf could have so many chemicals. another wrote she played soccer twice a week and keeping her kids on the local taerjs lessons on the soccer field far outweigh the ifs of the ground they play on. in a statement the synthetic turf council said we sympathize with those individuals battling a serious illness citing numerous studies the council adds the prepon derrance of evidence shows no negative
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health effects. nbc news spoke with researchers, advocacy groups and doctors who say the studies that exist are limited and more research needs to be done. some of our viewers would like to help. cancer survivor from ohio who spent a lot of time on turf writes, i know that sharing my story and adding to it the research will help other athletes in the end. >> wow. still ahead asking for a raise in front of 200,000 of your colleagues. we'll explain the gutsy move by one bank employee and what the answer was. plus, thomas has an exclusive interview with major league baseball's newly appointed ambassador of inclusion, a former player who never thought he would be accepted back in the league. you're watching "morning joe". so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches?
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cardinals all recognize marriage equality. over the past year the nba and nfl have both stein reality of an outplayer. now mlb leadership who oversees the major and minor mlb leadership of over 5,000 athletes is laying the groundwork for this, as well. >> going back to the track in front of the wall, leaps up, he made a sensational catch! >> on the field in the late 1980s and early 1990s, billy beane was the ultimate utility player, a go-to glove in the outfield. >> caught by billy beane in center field, can you believe it? >> and a slugger at the plate. >> billy beane! grand slam! >> after a lucrative career, he quit his dream job at just 31 years old, leaving millions unearned because he didn't think the world was ready for an active player that was gay. >> i went away for a long time, and the fact i'm sort of back in baseball after 15 years for the same reason i left it and come
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full circle, that moment is not lost on me. >> now the mlb front office and bud selig have drafted him because of it, this summer naming him mlb's first ambassador of inclusion. >> we want the people who make a living in our game to be who they wish to be. >> how america has evolved since he first suited up, he suffered in silence for years, his secret tearing the seams of his professional and personal worlds apart. >> i was not comfortable with the reality of my sexual orientation and i needed help with that, but i couldn't put the two lives together. the reason i walked away, i had a partner who passed away while i was on the padres, died in the emergency room at 7:00 a.m. in the morning and i had a 1:00 game that day that i played in. >> for a lot of people, it's going to break their heart to hear you lost somebody that important in your life, someone a partner in your life, at 7:00 a.m. in the morning, and you
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suit up for a 1:00 game. >> when you're young and conflicted, it just felt easier for me to pretend that it didn't happen. it's not an excuse. baseball didn't do anything wrong. they weren't aware of any of the problems. >> beane holds no grudges and is proud the mlb is preparing for the reality, just like the nfls michael sam. mlb picked beane and also partnered with athlete ally, which hopes to end homophobia in sports for athletes and fans. >> as the country is becoming more and more inclusive on lgbt issues, it's important that baseball speaks to that demographic of fans just as much as they are to any other demographic, but sometimes you just have to do a little olive branch, and i think that baseball's going to be pleasantly surprised how this is going to grow the sport in a way that affects everyone in a great
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way. >> all right, so as we've all been watching, of course, the alcs gets under way tonight with the kansas city royals and my baltimore orioles. it's a fascinating story as we look at this kind of gee wiz moment in judicial policy to think the four teams that are advancing all hail from states now that have marriage equality, with missouri being onboard now because their attorney general is saying anybody who gets married out of state, will be recognized within the state of missouri and they have two of their teams heading into the playoffs. >> so what teams has billy beane met with on this issue so far? >> he's been on the job since this summer and has had meetings with the yankees, phillies, and angels, and he writes to me, prelim outreach to the atlanta braves, l.a. dodgers, giants, and he's going to be attending the winter meetings in december and try to meet with as many people through spring training. this is all about the foundational work that needs to happen as they go ahead, but
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it's a really smart move on their part. >> absolutely. >> i look forward to covering this a lot more. >> good piece. >> thank you, thank you. all right, we want to check in with bill karins. as we were talking about earlier, weather might not be so good for the games. what do you say? >> royals in six. >> i asked you about the weather. >> oh, the weather. >> the weather, big man. >> i got confused when you wanted me to help with this. it is iffy for tonight's game. st. louis forecast doesn't look good for tomorrow. clouds moving in today, light rain on and off during the afternoon, not enough to rain out a baseball game, but go through about 8:00 p.m., the rain's going to start to pick up. they should start the game, but then as the rain goes on, the rain intensity will increase, by about 10:00 p.m. when the game is close to ending, that's when the rain will be the heaviest. i don't know, it's going to be interesting. if they stop it, they won't be able to restart it. also as mentioning st. louis,
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doesn't look great there for the giants game there either, saturday and sunday, good chance of rain. weather may not be so cooperative through the weekend. >> mica, my weather app says something totally different on my iphone. >> i'll see you in baltimore tonight, thomas. up next, the no-show congress. why republicans should be careful when they go after democrats for missing committee hearings. you won't want to miss joe's take on the issue. he has a great imitation as to what exactly goes on in those meetings. yes, yes, it's fascinating, it's riveting, actually. then a good old-fashioned brawl. what went down during a 20-person fight involving the palins? we have the official police report this morning and it makes me like them even more. and my interesting and unique sit-down with andre leon talley. yes, we're a morning show, we have modeling, we have fashion, and we have joe with food all over his sweater. we'll be right back.
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who may be crossing our border. >> the chances of an epidemic here are extraordinarily low. >> i'm an ice cream guy. >> good morning. it is friday, october 10th. welcome to "morning joe." we're here in washington, d.c., at least half of us are. we have senior political editor and white house correspondent for the "the huffington post," sam stein. new york times reporter jeremy peters, and columnist for bloomberg view, al hunt. jeremy is mr. front page this morning. >> jeremy's always mr. front page. of course, a lot of news to cover. also this weekend, a lot of baseball as we get to the finals. we should tell our own al hunt that we mourn with him about the nationals. >> sorry. >> we'll get them next year, al.
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we'll get them next year. who are you rooting for now? it is rough. >> it was painful, joe. >> i know. it was so painful. they deserve much better than that. they'll be back. they have a great young team, great fan base, too. baseball in d.c., yeah, it makes a lot of sense. mika, we were talking before about some of the ads that are being run against kay hagan, she's not showing up for this hearing or that hearing. i guess her opponent has a point, because woody allen has been quoted saying 80% of life is just showing up, but if that is a case, congress is failing at all turns, not just kay hagan. republicans, of course, pounding away at the north carolina center for missing hearings about isis so she could actually show up at fundraisers, so what are all democrats and all republicans doing? well, they are missing in action while isis marches across the
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middle east so they can attend fundraisers, kiss babies, and count votes. what's fair for kay hagan is fair for republicans, as well, and anybody who wants to make attendance an issue this campaign season should shut up or show up, because right now, mika, there's no honor in either house, and i know a lot of people i talk to and a lot of people you talk to want to know where congress is. why aren't they debating isis, why aren't they debating ebola, why aren't they debating the important issues that are before us right now? they are not doing their job. >> yeah, and unless you're going to put a clear position on isis yourself, stay on the campaign trail and don't criticize the president. in the battle for the senate, as you bring up the elections, joe, republican candidates are doing whatever they can to tie their opponents to president obama, and democrats are doing all they can to avoid it. look at this. >> thank you. i just want to remind congressman gardner he's running against me, not president obama,
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not my father, not harry reid, it's congressman gardner and myself on the ballot this fall. >> i'm not sure he recognizes he's not running against harry reid or barack obama, he's running against me. >> so i have a lot of respect for you, but you're dead wrong. i am absolutely running against barack obama and harry reid. >> and did you guys see this? kentucky's democratic candidate allisison lundergan grimes in a editorial interview refused to answer who she voted for in the last two presidential elections. >> did you vote for president obama 2008, 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. >> i know. >> it's about making sure we put kentuckians back to work. i was an '08 delegate for hillary clinton and i think kentuckians know i'm a democrat through and through. i respect the sanctity of the
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ballot box and i know the members of the board do, as well. >> you're not going to answer? >> the president is on the ballot as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be, it's my name. >> i mean, come on, just tell people who you voted terror. al hunt, i had an opponent in '94 that would not answer that question, and he wouldn't tell me. did you vote for, you know, did you vote for bill clinton or not? this is a simple question. well, i didn't -- it just makes them look foolish. of course, they just kept pounding away. just say it. we all know she voted for barack obama. a democrat in that position is in an awful position. it's not hard. >> joe, you're right. everybody knows she did. she can simply say i voted for barack obama, but let me tell you it's about the future, disappointed in the president, whatever she wants to say, but to duck it like that is really, really amateur. i tell you something, if she was
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in a primary, she wouldn't have said that right now. >> of course not. >> mika, that's a perfect thing to say. what you say is, yeah, i voted against barack obama, and like a lot of people in kentucky and across america, i'm really disappointed in him. i didn't think he was going to wage a war against coal workers in kentucky. i didn't think. and then just add on to there and suddenly they are like, okay, wow, yeah, okay, she admits she voted for him and she's disappointed, so she can actually move. that was just embarrassment. >> you can go right on to republicans -- >> i also watched the georgia debate the other night and they would ask, if they asked david perdue about the future of the world, about what was going to happen in china or the middle east, his answer was, i'm running against harry reid and barack obama. >> it's the -- essentially allison lundergan grimes was afraid of having a clip of her
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saying i voted for barack obama. it's the trivialization of our politics. >> go ahead, jeremy. >> it was a bit of a ham-handed answer and this is always democrats concern with her candidacy and why republicans aren't nearly as worried. >> it's why you have consultants, don't give them a sound bite when authenticity would have served better there. >> trouble elsewhere for democrats. senator mark begich is trailing dan sullivan in alaska, and senator mary landrieu replaced her campaign manager with weeks left until election day, and as joe mentioned, there is another emerging trail on the campaign trail, who's showing up, who's not. look. >> all those big corporations supporting the guy not here tonight, not the colonel. >> we had people arrested in denver, at denver international airport, for conspireing with the islamic state, in chicago
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for conspireing with the islamic state, and senator udall doesn't even show up at the armed services hearing when it talks about emerging threats. >> in january, president obama refers to the islamic state at a j.v. team. days later, the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats. senator kay hagan absent. hagan has missed over half the armed services hearings this year. in fact, hagan admits she prioritized a cocktail party to benefit her campaign. >> we have, joe, the crickets sound track in terms of where they are now at this time. >> not only that, al, obviously, kay hagan going to a fundraiser instead of being at a hearing, that's one thing, but those ads are so twisted and distorted. i feel like asking people, have you ever been to a hearing? i mean, you got three or four people droning on and on. >> paint dry.
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>> i'm looking here at the mark-up for fy-03 in relation to fy-09. mr. chairman, can we get the parliamentarian in here? of course you missed them! if my member of congress went to every hearing, i would vote them out because they wouldn't be doing more important things. this is, again, don't go to a fundraiser when a hearing's on, but this is just a cheap shot. i'm sorry. >> he's not exaggerating. that's what they are like. >> they are exactly like that. the shame, the crime is not somebody missed a hearing, it's the entire congress left to go home without addressing the issue of the world. >> thank you. thank you. >> we have a huge threat and there were a couple people who said this is outrageous and it was. corey gardner and mark udall are equally culpable. >> i have another point to this,
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which is if you're going to condemn senators for missing hearings, you should condemn the fundraising culture of congress that requires them to be begging for dollars, calling for dollars all hours of the day. >> that makes too much sense. >> sorry. everyone is guilty of this. thom tillis is here running ads, the guy missed north carolina state house sessions to attend fundraisers in d.c. the hutspah to run ads like that. but the fundraising climate, where you have to be begging at all hours. >> i have to say, though, al is exactly right. at the end of the day, are we really going to criticize people for missing a stupid hearing here or there, or are we going to criticize them for leaving town and not being on the house floor and debating intensely what is going on? by the way, what's going on in syria, what's going on in iraq, and what's going on in turkey,
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these are some of the gravest, most important times as far as foreign policy goes since 2001, and they all left. and they all left without voting -- >> should they call them back? >> in a second. if i were the president of the united states, i would call them back. barack obama doesn't want to call them back because a lot of democrats would vote against him, too bad. he needs to call them back and they need to debate this out. >> jeremy? >> this is not just happening in colorado. it's not just happening in north carolina. you're seeing these similar ads highlighting the hearings that incumbent senators have missed in new hampshire, iowa, as well. it's a potent line of attack, and from what i understand, really unnerving democrats because it makes them look like they are taking unseriously the very serious challenges of this time. >> what's the answer to it? >> what is the answer? >> can i tell you what the answer is? just ignore it, these things don't work. how do i know? i know from experience. they don't work.
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they were tried on me repeatedly. >> i don't think joe ever missed a hearing. >> i missed so many hearings, they were tried on me repeatedly, but you know what, i missed hearings and when i went back to my district, you know nobody said that scarborough, he doesn't work enough. no, everyone knew i was crazy, working around the clock, and i didn't have time to waste in hearings where people droned on and on and on. if there was another issue going on on the floor or another deal that could be made to cut the deficit, voters are smart, and you know what, they don't take attendance with their members of congress. they know who's effective, mika, they know who's not. and if kay hagan has been fighting for the people of north carolina, they don't give a damn she's missed a couple of hearings or not. not because she didn't attend hearings. >> okay, two more minutes here. former arkansas governor and potential 2016 candidate mike huckabee threatening to leave
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the republican party if it does not strongly oppose same-sex marriage. here are two parts of an interview he gave on tuesday, one day after the supreme court refused to hear cases where gay marriage bans were overturned. >> i'm utterly exasperated with republicans and so-called leadership with the republicans who have advocated on this issue, where if they continue this direction, they guarantee they are going to lose every election in the future. guarantee it. if the republicans want to lose guys like me and a whole bunch of still god-fearing people, go ahead and just abdicate on this issue and while you're at it, go ahead and say abortion doesn't matter either, because at that point you lose me. i'm gone. >> right. >> i'll become an independent. i'll start finding people who have guts to stand. i'm tired of this. >> all right. we now have more details about the september 6th drunken palin
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family brawl. according to a police report, there were at least two separate incidents involving at least 20 people. in one case, bristol palin reportedly went after the party's host, punching him five or six times. bristol says she was then punched to the ground and dragged outside. however, the host says bristol fell down when he finally tried to stop her from striking him. meanwhile, bristol's brother, track, and father todd, were involved in a fight outside. track alleges a family friend was sucker punched, so he took off his shirt and prepared to fight, but then was attacked by two other men. todd says everything escalated and it wasn't something they could walk away from. as for sarah palin, the former candidate for vice president of the united states, witnesses say she remained inside the family's white limousine parked on the
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road outside of the party while her family was involved in these altercations. >> wow. >> should i go to the dow, joe? >> what's the impulse to take off your shirt before you fight? >> exactly. do you do that, al? >> always. >> rip it off? >> absolutely. >> okay. >> don't threaten my woman. >> this is the first time i ever wish sarah palin had been elected, because if it had taken place down the road, think all fun we could have had? >> joe takes it a step further, then he fights, right, joe? >> yeah. >> remarkable job without using any of the multiple vulgarities in that thing. >> oh, were there vulgarities, too? i'm going to go to tease, because i'm not supposed to -- i'm in the middle here. i have no opinion. still ahead on "morning joe," from his first job working for andy war hohowarhol, our in with andre leon talley. joe models. plus, more trouble for
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adrian peterson as prosecutors seek to arrest the vikings star running back. we explain why next. first, bill karins, a fashion icon himself, if you like mr. rodgers tie. >> don't pick on mr. rogers. time for your weekend forecast. and right now, the worst weather by far is over the state of missouri and heading into arkansas and tennessee today. a lot of flooding problems and a lot of flash flooding. oklahoma, missouri, and arkansas. let me take you into what's going to happen. the rain is already rapidly spreading eastward. right now over colorado, kansas, where the flooding is and now it's starting to move quickly across kentucky and tends, heading for the midatlantic later tonight. of course, the baseball game in baltimore and if it will be played tonight, 50/50 or less than that. d.c., rain arriving later today, atlanta, dallas, thunderstorms, hot in the southern u.s. as far as saturday goes, early morning rain for boston,
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hartford, providence, d.c., that exits during the day saturday, almost like a repeat of last saturday, and sunday should clear out nice in the east, but a new storm comes in behind it there in the middle of the country, so plenty of clouds, showers, anywhere from louisiana, all the way back up into areas of the ohio valley. coming columbus day, if you're in little rock or memphis, we could have a severe weather outbreak, maybe even a few tornados. something to pay attention to over your holiday weekend. you're watching "morning joe." we leave you with a shot of washington, d.c., where the umbrellas will be out when a lot of you head home from work. we'll be right back. i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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time now to take a look at the morning papers with joe, thomas, and me. we start with the los angeles times. just moments ago we learned the winners of this year's nobel peace prize. 17-year-old malala yousafzai and kailash satyarthi. two years ago the taliban shot malala in the head as she was advocating girls rights to an education. malala is the youngest winner ever of the nobel peace prize. amazing. >> man, that is amazing. congratulations to her. the minneapolis star tribune,
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vikings running back adrian peterson has found himself in more hot water this morning. prosecutors are seeking to revoke peterson's bond and have him rearrested after the running back allegedly admitted to smoking marijuana while out on bail. according to paperwork filed, peterson said he, "smoked a little weed before a drug test wednesday." peterson has been freed on $15,000 bond on a charge of felony child abuse. a trial date has tentatively been set for december the 1st. >> thomas? >> on to trial, trying to get him back on the playing field. we'll see how that one continues to roll out. we go to the wall street journal now. it is reporting amazon plans to open its first retail store here in manhattan, and this just in time for the busy holiday shopping season. the store will primarily function as a mini warehouse with a limited inventory for same-day delivery within new york, so the flagship location
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will also accept pickups of online orders, returns, exchanges, and some say the store could feature amazon devices such as the kindle and fire smartphone. no word yet if drones will be delivering any of the packages. >> let's go to the washington post. gutsy move to go straight to the company's ceo to ask for a raise, it's even more gutsy to cc 200,000 coworkers on the e-mail. well, that's one way to do it. a wells fargo employee asked the bank's boss to give everybody a $10,000 salary bump using the company's profits to pay for it. i don't know. according to the proposal, the move would, "show the rest of the united states, if not the world, that yes, big corporations can have a heart." the bank says it does not discuss personnel matters. >> that person was fired. >> then shown the door. >> i give advice on this and i would say don't do that. don't do that.
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>> it's rolling the dice. still ahead, will wall street bounce back from one of its worst days of the year? we go live to the new york stock exchange in just a few minutes. also ahead, he's worked with andy warhol by becoming a staple of the fashion industry. for more than a quarter of a century, our interview with andre leon talley coming up. but first, a look at what the nation's top editorial writers are covering this morning. josh greene and eugene robinson join us. ♪ the design of the ford escape is clearly intended to grab your eye. ♪ oh, and your foot.
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a dallas deputy is waking up at home this morning after being hospitalized over ebola concerns. state health officials say michael monnig tested negative for the deadly virus. he was put in isolation after visiting an urgent care center. meanwhile, the hospital who treated the first person to die in the u.s. from ebola is defending his treatment. officials say thomas eric duncan initially received four hours of evaluation and underwent
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numerous tests. and as the conditions of a spanish nurse worsens, the director of the cdc compared the crisis to the aids epidemic. >> this is a fluid and heterogeneous epidemic. it's changing quickly and it's going to be a long fight. i will say that in the 30 years i've been working in public health, the only thing like this has been aids, and we have to work now so this is not the world's next aids. >> meanwhile, airplane cabin cleaners who work for delta airlines have ended their strike at new york's laguardia airport. they say unsafe working conditions put them at risk to ebola and other diseases. here we go. that brings us to our citizen question of the day, do you believe it makes sense for the federal government to stop all air travel between west africa to the united states to stop the spread of the ebola virus? download the icitizen app to
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participate in that question. it's a good one. we were talking about it in the past hour. joining us now, senior national correspondent for bloomberg business week joshua green and pulitzer prize winning columnist and msnbc analyst eugene robinson. gene, you write about america's stake in the ebola fight. in part you write this, ebola is a nightmare disease that travel restrictions cannot keep out. the correct response should be urgent concern, not panic and an all-out crusade to extinguish at its source, any kind of knee-jerk attempt to ban all travel from countries where the outbreak is raging would be disastrously counterproductive. western doctors, nurses, missionaries, and others who went to west africa to quell the outbreak would be kept from leaving the hot zone. you can't send health workers in if you have no way to get them out.
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the white house was on the forefront of this. we were following them covering the story as they sort of piled resources in saying this is big. >> right. this is big. >> this is big. >> we have a story on the front page of the post this morning about the math of ebola and it's really scary. you know, the number of cases that arrive from each individual case is great enough that this projects into a really bad epidemic unless it's quashed now. so you have to quash it at the source. you try to block all travel, i'm sorry, thomas duncan did not fly from west africa to the united states, he went through europe, brussels, to europe. >> i disagree. i think isn't a false choice being presented here, gene, when you say, gee, if we stop travel back here we're going to block u.s. aid workers out? we actually can look at their documents, we can also look at their passports, see they are
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american citizens, figure out they went over to help the virus and let them come back in. >> it's not an all or nothing proposition. that seems to be what the argument is. we have to either let everybody come over or nobody come over. >> yeah, but how does it make sense to let health workers come back and not let other people come in, because, in fact, the health workers are the ones who are at most risk of ebola and they are the ones who have been in close contact with ebola sufferers. so the equation is not right there, and in any event, you're just going to check people's passports and say, you know, if you're a native of west africa -- >> certainly, if you want to fight the disease, that's a calculated risk you have to take. just like when people come back from war zones with pstd, we still let them back in the united states because they served this country an do what we hope is in the best interest
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of the world. there is an argument in the mainstream media that somehow anybody suggesting a little bit of restraint in stopping the flow of travel from the infected countries to the united states is zeen phobic or seizing on fears, and this is one of those cases. gene, maybe most of us are wrong, but this is one of those cases where i hear a lot of people, not just in the red neck rivera, but mika and i were in the board meeting yesterday with the ceo of a very big company that said, hell yeah, i don't want them over here. let's let the aid workers go over and come back, but we have to be a lot tougher in our screening. i see poor sam stein wiggling around, his prep tie is askew, i'm making him nervous. >> very quickly, in my column and here, i've been very careful. i'm not using the word zeen
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phobic, it's just the epp de epidemiology say this is not effective, this is not the way to go. >> false argument, because they make the false argument it would somehow slow down the movement of health workers, aid workers, to the infected regions and back. i'm saying, we are actually smart enough to trace people who are threats to the united states and no fly lists. we're probably smart enough to figure out how to let aid workers go and come back to the united states. >> the problem here, though, is not that simple. when you have ebola, you're not -- you don't necessarily exhibit the symptoms, so unless we have a very quick defined way to test ebola at the checkpoint, i'm not sure how a travel ban would work. also, another point a lot of medical professionals are
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making, including in the post today, great front page story, if you quarantine a country, you create a panic, and that in turn creates a huge problem on the ground for health care workers, political workers, government officials. you don't exactly contain the disease, you spread the disease through government and sociopolitical panic. >> i disagree with that. >> address the disease, it provides maybe u.s. citizens with some false sense of security, but doesn't do much to squelch the epidemic. >> i'm just laughing, all of you guys are sitting there so shocked and stunned and deeply saddened that i'm saying what most americans will say when they are not in front of the tv set. presenting false choices. sam, you just said, gee, you have -- >> no! >> you are. you can't have a middle ground. you can increase screenings at
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airports, be more diligent who's coming in the country. >> sam, you've just undercut your own argument. sam, you've just undercut your own argument by saying we have a slight delay, so if you guys will let me finish, then you can talk. you'll undercut your own argument by first of all saying that, well, you know, keeping people out from the united states won't work because we don't have the right screening tests. now you're saying we need to have a screening test and there's no middle ground because it takes 21 days. well, you're exactly right. there's not a proper screening test to make sure that somebody who gets into the united states from the infected areas doesn't have ebola until they are in america for two, three weeks. >> so, with respect to screening tests, there is no way to detect right up front unless someone is exhibiting or has ebola, that it's there, that you can detect
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it's there, however, there are symptoms of ebola you can screen at airports, for instance. i don't want to get too graphic on air, but there are ways you can look at someone and say he's exhibiting symptoms of ebola, maybe we need to set this person aside, et cetera, et cetera. that's what i was getting at with enhanced screenings. with respect to the ethos, the mindset you're talking about, i totally get it. i understand the urge to say shut it down, let's not let anyone in the country from disease-ridden countries. that makes sense. all i'm saying, health officials, people whose job it is to actually contain this disease, have said that would be counterproductive, you would stir up so much political panic, one, that it would in effect spread the virus, and two, what gene was getting at earlier, if you're going to have travel bans, you have to have universal travel bans. >> no, you don't. no, you don't. it's not all or nothing. we need to move on because josh green has a column, but that's my biggest concern, mika, with
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all of these arguments, it's always an all or nothing proposition. it's black or white. we have no ability as rational human beings to somehow sort through this and have a good middle ground. i agree completely with gene, we need to declare war on this ebola virus and americans need to understand that u.s. tax dollars need to be paid for aid. we need to do whatever we can to stop the spread of the virus, because as dr. kent brantly, who is a doctor, who was infected, the first american who came back with ebola said, the atlantic ocean is not going to separate us from this deadly virus. we have got to get engaged there. >> so, josh, your latest piece in bloomberg business week is not about ebola, so we'll put that conversation to bed for a second. it's about the fight for the u.s. senate seat in colorado. what angle are you looking at here?
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>> what i'm looking at, of all the senate races to potentially tip the balance, colorado is the most important race because the state, unlike other purple states, has a large latino population and is more reflective of the u.s. in general. i think the outcome will tell us a lot about where the two parties stand heading into the 2016 presidential election. you've also got two really good candidates in the most competitive race in the country. >> joe? >> you know, josh, there's also a reason why this race is important for republicans. i've talked to republican leaders, they understand. they'll never say this on the air, even though reince priebus came close to saying this last week, not winning the senate 2014 is a devastating setback for the republican party, but what i'm hearing, republicans are more worried about '16 than '14, and they are saying, we have got to win in a blue state. we've got to win in a state that barack obama won in, and it will
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be great if cotton wins in arkansas, it will be great if we pick up louisiana and north carolina, but if we don't expand the map and win in places like colorado, we're in big trouble going into '16. >> exactly. and what you see in colorado with the republican senate candidate there, cory gardner, is maybe a glimpse of what the republicans will need in 2016, regardless of how he performs. young guy, very charismatic, very optimistic. he's sort of the opposite everything you associate with gop leaders today, who tend to be prickly and grouchy and angry and fighting with each other. really a fun guy out of the campaign trail and sort of a breath of fresh air, and i think that helps explain why he's been leading in a lot of polls, despite the fact no republican has won statewide ten years in colorado. >> we'll look for that in bloomberg business week. yes, joe? >> it's so sad. josh is yet another left wing mainstream media type saying
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republican leaders are prickly and grouchy. anybody that spent five minutes with mitch mcconnell would -- >> i know! >> never mind. go ahead. go to break. >> he's a sweet tart. >> sweet tart. >> still ahead, we'll go live to the new york stock exchange after a roller coaster week on wall street. plus, our sit-down with -- we do fashion here on "morning joe," just like the other morning shows. it's like the other morning shows. andre leon talley joins us. hear what he says is the secret to dressing nowadays. and also, the interesting reason why --
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2014. there are new concerns about global economic growth, whether it's in europe, whether it's in russia, caused by geopolitics, you name it, and the fear investors have right now are policy makers are running out of bullets to try to fight new found slowdown and growth. yes, the united states is the bright spot here, but a lot of u.s. companies get a lot of their earnings overseas, so that weakness could inflict pain in the u.s. stock market. we're going to be watching stocks. by any indication, looks like the carnage is set to continue. in europe we're seeing sharp losses. one stock i want to mention is tesla, because elon musk continues to surprise. he unveiled a new all-wheel drive model that's going on sale at the end of the year. it has all sorts of new safety measures and cool features. 11-year-old company continues to invite. guys? sara, thank you so much. have a great weekend. >> you, too. up next, joe walks the runway for fashion icon andre
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leon talley. oh, yeah, it was hot. we'll explain how that came about next on "morning joe". >> it's a walk off. it's a walk off. ♪ they're still after me. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga.
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the annual fall fashion week recently wrapped up in new york, and there was one man who was larger than life at the shows. andre leon talley. a recently sat down with the fashion guru and co-author of "little black dress," to get his expert take on today's hottest trends and his life in the spotlight. okay, you know why this exploded from an interview with a tape recorder, cup of coffee, to full camera shoot, do you want to know why? because of what you did to me at fashion week. >> what? >> i'm sitting there, my daughter carly and her friend em and there's the cast of "orange is the new black," there's kate upton. whoopi goldberg walks in, then you walk in, seriously, it's as if the beatles first stepped off the plane. >> oh, my goodness. >> they went crazy. >> no. >> then you had them sitting on your lap. >> that's wonderful. i didn't know i had such impact with young ladies.
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>> 16-year-old girls went wild. >> amazing, amazing. >> you know morning shows have, because i want to get you to comment on live fashion, and morning shows, they have models. have you seen them, they bring them out, anchor sits there and the guru comes out. we have "morning joe" models right here. can we get model number one, please? joe, joe, wake up. >> is it joe himself? >> yeah. he's our model today. joe, all right -- >> i do love those sweatshirts. he fell asleep. >> i'm going to narrate it. i'd like you to analyze. get on the cat walk, joe. do your model walk. morning shows, we have models. >> hand in pocket? >> get the music, walk with me. what's he got, pants he slept in. above the right nipple he has some breakfast. he likes to wear this -- >> this is amazing. >> what do you think of his
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outfit. what's it say to you, andre? >> says a lot he can get up and still model, still doing the model pose. the model pose works. >> can i come over and sit in your lap? because i hear it is the place to be, baby. good to see you. >> good to see you, very good to see you. >> i love the color, whatever you call these shirts. no, the overshirt. >> table cloth. >> it's poly mead, it's warm, something you wear in the stadium. why are you smelling him? >> breakfast. breakfast or dinner. >> flicking stuff on his suit. >> usually he has food. >> i think his style works. >> he's got a look. >> his style works because it's who he is. whatever you wear must reflect who you are. never take cues and say it's wrong. >> i love that. >> mika and i were out yesterday and i noticed three or four women, we were sitting waiting
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for a friend and i saw people coming in and out, people watching. and i noticed all these people wearing all these different things that the ones that seemed the most put together had a simple black dress, flats, and maybe, if not pearls, something very basic. >> one simple necklace, accessory. chanel always said, less is more. fake with the real. you know who i think is one of the best dressed women in the entire world? queen elizabeth ii. she's dressed appropriate for who she is, she's dressed because that is her uniform, it always been her tradition, and looks great on her for who she is. she's incredibly well-dressed. >> oh, my gosh. i love this advice, because i also think for younger women trying to send a message, their clothes shouldn't distract from their face, eyes, and voice are doing. >> the voice. what you project is what you say. i always say that i think that people -- you have to have
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something to say. you have to do your homework. you can't just go up and say i'm going to find out what i'm wearing. when girls have on the latest thing, you don't want to look at that. you want to see how they are saying, how they respond to the questions. there is no perfect question. no perfect answer. >> i am so excited to have you in here. >> i'm so thrilled to be here. thank you for having me. up next -- he is so much fun. >> memorable. >> he's going to be in my book. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today?
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it's time to talk about what we learned today. of course, for those of us here we say good-bye to a close member of our "morning joe" family. joe was a runner during the 2004 presidential election and what a decade it's been together. john and t.j. and i have been through so much together, 25 v.p.s, honeymoon murder mysteries, debates between rabbi and jennifer giroux and, of course, reporting on events that have shaped the world over the past decade. the word i might be leaving primetime to start a morning show. everybody said i was crazy to
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leave primetime for a 4:00 a.m. wakeup call, everybody except jon, who said i want you to do it and i want to go with you. well, he did and that's made all the difference. we love jon and we're going to miss him, but i tell you what, i'm so excited and mika, you are, too, that even though he's not moving on to a better place, he is getting a wonderful opportunity, and i'd be sad except for the fact that i know that jon, mika, and i are going to work together again soon. mika, we'll miss him, won't we? >> tower, we love you, we wish you the best of luck. we're happy for you, but i'm not happy right now, because i don't like saying good-bye to you. you're a good guy. thank you for everything. >> thank you guys so much. i really appreciate it. this has been the best experience of my life so far. thank you so much. >> you're so self indulgent. mika, can you believe that? next he's going to be like chris
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and write a book. >> jon, note to self, don't do that. i'll call you spanky. >> joe, i noticed that was on prompter. did you write that or somebody else on staff write that? >> who wrote it for him? this is your life. this is your wife. jon met his wife here in 2004 when joanna was an intern. it was an h.r. violation at the time, but they were able to work through it and he was able to legally marry her and they were able to marry and we love the towers. we snuck her in. hopefully, it's a big surprise. we love you, jon tower, we're going to miss you so much. >> that is so cute. >> good surprise, right? >> jon, we love you. good luck. >> did a good job. >> if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." jon, we'll see you again. >> jon tower! >> thank you, jon!
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a nobel peace prize at age 17, malala yousafzai from pakist pakistan. both honored. the latest on their history making moment. also developing this morning, more scrutiny for the secret service as a review board gets to work and the white house pushes back on allegations that involve more than just agents now. and one of the world's most notorious dictators, also one of the world's most reclusive, as well, never shies away from a photo op, nowhere to be seen. the latest on the mystery of north korea's kim jong-un. it's friday, october 10th, 2014, this is "the daily rundown." a busy morning on
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