tv The Ed Show MSNBC October 14, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening americans and welcome to the ed show, live from new york. let's get to work. >> i do believe that our states know best how to protect their nar natural resources. >> sound bites have consequences. >> no kidding. >> you're saying you don't want clean air. >> we are in the middle of the mid-west window. >> we need the next senator to support fuel standards. >> i stood against big oil interest. >> i grew up on iowa farm. let's make them squeal. >> an extraordinary breath of
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fresh air in washington. >> we've already talked about closing the doors to the irs, to the department of education. >> what's the third one there, let's see. >> let's shut down the federal epa. >> breath of fresh air. >> good to have you with us tonight folks thanks for watching. i want to start with another kitchen table issue. something that effects your pocketbook. gas prices amend energy. how come every time gas price goes down the president of the united states never get credit but if gas price goes through the roof to $4 a gallon. heck they asked president bush, and he didn't know anything about it. when gas prices go up around the obama year, well, he doesn't have an energy policy. i was in iowa last week and found out president obama went to newton iowa ten times before
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he was elected and every single trip he talked about energy and jobs. that's the story we bring you tonight. now today speaking of gas, average cost of gas is $3.18. where is credit for obama there. it is down from $3.39 a gallon from just a month ago. predicting another 20 cent drop in november, that is what experts are saying. from 2007 to 2013 gas consumption dropped by nearly 6%. the president invested heavily in green energy. this is the an issue that goes to the middle of the country. this issue is big in the middle of the country. i was in newton, iowa talking to the residents about economy, jobs, green energy, the very important things that are taking place in this senate race which
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is going to be very tight. we're just three weeks away. iowa will vote. newton iowa has been on the front line of this great united states recession from day one. in 2007 a maytag plant shut its doors and devastated the community, 1900 jobs were lost, crushing the local economy. in 2011 the ed show went to newton, iowa to see how the folks were impacted. workers told me they felt they were abandoned. >> i mean, there's nobody around. the farmers were in trouble, the union was there. when people were in trouble the unions were always there. we never separated ourselves from society. we're part of it. we were raised here. >> since the plant was closed, newton has started to make, i
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think, a pretty remarkable comeback. in 2009 tpi composites opened up, it manufacturers some in china and also right here in iowa. they build large-scale structures for wind energy in the energy industry. now business has been good thanks to president obama's policies like the wind tax credit. you're like all i ever do is give obama credit. wait a minute it's a fact. this incentive works. it has something to do with jobs. that's why the people know this senate race is so critical. >> if you want a story about the american worker, you would come to newton, iowa. this is about resilience. this is about who these p.eople are. it was once known as maytag
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country, it's economy and identity depended on the local plant since founded in 1893. in 2007 maytag outsourced over seas. for the workers everything changed. >> it hurt my family pretty bad because my wife worked there too and lost her job. i retired from it. i got a retirement. but then six months after that, the company bought maytag out and said we're taking your insurance away from you too. >> newton was a town full of skilled available workers who didn't want to sit on the side lines. the economy falling something changed. what happened the folks at tpi built a factory here in newton in 2009. >> we're on 40 acres of property with over 300,000 square feet of manufacturing square feet. these are 50 meters long and weigh 9,000 pounds each it take
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bz 3 and half days to produce a blade. this is an exciting story. a lot of these people were from maytag and they couldn't make it go. left thousands of people without jobs. we employ now about 800 people in the community of newton and we're very proud of that fact. >> give me a definition of your workers. who are these people? >> these are local people. they are mid-west earn people who have a great work ethic. they are very loyal to the company. they work hard when they come here every day. they're proud of what we do as a company. the products we make are for renewable, green energy, very proud of that fact. i couldn't be prouder to be associated with this team of people. >> federal tax credits for wind energy projects help newton
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rebuild. >> we're very optimistic about wind energy and tpi, iowa, continuing to produce blades. there has been issues around the tax credit, we were hoping it would be extended to put volatility in our market. it seems to settle out. >> so the wind production tax credit played a big part in all this happening. >> it absolutely did. >> the incentive worked. >> it worked. >> the workers at tpi know what is important. >> family. good benefits like tina said. just that we can come to work, feel that we can do a good job and with our industry, it is promoting wind energy. so it's another alternative. >> family is first, as we have
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talked about. i feel when i was working at maytag for 24 years i was building washers and driers but winged energy is what i'm proud of now because of my grand kids. as a father you always think about what you can do for your kid when they grow up. now i'm building something that, when 50i when i'm passed away i know my kids can ennow. >> now the state is leader in wind energy. >> we need our next u.s. senator and all elected officials to support renewable fuel standards and tax credit and the farmer. >> he is the right voice for jas per county and for iowa in the u.s. senate. these are programs and policies that have created jobs.
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and you don't have to take my word for it, we just saw it out at the winld blade factory. >> the senate race is closer than ever but the choice couldn't be clearer. with the fate of green energy companies like tpi on the line. >> i will continue to support the rfc and do that as your next united states senator. >> if i could respond. i'm not sure that is what senator said when they went to secret meetings. she said she was philosophically opposed to the renewable fuel standard and in a perfect world it wouldn't exist. my support has been clear and strong. >> it is no secret i support bruce to be to you are next u.s. senator. he is the right guy to put the jobs back in the mid-west. iowians know what is needed in
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washington. someone who cares about main street businesses and jobs on the factory floor. >> so the wind production tax credit is about jobs, something republicans are against. it's a fact. we're a changing economy and in the middle of the country we're going from petroleum to wind and solar and the jobs are right there where president obama talked about it before he was president. we can change this economy, there are tremendous opportunities out there for america with a great workforce when it comes to a changing economy based on climate change whaf we have to do with alternative energy sources but the republicans want this climate denier jony earn of the to be the next senator from iowa. go figure. what jobs have they created. i think it is ironic that in the middle of the country where
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we're having great debate about the keystone pipe line, the largest project the state has ever had, exactly what obama said he wanted to do. the latest polling in iowa is close. polls are all over the place, needless to say, it's close. the path for the republicans to wi win the senate. they believe if they win north carolina, louisiana, arkansas and alaska, they think if they win three of those four they win the senate because they have south dakota, montana and iowa wrapped up. is that really the case. is perryularism going to be enough. let's bring in dan.
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>> thanks for having me on the show. >> you bet. what's the number one issue when you go into a living room in the middle of iowa and ask them what's on your mind? what do you hear? >> the number one issue without question is jobs. we are working steadily to put men and women back to work here in iowa and we're having success with that with policies such as the wind production tax credit which certainly has put folks back to work in newton and throughout jas per county. we have two wind turbine companies one that manufacturers blades and one manufactures towers, and the one that manufacturers towers are in the same building that at one time 5,000 men and women manufactured washing machines, my grandpa was one of them, worked for 30 years
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manufacturing washing machines in newton. it is exciting to know there's new products manufactured there that are meant to save the environment and our climate. >> what does braley have to do, where does he have to win? >> well, ed, as you know, iowa truly is a purple state. for over 30 years we've elected a democrat and republican to the u.s. senate and we have a mixed congressional delegation. what makes iowans vote is when they find a candidate that they can trust. i trust the voters to go through the process and determine for themselves which candidate is best for the state of iowa and bruce braley has earned my trust.
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>> you have one candidate clearly is for an industry for jobs and one candidate who is not. >> absolutely. bruce is in the corner of jas per county because he's in the corner of a wind industry and he understands these are advanced manufacturing jobs putting people back to work, he supports programs like the renewable fuel standard, which effects our biodiesel standard and also the wind production tax credit. i served with ernst in the legislation, i honestly don't know her true feelings on these issues but she's one the coke brothers are supporting strongly. lots and lots of money going into her campaign. the coke brothers recently referred to the wind industry as a failing industry. i can tell you, newton is not failing.
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>> no. >> newton is coming back and it's due to the wind industry, biodiesel and the opportunities provided by renewable energies. >> let me bring in ring of fire radio host. there you have it, the coke brothers are saying that winld energy industry is a failure. that's what low gas prices do to you. the question is, does this motivate people to go vote? is this the game changer? of sorts? >> it should. because the jony ernst is the perfect moral mental blank slate candidate that breeds billionaires like the coke brothers. and relient energy is also included in the big money mibehd her. no coincidence, the same group
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are people like rick scott, scott walker, and sam brownback. to fully appreciate the caliber of crazy that jony ernst is capable, not only does she want to disman ttle clean water act t the wind act where 3,000 jobs are connected to indirectly. just like charles and david coke are ordering, like a trained circus -- they know she will do it because they ordered brownback to did the same thing in cakansas. and he delivered.
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it's beyond crazy. she wants to eliminate department of education. wants to eliminate over site by epa in the state of iowa. to put her in perspective, sarah palin is her chosen mouth piece along with mitt romney. >> this is a story you give workers and companies incentive, we're talking billions of dollars of investment into iowa, and perfect american workers will get it done. the ploof roof is in the puddin. wind energy is an opportunity that obama had talked about for years and there it is unfolding in the middle of the country. when there is blood in the streets there's money to be made. one when one industry is out another comes in. and we can appreciate this, it's clean energy. that's what we want. i appreciate your time. we got to move along.
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coming up rick scott goes on attack in the florida governor's race. but first larry's shaky record on social security. who is paying attention. because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will
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(receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. your goals, our experience. your shoppers, our technology. your data, our insights.
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introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. what's hot, what's not. time for social media. my podcast today, i got after john stewart pretty good. nobody goes after john stewart. he's the funny guy from new york that nobody can touch. really? his story about the democrats being hypocrites taking big money. you got any better suggestions under this system. you want to give the senate away to the republicans. you can get it here.
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ed show decided here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> they make money the old-fashioned way. >> number three trender, family affair. >> he's got rich by keeping kentucky poor. the votes speak for themselves, 17 timeos voting against minimu wage. >> i can't let it stand. she knows it is a result of an inheritance that my wife got when her mother passed away. that's an outrageous suggestion. she knows it's wrong. number two trender. >> do you talk about let's try this again. >> three times a charm? >> not for me it isn't. >> romney shuts down talk of
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2016 campaign. >> we're having no serious conversations. >> are you making a commitment absolutely will not run, if nominated will not serve. >> we said at the end we will never do this again. >> i'm not running, not planning on running. >> we've done it. we've had our turn. >> and today's top trender insecure. >> one of the most exciting 2014 senate races in south dakota. >> larry's numbers have doubled since summer. >> south dakota candidate has a shaky record on social security. >> former three time republican u.s. senator now an independent. >> he voted seven times to cut medicare. >> he wants to change the programs of social security and medicare. >> voted eleven times to cut social security.
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>> i want to legislate. >> i'm joined tonight by adam, straight question, right up front, is larry pressler telling the truth when he says he'll be an independent voice in the senate from south dakota if he were to win? >> he might be an independent voice voting to cut social security. because his record supports that. he voted 11 times to cut social security benefits and there's not a more popular program than social security. he has a huge record of taking a lot of perks and benefiting in ways people back home don't really like. i kind of compare him to george w. bush. he has been out of sight and mind but soon as people are
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reminded he cut social security eleven times he will deflat quickly. >> who will he caucus with? is this going to be a berny move? what do you think. >> if you love joe leeberman you will love larry pressler. >> that's about as good as it gets right there. this guy has mentioned the possibility of starting an independent caucus if he wins the senate seat. now i don't know if he will be alone or who he expects to be along with him. but his record of going after medicaid and social security does hit a beat. >> he says we need to take our company back from the big money interest that control our democracy and actively
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campaigning to hold big corporations accountable, that is in touch with what main stream south dakota wants. the way larry is campaigning, he is lining up to not just be a social security cutter but to be completely unaccountable. saying he will only serve one term. i understand why he is doing it but the idea of putting someone in who will cut social security with no accountability to voters is really scary and he will be fighting with elizabeth warren who will reduce student debt, hold wall street accountable and better social security benefits. >> the scandal is surrounding his campaign right now. rick is in
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. so how does this play out? does weiland in your opinion have a real shot at winning this? and there's been several million dollars put in his campaign because national democrats are taking note of this race. what do you make of it? >> yeah rick could easily win this race. over $10,000 grass roots donations have been given, we're also proud to be partner. i've been talking to people on the ground, i will tell you even republican oriented farmer and ranchers don't like him and see him as corrupt. the big trick is can rick get his message out. it is important that all hands be on deck. he needs to hold big guys
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accountable and take our country back. >> good to have you with us adam green. >> thank you. coming up rick scott takes aim at the president. plus beauty and the beast. state representative believes good looks are more attractive than good policies. we're right back. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable.
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i get coached on a lot of stuff. next question. where do i enjoy traveling to work the most. wherever there are hard working americans who want to live the american dream and for the life of me why in the world would we allow our government to set up policies to take that dream away. stick around rapid response panel is next.
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welcome back to the ed show. thanks for watching. tonight rapid response panel on this subject. we're three weeks out from would you be -- one of the most important races of our time. and couldn't be hotter. scott continuing to push the same policies designed to run floridians right into the ground. >> the way to get higher wages is more job openings, that's what i'm working on every day. >> this is a clear distinction between the two of us. i will fight to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
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>> the outcome according to a cnn poll released this week. vice president joe biden stumped on monday. >> i heard he used to be a republican, but left. he didn't leave, it left him. this ain't your father's republican party. >> i can tell you a little bit about that. the first lady will join him late there week but rick scott taunting another ob to go to florida. >> rick scott has rejected virtually all of president obama's policies and now calling the president out himself to get on down to florida and say to
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his opponent how come you won't stand by side with the president. let me bring in mitch from the democrat party and former state representative anna. anna obama is so popular down in florida what is rick scott trying to do here? distance his opponent thinking the obama's are not a good draw? what do you make of it. >> we are very glad to ha opportunity welcome first lady obama. it is unfortunate, rick scott is just desperate to try to get at charlie anyway he can. >> mitch, what are these job things that rick scott is talking about? where's the all the jobs he said he was going to create.
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charlie cris has made no secret about aligning himself for president obama. is it going to be tragedy for rick scott. >> i doesn't hear rick scott inviting sarah palin or rick perry down here. and i certainly don't hear him inviting former vice president dick cheney to come here around halloween and scare the florida voters. if it wasn't for being dis disengenuine, rick scott has nothing to say. he had an opportunity to create over 100,000 jobs by accepting the $51 billion in medicaid money, he didn't do that either. in fact he pledged to create over 700,000 jobs beyond the normal growth. he of course hasn't done that.
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so what does he do? he denies he made the statement. thanks to the magic of videotape we have it for everybody to see. he denies mouthing it and yet we can broadcast it all day long. he better be careful he doesn't act for something because he might get it. the real jobs creator isn't rick scott in florida. it's the president of the united states who has given us the best stock market we've seen in our life. whose driven down unemployment to the lowest point in years and who has expanded the upper middle class. scott had an opportunity to do that and didn't. so the real jobs creator is the president of the united states and he's just playing some sort of dare game because he's spent over $51 billion almost all of it negative trying to find charlie cris and that has seized
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because it eff isn't working any more. >> what will decide this election? >> what will decide this election is the voters getting out to vote. it is important all floridans need to get out and vote. but, no, i mean, charlie has spent a fraction of that and still holding his own. that is a sign that floridans are not happy with rick scott's message. most polls show charlie tied or slightly ahead. he's holding his own. with spending a fraction of the money what rick scott has spent. >> $51 million versus what? >> $51 million that we can track versus $21 million by charlie
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cris. the fact he is still standing is shocking to me. as anna said, you look for trends, not just leading by one or two, but last half dozen polls are trending the same way, basically for charlie one out today showing him up by four. it had been minus two, plus one, plus four. frankly rick scott can't go up and charlie can. >> how do you debate against rick scott against a guy who pleaded the fifth. do you go right after them. tomorrow they will have dpoebat number two of three. what can we expect here? >> more of the same. rick scott has denied. first of all he denied 75 times his company committed fraud and now he's denying he said he
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would grow the economy by 700,000 jobs on top of the normal groaninnor normal growth. he did say that. he is down by a million jobs, really if you tally out the number, and frankly he's taking credit for what the economy did all on its own and blaming charlie for the global melt down as well. >> jeb bush released a short commercial touting the governor's results and he doesn't get very specific on all this. what do you make on all this. he put his foot in the lake but didn't jump in. >> the interesting thing, you know, when jeb bush rises to the rescue it generally means someone else is in trouble and rick scott really is. jeb bush is trying to shore up republicans. it's not going to bring him any democrats and frankly not really
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independents any more based on his activities last number of years. i think it is dangerous with less than a month left. this is going to be a very close race. as charlie said himself it will go down to the last day and will be a dead heat all the way through. trending is everything. right now iet rather be charlie crist than rick scott. >> florida it is hot. coming up, mike huck lhuckl straight ahead. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work.
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welcome back to "the ed show." this week, the catholic church made stunning progress for gay and lesbian rights around the world. the bishops wrote, the catholic church is -- they said the church must turn respectfully to gay and lesbian couples and appreciate the values they may have. they stopped short of endorsing gay marriage, but the writings represent progress that republicans here at home aren't willing to accept. case in point, mike huckabee, the good reverend has been outraged since the supreme court legalized same-sex marriage in some states. huckabee is furious with republicans who might side with
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same-sex marriage. >> a lot of republicans, particularly in the establishment and those who live on the left coast, or those who live up in the bubbles of new york and washington are convinced that if we don't capitulate on the same-sex marriage issue and raise the white flag of surrender and just accept the inevitable, then we'll be losers. i tell you, tim, it's the absolute opposite of that. and if the republicans want to lose guys like me and a whole bunch of still god-fearing people, go ahead and just abdicate on this issue. and while you're at it, go ahead and say abortion doesn't matter either, because at that point you lose me. >> huckabee needs to pay attention to what the church is doing. the church may not be on board with gay marriage, but they've distanced themselves from conservatives like mike huckabee. john, what do you make of this?
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you've interviewedhuckabee. he really seems to be the most aggressive commentator and conservative out there when it comes to these social issues. now the catholic church is in it. so many facets. let me back up. start with the catholic church. this is a change and a move forward? >> it is a change and a move forward. it may seem like window dressing. i would like the policy reparations to match the rhetoric. considering that the catholic church believes in evolution, this is definitely a step in the right direction. and pope francis saying this now will enable future policies to be changed. the influence of these words matters so much. and we can only hope that they will drag the catholic church into the 21st century on married priests and women priests in the near future if they're looking to save the catholic church. >> it's not just the pope, it's the bishops. >> appointed by this pope. >> so do they not believe this? they're just satisfying the pope
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and where he wants to go on this? >> a number of bishops will protest this and there will be a lengthy debate. but the word is out now. and this is very upsetting to millions of homophobes who like homophobia, who happen to follow non-homophobe jesus. i would submit to you that homophobia is incompatible with scripture and the teachings of jesus. there's nothing in the entire bible you can use to justify discrimination against consenting adults in a same-sex relationship. nobody followed leviticus, st. paul wasn't talking about gay people in romans and jesus never said a darn thing about them. >> this is extremely vague, valuing their sexual orientation without compromising catholic dokts rein. how did that be? >> it's completely vague. they're saying, we have to respect these people, while respecting our institutionalized lack of respect for these people. this is baby steps, this is the pope saying something that will
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hopefully lead to future change. >> the catholic church has changed over centuries and generation. there was no room for diverse, then there were annulments because the church was losing so many people. so they had to make an adjustment. is this one of those social adjustments? >> absolutely. and it's why i agree with huckabee and pope francis on this. pope francis is trying to expand the brand and reach out to more people. the bigotry in the bible, nothi -- if huckabee wants to go all in on homophobia, i think he should. i would love to see the gop try to defend banning marriage equality. it's still written into their party platform and it will be for 2016, it shows how far we've come as a people, that ten years ago, you couldn't get elected if you support marriage equality and today it's tough to get
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elected if you oppose it. >> so where is huckabee saying he may leave the republican party over same-sex marriage? >> i think huckabee will run for president, but not to run for president, he's going to run for higher public speaking fees. he's arguably the best public speaker the party has, but he's doubling down on getting old homophobes to open up their purses and send him their nickels. >> it would be impossible for him to mound a charge for the nomination with this position? he's threatening to leave the republican party over the issue. >> i want him to santorum to run to see who can out-homophobe the other. but he walked away from his radio show, when he was stealing listeningers from limbaugh. i don't know if he's serious about running or -- >> how successful was his radio
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show? he was given 200 radio stations. didn't hold a lot of them. >> but he did manage to capitalize -- >> he found out he had a real job, three hours a day, plus preparation, that cuts into your homophobia. >> i think it will. jesus every said a thing against gay people. love one another as i have loved you. huckabee is the anti-christian here. >> he's telling states to ignore the supreme court's decision on same-sex marriage. >> yeah. >> how radical is that? i mean, advocating that courts don't matter. >> you know how the game is played. huckabee is not going to go broke pandering to homophobes. that dwindling demographic in america, god willing, if will die off in our lifetime. i got to see over a generation from people not being able to come out at work to a sitting
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president endorsing marriage equality. it happened and marriage led the way. >> john, always good to have you with us. thanks so much. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop's bitter pill. we're exactly three weeks away from election day. a campaign that republicans thought they had locked up. all they had to do was trash the health care law and coast to victory. it's a script they stuck to in last night's senate debates. argue republican tom cotton was specifically asked what he'd do about the 200,000 people in his state who might lose coverage if republicans repeal the affordable care act. here's what he said. >> obamacare has been a disaster for
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