tv The Ed Show MSNBC October 17, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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♪ >> what is it that is keeping the republican party away from a dominant position? >> we have an extremely peculiar situation right now. governor scott -- will not join us for this debate. >> watching a lot of tight governors races. >> you are asking interesting questions. >> the senate races are deadlocked. >> what a huge crowd for senator mcconnell's requiremetirement p >> it's okay to have a website. >> i'm proud of it. >> we have a food stamp bill. >> south dakota was thought to be an easy game. >> i thought the -- >> is south dakota suddenly up for grabs. >> it is still too close to
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call. >> let's make them squeal. >> good to have you with us tonight. if you like politics it has been a fun week. things are heating up. we are 17 days from the mid-term elections and the key senate races are close. if republicans take control of the senate no doubt it would be bad news for the middle class in this country. everything is at stake, obama care, jobs, green energy, climate change and minimum wage. this is on full display in the middle of the country. in iowa, joni ernst is up on bruce brailly by two points. ernst if she wins she will bring her fringe right wing ideas to washington. in a debate last night she made clear where she stands on obamacare. >> every iowan and american deserves to have affordable
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quality health care but obamacare is not the answer. obamacare is a job killer. we have seen that here in iowa. is it a massive tax increase. $1.2 trillion over the next ten years for the american people and it takes our health care decisions out of our hands, out of our doctors' hands and places them in the hands of nameless, faceless bureaucrats in washington, d.c. >> well, we've got a new candidate to replace michele bachmann. it's not going to kill people. it does not put the government between you and your doctor. she is rejury chargurgitating ad bullet points. 10 million people in this country have got health care because of the law that was passed. in north carolina we have a close race.
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kay hagan is up against state speaker thom tills by two points. >> this is best left to the states. we need to understand the job-killing consequences of these sorts of policies. it's not something that kay hagan going to washington should agree with washington politicians about how we deal with that issue in north carolina. we're creating this mindset that we have a minimum wage economy. i want to create an economy where minimum wage is a steppingstone to higher paying jobs. >> the fact is minimum wage does not kill jobs. every time it's been raised, it never did. statistics show it. now down in georgia,my th--
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michelle nunn is up over -- >> david says he has experience to serve in the senate with ten other folks with business experience. he would be the only senator that from his own words has built a career around outsourcing american jobs. that is not the experience that we need in washington. david, in his deposition talked about 16 countries, thailand and singapore and india and pakistan but not once did he talk about creating jobs in the united states. >> when you start talk about shipping jobs overseas it riles voters up just like it did in 2012. we saw it on the road in freeport, illinois. that strikes the passion of
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people. purdue's record of being an outsourcer is not playing well in georgia. the usa poll sews that nunn is up by three points. in arkansas, tom cotton is up on senator mark pryor by three points. as we pointed out on this program, tom cotton has painted people on food stamps as addicts. he wants to cut food stamps and drug test people who need assistance. he wants to drug test them. these four race are a mi micro of the senate.
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there are some very important gubernatorial races that are going on as well. and all tight. it looks like democrats may have an advantage here. in wisconsin, the latest poll from market university has scott walker and mary burke tied at 47. that poll was released two days before this happened. >> what is your position on the minimum wage? should we have it? >> i'm not going to repeal it. but i don't it serves a purpose because we are debating then about what the lowest levels are at. i want people to make two or three times that. >> minimum wage doesn't serve a purpose. did you know that? did you know that take home pay is just not very important to americans? that's basically what walker is pitching to the folks of wisconsin. it's not that big a deal to take home more money. walker is also advocating voter suppression. >> for us this is a common sense reform that protects the
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integrity of each and every vote. i was at a meeting in appleton and one person asked how many cases of fraud have there been? i ask who would be the one person who would like to have a vote cancelled out. >> how many cases of fraud have been documented in wisconsin? zero. walker's time may be coming to a close here as wisconsin governor and i hope so. he has been against obamacare and attacked unions and cut education funding and failed to create the jobs that he promised. 250,000. the state is short of. that in pennsylvania, republican governor tom corbett is almost certainly going to lose his job. democrat tom wolf is up by 17 points. corbett hazlett the oil industry run wild in his state and rolled
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back regulations on fracking and gas drilling. he let a school district go bankrupt. he signed a voter i.d. law. and he will likely lose his job. now let's go to florida where it's really hot. the latest survey shows charlie crist up by four points on rick scott. polls are mixed. it's going to be a photo finish. there won't be much air between either of them at the end. much of this week's debate was focused on fangate. but after the fan fight, the real rick scott shined. >> 500,000 jobs will be lost if charlie gets his minimum wage increase. obamacare is a bad law. people are losing their doctors and losing their plans. i believe in traditional marriage. >> i'm not sure i got an answer
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to the question. do you believe the ban is discriminatory. >> i don't believe in discrimination. charlie allowed companies like duke to pass on costs for power plants that were never bullet. >> that's not true. that was jeb bush. >> a little history lesson there for the governor. many of these races are close. voter turnout will have a huge impact. people have to stay focused on the race and remember the consequences of a republican senate and republican-controlled state houses affect middle class americans and families in this country. the culture of greed will continue unless republicans are stopped. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, will voters stop a republican takeover? text "a" for yes, text "b" for no to 67222. we'll bring you the results later on in the show.
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let me bring in the candidate for governor in the state of louisiana. the polls are all over the place. but there are positive trends taking place for your camp. what do you think happened last night in the debate? is this starting to turn in charlie's favor and in your favor? >> well, what we saw was rick scott having a fantrum and not coming out for seven minutes and wondering if there was going to be a debate. and what floridians saw a sad governor who prefers to fight over a fan instead of the issues important to us. he won't raise the minimum wage. he doesn't think -- it makes him cringe. he said. that he doesn't believe that
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women should make the same amount as a man for the same job. 83 cent to the dollar is what women make. and $1.3 billion is cut from education. he is worried about a fan while education has been decimated. >> what has been the reaction of floridians to him not coming on stage and making an issue of that? what's the conversation? >> i believe that people are just seeing the real rick scott. but you were right when you said that in the rest of the debate we got to see even more of him. it was like amazing that he had the fantrum. but then his questions. it was charlie crist for raising the minimum wage and he's not. and charlie crist for expanding medicaid. he's not. you have charlie crist for letting people marry who they love. he's not. it is a huge contrast and
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florida is ready to move the state forward. and the environment. florida depends on the everglades and the water. it's a tourist place and i can't believe that he doesn't -- he makes all kinds of things up about the everglades. but charlie wants to invest in solar energy and the jobs of the future. >> the turnout. we hear this conversation all over the country. but it applies more to florida than anywhere else and this race has a lot of implications for 2016. it's the only megaswing state. there have to be critical areas and what kind of turnout are you going to get where you got to have it? >> we're going to get the turnout. we're doing the same ground game kind of plan that we did in 2012 for barack obama and we got the
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voters out. and we have an unprecedented campaign. 36 offices across the state from pensacola to jacksonville, orlando, tampa and south florida. eight offices in miami-dade, nine in broward. we are spending a lot of energy and time in the south florida area but as well as the i 4 corridor. all of these areas are extremely important. but the last election was decided by around 61,000 votes. that's why we have offices throughout the state and why the first lady is here in south florida today talking about the importance of knocking on those doors and doing the ground game that we know how to do so well. >> keep up the fight. thanks for your time tonight. for more, let me bring in brad woodhaus. everybody is predicting a republican senate.
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what do you think? >> i was sitting in a chair just like this when the republicans were measuring the drapes on their senate offices. and it didn't happen. look, democrats have a really good track record of turning people out in key senate races in key cycles. and i think we will do that again. every single race that's important is a toss up and we have some that are trending in our direction. michelle nunn. david purdue is proud of outsourcing. that race, i think is really moving towards bruce braley. people have seen in joni ernst she wants to eliminate the epa. that is back co birds, ed. things are moving in our direction in some races. others are tougher but they are all toss ups. i feel good about our track
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record in senate races in key cycles. >> what do you think of north carolina? there has been unprecedented voter suppression in north carolina. is kay hagan going back to the senate in. >> i think so. thom tillis has been speaker of the house. and the key issue has been education. he has been speaker of a house and worked with the governor down there who will have a tough election in 2016 to slash education, to slash funding for teachers. and that's been a key issue. she has prosecuted that issue very well. tillis is not that great of a candidate and he has these extreme views. he would get rid of the minimum wage. it is just extraordinary that republicans are campaigning on getting rid of the minimum wage when wage disparity is one of the biggest issues we're dealing with. >> brad woodhouse why did
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allison grimes not say she voted for president obama? what is the downside of saying you didn't want mitt romney to be president? what's the downside of saying you didn't want john mccain to be president? i think there was a serious miscalculation here and she tries to hide behind the sanctity of the vote. so what? how about some plain speak and say i voted for obama because i didn't want mitt romney to be president because he doesn't care about the 47%. bingo, you're done. why didn't she do that? >> a lot of people think she should have done that. you can understand a candidate in the state of kentucky where president obama is extremely unpopular, i think wrongly so, but is unpopular tries to find ways to distance themselves from that person. but the truth is there are very good reasons for the people of kentucky to cast a vote against
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mitt romney. kentucky needs jobs and romney is an outsourcer. but not withstanding that, that race is close. the clintons have been in there. >> the democrats pulled out of there. the democrats are yanking money out of kentucky. what about that? >> i think that is mischaracterized. allis allison grimes has all the money she needs to get the votes out. and all the organizations i'm involved with are still in kentucky and are expanding the map. south dakota and kansas. >> i think somebody ought to send an e-mail to grimes and hold a press conference to say who she voted for. that would be a good start. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen. like us on facebook and thank you for that.
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we want to know what you think. coming up, americans deserve a raise, right? republicans fight against minimum wage every chance they get. president obama appoints a ebola response coordinator. we have the latest. we'll be right back. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america
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almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will up until this point, the individuals here have been running point and doing an outstanding job in dealing with what is a very complicated and fluid situation. it may make sense for us to have one person, in part, just so that after this initial surge of activity, we can have a more
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regular process just to make sure that we're crossing all the "t"s and dotting all the "i"s going forward. >> president obama has responded to calls for an ebola czar to lead the country's efforts to combat the virus. the president has named ron klain as the ebola response coordinator. he will report to lisa monaco and susan rice. the white house expects him to fill the role for five to six months. klain has a long political resume serving in the obama white house and as former chief of staff to joe biden but does not have a medical background but is he a good manager? that's the question. as the united states steps up efforts to fight ebola in its borders. the world health organization admitted to botching their attempts to stop it in west africa. an internal document says nearly everyone involved failed to see some fairly plain writing on the
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wall. the document notes the region's border issues and poor health care system made traditional containme containme containment methods ineffective. one of the doctors said that it was not competent. he questioned why it took the agency five months to declare the outbreak an international health emergency. in a speech to diplomats this morning, secretary of state john kerry reiterated the need for an international response to the ebola crisis. >> no one country, no individual group of nations is going to resolve this problem by themselves. this is going to take a collective, global response, all hands on deck. that's the only way to get it done. >> let's turn tonight to dr. peter hotez who is the founding dean of baylor college
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of medicine. do you think that -- you bet do. you think someone with a medical background needs to head up the organization and the front line of front office organizing to fight this and organize against this ebola virus? what are you thoughts on this? >> well, i think the president is sending a strong message and the message is he is not replacing dr. frieden. but by appointing a nonphysician, he is identifying someone to help coordinate all of the other aspects. so right now, ebola, as you know in the united states is not just a health problem any more. it's a communications problem and fire and emergency problem and air transportation problem and multifactorial.
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>> what do you expect this czar to do? >> i think it's to bring more cohesiveness to all the different moving parts to this. i think it's to better integrate them. and i think there is a component of communicating the message. dr. frieden is communicating to the press and to co-congress as much as he is doing public health opportunities. part of this is to put him back in the trenches to fight disease. >> doctor, your thoughts on a travel ban. this is the hot potato amongst the people in a decision making process. and that's all they talked about yesterday. what do we do? what is the next best available option for us? do you think a travel ban from the affected countries would be the right move right now? >> well, if you asked me a week
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ago, i would have say we just have one ebola patient who managed to slip through, there's no outbreak in dallas, everything is contained. i would have said a pretty emphatic no. because it could hamper emergency operations for health care workers in west africa. now that we have a bit of a mess on our hands where you have, sadly, two health care workers, now with ebola virus infection. we have a lot of disturbance, both economically in dallas in texas, maybe we have to reconsider some things. right now we have one single imported case. we were able to contain it and maybe we have to see what unfolds but there are other ways to argue that as well. i think if we have another imported ebola case there's going to be normal public pressure to close borders and it
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is going to be hard for the president to say no to that. >> the world health organization in one country declared the outbreak over. how is that determined? how is it determined that an outbreak is over in a country? >> the way you determine -- ebola is not subtle. right? ebola's not subtle. for every polio case you have 100 cases without symptoms. if you have ebola you're going to know it. right now we have evidence of a single case in senegal. all the contacts have been identified and traced and quarantined and there have been no other cases. i think it's safe to say. i think it's about to happen in nigeria as well. we're a couple of days out that nigeria is going to with ebola-free as well. there were about 20 cases altogether. i think that we have to say where health systems are in place and the country has not
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gone through a conflict situation that it is possible to contain ebola in west africa and nigeria and senegal are two examples of that. >> appreciate your time tonight. coming up, out of touch, republicans action is keeping over 1.5 million americans living in poverty. plus dr. delusional, heath ablow doesn't think that the nation has a president. he lands in pretenders tonight. i have you questions here next on ask ed live. ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need.
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negatively about someone who has saved jobs, created jobs -- i could go right down the list. why? if you don't want to connect yourself to president obama just don't mention him. the other question tonight is coming from kathy. happy friday, she says, and ed, what are your weekend plans? well, it's the fall. we're going pheasant hunting. my black labs are ready to go. they know the show is over in 30 minutes. stick around. rapid response panel is next. here's your cnbc market wrap. a triple digit gain for the dow ending 263 points today. the nasdaq climbs 41 points. morgan stanley's earnings soared 90%. housing starts jumped 6.3% in
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september, a sign of an improving real estate market. and consumer sentiment increased. no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? every time you tie on an apron, you make progress. and we like that.
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welcome back to "the ed show." think about this. we have an election coming up. income inequality in this country is near its highest level in the past 100 years. fed chair janet yellen says she's concerned. >> the past several decades have seen the most sustained rise in inequality since the 19th century after more than 40 years of narrowing inequality following the great depression. by some estimates, income and
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wealth inequality are near their highest levels in the past 100 years. much higher than the average during that time span and probably higher than for much of american history before then. >> the weltsdiest 5% still hold 2/3 of all assets. financial gains have been for people at the top. wages have been stagnant. new analysis by the economic policy substitute gives solid proof why the minimum wage should be raised. if it was set at $10.10 an hour more than 1.7 million americans could stop relying on public assistance programs in this country. the federal government would save $7.6 billion or more each year. income inequality is a huge stoppic in congressional races across the country. look at joni ernst. she believes the minimum wage needs to be set by the states
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because iowa's cost of living is so low. i don't know how she comes to that conclusion. a federal mandate should help iowa. during a discussion about taxes in thursday's debate against democratic challenger congressman bruce braley ernst said the irs should be scrapped. >> i do believe that we need to lower taxes on our hard-working iowans immediately. immediately. which is something that we have done with this tax cut that we have implemented here in iowa. but then work over the long term to reform our tax system. i say scrap the irs. let's start all over again. >> every solution she has is throwing darts at the board, trying to get rid of programs that have had significant impacts and made a difference -- >> what's the solution to remedy income inequality in america? joining me peter moricci at the
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robert a. smith school of business. and journalist david k. johnson. peter, i read your article this week. you are bullish on this economy. you think we're not going anywhere. we're not going down. you cited china and what's going on in europe. if we're strong and things are going well, why can't we do minimum wage and what would moving it to 10.10 do to our economy? >> the most important thing is to create more jobs. we are growing but not rapidly enough. when president obama campaigned for the white house he talked about doing something about china and talked about drilling for oil off shore and hasn't delivered. the minimum wage according to the congressional budget office, the economic policy substitute is in the democratic camp. according to them it would unemploy 500,000 to 1 million
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people. i'm in favor with raising the minimum wage to inflation. that would cost no jobs. but going to 10.10, unemploying 500,000 people that creates 500,000 more poor people. >> david k. johnson do you kbrae with that? >> no. he is misreading the numbers. the fundamental problem that we have is lack of capacity to buy goods and services, aggregate demand. wal-mart's finances are deteriorating. it's taking on more debt because its customers don't have the income to buy their goods. if wal-mart -- i point out in my column -- went to the system it gives bonuses to its store managers by, we would see them promoting higher wages. we would see wal-mart in favor of a $15 minimum wage. the measure for store managers is how much did you increase
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sales in your store yearover year. they stopped measuring that way. we have to connect and align the interests of executives in this country not just with shareholders but with workers and customers. >> peter, janet yellen, the fed chair, she's concerned about the rising numbers of income inequality. how would you address that? if you don't want to raise the minimum wage how would you address it? >> do something about the trade deficit with china to create 3 to 5 million additional jobs. drill for oil off shore and stop sending money to terrorists in the middle east. that would create 2 to 3 million jobs. the answer is to get the economy rolling on all cylinders. through the bush and obama administrations the economy has averaged 1.7% growth. during the obama recovery it's
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2.2%. in the reagan years they were doing 4.5. i'm not saying we should go back to the gipper's policies. times have changed and circumstances have changed. a lot of people are hurting. but one of the reasons they are really hurting is because neither president bush or president obama have been willing to get tough with china on trade. it victimizes our workers and has to be fixed. >> you're not going to do that in 90 days or a quarter or -- >> i could do that in 24 hours. >> wait a minute -- >> 24 hours. >> i would tax the dollar-yuan. so no, i think there are remedies. this administration hasn't been willing to listen to them and it's unfortunate. the minimum wage it should bear some adjustment. the republicans are problematic in that regard but not 10.10 or
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15. >> your response to that david cay? >> this i would agree with peter about. we have lost 2.8 million manufacturing jobs to china and we are mismanaging global trade and we need to manage it. but i don't think it is politically realistic. we had a minimum wage that today was $11 back in the '60s. we can easily afford an $11 or $15 minimum wage brought in over time. but the big difference between us and other countries is we don't have a labor market any more. we got rid of unions in this country. and it has allowed employers to drive down the price they pay for labor, which is wages. we have this imbalance. wages are drifting downward except for the top and corporate profits are going up like an atlas rocket. >> yeah.
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peter, what would a relationship-led congress mean for the middle class workers in this country if they are against the minimum wage. what would mitch mcconnell and john boehner what would what they do for jobs? drilling offshore is archaic thinking. we have a climate change issue going on here. the american people are not in denial. >> we are not solving that issue by outsourcing our production to nigeria but just shifting the problem around. but we would look at obamacare. they're not going to repeal it. they wouldn't be able to sustain it. but we spent 50% more on health care than the german do but they get better outcomes. if ebola would have happened in frankfort it would have done better than in dallas. >> the republicans have put nothing on the table for health
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care. >> they're going to have to if they're in charge. >> they put nothing on the table. >> they're going to have to if they're in charge. >> they're going to have to if they're in charge. what they going to do is get rid of what we accomplished so far. >> what i hope we -- >> go ahead. >> i hope the republicans would do is get rid of for-profit hospitals. we used to have non-profit hospitals. the hospital in texas is a for-profit hospital. we have the wrong incentives in the health care system. >> got the run, gentlemen. great to have you with us tonight. the new tactic one fast food chain is using to suppress workers rights. because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®
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and in pretenders tonight, dangerous dr. keith ablow has shown symptoms of obama for som. he joined john gibson and proved it's only gotten worse when he was asked why president obama wouldn't impose a travel ban on flights from africa, he responded with this. >> his affinity is with them, not us. that's what people seem unwilling to accept. he's their leader. >> is -- what do you think -- >> we don't have a president. >> we don't have a president? we have somebody else? >> we don't have a president whwho has the american people as his primary interest. >> over the past few weeks, we've heard stories of health care professionals bravely putting themselves on the front lines of this ebola outbreak.
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dr. ablow has instead chosen to lead the front lines of fear mongering. his latest conspiracy theory falls directly in line with his dog whistle politics of the berther movement. ablow is the one who should be isolated. instead the doctor just signed a new contract with fox news. good. if ablow thinks racist rhetoric is the cure for this crisis, he can keep on pretending. to help s at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. woman: everyone in the nicu --
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hello. jimmy john's? >> jimmy john's here. >> what took you so long? >> freaky fast delivery. >> welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who shower after work. a class action reveals a dangerous new tactic fast-food chains are using to suppress workers' rights. jimmy john's has more than 2,000 locations and 50,000 employees across the country. the chain is known for its freaky fast delivery. well, they have faced numerous legal disputes with employees in recent years, including allegations of wage theft. a proposed class action lawsuit filed this summer against the sandwich chain reveals workers are forced to sign a non-competition clause when they are hired. they're usually reserved for high level employees with inside
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knowledge of company trade secrets. jimmy john's is forcing even low-wage sandwich makers and delivery drivers to sign a no-compete contract. it states in the clause, during employment for a period of two years after, he or she will not have any interest or perform service for any business which derives more than 10% of its revenue from selling submarine, hero-type deli-style, pita and/or wrapped or rolled sandwiches and which is located within three miles of either the jimmy john's location in question or any such other jimmy john's. when you first heard this story, what was your reaction? >> well, i was shocked. it's a totally ludicrous idea
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that you would force your underpaid employees to sign a non-compete agreement that is, as you stated before, usually reserved for top level ceos and executives that have insider knowledge and have bargaining power, and negotiation power with the company. clearly they're underpaid workers, delivery drivers and sandwich makers are not in that position. that's why over the last year and a half not only have the workers gone on strike for a living wage, but they're demanding union recognition so they have a seat at the table. >> now, just how big an impact would which non-compete clause have on these folks? >> it has a huge impact. many of these workers are part-time workers, despite wanting full-time hours, the company will not give them those hours. so you're telling underpaid
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workers they can't go out and get a second job using the skills they're building in the industry. it's another way corporations are dictating what economic opportunities their workers have, having a really negative impact on their economic security. it's just blatantly outrageous. >> it is. it's not the free market. it's worker suppression, a different form of it. and what's scary about this is that something like this can become the industry standard. there might be another chain across the street that says, jimmy john's is doing this and their employees signing it, why don't our employees sign it, we'll do the same thing. ask this would suppress the movement of workers with no upward mobility because of their income to start with. moving expenses aren't cheap in this country. but i also think, jennifer, there's an intimidation factor here. what about that? >> i think it's absolutely an intimidation factor. i don't think an agreement like
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this would hold up in court. as a lawyer, you look at the reasonableness test. and there's no reasonable person that believes that there is a trade secret that a delivery driver is aware of, simply by going on the route every single day. but workers don't know that and i think jimmy john's is relying on the fact that if it comes down from corporate, workers will sign it and won't know they have other legal options. unlike the ceo, my guess is that most jimmy john's workers don't have a lawyer on retainer to consult about this information. it's why it's so important these workers have a voice on the job, why they're demanding union recognition. if these workers were allowed to unionize without the retaliation they're fighting against right now, that this type of agreement would never come to fruition. >> that is the bottom line. if they have representation in a union that this strong-arm tactic would not be able to
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exist in the work environment. jennifer, great to have you with us tonight. keep up the great work in wisconsin. that's "the ed" "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. developing news tonight on ebola in america. the president today making a major announcement in the fight against the virus. choosing a czar, an ebola response coordinator to orchestrate the government's response. president obama going with ron claim, who's got a lot of experience in washington, serving as chief of staff to two president, joe biden and al gore. the president saying, his administration is on top of this. >> right now, the news is dominated by ebola a
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