tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC October 17, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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davises, and the trayvon martins of the world should not be open to people feeling they can do whatever they want and not have to be held accountable. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton, have a great weekend. "hardball" starts right now. a czar is born. let's play "hardball." ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. what a week it was. ebola goes to the white house. president obama puts a czar in charge. he takes the story from dallas, to washington, d.c. from the cdc to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. razzle-dazzle. who gives a damn if charlie likes his fan? you stop the debate for this? plus, who did you vote for? don't ask, don't tell. and hooray for gays.
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pope francis opens his arms to same-sex couples. and guess who will emcee next year's oscars? neil patrick harris, that's who. and a push for african americans to vote republican. let's see what the week looked like. >> yes, we have confirmation, ron klain will be the new ebola czar. >> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill, there's no reluctancey. >> we have an extremely peculiar situation now. somehow there is a fan there and for that reason, ladies and gentlemen, i am being told that governor scott will not join us for this debate. >> in a ground-breaking move, the vatican appears to be considering greater acceptance of gays and lesbians. >> he's hosted the emmys and the tonys, but now he'll have a date
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with oscar. >> i'm in. nice. >> a round table tonight for the end of the week program. jonathan capehart, michelle bernard and david corn. the president took ownership of the ebola crisis and picked a point man for the effort. ron klain, former chief of staff to biden and gore. best known for his role in the florida recount crisis. in the hbo movie about that event, he was played by kevin spacey. >> the florida house has already voted to award the state to the bush. >> then we just file two lawsuits. one to set standards, the other to halt the legislature. we can do this. >> ron, nobody can fault you -- >> no, mr. vice president, please, listen to me. you cannot concede, not yet, sir. i beg of you, sir, just give me one more shot. >> pretty chilling stuff.
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anyway, today the president's press secretary explained why klain was chosen. >> what we were looking for is not an ebola expert, but rather an implementation expert, and that's exactly what ron klain is. he's somebody who has extensive experience in the federal government. he's something that has extensive management experience when it comes to the private sector. >> is he a czar? is that his title? what is his title? >> his title, he is the ebola response coordinator. i know there's some republicans and even some pundits who are describing him as a czar. they're certainly welcome to do that. we describe him as the ebola response coordinator. >> he's the czar. last night the president answered a question, do you think you might have to pick a czar. they begin picking a czar. it's not the title in the books. but here's the question. within seconds of his being named after the republicans and everybody, especially republicans, said pick a czar, they said, screw the czar.
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[ laughter ] they're all a bunch of bol cheffics. historically at least. why do they hit him when he was just picked? >> because he was picked by obama. they're for a travel ban. obama isn't. there's nobody he could have picked other than john boehner that they wouldn't have protested. i know ron klain and the way josh describes him is exactly right. his job is not to be the chief doctor. we have people at cdc. he is to be there for dod and hhs and cdc jam together on this stuff and to smooth it over from a bureaucratic perspective. now, is that truly necessary? maybe, maybe not. [ all speak at once ] >> we need somebody that's going to have policy, someone who is going to set the policy, slam the door on west africa or we
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don't. somebody's got to do something on preparation, training nurses, make sure that gets done. and someone has to explain the whole damn thing to the country. this person has to wear a lot of hats. >> a lot of hats. but does his appointment as ebola czar make the general public feel any safer or more confident? i think the answer is no. when you say somebody has to be in charge. the person who should be in charge and the president of the united states and the surgeon general that we still don't have. >> right. >> we need to -- look, we need to have a surgeon general upon. >> who's fault is it that we don't have a surgeon general? >> it's congress's fault we don't have a surgeon general. the president knows who he wants and congress doesn't want that person because it's the president of the united states making the decision. >> take a look at this. before today, many republicans were pushing the president to appoint a czar. today many are attacking the new czar already. john fleming of louisiana
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tweeted, obama appoints a czar, not even a doctor. congressman from maryland, worst ebola epidemic in history. president obama puts a government bureaucrat with no health care experience in charge. and here comes stephen king, he tweeted, president obama will name political operative ron klain as ebola czar. too much obama administration competition to name him "ebola spin czar." ted cruz said, we don't need another so-called czar. we need presidential leadership. this is a public health crisis and, the answer isn't another white house political operative. the answer is the commander in chief who stands up and leads, and banning flights from those nations and acting decisively to secure our southern border. the southern border, the african traffic, he's covering all the
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ethnic bases. >> yeah, yeah. >> hispanics, blacks, probably got something for arabs too here. it's so blatantly tribal and not useful -- what's the southern border got to do with -- >> it has nothing to do with anything we're talking about. senator ted cruz, from texas, at reign of april. this 28 wtweet was fantastic. i'm not sure how you can ban flights from africa, but not out of texas. all of the cases are from people who worked with thomas eric duncan, who died, the first person who had ebola in the united states and died. now amber vinson, nina pham, the person on the cruise ship, all from texas. why aren't these people calling for a ban on flights from texas.
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>> do the people on the carnival cruise line know who is cruising with them? >> they do now. >> this is going to be like jonah and the whale. >> what's still amazing, the republican party is once again doing their war on science. you ask any public health expert on this, and they'll say a travel ban is a bad idea. [ all speak at once ] >> i know emotionally -- >> tell me why it is. >> because the way to deal with ebola is to stop the fire where it's burning brightest, which is in africa. if you have a travel ban, people can't get in, people can't get out. >> i so, so totally disagree on this. british airways has enacted a travel ban. we have to be really serious about this. why import it into the country? >> we're not importing it. >> but there can be exceptions made, doctors, health care providers that need to go to africa and deal with the crisis
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can fly -- let me finish. [ all speak at once ] >> imagine if you are the person who, for example, all the women who were in this bridal boutique in texas over the weekend, shopping with someone with ebola, doesn't know it. my 8-year-old daughter has asked me, why are we not treating people in africa? somebody answer that question. >> politico has a great story, they talked to transportation experts who say, that if you ban all commercial flights, there's no way you can get people in and out to deal with this the way you need to. >> the military aircraft can do that. >> we don't have that happening. >> but we can have it happen. >> secretary levitt who is hhs secretary under bush was on this network earlier today saying that every study that's been done with travel bans and epidemics has shown that they don't work. [ all speak at once ] >> didn't we go through this? there's precedence here.
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didn't they shut down all traffic and -- >> and what did we do with h 1 n 1 influencea, with the pandemic. there were all kinds of things that were enacted that we're still not doing. we don't have all the answers. [ all speak at once ] >> it's not the right thing to do. >> but the public health -- we don't want people to panic, but the public health experts have also told us you can't easily transmit it. >> where are you on this? >> i think it's a bad idea, also because, one, you can't do it because there are no direct flights, as jeremy peters said. >> it's through brussels and paris -- >> right. but you lose the ability to monitor and track. you will have people who will slip out of guinea, sierra leone, the other country that i cannot remember. >> liberia. >> liberia, thank you. and come through europe and other places where the person looking at passports are not going to see they've come from these places. i think it's important from a
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public health standpoint that we know who has the disease -- >> won't they still see the origin, where they came from. >> let's say they're coming through australia. do the australians let them on the plane? let's say they're coming through singapore. [ all speak at once ] >> people who don't have passports from these countries. the experts state it's not practical and won't have real benefit. i know people are freaked out, but we've had only three cases so far and no american is yet to die from this. >> and it's three too many. the question i would ask is, if we can't control, if the hospital can't control, i think it's texas presbyterian, didn't even keep a list of all of the people who were in contact with the gentleman who died, how on earth do we think that we are safe by continuing to allow people to come in the country and we don't even know if they're sick? >> well, travel ban won't lead to better hospital practices. and thousands of more people die
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from the flu in this country than ebola. >> for liberals, progressives and moderates on this panel, tough question. is the president trusted on this? or do people think he's being politically correct? do they trust him to make a national security on this, or are they saying he doesn't want to offend the african countries? that's what i keep hearing. >> i think -- i trust the president to do the right thing, but the appointment of klain as a czar that doesn't direct -- does not report directly to the president, but reports to susan rice and to the homeland security people, that smells of politics. he should be reporting to the president. >> he should be a czar? >> absolutely. >> and i agree with michelle on that. but we have to keep in mind, there are capable people in the places where they need to be. dr. frieden is a very respected person in the field of infectious diseases. >> i agree. >> he's been an incredible leader of the cdc. >> why don't they make him the
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czar? [ all speak at once ] >> we don't want to take him away from what he's doing. >> there's a different philosophy, even in moderate form, the republican philosophy. there has to be a clear chain of command, five-star general, and work your way down to colonel and everybody knows who to salute. when you have somebody at the hhs and somebody at homeland security, and there's one person to report to all of them. are they the boss and he's the spokesperson? they'll say, wait a minute, who's idea was this? is this susan rice's idea? is it monica what's her name, is it her idea? and this is the problem. it's structural. i'm telling you, this has been the president's problem from the beginning, no chief of staff, not a clear line of authority and the people don't believe in his effectiveness. anyway, the round table is coming back and how close are the midterm elections? so close the smallest, most trivial things, like a guy using
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a fan, or a woman keeping a secret who she voted for could decide the whole shebang. and that's a fact. whether you like it or not, this is "hardball," a place for politics. really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. i love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the us. when i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family which means a lot to me. ♪ a wake-up call. but it's not happening out there. it's happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms
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with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. two new polls to tell you about. let's check the "hardball" scoreboard. first to colorado, a poll has corey gardner up by six now over udall. gardner's been leading in recent polls by six points, his biggest lead so far, it could be breaking gardner's way. next to georgia, michelle nunn is up one point over perdue. that race is close, but it looks like it might be moving to nine. we'll be right back. (receptionist) gunderman group.
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race, 44-44. virtually tied in kansas. and baker and coakley are dead tide there. nearly all the senate contests are all within the margin of error, and anything can move the needle on this stuff. even the weird stuff. yes, there's been weird stuff. especially this week. let's begin with that odd story in kentucky this week. this week, democratic senate candidate alison lundergan grimes battled mitch mcconnell, and they were peppered with tough questions, but it was the one that grimes didn't answer which has exploded into the headlines. >> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill, there's no reluctancey. this is a matter of principle. our constitution grants here in kentucky, the constitutional right for privacy at the ballot box, for a secret ballot. >> so you won't answer that
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question tonight? >> again, you have that right. senator mcconnell has that right. every kentuckian has the right for privacy at the ballot box. if i as chief election official don't stand up for that right, who in kentucky will? >> principle? in an upcoming documentary she isn't afraid to tell you how she voted in a different 2008 contest. take a look. >> tell me about the first time you voted. who did you vote for and what issues were most important to you? >> well, i turned 18 in 1996. unfortunately, it was after president clinton's election. i had hoped to be able to vote for him. i got a chance to vote for secretary clinton in 2008. >> there's the big smile, when i voted for clinton. my mom never told my dad ever that she voted for kennedy. of course it's a right. of course it's a right. there's a principle. it's a secret ballot. it's okay to say you voted for hillary, and now -- i think it
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may be more political. >> i honestly don't have a clue who she voted for. i suspect that there really is a possibility that she voted -- that she might have voted for romney, or maybe she didn't vote for president at all. >> why wouldn't she vote for obama? >> i don't know. maybe she didn't like him. maybe she was out of loyalty to hillary clinton in 2008. maybe she didn't like the direction of the country. here's the problem for her. from my appreciate as -- perspective as a female, this is an opportunity as a female candidate to stick it to her opposition, to speak up and speak her mind and explain how she voted and why she voted. because in 2012, the difference between who we saw speaking at the republican national convention and who we saw speaking at the democratic
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national convention, showed two fundamentally different visions of what the future of the country should look like and kentuckians would know that based on who she voted for. >> she's being hammered for not answering the question. i get why she didn't answer the question. politically, she can't. she's running in a state that absolutely hates the president. and so for her to say, i voted for barack obama is to try to snuff out her chances against mcconnell. >> would that be a headline? >> in kentucky it would be. >> for a democrat, yeah. >> she's in a close race against the senate minority leader who could become majority leader. in a close race -- [ all speak at once ] >> you have a theory here. it was strategic, she had it ready. she was going to say it on principle. did she know the documentary was coming out next week? >> maybe she forgot about it. let's say she voted for romney in 2012 or mccain in 2008, that kills her with democrats. so i'm of the thinking that she
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can't answer the question because -- >> that's a fair statement, assuming rationality. [ all speak at once ] >> but the last thing anyone can -- >> not that it doesn't hurt her? >> right. >> the last thing a politician can do is look shifty. >> right. >> and for her to come, let's assume she voted for barack obama, or assume she didn't, she's running as a democrat, she needs the democratic base to turn out. she can't win without them. why she didn't say initially, listen, i did not vote for the guy who wanted to lower taxes on the rich and wanted not to give health care to half a million kentuckians, so i didn't do that. i voted for the guy who i disagreed with on other matters, but who wanted to give the middle class people a tax cut and give you health care. if she can't pull that off up against mitch mcconnell who is sort of the rocky of politics in
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terms of throwing hard hits, then she's not punching at her weight level. >> let's move on. we don't know if it has an impact. we assume it hurt her, but we haven't seen the new polls. anyway, the florida tan and the florida fan. [ laughter ] >> i've known about this since i moderated his first debate eight years ago. that's his deal. in the strangest debate moment of our times, it could decide the florida governor's race. it's 44-44. anyway, there he is. the democrat charlie crist is tied with rick scott. it's a big real state. it isn't some back water. it's a big state with a lot of different people in it. 44 all. crist took the stage. scott didn't, for seven minutes. here's what happened. >> governor crist has asked to have a fan, a small fan placed under his podium. the rules of the debate that i
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was shown by the scott campaign, say that there should be no fan. somehow there is a fan there, and for that reason, ladies and gentlemen, i am being told that governor scott will not join us for this debate. frank, have you ever seen anything like this? >> no, i haven't. this is remarkable over sort of a trivial issue, no matter which side you believe you're on. [ cheers and applause ] >> that has to be the most unique beginning to any debate -- >> i don't think we'll forget. >> not only in florida, but i think anywhere in the country. why did you insist on bringing a fan here when your campaign knew this would be a contentious issue? [ cheers and applause ] >> why not? you know, is there anything wrong with being comfortable? i don't think there is. >> anyway, the vote was
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energized to the crist campaign. they're fund-raising off it. there's this ad, attacking scott. [ fan sounds ] >> are we really going to debate about a fan? or are we going to talk about education, and the environment and the future of our state? [ cheers and applause ] i mean, really. >> well, in its response, the republican party of florida sponsored a post on buzz feed called, crist hits the fan, including 25 pictures of crist with his fan. i think charlie is winning this, maybe because i like him personally. i don't know the issues, but it looked like he was prepared for this. he was very debonair and the other guy who didn't show up, had no idea what to say.
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he was totally inarticulate. >> but of course crist looked cool, calm, and collected -- >> and tan. and a man with a plan. >> you knew he always used a fan. other reporters know that he uses it. so he's standing there, thinking, i can't believe this. i came here to debate this guy. he won't come out because of the fan. >> give me some psycho babble. why did scott make an issue of this? >> anybody got a theory? >> i think he was thinking about the ads that he could use. one of his lines -- [ all speak at once ] >> in the debate, he's sweating, he's sweating because of the 800 in x, y, z -- >> it's florida! >> that's the key thing. anybody watching at home says, i like my fan. in fact, a little ac would be nice too. >> did you see, gentlemen, the cover of "time" magazine about
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the male menopause? and that's what i thought about. crist is having a hot flash. [ laughter ] >> but you didn't show the clip when scott comes -- finally comes out after seven minutes. >> so bad. >> that he then insists he didn't come out because crist wasn't there. but people said, he was there. he's been standing there for seven minutes and scott became goofy and odd, and i think that was the worst part of the night. >> remember groucho marks? are you gonna believe me or -- we all saw this. i think it helps crist, but at 44-44, something's going to happen. when we come back, here's something you don't see every day. a celebrity has an attack ad, this is west wing's martin sheen going after the other guy. this is rare. they're usually nice to their guy and they don't dump on the other guy, but he does. this is "hardball," the place for politics. s-fedex has flat rate shipping. it's called fedex one rate ®.
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ha. >> is there anything wrong with being comfortable? >> now that is how you win votes in florida. right now a million people in florida are turning to their friends going -- i mean he's got a point. you know, you stand all night in the lights, i mean, he should be comfortable. >> back to "hardball," time for the side show. florida governor rick scott seven-minute boycott over charlie crist's fan on wednesday night debate has continued to dominate political news and the fanfare shows no sign of dying down. here's stephen colbert's reaction. >> all anyone is talking about today is fangate. folks, clearly for scott's campaign, last night blew.
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and if you turn the switch the other way, it sucked. [ laughter and applause ] meanwhile, both sides in this debate are still oscillating over whether a fan was a violation. scott's campaign signed a rules document stating that candidates may not bring electronic devices, including fans. but crist campaign added with understanding that the debate host will address any temperature issues with a fan if necessary. all of which is just splitting hairs, which is also unfair to rick scott. [ laughter ] >> next up, martin sheen is known to be an activist for democratic causes. now he's gone a step further and narrated an attack ad. released on the web today, it resembles a classic film, accusing the republican of practicing the same kind of vulture captain talism that romney got accused of in 2012.
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>> he made a fortune on the misfortune of the hard-working people. he got his start with mitt romney and those bane boys. after that, he headed west to the windy city. the pattern started to emerge. patterns with zeros and dollar signs, patterns where other people suffered, where other people took the hit. and rauner, he took the money and ran. he's a man who runs over people to get what he wants. now he wants something new. >> what's next? they're all going to be doing it now. finally president obama signs an executive order today to protect credit card holders from the increasing threat of identity theft. when he was signing the order, he shared a personal story, the president did about a recent experience when his own credit card was canceled due to suspected fraud. >> i went to a restaurant up in new york when i was there, and
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my credit card was rejected. [ laughter ] i guess i don't use it enough. they thought there was some fraud going on. fortunately michelle had hers. [ laughter ] >> i tried to explain to the waitress, no, i really think that i've been paying my bills. even i'm affected by it. thank you very much, everybody. >> probably use that against him too. anyway, what a week for gay rights in this country and around the world. pope francis opens the roman catholic church's arms to same-sex couples. marriage equality continues its steady march against this country. and who is hosting the oscars this year? neil patrick harris. anyway, back with the round table after this. nal across tow. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power.
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>> conditions have been deteriorating here since early this afternoon as this category 3 passes to our west. it should start to race away at midnight tonight and conditions should dramatically improve. >> the storm's winds are topping 100 miles per hour. forecasters are warning of flooding and life-threatening storm surge. back to "hardball." ♪ welcome back to "hardball." what a week for the gay community it's been. arizona became the 31st state where same-sex marriage has become legal. the law of the land. and when a federal judge ruled the state's ban on same-sex marriage of the unconstitutional, it affected its national status as well. late today, a federal judge in wyoming struck down that state's ban, putting a hold on his own ruling until next week. on wednesday, we learned that neil patrick harris will host the 2015 oscars.
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this is harris at a movie premiere with his partner and their children. the oscars had 45 million people last year, and is broadcast worldwide. and an openly gay man with a truly modern family will host it. plus a game-changer in rome this week. a preliminary report from the bishops shows the roman catholic church changing its tone on gay relationships, and also on unmarried straight couples. they said it's time to salute the morals of both. there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice stutes a precious support in the life of the partners. jonathan, you talked about it this week about the emotions this will unleash in the country, this sense of common children of god. >> we've gone from a papacy that has made it clear that gays and lesbians are not welcome, they're evil, they are not
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children of god. and from the moment francis was elevated to the papacy, the moment he became pope, he made it clear that gays and lesbians who are catholic need to be welcomes into the church. and for millions of gay and lesbian catholics around the country and around the world, it was music to their ears. because just because they're gay doesn't mean they don't have a religious or spiritual life and don't want to be a part of -- >> i want to ask this. do you think it's important that a latin male, that's very self-confident, that's who he is, is able to make a leap like this, somebody from latin america with an italian background. they were looking for a past roll leader, not a another theologian. they wanted somebody to work with people and sympathize with people. >> and we're getting it with
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pope francis. again, from the very beginning whether you were gay, whether you were divorced, whether your parents weren't married, and you're a child of divorced parents, he's telling you that your church still loves you, wants you back. that's the key thing. he wants all of these people who were in the church and left, he wants them back. [ all speak at once ] >> the story's not over. >> it's like jesus from the bible. >> this came out at the beginning of the week. on thursday, they changed -- >> changed the language. >> -- the english version of this. >> can i explain this to you, my brother? it doesn't matter what the english version. it's the italian version that matters. >> it's the american catholics who are more conservative, who wanted this change. i think what we have here is the beginning of a very public fight.
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>> you may want to get us involved in a fight, but the report was met with some resistance from more conservative parts of the church. some wording in the english translation was revised. quote, a section titled welcoming homosexual persons was changed in the english translation to providing for homosexual persons. a little different there. in reference to people in same-sex union, as partners, was changed to "these people." [ laughter ] >> but the italian version has not been changed and that's the official text that the reverend lombar lombardi, the vatican spokesperson. >> he's representing the pope, no doubt, but while the people who pushed for the translation changed, or as you say, the american conservative members -- >> okay, captain quibble. [ laughter ] i'm with jonathan and i think it's a wonderful thing. championing the cause for 20 years, we ought to treat each other as human beings.
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stop blowing police whistles when somebody is different from us. >> it is a civil rights issue, it's a human issue. i think this pope is fantastic. i will be very happy when all of the language in whatever version we're looking at, treats everyone equally. and they are touching it with the rest of the world in terms of gay marriage. and touch it with the united states concerning the role of women in the church. >> 2,000 years of division, 2,000 years of christianity. when you look at the arab world and say how awful, that was most of -- and then when you look at it, i guess that's why some people i work with, who are jewish, like to see this. because it's a broad statement. not about orientation and identity. but about us and them. >> we are one. >> that's a bigger statement than who's in and who's out, and
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what do you stand for and that's what most of european history is. >> it's about the self-perception of the church? do they see themselves as being exclusive, or holier and strict and that's okay because we're going to heaven and nobody else is. so i think the pope is expressing this really great humisthu human statistic in a wistic in - >> here's something you don't know. priest jobs are jobs. they don't just do servitude. when someone is having a marital problem with their husband beating them, or their kids are manic and they don't know how to deal with them. working and middle class women go to see the priest and sit down and say, i can't live with this guy anymore. you don't know what it's like.
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he hit me the other day. priests deal with that. or my son doesn't know what he is. he's confused. we have to figure out how to deal with this. that's the guy. so this pope is that guy. >> and not to pivot too much, but one of the reasons i brought up the issue in dealing with women, one of the things that we see here as the new frontier, there have been studies that show, for example, most women will go to their religious leader in a situation of domestic violence and ask what to do. >> you know why? it's secret. >> it's secret. does the leader say leave and make sure you're safe. or do they stay? and the roll of the church for women and homosexuality in the church and whether or not they'll view all of this as being equal in god's eyes is important, and we are well on that path. >> they start talking about
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punishment and you can't take communion, they create disincentives for women to do what they need to do to protect themselves. >> i don't think that's enforced, in fact. there's nobody at the altar saying, no, you don't get -- i know ex-communication means something, but you can go to communion. no one's stopping you. >> but the tone is stopping you. >> or the question, did you submit? why didn't you submit? >> i think you're on to something. because imagine if a priest said stick with joker man who is beating the hell out of you, that's frightening. because the woman would accept that religious leadership to a point. >> exactly. >> the round table will be back with the week's most interesting republican, rand paul. this is "hardball," the place for politics. >> a villain is only as good as the technology at his fingertips.
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paul the most important perp in politics. >> so, is he being too optimistic about his switch-a-roo policy sns. >> he might be, but he's the only one who's trying. i mean, i have to tell you i admired him. back in 2 2008, in the metropolitan area, i pulled up, i was stunned. there were signs for his father all over the dormitories at morgan state. so he's onto something this's appealing to african americans. he showed up in ferguson.
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after michael brown, he is the only republican candidate who has gone out to fergson and spoken with blark leaders to say what is going on and what can i do to help after trayvon martin was, in my belief, murdered, it was two weeks before anyone had anything to say about his death. >> the key thing about rand paul, and michelle touched on this, he showed up. he's going to african americans and asking -- not so much asking for their votes now, but talking to them about what matters. to them. >> and listening. listening. >> and listening. african americans are impressed and appreciate someone talking to them. >> he's an everest and he's taking one or two steps up the foothills.
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when he gets there and says to his own party, stop suppressing african american voters. he says we should ask for their votes. first, he should get his party to stop taking away their votes. until he does that, it's a lot of talk. i know he believes the police stuff, he's a fourth amendment conservative and there's some pats with the poplar left. >> but we are always ignored. >> here's why rand paul has an uphill battle within his party here. in nebraska, republican congressman liter ri has found himself in an unexpected close race. it's a near carbon copy of the infamous runner back in 1988. that stoked anger at the presidential caucus.
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>> four murders in 1 1 days. a judge decides nikko jenkins is responsible for all of them. he is the poster child for why the good time law is a farce. brad ashford supported the good time law and still defends it, allowing criminals like nikko jenkins to be released early. the national republican congressional committee is responsible for the advertising of this. >> so why is rand paul talking about this? >> that's one candidate. >> right. >> look. you've got rand paul who is saying things as a republican that no republican is saying. so let's give him credit for that. the second thing about the quote\you ran from rand paul, i think he's right.
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if his party were to get behind him and stop doing ads like that and changing the way they're going about things from voter suppression laws to a whole lot of other things, the republican party could get -- but not in one election cycle. >> maybe if you all became republicans. you'd vote. anyway, thank you. [ laughter ] >> when we return, let me finish with my view about the historic challenge of changing any electorate to the other side. you're watching "hardball," a place for politics. you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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let me ficfinish with the f with how hard it is to change historic party allegiance. back in the 1950s, a third of the african american voters remained with the party of lincoln. they held high the banner of union against southern su session. president eisenhower won two out of every three votes. then came the 1960 s. the civil rights record of john f. kennedy and lyndon johnson reduced the vote to roughly 10 prnt. now, rand paul of kentucky is talking about attracting african american voterins back to his party. it's a good thing to do, but it will not happen easily or quickly.
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there's a lot of water, afterall, under the bridge. it's just that even assuming rand paul's good faith and persuasive ability is going to take decades, just as it took decades for the african american vote to shift to the democrats. and that's a fact. that's another "hardball." "all in" with chris hayes, starts right now. >> tonight on "all in." >> president names an ebola czar and the backlash begins. >> i personally thought we already had an ebola czar, secretary berdwell of h.s.s. >> plus, news of another texas health care worker now quarantined on board a cruise ship. then, the fear campaign from isis intentionally infecting themselves with ebola and traveling to america. >> there's a real and present danger. >> to
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