tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC October 20, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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riggan's mind and make people feel what it was like to go through the lab rint corridors and halls. trying to reclaim his vitality and hold on to his mind. the oscar race has been joined by "birdman." that's it for "the cycle l." now alex wagner. there is good news about ebola but some politicians would rather peddle paranoia. this is "now. ". >> fear and anxiety are powerful emotions. >> the ebola health crisis has spun into a political crisis. >> a little bit of alarmism out there? >> this is a midterm election. >> fear is the number one motivator. >> mistake after mistake. >> i think a lot of people are very concerned that things got so out of control here. >> there was no time to learn and this is dangerous.
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the bigger issue is the president. fear tied to president obama. >> it goes to the top. the president is ultimately responsible. >> i think it's government arrogance. >> we do need to go about restricting things or having some kind of a travel ban. >> a lot of studies indicated that outright full scale bans really aren't effective. >> what's going to happen when somebody comes in who has ebola? >> this is playing to mob passions. it's not attractive. >> you have to stop the flights. you have to stop the people from come in. >> we are certainly seeing fear mongering now. positive developments in the containment of ebola here in the u.s. are unlikely to stop the pandering to panic. today 43 contacts of deceased patient thomas eric duncan are officially in the clear taken off of monitoring after having shown no signs of the disease for 21 days. besides being a huge relief for dozens of people including duncan's fiancee, it is a worthy
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reminder that ebola is not that easy to catch. moments ago we just learned that a third unnamed patient treated at emory university hospital was released yesterday and good news about the control of ebola overseas. the spanish nurse who was the first person to contract ebola outside of west africa is now clear of the virus. and the world health organization today decleared nigeria ebola free days after making the same declaration for senegal. to be clear the fight against ebola is ongoing, but so is the fear mongering. congressional republicans simply can the not resist pushing this particular strain of paranoia onto the president. >> the person who needs to be on top of this is the president of the united states standing up and leading and treat iing it aa public health emergency. >> it goes right to the top. the president is ultimately responsib responsible. >> they feel as if what they've seen from this administration is indeed a crisis in confidence and a lack of ability to appropriately respond. >> meanwhile on the campaign trail, even democrats are having
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trouble staying off the travel ban bandwagon. kay hagan in a tough fight to keep her seat is the latest to latch on to the travel ban. adding her voice is michelle nunn who is in a close race for the georgia senate. this may be the latest chapter of democratic congressional candidates distancing themselves from the president this cycle. from one former president campaigning in arkansas, there came a signal that a different approach may be more effective. >> deny the world health organization the funds and yet organize emergencies. the nih and research. i'm not blaming this. we need to save every life we can. that's what we need to do. >> joining me now is political editor and white house correspondent at the huffington
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post, sam stein, and senior writer for politico magazine, glenn thresh. sam, there is some hopeful news about ebola and its containment especially here in the united states. but i think it's highly unlikelially hear any of that coming from republican mouths. >> probably not. with these things you obviously have to wait and hope and pray in some respects but, yes, the 21-day period has passed. it's a very difficult to transmit disease that will will be very hard to have an outbreak here in the united states. it looks like all that is true but there is also some sort of palpable fear out there among the public. we're doing a round-up of local news stories, for instance, that shows it's affected everything from restaurant industries to ports and health care workers and all of that. when there's that type of fear out there you can count on politicians to jump in on it. >> it's proved to be a boone for
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a republican campaigning but it also puts the gop in the very strange position of having to hope for bad news. it's odd it to say this is a disaster and then when things seem to be getting better to not actually acknowledge the fact that things seem to be getting better. >> and it doesn't cut with their small government push, does it? this is a moment we want to see an increase in government. who the people were that weren't infected, i mean, remember the first stories about the dallas patient involved his family. it terms out what the head of the cdc said early has been true all along. the viral load, the amount of virus and is he creatisoutheasts at the end. even if they were living in the same place, sleeping in the same bed, they were not infected. it's the people who are the health care workers and those
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who bury the patient. that's when the viral load is greatest. >> you can get ebola at a cocktail party does not have any shred of truth. >> you can conjure up a situation it would happen but it would involve someone sneezing on you. >> it would involve someone very, very, very ill. >> someone on their deathbed that went to the cocktail party. >> the issue of the cocktail party is what we take issue w h with. most people are not bleeding into the cocktail bowl. >> you probably are not going to get off your deathbed and go there if you have ebola. rand paul should be held to account for stoking the flames here. that's part what have this this conversation has been missing, a little bit of counter point. we've been going through all the clips. the remarkable thing, there's all these stories about a
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potential ebola patient. none of these stories have been updated to say that pen does not have ebola. so people get one part of the story but not getting the end of it. >> glenn, in terms of a political issue, there is some thinking that, you know, we talked about this at the beginning of the segment, that the fear, the cloud of fear is advantageous for conservatives. to speak specifically about the north carolina race, i wonder, it looks like it may be one of the most ex pensive in american history. to what degree two weeks out can anybody change anybody's mind in a place like north carolina given the advertising and the air war which has been totally unrelenting? are there persuadable voters left in the state at this point? >> what's interesting is the amount of money spent in north carolina, the amount of money we're spending nationally it to combat in africa.
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that's an interesting question there. when you deal with something on the margins where 1% or 2%, it is vitally important. a couple weeks ago people were asking me if i thought this was a significant political issue in the midterms and i down played it. i was completely wrong. >> you follow up and correct the record. >> i do think we're talking about a larger narrative of a world that seems to a lot of people to be spinning out of control in a white house that doesn't seem to have control of it. i think that is a primal response, not just voters have, and they want the party in power it to eckert some control. and, remember, democratic weakness was what the republicans exploited for the better part of two decades. >> let me follow on that, sam. glenn's contention is republicans framed this very neatly. did democrats miss an
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opportunity here? this is a story about government. this is a story about funding. bill clinton gets to it in arkansas when he talks about the funding levels. you have reported on this. instead of michelle nunn and kay hagan saying we need a travel ban, could democrats not have used this as an opportunity to make the case for a funded government agency, he especiall those dealing with bioterrorist threats? >> i agree with glenn's analysis, which is rare, but i do. and, secondly, i do think that there was a missed opportunity but that's the democratic party's own fault. they are now going very hard on these cuts to the nih, cuts to the cdc, the centers for disease control, national institute of health, republicans want to shred government and in the process would make us less prepared. i think that's a fay liir line leave out. smaller budgets for the cdc. the president himself had to sign off on sequestration in 2011.
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they sort of lost a little bit of their legitimacy making this arg argument. >> glenn, do you agree with that, the sequestration undermined the democrats' ability to talk about better funded government? >> the white house sounds right. a rarity there. >> rarity. cats and dogs are laying down with each other and we're only ten minutes into the show. go ahead. >> it really is the apocalypse. but i do think they undermined d their argument. again, we're not hearing the white house talk about the vaccine production and accelerating this stuff. we now have ron klain is the ebola czar. the way we saw with the gun controlish. >> you and also with the v.a. scandal we don't see anything e resembling a legislative agenda from the white house of things that they want to see achieved.
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>> let me ask you about ron klain. peggy noonan wants schwarzkopf, people have been asking for colin powell. >> isn't he dead? >> i'm just quoting peggy noonan. sam, was ron klain a mistake in terms of an appointment because of his political experience or was that sort of going through the muck and meyer of bureaucracy not a skill set you would want from the ebola czar? >> it depends on what you want. if you want a medical ex pert who knows public health issues, he's not your guy. if you think the main problem you have five different bureaucracies trying to c coordinate a global response that's happening in a country, liberia, that has no political infrastructure to speak of, having someone who is dealing with bureaucracies is organized offices and worked at doj, maybe that's the right person. the one thing i would add to
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glenn's point, part of the problem with the president not having a clean legislative response congress is not around. the president has said you need more money. he wants to get to the bottom of this. from my interviews with people there congress isn't around. if they were very serious about this they should be back and the president could work with them were they in session. >> that is a very fair and important point. the fact stein and thresh have agreed so many times in this one segment makes me believe that it is. after the break the supreme court is allowing a new voter i.d. law in texas had a is expected to keep more than half a million residents, mainly minorities, from casting ballots. we will look at efforts to rig the vote. plus, changing the church. how pope francis is moving catholics forward on the issue of homosexuality and why the
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president obama cast his ballot on the first day of voting in his state. the president did something almost half a million texas residents may no longer be able to do this election cycle, that is because at 5:00 in the the morning on saturday, the supreme court decided to allow texas it to enforce strict voter i.d. law in the elections. this decision came a little over a week after a federal judge in texas blocked the law calling it
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an unconstitutional poll tax. it is the first time since 1982 that the court has allowed a law restricting voters' rights to be enforced after a federal group ruled it to be unconstitutional because it discriminated against minorities. with saturday's court order justice ginsburg joined by sotomayor had a six-page dissent. ginsberg said 600,000 registered voters could be prevented from votinging in person and pointed to the more than 400,000 eligible voters who would have to travel three hours or more to the nearest government office issuing i.d.s. ginsburg noted that from 2008 to 2011 there were only two in-person voter fraud cases in the state of texas. for now on the first day of early voting in texas it is the
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law of the land. heather mcgee and contributing wrater for "the nation" ari berman. this is one of the most distressing things in our country. does this law ultimately stand given the very salient facts justice ginsburg points out? >> i don't know what it will take because it's already been struck down twice under two different sections of the voting rights act, under two different trials so this law has been scrutinized that's been passed in the past few years. it's the only law i know of blocked twice under two different sections of the voting rights and yet the supreme court still allows it to stand. it's probably going to go to the appeals court. this goes on and on and on when this law was blocked. remember under the voting rights in 2012, this law would not have been in effect until now.
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>> the fact that a federal court has found it -- or that ginsburg has it a poll tax, this is intentionally discriminatory. it is staggering the could court would say in the interest of not perpetrating confusion, i mean, that seems without precedent. >> and it's also without any credibility. actually, the fact is texas has had voter i.d. for over a decade. but it includes things like being able to bring a utility bill. this is a new level, the strictest form of i.d. it excludes things like a student i.d. even though it includes a gun i.d. this is so clearly, clearly a partisan move and so clearly a partisan move that has its roots in discrimination because of the way thatafrican-americans, latinos vote, our own thing we should be working on itself. what's so frustrating about this, the court itself has stopped seeing that its role as
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an institution is to promote our democracy, legislators are always going to increasingly slow as the -- as voting gets more polarized, want to do something to change their possible outcomes, you have to have an institution who stands up for the constitution, the constitution first and foremost guarantees us a representative. >> ari, in terms of ginsburg's dissent, the fact that there have been other sort of decisions they've handed down in this period without much of an explanation, the fact that ginsburg lays out a six-page dissent, richard hanson and slate says he interprets that as a sign the court's decision was a grave injustice. do you agree with that? is that too much overanalyzing? >> this is her second dissent in recent weeks. she dissented in the north carolina case with where north carolina passed the strictest set of voting restrictions since 1965. the supreme court allowed that law, parts of it,s to into effect.
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ginsburg said very clearly this law would not be in effect if you had not gutted the voting rights act. texas we know it would not be in effect. now you have two laws that should have been blocked under the voting rights act now in he can and i think she's frustrated. what she predicted would happen. she said voting discrimination still exists and you're going to get drenched with rain and the rain that we're seeing right now is this blight of voting discrimination all over the country and the supreme court is not stopping. >> there was some good news out of which isconsin. it's been a mixed bag in the last couple of weeks, more sort of losses than wins overall but how do you see this playing out nationally and when some of this stuff event willy does make it to the courts? >> so it has been a mix ed bag, one of the through lines has been, unfortunately, has been actually around let's not change the laws with these decisions now, but, that said, so many of the laws they would have change ed actually -- it should have been to say that voters -- we should expand the freedom to
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vote no matter what, right? so it's very different for me to be on my way to try to get a birth certificate and then, you know, a new i.d. and find out that i don't have to do that than to find out on the first day of early voting that i do have to do that and that has been the problem that there hasn't been any sense that the weight of the evidence should be around expanding the freedom to vote instead of restricting it. >> i think the notion that somehow letting this law stand as early voting begins is somehow going to mitigate confusion. it's going to do nothing but sow the seeds. >> you have 600,000 voters who don't have this and these are registered voters. people who voted in election after election after election and now they can't do it. what is a bigger harm to voters than not being able to vote. that is the number one biggest harm that you could have in terms of voting. it's crazy logic from the supreme court right now. it seems with the exception of wisconsin they're restricting voter rights in case after case after case. these aren't full trials but it's worrisome what will happen
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when they get to the supreme court. >> "the new york times" has a piece today saying plaque vote seen as last hope for democrats to hold senate. >> obviously on a practical level it would dampen and suppress the minority voting. at the same time for those voters who do have i.d. and weren't thinking of voting, does this not enrage the soul and, i mean, we saw that in 2012, some folks saying i have to participate. those who can participate did because this is such an be a can did icati abdication of what it stands for. >> voting was very hard fought for the african-american community, something we hold sacred, people in our families and communities have died for. so the more that this is seen as a partisan attack, the more it does radicalize the base. that said it can't just be that african-americans have to go back to civil rights history of struggle in order to do what should be the basic thing of a
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functioning democracy to be able to go vote. >> i think this is one -- for the republican party and conservatives who support this, this is -- this is a generational it divide for ma making inroads with communities of color and progressives around the country who take real issue. i don't know how you support this and then make up ground with minorities? >> this is the gop strategy. they have no other strategy. >> i think there is no forgiveness. >> the only person in the party who has dissented a little bit has been rand paul. that's telling when rand paul is the moderate in the room, there's a problem. >> right. and you have seen richard posner, judge posner, that there's a conservative intellectual case with which is cost benefit analysis. a lot of bureaucratic red tape actually. so it's been good to see that at least from one person on one bench. >> the at least. heather mcgee and ari berman, it's always good to see you. thanks for you time. the white house is now requiring colleges to publish data on
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five months ago 55 colleges and universities in the u.s. were baeg investigated by the department of education for 59 possible va laiolations of fede law. today a total of 89 cases are pending in 85 schools, a 50% increase since may. this rather dramatic increase comes after a year in which the issue of campus sexual assault moves from hushed corners to the public square and comes three days after the white house strengthened rauls for reporting violence at colleges requiring schools to report the prevalence of sexual violence at their institutions, all steps in the right direction but only true progress if something actually happens, if those schools don't just remain on the list but are actually held account theabl.
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the agency has not halted federal funding to colleges found in violation of that law. just ahead, president obama did offer his strongest defense yet of same sex marriage. in an interview published today by the new york er the presiden proposed that the constitution guarantees same sex marriage in every state. we'll discuss evolving positions on gay rights next.
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change, some of the church's leadership seems to be. this weekend the church released a statement that significantly rolled back a proposed draft. this is the progressive text from last week. homosoouls have gifts, is our community capable of accepting and evaluating our sexual orientation without compromising family and matrimony? here is the final reasons to equate or compare homosexual unions with god's marriage and family. even that language failed by a vote of 118-62 to gain the two-thirds approval required for passage. pope francis ordered the inclusion of the statement in the final report yesterday along with the vote tally.
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the progress also said that gay men and women must be received with respect and sensitivity and that any stain of unfair discrimination must be avoided. and those words that gay people worldwide should be treated with respect and sensitivity are a big deal considering that homosexual acts are illegal in 76 countries and that the previous pope called it an objective disorder and an intrinsic moral evil. they're even more groundbreaking when you consider the document is still not the last word on the topic. pope francis has one year to make his case before another document is ratified in 2014. joining me now is the executive director of the network catholic social justice lobby and author of "a nun on the bus: how all of us can create hope, change, and community." and "washington post" columnist jonathan capehart. sister simone, let me start
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first with how you have interpreted the rapid developments of the last week in the catholic church. do you think things will will be even more significantly different at the end of 2014? >> well, i think what we're doing is we're making progress. but the progress that's being made is the conversation, the dialogue about the true situation in our 21st century. our church is slow moving this way. this has been a dramatic step forward but a conversation that's been held in many quarters of the church but is being brought out it to the center. that gives me a tremendous amount of hope going forward. >> jonathan, i know the language is not what a lot of folks wanted to have come from the vatican but, still, the fact we have gone from homosexuality is an intrinsic moral evil to the catholic church cautioning against discrimination of gay
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people across the world seems like a fairly big deal. >> it's an amazing thing. it's a very big deal, alex. what you have here happening is pope francis from the moment he rose to the papacy has been speaking in a very caring, gentle way when it comes it to gays and lesbians and now what we've seen with the welcoming words that were in that initial draft to, you know, the pope saying, hey, let's put out the vote tallies and the paragraphs that didn't make it, the genie is out of the bottle here and what i think is happening is if the pope and the bishops can have this discussion about gays and lesbians in an open fashion, in a respectful fashion, in a dignified fashion, then that's going to go down to their flock where catholics around the world will sit around and talk about what the pope and bishop 0s are doing and by doing that, by having these conversations, by acknowledging the fact that there are gays and lesbians and
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gays and lesbians who are catholic that change will come from hopefully from the top but also from the bottom. >> sister simone, to jonathan's point, the fact that -- first of all, the pope has been completely transparent in terms of, i think, where he is at on this, from the first sort of response who am i to judge when asked about gay folks and the clergy it to god is not afraid of new things as his capper to this week, what i think is remarkable is that he has not issued any decrees but is gone to the bishops and to jonathan's point and to catholic churches around the world to engender a conversation which seems like a masterful stroke in terms of getting buy-in, if you will, on the subject of a more progressive and inclusive catholic church. >> i think it reflects his approach to what is peace building. our church has been polarized and torn apart like many of the institutions, talking about voting in the united states as a polarized issue true in our church, too.
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what pope francis is saying is that dialogue is more important than protecting your turf. and so he is not protecting t f turf. he's saying, no, we've to engage in conversation. he's also saying that reality, the story of real people, are more important than theories than objective rules and it's those real ittist, the story of real people i think are breaking open the reality of the church. it's what jesus did in the gospel, told stories of real people all the time. so pope francis is being quite like jesus and the gospel, touching the pain of our real is world and making sure the truth of people's lives is being shared and reverenced in the process. >> we know he's a jesuit and very much grounded in the teachings of poverty and forgiveness, but such a dramatic and political, in so far of the issue of homosexuality is politicized around the world,
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did the chryistian world expect this from him? >> i have a hunch that we didn't. i think we had a hope but not an expectation. the key here is that he is living a pastoral sense of the gospel in relationship, and he knows real people. he's not an academic, a man touched by the real world. and that is the refreshing peace that goes beyond my expectations for sure. >> jonathan, speaking of the real world, i mean, a quinnipiac pole among american catholics, they support same sex marriage 60 to 31% compared to 56% to 36% support among all u.s. adults. i want to ask you about the news of this hour, president obama quoted in "the new yorker" saying the constitution guarantees marriage equality across the country. i mean, these public opinion has shifted so dramatically, the fact that our president who at one point couldn't even talk
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about whether he he wanted to support gay marriage is talking about it being policy. >> welcome to the second term and the second half of the second term. honestly the poll numbers on catholics and their views of same sex marriage and homosexuality are not surprising to me. these numbers, catholics when you poll people, catholics have always been in support of same sex marriage and gay rights for years now. so, you know, between that catholic poll and the president coming out and saying what he's saying and the pope doing what he's doing, i think we're all in a better place when it comes to talking the issue of gays and lesbianses. >> jonathan, i think before we had these incredibly polarizing votes on gay marriage and ho homosexuality, it is hard to find a politician in america who wants to come out with the exception of ted cruz and say i am going to run on a divisive policy that does not promote equality across racial and
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sexual lines. >> mm-hmm. yeah, you're right. absolutely. >> sister simone campbell and jonathan capehart, thank you for your tame and thoughts. >> thanks. >> thank you. come up, cell phones just became much more protected against hackers and cyber criminals. so why is the fbi so angry? that's just ahead. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on, you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors' rates, so shopping is easy. you don't sound like flo. [high-pitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to? [ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles] symbol of our love and understanding. comparing rates for you. now that's progressive. [ high-pitched ] nailed it!
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it is excitement central at apple hq with the launch of the apple pay program. and news this hour of a 13% jump due to strong sales of the iphone 6, but the enthusiasm for apple and the iphone 6 is not shared by all. he especially the intelligence community which is up in arms about the company's new plan to keep american iphone data encrypted. at issue can companies including apple and google, which has in response to market demand, equipped new iphone 6 and android phones with encryption
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beyond the reach of the u.s. government and the companies themselves. in response fbi director james come and eric holder issued dire warnings about the implications for law enforcement. >> if this becomes the norm, i suggest to you that homicide cases could be stalled, suspects walk free. i suggest that it's time that the post-snowden pendulum be seen as having swung too far in one direction. >> law enforcement needs to be able to take every legal available tool to quickly find and protect the child. it is worrisome to see companies thwarting our ability to do so. >> that alarm has resulted in a tidal wave of criticism contending that encryption is clearly in the public interest, preventing consumers from becoming the targets of a more immediate net in the form of hackers and cyber crippminals. joining me now is senior fellow for national security at the center for american progress,
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ken goode. thanks for joining me. this is a fascinating sort of development and debate. i want to first get your thoughts on james comey who contends that the post-snowden pendulum has swung too far in one direction. you write in wire that is not the case at all. tell us why you think that. >> well, thanks for having me on, alex. i appreciate it. i think listening to director comey last week one would be hard pressed to understand that since the snowden revelation there has been no pendulum swing at all as it comes to government policy, no changes to government surveillance authority in the year and a half since the snowden revelation so the notion the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction is very hard to believe. >> it also -- the idea that the government would be cracking down on what is a market driven development in terms of technology would seem to go against the recommendation of the nsa task force which c
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concluded the u.s. government should take additional steps to promote security by making clear that it will not in any way subvert, undermine, weaken, or make vulnerable generally available commercial encryption. i mean, isn't that what the government is doing at this moment? >> well, director comey's comments were, i think, directed at a little bit of a different issue even though he was piggyback iing on the apple encryption change. what he's been really pushing is something that the fbi has been add vvocating for quite some ti now which is changing surveillance law to require the providers of internet based communications to be able to technically assist the government in response to lawful warrants. now that refers to something like, you know, an i message, a g chat or these new communications tools that people are using for traditional
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conversations and communication. the fbi has been concerned that that is kind of locked away in a black box and they don't have access to it in the way that they can go to the telephone company and get a warrant to tap a suspect's phone. now that isn't necessarily a crazy request on the part of the government although i am deeply troubled the manner in which fbi director comey has waded into this controversy. he's done it columnsly and i think it should perk up people to be concerned about the direction the government wants to take this. >> i think the way he's framing it is not -- it's representative, i think, of the sense that they may have lost public confidence in the argument for broad surveillance powers. recognizing america's suspicion of government surveillance comey has based his argument on investigations into child pornographers and kidnappers not terrorists.
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that is a telling shift in how the government is making their case. >> it is, but i also think it was remarkably tone deaf in a time it were not just talking about the snowden revelations of government surveillance. people and customers are demand ing from service providers they protect their data and the notion that the fbi would then pivot off that recognition to attack the certificaservice com just find a very troubling entrance and clumsy entrance into this debate by comey. >> and 0 to your point where we are culturally there is a huge story in "vanity fair" with jennif jennifer lawrence about the hacking scandal and people feeling vulnerable in terms of the day-to-day and that prevents a threat to the nebulous
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definition of terror. >> yeah, and i think comey cite add few specific cases in his speech last week which he felt were outside of the scope of government surveillance in the modern internet era. and i don't know specifically about those cases but it was just a handful. but when we have on the other side very clear information about the tens of millions of americans and hundreds of millions more around the world who would be vulnerable to the kinds of back doors that the government wants these technology companies to build into their systems, i think the public benefit is clearly on the size of where the technology companies are starting to come to and the government needs to understand that. >> ken gude from the center of american progress, thanks for your time, ken. >> thank you. coming up, the ferguson police officer who shot and killed michael brown gives his first public account of what happened. but it contradict the eyewitness reports.
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we'll have more on that coming up next. chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. centurylink your link to what's next.
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in ferguson new details on the struggle between unarmed teen michael brown and police officer darren wilson. for the first time the public is learning wilson's side of the story. according to the "new york times" citing government officials briefed on the federal civil rights investigation, officer wilson told investigators that he was pinned in his police vehicle and in fear for his life as the two men struggled over wilson's gun. wilson also testified that mr. brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck. a government official told nbc that forensics evidence showed make ail brown's blood on wilson's gun and on the interior car door panel and officer's uniform. wilson said brown reached for his gun. a version of events which is directly at odds with that of brown's friend dorian johnson,
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an eyewitness walking with brown at the time of the incident. >> did michael reach and struggle for the officer's gun as the police are saying he did? >> that is incorrect, sir. he did not reach for a weapon at all. he did not reach for the officer's weapon at all. "the times" account does not explain why wilson fired at mr. brown multiple times. government officials tell the paper that while the federal investigation was continuing the evidence so far does not support civil rights charges against officer wilson. this news comeses as st. louis county prosecutor bob mccan cull low says the 12 member grand jury will likely make a decision on whether to charge officer wilson by mid-november. that is all for now. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show."
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let's get to work. it's the best september we've had. >> governor walker is cherry picking a lot of numbers. >> put our money where our mouth is. >> trying to distract from that failure on jobs. >> i think wisconsin is a microcosm of middle class america. wisconsin is much better off than it was four years ago. >> i am really concerned about the direction wisconsin is headed. >> the fight in the governor's race, of course, continues. >> this discord was not who we are in wisconsin. >> spend my time largely ignoring my position. >> put our money where our mouth is. good to have you with us tonight. we start with the closest gubernatorial race in the country, wisconsin. today is the first day of early voting in the badger state.
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