tv News Nation MSNBC October 21, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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there are many people who are upset about that. oscar pistorius left the courthouse a few hours ago. he was driven in a police vehicle and anti-riot vehicle to a prison a few miles away from here on the outskirts. following a one hour hearing which the judge explained why she had reached the sentence of five years of which oscar miss or its you might only have to serve a few months before returning home and serving the rest of that sentence under house arrest. it seems unlikely now that the defense that pistorius's own lawyers will appeal against that decision. but the prosecution has said they will review it and held open the possibility of them reviewing the decision that was made today. oscar pistorius's family said they accepted the sentence is as did the family of reeva
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steenkamp saying justice has been served. here's what they told reporters. >> do you think justice is being served? yes. >> it's been a long journey. are you satisfied? >> we are satisfied. >> so the end of a long trial lasting almost eight months for oscar pistorius. and after four days of consideration, the judge has now decided his future, a future which will begin tonight in the jail here. thank you so much. we're following a developing story out of virginia. jesse matthew, the man charged in the abduction of an hannah graham has been charged with attempted murder, rape, and abduction of another young woman this case dating back to 2005. the surprising announcement was made yesterday. matthew violent aattacked a 26-year-old woman and sexual assaulted her in a washington
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suburb. they say the woman escaped only after witnesses heard her scream and call the police. meanwhile a medical examiner is still working to determine if the human remains found this past weekend are those of hannah. joining me is washington post reporter taylor shapiro. thank you for your time. >> let's look at the cases that have been linked to jesse matthew. the new case we learned of yesterday. the 2009 case of morgan h harringtoning with her remains were found, according to authorities dna link talked to her case tie it is to hannah graham's case. jesse matthew hasn't been charged. this combined with the information we learned regarding an allegation from when he was in college paints a frightening picture, as you know. >> there were two allegations. neither of which he was charged with or convicted of in 2002,
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2003 while he was a college student at liberty university. the dna that connects him from the hannah graham investigation to the morgan harrington case resulted in charges in the 2005 case. >> what else can you tell us about the 2005 case? the woman survived. obviously we're not identifying this survivor. what do we know happen there had? >> we know she was walking back from a giant grocery store on germantown road in fairfax city when she was grabbed from behind and dragged into a wooded area where she was assaulted by now police say was jesse matthew. it stopped only after a passer by start hld him. >> how was he linked to the case? this is after he's been custody -- fall along there, please. >> during the course of the hannah graham investigation law enforcement sources told the washington post that dna connected him to the morgan case
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in 2009 as well as an earlier case which police linked to morgan harington in 2005. so it appears as if it was the dna that provided the link which allowed the police in fairfax to charge jesse matthew in that case. >> we're awaiting word from authorities regarding the identification of the remains found over the weekend. meanwhile, jesse matthew's family, at least his father, stepped up to defend him. >> a few weeks ago, it's been a long time since this case first began, but i met a family member of jesse matthew's who did not identify himself but he told me they believed that the police were trying to frame mj. now there is sufficient evidence that kind of allegation will be brought out in court. >> taylor, thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it. we'll continue to follow the developments out of virginia on this case.
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and turning now to the arrest of an accused serial killer in indiana. police are looking for more possible victims. darren van, a convicted sex offender is behind bars after police say he killed a 19-year-old woman in a hotel friday night. while in custody police say the man confessed to that killing and then led them to the body of six other women in an abandoned home in the city of gary, indiana. a chicago suburb. he hinted that the cases could stretch back 20 years. now authorities in his home state of texas are reviewing cold cases there. police say he was surprised that he was caught so soon. >> he told police officers at the scene that he had messed up by committing the crime and was surprised how quickly he was caught. it is possible that it will lead to more victims.
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>> john yang joins me from chicago. this search now, as i mentioned, taking the cases back to texas. i would imagine law enforcement working together on this. >> that's right. they're working together here. both the authorities in indiana and texas. here in indiana, they're talking about maybe using cadaver dog search for abandoned buildings. the population has been cut in half slunk by half in the last 20 years. they're talking about using cadaver dogs to go through. they say van is still being very cooperative. talking about he's the one that lead them to the six other bodies. three of them have been identified. all the police say they are all prostitutes. all were strangled. only one of them had been reported missing to the police and that missing report came in only about two weeks ago. a boyfriend of one of the other
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victims said the woman has been missing since january. so the police really didn't have a lot to go on in looking for these women. but they are continuing their investigation trying to corroborate his allegation he has been on the killing spree since 1994, which would stretch back to his time in texas where he was convicted of sexual assault in 2008. darren vann is scheduled to make his first court appearance by remote video link from his jail tomorrow morning at 6:30. >> and, john, what else do we know about his background. what did he do for a living? did he live with family members? what do we know about this man? >> not much is known. he's from the gary area originally. he then moved to texas. we're doing some research on his background trying to get some more information. we know he was in the marines. we don't have the details of his service record. when he was in the marines, where he was stationed, whether
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it covers this period that he said he was committing these crimes starting in 1994. so that's one area that we're still looking at. where he's been over the past 20 years. >> all right. thank you very much, john, for the details. i would like to bring in wilson cofounder and president of the black and missing foundation. thank you for joining us. i'm sure you're able to hear my colleague report that at least only one of the individuals have been reported missing. we know that according to authorities maybe three of the victims worked in what is being described as a sex worker, prostitute here. but your organization has been concerned for some time. we have done even some reporting on you about the cases where the victims are of color or poor that go ignored for so long. >> yes. absolutely. thank you for having me. it's just so startling that these women, the six women that
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are unaccounted are deceased now. they were not viewed as being important members of society. and no one was looking for them. and more importantly, there are possibly more victims out there that no one is looking for. i think it's important that we take a step back and explore everywhere that this man possibly could have lived and how many other women that could be missing as a result of this man. >> when you look at why some of the stories are not covered. if families of the women don't report them missing and then as a result perhaps don't put pressure on the media their lives count no matter their background, no matter their color. how does your organization push these stories forward if there are absent families? we want people to understand their lives are valued as well. we're going to continue to push. it doesn't matter what their
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background is. if you're missing you deserve to be found. their lives are valuable as well. it doesn't matter. and so we want to encourage the families to report their loved ones. e want to challenge law enforcement to take the police reports. we want to challenge media to put their faces out there. because their families look for them. they want them home as well. it doesn't matter. >> and the victims by their name. they deserve to be identified as hannah graham in any other case. found on saturday 35-year-old joi jones. and christine williams 36. we don't have the identities of the three others. but by the numbers, i know you and your organization keep track of the number of people who are missing of color when you look at the% age of those stories covered by the national media. >> absolutely. since our inception in 2008, 1.2 million persons of color has been reported missing in the united states.
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and the keyword is reported. there's so many cases just like these young women, you know, so many that are not reported. so we need to report. we need take a stand. the community needs to step up as well. it's our possibiliresponsibilit >> absolutely. thank you so much for your time. the organization is the black and missing foundation. you have done great work to bring all stories to light as you pointed out. it's a community responsibility as well. if you see something, as they say in new york, you have to say something. >> thank you so much. coming up next. the president responds to the concerns that some red state democrats are avoiding him on the campaign trail. >> it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the republicans will use that to try to fan republican turnout. >> we'll have more of what the president said and we have new polls out today on the midterm races two weeks to go. it's today's first read. we're tracking a developing
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nor'easter. it could create flooding and high winds as early as tomorrow. we'll have the updated tomorrow information. plus elevated air fares. the major airlines approved the first across the board increase in six months. how much more you will be paying if you decide to fly for the holidays. and join our conversation online you can find my team @"newsnation." you can find me on facebook, twitter, and instagra instagram @tamronhall. [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ and mama loves you. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at
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democrats, quote, face a tough map. >> a lot of the states that are contested this time are states that i didn't win. and so some of the candidates there, you know, it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the republicans will use that to try to fan republican turnout. the bottom line, these are folks that have -- i tell them you do what you need to win. i will, responsible for making sure that all voters turn out. >> meantime in an interview with today's washington post west virginia's senator joe manchin is not up for re-election said there's nothing president obama can do to help at risk democrats. and joining me live now nbc news reporter kari dan. good to see you. >> i'm going great. we have to get as much rest as
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possible. early word is we'll be up all night long waiting for some of the races to come in. very tight races. interest wording from the president regarding voter turnout. that's right. we're getting mix messaged. the president is saying these are people who voted with me. they support my agenda. i'm not on the ballot but my policies are. you have candidates like mark udall in colorado and kentucky saying i'm something who stands up to the president and challenging him. didn't agree with him on a lot of policies. you're getting mixed messages. the president wants to be able when she's campaigning. it's states he performed well in 2008 and 2012. state he's won by a wide margin. there's a lot of states where there's democratic governors not senate candidates he's campaigning for. he wants to drive upturn out and make sure the democratic base doesn't get too down on the president they elected in the
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past two cycles and turns out in 2014. >> let me play what white house press secretary josh earnest said. he's looking for partners in congress that are supportive of minimum wage. we're investing in early childhood education, our infrastructure that is good for the economy and the long-term. >> when you look at the tight races kentucky, north carolina, new hampshire, kansas you do wonder why democrats are not following that strategy that seems to be one that the administration is confident in. >> right. and josh isn't wrong in naming some of the policies. especially like the minimum wage which are popular nationwide. if you delve down into the statewide polls. our latest showed the
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president's approval rating nationwide at 42%. when you boil it down to the senate battle grounds it's 40%. if you look at kansas you look at 37% approval rating for the president. the individual policies that the white house may be pointing to are popular. it's the president himself that can be a drag in the key senate races. >> thank you very much. we'll see what happens. the clock is ticking down. coming up next on "newsnation." >> i fell in love with my boss. new reaction to monica lewinsky's first public speech to take on what she is calling bullying. i'm going show you some of the tweets. she's talking about cyber bul , bully,ing. some of the tweets sent to monica lewinsky's acount. she's only been on twitter a day. brian cranston responds to the florida mom who wants the
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action figures removed from toys "r" us. here is a look what is happening today, tuesday october 21st. jay nixon will join elected officials and community leaders to announce a new effort to address issues raised by the violence in ferguson. will stream the event live. in new jersey the board of education will determine the future of the school's football coaching staff. as prosecutor investigate a sexual abuse scandal involving the school's football team. tonight the san francisco giants will take on the kansas royals in game one of the world series! [ man ] look how beautiful it is.
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[ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. alriwe need to do somethinguble widifferent. ranch. callahan's? ehh, i mean get away, like, away away. road trip? double wings, extra ranch. feels good to mix it up. the all-new, fuel-efficient volkswagen golf tdi clean diesel. up to 594 miles of adventure in every tank. welcome back. monica lewinsky is once again making headlines about opening up about her affair with bill clinton. this time she said she's using her story to help victims of cyber bullying. lewinsky stepped back into the
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spotlight yesterday by joining twitter and delivering her first ever public speech. lewinsky discussed her time in the white house, the effect the scandal had on her self-esteem and when she went through relates to kids enduring online bullying today. >> i fell in love with my boss in a 22-year-old sort of way. it happens. but my boss was the president of the united states. >> overnight i went from being a completely private figure to a publicly humiliated one. i was patient zero. the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the internet. frankly, i came close to decesi
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grating. no, it's no too strong a word. i wish it were but it isn't. >> national reporter is here with us. good to see you. >> hey. >> right off the bat when she joined twitter her hashtag was #herewego. she almost immediately began getting hateful treats referred to most times as trolls. her whole idea was to expose the bullying that takes place on social media. >> right. here it is. i would say that bullying are preexisting conditions that are amplifiy eied by the internet. monica is getting her chance to tell the story. a lot of people have been telling her story for her. i respect that. i think that should be encouraged. but, you know, on the other hand, i think no matter what somebody who had an affair with the president, a president being targeted by republicans in an
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investigation would have been treated badly. her situation is extraordinary. >> i think what some people are doing, they say look where both are right now. he is at the top of his game. walks into the room and whether there are republicans or democrats, in most cases these days, they have some praise for the president. she walks in to potentially snickers and figure pointing. >> there's absolutely a double standard. bill clinton's career survived. he was president. she didn't have that much going for her. she was a kid that made a mistake. when so you step into the online sphere you have more every day people being treated the way monica lewinsky was. those folks are the ones that don't have the experience or the resources she now has. >> some of the tweets praising
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her speech. one of the writers who covers the tech industry for forbes tweeted out, you could hear a pin drop in the ballroom. monica is going to get some kind of ovation when she's done. ashley fox also in the room tweeted monica had a great speech. i never condoned her situation but it takes a lot of courage to do what she did. matt also in the room said i've never seen a speech as incredible the as the one monica just gave. let's counter that. usa today wrote an article. monica still crying after all these years. and she writes maybe she should take a lesson from none other than than hillary clinton. remember when hillary clinton got weepy at the new hampshire cafe during the 2008 campaign. the candidate formerly known as the ice queen was up dramatically with the women voters. if lewinsky wants to help stop cyber bullying. she needs a lot of women on her side. >> it's unfair to compare her to hillary clinton. they occupy completely different
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positions. if monica wants to use the fact she's known for her name is associated with things that are unsavory and people judge her all the time. if she wants to use those powers for good, i think that's great. >> what do you believe? it was the 30 under 30 crowd. when you look at, you know, that age group versus the 45 and older crowd. do you believe there's a different storyline they see here with the young lady? >> i think that, you know, being 31 years old. >> you're at the line. >> i think that we are growing up now with the kind of scrutiny that monica lewinsky experienced as a singular public figure. you don't have to be famous. you don't have to have an affair with the president to be subjected to bullying now. i think that's the issue. how do we give people tools. how do we hold people accountable when these things happen even in people's daily lives. ordinary people who did not choose to be public are public. >> my vote is remove the anonymity.
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if you have an account and you respond we should know who you are. not just a fake picture and mood. i think that would affect some things. up next a deal. there's news a -- they could be released as soon as today. why people in nigh near ya don't have confidence in this deal. we'll have the latest. plus an urgent recall. federal government is warning millions of drivers to get their air bags repaired as soon as possible. it's one of the stories we're following around the "newsnation." and this. did you hear that? a chicago voter tells the president, quote, don't touch my girlfriend. the president's response and advice for the girlfriend. it's one of the things we thought you should know.
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come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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there was high hope that more than 200 nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by islamic militants would be released today. the girl's abduction from their school more than six months ago set off a worldwide campaign. now the nigerian government has been saying the giver girls would be free as part of a cease-fire agreement reached last friday. joining us live now to talk about this. continued to press for the girl's release. thank you so much for joining us again. >> thank you. >> what can you tell us about this deal that has been reported if are couple of days? >> well, the reality is that there's some pressures that are not being answered in this deal because boek ha ram still has a
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hierarchy and some of the firms negotiated on behalf of them do not seem to have -- it's a question whether they're negotiated for a faction and perhaps in a position to release 50 or 60 years and whether they're negotiating on. >> to your point many believe that to be the case. maybe they're working in factions and not as a collective group. after this truth was announced a waive of violence erupted right after the truce was announced. as you well know, there are also questions that this truce, the announcement of it was meant to boost president jonathan as he receives a second term. there's skepticism of the timing here. >> absolutely. you're right on point. the government has not really demonstrated the kind of total
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commitment that they should have demonstrated before now on youth issues in nigeria. a few months ago the nigerian american council which has substantial expertise because of the senior level advisers we have aboard approach the federal government of nigeria and visited our office for three days in washington on the proposal of their youth. when they went back, apparently they didn't do anything. we approached the state and governors on the affected state for help. it seems like they're playing politics which is very limited credibility when they now speak on some of the issues. >> there have been reports that some of the girls managed to escape. there are also reports that more young people had been kidnapped since the april massive abduction. have there been sitings of the girls. do we know anything about the conditions they've been kept in.
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many were sold as wives, as we've been hearing. >> well, our researchers on the ground in nigeria are providing us very credible and factual reports that the girls are not all in one location at this point in time. some may have been 0 moved across the border. they are still relatively safe. they're still alive. there's a chance that some deal, if it originates from the right hierarchy will have a return of them. a government does need to do more than they've done, really. just because this is a political season and everybody wants to look good. and now folks want to make -- causing to pressure the entire process. >> samuel, thank you so much for your time.
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up next air fares spike higher. the industry approves an across the board increase. why is it happening? when the price of jet fuel is falling. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars.
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but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. a new cdc report shows americans are living longer. the average life expectancy in the u.s. now 78.8 years with women averaging about 81 years and men 76 years. well, there's news today that flying is more expensive. several major airlines have confirmed they are raising fares $4 per round-trip flight. despite consistently falling fuel prices analysts say the cost of flying this holiday season will go up.
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according to expedia fares for flights over the thanksgiving weekend up 17% over what you paid last year. the average flight now setting travelers back $467 compared to $400 a year ago. the most recent price increase this one plus only the fifth successful fare hike this year. airlines have tried to boost fairs 20 times since january. according to one analyst. usa "today" travel reporter. >> thank you for having me. >> one analyst said airlines tried to boost the fares 20 times since january. >> right. >> mission accomplished this time. just in time for holiday travel. >> absolutely. when the demand is high they don't have an incentive to discount fares. basically people want to fly home for christmas and thanksgiving and the new year. businesses are putting more people on the road because they want to make money. airlines want to make money. if the demand is there they want to try to boost the trick price. >> usually we heard airlines in
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the past say security reasons or fuel prices are behind the increase. this time, though, fuel prices are down. so you don't have jet fuel prices in north america are down 15.5%. that's according to the international air transport association. >> that's the thing. airlines are a business. they want to make money. when their costs go up for fuel they're not going to -- they're going to usually raise the fares. when the costs go down they seldom pass the savings on to passengers. they figure if you want to flying you might be willing to pay a little bit more. >> we get it. supply demand. i think the average traveler feel the airline industry is in can hoot against the traveler. if you go to a store and buy a top one store may discount it. one might have an inkrecentive a sale. the airlines seem to have a coordinate ed effort. >> they don't talk to each other. they try to match the fares.
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you don't go on and you look at the airlines and one is more expensive than the other. when they see another is raising their price, they decide now is my chance to do the same thing. if southwest, the low cost king doesn't do it. they usually won't either. >> we'll see what happens this holiday. if you have not purchased your thanksgiving holiday ticket you may need to get a recipebook and stay at home. thank you so much. we appreciate you joining us. and we're moving on to stories around the "newsnation." the death of legendary designer oscar de la renta tops our look at "newsnation." he died yesterday of unknown causes. he fought a long battle of cancer. known for evening gowns. he dressed first lady's and went on to become friends with their families. his designs were worn on red carpets by hollywood's top movie stars, and tv actresses. he was 82 years old. federal regulators are urging drivers to check if your
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vehicle is infect bid an air bag recall. 11 major recalls are recalling more than 16 million vehicles worldwide due faulty air bags. which can explode in an accident. sending metal shrapnel flying. four people have been killed and dozen injuries. and the two men involved in the california fire rescue caught on tape they've been reunited. thomas the mystery man carried an elderly man to his safety. he said running toward the fire was just the right thing to do. robert is 73 and uses an oxygen tank to breathe said the man who carried him is a hero. >> he couldn't really walk. so i picked him up and carried him out. >> he got me out of there. he helped he out tremendously.
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>> we love that story. and wells was treated for smoke inhalation. he looks pretty good. turning now to our men and women in the armed services. right now there are an estimated 1.4 million active duty service-members in the united states. of that number, about 39% are supporting families as they serve. while a lot of attention has been given to the challenges these families face when returning to civilian life, active duty families are facing their own unique challenges to make ends meet. in fact, many are typically asked to move every few years and face an uphill battle with managing money during multiple deployments. nbc today financial editor has new book called "operation money" helping to ease the burden for families offering key steps and detailed resources for them. jean joins me now along with valerie richards married to an active duty service-member and shares her own personal story in
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the book. >> thank you for having us. thank your family, your husband for service. give us some real talk about your finances. when you look at your budget, the beginning of the month and the landscape there. how often does feel bleak? >> it doesn't feel bleak because we've taken the steps to -- we've made some right choices. there's been times where we're on a tight budget. we do we make a lot of choices. should we do this or that? we're not living an extravagant lifestyle. we do -- we definitely budget a lot a. we have to sit as a family and decide what we're going to do. it's very difficult because every time we move there are different expenses that come up that we weren't ready for before. there's different resources you have to stay on top of things. thank goodness for books because it has the information you need. usually many times you feel like the active duty member goes to work and you ask what programs are there. what services are there? you try to get all the
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information through the active duty member who is also going off to work and doing a million other things or being deployed. so just having these resources is actually huge. it's been the hardest part is getting the information like what do i do? what do i need to do? what is out there that can help us? but, yes, budgeting is a huge part of our family. >> jane, you'll have people at home say i'm not in the military. these are unique circumstances. >> what i think people don't understand is necessarily about the military particularly if you're not in it. with each of the moves comes not only a different set of live expenses but often a different pay scale. it's contingent upon the standard of living or cost of living where you are. you're constantly having to deal not just with the cost of a move but all the adjustments. so operation moneybook is the new project. it is free. and i'm so excited about that. this is the second time that nbc
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has worked with the folks at city to offer a free resource for military family members. you can find it at operationmoney, it's a free download. what i tried to do with the help of valerie and other military families is pull it together. so there is one place to go to find all the information. >> let's look at quickly some of the things you suggest for the budget chart you have. 35% for housing. >> right. 35% for housing. 15% for transportation. it's important to realize when you look at the big categories, that's all in housing. that's not just your mortgage payment. it's the cost of taxes and insurance. the whole thing. 10% for saving. so you to prioritize that. 15% for other debt and 25 fortunate for your living expensing. any of the categories can be borrowed from to feed the other except for saves. looking a the budget chart do you think it's something every household can look at to
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move ahead potentially to get to some financial stability? >> no question. no question. there's a lot in operation money that is applicable to families. it's not just military families. it's just free. but when you are face d with these challenges that hit you every two years, it's more important. >> yeah. so valerie, your husband is stationed in new jersey. you managed the finances together. which is awesome! you have two young children as well. now you have this resource, as you pointed out, it's made a huge difference. do you believe you can stick to it? >> yes. i think it's staying on top of the information. the more we appreciate the more information we have the better we're able to cope with it. like you said, with having children, some of the places we live preschool was included. then you move and suddenly it's not. that state doesn't pay for preschool or there is no program. every few years you have huge
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challenges. working together, staying together, having people care and put the resources out for us helps so much. and then just trying to stay one step ahead and, yeah, even with with myself with certifications or all the spouses. social media helped a lot. we can talk to each other, but having these resources and everything in life adds one more hurdle. you can live together and we have the kids. every little bit helps. >> thank you so much. thank your husband. i love that this is absolutely free. you don't have to take the budget. thank you again. we'll be right back. an important message for americans eligible
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states. they will include jfk in new york city, chicago, washington, d.c., and atlanta. the airports began screenings last week after lawmakers called for more restrictions regarding passengers traveling from liberia, sierra leon and guinea. breaking bad star is responding to toys 'r us selling drug dealers. a florida mom said they are inappropriate for children. the walter white character who turned to a meth drug lord comes with a sack of cash and a bag of meth. the petition has almost 7,000 signatures saying they were stunned toys 'r us would sell such a toy. he said florida mom petitions against toys 'r us, i'm so mad
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that is hilarious. should mike be dumped? those are the things we thought you should know. we would love him to come on "news nation" and tell us what he was thinking. that does it for this edition of "news nation." thanks for joining us. "andrea mitchell reports" is next. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label
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right now on andrea mitchell report, two weeks ago. who is up, down, in demand? when it comes to the democratic headliners, it's not who you might expect. >> i'm really quite comfortable being here this campaign and taking orders. new guidelines. new rules to better protect health care workers after texas nurses contracted ebola. the young american woman on the frones
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