tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC October 23, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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in solidarity as law unfolds, the security here. hockey fans in pittsburgh stand up and sing. ♪ oh, canada ♪ our home and native land ♪ >> on the fence. another white house fence jumper. more accusations against the people who protect our president. >> the safety and security of our president is totally
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dependent on the secret service doing their job 100% of the time. >> they are in a make or break moment right now. >> somebody has to be accountable. >> chuck todd on the meet the motors rv rolling through iowa. >> i spent most of my day in iowa and today kansas. does the iowa democratic turn out machine, is it enough to overcome a two or three-point gap? >> canada is still reeling after yesterday's shooting attack on the government. as we went to air, the drama was unfolding. we know a soul gunman identified as michael joseph hall who
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converted to islam and renamed himself made his way into parliament down a hall right past a door where the prime minister was meeting with his caucus. a soldier guarding a war memorial was killed. members of parliament huddled behind doors, they grabbed a gun and killed the attacker. parliament resumed as he saw, but how will this change canada. for the latest, i am joined by a free lance journalist at parliament when the shots were fired. thank you very much for being with us today. tell us more about the shooter. what do we know so far about whether he had been on a watch list or how he got in. >> he was on a terror watch list. he was one who was targeted by a spy agency and we know was
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looking to go abroad to an islamic state to fight for isis. he was being watched when the spy agency came before a committee earlier this month. he found that the agency was keeping tabs on the 90 individuals and that the threat while real was not imminent. he appears to be wrong as two of the individuals have carried out attacks this week. there were reports that that agency has begun rounding up. definitely he was being watched and he was not being watched close enough. this guy's past is more checkered. we have a couple of court documents that suggest he was arrested for various charges as well as a small robbery that occurred in vancouver while he was living in a small rooming house in a low income district. we don't know much about his past. his family is well off.
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his mother is a senior civil servant. it's an interesting story and that appears to be involved in his past and a radical form of islam. >> the statement from his parents, you referred to his mother, no words can express the sadness we are feeling. we are so sad that a man lot of his life. the reference to the soldier. he lot of everything and leaves a family that must feel nothing but pain and sorrow. we send our deepest condolences to them although words seem pretty useless. we are crying for them. we are crying for the pain, fright, and chaos he created. i am mad at our son. i don't understand and part of me wants to hate him at this time. this comes from his parents.
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this is really heart breaking from the family, but of course the real suffering is for the soldier who was guarding the war memorial. the prime minister laid a wreath at the war memorial. life goes on in ottawa, but what is going to change? you are there on parliament hill where there is normally yoga exercises and frisbee and tourists. it's so open and accessible. is that going to change? >> it certainly could. on one hand the security has to change. on parliament hill, there is a serious police presence and there is one entrance in and out which is different than the usual borders. today it's different. there will be changes and we heard minsters from the government promising there will be changes in the am can be days. we heard the promise of a new anti-terror legislation. that allows them to arrest those
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they believe who could be an imminent threat to canada. as you heard from the mother's statement, this sort of attack is so impossible to prevent because they are radicalized on their own. the parents could be anyone and they could have had any childhood. they were radicalized online or by a friend or acquaintance. this is a hard thing to pinpoint. the government is looking to get more powers to figure out where they have been radicalized and they pose a threat. >> thank you so much and thanks for being with us. he is the former director of national counter terrorism center. he spent more than 30 years at the rand corporation. thank you very much for being with us. here in the united states, we are told that security officials are looking to shore up security around this military enlistment
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and from what had been overheard by canadian and u.s. officials, isis or isil could be targeting military enlistment. canada just joined the coalition. where are the possible threats for those who might be aspirational to join isis? >> thanks, andrea for having me. i agree with the previous commentator. this is both the kind of attack that experts like me have been predicting. we knew that the do it yourself terrorists or the lone wolf was both the most likely form of terrorism in the wake of the islamic state propaganda, but also how about the most difficult to prevent and trying to pinpoint who the next attacker will be or where they will attack or what sort of attack it will be is really hard. i do think that you are right.
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the military coalition that is currently attacking isis capabilities in syria and iraq, military targets are probably at the top of the list. it's wise to take precautions. >> we understand that at the tomb of the unknowns at arlington, one of the more sacred places in america, they increased security. that is highly unusual as well as at army and other recruitment centers. let's talk about the lone wolf. he doesn't seem to be part of a experience, but there is some reporting that he knew the attacker two days earlier who drove over to and how would you identify how you impinge on civil liberties.
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it is not confirm and we believe that is he getting into his car about a block away from parliament hill. >> that's the hardest question to answer. how far do you go in terms of security without impinging on civil liberties. there is nothing illegal about online activity and looking at violent propaganda and exploring jihadist websites. there shouldn't be. and they were both and there were hundreds if not thousands and it's probably unusual to expect that all of those people can be surveilled 24-7.
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they should be prevented. it's perfectly legal for people on the watch list, for example, to buy weapons. there is nothing illegal about that. if we can't prevent them from buying semi automatic pistol, i'm not sure we can expect law enforcement people to be able to prevent them from communicating and looking at websites. very difficult question. >> the hero here was the sergeant at arms, kevin vicker who is who ran and got a gun. you can see him walking down the hall. he had the gun in the aftermath, but he was not armed. he had to run and get the gun and actually take him out after he had gotten through the doorway and right past where all of the mps and the senators were meading on the other side of the
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aisle. into the white house. >> that's right. just as this incident really shows that there evil and unstable people and there heroes. i joined the parliament in giving him a standing ovation. i worked with canadians closely in my last job at the national counter terrorism center. they are great partners and it looks to me like they did the right thing both before and during the incident and the aftermath. i think the canadians have inherited a bit of a stiff upper lip and they will continue as normally as they can. >> we should point out that i have been told that our own military have been told not to wear the uniforms off base. they are going through airports and traveling because of isis and the hostility and the targeting according to what they are saying online, our men and women are being told not to wear their uniforms.
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a sad situation all around. thank you very much for being with us today. on our broadcast as the events were unfolding, charlie angus described hearing the shots fired outside his caucus meeting, a doorway away. >> this is like columbine. what do do you? we are members of parliament and trying to secure the doors and make sure people are and we have people under tables. we heard a second series of shots and we knew it was not going away and the third series the shots. >> 24 hours later, he and other members returned to the same hall taking part in this remarkable moment. paying tribute to the sergeant at arms kevin vickers is shooting a gunman on the house of commons hall of honor.
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>> charlie angus joins me 24 hours later, a lot of emotions after everything you went through. >> it has been an emotional roller coaster for everyone in the country and friends around the world who were sending beautiful tributes and support to us. we went to parliament because that's what our people, the canadian people wanted us to do. yesterday morning we were a peaceful incluesive and democratic society. this morning we are a peaceful, inclusive and democratic society. no nut job with a gun is going to deter us. we had to send a message that the work carries on. we will mourn the loss of our young soldier. we have also a member of the security staff who risked his to try to get the gun down. we certainly were very proud to pay a tribute to our larger than life sergeant at arms, kevin
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vickers who is much larger than he ever was before, if that's possible. >> he seemed emotional and humble if you can take something away from the way he walked down and was embraced by the prime minister. we listened to the opening of parliament and stressing the inclusiveness. canada has this open expression and this desire for inclusiveness. it's not at all homogonous. it's a hetero genius society. do you fear there will be a reaction like after 9/11, we had to have bipartisan efforts with george w. bush at the time and stopping anger and discrimination against some in our society. >> when we reflect on the horrors of 9/11 and having an outside force come into your country and attack your nation
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so brutally, it shocked the world and was a wake up for all of us. we are dealing with two terrible incidents of local young men who somehow fell through the cracks and became radicalized. the message i have been hearing from canadians is because the values we have, we hold on to them. we sent our young men and women into the heavy fighting and we didn't lose our sense of openness and democracy. we are not going to lose it now. there will be some major division lines between us and the ruling government in terms of how civil liberties are protected and we will make sure our soldiers and public security are safe. we are not going to give up the principals on which our democracy is based. >> you spoke of the victim here, sergeant. tell us about him.
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>> nathan cirillo is a reservist. it's the same in the united states where we have many young people who volunteer and are in the army and carry on their daily lives. the war memorial to put it in context, this is the symbol in our country after the first world war where that was our first real taste of heavy duty bloodshed. we built this memorial that we would remember going down on the sun and in the morning, we remember that. it is a powerful symbol and it shows the pain and the frustration on the soldiers's faces. to have someone killed, remembering them is very emotional. it was very emotional being at the war memorial and seeing the crime scene tape across our sacred space. this man gave his and we will remember him and the sacrifice to those who put themselves in harm's way. it told us we have veterans
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after afghanistan that need to be looked after and need to make sure the veterans's hospitals are looked after. it is a time commitment that the nation owes them. that's something we should be debating among the other things. >> do you think this is going to change canada's commitment to remain in the military coalition against isis or isil, whatever you want to call it. it is controversial. >> certainly we had the debate in parliament and it was unprecedented not to have the full support of parliament, sending troops into harm's way. i'm not going on a day like this to get into why that happened, but certainly everyone believes that we are part of a larger international response. what is the right response and the role that canada should be playing supporting our allies. we have a long history in terms of the work and support we can do. our foreign affairs people from our party are on the ground in
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curd stan and they were telling us is the humanitarian support to get the refugees safe. this is where we felt we were stronger. the prime minister opted for the bombing mission. no matter how we voted on that, nobody intimidates us as a parliament. we have to make tough decisions. we disagree with each other. that's what democracy is about. we are not wavering in support for stopping this murderous gang or waivering in the support of the allies. we believe as the democratic party we had a different to play. we will be there supporting the efforts to bring peace to the region. >> charlie, good of you to come back today. thank you very much. our condolences to everything you have gone through. >> thanks for the american people who have given so much support this this. thank you. >> you bet. much more ahead on this, but first violent protests in ferguson, missouri last night.
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reacting to the official autopsy report for michael brown that reveals that the 18-year-old was shot times in all, but some reports leaked to the "new york times" apparently "the washington post" seems to back up claims that he scuffled with darren wilson before the shooting. the autopsy report is only one factor. experts point out it doesn't take into account eyewitness reports that can lead to differing conclusions. the lawyers said they had nothing do with the leak. only on msnbc. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this?
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incident. after 7:00 last night, a 23-year-old maryland man jumped over the fence and was apprehended by secret service officers and apprehended by the dogs. protocols releasing two attack dogs who did their job. the suspect was unarmed and charged with several felony and misdemeanor counts. this comes as a new government report is detailing secret service misconduct dating ba being to 2011 in another incident. kristen welker joins us from the white house. what i am fascinated by is jumping the fence as i am told by legal experts, government legal experts is a misdemeanor. the felony count is assaulting an officer which is the dog. the canine. assaulting the canine by punching the dog and he suffered bites as a result. >> it's pretty incredible, andrea. it really is. you can see in some of the video the suspect fighting back against the dogs.
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he is purchasing them and kicking them. the two dogs, hurricane and jordan had to be taken to the veterinary hospital afterwards. they are back on the job today, but the suspect also had to be taken to the hospital and suffered bites to the arm and back and chest. the secret service did what it was supposed to do. they were able to apprehend this man immediately after he jumped over the fence with the help of those two canine units. they released the dogs which is in stark contrast to what happened a month ago when omar gonzalez got over the fence. he was able to get deep inside the white house in a security breech. the mere fact that he was able to jump over the fence is still a problem for secret service officials. they put up that extra fence line after omar gonzalez jumped over the fence. does there need to be stiffer security here at the white house. that is among the things that the officials are looking into
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as they begin the investigation. this comes as we are also getting a dhs report that exposes misconduct from three years ago. according to this report in july of 2011, roving agency were diverted for a period of about five days including when the president was here at the white house to patrol an area where an employee lived. about a 50 minute drive from the white house. that employee complained she was being harassed by the neighbor. they found it was inappropriate that the agents were misdirected. adding to the urgency to resolve the protections and lingering issues about security and the white house and the capital area. >> does the secret service need to be overhauled. that's a challenge for the congress as well. i am joined from baltimore by elijah cummings. you are looking into all of this. i want to ask you about ebola. you have a hearing coming up. let's talk about the fence
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jumper. we are told by officials that the fence is historic. it can't be changed or shouldn't be for that reason. there a lot of jurisdictions should they make it taller. what should they do to stop the fence jumping and they are wo y worried about copycats. there increasing numbers. >> the system worked last night the way it was supposed to. this gentlemen was apprehended within seconds and i'm proud of the secret service. we have to strike a balance here. we want an open society where people can walk in front of the white house and we want to make sure that the president and the first lady and the family are protected. we are going to have to look at what this independent panel brings back to us. that's one of the things they will be looking at. by the way, the other thing is whether or not we need more surveillance type of technology
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to address some of these issues because one of the things that we know is we are not as up to date on technology as we should be. we will wait and see, but keep in mind when we look at what happened the other time when the fellow got into the white house. this time the system worked the way it was supposed to. i'm glad to see that. >> the dog certainly did their job. >> the dogs did their job. that's right. they are okay. and the man is alive. that's the other thing. he could have been harmed very easily, but the officers showed restraint here and his father, they tell me said the fence jumper has a history of mental illness. we don't want to see fence jumping, but under these circumstances, the system worked. >> i wanted to ask you about ebola. a lot of the people are raising
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questions about the cdc, updating their protocols and why weren't they issued initially to properly protect health workers? what do you want to hear from the government at the hearing tomorrow? i understand ron claim will not be there because because he has just taken charge. >> first of all, we heard there have been several hearings that put a microscope on what has been happening domestically. tomorrow is going to be more what's happening in africa and how our troops are being trained to go over there. what are the needs. we will have the international medical corps that will tell us what's going on on the ground there and how we can make sure when our troops go over there, they are able to come back safely and to hopefully be disease-free. we know that we have got to make sure that we address this issue at the source.
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that is in west africa. that is going to be the main thing. as far as the cdc is concerned, they have gone through a few difficult weeks, but i think they now have their act in order. they came back with these revised guidelines and hopefully we won't see any more cases, but again, i think we have to train our health care workers at every single hospital. they should be prepared for ebola. we have to make sure that protocol, we have the proper protocol and we are pretty much there. we have to make sure the protocol is followed. >> elijah cummings, thanks so much. we will be tracking the hearing tomorrow. look forward to that. roger goodell must testify in ray rice's appeal of the indefinite suspension. rice's lawyers insisted they punished the running back twice for the same offense. he said in a meeting he told
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goodell he hit his fiance, but he insists the story was ambiguous. the arbitrator ruled that the ravens's president and general manager must testify as well. you are watching, msnbc. [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. cvs health. twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it.
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just about as fortunate as a human being can feel. there is moments that i didn't know it was going to happen. it's nice to be here. >> indeed. nbc free lance cameraman in an exclusive interview with kate snow. before heading home to rhode island, ebola-free. an update on the two nurses being treated. nina fom is still being monitored by the doctors at the national institutes of health. amber vincent's family said she
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is one step closer to heading home. they had a message for amber and nina. >> these people are saving lives for a living. >> if they are watching and you can say something to them, what would it be? >> have faith. you will be okay. it's not easy, but you will walk out of that hospital and get ebola-free tests and it will be one of the best days of your life. >> not to be left out, there is bentley. nina's nationally recognized dog has one more test before his quarantine ends on november 1st. bentley's preliminary tests came back negative and he seems to be fine. we tried to catch up with chuck todd on meet the voters in iowa. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share.
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candidates and voters. iowa is the latest tour on the stop today. live in iowa and for the first time, live inside the meet the voter's rv and here in washington, we have washington bureau chief susan paige. tell us who you are talking to out there. >> we have traffic and weather on the 8s that has cleared up and no rain. the rain stopped. it was kansas yesterday and in kansas there is probably more buzz about the royals. a lot of royals fans on the kansas-missouri border as well as that senate race. what i took away from the senate race there is that the independent hit a wall and being considered. there is a chunk of voters who would like to fire pat roberts and they are not sure what they are buying. the sam pain raised enough
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questions where it seems as if he does need a little bit more of a closing argument. there is a theme both that i heard so far in kansas and here today this morning. i was with students at iowa state. there is certainly this yearning of can we see something get done. particularly in iowa. ready for this stat? if you were to have in california the same amount of saturation of political advertising as the state of iowa received in 2014, it would cost you $1 billion with a b to have the same level of saturation in california as they have here in iowa. there is one point our friends said. at one point there was one station that aired 21 straight political spots. 21 straight in between programs. it is total burn out in the
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state of iowa. >> that is just an incredible statistic. i wanted to show one of the ads, but you were talking to veterans about greg orman. let's play a little bit of that. >> i would rather see the candidates say this is what is good about me. >> what do you want to hear? >> i want to him him taking a side on anything. on anything. that's the whole problem. anything. if the man would say i don't like this and i will vote against it, that would be a start. all he continues to do -- that's the reason to keep asking the same question. he never takes a side on anything. as an independent, how do you expect anybody to think he is going to be for kansas when we know kansas has been predominantly a republican state for all these years. >> that was pretty amazing. it's true that greg orman has
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not said which side he would caucus with if he wins. that message is getting through to at least that voter. >> that's right. what was interesting is orman is trying to respond to that. last night it was very declarative. he would not caucus with the democrats or republicans if mitch mcconnell is the leader. what was fascinating, he didn't talk about the issues. he didn't mention an issue per se other than the future and the idea of our children and grandchildren having to carry the debt. what he is asking kansas voters to do is be part of a political experiment and see if you can become a leading trend setter to basically disrupt how the u.s. senate works. to try to force the two parties to reform themselves. on one hand it's a noble thing and a very agreeable idea. we are tired of the gridlock. that's a lot to ask of a voter who we conditioned voters so much, the two parties that you
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want to have a stand. you want to know what the condition candidates stand for. he said no, you need to fix the system before we talk about specifics on issues. that's a tough path. they might do it, but it's a tough thing. if they do, it could be incredibly disruptive. it is a political experiment we have not seen since the perot era. you talked about the ads. the latest ad going back to one of the themes that she first used to breakthrough and get a lot of attention there. this is of course the republican candidate trying to grab that seat from the democrats in iowa. >> it's a mess. dirty, noisy, and it stinks not this lot, the in washington. too many typical politicians. hogging, wasting, and full up --
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let's just say bad ideas. >> if you saw that ad 21 times in a row, i'm not sure what you would do. is it catching on in iowa? >> thing that you do take away from this race and you can help it, there was a singular moment that turned this race into a competitive race. susan knows this too. we have been reporting on this race for a while. not to say they wouldn't have targeted it. they wouldn't get what they wanted. there was questions. joanie learned that that nomination took the state by storm, but what convinced republicans to target it, that moment where he seemed to take a shot at the senior senator here, saying he is not a lawyer and he would be in charge. it came across condecenting.
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it galvanized and they made it vulnerable. you combined the fact that they caught fire by using her iowa roots as a hog farmer to sort of connect in a way that braley struggled to. you can't look at it and say the campaign tactics, ernst has the lead. the question is can she win the election? the democratic ground game that has been so dominant, can it overcome what has been a tough cycle i argue for bruce braley. >> chuck todd on the road in kansas and iowa and heading back for "meet the press" this weekend. thanks to chuck and chuck spoke to students in iowa about this race. the mood out there, it's very closely fought. joan i ernst with the
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commercials and chuck braley has not run the greatest campaign. >> if you look at who will control the senate, maybe just three that you look to to tell you whether they will be able to gain the seats they need. iowa, north carolina and colorado are the three most critical states for the senate. >> a tightening in new hampshire where they really locked in a very tight race. >> you talk about races we didn't think would be this close in the end. that would be one of them. that is a sign that there is in fact a republican waste which you would define where people didn't win or lose because of the overriding sentiment in the country. >> thanks so much. more from canada when we come back. stay with us right here on msnbc. about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage.
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>> that audio is from the ottawa attack yesterday. he was on the phone with his news desk and recorded the audio of the shooting while he was being rushed to safety. >> nick sweeney is on the phone. what you are saying now compared to yesterday. the government and the opposition in two rooms, holding the meetings to strategy.
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ists sitting in the rotunda and barely see the front doors from where they were sitting. and there was a bullet hole where the seat meets and it goes through the wood into the back and left a chip on the stonewall behind it. i was sitting here when i heard the word gun and the guards were there and i saw a bunch of people run from the area, about three or four other people who have been standing there and run. i got up immediately and took off down the hall way around the corner from where i was that connects to the rotunda when you walk through the front doors.
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three of them were standing in the hall way and trying to see what to do. i realize i had my back turned to the gunman and i was facing the service men who were going to try to take this gunman down and i realized i was in the middle of the line of fire. we jumped down a flight of stairs where he dove down and we ran down the second flight of stairs where we were rushed into a security office and that's where we were held safe. upstairs here, the gunman continued to walk up the stairs and firing his gun as rcmp or federal officers as well as security here on parliament hill had their guns drawn and upper firing as he walked through the hall of honor. the scary thing is this could have been way worse. he walked through to the caucus meetings where our government
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and official opposition were at that time. the prime minister was in one of the rooms and he was taken down in a hail of bullets. >> the presence of mind you showed was extraordinary. thank you so much. we will talk about politics here in the united states coming back. which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours? right here on "andrea mitchell reports." if i can impart one lesson to a
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massachusetts. not the first. she is repaying a debt she owed. she said thank you to the people who were with us in 2008. not a bad idea. >> good politics for 20 season. thanks for being with us. that does it for us. thank you for joining us. the parents of james foley, the american journalist killed by isis. follow the show online on facebook and twitter. ronan farrow daily will be here next. capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first? ideas for improvement started pouring out. with a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know... can help you grow.
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even by the police dogs, they tackled and apprehended him. according to the secret service, he was unarmed and no officers were hurt in the incident. but two of the canine dogs did have to be treated for minor bruising. the man has been charged with two counts of felony assault on a police officer. four counts of resisting arrest and unlawful entry and one count of making threats according to his father. he suffers from mental health problems. the court date has not yet been set. we are hearing from the free lancer who contracted ebola while working in liberia. he is feeling the effects of his battle with that disease, but he said he is not going to let the virus affect the rest of his life. >> do you know how you contracted ebola? >> that's the million dollar question. >> will you change what you do? >> i don't think i will change what i do, but next time i will be much,much more hesitant to
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