tv Morning Joe MSNBC October 24, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> young lashing kent. >> nicki c. >> all right. so we got some news here. we're talking about -- >> political news. >> a serious situation obviously in new york, but if they got it controlled, like if everything has been handled correctly shouldn't be too much of a problem. >> one question about the process, but it did go as it was supposed to go as they said it would. we'll start in new york city where a doctor who recently returned from west africa has tested positively for the ebola virus. at this hour dr. craig spencer is being treated at bellevue hospital. he's the fourth case diagnosed in the u.s. and first outside of texas. dr. spencer an emergency room doctor who was working in guinea for the group doctors without border. he returned to the u.s. on october 17th. officials say he did not return to work but within the past couple of days he did ride the subway and take a taxi to go bowling. spencer was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon after he report ad 103 degree
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fever and felt nauseous. unless he threw up or somebody was in direct contact with his bodily fluids experts say he's in no danger of infecting people by using public transport. >> experts have been wrong so many times you might hear that and say gee you know what they are trying to keep everybody calm. look at the dallas situation. in the dallas situation the people that were in could be tact with duncan, mr. duncan early on the first time with 103 fever, nobody got infected. that's where we are right now. it wasn't until went back in three days later the situation was much worse and he was really symptomatic in the advance stages. that's when this just explodes. they really still don't know exactly what safe guards to put in place. the medical workers. somebody says oh, my god i may have been in the same bowling alley with him or oh, my god i
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might have been in the subway, if you look what happened in dallas and look what's happening now there really is -- i have said there's a reason to be concerned. in this case, there's absolutely no reason for somebody to be panicked because they were within three blocks of the bowling alley. >> one question about the process. he's in isolation at the hospital, dr. spencer's fiancee is being quarantined. a team of disease detectives is tracing with whom he may have had close contact, adding that the city is fully prepared. >> there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarmed. new yorkers who have not been exposed to an infected person's bodily fluids are not at all at risk. we want to emphasize in new york city has the world's strongest public health system, the world's leading medical experts and the world's most advanced medical equipment. >> we are as ready as one could
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be for this circumstance. what happened in dallas was actually the exact opposite. dallas, unfortunately, was caught before they could really prepare, before they really knew what they were dealing with in dallas, and we had the advantage of learning from the dallas experience. >> press conference last night was at bellevue hospital. let's go there now. kristen dahlgren is there now. this is the place they said patients would go even if they came in from africa and landed at jfk and they would go to bellevue. they were prepared for this it appears. >> reporter: yeah. good morning, willie. they had plans in place for months now. one of the first things that cdc team that is here is going to be doing is double checking, making
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sure that all the protection and protocols are in place and this get to joe's point about the health care workers. in dallas it was the nurses treating thomas eric duncan who were infected with ebola. so the cdc team really going to be making sure that all of the health care workers here are taken care of. now, his fiancee, dr. spencer's fiancee also here at bellevue. she's in quarantine. two friends were told they would have toys late. not clear if it's here or in their homes. that cdc team will be tracing the other moments. just double checking, making sure they have been talking to dr. spencer. they are also going to look at his credit card to see where those may have been used and his metro card to see if there were any other trains that he was on. tracing his steps after he got back from guinea until he finally reported that fever and came into the hospital here. now there was a plan in place to get him to the hospital from
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bellevue. so that shows you they were prepared for this. the workers that went out there with the ambulance wearing full protective gear. the cdc said he followed all the protocols, finally reported that fever as soon as he saw that spike and so farther confident. they say they are close to nil chances that anyone else who was in casual contact would get this. >> kristen dahlgren, thanks. >> bellevue hospital about 23 blocks from us. a stone's throw. if you got a strong arm you can throw peanuts. >> like an international space station hook up. joining us need to know medical correspondent for pbs, dr. emily senay. emily, i'm going to go backwards and ask you when people come
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from west africa especially doctors treating ebola patients, wouldn't a good first step be to take a week of isolation and take your temperature before you actually mix with the public? >> well, yes. i think that's exactly what he did. he was taking his temperature twice a day. that's what the news reports have said and that's what the -- >> he didn't isolate which is not the rule. i'm wondering if that's an added measure. >> there's middle ground. fein you don't isolate, don't go to bowling alleys and stick your fingers in a lot of bowling balls. also don't ride subways, you know. there are -- you know middle steps. but, you know, you don't want him to be the boy in the plastic bubble but don't hang out in public places. >> should there be rules in place, don't you think? at this moment it would make us
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have less questions about who might have been exposed. >> sure. he was not working. he wasn't seeing patients. as i understand it, the number of contacts he had was very very small. now having the concern that people have about this and until we get more comfortable with "the new normal," because i think this is "the new normal," as long as we're going to have the problem in west africa this is going to be what we're confronting, how frequently i don't know. so, you know, that is up for discussion. but the science is very clear. you really can't spread this disease around until you're very, very sick. >> chances are good. that's what we were saying, doctor. chances are at this point, i mean he didn't spread the disease around. and the last thing we want to do is punish people that actually go to west africa -- >> absolutely right. >> -- they are soldiers in the front line war against a
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terrible disease. i'm wondering whether we don't put in -- >> are more of a process. >> protocols even for people returning. >> there are protocols and i believe he followed those protocols. you know, i'm anxious for the story to shift to west africa so we can all begin to understand better the challenges there and how intersects with what's happening here. i think that's the part of the story that maybe we should begin to focus on. i think -- i'm very confident that bellevue has this under control. they have been as many of the hospitals if not every hospital in new york state has been practicing and training. they doubled down after dallas. so i'm not worried about this doctor. he's going to be okay. and i'm anxious for his speedy recovery. but we got to start talking about west africa. >> no doubt about it. thank you, doctor.
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emily senay. let's turn to mid-term politics. this mid-term. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is the craziest mid-term. you have been covering politics for one and a half years. but i've been doing this since 1927. i've never seen mid-term elections where every day a new poll comes in and it's one point, two points, one point. >> this just isn't the internal polls which show a wider gap. they are looking desperate. >> the races, though. if you told me that, you know, at this point in the race it could be georgia that could save the senate and kansas for democrats, now it's not going to happen. but if those are the path, run to those states not to north carolina. >> here's the deal. we don't know if it's going to happen or not. we're talking about all of these trends. generals aren't supposed to fight the last war. everybody was looking at the last trends in the last week,
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mitt romney was gaining strength, 40,000 people in pennsylvania, 30,000 people here. we went to barack obama's speeches where everybody was just dead. new hampshire. seriously it was a morgue. we left oh, my gosh. but this is all coming on the ground game. if the democrats have the ground game, half the ground game in '14 as they do in '12 these close races flip democratic. >> i know of young volunteers that are flocking to kentucky trying to bring it home for alison lundergan grimes. they are so excited about this. all right. let's go through this. the new cnn poll shows jean shaheen up on scott brown. >> cory gardner has the narrowest of leads. the poll shows him two points up on senator udall. >> south dakota where democrats sprang into action late in the campaign, former republican
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governor mike rounds appears to be in command. leading the field by 24 points. >> it's internal polling but even if there's a margin of error of 12 -- >> not bad. >> and jean shaheen up in new hampshire, that thing is tight. >> new hampshire, colorado, kansas, iowa and as nick said georgia is fascinating. president obama was on the radio, didn't go there physically. he was on the radio which was a predominantly african-american station down there. they believe michele nunn can win that race. >> president obama's leadership is a big part of races. the administration's ebola response -- >> this is how people feel about donny. >> scott brown said that if mitt romney was president a clear plan would be executed. jean shaheen was asked whether she wanted the president to help
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campaign with her she said the timing doesn't make sense. >> he's busy in washington. he's dealing with the ebola threat. he's dealing with the threat from isis. he is where he needs. he would like to be running against the president in new hampshire because he doesn't want to talk about tissues that are important to new hampshire. >> yeah, like grimes a democrat makes a mistake by basically saying go away mr. president. of course the president is always welcomed here. i disagree with him on x, y and z. it's interesting these polls. i want to make a prediction or put a thought out there. i think what will swing it either way is the topicality the two or three days leading up to it is ebola and isis. these are two dark unmonies to. with dark unknowns people stay right, stay conservative. the news cycle is going to really dictate if we come off a weekend, say, there was another very visible isis scare and
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there's ebola now in two or three more states i think it all goes -- >> you never think things like that will have a big impact. you go on the largest level. george w. bush's old dui conviction in 2000 suppressed the evangelical vote in 2000. 2004 the osama bin laden tape endorsing john kerry. that was unfortunate. that didn't help john kerry at all. these last minute surprises -- i think donny is exactly right. an election i was told very early on going out of business sale and it only works from 7:00 in the morning to 7:00 at night and what happens before, the weekend before that going out of business sale can wipe out all your planning for the going out of business sale for the year before. >> thinking of going out of business we're running out of time. let's get four, six and seven. tv viewers across the country are seeing a lot of the same thing when their shows go to break. in north carolina, last week viewers endured a negative ad
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once a minute. msnbc reporter found that both candidates are viewed more negatively than positively in many races. in north carolina both candidates are upside down when it comes to favorableilty. similar in kentucky for alison lundergan grimes and mitch mcconnell. iowa, both candidates consistently rate more favorably. >> mitch mcconnell's unfavorable 11 points higher than favorables. in the past that would mean certain defeat. you follow the money constantly for the "new york times." we're now seeing the result on the other end of this that most people that get elected are upside down, have a negative rating with the american people even before they are sworn in on the first day. hard to govern that way. >> if you have $100 million in attack ads everyone will look bad. everyone is being called a jerk.
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mcconnell, he's kind of always had that problem in all his races and his magazinic is he manages to pull it out at the end. he always wins under the same conditions and may do so again. >> willie, new jersey news. >> chris christie, talk being about minimum wage the other day. now look to clarify his position, the position he took the other day. he said quote, he's sick of hearing about the minimum wage. he was trying to explain that parents should expect their kids to earn the lowest possible paychecks allowed under the law. congressman perez says he doesn't see it that way. he said chris christie has his head in the sand. secretary perez noticed the u.s. minimum wage trails behind dozens of other nation. the secretary says i mean we suck. >> yes, we do. >> thank you very much. you know what? he really cyrystallized things. >> supporters of senator
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elizabeth warren says the door may have opened for the running for president. during an interview with "people" magazine when asked about a possible white house bid she said in part in quote i don't think so but then added if there's any lesson i learned in the last five years it's be don't be so sure what lies ahead. there are amazing doors that could open. so that's kind of exciting. >> you're pretty excited about this. your candidate may be running. >> i just don't like the little snark in your voice. >> there's nothing but respect, deep and abiding respect. she's leaving the door open for a reason. she's hearing people telling her don't let hillary run off with this. >> every time she has a chance to totally slam this door shut
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she doesn't and she opens it a little bit. it's a clear sign she's watching, hearing from people but also she has a real cause. she has a set of issues that are deer to her that she wants to advance. it's a great way to advance. >> by the way, i'm not knocking hillary at all here but the truth of the matter is if you believe what elizabeth warren believes you don't want the standard bearer of the democratic party, your party to be somebody as tight and cozy with wall street. i get tight and cozy with goldman sachs if i want to. if i'm running for the democratic party nomination that will upset a lot of people who think like elizabeth warren. >> i would tell her to do it because she would get a six month platform to introduce her to the country and particularly as we look at the electoral map going into 2020 and georgia is possibly a blue state, a
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candidate who really liens left and has four years to establish their brand, it's not a bad idea as a brand introduction. >> hillary clinton is up huge in these polls. a lot of people in this country are resenting the coronation. >> i'll say it again. i think there's hillary fatigue. i really believe that on some level the american public, they have tremendous respect for her w-whether they like her or don't they want to change the channel. they believe she's certainly very vulnerable in a national election wasn't the right candidate challenging her in the primary. >> by the way, if she goes out and does a great job running against hillary clinton, the clintons won't like it, clintons will be angry and resentful, but you know what will happen? the same thing that happened to hillary when she was running against barack obama. you run a great race, people say
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boy you need her in your cabinet. there's no down side. >> i think hillary clinton could use a little bit of, you know, having some competition. >> watch out for her. >> she's been a rush deal at these events. these primaries are healthy. i think they can get out of hand as you saw in the republican party last time around. having a couple of people duke it out good for hillary clinton. >> all right. still ahead on "morning joe," new york congressman. >> nicki c. always gets it right. >> he's been covering politics for so long. >> new york congressman and member of the homeland security committee peter king will join us. what he's looking for in new york city's response to the ebola case. plus has mark zuckerburg figured out a way to get government officials to open access to facebook in china.
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quickly find the season's hottest shows, with a handpicked collection all in one place. only from xfinity. time now to take a look at the morning papers. "the washington post" has recently obtained a government report from the year 2000 shedding light on the treatment of monica lewinsky during the investigation into the bill clinton. the report says the prosecutor who threatened lewinsky with jail time exercised poor judgment and made mistakes in his analysis planning and execution of the approach. it goes on the say the matter could have been handled better. lewinsky was pressed by fbi agents to immediately wear a wire against the president. she was in a hotel room with these guys even as she tearfully asked to have a lawyer or her
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parents during the 12 hour grilling. >> this woman was used and abused by powerful men, mainly powerful men, powerful women, everybody, republicans, democrats, you name it. her life has been destroyed over the past 20 years. >> she was raked over the coals in the press, but meanwhile this was going on behind-the-scenes. >> traumaticized. made stupid immature decisions as a young woman and is paying for it with her entire life. she's not gotten jobs because of it. >> definitely. >> the "los angeles times," facebook has not been allowed in china for years but in a visit with college students, founder mark zuckerburg stunned the audience by speaking in mandarin. he tlaernd language because his wife and her family is chinese and emphasized to hire more people from china. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> pretty good. not bad at all. let's go the star tribune. >> willie and i have what we call mandarin mondays. >> you do? >> when we're over at the -- >> mandarin. >> okay. long time democratic political strategist frank has died at the age of 90 of a heart attack. he was political director for george mcgovern's bid for president but will go down in history for the shaping influence of his adult life. >> i have a short announcement to read, which i will read at this time. senator robert francis kennedy died at 1:44:00 a.m. today, june
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6th, 1968. >> gosh. chilling. absolutely chilling. okay. any other paper. >> let's go to deadline. deadline reports aaron sorkin reports christian bale will play steve jobs. he'll have more word to say in the movie than most people have in three lines combined. bale is not the first person to take a shot. ashton kutchner's role was panned. it had all the sex appeal of a powerpoint presentation. >> christian bale one of the great actors. steve jobs, oh, my gosh -- >> let's go the "daily news."
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zach galifianakis is back at it with another edition of his talk show much "between two ferns." he's interviewed everybody. now he sits down with brad pitt. >> it says bart pit. >> when you and clooney get dressed up in your tuxedos do you ever look at each other and say aren't we a couple of dapper dans. >> never happened. >> tell me the first time what happened when you laid eyes on angelina jolie. is it the classic love story like when ross first saw rachel in that show "friends" have you ever seen it? [ music of "friends" being played ] >> i like that song. >> got to watch the whole thing. >> the whole thing is amazing.
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two horrible jokes. >> zach says i have to liven this up. this is boring. >> i'm going to watch that. >> how much is your vote worth? steve rattner breaks down how much this election will be the most expensive congressional election in u.s. history. we'll be right back with more "morning joe". yeah, dinner sounds good. i could come by your place. my place? uhh... um... hold on. introducing the all-new volkswagen golf.
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get fire adapted now at >> i know it's a frightening situation. i know when you watched it on the news and it was about dallas it was frightening. that it's here in new york, it's more frightening. new york is a dense place. a lot of people on top of each other. but the more facts you know, the less frightening the situation is. >> i'm soothed. are you soothed, willie? >> it soothes me. >> that was had new york governor andrew cuomo urging residents not to be alarmed. after new york city doctor -- >> come on, donny, you're friends with this guy. >> i like andrew. his demeanor sometimes can be a
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bit strident. his warm and fuzzy stuff never comes out. >> i've seen him with his daughters. >> he's actually a really, really good decent guy. his demeanor very kind of arch and that's what it is. if he's going to run for national office he has to put some warm, fuzzy fairy dust. >> like fingers on a chalkboard. >> no. >> oh, my lord. all right let's move on. that was him talking about the ebola patient. >> by the way he'll win by 80 points this year. >> he has a book out. right. >> i can't wait to get that one. >> what's your problem with the governor. >> joe, come on, be nice. >> i have no problem with him. >> i'll arrange a dinner. >> i would like --
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>> you would really like him. >> i would like him in a second term to do something on school choice. he goes up and has a big speech and then quietly sort of bows down to the unions behind closed doors. i would like him to support children in new york state. i hope he'll keep fighting. >> i think he's been pretty good on charter schools and pushing back on de blasio. >> could you arrange a dinner, donny? >> come away respecting him and thinking he's a really smart decent guy. >> we're talking about his public image. >> i'm agreeing publicly his demeanor -- >> right. >> -- is strident. >> if he could just stay on the shallow level i would be fine. >> maybe hamptons clam bake. >> i love hampton inn. don't you love hampton inn. they don't know what they are. >> i'm a motel 6 guy myself.
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>> rattner you're looking at spending in this year's elections. >> what does it took like? >> it likooks like a lot. i made my contribution. well it's going to be interesting to talk about where it's coming from. $4 billion just for the congressional mid-term. >> most expensive. >> most expensive ever. last time around 3.6. if you go back to 2000 it was $1.7 billion. these are just the congressional races. don't include the governors races or another $100 million of spending out there. as you guys know better than i do, we're talking about what? maybe a dozen contested senate seats. few dozen contested house seats and $4 billion spending going to those races. what's interest cigarette to look at where it's coming from and how it's being used. so you have several -- >> where is it coming from? >> where it's coming from --
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also who is getting more. so if you look at this chart you see the candidate spending, this is the money that's raised from individuals mostly $2,600 a person for the general, $2,600 for the primary, 5,000 from p.a.c.s. >> republicans -- >> republicans are projected to have $$950 million to spend. democrats a little over $700 million to spend. when you look at the party money, you see that the democrats actually have a bit of an advantage. this is perhaps due to the fact that president obama has benton road doing party event after party event. so $582 million projected for this cycle versus 500 million for the republicans. >> what about outside spending. >> super p.a.c.s, 527, 01 c 4. >> is this styer versus koch brothers. >> biggest spender is karl rove
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at $40 million and harry reid at $40 million. >> harry reid's p.a.c. spent more and raised more than anybody else. most of the attack ads are coming from democrats. five of the seven top campaigns that have been attacked, republican campaigns been attacked by democrats. why do democrats have so much more money for attack ads than republicans. >> i don't think they have more money. it's a question of how they choose to spend it. you guys are better equipped to strategize how the campaigns are going. >> it sounds about a draw between republicans and democrats spending. >> that's tinting thing. people perceive republicans having this huge advantage and probably spend a bit more but pretty much a draw. second thing people perceive is all the super p.a.c. and outside money is dominating the election and in fact it's the old-fashioned money that's dominating the election.
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>> amazing. over the last 15 years for all the talk of guesting money out of politics how it's gone the other way. there are people who want to get big money out of politics, anonymous donors but nothing on the horizon to make you believe this number will go down. >> we're going the other way. an individual used to be limited of giving $100,000 in hard money and the supreme court ruled that unconstitutional. what could we do in this country with $4 billion to address the problems we have in education, in infrastructure and -- >> federal workers that could be kept out of work and not have to work and still be paid by the federal government. >> joe, do you think the supreme court -- >> four times as much than happening now. >> the supreme court made the worst decision as far as corporations being individuals because it's just going to continue. >> no, no, no, i don't. it's a scam issue. >> you think it's a good idea the supreme court said you as an
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individual could put, as a corporation can put a billion dollars behind a campaign and you think that's a good idea. >> i said all along what we need the most is transparency. republicans don't want transparency. democrats don't want unlimited spending. people should be able to give whatever they want to give. as soon as they give the money, scan it put on the internet and trace the money. ran the parency is the most important thing. if you're caught not being transparent trying to hide the ball you should go jail for a very long time. >> that whole irs scandal whatever you think did or didn't happen the fact that more and more organizations were hiding under this 501-c-4 exemption and not be transparent where they didn't have to disclose the donors. >> there you go, steve rattner stay with us. >> hold on a second. that's false. you cannot use money from a 501-c-4 for attack ads.
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the attack ads have to come for hard issue. the threes are the attack ads. there you go. i'm sorry. >> you can spend the money on political activities -- >> political activities. >> can't name the candidate but you can say do you think obamacare is a bad idea. make sure you think about how you vote this november. >> it has to be issue ads. >> has to be veiled. >> he was at a luncheon talking about his kids and had the telestrator. >> i take the telestrator away. >> we need to get a deal. don't you think we can get an endorsement deal? >> we can get a sponsor. >> first have to get it to work. >> that's the thing about it. okay. up next he's in charge of getting democrats elected to congress. good we can continue this conversation. >> that would being a great.
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>> congressman steve vael here. he'll explain why he wants more money from outside groups in this election. >> okay. >> plus the secretary of labor says the country quote sucks. >> yeah. >> okay. come on now. >> we'll explain why he said that. he made a very important point. >> i don't know. >> he'll be joining us this morning. there was no question she was the one. she reminds you every day. but your erectile dysfunction-that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready.
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♪ so should voters know that if they go out and vote for democratic candidate they will be voting for continue jays of barack obama's policies? >> voters should know when they go out and vote for a democratic candidate that they are voting for someone who has their back, who will focus on stengthensing our economy, getting the economy -- >> i'm asking as it pertains to barack obama. this is a question that a lot of people ask. >> joe, barack obama was on the ballot in 2012. >> right. >> and in 2008. >> if you vote for democrats are
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you voting for a continue jays of barack obama's policies. he says yes you are. do you agree with the president? >> if you vote for democrats, you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around and continuing to move us forward. >> all right, congresswoman thank you so much. debbie wasserman-schultz, thank you. >> i asked him if he was going to be difficult. he said no. joining us now democratic congressman from new york and chairman of the democratic national committee steve israel. >> can i ask you the same question. first of all, when people go out and vote, in your district and every district, are they voting to continue president obama's policies? >> i'll tell you what i tell my candidates, it depends on the districts. if they are going out to vote in nancy pelosi's district chances are people want to make sure that you have supported the president most of the time. >> right. >> if they are going to vote in the district you had chances are people are going to hold it against you if you supported
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president obama's policies any of the time. but the districts where it's competitive they are purple districts. i tell my candidates when people are around the kitchen table in the districts sometimes they agree with the president sometimes disagree. >> can we ask you, why is it so hard for candidates to say i voted for barack obama, you know what, he's done some stuff i've agreed w-some stuff i disagree with. >> they should tell people when they agree with him, when they disagree with him. in districts that are competitive most people are like that. >> let me ask you this question. this is another easy question that's tough for to you answer. why is it if republicans have been extremists right-wing tea party freaks all things you hear democrats saying why is it that republicans most likely are going to keep control of the house of representatives. >> there's several reasons. number one, it's a mid-term election. >> you'll say republicans will keep control. >> i don't predict and you won't get me to predict.
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number one every mid-term election is tough. ronald reagan lost seats at the height of his popularity in the second mid-term. number two redistricting has hurt us. we won with over 1.3 million more votes than republicans two years ago. we didn't get the majority. on issues, you look at the polling nationwide on paying a woman the same as a man, 80% of people agree with us, minimum wage 80%, immigration 70%. so on those issues people generally agree with us. mid-term election is tough. >> tough to get outside money and trying to get the support that some of the candidates need as well. >> last night, there was a $5 million check to john boehner's super p.a.c. that would be helpful. it's tough to counter that. you know how we do it. we go point by point with them. >> look at the number we're putting up. democrats have out raised the republicans by $5 million in the fall. >> yes. committee to committee. when you factor in the super
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p.a.c.s and the koch brothers and karl rove. >> i'm trying to through a compliment. how did you out fundraiser the republicans by 5 million six years in. >> our grassroots. you know those annoying emails it's that. i was in gettysburg once, i'm a military history buff and we were on a bus some guy taps me on the shoulder how it is possible you've been sipgt on this bus in front of me for two hours i got two emails from you. >> you're a military history buff. >> i do. >> do you do re-enactments. >> i don't go that far. >> thank god. congressman steve israel. >> coming up some analysts estimate that 10% of those joining radical islamic groups are women. why some western females are getting drawn in. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard.
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you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. and (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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>> we hear about girls wanting to fly to turkey. talk about the attraction, what's going on with the recruitment of young western girls. >> there's two parts to this. there's the environment in which the girls find themselves and the magnetic appeal of the groups like isis and others. to a lot of people who have spent time studying this from a psychological point of view find a lot of these individuals have similar characteristics, they suffer isolation from communities they live in. sense of isolation and sense of lack of belonging. there's this magnetic appeal to be a part of something that has this kind of like community sense. >> a movement to belong. >> when you put those together you get this dangerous attraction. >> what's the status right now of isis as far as the fight against isis? it seems that right now a bit of a stalemate?
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>> you know, when i look at it and i look at a group like isis that's fighting on multiple fronts i would say isis still has a lot of momentum. although we heard today from the usa saying kobani may not be falling they were able to push back isis a little bit. isis has made some gains in the last several weeks. so they are demonstrating a kind of resilience a lot of people didn't expect. >> okay. let's just go to the canada story for just a moment because clearly there are some signs that this shooter had some impulse but still appears he might have been on his own at least in your estimate? >> i think so. >> planning on going syria. he told his mother this. >> yeah. that's what we're hearing from the initial investigation. the emphasis also has to be on the individual. kind of goes back to this issue of recruitment you're talking about which is what's the background of this person. he had a drug history, criminal history. there's a difference between saying an individual is
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operationally linked to isis meaning there's some kind of a link to the group and some lone wolf who says i want to be part of something greater than myself. vulnerable and suddenly says this is a message that afeels me and i want to carry it out to make myself relevant. >> the latest on the condition. we'll have more on this coming up and the condition of new york city's first ebola patient and what new yorkers need to know. fear mongering and loathing. things are heating up between jean shaheen and scott brown. it's going to be an exciting final push to election day. we'll be right back. >> thanks a lot. if yand you're talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain
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♪ this happened in chile, a man boarded a bus end tried to snatch a woman's purse but as you'll see here it didn't go well for him. that's the guy. the woman is in the front row. he tried to grab furs. he again tries to pull it. as he does the door closes and now -- he's stuck in the door. and he's taking a real beating at the hands of the bus driver.
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i wonder if our bus drivers carry bats like that. the door opens he tries to get away. there's the police waiting for him. >> holy cow. he's glad to go into tarms of the police. >> i was disturbed by that. >> disturbed by what? >> why was that enjoyable to you. >> justice won out. >> street justice. >> you couldn't hear him crying. >> awful. welcome back to "morning joe." donny deutsch and steve rattner are still with us. >> he's a millennial. designee desifrtd. they are annoying. right. >> they are your kids. >> they are kids. >> your kids are millennials. >> there you go. >> they are the future. they are our future. >> that's frightening. think about that. we got a lot to get to this morning. so much politics to get to. first we'll begin this hour in new york city where a doctor who recently returned from west
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africa has tested positive for the ebola virus. at this hour dr. congratulation spencer is being treated at bellevue hospital. he's the fourth case diagnosed in the u.s. and the first outside of texas. he's an emergency room doctor who worked in guinea for the group doctors without borders and returned on october 17th. officials say he did not return to work but within the past couple of days he did ride the subway and take a taxi to go bowling. spencer was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon as he report ad 103 degree fever and felt nauseous. however unless spencer vomited or someone was in direct contact with his bodily fluids, experts say there's no danger he infected people by using public transit or going to public places. >> let's bring in dock are the eric braverman. we had ais yourances over the past month sore there was not much to worry about. of course, a lot of those assure janes have been incorrect.
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in this case don't we have a situation where the likelihood of anybody getting the virus on a subway or in a bowling alley at this stage of the sickness is highly, highly unlikely? >> listen, the united states has to remain the last great hope of mankind, it has to be a leader around the world. the world may not have borders, but we as physicians have to protect the public and we know the way epidemics move is they have a few cases, then more cases, and then you get a significant spread as the virus changes. and the reality is that no one knows when they are going to get this ebola, almost none of us know when we get the flu what was the contact in the office that got us the flu. epidemics have to be stopped by the basic rules of quarantine. this doctor had a lot of compassion but in reality he needed to be quarantined for 42
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days or more, and he needed to not have all those risk of contacts. even if he had sexual contact it may be 80 days that he should have been quarantined from sexual contact. >> that was the question we were asking at the top of the last hour is that when we have these incredible physicians who put their lives on the line to go help others in west africa when they come back should they have a period of isolation time and wouldn't that cut off any possibility that anybody else could get it? >> anyone traveling from there has to go to an ellis island way station temporarily around epidemics. you have to protect the public. compassion to others with illnesses always a doctor's core message but also do no harm. i mean in reality you end up doing harm if you end up spreading this disease to one or two or three other people. if it doesn't spread on this particular event it's like try to spread on another occasion. the basic rule of hygiene is not being followed here with the quarantine. we know that in the end the
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united states is not prepared for infectious disease spread and we have to get ready like we did with terrorism which is a whole message of hand washing, et cetera. >> if anybody has ridden a new york subway people packed in and people holding on the rails. we talk about body fluids. this doctor coughed in his hand-held a rail and the next person holds it can it be transferred that way. >> obviously. >> that's the thing. >> there's public bathrooms. look, he didn't even know he was transmitted to. he's a doctor -- >> he wasn't sick. >> it's a medical question because obviously we're not going to be able to trace the 80 or 90 people packed into that subway car. so when we say transferred by body fluids, does that mean literally what exactly -- we know we can't breathe it through the air. but now he's in a packed environment. >> that was already debated.
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may already have some aspect of being what we call aereosolized where it's breathed into the air. you can't predict viruses. flu virus killed as many or more in world war i. almost as many. so you're talking about pestulnce and disease that needs to be quarantined, a national plan of hygiene, study how you build up infection. simple drugs that treat flu treat similar diseases like dengy fever. there are alternative treatments to be taken. there are ways to protect yourself. there's a way in which a whole society can have a plan but there is no plan in place. >> so this is a perspective. dr. eric braverman. this is a perspective we haven't heard a lot from the medical community. i would like to point out that i
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believe the information is that if you are symptomatic you are then contagious. >> here's the situation. again, i don't think anybody can accuse me of glibly following the advice of the cdc or world health organization over the past several weeks. in fact i've gotten into some pitch battles about don't worry about it, everything is under control. no reason americans should take what people -- donny, in this case, chances are good if dallas and the other cases of this string of the virus are any indication, when somebody, before somebody gets the fever, or even after they first get the fever, remember all the nurses that treated duncan in dallas, he 103 fever. he was there. they were touching him. they were treating him. they didn't even know he had ebola. nobody at that phase of the
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disease got sick. it was only when he came back and they were putting on the hazmat suits and doing everything to protect themselves that at that point it became so contagious that it caused a real threat. that's why i think right now, i agree, we need to be very, very careful. we need to bend over backwards. in this case i don't think riding on a subway before you get a fever or even going bowling before you get a fever, based on what we know about this virus will spread the disease. >> what he was saying is kind of dangerous because i think it goes so far beyond anything i've heard or read about other authorities and what they think should to be done, needs to be done and so on. donny gave the example of someone coughing. first an interesting piece by the "times" expert they set the limits what the contagion can be. saliva is least contagious part. vomit feces is for dangerous.
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have to be symptomatic, cough. have to touch something. put your fingers in your mouth. >> not necessarily just in your mouth. possibly your face. also, those i will say, though, they have -- i think health care officials have bent over backwards too much trying to keep people calm. a doctor was on this side of let's stay calm. at the same time he talks about if somebody sneezes in your face there's particles and possibility of passing it that way as well. >> can i add to what you're saying? >> everybody has made the mistake, mika, of been over backwards so much so to make everybody calm. they made statements that ended up proving to be wrong. that's why i like having this doctor on to balance things out. >> i think the initial question that we started the show out with is the question of the day. they are now having to quarantine the people he contact with. somebody who is treating ebola patients in west africa there
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has to be a process of isolation when they come here. and then if they come down with the symptoms they are the only ones. >> they shouldn't get on the subways and go to bowling alleys sneechs allowed to. >> the most frightening thing about this virus, "new york times" saying you can only get it this way, this way or this with a th way. i keep going back to kent brantley who prepared for a month before the first ebola patient came over there he still doesn't know how he got ebola. the health care providers that got ebola still don't know how they got it. they took all the right protection. i read one story after another story they followed every protocol. they have no idea how they got the virus. so i don't like people coming out and saying oh, you can only get the virus this way, this way. we still don't know. there's still unanswered questions. even health care professionals don't know exactly how this spread. let me just say, in the later
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stages, not in the earlier stages where this gentleman was, mika i think a lot of people agree with you and the doctor somebody coming back from west africa probably should be contained. >> as we turn to mid-term politics now a new cnn/orc poll shoes jean shaheen up two points on scott brown in new hampshire. in colorado polls have shown congressman cory gardner with the narrowest leads. reuters poll shows him up two points over senator udall. south dakota where democrats sprang into action late in the campaign. former republican governor mike rounds appears to be in command according to his own internal field leading the field by 24 points. >> you keep asking the question day in, day out, do you see any trends out there? >> any trends. >> one tight race after another tight race. >> i guess the real trend is as the president's numbers continue
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to sink and the focus is on ebola and all the bad news, you're seeing the trend really towards republicans. i know they are very tight races. but at the same time if you look at a place like colorado or a place like new hampshire, you're not seeing the democrat moving up, you're really seeing that the race is either staying tight or the republican moving a little bit ahead. i think the same is true if you're looking at a place like north carolina that we thought was in the bag, maybe not in the bag but where the democrat was in a stronger position that race is tight. >> amy, they do all seem to be tightening. you're right. we have an ebola case in new york, two days from now everybody will be calm, people won't be jumping out of the windows, their hair won't be on fire. as long as isis and ebola is not on the front page and people aren't thinking about the president's leadership, i think in ten days these races tighten up even more. one of the races i'm really focused on, chuck todd driving
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right now through milwaukee. chuck todd express. look at that. so, you know, you're in milwaukee. i was actually saying the race i find most fascinating scott walker's race in wisconsin. this guy survived an election, a recount, or whatever and now he's in the fight for his life. >> reporter: he is, joe. obviously in this one, if he loses, the 2016 ambition that he had is probably done. what's interesting here is in the last couple of days, little bit of an alarm has gone off in walker world. all of a sudden the republican governor's association success asked to bring more money into this race. you know, the democrat here is mary burke is her name. she's a long time executive and part of the family that owns a
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trek bicycle. talking to republicans they say what has made this race harder for scott walker, believe it or not, not to say his first two races haven't been difficult plus the recall, is that unlike who he faced before, tom barrett, a former member of congress with a long voting record, mary burke doesn't have a voting record and it's a lot harder to paint her as some sort of old time wisconsin liberal, a madison liberal when she's a business executive. a democrat whose created jobs, worked for a business. so that's what's made this one slightly more difficult for walker and why he's more on a knife's negligeedge. >> are they serving i cchianti the back? >> we hypothesized earlier if the news cycle a few days leading up to it if isis there's another attack, ebola more
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outbreaks clearly forces it nor the conservative republican side. what could be a last two, three day news cycle, what could happen in this country that could tilt it in the other direction? what are the democrats hoping for as far as climate change? >> reporter: well, i think hat they are hoping for is no more ebola cases and no more isis news. it basically goes to what joe is hinting at. every day in these last ten days, where the main news cycle in any of these races is national and focus, either ebola, isis, terror attack in canada, and it's not the democratic party's closing argument of hey look at how extreme this republican candidate x is and if they get control of the senate they will do this. every day the democrats lose where they can't make their closing argument on that front is a day that that's much harder for them to pick up ground. i'm with amy here. it's not as if there's this mass civilian trend in favor of the
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republicans, it's like a slow leaking air balloon. a little bit. it's just very slowly, democrats are just fading just a little bit. they might be able to hang on in colorado, might be able to hang on in iowa. they need a day or two where they can do their closing argument and haven't controlled the news cycle in a long time. it's no national headlines. no national news is what they need. >> no news is dood news for democrats. chuck todd thank you so much. >> where your going. >> that looks very cool. congratulations, chuck, some strong numbers from last week's "meet the press." a lot of people talking about just how strong his performance was. great to have you there. we now have -- let's continue with our conversation. >> so, amy, just to keep going around the country, can you talk for a second hat you think is happening in georgia and kansas where there are two races that look like the democrats had no hope certainly in kansas, tough shape in georgia and now who knows or maybe you know.
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can you give us your take. >> both of those complicate the math here for republicans. they would love to be talking just about national issues and just about those races that we talked about at the very beginning. they got figure out how to win in two states that really should be easy wins for republicans. in kansas i think you have a republican incumbent who certainly is in trouble, who never found a way to really ingratiate himself with the party. the question for the independent candidate is can he outrun the avalanche that's behind him. you started to see the amount of money coming in from republicans. just doubling, tripling over the last week. and his numbers now, the lead that he had over pat roberts starting to shrink a little bit. can he make it in these last ten days with the big wall of ice right behind him and snow right behind him and make it to the finish line.
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the difference between somebody like pat roberts at 43 and another democratic candidate is it's easier to get undecideds in a republican state than a democrat to get decideds in a republican state. >> amy walter thank you so much. still ahead, congressman peter king is with us this morning. we have a lot to talk to him about from ebola to the canada terror shooting and what was behind a very disturbing attack object police officers in queens. chris christie said he's tired of hearing about the minimum weak. the secretary of labor says he's not so tired of talking about it. it's time for the new jersey governor to get his head out of the sand. secretary perez joins us next. later he sold more than 120 million albums worldwide. the legendary neil diamond joins us on set. you're watching "morning joe".
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♪ i'm tired hearing about the minimum wage. i really am. i don't think there's a mother or father sitting around a kitchen table tonight in america saying you know honey, if our son or daughter could just make a higher minimum wage my god all our dreams would be realized. is that what parents aspire to for their children? they aspire to a greater growing america where their children have the ability to make much more money and have greater success than they had and that's not about a higher minimum wage, everybody. >> dumb. that's like a romney comment. >> now he's trying to walk back. >> talk about out of touch. lack of empathy. i bet there are parents around a kitchen table and kids saying boy if we get a couple of other bucks. that would help us.
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shame on him. >> bottom fifth of americans earn less than the minimum wage. >> i wish christie would come back on the show and get over this wall he's put up. governor christie is trying to clarify those remarks pep said he was simply trying to explain that parents shouldn't be expecting their kids to earn the lowest possible paychecks under the law but u.s. labor secretary tom perez doesn't see it that way. he says quote chris christie has his head in the sand and getting tired about the minimum wage and secretary tom perez joins us now. i would also like to quote you, sir. you said in terms of the minimum wage let me find your words," we suck." would you like to clarify those statements or maybe not. where do we stand on the minimum wage. i would like to see it raised. why is this a political issue when the wage is as low as it is? >> well, you know, we are the third lowest minimum wage of all
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the oecd nations. third lowest. >> that's pathetic. >> it is pathetic. it's 20% less than it was 30 years ago. so if you're going to take a job today and someone tells you you got to take a 20% pay cut from what you were making 30 years ago you can't do that. i met with low wage workers in new jersey. they are tired of working three jobs and living in poverty. i met with baggage handlers from newark airport. the only raise they got is when the voters of new jersey voted overwhelmingly, i think it was north of 60% to increase the minimum wage. i met parents at their kitchen table and they are fearful because they look at their pile of bills and they got to choose between paying the medical bills or paying the utility bills and that's what people are living day in and day out. what i don't understand as much as anything about what governor christie said is the minimum wage is not simply about teenagers. the average age of a person who
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would benefit from ten ten is 35 years old. the people in met in new jersey when i did this event with cory booker months ago these were mothers. i met a mother who is a grocery clerk. you know mother of two. trying to survive. i met a guy who said, you know, i can't buy my 16-year-old a birthday present because i got no money. so these are the struggles. those are the folks who are exhausted. they are tired of politicians who can't solve this problem, and, you know, newt gingrich and bill clinton got together to solve this problem. george herbert walker bush, george w. bush. this has been a bipartisan issue. every president except two since fdr have signed an increase in the minimum wage. by the way, business owners are the ones who tell me as much as anyone, i need more customer, tom. we got to put money in people's pockets opinion that's what minimum wage does. >> i agree with everything you
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are saying. there's some push back to it. i think overall it is a joke that people have to work three jobs just to barely get by and this shouldn't be what this country stands for. steve rattner there's also an argument you raise the minimum wage and raise it significant lir because it should be not just a buck, less people will be depending on the government to support themselves and that ultimately will balance out financially. >> i don't think there's any question about the minimum wage and whether it should be raised. i think secretary perez made the case very elow consequently. what i would ask the secretary to talk about if chris christie was less ham-handed on this what he might have said fine let's raise the minimum wage, it's very important. i agree with the administration, et cetera, et cetera. that addresses the bottom 20% of workers. you have a situation in which the rest of the workers except for the top 1% have seen their wages go down consistently and even today they are still flat and so the question christie
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might have foesd you guys if he wanted to be less steve handelsmaned -- ham hand. >> the minimum wage is one part of a very broad base strategy to help lift people's wages and help make sure that we have steady, a good middle class and -- >> how do we get wages up across the board? >> one way to do it is you stimulate consumption. 70% of gdp growth is consumption. when you put money in people's pockets they spend it. when they spend it people hire -- businesses have to hire more people. it puts upward pressure on wages. we're investing in our skills of our people so that you look at manufacturing. we're growing manufacturing like no way since the mid-'90s. those are good middle class jobs. our investment in the energy sector. all of the above strategy in the energy sector is producing remarkably good middle class
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jobs. you look at i.t. and cyber security. we're investing in those sectors. >> but wages are flat. when are they going to go up? >> when we put -- when we have more consumption because, again, consumption is 70% of gdp growth. when you have a transportation bill that's long term, that puts construction workers to work, these are middle class jobs. the chamber of commerce and the afl-cio, they agree on immigration reform. they agree on transportation investment. those are tried and true ways. what all those -- those two things and the minimum wage what they all have in common they enjoyed bipartisan support. dwight eisenhower brought us the interstate highway system. all these presidents, republicans and democrats who signed increases in the minimum wage. immigration reform, ronald reagan and others. we know what works. we need leader boehner to let these votes happen in the house because the majority --
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>> secretary tom perez, thank you so much. we have a lot to talk to you about. will you come back? >> i would love to come back. always goobd with you. >> thank you very much. take care. what do you think about what he said? >> i'm sympathetic to his problem. the minimum wage is obvious, it's a political problem. the middle class problem is a real problem and you've heard him honestly say we don't know how to solve it and that's not a political statement it's one we just haven't figured out the solution to it. we really need. >> i like a lot what he had to say about the minimum wage. >> he's in the right place. >> coming up he served as america's top diplomat in the most dangerous parts of the world. christopher hill joins the conversation along with former director of cia and nsa michael hayden. how dna may be the key to our future. the author of "the invisible history of the human race." we'll explain that. "morning joe" will be right
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back. (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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brzezinskis. >> with us now, former ambassador and currents dean of international studies at the university of denver christopher hill. he has a new book, "out post." also joining us is michael hayden. donny is sitting in between them. >> i thought you were laughing because i called him admiral, sergeant and then director. >> i love donny. that's all right. >> i think back, i'm from p pensacola, big navy time. guys trained as pilots and you knew they wouldn't see much action. maybe a run over libya. i'm looking at this book, you could have never imagined in the mid-1990s what was going to
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happen. nobody could have. our world changed so radically. what kind of an impact indict have on what you did and what you saw? >> well, we had a secretary of state named larry eagleberger who said after the fall of the soviet union a lot of people are going regret this because we're in a whole new world. >> it was supposed to be end of history. it was really the beginning. >> yeah. it started again. it's bean really rough ride. i can't think of a tougher time than we're going through right now. >> how surprised are you that the iraqi army just meflted away in a week or two? >> i'm not that surprised. these things are tough to do. when you have 1300 years of culture it's hard to trunk with a couple years of politics. we have a long way to go in iraq and frankly putting that country together, getting sunnis to agree to shia leadership it's tough. they are the only sunnis in the entire middle east to live under
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shia and they don't like it. >> at the end of the day whether we like it or not will we end up with a country that's split up three, four, five ways. >> or sections. >> when you start changing borders you can look forward to more wars. that's not necessarily an easy solution. but it might be a bad idea whose time has come. we'll have to say. >> you worked for 11 secretary of states, was in the civil war in bosnia and toughest challenge for you you had to fly around in small planes with michael hayden and holbrooke. >> part of it was great. that part was tough. the country misses dick holbrooke. >> general, can you believe, i voted against military involvement in the balkans, i voted against military involvement in kosovo because i said what everybody said, air dropping some bombs won't change some things.
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can you believe how dramatically the balkans are today because of what the united states did. >> it did work. there's another factor. the combatants exhausted themselves by the time we intervened. there was a marriage. exalternatival power, natural jobs the united states, the force we put on the ground in bosnia. at that point too, i think the combatants were looking for the exit. >> totally different than what's happening in the middle east where you have a group of people who are itching for a fight. >> at the present time. you can contain it, control it, at some point you can have hope that they are looking for exit ramps too. >> donny? >> okay, guys. let's do little war games. isis. you're sitting with president obama, this is the greet evil empire in 2014. scariest we've seen as observer in my lifetime. what's the play for obama. >> what are we not doing >> of end in government you take
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three possibility as end two of them are kind of impossible and you go with the middle one. one that's impossible is putting u.s. boots on the ground. no one in the u.s. want it. very few people in the region want it. that's out. second idea is you ignore the whole thing pretend it's not happening, pretend it's not important and that's out. what the president is doing is what he has to do but, you know, the odds are stacked. >> did the president make a mistake in 2010-2011 when he moved out of iraq? >> i would say the iraqis didn't want to haverycy dual u.s. force there's. every individual iraqi would say i want them. but my friend don't want them. nobody wanted it. the idea that 10,000 american troops somewhere in a desert in iraq was going to prevent this isis thing from happening. >> you don't blame isis you don't blame the void on the president's decision. >> it goes to a lot of things and it goes deep try to the question iraq in this post-u.s. occupation. >> general, let me ask you, how could this have been avoi snode.
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i'm less forgiving. 10,000 troops don't defeat isis. continued american troops put a damper. i don't think maliki acts as bad. >> by the way, the 10,000 troops don't put the pressure on isis as much as they do on maliki. >> right. with our being gone all three groups go to their corners and think the very worst of the other two groups. >> how heartbreaking is to it see what we were able to see happen in 2006, 2007, 2008 anbar province and now seeing anbar province -- it's heartbreaking. >> i can't imagine what family of the marine or soldier killed in anbar must think now. >> i'm talking about the sunni awakening in anbar and it was one of the great successes we could point to post-2001.
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>> general hayden and i were talking about that before. is not about big time strategy. this was about sergeants, corporals, lieutenants, kind of figuring out the battlefield and doing the right thing. it was really amazing. it was really reminiscent of what our troops did in the latter wart of world war ii, figuring things out, improvicing on-the-spot. they deserve all the credit for this. you're right it is heartbreaking. >> you guys, i can talk to you guys for three hours. but they are yelling at me in my ear even though i seem to be so calm and placid. i have to go break. they are shoving profanities. >> the book is "outpost." >> next time you're in new york come back. >> he's coming back with my dad. >> oh, my god you have to hang out with holbrooke and dr. zin. what did you do in a past life to deserve a terrify bail fate? >> i joined the foreign service.
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>> how about ian brzezinski or mark brzezinski. >> i worked with him. >> in the bush administration. >> yes. >> he told me he was beat up by his sister and never got over that. >> really? >> the book is "outpost." christopher hill thank you so much. general we love having you. how are the grandkids? >> fine. >> bring them to new york. >> coming up what's being done to protect 8 million new yorkers now that the ebola virus is in the city. the commissioner of the new york health department joins us. you make a great team.
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very nice have you on the show this morning. we were just talking about this this doctor who just came back from west africa, guinea where he was working. he was working with doctors without bothered. he's a hero. >> we have to stop this epidemic at its source, and that's in west africa. this young man is a courageous young man. designee came back on the 17th. appears he followed the code. took his temperature twice a day and immediately upon something being different and possibly fever and little bit of nausea he went to the hospital. do you think there might need to be more from the get go when one of these doctors, one of these heroes returns from the front lines ever fighting ebola should they isolate themselves, should there be a process where that's required for some time maybe ten days? >> let's make it clear that when he left guinea and he finished working with ebola patients he was actually working in an ebola
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treatment unit on october 12th. he was completely well. and as you said, people who have ebola who are well are not contagious to others. he was well when he got on the plane to europe, he was well when he boarded a plane for the united states and when he got home he did all the right things. he monitored his temperature twice a day. and when he developed a fever and it was a low grade fever, the number reported in the press 103 was not correct. >> really? >> 100.3. >> you're kidding. >> when i was an intern we didn't consider that -- >> he literally followed every rule. >> he followed every rule and he called for help. >> that's not my question. >> i under what you're saying. it does here say the information say he came home and actually did isolate himself for the most part until the last couple of days. >> do you think that should be required when it comes to family and intimate players in their
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lives. >> i'm sure -- i'm guessing i don't know this for a fact that he and his fiancee had this conversation. let me reiterate that he was -- he was well. he took his temperature the moment that he developed a fever. let's remember thomas eric duncan whose partner lived with him when he was sent home from the hospital with a high fever, looked after him while he had diarrhea and had been very sick. she's been released from quarantine. she wasn't infected. >> let's talk about the difference between dallas and new york city. we heard andrew cuomo talk about the fab that new york was prepared. bellevue, especially. talk about the preparation. >> since the end of july we've been working very hard to ensure that we had all the systems in place. and yesterday all of those systems were tested and all of them worked. we needed to make sure that we could identify patients, get them isolated.
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we began work with bellevue hospital, the flag ship of our public hospital system to make sure that they had a unit ready for patients and that unit is where that patient is today. >> so his fiancee is in quarantine, two friends are being monitored, just the numbers, how long do we have to wait? >> 21 days. three people have been served with quarantine orders. >> all right. doctor, thank you so much for being on the show. keep us posted. >> thank you for calling him a hero. he is. >> still ahead a heightened sense of security after a man attacks a group of police officers with a hatchet. congressman peter king joins us with some new information on that story. but first, how much would you want to know about your future? the answer may be as simple as looking to your past. >> oh, oh, donny bad news for us. >> we'll be right back. (vo) you are a business pro. solver of the slice.
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about dna. he basically says we are dna machines and we can't help ourselves. and i said i can't help not paying you to go to college because my dna is telling me not to write the check. >> it contributes a great deal to us. it gives us -- it really influences us. it shapes our traits. it is not in very rare cases determinative. there are conditions you can get from your genes that will shape your life in a serious way. but most of the information we get from our genome is about risk. with you're at high risk for something or low risk for something. it's actually incredibly useful information because you cap use that. >> i'm interested in how it impacts identity. >> yes, so one of the most incredible changes over the last five years or so in dna -- we've been interested in it for a long time because of what it can tell
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us about our future but it can also tell us about our past. people are sending samples to companies like ancestry -- >> oh, you're polish, okay. >> you can find out about your parents, your grandparents, your great grarnd parents. people who contributed to your genome from tens of thousands of years ago and many layers in between. >> we take the dreaded scarborough dna in a box, we send it to the nerve dna center. what are the kinds of things he could literally find out? obviously, predisposition to disease. that his great great great great great grandfather was -- explain that exactly. >> as far as identity from the past is concerned, you might find out that someone contributed to your dna that you've never heard about. maybe there's a great grandparent in the mix that is native american. or that came from ireland when you thought you came from germany or something like that. so you can find out that kind of
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ancestral information. and when you send your sample out to these companies, they put your dna in this massive database. everyone's samples have gone in. they compare bits of your genome to bits of everyone else's genome. you can work out if you're third or fourth or fifth cousins. and you can get together with those people you share dna with and work out which common ancestor bequeathed that to you. >> how much does that impact our limes, our daily lives? you know, when we go home, how we really act to things. our emotions. whether we explode or sit there calmly. >> in terms of identity information, i think there's a lot of fear over the last ten years that people will react very badly. they'll find things in the past that are very distressing or that it will really disrupt their sense of who they are, but that was this kind of anticipatory fear. people have been doing really search showing when people
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discover something new and something they weren't expecting, you know, the reaction is a really positive human one, to learn more, expand their sense of self-rather than shrink it down. >> the book is the inchrisable history of the human race. thank you so much. it's so great to meet you. >> congratulations. >> yes, amazing. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, the reason why voters may be finding themselves picking between the lesser of two evils. well, that's not a fun choice. we'll explain that. and the great neil diamond will be with us. they're coming. what do i do? you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now.
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welcome back to "morning joe." donny deutsch and nicholas are still with us. >> on to some political news. >> a serious situation obviously in new york. if they got it controlled, like if everything's been handled correctly, shouldn't be too much of a problem. >> one question about the process, but it did go as it was supposed to. >> we'll start in new york city where a doctor who recently returned from west africa tested positive for the ebola virus. at this hour, dr. craig spencer is is being treated at bellevue hospital. he is the fourth case diagnosed
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in the u.s. and the first outside of texas. dr. spencer is an emergency room doctor who was working in guinea for the group doctors without borders. he returned to the u.s. on october 17th. officials say he did not return to work but within the past couple of days he did ride the subway and take a taxi to go bowling. spencer was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon. however, unless spencer threw up or someone was in direct contact with his bodily fluids, experts say there is no danger he infected people by using public transit or going to public places. >> by the way, experts who have been wrong so many times that you might hear that and say, gee, you know what, they're just trying to keep everybody calm, look at the dallas situation. the dallas situation, the people who were in contact with mr. duncan early on when he first went to the hospital with 103 fever, nobody got infected. so that's where we are right now. it wasn't until we went back in three days later the situation
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was much worse. >> symptomatic. >> he was really symptomatic. in the advance stages. that's when this just explodes and they really still don't know exactly what safeguards to put in place to keep him safe. the medical worker, so if somebody's sitting there going, oh, my god, i may have been in the same bowling alley with him or, oh, my god, i may have been in the subway, if you look at what's happened in dallas and you look at what's happening now, there really is -- i've said, there's a reason to be concerned. in this case, there's absolutely no reason for somebody to be panicked. because they were within three blocks of the bowling alley. >> still have one question about the process this morning. he's in isolation at the hospital. dr. spencer's fiance is being quarantined but is not showing any symptoms of ebola. officials say a team of disease detectives is tracing with whom he may have had close contact. adding that the city is fully prepared. >> there is no reason for
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new yorkers to be alarmed. new yorkers who have not been exposed to an infected person's bodily fluids are not at all at risk. we want to emphasize in new york city, as the world's strongest public health system, the world's leading medical experts and the world's most advanced medical equipment. >> we are as ready as one could be for this circumstance. what happened in dallas was actually the exact opposite. dallas unfortunately was caught before they could really prepare, before they really knew what they were dealing with in dallas. we had the advantage of learning from the dallas experience. >> the press conference last night was at bellevue hospital. leapt's go there now. nbc's kristin dahllof is outside bellevue hospital. it had the benefit of watching dallas and learning from that and training. this is the place they said
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patients would go even if they came in from africa and landed at jfk, they'd go to bellevue. they were prepared for this. they're handled it the right way, it appears. >> yes, good morning, willie. they've had plans in place for months now. one of the first things the cdc team that's here is going to be doing is just double-checking, making sure that all the protections and protocol are also in place and this really gets to joe's point about the health care workers in dallas. it was the nurses treating thomas eric duncan who were infected with ebola. so the cdc team really going to be making sure that all of the health care workers here are taken care of. now, his fiance, dr. spencer's fiance, also here at bellevue. she's in quarantine. two friends were also told that they would have to isolate. it's still not clear whether that will be done here or in their hopes. that cdc team is going to be tracing the other movements. just double-checking, making
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sure they've been talking to dr. spencer. they're also going to be looking at his credit card to see where those may have been used and his metro card to see if there were any other trains that he was on. really tracing his steps after he got back from guinea until he finally reported that fever and came into the hospital here. now, there was a plan in place to get him to the hospital from bellevue. so that shows you they were prepared for this. the workers who went out there with the ambulance wearing full protective ge ivive gear and tht him here. he came through the screening at jfk. the cdc says he did follow all the protocols. finally reported that fever as soon as he saw it spike. so far they're confident. >> by the way, bellevue hospital, about 20 blocks from us right here. a stone's throw. if you've got a strong arm, you can throw peanuts and hit it.
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the delay there, longer than remote parts of pakistan. have you noticed that? >> it was like an international space station hookup and it's right down the street. >> now, medical correspondent for pbs dr. emily senay. when people come from west africa, especially doctors that are treating ebola patients, wouldn't a good first step be to take a week of isolation and take your temperature before you actually mix with the public? >> well, yes, and i think that's exactly what he did. he was taking his temperature twice a day. that's what the news reports have said. >> but he didn't isolation, which is not the rule. i'm just wondering if that would be an add eed measure. >> there is middle ground. even if you don't isolate, don't go to bowling alleys and stick
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your finger hgs s in a lot of - mean, there are, you know, middle steps between -- you know, you don't want to make them the boy in the plastic bubble but at the same time maybe don't hang out in public places like that until you're sure. >> should there be rules in place, do you think? wouldn't that make it even -- at this moment, would be less questions about who was exposed. >> he was not working. he wasn't seeing patients. as i understand it, the number of one tacts he had was very, very small. now, the concern that people have about this, until we get more comfortable with the new normal, because i think this is the new normal, as long as we are going to have the problem in west africa, this is going to be what we're confronting, how frequently, i don't know. so, you know, that is up for discussion. but the science is very clear. you really can't spread this
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disease around until you're very, very sick -- >> chances were good -- that's what we were say, doctor, chances are, at this point, he didn't spread the disease around. the last thing we want to do is punish people today who actually go to west africa. these extraordinary -- i mean, they are soldiers in a frontline war against a terrible, terrible disease. i'm just wondering whether we don't put in -- >> more of a process. >> yeah, protocols even for people returning. >> there are protocols. i believe he followed those protocols. you know, i'm anxious for the story to shift to west africa. so we can all begin to understand better the challenges there. and how that intersects with what's happening here. i think that's the part of the story that maybe we should begin to focus on. i think -- i'm very confident that bellevue has this under control. they have been -- as many of the hospitals, if not every
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hospital, in new york state, has been practicing and training. they doubled down after dallas. so i'm not worried about this doctor. he's going to be okay. i'm anxious for his speedy recovery. but we've got to start talking about west africa. >> no doubt about it. thank you, doctor. greatly appreciate it. let's turn to midterm politics now. this midterm. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is the craziest midterm. it's crazy. like, you have been covering politics for 1 1/2 years. but i've been doing this since 1927. i've never seen midterm elections where everyday a new poll comes in and it's one point, two points, right? >> this isn't just the internal polls, which show a wider gap, but that's when they're really looking desperate. >> it's the races. if you had told me that, you know, at this point in the race it could be georgia that could save the senate and kansas, for
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democrats. it's not going to happen but, you know, those are the -- the path run through those two states. not through north carolina. >> here's the deal, we don't know if it's going to happen or not. we're talking about all of these trends. i know generals aren't supposed to fight the last war. but everybody was looking at the trends. mitt romney was gaining strength. 40,000 people in pennsylvania. 30,000 people here. we went to barack obama's speeches where everybody was just dead. new hampshire, it was like, seriously, it was like a morgue and we left going, oh, my gosh. this is all coming under the ground game. if the democrats have the ground game, half the ground game in '14 as they have in '12, these one-point races flip democrat. if republicans have learned their lessons, they just may take the senate. >> >>cy. >> i know young volunteers flocking to kentucky trying to bring it home for allison grimes. they're so excited about this. the new poll shows democratic
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senator jeanne shaheen up two points on scott brown in new hampshire. >> in colorado, the polls have shown congressman corey gardner with the narrowist of leads. the reuters/ipsos poll show him two points up on udall. >> south dakota where democrats sprang into action late in the campaign. former republican governor mike rounds appears to be in command, according to his own internal polling. >> and, again, of course, it's internal polling. even if there's a margin of error of say, 12, he's doing okay. and jeanne shaheen up in new hampshire. that thing's tight. >> new hampshire, colorado, kansas, iowa. georgia, just fascinating. president obama was on the radio -- didn't go there physically. he was on the radio v-103, predominantly african-american station down there it trying to get out the vote. they really believe michelle nunn can win. >> president obama's leadership is a big issue in statewide
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races including new hampshire. i want to know what donny's strategy would be. >> this is how a lot of people around here feel about donny. >> part of the debate last night, scott brown said if mitt romney were president, a clear plan would be executed. shaheen accused her opponent of fearmongering but when asked whether she wanted the president to help campaign with her, she said the timing didn't make sense. >> huh? >> the fact is, he's busy in washington. he's dealing with the ebola threat. he's dealing with the threat from isis. i think he's exactly where he needs to be. he would like to be running against the president in new hampshire because he doesn't want to talk about the issues that are important to new hampshire. >> yeah, i -- just like grimes, i think a democrat makes a mistake by basically saying, go away, mr. president. you can say -- of course the president's always welcome here. i disagree with him on xyz. it's interesting, these polls, i want to kind make -- i don't want to say a prediction. i think what is going to swing it either way is the topicality
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the two of three days leading up to it of both ebola and isis. these two great dark unknowns. with dark nines, people tend to stay conservative. i really thing the news cycle is going to really dictate if we come off the weekend, say, there was another very visible isis scare and there's ebola now in two or three more states, i think it -- >> you know, you never think things like that are going to have a big impact but you just go on the largest level. you go george w. bush's old dui conviction in 2000 actually suppressed the evangelical vote in 2000. 2004, the bin laden tape endorsing john kerry. that did not help at all. these last minute surprises. i think donny's exactly right. an election i was told very early on is a going out of business sale. it only works from 7:00 in the
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morning to 7:00 at night. what happened the weekend before the business sale can wipe out all your plans for the going out of business sale the year before. >> let's try to get four, six and seven in. tv viewers across the country are seeing a lot of the same things when their shows go to break. political attack ads. in north carolina for instance, last week, viewers endured a negative ad once a minute. an nbc reporter found that both candidates are viewed more negatively than positively in many marquee races. in north carolina, both candidates are upside down when it comes to favorability. similar story in kentucky for both grimes and mcconnell. "the washington post" notes one bright spot, iowa, where both candidates consistently rate more favorably. >> that would in the past mean certain defeat. but you know you follow the money constantly for "the new york times". we're now seeing the result on the other end of this that most
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people that get elected have -- are upside down. have a negative rating with american people even before they're sworn in on the first day. hard to govern that way. >> if you have $100 million in attack ads, everyone's going to look bad. everyone's being called a jerk. >> and they want to turn the tv off. >> mcconnell, he has kind of always had that problem in all his races. his kind of magic is he always manages to pull it out at the end. he always wins under the same conditions and he may do so again. >> new jersey news. >> chris christie, you hear him talking about the minimum wage the other day. now looking to clarify his position, the position he took the other day. he said, quote, he's sick of hearing about the minimum wage. he was simply trying to explain that parents should not expect their kids to earn the lowest possible paycheck, allowed under the law. but tom perez doesn't see it that way. he said chris christie's got his head in the sand if he's getting
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tired about the minimum wage. noted the u.s. minimum wage trails far behind other nations. put it, i mean, we suck. >> yes, we do. >> that's a quote. >> thank you very much. he really crystalized things. >> what's it like for "morning joe," mika? >> still ahead on "morning joe," following the terror attack in canada, we have congressman peter king with us. why he says a lone wolf is seldom alone. and then monica lewinsky spoke last week about how she was badly mistreated online after the sex scandal with president clinton. a new report details how fbi agents badly mistreated her as well. that story is next. it's unbelievable. first, bill with a check on the forecast. >> good morning, everyone. the weekend forecast look, interesting to say the least. let's get into this nor'easter. it's been making us for three days now. it's still raining as far south as long island. we've had about three inches of rain in boston, in maine.
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still lingering today. also heavy rain from miami down to key west. if you're on the west coast, you're dealing with wet weather lately. this is going to plague us friday night into saturday. it does look like we'll get the world series baseball games in. beautiful country in the east coast. enjoy what should be very nice fall weather. joe and mika, back to you. >> thank you very much, bill. joining us, we've got the governor of new york state andrew cuomo. we were just talking about you last hour with donny deutsch. but obviously some serious business out there. can you explain why the situation in new york is so different than the situation was in dallas? >> good to be with you, joe. i think frankly new york had an advantage because of dallas, you know, unfortunately dallas was the first case, the first impression, and we all learned
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from dallas. we've had weeks to prepare. we took it very, very seriously. i think we've had one of the most comprehensive preparation efforts in the country. this is about 200 hospitals. we trained all 200 hospitals. we identified eight hospitals that would be the hospitals that we would go to in a case like the one that developed yesterday. we fully coordinated with new york city. mayor deblaj deblaujo has done job. our health care workers were ready. we also had the advantage we were dealing with a doctor who was familiar with the illness. as soon as he saw he was symptomatic, he presented at the hospital. he had a 100.3 temperature. not a 103 as had been reported. and when he got to the hospital, we were ready. >> big difference.
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so what's your biggest concern as you move forward? obviously, the world health organization, the cdc, even the dallas hospital, they all underestimated the risk early on. looks like new york city, new york state, has actually gone the other direction. what is your biggest concern right now that you want to make sure new york state and the city and health officials double down on. >> you have two issues. first, the medical issues and the medical preparation. i feel good about that. we're ready. people believe they're ready. they're calm. it was well handled. it was a textbook case. the second issue is the anxiety and the fear. you say ebola. people are scared. after they've been watching on tv, et cetera. he had ridden the subway, et cetera. so understanding the disease, the best cure's information. understanding the disease.
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it's not like the flu. it doesn't get communicating that easily. it's basically bodily fluids. when the person is symptomatic. we've been communicating that. i'll tell you, the good news is, new york city subway ridership this morning is exactly normal. subway workers came to work. so we're not seeing any reaction to the news last night. we're not seeing any undue anxiety, any panic or anything like that, so that's good news. >> the one question i'll have as we sort wait out i guess the 21 days that the three people that have had some contact with this patient, with this hero, really, doctors without borders physician, is if whether or not when doctors come back from west africa should isolate for 21 days themselves. governor. >> it's a good question.
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this doctor who is a hero, by the way. what these doctors do, the doctors without borders, organizations like that, i mean, it's extraordinary, the risk that they take. i think he was familiar with the disease. he knew it wasn't communicable until he was symptomatic. help to he took his temperature twice a day. as soon as he had a hint of a temperature, he went to the hospital. i don't know. i spoke to the president last night and cdc. i know they're talking about protocols. and what's appropriate. >> we'll see. all right, governor cuomo, thank you, very, very much. we'll be back with congressman peter king next on "morning joe." (receptionist) gunderman group.
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gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. the most amazing thing about the ford fusion isn't the way it looks. ♪ the most amazing thing?
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is the way it sees. ♪ with blind spot technology, a lane-keeping system and a standard rearview camera, the fusion is ready for whatever comes your way. ♪ go prepared. go further. ♪ come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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we only have about 30 minutes left in the era of t.j. who i've been working with 11 years as director. he'll be leaving us. we'll have a sendoff. >> has he written a book yet about his life? >> no, that was chris like. he's going to work where chris is going to work. >> really? oh, good. maybe we'll see more of what we could do around here. wait, that's not possible. t.j.'s going over there. i have so many emotions, like, 11 years working with this guy. working with the overwhelming emotion is, like, thank god, right? >> that he's gone? >> yeah, i'm not going to have to work with him. t.j., i'm joking. his name is t.j., right? what's his last name?
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as be asberra? >> congressman pete effort kir new york. we have a lot to get to. >> i guess i wanted to talk to you about canada, but new york city first. any concerns about what's happened with this doctor that's returned? >> oh, as far as ebola -- >> as far as ebola, should doctors that return, should anybody that return, that's been around ebola patients, should they be riding subways? >> i disagree with you to this extent. i don't think we know yet all the effects of ebola, of how it's transmitted. i think we should be safe rather than sorry. i give the doctor tremendous credit for going over there. i think there should be more restrictions when they come back. as we saw in the first few weeks with the cdc, they were wrong in certain areas. i don't think we know yet enough about ebola and how it may be transmitted for instance in the region like africa as opposed to where you can find urban centers
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in new york with the subways, the crowded population. having said that, listen, i agree with you. the new york hospitals are the best. i'm sure the doctor is going to recover. and there's no need for panic. we shouldn't look at it to see whether or not the same protocols that may apply in africa for instance which is a wide-open area. whether that also applies in such a confined city as new york city. >> canada, obviously, a shoot, which the canadians immediately labeled as terrorism. should we be concerned that this is the spread of isis to the americas, that we might expect this in our own capital? >> joe, we have to. the fbi sent out an advisory to all its offices the the other day to be on the lookout. obviously, as soon as this happened in canada, we increase the guard duty at the -- tomb of
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the unknown soldier. the nypd has increased its security level in new york, as far as having more manpower on the streets. as far as going to key locations. isis does want to attack us, there's no doubt about it. declarations calling for attacks on police, on military. calling for attacks against monuments and memorials. also, i think any type of random attack will serve their purposes. they wanted to show they cannot be intimidated. they do want to attack us. we have to be very concerned. i think this is one where you can find director comey, john brenn brennan, the national terrorism center, all in agreement, this is the threat to the united states and we have to be on our guard, yes, we do. >> now, an attack very close to home here in new york city this ax attack, which is just chilling. and you know something a little bit about the suspect as we're finding more and more out about him. >> let's talk about the ax attack first. what happened? and then tell us what you know about the suspect.
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>> first of all, four police officers walking around jamaica avenue and out of nowhere this person came with an ax and smashed the police officer's head. he is in critical condition. hopefully recovering after surgery. his father, detective healy, is now -- remember, the county police department out here. my father served in the nypd. so very emotional attachment to a case such as this. this assailant, he was discharged from the navy for drug use been they did find islamic-type writings on his facebook, quotes from the core ran. they showed -- it looked like an islamist-type warrior with the ski mask and the automatic weapon. >> i'm seeing a trend, you can trace what happened in oklahoma city to the workplace where there was a beheading from a troubled american who was a recent convert to islam. you can see the same thing happened in canada. you're seeing the same thing
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happen in the united states. not part of this great worldwide conspiracy, but at the same time, it does seem to be something that law enforcement needs to be very concerned about. >> there are going to be coordinated attack, and actual conspiracy attacks. this one, i believe, is a person that was deranged but was inspired by what he hears. similar to oklahoma. i think we have to take it into account. people have to be careful of what they say. not just isis. they're going to continue to say this to provoke this type of reaction. in new york, when you have a person like this, who does feel aggrieved, who does feel isolated. then he does hear people in the media, "new york times," others, sometimes spread this feeling that the police are an occupying force, they're going after muslims. a person like who this is deranged, he sees that type of talk, he sees isis calling for attacks against police, and he responds. again, i have -- again, a very strong support for the nypd. what they've done, stopping 17,
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18 attacks against new york. dense spite the fact the way they're smeared by groups like "the new york times." i give them tremendous credit. >> congressman peter king, thank you very much. >> thank you, mika, thank you, joe. >> coming up, neil diamond unplugged. we sit down with the legendary singer. plus, he scored the lead role. >> what a great actor. >> we'll be right back with much more "morning joe."
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all right, time to take a look at the morning papers. "the washington post" has recently obtained a government report from the year 2000. shedding light on the treatment of monica lewinsky during the investigation into president bill clinton. the report commissioned by ken starr's successor says a prosecutor who threatened lewinsky with jail time, quote, exercised poor judgment and made mistakes in his analysis, planning and execution of the approach. it goes on to say the matter could have been handled better. lewinsky was pressed by fbi agents, immediately agreeing to wear a wire against the president. she was in a hotel room with these guys. even as she tearfully asked to have a lawyer or her parents during the 12-hour grilling. >> this woman was used and
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abused by powerful men mainly but powerful men, powerful women, powerful everybody. republicans, democrats. you name it. her life's been destroyed over the past 20 years. >> she was raked over the coals in the press which she talked about, but meanwhile, this was going on behind the scenes. >> traumatized. made stupid and immature decisions as a young woman and is paying for her entire life. everything she does. she's probably not gotten job because of it. >> oh, definitely. >> all right, the "los angeles times," facebook has not been allowed in china for years. a visit with college students, founder mark zuckerberg stunned by speaking in mandarin. he said his wife and her family are chinese.phasized his attemp hire more people from china. >> pretty good.
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>> not bad at all. let's go to the star tribune. >> a little rough around the edges. our mandarin's much better. willie and i have what we call mandarin mondays. >> you do? >> yes, we do. yes, when we're over at the -- >> mandarin, yeah. >> longtime democratic political strategists frank mankiewicz has died at the age of 90 of a heart attack. he was political director for george mcgovern's bid for government. he'll go down in history for what he called the shaping moments of his adult life. >> i have a short announcement to read. which i will read at this time. senator robert francis kennedy. died at 1:44 a.m. today, june
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6th, 1968. >> chilling, absolutely chilling. okay. any other papers? >> yeah, let's go to deadline. deadline reports aaron sorkin confirms christian bale will play apple founder and executive steve jobs. >> a great selection. >> such a good actor. bale will have more words to say in the movie than most people have in three movies combined. that's a line from sorkin. bale's not the first person to take a shot at the role. ashton's performance was widely panned. >> i don't even want to see that. >> christian bale, the guy has to be one of the great actors. >> he will be great at that. >> as steve jobs. oh, my gosh, that's going to be perfect. >> let's go to the daily news.
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zach gal fa knackne is at it agn with his interview "between two ferns." i love it. take a look. >> when you and clooney get dressed up in your tuxes together do you ever look at each other and go, aren't we a couple of dapper dans? >> never happen to my recollection. >> tell me what it was like the first time that you laid eyes on angelina. was it like one of those classical love stories, like when, i don't know, ross first saw rachel? you know that show "friends," have you seen that? ♪ i'll be there for you ♪ when the rain starts >> i like that song. >> you got to watch the whole thing. >> the whole thing is amazing.
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louis c.k. coming out and telling two horrible jokes. >> zach says, i have to liven this up, this is boring. >> coming up -- >> our interview with the great neil diamond. an old girlfriend inspired him to change career ambitions from medicine to music. ♪ the design of the ford escape is clearly intended to grab your eye. ♪ oh, and your foot. ain't that a kick? the ford escape with the foot-activated liftgate. ♪ go open up something interesting. go further.
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here with us now, cab yn yo guys believe this, neil diamond. out with his latest album "melody road." there are a certain number of iconic volallists who as they aged lost a significant portion of their vocal range but we understand and we rarely complain. this guy has still got it. this is a strong album with a
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varied array of tunes but neil diamond tunes. he's got to be very proud of it. joe, how cool is this? >> very cool. >> it's even cooler to have a great artist like neil diamond who does get better over time. i just wanted to talk about song writing process. you hear words like in the radio played like a carnival tune as we lay in our bed beyond the room and we gave it away for the sake of a dream in the penny arcade. a question you've been asked probably a million times before but it's interesting hearing it, how they come to something like that, paint an image like that. for you, does the song writing process start with the guitar? does it start with words? is there any form ula that work best for you? >> it's interest because that song, if you know what i mean, my wife was asking me yesterday, neil, between you and me, i
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don't know what you mean. >> only a wife. in her loving way. >> that is so funny. >> you get it, neil, i don't know what you mean. it doesn't matter if she knows what i mean or anybody knows what i mean. it's do you know what i feel. and if you can get that, if that comes across, then it's a winning song. >> as you go to an album, as you start the process, putting together songs for an album after decades of doing this and doing it better than just about everybody else, where do you start, where do you find the inspiration to grab another 10, 11 songs? >> it's got to start with that first song. i have my guitar. that's really all i need. start fooling around with the guitar and humming along and playing some things. something usually strikes me after a while. it could be after five minutes or after an hour of just playing
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and enjoying it. something strikes me and that's the jumping off point for that song, if it's going to be a song. but that spark is what starts the whole process off. >> why do you even put together albums anymore? we consume music so differently in this day and age when you can download single songs. why put together an album? >> what else am i going to do? >> put out a single song. >> no, i won't. i'm used to it. this is the way i'm doing it. i don't want to change. this is what my comfort zone. >> your fans love it. you've sold 120 million albums worldwide. i fell in love with you. jazz singer, 1980 i think it was. >> oh, my goodness. >> we used to steal cable in my house so we with get it on hbo. that big scene at the end, "coming to america." so your parents, that film kind of mirrored your life, right?
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because your parents wanted you to do something in medicine? >> well, did i. i was good in the sciences and i thought medicine was the right thing to do. song writing doesn't make a lot of sense. you know, songwriter at that time wallace on the lowest rung of the totem pole. i just got hooked. i started when i was about 17. i wrote a song for a girl. i wanted her to be my girlfriend. i wrote a -- made up a song for her and she liked it and it worked. and we went steady and we got serious about each other. just songs, they seem to work naturally for me. >> that really is the inspiration, at the end of the day, isn't it, girls? i remember seeing tom schneider asking john lennon this long question, oh, mr. lennon, you're this and that and you've changed -- why do you do it, how do you -- he goes, it's for the
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girls, man. it usually starts that way with a lot of guys with guitars, doesn't it? >> maybe it did start that way for me right at the very beginning, but after a little bit, it becomes much more than that. it becomes, for you, it's a lot deeper than, you know, finding a girlfriend. becomes something you want to do. after a while, something that you must do. >> the album is melody road. today, neil will be signing cds at the barnes & noble at times square from noon to 2:00. such a nice guy to do that. thank you for being on the show. we'll be right back with much march "morning joe."
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not only is he bad at what he does, and he's really bad at what he does, he's a terrible human being. what's wrong with you, t.j.? >> good morning, everyone. >> we got kids watching the show. >> this is our curse, t.j., the worst director in the business. mika takes the moonshine to her lips and t.j. cuts away to a poinsettia. our director t.j. who shocks us every day with his ability to make as many mistakes as he does. everybody, let's vote. fire t.j. thank god for t.j. moni monica, she makes really great banana bread for the show. great, great on snap chat. so i was snap chatting with t.j.'s wife last night. >> oh, not again. >> she sends me this video. >> oh, boy.
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>> and -- >> we're on the air. >> this is t.j.'s animation. you like it? >> we don't even know if those are the right planes. most of america has just become a lot dumber because of all our associations with t.j. aspera. how do you say his last name? you want to tell us how you got to work when you worked for "scarborough country." >> the horse. >> t.j. has a long commute. >> we've been through the iraq war together. hurricane katrina together. >> set changes. >> yes, set changes. attempted firings of me 12 times. that's good journalism. >> we have to go to break. i love you too. >> okay, obviously, t.j. has a great sense of humor. today we are saying good-bye to a friend and a family member and the best director in the
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business, that's right, kids, your dad is the best director in the business. >> look at those boys and mom. >> t.j. and i actually started working together on may the 1st, 2003. we have been inseparable ever since, working together and reporting on six elections, on three inaugurations, two wars, way too many hurricanes and nine executive -- through it all, t.j. did a remarkable job putting up with our around the clock work schedule. and the family is so patient with that. with our hand signals on set. the three-hour live crunch every morning without scripts or safety nets. it's a day in, day out job that resembles breaking news election night coverage. scripted morning news mush. a lot easier on director's duties and hearts. so thanks so much. we love you. we're going to miss you. we know we're going to see you
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again. can't thank you enough for everything. >> no more perverted things in my ear. >> oh, no. i got to thank my crew. they are the best. i can't do anything without them. i love them more than anything. joe, mika and willie. >> you are the best. it make us sad that you have to go work with chris. >> he does the morning, i'm at night. >> well, that's good and it's safe. all right. make sure he doesn't steal what you do at night in the morning. >> t.j., congratulations. >> we love you, matt. >> thanks, buddy. >> that does it for us this morning. stay with msnbc. "the daily rundown" is next. >> do the hand signal, t.j. go to break. >> 3, 2, 1, fade to black. might. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this. when you're actually paying for this.
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good morning from washington. i'm peter alexander. it is friday, october 24th, 2014. this is the "daily rundown." we begin with breaking news. a new york city doctor who had been treating patients in west africa is now himself being treated. a specialized cdc team has arrived to assist the experts already involved in his treatment. craig spencer is his name. an emergency room doctor who had been treating ebola patients in west africa with the organization doctors without borders. new york city officials say dr. spencer completed his work in guinea on the 12
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