tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC October 24, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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good morning from washington. i'm peter alexander. it is friday, october 24th, 2014. this is the "daily rundown." we begin with breaking news. a new york city doctor who had been treating patients in west africa is now himself being treated. a specialized cdc team has arrived to assist the experts already involved in his treatment. craig spencer is his name. an emergency room doctor who had been treating ebola patients in west africa with the organization doctors without borders. new york city officials say dr. spencer completed his work in guinea on the 12th of this month. he left the country two days
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later on the 14th, flying through europe and ultimately arriving in jfk on the 17th. since returning home, the doctor was out in public, including going for a jog and riding the subway to a bowling alley in brooklyn. health officials stress spencer was an extremely low risk in terms of being contagious to others because he was not yet symptomatic. however, yesterday morning, he called the health department to report a fever. his temperature had initially been reported widely to be 103 degrees. this morning, a clarification. the new york city health department explained its error and said spencer's temperature was, in fact, 100.3. that's significant. ems workers in full protective gear arrived at spencer's apartment. then with a police escort, the ambulance sped to bellevue hospital where it was met by health care workers. they were in full protective
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gear. dr. spencer was placed in isolation. at a joint news conference last night, new york city mayor bill de blasio and health officials tried to calm any fears. >> there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarmed. we've been preparing for months for the threat posed by ebola. we have strong and clear protocols which are being followed and were followed in this instance. bellevue hospital is specially designed for isolation, identification and treatment of ebola patients. ebola is very difficult to contract. being on the same subway car or living near a person with ebola does not in itself put someone at risk. >> it's also important to just reiterate that you can only get ebola by being exposed to bodily fluids and that's a very important point to make. >> we are as ready as one could be for this circumstance.
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what happened in dallas was actually the exact opposite. dallas unfortunately was caught before they could really prepare. before they really knew what they were dealing with. in dallas. and we had the advantage of learning from the dallas experience. >> nbc news's kristin dahlgren joins us live from bellevue hospital. what more are we learning about dr. spencer and how he's doing today? >> hi there, good morning, peter. well, he's here at bellevue, as now is his fiance. she has been isolated as well as two of his friends. it's still unclear whether they are here in bellevue or whether they're isolating in their homes. we're continuing to wait for some update from the hospital. but as you can imagine, a lot of people here, very concerned, in spite of what the officials are saying about the risk to new yorkers. take a look here.
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we've got "the new york post" with the dramatic headline, ebola here. i can show you, if we look down this way, you can see just how much media attention this is getting, how many satellite trucks are here. and so a lot of people very concerned about the doctor's steps over the past few days, before he was admitted here. a few things to that end. today, at his apartment in harlem, there are officials that are doing some clean-up, checking things like toothbrushes, watch cloths. any type of thing that he may have come in contact with bodily fluids. also, here at the hospital, they are continuing to monitor him and we're hoping for some type of update soon as we go through the day today, peter. >> all right, kristin dahlgren, thank you very much. again, both new york city and state officials are reassuring new yorkers about how difficult it is to contract ebola. joining us now with more on new
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york city's responses, dr. natalie aczar, with nyu. thank you for joining us. can i focus on one of the new facts? we initially heard the doctor's temperature was 103, then clarified as 100.3. that's significant, not the least of is his symptoms were less contagious at the time, is that right? >> that's correct. suggests every, very early in his illness. we know as patients get sicker, their viral load increases, which increases the risk of transmission, increases how contagious they are. frankly, i think this is, again, for the patient, too, let's keep in mind his safety of course. his recovery is also incredibly important to all of us. going from no fever to 103 which suggests a rapid increase or rapid onset of his symptoms.
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100.3 is really more consistent with that early stage of illness where people feel that malaysian and joint pain, not just more flu-like, rather than getting so sick so quickly. >> to separate fact from fiction, i know we've gone through this once obviously with what took place in dallas. it's not until the symptoms get worse that you become contagious. so for people in new york city and the surrounding areas who have some concern, subway for example, what is the potential to actually get ebola from dr. spencer? >> it's incredibly unlikely. again, i will cite also a study the cdc often cites from a few years ago from a hospital room in u gund da. they actually tested used stethoscopes and, you know, different materials in a patient's room who was sick. and those dry surfaces had no virus detected on it.
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so if one imagines a scenario that the doctor put his hand on a subway pole when he was asymptomatic, there is just no chance of transmission that way. in order for a new yorker to contract this disease from somebody out on the street or in a public place, that infected person would literally have to vomit or have diarrhea so close to you that you touch it and put it into your own mouth. >> doctor, just to be very clear about another topic that now a lot of people are considering the fact there's so many people described as heroes like dr. spencer who are going over to these regions that have been so badly affected by ebola right now. but should there be new actions taking place, new precautions put in place, so any doctor, any health care worker when they return home, does a sort of protective 21-day self quarantine so there is not the risk that others like dr. spencer ultimately get ebola and have the potential to spread it to others back here? >> i thing that's clearly a
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discussion that the international authorities are probably going to be having, given this case, because it's getting such tremendous amount of media coverage. between the cdc and the nih and doctors without borders, these organizations communicate on a regular basis. as we've seen with the cdc protocols in terms of the personal protective equipment, their recommendations have evolved over the last few weeks in response to the nation's response. in response to ways going on. so it's certainly not impossible that we may now see a mandatory quarantine in health care workers. but for now, the recommendation is self-monitoring with twice daily fever checks which is what the doctor did. >> we will visit with you again a little bit later. the house oversight committee is going to start a hearing on the obama administration's response to the ebola crisis. and republican representative john mika of florida will be at that hearing. he's joining us now live. congressman mika, i appreciate
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your time. the co-president of the nurse's union who has been critical of the cdc's response. in her prepared testimony, she says nurses and facilities have not been ready for ebola. do you agree? have we gotten more ready since this all began? >> well, i think she's correct. i think we're going to have to work pretty quickly to get protocols in place. we'll see what happens now with this new york experience. but obviously, the testing of this doctor, medical doctor, who came in, did not work. now we'll see the treatment. and, again, i think new york may be prepared, from what i've heard, to handle the case. but it sounds like many hospitals are not prepared. >> are you satisfied in the course of several weeks, dallas, presbyterian, became so clear
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that this administration, federal official, state officials, frankly have done enough to put us in a better position as we now go through this cycle one more time in new york city? >> well, that's the reason for the hearing. i've got an inspector general report that went in and looked at the department of security, that got a pandemic plan, supposed plan, but it's very critical, the stockpiles of respirators that they tested. for example, have lapsed a five-year manufacturers warranty. the not proper checking of supplies that they have. not knowing where their supplies have been distributed. a whole host of things. hand sanitizer. 84% of them in their stock or out of date. >> had expired. >> so we're going to look at all these things. we're going to make sure we're ready for whatever takes place. >> very quickly, before i let you go. ron klain, the new ebola czar, should he be out speaking today to americans, is that what you want to see? >> i think we do need, again,
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someone in charge. we have that. then we need someone to take charge. and he needs to do that. because there was panic in some parts of dallas. now new yorkers are going to be very concerned. and the rest of the country. but we need to do the best we can to make certain it doesn't go any further. >> congressman john mika of florida, always nice to visit with you. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> new york governor andrew cuomo told the "today" show this morning on nbc that new york's response has been better than dallas' and new yorkers are staying calm. >> everything has happened the way it should happen since then. we've been in contact with the federal officials, president obama called last night, ron klain, the new ebola czar, silvia burrwell, head of health and human services. so everyone worked the way it should. >> joining us this morning is going to be a democrat on the
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oversight and reform committee, representative matt cartwright of pennsylvania who will join us momentarily. there is going to be new information coming out over the course of the hour. we're monitoring a news conference expected to happen today at bellevue hospital. early this morning as new information is delivered there. we'll share it with you. i'm told congressman cartwright is now available to visit with us. congressman, nice to see you. >> good morning, peter, how are you? >> i'm well. give us a sense of what you hope to learn at this hearing. at this point, after we've gone through the motions of this one time before, if you're satisfied that the country is better prepared to deal with ebola, than clearly we may have been several weeks ago. >> well, peter, everybody's concerned. and the concern arises to the level that it's sparking kind of our isolationist impulses that we have in this country. people are calling for a travel
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ban. i think that sort of starts out as everybody's default position. >> right. >> because, you know, we have this knee jerk reaction as americans. remember, it was george washington, in his farewell address that warned us of foreign entanglements and generations of isolationists have been quoting that ever since. so we kind of as americans we start out from that perspective. but what we're hearing is that, you know, complete travel ban would be counterproductive. i mean, i even noticed that governor mike leavitt from kentucky, who was george w. bush's secretary of hhs, had said that would be even more dangerous if we do it that way, so i'm keeping an open mind. >> congressman should there be a mandatory self-quarantine of 21 days for american health care workers who go to countries in west africa and return home? >> i think everything's on the table, peter. we have to consider all the possibilities. i'm looking forward -- >> when do we make the
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decisions? frankly, it's happening as we speak. if we consider all these things and we keep waiting for months to consider them, we may, in fact, let too many others come in without that self-kwaquarant and there could be other dr. spencers, as he roroic as h efforts were. >> i agree, the clock is ticking. that's why i didn't hesitate when the government site and government reform committee convened this hearing to get down here to washington. i think waiting would be a mistake. we need to delve into these questions. i will say that i'm concerned about the 3,200 american troops going over to west africa. i have heard that they're not going to be in direct contact with patients. that they're simply going to be training other health care workers. there will be no direct contact. so that may be a relief. but i'm looking forward to an incisive oversight hearing today. i'm very much hopeful this will be one of those actual fact finding oversight hearings, because that's what i intend to
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do. >> and congressman, just to conclude, very quickly, ron klain is the ebola czar. do you want to hear from him today? should he be out front of this right now, making public statements on a near daily basis now that we're going -- now that we have another experience with ebola in the city's most populous -- the country's most populous city? >> i think that would be a wise move for him. i was in favor of appointing an ebola czar simply because we want to make sure all of the different health agencies are rowing in the same direction or singing off the same song sheet. for him to be making public pronouncements regularly would be a good idea, because the public needs to be reassured and kept updated. >> matt cart right, always nice to visit with you, congressman. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> coming up next, the chuck todd express rolling through iowa and into wisconsin. ground zero of polarization in america. chuck is up next live to break
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down all that you need to know about these critical battleground states. there he is. but first, a look ahead at today's planner. as we have been discussing the house hearing, it will begin just 15 minutes from now at 9:30. we're going to take you there live when it begins. you'll be watching "the daily rundown" on msnbc. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard.
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welcome back to this friday edition of "the daily rundown." as the closest thing to a be bellweather senate race this year. the latest stop on his meet the voters tour of battleground states for a firsthand look at the deadlock fight between republican joni ernst and democrat bruce baraley. in the final weeks of this
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campaign, iowans are being bombarded with political advertising, mostly attack ads. >> last week, i watched, it was just a half hour worth of tv. 15 to 20 political ads within a half hour time. >> do you feel like you know more about the candidates now for watching those ads or less? >> i feel like a majority of it is negative advertising. you can't really tell who's telling the truth. >> chuck talked to joni ernst who benefited by a series of gaffes by braley early this campaign but has to persuade iowa voters she isn't too far to right to replace retiring democrat tom harkin. >> very early when you were running for senate you took some conservative positions. this agenda 21. you even talked impeachment. you walked them all back. what should voters now take away from that? >> well, i would say a lot of those issues weren't issues that were pushed by me, they were questions that were asked by
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media or by other members of certain groups. >> in this case, i think it was conservative groups. is abortion a priority for you? >> i would say focusing on economic policy is very much a priority with me. because that's what i'm hearing from iowa. >> so the personal thing was a mistake? >> no, it's not a mistake. it is stating that i do believe in life. i will never say that's a mistake. because, again, i'm someone who is always going to promote life. >> ernst lost her primary campaign with ad, you probably remember that described her childhood castrating hogs. ernst is not exactly bracing her party label either. >> i can't find the word republican on your bus. i'm wondering, mitch mcconnell, harry reid, boy, democrats don't like mcconnell, republicans don't like reid. do you think mcconnell is the best republican to put forth to
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be the senate republican leader? >> i'm going to say i'm not yet a united states senator and that decision will be made later on. if you look at my bus though, you will see mother, soldier, independent leader. here in the state -- >> you think being a member of a political party right now is a bad -- is sort of a bad deal? >> no, i don't think -- >> not emphasizing it? he's not either, i get it, i mean -- >> i'm saying as an independent leader, even here in the state legislature, i've had to stand up against members of my own party policy. >> so you're not committed to mcconnell or you're not real to discuss it? >> i'm not ready to discuss that. i'll visit with you after the election. >> dueling buses. they're quite the backdrop. chuck joins me now on board his own from the streets of downtown milwaukee, wisconsin. the next stop on his "meet the voters" road trip. nice to see you, chuck. she was not shying away from it there. she wasn't eager to embrace the
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party label. wa what's your takeaway from that? >> we should bring up another big deal yesterday, as, you know, she's willing to do seven, eight, nine-minute interviews with members of the media, but they didn't want to sit down for 45 minutes or an hour with the des moines registrar editorial board. that's something that while newspaper editorial boards, you know, maybe in a lot of states don't have the i pact they used to, the des moines register is the des moines register. it's still a cut above it has a kind of influence that's kind of different. now the ernst campaign will make the case that they were already against us, the editorial board, so they weren't going to win the endorsement. it's a sense you do get some time with her but they didn't want to sit down for an hour and have longer lengthier conversations on issues. look, just spending the amount of time i've spent in the state talking with people and everything else we know about it numberswise, she's got a little bit of momentum. braley's got some catching up to do. the question is, is the
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democratic ground game still so strong in iowa that it can overcome? you talk to some democrats, they're getting kind of nervous because they don't sense any excitement around braley. there is excitement around ernst in the republican base. it isn't equal on the braley side of things. >> speaking of excitement, there's a place where there's always political excitement. that's where you are now, wisconsin, scott walker running for governor for the first time. you talk about his opponent, who hillary clinton will campaign for today. give us a sense of the contest. >> well, you know, let me put it in a larger scenario here. there's been -- there's very much an anti-incumbent vibe. it's not just anti-washington. we've been emphasizing the anti-washington part of this anti-incumbent vibe a little bit and that maybe ends up hurting democrats more than republicans. in governors races, we're seeing the same anti-incumbent vibe.
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because there are more republican governors the ballot, they look more vun raubl. think of kansas and brownback. i'm here today with scott walker. what's interesting here is while there's republican enthusiasm in, say, some of these senate races, colorado and iowa, there's democratic enthusiasm in places like wisconsin who of course have been so frustrated by walker. that's what i -- do we see it on the ground? i know the walker people, peter, they're getting nervous. they just asked for more reinforcements. trying to bring more money here in the last minute. >> all right, chuck, nice to see you. a lot of good cushion on that seat there, huh, so at least you're riding in style. we appreciate seeing that. >> it's not too bad. >> you're doing it right. all right, buddy, we'll see you when you get home. travel safely. next, we're learning more about the man who opened fire inside the canadian parliament in what officials are now saying about his ties to terrorists. plus, are we ready to handle more cases of ebola here in the u.s.? the head of the largest nurses
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organization in this country about to face members of congress eager for answers. that hearing and a lot more live coming up. you're watching "the daily rundown" right here on msnbc. [ children yelling ] [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edward jones. this is shirley speaking. how may i help you? oh hey, neill, how are you? how was the trip? [ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors... [ shirley ] he's right here. hold on one sec. [ male announcer ]'d expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ it'there it is...ones makes sense of investing. this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru.
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now, to canada, where officials say the man who shot a soldier and opened fire inside the parliament there acted alone and is not connected to isis fighters. that is according to the canadian foreign minister. >> the investigation proceeds, they'll be able to look at web traffic and issues like that. i haven't heard any substantiated claim that he was associated to isil. >> still, officials say the man was in contact with others that had extremist views and had become radicalized. a condition that's become worse by crime, violence, drugs and mental instability. part of the picture emerging of
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this 32-year-old seen here in this video getting out of the car running into parliament just before he opened fire. but he was a petty criminal not legally allowed to carry a gun but not considered add risk to national security. his mother said her son wanted to go to syria. he applied for a passport but couldn't get one. officials say that likely may have pushed him over the edge. >> i think the passport figured prominently in his motives and, you know, i'm not inside his head but i think it was central to what was driving him. >> nbc's sarah dollof is joining me from ottawa. what are we learning about this lone wolf, as it were? >> well, peter, people here are relieved there aren't more suspects at large but there is concern because there could be more of these lone wolf-style attacks. according to the mounties, about
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90 people are on a list of people who are suspected of wanting to travel abroad to join up with or train with these extremist fighters. zehaf-bibeau was not on that list. authorities were investigating if he should be granted that passport. for now, out of concern that they could be targeted for future attacks, members of the military are being asked not to wear their ub foniforms when the off base. that speaks to the feel here in cana canada. back to you. >> some developing news in the fight that we continue to fight against ebola, the house oversight and government reform committee as we have noted just starting a hearing on the administration's response to the threat of the virus. representatives are going to be
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testifying. the co-president of the national united nurses group is also testifying today. she's been very critical of the cdc. you can see the chairman speak now. we're going to take a listen live. >> due to poor detection, it is possible the outbreak started late last year. by august, ebola had spread to sierra leone, liberia and nigeria. according to the u.s. center for disease control and prevention, the 2014 ebola epidemic is the largest in history and, sadly, the virus has claimed at least 4,000 lives to date. by the end of september, the cdc confirmed the diagnosis of the first travel associated case of ebola in the united states. the situation is rapidly developing and changing. americans are understandably worried. worried about their government's response to the outbreak -- >> as they continue to discuss the concerns about the latest
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case of ebola in the u.s., we'll monitor what happens on capitol hill. that's chairman eye sa speaking. we will have more on his status on how prepared the frontline health care professionals are here and abroad. it's all coming up next right here on "the daily rundown." sure. take your time. built-in nav, heated seats for mom, dvd with wireless headphones for the kids! and tons of room for the golf clubs! golf clubs, and strollers. shhh ... i love this part. so what do you think? i think it's everything we wanted. great. discover for yourself why more people find their perfect car at carmax. carmax. start here.
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developing news right now in the fight against ebola. you're look live at the house oversight and government reform committee. they're just beginning this hearing on the administration's response to the threat now created by the ebola virus. joining us again, dr. natalie azar, of nyu hospital, as well as capitol hill correspondent luke russert. luke, give us a sense whach the takeaway is, what we expect to hear from this hearing on capitol hill today. >> the house oversight and government reform committee is well known for partisan fireworks. it's often the committee that
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takes it upon itself to go after the obama administration, ask real deep investigative questions and expect that type of line of questioning to continue today. there's a lot of emphasis on a few things. sort of inconsistent guidelines that have come out from the cdc throughout the entire ebola process. how can they be improved. where you should see the real political fireworks is the idea of a travel ban that was brought up at a congressional hearing last week. whether or not the folks from those west african countries should not be allowed into the country. also expect questions about the ability of ron klain, the president's new ebola czar, to carry out his duty. a lot of folks saying he's a political appointee. should have been a doctor. hear that from reps. also expect questions from folks from the department of defense about what's being done to keep the troops safe who are going over there to combat ebola. you're also going to hear from the head of the nurse's union who said not enough is being done to protect nurses. you'll hear from somebody who works with the group over there,
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nonprofit aid group, seeing what's being done to protect those types of individuals which is extremely important after what happened in new york last night. you'll also hear from the inspector general. those questions will deal with the travel ban. expect pointed heated lines of questioning. this will not be a kumbaya let's all work together type of hearing. >> that new ebola czar. let's take a listen live. >> medical professional in charge. that does not make it a political decision. but it makes it a decision in which we have to ask and we will ask today, is the inner agency coordination already in place or he is simply overseeing it or, in fact, are we expecting mr. klain to put together interagency coordination to show the leadership to make it happen, to sift through conflicting claims of science and medicine have already
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reached conclusions, versus the reality that those conclusions, at least in several cases have proven wrong. we did invite klain to testify and we're disappointed he was not able to, but we understand he just started. we do not expect that will be repeated if there's a follow up hearing. >> joined by dr. natalie azar from nyu medical center. i want to get your take on this. i know you're not a politician, but just more broadly, do you think the person who overseas the federal response to ebola needs to be a medical expert or is the real challenge as we witnessed what happened in texas, the coordination between agencies, federal and local? >> i personally think it's the latter. i've said this before. we have a number of incredibly gifted scientists, infectious disease specialists,
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epidemiologists. their voices are all being heard. but actually implementing and enforcing regulation and making sure all the parties are communicating with each other, i don't think that physician skill is necessary for that. no, i don't. >> then, doctor, what are the questions you're asking right now, and other members of the medical community are asking themselves right now in recent weeks, for "nightly news," i covered the fear among nurses there was not adequate preparation, adequate supplies at their hospitals. how much better off or prepared are we now are we than we were when thomas eric duncan walked into a hospital in texas a month ago? >> i think we're more prepared. of course we've all said this, we learned so much from that case. since that's happened, the amount of mobilizing that's taken place just in new york city obviously, i know first hand about that, has been quite tremendous. and so i've also had great faith
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in the government, the cdc, the nih's ability to work with groups and be flexible about their recommendations. i'd like to say probably most importantly that the changes and the recommendations for the protective gear that our health care workers are wearing is predominantly because of the procedures that we do in this country, are vastly more at higher risk for exposure than is happening in west african countries. so i want people to understand that, you know, the expectation that the simply gowns and everything would work here with dialysis and intubation was not realistic and we responded to that. >> doctor, thank you. we appreciate your help too, luke. we're going to continue this discussion on ebola, separating fact from fiction, all day here, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. eastern time. it will happen on msnbc. next, we're learning more about the white house fence jumper. some new details and why a judge is ordering a mental screening
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you're watching developing news right here, live on msnbc. this ebola hearing by the house oversight and government reform committee take place right now it the ranking democrat, elijah cummings, giving his opening statement in terms of the administration's response. we're going to pay close attention to what representative cummings says. the representative from maryland has been outspoken on this issue, saying more needs to be done, but also saying he's satisfied there have been significant improvements made in recent weeks. another headline we're focused on today is a man arrested for jumping the white house fence wednesday night. he may have been suffering from paranoia. now a judge has ordered a mental screening for him to make sure it's not the first time the 23-year-old maryland man has been in trouble. he was arrested in july for jumping the white house fence. at the time, he told officers he
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wanted cameras taken out of his home. he was arrested again three days later for refusing to leave the treasury building. and even took a swing at officers. his father says his son has been suffering from paranoia for more than a year and he was not trying to hurt the president. nevertheless, the white house says this incident puts more emphasis on efforts to rethink security at the executive mansion. >> they're considering a wide range of things, including the employment of personnel, the employment of technology and even physical obstacles like a fence. that are critical to protecting the first family. >> he was arrested more than a month ago after another man got all the way into the mansion, which forced the head of secret service to resign. again, we want to take you to capitol hill where elijah cummings is speaking.
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>> this week, the world health organization declared nigeria and senegal free of ebola. this is a tremendous accomplishment that was achieved through a combination of early diagnosis, contact tracing, innext control and safe burial. but we still face grave challenges in sierra leone, guinea and liberia where the public health infra structure is deficient and new cases are increasing. last month the united nations security council unanimously adopted a resolution declaring the ebola outbreak, i quote, a threat to international peace and security, end of quote. the u.n. established a mission for ebola emergency response. they sent forward more than a dozen critical actions and provided a six-month budget
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request for $998 million. however, they are hundreds of millions of dollars short. they desperately need funding for treatment beds, training for health care workers and supplies to prevent infection. they need resources for things as basic as food and vehicles and fuel. >> you're listening live to representative elijah cummings who's speaking now, focused on ebola and new concerns in this country. they'll be questioning administration officials a matter of moments from now. cummings just a short time ago making the point there is more that needs to be done certainly in west africa to prevent it from spreading elsewhere throughout the globe and certainly here to the united states. we'll take a short break. we're back with more politics. you're watching "the daily rundown" right here on msnbc. the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. how is that clean?!
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absolutely that doctor should have been quarantined. he should have known better. i feel he would have had a clear and concise pan. he would have reassured the american people. >> what we don't need is people fear amomongering about this is. we don't need people who don't have medical expertise trying to get people concerned. >> she call it is fear mongering it. i call it rationale fear. >> that was scot browne criticizing dr. craig spencer. it's not just a public health issue it's been a political one. joining me now nathan gonzalez and nbc news political editor kari dan. i appreciate you being here. we thought it might have been done. the ebola issue might have passed. we have 21 days to talk about ebola with this doctor dealing with this now. it means we're going to go well
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past the election. what is the tangible impact of this, kari, that ebola crisis as it were on the campaign? >> it's hard to tell if it's hurting democrats on the campaign trail. i think we can say it's not helping them. it gives republicans another opportunity to nationalize this election they've been doing it for the last couple of months. first it was isis and senate candidates were talking about on the trail. now it's ebola. they can talk about how they think that their democratic opponents are siding with the president and not doing enough to address what is a public health crisis that has a lot of americans scarred. >> as we talk to you, we can see the assistant secretary of defense defending the administration's handling of this and discussing what they are doing to get the better hold of the ebola crisis. even as we send american troops to help on the frontlines. ten days to go right now. the challenge is on who on which party to get out ahead of this. there's not a lot of time left. and ebola, obviously, puts the
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democrats, to some degree, on the offensive. we reached the point in the president's administration where he -- there's more skepticism. when things happen that may not be his fault directly. he's starting to bear responsibility for them. i think that has a negative impact on democratic candidates because if you don't like what the president is doing this isn't an option to vote against him. >> i said ten days. it's 11. ron klain was a target for darrell issa. he said i wish the ebola czar was sitting in front of us today. >> we know who he is. i don't think the average american voter knows him. it all comes back to the president. if the president is the focus of the campaigns, then that'sed a venn teenage use for republicans. if democrats with can get the the focus to be on individual republican candidates they start to do better. >> if the democrats did a good job in this sort of take two as it were with the new york case. could it say, hey, look, we got the message and we're on top of
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it. >> i think it's possible. it's possible that republicans could overplay the hand. if the single case in new york is contained and handled competently people like jane shaheen can talk about it. >> a projection right now where are the numbers? plus five to eight for months. more likely than the republicans get the majority. it could be a messy and long drawn out proposition. >> as things change. >> i think the ceiling has come down for republicans. the ceiling looks like it's new hampshire. i don't think minnesota, oregon. the bell weather -- chuck said iowa. >> colorado and iowa are good places. it starts to take pressure off georgia, florida, kansas. >> i agree. i think the combination of iowa and colorado are two
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compliments. it's hard to imagine one party loses both of those and still has victory in the senate. >> joni ernst had a nice bus. i was on the road with her yesterday. thank you very much. that does for "the daily rundown." more new developments in the ebola case in new york city. there will be a news conference. we learned at 11:00 today that we'll be monitoring live. jose will get a preview from the new york city city council next. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness.
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hospital center. his fiancè and two friends also in quarantine. the cdc rapid response team has been deployed. it's already on the ground to help prevent the disease from spreading. new york state and city officials are urging calm. governor cuomo said there's little risk to the public. >> this is a doctor who is taking his temperature twice a day. and obviously concluded that he was not symptomatic and that's why he went out. still in a limited way. >> dr. spencer returned last week and now cdc disease detectives are retracing his travels, which include riding the subway and going bowling. and right now in the nation's capitol, the house oversight committee is holding the hearing on the federal government's response to ebola. all of these developments at home as the deadly ebola virus spreads to another west africa nation mali confirming the first
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