tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC October 28, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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casey is among the best america has. she works in a humanitarian program and is a well-trained health care professional and her expertise is in this area. she is going to do the right thing. >> and professor kaplan, what are the ethical stakes for the health care workers coming back who are facing involuntary quarantine? >> the stakes are high because you don't want panic and fear to result in loss of liberty. quarantine is a serious step to take. i saw governor christie talking about this and one thing he hasn't answered is if they chose to break a quarantine, would we drag them back into the house? we haven't thought through quarantine. i will go further and say casey seems to be one of the heroes. i don't think she wants to hurt or harm anyone.
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she went thousands of miles out of her way in hellish conditions. i trust they will do the right thing and i don't think they need governors or panic to drive what they do. >> we are about two minutes out we have been told from the press conference at emory university hospital where we will hear from amber vinson. we should learn more about her case and what it teaches us about the response around the country. drilling down on the ethical questions, you represent the who on this. one point made by the whouts and other part white house and other agencies, it's a problem in terms of our global response to the crisis that will require encouraging health care workers to go to the dangerous places. does this quarantine risk obliterating interest for health workers? >> it does. let's be clear. the number one priority of the united states is to stop the
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epidemic in west africa. we don't do that, we will have conversations in the next 12 months about ebola. we have to get that tamped down. the only way to do that is to send people in. military, doctors, nurses and equipment. if you spend 21 days in newark in a tent with no running water and no tv, i don't think you will get the same number of volunteers as if you say you are not infectious until you have symptoms. don't travel around and scare people. try to control your mobility and check in every day. that's the way to go. >> your client has been the face of this debate about quarantine. we heard about the downsides just now on a partial level. your client said this took a real toll. we are watching people walk into the conference. we may go to this shortly. that appears to be nurse amber vinson. briefly, what's next in the legal fight here?
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is your client going to sue? >> she is considering her options. she clearly has a claim if she wishes to pursue it for damages. initially our focus was getting her out and what she is really interested in is being an aide to figuring out how this will not happen to another person. that's her phoning us right now. >> that is all of our hope. i want to hear more from you shortly. everyone in the audience, i think we will go to the briefing. they are just getting started. we will hear the latest on nurse amber vinson and this facet of the ebola response. >> with ms. vinson are members of her family. her grandparents, mr. lawrence vinson sr., charlotte vinson, her uncle, lawrence vinson and aunt cheryl vinson.
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the doctor will make a statement, amber will make a statement and will not take any questions. after amber's statement, we will do a brief q&a and then depart. i would ask that you respect our patient's privacy and not shout any questions and allow amber and her family to depart in privacy. thank you. doctor? >> good afternoon and thank you for coming today. as you have heard, i am bruce ribner, the medical director of the serious communicable diseases unit. i lead the team of physicians, nurses, laboratory technology, chaplains and a host of other people who are so critically important for caring for our
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patients in our unit. today i am pleased to announce that amber vinson is being discharged from emory university hospital. after a rigorous course of treatment and thorough testing, we have determined that ms. vinson has recovered from her infection with ebola virus and she can return to her family, to the community, and to her life without any concerns about transmitting this virus to any other individuals. speaking on behalf of everyone at emory university hospital, we are pleased with ms. vinson's recovery and grateful for the opportunity to apply our training, care, and experience in meeting her medical needs. as fellow members of the health
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care community, we deeply admire ms. vinson's courage and dedication in caring for patients with serious communicable diseases. nurses are on the frontlines 24 hours a day in treating our patients. it is their skill, their knowledge, and their passion for healing that makes one of the critical differences in caring for our patients. now that ebola virus transmission has occurred in the united states, we all recognize that there is a lot of anxiety in the community. and that is understandable. but the american health care system has been able to successfully treat patients with ebola virus disease. we have the resources, we have the expertise, and we have the knowledge.
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we won't let fear get in the way of our primary mission to care for patients with serious diseases such as the ebola virus infection. as grateful as we are for ms. vinson that our role as the american health care system, our nation's role is far from over. emory has taken a lead of posting the protocols online as well as participating in webinars and entering myriads of phone calls and e-mails in trying to spread the knowledge of the management of the disease around the world. we continue to collaborate with the national institutes of health and food and drug
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administration and the many organizations we would like to acknowledge the local officials in the state from the time we started to care for our first patient with ebola virus disease. we also want to acknowledge and thank our colleagues at texas health presbyterian hospital. we have been privileged to care for one of the members of their team. we are delighted that ms. vinson will be rejoining her community soon. i will be answering your questions in a moment, but before i do so, ms. vinson would like to make a statement. she will not be taking any questions. we ask that you respect her
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wishes and save your questions for me. thank you. >> thank you, doctor ribner. i'm so grateful to be well and first and foremost i want to thank god. i sincerely believe that with god, all things are possible. while the skill and dedication of the doctors, nurses and others who have taken care of me obviously led to my recovery, it has been god's love that has truly carried my family and me through this difficult time and played an important in giving me hope and the strength to fight. i also want to take a moment to
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publicly thank my dear grandparents, aunt and uncle who have been visiting me and supporting me and making sure i knew my family was there for me throughout my illness. and to my family who played such an important role in my recovery by being there every minute, every day, even though you couldn't be close. mom and derek, i want to express love and sincere thanks. while this is a day for celebration and gratitude, i ask that we not lose focus on the thousands of families who continue to labor under the burden of this disease in west africa. thank you to doctor kent brantley and nancy white bah who were successfully treated here at emory for your donations of plasma for me and other patients and thank you for your leadership in helping to educate the public about this difficult, but treatable disease.
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i want to sincerely thank the professionals who contributed to my care here at emory health care and texas health presbyterian hospital. as a nurse and now as someone who experienced what it's like to be cared for through a life-threatening illness, i am so appreciative and grateful for your exceptional skill, warmth and care. my family and i would like to thank many people whose prayers have helped sustain us. as we head back home to texas, we are grateful and we respectfully ask for the privacy my family and i need at this time. thank you. >> thank you, amber. at this time i will open it up for questions.
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for the doctor. yes, sir? >> [inaudible]. have you changed how you treat and things of that nature? >> the question is what have we learned from now treating successfully four patients with the ebola virus disease in a developed country. the answer is we learned a great deal. simple things like fluid management, electrolyte management. again, our colleagues in west africa and also in central africa have treated a lot more patients with the disease than we have, but the advantage we have as the infrastructure really studies this disease in great detail. again, we have been feeding that back to the coly ings in west africa and the united states as
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many facilities plan for potentially caring for the ebola virus in the united states. >> [inaudible]. >> so the question is what is the role of quarantine in managing the ebola virus disease? we recognize there is a lot of anxiety in the united states and we think it's critically important, i think it's important that we reassure the public thatty we are in fact taking measures to protect them from future exposure or infection with ebola virus disease. i think the thing we really have to keep in mind is that the only way that we are truly going to be able to make our citizens safe is if we control the outbreak in africa. it's having a devastating impact on those countries. so as we put in place various measures to try and protect
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citizens of this country, we have to be mindful of unintended consequences that may make it more difficult to manage patients in the african continent. every state is going to have to do that very delicate balancing act with guidance from the centers for disease control and preventional and professional societies. emory has membership attempting to allow or assist the state in making that balance for the state of georgia.
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>> [inaudible]. >> okay. so again, the question is what have we learned from care for our patients with multiple levels of illness with the ebola virus disease? we have learned as we have an tas pated when we started this adventure together that indeed our hypotheses were correct. the aggressive supportive care that we have learned from treating many critically ill patients at emery university hospital is applicable to patients with the ebola virus disease. one of the things we changed the mind set on is how aggressive we can be with the patients. i would have to tell you that the general dogma in our
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industry in july was that if patients got so ill that they required dialysis or ventilator support, there was no purpose in doing those interventions because they would invariably die. i think we have shown our colleagues in the u.s. and elsewhere that that is certainly not the case. therefore i think we have changed the algo rhythm for how aggressive we are going to be willing to be in caring for patients with ebola virus disease. the second part of the question in terms of ms. vinson's health care, i cannot release because of patient confidentiality issues. to identify how she became exposed? >> we are not aware of the specific details of what occurred in the dallas facility or how transmission occurred in
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that environment. >> can you attribute her recovery to any one or two -- [inaudible]. >> so the question is, why did our patient recover so quickly and a parallel question which you probably all noticed is that her colleague also recovered very quickly. the honest answer is we are not sure. we have a couple of hypotheses. number one, they are two of the youngest patients who have been treated in developed countries for ebola virus disease. again, we know from a lot of data coming out of africa that younger patients do much better than patients who are older. the other hypothesis we had is again that she was wearing personal protective equipment during the care of her patient in dallas and therefore it is quite likely that the amount of
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virus that she was exposed to was substantially less than what we see in patients who get infected in less developed countries. we also know that the higher the viral load thaw get infected with, the more severe your disease is likely to be. >> we will take a couple of questions from a call in line right now. can we get those questions now? >> thank you for your time. i would like to -- >> we have been listening to the press conference at emory university hospital that just released amber vinson declare her no longer a risk and she can return to friends and family safely. she thanked the medical professionals at want hospital and at the texas hospital where she contracted the ebola virus.
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they talked about the lessons learned from the treatment. i want to go into that with art kaplan who is a representative on ebola and the ethics questions ebola raises. me about the treatments and the pitfalls that are there. the transfusions for instance. >> i want to point out that room according to the governors is a room that should be quarantined. they just took care of an ebola patient. it's the same as casey coming back from west africa. i don't think we will quarantine them because we understand we can't quarantine the critical care people. one of the ethics problems is you take off line your frontline troops in the treatment of people like amber who is going to take care of her. you have to rely on tracking. you can't put these people into quarantine for 21 days. they tried therapies on her. highly experimental and not proven. you take blood from someone who
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survived and extract the antibodies, just the thing that protect against the virus and you transfuse them into someone like virus. do we know it helps? we don't, but we threw the kitchen sink in there. they also said she survived and it's important to note one person has died from ebola now. you think of it as a leagthal death sentence. everywhere survived. giving people fluids. it dehydrates you. you throw up, you have diarrhea. in africa, it's a death sentence. they don't have to the ability to get fluids into people. they did it at emory and did it elsewhere. an important message is we are learning to treat them. as we saw with aids which was terrifying because it meant
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instant and certain death and we transformed that into a chronic illness that we can live with. ebola because of the experiences may start to have that path. >> one of the more interesting points is we are looking in that press conference the supposedly high risk individuals who would be subject to quarantine. tell me about your client, casey, who has we mentioned was the face of the pros and cons of this quarantine movement in various states. what message does she have for the country as they contemplate not knowing whether anyone has been quarantined? >> whenever there is fear and whenever there is myths and those sorts, you have to be careful about quarantining people based on those kinds of feelings. we have done it before with
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people who were diagnosed with aids. thinking that aids was an airborne illness when it wasn't. in this situation, casey was a symptomatic. not a single symptom of ebola and they put her in this tent. the governor just recently said it's his responsibility to take care of the people within new jersey. that is self evident and of course the governor has responsibility to do that, but before he strips somebody of their freedom which triggers constitutional issues, you have to be real sure that there is a basis and that it's not a political judgment that is being made, but it's a scientific judgment being made. if you noticed in his statements, he did not say he was advised by medical people that casey should have been quarantined. >> we will be watching casey's story closely. we pass on our support to her.
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really appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> that are controverciy that we have been talking about quarantine and particularly casey i had cox hick ox. they are taking different approaches from west africa. does there need to be a more unified federal approach? joining me now is a lawmaker and bob casey. thanks for coming back on the program. senator, simply speaking, should the quarantine be a federal or a state call? >> to the extent that we can have uniformity, that would help. we can increase the certainly that people have about ho you to confront this. i think it's clear from the medical testimony on the record so far, the focus has to be on stopping this at the source.
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that has to be a national focus. i was holding a-page report and five paragraphs are clear about what has to happen at the source. at one point in the third paragraph, these seven doctors in the new england journal of medicine say we need tens of thousands. not thousands. tens of thousands of volunteers to be in africa to knock this out and stamp it out at its source. that has to be a national approach to doing that and to the extent that we can have uniformity the better. >> we heard from her lawyer shoo that she feels chris christie was playing politics. do you think that this is a political football? is this about politicians trying to appear tough at the expense of individuals. >> i don't know what motivates people. but this is not one of the cases where we have a lot of debates
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where there is a choice between two options where both sides of strenuously arguing in favor. in this case to say that there is a choice you have to make between public health and dealing with ebola the appropriate way and public safety, it's really a false choice. >> during the last set, politicians were falling all over themselves to try to be more aggressive about them. do you support the travel ban? >> no,i don't because the science told us we shouldn't do that. that doesn't mean we should not have as has been implemented or in many cases will be implemented. robust screening at the course
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meaning in africa and robust screening when people come here. i think there is a medically appropriate way to do this. that will also ensure and enhance public safety. they had preparedness of the hospital level and local level so we don't have a repeat of what happened in texas. both at all the technology. we have to stop it at the source and be more prepared than we have been. both of those can be achieved if we stay focused. >> thank you so much senator and really appreciate your time on this. just ahead, on the road again, we will look at the mid-terms of chuck todd in the meet the
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voters's rv. check out the tight races there. you don't want to miss it. stay with us. it's just you and . the setting is perfect. you know what? plenty of guys have this issue, not just getting an erection, but keeping it. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and you only take it when you need it. good to know, right? if ed is stopping what you started... ask you doctor about viagra. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor if viagra is
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and are ready for it. make it matter. . >> one week to go before election day. this is a red state mitt romney won by almost 8%. michelle nunn is neck and neck with david purdue. minority voter turn out. president obama called on african-american audiences in a radio station a peerps last week. take a listen to this. >> if michelle nunn wins democrats keep control of the senate and we can keep doing good work. it is critically important to make sure the folks are voting. >> the georgia democratic party sent this flyer that leads if
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you want to prevent another ferguson n their future, vote. referring to ferguson, missouri. john lewis joins nunn at a get out the vote rally. he said i gave a little blood on that bridge in selma, alabama. i almost died for the right to vote. some of my friends did die. we are still alive. you have to go out there and vote like you never voted before. joining us now is moderator chuck todd who has been can vancing on his meet the voters tour live on the road outside georgia. good to have you back on the show. you are on the move and thanks for taking the time between getting mcdonald's or whatever you are doing on the run. i am interested to get your take. your take is that the efforts that we highlighted will be enough to help michelle nunn get past 50%? >> this is still a republican-leaning state. they always ask and i always
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wanted to speak out. it is not mcdonald's. we have been going local when it comes to meals. you get homemade fried chicken and things like that. i think what you see is look, the larger story in georgia is the economy. this is a state with the highest unemployment rate in the country. this is a state that is not -- we talk about the uneven economy around america. everyone in georgia is feeling as if this hasn't come to georgia yet. that's unusual in the past during growth spurts after a recession and being the heart of the sunbelt after they experienced greater gains and southern states. that is hanging over i think this race and the governor's race. the question is are there persuadable voters or is this
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really simply about motivating the bases? if you watch the two campaigns, i think they think there no persuadable voters and this is not all about trying to motivate the base turn out. where i am about to meet up with them, an african-american voter. that's where she has been concentrating. i am going up with him to interview him. it's probably the most republican party of the state. actions speak louder than words. >> it's the important of the economic portions of georgia where you are about to look at it. you have the highest unemployment rate in the country. 7.9%. it's interesting to hear you say that will weigh heavily.
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he is coming and going. we are going to try one more time. and we saw former president jimmy carter hitting the trail in georgia for his grandson jason carter making the gubernatorial race in the state a close one as well. do we have chuck back? let's try one more time. we do. we have chuck. what do you think of the gubernatorial race? how do you rank that? it's very close. >> it is. four weeks ago if you talked to people on both sides of the aisle, they thought the governor's race would be closer than the senate race. they split a bit. there was a feeling as if jason carter had a little bit of a wall whether you think about the governor as being dealing with the ebola issue and harts field
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airport is one of the five major airports that get people from the affected areas. suddenly you have to be off the campaign trail. sometimes that can be a benefit and sometimes it can be a hindrance. it might be benefiting. the focus is instead on what he is doing on ebola. they have a 15 to 20% chance they had chances in the run offs. if you don't get 50%. we may have a month or two of run offs here in georgia that will keep political junkies at bay. >> all the more reason why they need to get out and still can turn on individuals getting into the polls. you look at the numbers and
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people are less interested than they were several months ago. why do you think that is. does that matchup with the sentiment that you are seeing on the ground talking to voters? >> you know what, look. this is a tale of two mid-terms. we read about this in first read. if you are in a state where they are throwing in millions of dollars, trying to talk to voters and get out the vote and all those things, you are seeing higher interest in the election. i am finding engaged people in kansas and wa and north carolina and georgia. people are engaged. why? money is being spent. it's like anything. it's like a marketing campaign. people know it's out there. where you see the drop off is in the 35 other states where there is not the money or efforts to get out the vote.
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you look at enthusiasm in big states like california or new york and in some of those places like new jersey. large states where enthusiasm is waning because nobody is trying to talk to them. you will see that and it's harmful to democrats we are talking about 12 or 13 states. if you get into the state, we see another. >> chuck todd on the road with good food and bad reception. everybody at home, you can and should follow the road trip. go to meet the voters and figure
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the hash tag where is chuck? we will keep tabs on him as well. polling shows less interest in the mid-terms than a couple of months ago. as you saw in georgia and as we are illustrating in a different race every day this week, the mid-terms matter. here's something you can do. the data shows once you pick a time to vote, you enter that time in your calendar, you have a greater chance of doing it. that's the call to action. whatever side you are on, take the time you plan to vote on election day or by mail and take a picture of your calendar or the app that you will with a smart phone and send it to us and use the hash tag. we will talk about popular times to shoot. up next, what makes a person a person. is it once you are born or does it happen earlier than that. how it's on the ballot this coming wook. don't go away.
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>> one week from today, new measures will be decided in three states that could have a profound impact to access to abortion. colorado is a so-called law that expands the code to extend legal rights to the unborn. measure would amend that constitution as life as beginning as conception. tennessee would add language empowering the legislature to enact or reveal abortion statutes. the contributing editor and author of the new book who has spoken on this. as you note for the audience, defender of access to abortion. me about how you think these new measures will affect the mid-terms. >> i think that they will
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probably draw people to the polls on both sides. what i am concerned with is if the laws pass, the effects will be bad this all kinds of ways, but let me say persons with amendments have been put up in many states. one of the most conservative and most anti-choice states in the country and they failed. they failed because when people think about it which you have to do before an election, but don't have to do when you are answering a poll, they realize this would have sweeping effects. for example, what about a woman who has a miscarriage or fertility medicine and in vitro that the catholic church bans. embryos are created and discarded if they don't get implanted. why is the embryo in a petri dish not a person, but once it's in the woman it is a person?
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it's about something else. it's about women. because the effects of so broad, people can see they will have unintended consequences and vote against it. >> whatever the out come of these measures, where do you see this going next? is this going to be addressed by the courts that will make it to the supreme court again? >> that's the idea. why we are seeing 2010 when the republicans are well, 205 new restrictions on abortions have been passed. some of us in flagrant violations. the ban on abortion. and i think the intention, yes, let's get it before the court and hopefully get it after this incident who are more anti-choice. the next election will be very important. >> why is it we are at a state level seeing so much push back
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against row v wade? >> some people are very opposed to abortion. they have what i call it a very successful grass root it s move. it's organized in powerful religions and in the catholic church and in fundamentalist christianity and they have the base of the republican party. that's the basis of the republican party. you have a powerful political machine that had been quite successful at the state level. >> one thing you say is we need to see abortion as a practical decision that is as moral as a decision to have a child. sometimes more moral. should this be practical about
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the race to win it? >> it's really both. whether my arguments are successful, we will find out. on the lesson, and what i meant is would you consider for example that the majority of women who have an abortion, 61% are already mothers. they say it will teach her a lesson and the child hating career woman. this is not what it's about. it's about women who are trying to be right by their children, by their families, by themselves. >> and facing an incredibly tough decision. >> yeah. >> thank you so much. a very clear voice. >> thank you so much for having me. >> up next, another very different, but very contentious issue. last week, we brought you the
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back now to our top breaking story. a quick update. earlier this hour amber vinson was the fourth ebola patient released from emory hospital. she talked in a press conference about being grateful and thanked those who took care of her. the other nurse being talked about today, kaci hickox, released from quarantine in new jersey, moments ago new york mayor bill de blasio talked about hickox's forced quarantine. >> nurse hickox is a hero. she went ask did something few people would do to try to
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protect others and try to protect this country. we need a lot more medical professionals like her to go and serve, just like our military is going to serve. so, she did not deserve what happened to her. it was absolutely unfair and inappropriate. >> we're going to keep an eye on that story and bring you updates as they come in. first, another milestone of a very different kind. this week markings the two-month anniversary of the gamergate movement. depending on who you ask, gamergate represents two very different things. supporters say it's about a lack of ethics in video game journalism but it all spawns attacks on women in the game industry. zoe quinn told me about death threats on this program, and anita sarkesian canceled a speech after similar threats. "newsweek" took a look at tweets and analyzed them.
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more focus on women developers than on game journalists which are supposedly the target of this debate. zoe quinn received 10,400. as poe toesed to nathan grayson. i asked you about this for a pro-gamergated voice. christina summer, outspoken critic of gamegate blog. thanks for being here. it shows these attacks are out of the norm, disproportionatel so. >> things happen quickly on the internet. that steady has been taken apart several times. the vast majority of tweets were neutral and what they found was
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that those women were mentioned when they were in the news. because there was a lot of publicity. if you go back and take a more sober look, it's more complex. that's what i'm here to say. this is a complex story. but like any social movement, there are idealists, careerists and thugs on both sides. and the media seems to be focused on idealists on gamergate and thugs in gamergate and i just want to bring balance. >> on that claim that the tone was neutral, they did find in this same study that the tone was more negative towards women. what do you make of that? again, that study was t tandentious and that's what gamers need. they are in favor of responsible research. fortunately, the pew foundation did a very rigorous study. it was released, i think, last week.
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and showed that overall, most people are happy on the internet but a lot of ug ineliness. more women get more harassment but when it comes to threats, about 10% of men in the study have been threatened and 6% of women. >> we spoke to one of the women at the center of this controversy, zoe quinn. she was very defiant. take a listen to this. >> i really wish they would just grow up. i'm not going anywhere. neither is breanna, any of the other women you have targeted, aside from those who had to quit. >> what's your message to women fighting back like this? >> i'm glad they're fighting back. my heart goes out to them. there are vicious trolls issuing threats, but what you have to know is people on both sides of the controversy are getting them. for now, the media has highlighted people like zoe quinn, and as i said, i feel terrible this has happened. it's frightening and it's
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inexcusable. but it's happening to people in gamergate. some very frightening events. the press is starting to cover it. washington post had a good story, vice had a good story. the narrative is becoming more complicated. >> none of this is to excuse threats against women. >> never, not at all. >> when i stepped into the fray with segments on this, i did get an overwhelming stream of tweets. most of them, i have to say, were very angry at the women involved. we can leave that matter there. obviously, none of us support that element of the movement. you make a good point about the diversity of the movement. i want to drill down on that. about an equal number of men and women play video games, 52% to 48%. we were showing women-driven games, portal 2 has women antagonist, dream fall chapters which is all about many strong women characters. the industry is become more diverse and the contents more diverse. myself i am a gamer and i see a
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lot of that firsthand. i understand your efforts to drive a more sensitive conversation about games. but my question to you is this, isn't it possible to both say all of that and still criticize a lack of maturity in this conversation? a surplus of imtourty and a surplus surplus. >> that's mike a distinction. the maturity, a long-standing argue from gamers. there's a subculture of gamers who particularly like abstract, formal systems. they're almost like chess. but they have, you know, they're very engaging. they're competitive. they -- they require a lot of manual and mental dexterity. and they love these games. they're a core market. and i think these gamers feel they're under siege, attacked
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for what they like. and i think they should just celebrate all sorts of games, but not attack a subculture. and gamergate is an effort to defend a subculture that's under siege. >> certainly, christina, you are making a valuable point about gamers and gaming. i would just caution it's important to separate out gamergate, which i do think has come to represent a number of other things. i wish we had more time, christina. we're going to stay on this issue. we'll keep track of your outspoken stance on it, too. thank you so much. >> thank you. that wraps up today's "r.f. daily," it's a pleasure to share this time with you. it's time for "the reid report" up with my colleague joy reid. s like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself for medicare. the annual enrollment period is now open. now is the time to find the coverage that's right for you ... at the right price.
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